IjEBRfflSHNEWS I h inthoritics Stffl in Pur- I f3?2t of Jack tiie Ripper. .^.^jgpriTEja ENGLISH EOITOS. i;in Inniiuificd Cats in. .i]«of^^^"ll^.,rp»oU CASE I.V Commons now elec-.rio light for the tirst time. • 1 .jiar the marriage of another '""'â- jjV. Pi ince of Wales haa been .,j aii.l that it will be pubiiely an- \l.:il-- ces that the ,nzeo-." â€" "^^^^ [in. :^h:n:n Willi i:: \- L' II' i :i.i' T^-eek, and get but from ?1.25 to §1.75, with Qiieap ooard anct poor lodging. The Loudon Gaslight and Coke Company has figured oi.t that the additional expense entailed by the increased wages of the work- ingmen wiU amount to §650,000 per year a^d are preparing to introduce the system of mixing water gas with the ordinary gas to make up for this increased expense. A second consigument of nine tons of mummified cats from the great EgyptiEtn cat cemetery has been sold at auction at Liver- pool. The bulk of it brought £5 18s. 6d. per ton, but some single pieces went for tancy prices, such as 40s. 6d. for a head a'^d ' 5s, 6d. for a perfect body without the head. The Prince of Wales is patron of a combina- tion fair and military athletic exhibition which is to be held in May for the purpose ot establishing at the posts of the British army, clubs to be known as Soldiers" Instit- utes, which, it is believed, will greatlv im- prove the social condition of the raiik and l;le. The Southwestern Railroad of England has given up its battle against "the tipping system, and ordered down from its stations placarls that announced that employefes were forbidden to accept tips. In spite of t'iie placards, the porters are said to have made an average of as much as their regular pay from tipa. English stoats and weasels are being ex- ported to (ew Zealand from England in large numbers to kill off the rabbits, and the rats, which have been food for the stoats and weasels in England, are increasing enor- mously in some districts. There is talk of a movement to prevent the exportation of any more rat destroyers. The Eighth. Hussars of the British army have a ga'dle for "child of the regiment."' It accompanies the regiment everywii /e, and i.s an especially conspicuous figure on the Siinday church parade, when it accom- panies tlie band, leading the line with a stately treiid, apparently imitated from that of the drum major. The liquor bill at the Lewisham Union, a woikhouse near London, last yera- was pla Lfs iu° Portugal j Ale and porter, 47, 760pints wine,"S'4 bottles lish a.u'itation there. 1 gi». 150 bottles lirandy, 94S bottles min- Give Yonraelf To Prayer.' Learn to entwine with yonr prayers the small cares, the trifling sorrows, the little wants of daQy life. Whatever affects you, be it a chan^d look, an altered tone, an unkind word, a wrong, awound, a demand you eaimot meet, a sorrow you cannot dis- close â€" turn it into prayer, and send it up to God. Disclosures yoiu may not make to man you can make to the Lord. Men may be too little for your great mattjrs God is not tco great for your small ones. Only give yourself to prayer, whatever be the occasion that calls for it. .,^c« newspaper ann-'unces â- .::;;« of the Paris Exposition ".! veil i'V " \-Aiid\ih young lady wno ^iiu.lent at (Geneva. l,.-i:iiiuet:iig in London are now ,â- .0 of r'ji-.i nortliern bag- ., ,_.gj int.. a Tihouograph and seat â- .Tior.Ji'U Ly express. 1 \„(;(.ess i tiie pastel exhibitions at â- 'j",,(;iJI,ji-v i::is led to t'lC formation '^.,.'ietv f'f Htitish Pasteiists, of which .iUts Liii'lsay is Presideat. „,,,i,r,sea to itiaiie Mr. .Stanley a life .-'•â- f'thc S;iv;;::e (-'1«; i" London, a â- -':,. u iliiit iie will *;ia:e with only the " \V:Jc.s and a few others. â- ' "!,; j ',.t(--u iivtroduced to enable Eng- .,: ,„.i.-,:'i( [iliaiiiiun their places in the u "Cof L'T'is if they v.-ish and be elected .â- ,i,!. Hi'Ui-f "f f iiii!:i(ii;s if they can. ' T\- K:ijlih eriminal authorities are ,."wlv'cliscu--^!iig theadvisability of adopt- 'â- ,'-;' .â- [â- ,viicl! systen; of identifying crimiii- "•â- V T;tli!"P""e'.rical measurements. ' â- n istiilkin;: about a public subscrip- r till' i-(-ii::f (.! the many English clerks ,v.' 1 '.-l 'a---ir ii tjie-iUiti-Ki He Objects to It. "I see the price of meat has gone up," said a travelling man to his wife. "Has it?" "Yes and as a man with judicious sport- ing instincts, I object to it." "To what?" "Playing for such high steaks." Examination of Eecruits. "Can j-oushow any cause of incapacity fcr the Service " "Oh yes I am a rope-maker.^' "Well, but I fail to see how that can inter- fere. " "It is this way you know I am in the habit of walking backwards, and I have been told TEN POUNDS isr TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! Am a Fiesh Predncer there can be no fneetion but tiiat SC01TS EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hjfpopiiospiiites Of Lime and Soda is without a rival. Kany have eramed a ponnd a day by tbe nse of it. it cures CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. BRONCHiTIS, COUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OFWASTINS DIS- EASES. AS F-iLATABLH AS MLLK. Genuine mcde byScotiSi Gowne.Bellevi'ile.Salir.onj Wrapper; at ail Druggists, 60c. and $1.00. that agood soldier ought never to do that." 00d AgGIltS ^Sncnn"A=rm.'"AdSe^^ â€" Xe IS^ationul. ;I,al thv \^\ (.f .la •.n: lish authorities are 1 "â- ?l '^^'^ters, 6, 192 bottles. Some carpin, in oft hole 1 Ij(iii1o:i, I critics intimate that there must have been fraud about it otlicrs insist that the drink capacity c)f the average workhouse official fully accounts for the consumption. The London pjapers say that the contract of the Eiiglisli (Government M-ith Lieut. .al.ly tiie Kijiper, and that heir detective iii- time to the case. that has s to "I'u (.-iiaiiged into a !e called "The Presi- i v ,.,..-,, ,, j. „ catch American travel- j '^al"^ki is not for the purchase of pneumatic I guns-, hut for the right for the Government â- â- ,v.-,H. of -qie C-lc.nv for the six i ^^ '"^^^^ ^}^ g»" itself, and use them in the ,„:::, vvl.i.h .n.Ua in l)ece,nber last was i -â„¢y, *\«^ "^^T- ^^^f/' "" the guns has ,Vi„, P.s TlK- increase of a quarter of a I '^J.^^'b" l^een begun atthe \\ oolwich arsenal. "â- " " â- tn.tlv fioui (Atstom-s and rail- '^^y or sixty are to be made at once. Seven years ago there was just one brass band in the Salvation Army. It was com- posed of a father arid his son. Since then S,.550 other bands have been formed. They have l^en mostly recruited from the taproom (says the War Cnj), and have sought" out the theory and practice of music for themselves. A fev/ days since a deputation of the Army baiidsmen paid a visit to Mrs. Booth. The ' M';i (.-.'I!' l:i thf villaLi-s cf Xo!-t'aam].)tonshire a fund u^lf.ii t:uted f-.'oin wiiich to pay four- •rficepfi'ilo/.L':! ftir tiie he.uis of sparrows, »â- «« il..'.i::ii:- â- -" the crops has become uii- Th" liis" tiiiif SMviley IcL'tured at liirming- .,ini Iif roi'civcil tiftct-;! guineas for his fee. ;!',:5:'.:i:' Wx V,-A-^. inimi: liaia lecture manager nir.' *Ni i.".iint:u^, and is afraid he can't :â- â- ;;.: t!iat. 1 â- 1 I inir one ^•. a::;. â- -;;'.. 'ii-f cars, or (Iv.mmies, are used cdinywnies of Birming- nien were addressed by the " General's," i dying wife, and the scene was a most alfect- â- !â- , ;iKV i ,.;,!,. ii.ivi'.-t: "^I'he latest fad in England is for the coi- led Ht,X)0.fXK) 1-ectioii of the icioria crosses given Ijv tlie fatal and fjrty-oiie â- niilitary authorities to soldiers for especial i i'xts of i)raverv. The fact that such coliec- .nivc: "I "..â- â- 1,'iu f, if lllf «!â- \Vi;ii;i:,i I- -If ii;;t liiat iiiost of the â- a'aki.-.va are '.i:\w paupers, a p( ifor:iiance is icii;g arranged •: 'lie pr.rjMise of getting them •IJiouses, ;•. wcn-kiiowit amateur lx)xev A^.s iiiicL-iicd i.'i'.t in the third ;:!â- â- . iit a, club liie other ni-jiht, .;.' u::iaiw(i i.:'.ci'.is^-iu!s until the next â- .•miv.^, uhci! ill- (lied. Ifaiti"' the liist St ve;i years the land under ,,„_ â- â- -• i .. ..T ,• -,- • â- 1- 1 â- pleted, be 88i miles m length. i:.iL'e n; ivti.r:.!, AusTralia, has increasei 1 1 " ., ' yl.iKKl.filK) i.,n-. iv.xA tiic ratable value of •".rti} I;.Mil-- liiis iiicieastd troin ••'"\;W.'i(ii'.0('» tcrliiig. 1/ Al,;; I troin £."5,000,- ;-.||_'i;ii railway company has in- 'V.y riill V'lv.een nine ami ten ;i.i's pe;' ye:;r. iiecanse it l^liev- ;e:i .;sei! traffic of the line justi- ii.c;:l (-f higher wages to the "^rr.-ihcK â- Jit^api 11 â- â- •UtluUi.lI â- â- «I!..l;K'i' ' iiile. icaraTico of a m ose on the- ii Hmise of C'onimons a few pHt ihe (li^Tiity of the eminent lear ii and led to a little panic lecc-^sary to drop business for a •.'â- ., ' lliefal^iHcatiou of English VV.--J. am! couterfeitiiig has gone • "â- .,' I'.uiiiig tiie- last few years '.-- le I.e. ore, iiiui that tilings â- •:! a pr.ss ihat it isat safe to -ie..iiL;at all. :^ â- \--.-\v Ui.it t!;e craze for â- . •â- M-. a,;.l rare plants geu- "' liie (k.^iruction of tlie â- ;.-. 'TiI a law is p!-)])ose;l .- .. 'si;eii;ea.'.ror to steal flowers ;; y ;:-.;t:i.oiities announce liie pti/.c es.sav of the KU.'tiou for ]sW» "The ef the fi'.tiire as iifTected if ina-a"i;ie rifles and iiri-.iy g'.:i:s and. smoke- let fir the ntv.- Euglish .-aiii. to be a coiiipound e advantage of wliich is ii. and consequent less cWtliebiiirel. expeiimeuts showing •no i:e ten .h-m ,.,,s les after t v.elve rounds tio! s were leing made came out through tliC indignation of the holder of one, Avho receiv- ed a letter asking him -what he M'ould sell it for, and saying that the writer had already secured several. The man, like the go'i'l Englishman he was, sat right down and wr ite to the " Times" all about it. The rabbit-prixtf fences erected by Xew South Wales and Queensland will, when the one at iresent being erected on the South Australian lounda,ry line has been com- It is esti- mated, that the one in course of erection will cost al»fut £;^0,000. This fence starts from the Murray at Cliowilla, and runs to the northeast corner of this colony, a dis- tance of 46 miles. The completion of the scheme being carried out by the two Govern- ments will er.dn-ace 887 miles of fencing, of which 027 miles will have been erected by Xew South Wales and 260 by Queensland. The Highbury Place Strict Baptist Church in London admitted to membership without reo'ular immersion a lady afflicted with deformity, v.hicli made it almost impossible for her to undergo the cei-emony of immer- sion. For this tiic church was expelled from tiie organization of Strict Baptist Churches, and after a long fight, the con- grcL'ation and eldei's have just acknowledged their mistake in " iv.ving been too ready to accept the plea of impossibility,'" and the matter has besii settled by the immersion of tilt" lady seate^l in a specially constructed chair and wearing a dress specially designed for the fKJcasion. " Upon this the church has been restoveii to mcmixirship. Tue â- -inislie.V tri^t lr "'â- niit ituea. '•'i-'Oi- WilHai.'s of St. Bartholomew's «' Le'.nh'ii. has found that but of -i'-ses in \vhich chloroform had there ^liH.il iluriiig tlif past ten years, ten had .;_'c;;llin;illv. while tiicre had l)een only â- ;* 'StHths ,,at i?^;uulh.„ ' ".tinea-,.; I iiu-.ce tiicre I'f 12,.'i81 citses in which used. â- i-.;'.\e now l)een completed of tiie English, Preucli, -.. |/o killed in the Crimea â- ^ 6? '"• ^v;,v of \KA-\ Russia's inemo- â- ,^ J"tiliei- talkii soMiers in the sunepb,h'S ,;,"' "graiKiir scale, as she continues to •â- ' t!,t I, Pasbions in Jewelry. Fashion makes certain wise laws for i:he wearir.s; of jov.-elry. People who break these laws and as.-ttnic too triuchare at once shov.-- Mio- i-noraiico and licl-; of that line taste whijii is ai tiis heart of everything i.*hich fisl'.ion dictiite?. You may have rmgs in- numerableâ€" as m^iiiv as the famous being who adornci her lingers and toes with them l.^it tiuit is no reason why you neetl look like a heatl'.en goddess, or as if jou liie l,r, hiii:,., I- â- '^eoastopol. f iti till' West Indies an English- |-iui!;i to have d.iscovered what he calls ^^••ie\v!u.. '•ii.u tr.s It has, he says, .r;^;"" s""pe'l leaf and split pods opened, Wr..'*^'" "' "' hrce;'.c through which '4i-"*^^"'"'" ^^â- ^-"'^l'"g sound that can .j^ " '-t a ,;.'ieat distance. ^ttrpV:" "lovenieut in England to better i:i^ 'j"';:"" '•' tiie barmaids by including S^o'l-' " '^^' Provisions of the act regard- .- rtiny V, (,:r.en in factories. It is said ' i-^w they liave to work 100 hours a were anxio"us to let alt the world see at one time just how manv golden circlets you possessed. You who luive the beauty of youth do not need to wear jewelryâ€" a little ring if you will, a modest brooch an.l, perhaps, a bangle on vour wrist. 1 .ut not an ana covered witn Uiem. There i? notlung more vulgar than to have thirteen bar.giss, as has one girl I know, wno triumphantly i»ints to tneni and tells of their being given each by a difterent admirer. Ji-verv time she announces this fact she falls tiiirtkn desiees lower in the mind of the li-teuer aiiU vet, altiioiigh she is quick-witted and " nice 'rl, she doesn't seem to compre- hendthat ir. exacting tribute from her men friends she is in a way selhng her smiles Don't wear a ring on your forefanger, and don't believe, because a few actresses and women, .rho think being odd is bemg mjv^ idual, wear rings on their thumbs, that it is I proper thin? for you to do. The Common Lot. There is a place no love can reach, There is a -time no voice can teach. There is a chain no power can break. There is a sleep no sound can wake. Sooner or later that time will arrive, that pilace will wait for your coming, that chain ' must bind you in helpless death, that sleep must fall on your senses. But thousands I every year go untimely to their fate, and thousands more lengthen out their days by heedful, timely care. For the failing strength the weakening organs, the wasting blood, i Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a wonderful restorative and a prolonger of strength and life. It purifies the blood and invigorates the system, thereby fortifying it against disease. Of druggists. The new crepes de chine come in lovely evening shades and pure white, with small figures, dots, stars, wheels, and flewers embroidered on their surfaces. Famous "Women. It is a significant fact that most of the vromen who have achieved fame in art, I literature, or " affairs," have enjoyed vig- 1 orous health. This shoMS that the mind is 1 never capable of the severe and continued j application necessary to creative work, un- less the body is at its best. The woman who aspires to till an exalted place among her • associates, must be free from nervous debility and female Weakness. Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription M-ill banish these, and it is warranted to restore those functional harm- 1 onies which are indispensable to health. As a specific for all those chronic weaknesses ' find ailments peculiar to women, it is tin- 1 equaled. Plaid ribbons are in fashionable favor. Great Little Men. Some of the gi-eatest men that ever lived were (â- : small stature and insignificant ap- pearance. T!ie reader will readily lecall many instances. Vciy small are Dr. j Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, but they are far more efi'ective than the huge, oil- • fashioned pills which arc so ditiicult to swallow and so harsh in their action. The ' "Pellets " are gentle and nevor Ciiuse con-: stiprLion. For liver, stomacli tind Iwivel dera.;gcinents they have no equal. i Even poplins come in fancy ph.ds and clan tartans. AUMen, young, old, or middle-aged, who find tliotii- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, ^\ ho are broken down from excess or overv.oi k, resulting in many of the following S} ir.p- toms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensationabout the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, i specks before the eyes, twitchinji of the MEYERS BROS., 87 Church St., Tor. nto. WAI.I.-FAPER BARGAINS. 8 yds. Strong White Back Paper for 3 to 5c. 8 " " GUt " " 5 to 10c. 8 '• " Emboased Gilt " " 8 to loc. Any width Gilt Border, 2 to 3c. yard. " " without Gilt Border Ic. yard. Send two 2c. stamps for samples to F. H. CADY, 305 High Street, Providence, R.I. Tie Great Ottoman Blood Remedy; Guaranteed to cure all diseases of the blood whether brought on by indiscretion and excess or ai ising from licreditary causes. Will remove pimples and blotches from the s'lvin and by its invigorating action on the blood restores failing powers and builds up the system of those sutfcr in^ irom wasting disease. Price ?1 per bottle. Address, Ottoman Medicine Co., Mail Building, Toronto. THE IMPROVE QUEEN'S UUNQRY BAR. ASK FOR !T, AND TAKE NO OTHER BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. trade ilark. Hade by Thb Albert Toilet SoApQoa â- RO'mcToiia o'-rwr Uoktkeal f( mtp N JDNTHI5 OITTING MACHINE Send for Illustrated Catalogue 1 and this advertisement with your order for our New Kibber and we will allow vou $10 PREMIUM LISOOMT Address Creelmam Bros., M'fgrs, «EOKUETOW.\,' O.^ T. " THE WONDER OF HEALING I " CUBES CATASSH, BSEUHATZSU, NETT- BALI}IA,SOBi:THBOAT,PILES,WOimi)^ ETTBNS, FEUALE CCUFLAIITTS, Aim BE1I0BBSA(}ES 0? ALL ZHTDS. P0in)'SEZTBACTC0.1Te\r? gLonaoa YOUR -..-. -..,.-,- PENMANSHIP, Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting- Business Education by attending (day or even, ing) Canailian Kii^iuess L^ulveriiitj, Public Library Building, Toronto. TnOS. BE\GOi:«II, President. Offlcial Repoi-ter York County Court.s). 'BoYYOvrers MflWlPT Large Loans and Church Loans at ilLUiliJ X very lovv rates, and smaller sums at 6A, G, 6i per ct. accorilimr to security. Toronto business and house property yielding^ 7, 8 and 10 per ct. to investors and 100 per ct. to SPECULATORS.^ KEint £ KUaSCK, J. Latimer Kekk. Grexville P. Kleiseb 4 Kins Mrert VmhU Toronto. Successors to A. E. Mixkler Co. Office es- tablished 1879 bv Mr. S. H. Janes. Increase in population Toronto ISSD o^'er 1888 (assessors' returns) 20.380. THE CONBOY CARRIAGE TOPS ABE THE BEST KNOWN. .ENGRAV1.N; -p)- vJ.L.JONES, " â- ,,/.?|-;fi^,,r, \, WOOD.ENGF^ AVER •.PUR GOSf. i. ^-^^, TORONTCf/ri^.N.?tDA Their increasing popularity is a proof of their superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top on your buggy. THE TRUSTS CORPORATION OE' 03SrT.A.RI0. CAPITAI.. 'â- $1,009,000, SXTBSCRIBED CAPITAI., 600,000. ontre A- V.iHlts, 23 Toronto »t.. Toronto. President, Hex. J. C. Aikixp. Vicp Prps'ilcnts ^^°'^- ' ADAM Wll.sox. Knt ice-t ref.aenth ^hon.U.J. CARrwi.ioirr.KC.MG Maxagei:, A. E. Pllm.mer. This Company is approved by Order-in-Council of Lieut. -Governor, and is accepted by the Hi!;h Court of Justice for purposes of such Co\irt. • 'i'his Company acts as Executor, Adminis- trator, Keceiver. Guardian, Liquidator, j Assignee, c.. Trustee under Deeds, Wills by Appointment or Substitution, and acts as Agent in all l-'iiiancial business. Investment cf Money, Collection of licnts. Interest and Income, and 'omitor.^igns all Bonds, Securities. c. AddressWHALEV, BOVCK A fO.. l.W Vonge ^•Jrrfl, Toronto. Send for Cnlaloaruc. LLAN LSNEs^^l"iW THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE and still to the front in regard to the pro\ision made for [he safety -and comfort of its customers. Weekl}' sailings between Liverpool. Giasgow and the St. Lawrence, and fortnightly servrco from London during summer months. Mail Steamers run between Liverpool and Portland via Halifax during winter. Glasgow steamers .sail throughoulr the year to Boston and Philadelphia, calling at Irish ports and Halifax en route. For rates of passage and other information apply to H. BOURLIER, cor King and Yonge Toronto H. A. ALLAN, Montreal or to E.oiiald Fire Enffine Works, Brussels. to Willie Alexander. Toronto. Oeak Sin :â€" Myself a 111 family have all jeen using St. Leon Mineral ^^'atel. This'i t is a delightful sani- ;ary l)everage. Better i inau tianels ' oi urugs. I have great faith ' in its general efficiency. For the stomach, I or, indeed, when in anj' way feeling out of I sorts, a few glasses of t. Leon is our stand-by. muscles, eye lids ami elsewhere, bashfulness, the 'local agents in"'our coiTiuy deposits in the urine,- loss of will power, â€" tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and i flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tempei-, sunken ejes surround- ed with i.?:adi-:n riuri.K, oily looking skin, etc. are all symptoms of nervous »lelility j that lead to insanitv and death unless cured, i r... -I 1 jr 1 • 1 •, 1 A iiiaJi uc giciu lu suuu .i^fc'u uuLLics" CI iT.y teii»eay rncc to any oi your reaaers ihe spii:;g or vital torce having lost it^ i ^^^ptjon if ti,eywUl send me their EzoressandPostOffice Address. Respectfully, T, I. D. RONALD. TO TIIK EIITOTt:â€" P!ea«e faifonn your readers that I f ave a positive remedy for ths above named disease. By its timely nse thousands of hopeless cases have been permaneutly cured, I shaJl be glad to send two bottles' cf my remedy FREE to any of your reaaers who have con- tension e-\ery function wanes inconsequence Those who tlnough abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send vou, address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address- Isl. V. LUBOX, 50 Frxnt St. E., Toronto, Out. Books sent free scaled. Heart disease, the symptoms of whicli are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, jialpita tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood; to the head; dull pr.in in the heart witli beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart I beat quicker than the first, pain alwut the breast bone, etc., can positively Ije cureds No cure, no paj-. Send for book. Addres M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Tor onto. Out. A. P. 492. M.C., 186 Went Adelaide St., TORONTO, OUTARiO. A. SLOCUM, JICMEAFEST Lad pn tiT Olive bh.^xch. toe oesi remedy oo known for all female complaints. Sam )le free, luionto. Can. J. Trotter, 5 Richmond St. W. WITDUPS CBCC I""" abMlntr-lr frer to incrodnce nlillilltw rnCC onrifoadt. Write and be conTinced. o Canadian Watch Cc Toronto. Can. Oanceri and Tumor Specialist. Private 'Hospital. Xo knife. Book free G. H. McMichael. M.D.. Xo. 63 Niagara street, Buffalo, X'.Y. TOROXTO CLTTTIXG SCHOOL. Scientific and reliable systems taught, whereb.v stvlisb. perfect-litting garments are produced. Send for circular. S. COKRIGAX. Prop.. 4 Adelaide St. West. Hot Twins. Mre M. met frequently two charaiing Ut??e giris gofag to sclpol, who looked each very much like the other. â- _ One morning she asked one of them. Are you twins, my dear With an indignant shake of her c^,. she answered: "]Som! ^^ e'se bofe girls. 810.00£ML tOrincn and wamen. AMrew T.M»^' « Adelald* fitnU Wm% SgcoBta, « and work For $2,000 cash I will sell a one-quarter inter- est in an old-established, profitable city busi- ness. This is a rare chaince. Investigation in- vited. References exchanged. Principals only. For particulars address, P.O. Box SK6. Toroato P.O., Out. Ewart Link Belting. Best for elevating and conveying. Send for new catalogue of Mill Furnishings, and best discounts. Waterous Engine Works Co., Ltd., Brantford, Can. THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEJitUr. When I say Cwr* |Ji» not ^sAf»papJOiitmf hare tbem return acain. I MCAti A RADICALOUIIK. IBaTemadethedisaueorFite, â- pU«p«y or FaJlinc Bichmiâ€" a life-loac stndy. I wartmnt ny remedy to G«f« the worst cases. Becanse othecs have failed is eo reason for nor now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a rie^niiHiii of my InfWiibi* RomoCiir. Give Post Office. It costs yoa aoUa^Jor a trial, and i twill c nre jon. Address :â€" Ha Oi HOwM id a rie^niiliiii of my InfWlibM mrnnmm. Oive E yoa notloK for a trial, and it wiU core yon. Address :--Hi M» liiinaT aohjuoc «teut, yokomtoi L:::, f.S- i. I • 1 j â- -..-- ..iSi^- ^fi^^