tf^mn^^m^i I ili|«.-*'!^" .Jf" Tf"^!^ \0 OTTAWA LETTER ,i March 18.â€" The Budget k Kroa'gbtdowu by the Minister of "' °eol Friilay or trsst Tuesday. fP*^' Ifinff Bill is to be iatroduced ' afteKioon. The teriSf char-es *i| te announced iu the Budget I so that the House will enter ^,y work till prDrogatiou. "°^e week has been the most active |*eofthe session not only in the a*-£ iiut also in the iobbies which ffflbeen swarmed with deputations «itmg ou the Government. On Tuesday Sir Kichard Cartwngbt ^1 bid long expected arraignment fL Bykertthe member for Lincoln, ' for conduct uubecoannsf a ecber incounection with theCypi ess M timber limit, and Mr. Rykerfc re- lied coDcladmg with a request that L' House fihonlu net condemn him leard bat give him an opportutiity rproduce farther evidence. Sjr jobnTbompson expressed no opinion OB the merits of the case but asked ftat time should be given to consider (lie matter and moved the adjouru- neni of the debate. The decision then jrogdeoed out into the relative merits {{the timber policy of the Mackenzie jud llacdonaid governments. The division resulted iu the amendment ieffig carried by 94 to 72, three Memment supporters supporting Cwtwrigbt's motion â€" Messrs. Weldon ofjllbert, N. B., O'Bried of Muskoka aid McNeill of Bruce. On Friday the jlinisterialists met in caucus over the subject and decided to vote for a motion referring the charges to the Committee on Privileges and Elections to repart apon The fpfccial Committee to i^vesti- {ate Mr. Lister's charges against Gen. Jjiddleton re Bremner's furs will meet tomorrow (Wednesday). It consists ofllr lIcNeiil /chairman), Grionard, BaltoD, Tisdale, Casgrain, Wood of Westmorelaud and Weldon of St. John. To these for the purpoces of prosecution and defence arr. added Messrs. Lister and Dirkpai-'ick. According to "ihe Minister of Militia ills tlie iotentiou to erect aboi't a ten statues throughout Caoada to fflEimemorate the great "names and «Qs of (Jana.^ian history. The matter was brought out by a motion ir Dr. Ferguson for the pieseryatioa of the graves of the heroes of the tattle of Lundy'e Lane. Sir Adolphe look the view that the movement ilioald embrace the whole war of 1812 ad submitted a plan of a raonument fiiicli he said could be erected at a «of«;iOOO each at the following places:- Burlington Heights, Am- iasburg, Chryslers Faroa. Clialeauguay, Beaver s Dam, Stoney Creek, Odelltown, Lacolle and to the MDKffy of Maisonneuve the founder cOIontrea). The question naturally Mcnrs seeing tbat all these places are 10 Old Canada why the great deeds of iiistoryin the Maritime Frovioces are •oie left out of what the Minister de- roibed as a scheme which with ttie fJisting momuneDts would for a com- plete chain of the glorious deeds of (^^afladian history. These monuments 'M Jliuister said are not to bb erected •11 at once. Tlie Bird Bill, on the second read- a?of whicli Mr. Brown achieved such \iimi victory suffered defeat in taiamittee and has been as effectually W as a pigeons whose lives it was ^o'ned to preserve. When Mr. mvn rose to speak for the biU Mr. «pe of Giomptou who was sitting ^tJ a little group on the back benches •Kir.ose a pigeon lie had concealed f sr his desk. The bird flew to the •iiitwliere Brown was standing and l^a took its fiigbt clean' across the ^^^^y. The committee had been lâ„¢y noisy bnt now became uproaiious *^ a page caught the bird and r*"'W It out of the Chamber. ,.^f- Blake entered a coniroversial -f^i^m for the first time in two f late on Friday night. The l-'s^as in Committee of Supply on "fmof595QOQ ^^^ subsidies to r "3ia steamers, $45,000 of "^as for the Van Wart line from '^Jericktou, N.. B; of which com- '^-yr. Baud, M. P. for Oueens N. =niariae manager. The Opposition -ea the subsidies as unnecessary Jir- E'.irdjdetended the pohcv of 'H subsidies, declaring himself â- * a crank on the subject. Blake J^arcastic and caustic references 'f'iand the manner in which he .â- '7 «"fered the House. He said " ^1 was a crank he was well oUed J^w^eded to discuss the poliev expounded taking an entirely jeldon the boyish looking « from Albert, N.B.. rose and personal attack on Clake for -onT""*^ it. laying bis heavy young an.d new member ^JJ». It showed, f lack of coamge l and recaUL^ Uie ^«fee of entrance i/jf^ Wm» whenJhe too feH the giant's strength of* taan who whe one ot three of the peateat masters of ja» EngUah language liviog. This description of Blake he followed by a reference to tne ex-leadef a public career and his attitude on thsTiel question, spying that Elake was dowered by the irods with great gifts but how had he nsed thein. HisJory would ooodem him. Uurmg bis assault vbe Committee was v^ry quiet. Blake smiled several times and went on writing a letter l^avtes sprang to the defence of his old leader m a warm impassionate speech. Afterwards Baird aUuded to Blake's speech and said that at the beginning of his political career he had made a mistake which he now re- gretted. Blake gracefully regretted if he had hurt the feelings of either Baird or Weldon and wished he had heard Baird's repentance before he spoke. The passage at cjrms ended thus happdy. MANLEY'S. gnphra l a Coanoil. '«*n Received this -week 10,000 Fine quality Square Envelopes. 13 TOZ. 8c. The council met pursuant to ad' journment on the 28th day of Feb., 1890. Members all present minutes of. last session of council read and con- firmed. By-law 418 amended by striking off the name of James Erskine from the Local Board of Health (who refused to act) and substituting instead thereof the name George Crabtree. The Auditors Beport for 1889 re- ceived and adopted. By-law 420, filing the amount ol statute labor for the current year, carried through the diferent stages and passed, Ths collcc'uor wasiostractedto strike from his roll $16.46 charged against the Nj^ of lot 4, con. 8, for the year 1887, said amount having been paid to the County Treasurer, as shown by receipt. Mr. McEnight was ins Lr acted to get a culvert built on 18 and 19 side line, concession 4. j.'he Eeeye and Mr. Paterson were appointed a committee to proof read the minutes of council for the year 1888, at) transcribed by the clerk be- fore sending tu the printer. The Township Treasurer was in- structed to receive the taxes on lot 23, con. 6 ($31.20), and the clerk ask the Couniy Treasurer to strike this amount off the Non-Eesident Collectors EoU for the year 1889. The Treasurer was instructed to remit to K. C. Bryden, Esq Mark- dale,- $2.00, part of rent of hall for cdurt purposes. The F.eeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz W. H. Dodson and J. L. Wilson $12.- 00 each, salary as auditors William McConnel, Treasurer, $4.00, prepar- ing financial statement Thos. Gilray. reeve, $2.00, assisting m preparing financial statement Eobert Dunlop, clerk, $8.00, registering Births, Marriages and Deaths Herbert Boyd, $9.87, work on side line 24 and 25, con. 8 William Boyd, $8.00. to ex- pend in relief for Wilham Gilray, in- digent; A. A. McConnel, $1.60, ditching on 6 and 7 side line, con. 6. Council adjourned until last Friday in March next. R. DuNLOP, Clerk. Westward Ko? Mr. W. R. Calloway's second grand excursion train for Manitoba «nu the North-West left the Union station on Tuesdav, March the 4:h, at eleven o'clock.' The load consisted of twenty- two cars of which thirleen were load- ed with stock. It was noticed that some of the best farmers m this pro- vince were on their way to the prairie land to advance the good of the country there. Among those en route were Mr. J. M. Eelly, Markham town- ship, with seventeen head of cattle, including two fine Jersey bulls, two Clydesdale stallions, and a number of brood maies. Mr. Fred Miller, of Bruce county, also had two cars of B^ock, and be has with him a fioe pair of Shetland ponies recently frooi Scotland. They will be the first of the kind every taken to Maotoba. A large number of Scotch-Canadian farmers with their families weie also on board bound for the larger area of the west. The emigjants were highly delighted with the new colonist s sleeper, and the accommodations pro- vided for them bj the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, for which much credUisdue to Mr. OaUaway. Mr. J. J. MuldooD, the eompaniv's eolomst asent, as nsual was in cha,r!geftiiawiU aoeom'pany them to Port Arthur, where one of the Mwutob^ageBte wiU awt ^wm. It h^ »»« "^i!^ %hath«y wdwatnr ew, be obtahw* fo^ tie stock at ae end. otewh rw SLATES. 1,000 of the best 5c. 300 page Scribbling Books ever offered in Markdale. 1 C^JROSS FUSE Pen Holders. HALF GROSS SCHOOL CRAYONS. AND don't forget that we seU the all-steel, everlast- ing unbreakable comb and BLACKBOARD ERASERS. BEST PUCE TO GBT YOUR TIMOTBY Clover M -IS Al- STEPHEN'S DBUG STOP.E. has on hand a good supply of WATCHES, of almost every make and grade, Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Waterbury, o. All watches warranted from 1 to 4 years. A few good second handed watches iu stock. "Where vrill -we get our GARDEN SEEDS? Echo answers DRUa STOftE, WHYâ€" Because every package of seed 18 put up by himself â€" He can offer freshei* seeds, and more in a package than those put np by outside men â€" as he don't have to pay them a profit lor putting up. CLOCKS. Alarm. 8 days, 24 hour and SILVERWARE, in the latest designs and of the lest plate. JEWELLERY, to suit all. In designs, quality and prices. Just Arrived BARREL OFGUUBERSALTK 1 BARREL OF EPSOM SALTS, 1 BARREL OF SULPHER, 1 BARREL OF SALTPETER. -AT- STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE^ ©•cr23 SPECTACLES, A large sup- ply on hand, which will be accurately fitted. A few clock brackets something new. Watch cases engraved, Ear rings, brooches and rings made to order. Repairing in all its bracohes promptly attended to. Call and examine my stock. SBREAMER, JeweUer, Markdale. Efltrophy Condiment â€" OB â€" SttUeen of Sirtiu, Marriages, and De^uk UeeMjt Ave cent*. DEATHS MMT^Mar. wifs « Mm Iftti Msrrii, the great Horse, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Pigs and Poult2?y Spice is taking the lead. More ISTntritjions, Bett- er MilkfGenerator, En- riches the Butter, Great Flesh Producer. If you have not ^sed tfe try it, it will astdn^ you. .».«w, u it is certain in iu dhott and doM nor -bUstar. Read proof balowi omcKor CHARLES JL SMYDEB, Mjmun MT MM rmtvm wn mhol Buiwoeo, lUNt KoT. aok t ML D*. B.T. KcmdallCo. ... Dear Sirs: I have alwaya pardiaaad 70V Kan- dall'a Spavin Ciin hj the half doten bottlas. I woold like prices in larger qaanlkr.. I think it oneof the best linimenta on earth. I have used ic in onratablM for three years.,. Yonratndy, Out. A. Shtskb. KENDUl'S SPAVII eORL BaooKLni, N. Y., Norambar 3, 1888. IK.B.T.KniOALi.Co. ,. Deer sirs: I desire to fgrnytn tesrtmnntal of my nod opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Core. I have naeditior tJKmmmi»m,MI*tmm»»wmAmwainm», and I have fonnd it a Sana can. I cacdially xeoom- aoend it to all horsemen. Yonrs truly. A. H. Giubkt, If anacer IVoy Lanndry Stables. KIDILL'S SPWII CURL Sant, WimoM County, Obio, Dec. 19, x888. Da. B. I. KxMDAU. Co. .. Genta.: Ifeelitmydnty tosay^^iatlhavedon* with your Kendall's Spavin Core. I have cored twenty-fiva horses that hada»»vlaa.iwiofBla« B«M, nine aflieted with Big â€" and seven of JBlK Aw. Since I have had one of your hooka and followed the directiona, I havs never lost a case of any Und. Yours tmlyi Axonw Tcaim, Horse Doctor* KEHDALL'S SPWM eORL Price $1 per bottle, or si^ bottles for $5. All Pmg-^ gists liave It or can get it for you, or it wiU ke sent^ to any address on rM^pt of price by the propria- tors. DB.B. J.KKMDAU.C0., EnosburghFallSiVt., SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. rhim-vfiiJjD 'I** HI botj catrtbliai II iraile ia all pitrt^. b; r I'tmiuf; our mtbinv uud (eoihU t\her- the people cau thi-ni, w( will send frco to ona ^|)er*oa in rmeh locancy.the vrrj hvn •rn-iDp-machiue xnada In world, « itli sU tilt attacfamriita. o will iilao Fend freeacompliia [line of our costly and valnableart lamplet. In return we uk that .von ihow rrhot we send, to those who mny cnll nt vour liome.andafler lb inipnfhsaUihaU become yotir own iproperry. IliU frrand machine ia [mnrle nf^er the SinRTPr patents, .which hjLve run out hRfore intPDia run out it sold forSdSt, with tbo v^s^i-^^^MWatincbineats, and now sells for ^0%P^^*95O. Best, Btronpest, must use* CI#Bb piVil machine in tbe world. All i« H â- â- MMla^'ee. No capital requiircl. Plain, brief iMtntettona giren. Those who write to as at once can se* enre flr^e the best eewing^-macdiine in tbc world, and th« teeatllaeofworicaoflugh arterer shown tof^ibcr in Amvrica^' VSIJS «fc CO.. Sox T40» AuffwUfc. XLattaai^ WILL. STODDART, Who bas just returned from Toronto after taking out liis diploma for cot^ tiog iu the Toronto cutting school, had Miss Fits Who had been in hU Koaifioy for some time past arres^d^ and bronght up before hit HoBOf! Chief Juf lice Neat Fit, charged -with robhini; him apd anu(ying his cnstom* ers, she was found gnilly aud sentenc* ed to go down for fifty yearsi The public in general aud my customers in particular are invited to come and leave tlieir measure vith me i\T their clothing and ueed fenr uo mure trouble cr auuoyanee from Miss Fits. ' 'W. STODDA.KT, TAILOR; Over McFarland's. store. WIND MILLS; AKS Having purcuased tbe Markdale Pump busi- ness I wi^ to Announce to the po/lic- that I am prep.ired \o im orders for bll Iciuds of pnmpn. 'D« Well Piunps, Foroc VampB, Clatem Vompa, etc Wind XtUls Will aaso contiuna t^ mamuactnie Wind Mills, either for power or Bttmping purposes. And, being a practical iiiechanlo, I feel confident of turning out work that cannot tail to give satittaction. Bepairing done. All work guazanteed. Orders from a distance will receive paiticnlar a|kd prompt attention. Call oa or address, JEFFPEY AETLBT, Markdale. Eugenia, Mareh 9rd, 'SO. MB. jr. ABTUSiY, Dbab Sib. â€" In answer to your enquiry askine how I liked your Pump you put in my well TO feet deep I must say I am veil pleased with it. It works 80 easy that my little girl 7 yean old: can pniip with it. Ii J. WnxiAUBOii. t^fc^iiUKllL NOTI^CE. Partim* Snrebted to the n?»«leriigt ed, eith(r Snuff or book %0eonnt, will pleiwe cell ak aoley'H iTnyj. Ftuve ai»rt settJe the »iBia witboiit 4]elay «S;I;D«ed tliA ibuf«v. Waltex Tumfr anJ Tr. Ego, my partner, iti«. •ntboriud to tcctdxt mcuey for me aud |^» 49S7 T. 3. g^itouia. i f J4 TIME ITABI^BL fir m m43 â- â- ' 1 4- :;v"« ' -1 m I I "i- *^