IP ^v^^. msicHUtia, jf'ictjou in "' "Ponthe ' rentable ears aua â- ^iuim- in stratiuu of rtlluded to, tlie long P'lir of -anre uq. cipcoration ' autic iuj. lead to a flora the 'â- tlie latter leuce arises t'le yoang on a cold urn's" euvy minute de- and general red be hns 1 lessons to the entree Jlejrance in iex to the an' lature udardâ€" and 1 lead any e him low aces to any 3ully Dish- WAS THEBE, a new and ok entitled (•entures of brief sketch I expKjrers, It contains ions expedi- wild sports curious ens- eal w"nders, the wilds of icriptions of iracts, vast jes of untold, full account vels and ad- e he reached ). The book ges and 200 lud iu cloth m Morrocco subscription well tn ap- icy. Where h1 agent the id on receipt rcuhirs and IV one need- ;ation to the ^t. John, N. Lieution the [vs. A. Bae [ely hurt by Toronto on I their suc-^ land Master klanitoua on Ian hcu:. So iiug back glad? IscoGsrro. rplaseneax I John ^^ fne Gavrle; Is this world 1 their boni" In Berkeley nth teftDOS- .locked; j; ton-yard «» IcompleteJ; Lck.ftoj jbopeit*^ HSmf ON- ext door to Manley's drag ji ore, itfarkdale, and inspect his large tuid well assorted stock of Hardwares Stoves and Tinware Paints and Oils. Prompt at, tention to zepairiBg and eave tToaghing. Standat) " HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEEE THEY MAT." TEAK.â€" I^o» 496. MARKDAI^E, THURSDAX, MARCH 13, 1890. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. injijee Thousand Dol- lars worth of iPLUS eooDs To be cleared otit during [HE MONTH MARCH. Local and Other Items. Notices in these eolumnsintendedtohenefit any individual or Society will he charged ten eeiiti a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each suhiequent insertion. If OTICE.â€" Correspondence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, dtc,, nvast be in this qdice by nvonon Tuesday to insure publication that Vfeek. |i:oo:; the wisest men in Canada a lonf time to decide the 1 Language Qnestion |:.,I Eome of them shirked the vote, but it o'jly took '^M â€" k minutes to decide on marking .surplus goods iu my store down to pli low fiL'ures, tbat the pub'ic visit- :.ra'j'vnu't-take a half a minute to ,â- tjp.t I am offering !E^yi!iE BARGAINS i'~o foilowiug goods are on the re- -feJ list and diiomed to go whether Dress Goods, Dress Patterns, wess Trimrames, Kid Gloves, H Hitts, Jersey Gloves, Nics' bbort Mantles, suitable for Fptar, $1.75 to clear; Cbildren'p •'fa at less than eobt of making ;?" Boots, Overshoes, c., come ';- St prices which, if we did bao- •- ijavc' very Httle winter, will "â- " von think of the probabilities '*f'jen Squares, Wraps, Hoods, '^•i^ankrnnt prices. I^K^.iBe of Boys' Suits, Overcoats " ' ts very cheap. It is always '011 to suit and boot most of 111 ' ' " ° in price earlier in the iQade 'rt'i.Tn'^^'^^^y all cleared out. ^tiU a few choice ones left of pve l^'^^^' ^^ I can fit your shape I lear of fitting your pocket. K,^"" ""^ts. What suits? and prices suits the times. Fancy goods in great variety at M. E. Douglass' Miss Josephine Ellis, of New Eng- land, spent last week with Miss Lyons. Pair Lumber Bobsleighs for sale or exchange for wood. J. Artley, Markdale. A SPAN of good young horses for sale. Apply to Charles Johnston, Markdale. 392-tf. M. E. Douglass is giving rare satis- faction in foot wear. 200 tons old iron wanted at the Mark- dale foundry, for which cash will be paid. Joe, Manarey, of Euphrftsia, has purchased a fine Imported Carriage Horse. A first-class farm to sell or rent. Also a lot of implements to sell, apply to T. Boland. A. W. Wade is still to the front with first-class bread. Book's old stand, Markdale. Dip you notice the fine large sign which Geo. S. Mathers, the carriage maker has erected t Mr. James Dowsett, of Leeds County, is visiting his son and daught- er, Mr, Joseph and Miss D. Piso's Cure for Consumption and' Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. /Manley, Druggist, Markdale. Mrs. D. Shouldice, ot Owen Sound. J returned home on Monday last ac- companied by her sister, Edith. Havb you had any of that syrup at the cheap capb grocery. If you have not you had arter try it. T. W. Eutledge Key. Mr. Graham, B. A., leaves for Shelburne about Easter. We have not yet learned who his successor will be, Mrs. Ccmmings is having good success in taking orders for Stanley's Travels. It is a highly interesting book. M. Richardson Co., Flesherton, opened their annual Clearing Sale this week which is attracting crowds of buyers. To beautify the complexion, keep the ekin soft and white, to cure sore nose and sore lips, try Manley's Camphor Ice. Parties from the country are invited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. Say if you want an extra fine tea for flavor or strength you cannot do better than call at the cheap cash grocer. T. W. Eutledge. Miss S. S. Hamilton returned on Tuesday from a two months' visit with friends at Seeley's Bay, Newboro and Farmersyille, in Leeds Co. Malcolm Black, of the 10th line Glenelg, got his right hand jammed and bis finger broken las* Friday while working in the bush. Money to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expensesjlow, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. If you have not supplied yourself with fish try T. W. RuUedge, the cheap cash grocer, he can give them to you cheap, yes, and good too. Me. Gborob WnxouoHBY, brother of Mrs. Wm. Douglass, formerly of Leeds Co., died suddenly of apoplexy in St. Clair Co., Mich., on 20th Feb., 1890. The dwelling house of Mr. 8. Mc- Knigbt, 4th line Euphrasia, war, de- Etroyed by fire early on Tuesday morn- ing. The family barely escaped with their tives. The sewing machine advertised for sale in these columns a few weeks ago, has since been sold as a result, is giving satisfaction, and paid for. So much for advertising. The most complete stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and Panting in town at Mercer's. Also new stock of Ties, Collars, Cuffs, c. Young men want ing nobby goods, go there. Young man It will pay you to call at B. S. Bae'sclothing store and examine bis fine assortment of suitings aud gents furnishings generally. He keeps the best variety outside the city. Twelve hundred and fifty cabinet cards printed in gold last week at the Standard office for Hamilton, the photographer that is conclusive evidence that he is doing good work. Last Sunday Eev's Buggin and Fydell exchanged work, the former preaching Missionary sermons on the Euphrasia circuit. The latter filled Mr. Buggm's pulpit very acceptably. Notice is hereby given to all in- debted to J. W. Ford, Markdale Eoller Mill, to call at the mill at once and pay the same siad thereby save trouble and costs, as he isgoingoutof business here. J. W. Ford. M. Richardson Co. are making a clean sweep of surplus stock carried over. Dress goods, Tweods, Cloakmgs, Hats, Boots, Clothing, are all down, and cute buyers are improving the oppor- tunity to get cheap goods. After this short open winter it is the general impression we will have a cold, damp, wet spring, so people hav- ing weak lungs and subject colds should not fail to use Manley's cod liver oil cream, a sure preventative. Our garden aud orchard is nearly full of stove wood, and-still it comes, but we cannot pay eitber butchers bill or wage account without money so we would urge upon those who have not yet .renewed for the paper to bring legal tender. John McCallom, son of Mr. John McCallum of the lltn line Euphrasia, fell through a trap door in S. Harvey's barn on Thursday night last, striking on his right shoulder breaking the shoulder blade and otherwise injuring the joint of his shoulder. The wet weather and dark night on Tuesday evening was something un- usual, yet a goodly number turned out to the At-Home, and the spacious house of Mr. H. Hamilton was occupi- ed for a few hours by a sociable and happy gathering. Eeceipts $10. A MEETING of "The Reform Associa- tion of East Grey" will be held in Haskett's Hall, Markdale, on Thurs- day, the 13th of March, at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing offi- cers and other business. T. L. Moffat, Jr., Sec. Eeform Association, East Grey. A meeting of the executive com- mittee of Markdale Mechanics' In- stitute will be held in the reading room on Saturday evening next, 15th, for the purpose of selecting books to furth- er replenish the hbrary. A full at- tendance is urged. T. L. Moffat, Secretary. Cholera is said to be liable to follow la grippe and Toronto is taking steps to prevent such a dreaded visitation. Markdale people can fortify the system against such a calamity by the use of Rejuvinator Bitters, sold by Smith, the barber. An ounce of preventiou is as good as a pound ot cure. Mr. Andrew Nodwell, writing from Beanheu, North Dakota, under date of March 8rd says: "We have a very nice winter here, good sleighing since Christmas but not much snow. We have had no rain since October." Mr. N. is still interested in Markdale news, and sent a dollar along for the Stabd- ABD for 1890. On Friday eyeaing next atBarriiead mills tiiere will be a social under (he auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church. An antograph quilt, will be disposed of ssme time and plaes. All are invited. Admission 16 cents. On Tuesday, March 25. at 1 o'clock there will be an administstrators' sale, on lot 11, con. 9. Glenelg. near Tra version when the farm stock, implements c will be sold, and farm (lots 10 and 11, con. 9 and lot 12, con. 10) will be rented. See posters for lull particulars. G. Noble, Auctioneer. Tuos. Dulau, Admistrator of the estate of the late Maurice Dnlan. During the six consecutive days, ending on Sunday night last, we be- lieve no cloud was to be seen day or nigh. 3 The health giving sunshine by day and gorgeous moonUght by night, together with clear bracing atmos- phere, was a subject of general remark and worthy ofrememberauce as seldom if ever before witnessed by the oldest inhabitant in so many days in March. W. J. Brown, of the 11th line, Eu- phrasia, has leased his farm and is moving to Chicago, and will sell by public auction on his premises at one o'clock, Friday, March 21, all his stock, implements and bousehold furniture. As may be seen by post- ers Mr. Brown has a fine stock and good |farm implements, all of which must be disposed of. Usual terms. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. C. P. R. car 803 arrived at Markdale station on Monday nipjht, and the follow- ing day was visited by a large number of people. From early mom till late in the evening crowds wended their way to see the products of the Northwest and British Columbia and were highly pleased with what they saw. The in- terior of the car is very tastefully and systematically arranged with views of various parts of Manitoba, the North- west and B. C, together with products of the field and mine. Tbe car is in charge of Messrs. Hassett and Holm, who are very courteous towards visitors. The car left by 9 p.m. train for Holland Centre. Hotice. All parties indebted to the undersign- ed by book account past due are request- ed to call and settle the same by March 20th or the same wall be placed in court for collection. J. Lund, Berkeley. Fred Jameson, General Blacksmith, Horse-shoeing and all kinds of repairing promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a trial, Markdale carriage works, opposite the Markdale House. Sr. Sinclair's Visit. Dr. Sinclair, the well known and popular specialist of Toronto, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on Tuesday the 18th day of March. Those who suffer should mark the day and call on him!. If he cannot cure you he will to a certainty tell what the matter may be. Consultation free. :o:- CUBaElCOIiSWIHiEIIT) -OF- No. 1. Salmon Trout. No. 1. White Fish and No. 1. Fresh Water (Herring -AT- Belfast House THIS WEEK. Get prices before pur- chasing elsewhere. Fme stock fresh GROCERIES to choose from, best selected sotck of Crockery Glassware "' town. Our Provision department is well stocked with Flour Feed of all kinds. Special inducements made te those buying in large quantities. Large stock of WINES, LIQUORS, ALES, CIGARS. (3ome in, come up, come over and see us, the rushjstilljcontinues and will continue, everybody is buying their goods at Benson's because they are the cheapest, and keep the cleanest and best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. All goods iresh. Yours truly, R. H.BENSON CO. E. H. Benson. W. J. B^nsox. Eafkaway. PEN SKETCHES. We'll begin upon the hill And travel north through good and ill. Mr. Marquis, the contractor, Proves himself a benefactor. Down below is Hawkin, Will., An industiioua kind of pill. Then we come to Halbert Brothers, More Buccjssful than some others. Bradly, Jim, on the next farm, Is going to bnild himself a bars. At Mr. Logan's habitation Sir John will make a great donation. Bjchard Johnston next you see, Greatest sharper can't catch he. In Harkaway school the pupils find A teacher strict, but also kmd. Close by the school there's kids galore. For Smith's the dauldy of nearly a score. McMicken, he is but a stranger. So yon can spot him for a granger. Now, gentle reader, let's be merry. The next we see is Mr. Jerry. • Then, one who has not entered wedlock. Who's tall and dark, they call him [Mnrdock. And then the Yerey next you see Is one wtaose wife is very wee. (TO CONTIMVXD.} WilsoB^s WiMCkerry-BelieTes tonsils KB«I Colds intC oMce, wmA Hg BEAD W. A. BROWN'S new ad. next week. • I McFarland. *e'e l8 nothing better and nothing equais Manley's Threat and Liing Syrup for OeugbeMid OoMs. t fffifff •! 1 â- â- • it -»? ' â- I. t i f H Ml t i -ii f I " M -L â- ii^i^iiiMiiiiiillta