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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Mar 1890, p. 8

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 rl" lil:\ iiWgf. â- Ji i i !?: DRS. SPROULE A EfiO, â€" PHTSICIAXS, SUaOEONS, ACCOUCHERS, tc.â€" Office at Manleys Drug Store, wbere aU calls day or night will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPROULE. M. D. A. EGO, M. D.. c. C. A- McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Offiice at Stephen's Drug Store. Lat" of the Loudoa Hospital, England. BARRISTEE, SOL.ICITOB, c OFFICE-OVER McFARLANDS STORE, MABKDAIjE. lono to Loivn- I. B. L-\JCMS. UARBiSTEU, SOI.lClTOK,c, of. the firm of Bishop Lncas, Owea Sound, at office of Wm. LUCAS. 8^. Co., Kvery Friday. Wm. Lucas in charge of office during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. WK. BSOWH. DIVISION COURT CLEBK. Issuer of JJarriapeLicentes.ifrc. Comniissioner.N in B. li. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly atteuJed to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curit}-. WILLIAM STUART, KiMBERLEY, IssHb. of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on JUiil PJstate at low rates. A few I'iiDiis for e tie. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GK.\Dr VTK OF TOKONTO SCHOOIi of Duiitisii-j will bo at the Markdale House, J.Iarkdiilu, oil tiio 1st uiid third Weiinesday of i-acli iiiontiu ' ii.l iilsii at Ma'ishaw's Hotel, Fleshqr- tou, tile d;iv ii)!ii)\viii:,' liie third Wednesday in i-auh uiontii loi-tiu; iinictico of his profession. Comuieuuiiig on t,\' Tcli Seutember. OMrTO LOAli ON real estate s'ccaii^y, r.t low rate of intenst, no eomiuission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Conlideiitial, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FARM FOR SALE. [0TNo.2i, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will ho sold ciieap and on easy terms of iiayn.ent. for farther !:articulars apply on the promises. or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 100-tf. Pomona P. O MARKDALE HOUSE, M-VllKDALi-:. J. £ Marsh, ONT. R. J. SRROU LE F-LSSIISfiTON. Couveyrai;"' r, .\ii[r,n ser, Valmvtor aud ?.Ioney IjL'iider." I'l-cds. ;.;iHis;;.,t;i's, Luasea and Wills drawn uii aiidx iih;;-tiiiii iiiadcou shortest notice. 'liarL;ijs vtvv loiv. .Ai'i"' to " ;;. .i. si'iiorij:, Money Li'ii,;-.-,- 'o rustmusler. Flesliortou. 6 p.yE GENT. Itoney loaiu-.l on L-arui or Town Property at lo.vcst rati;- ol iniiK i-t. .\;^i;ly to r. .1. si'i;ot bE, Coiivov:::i,.vr i' J'osi.iia^ter. Fhislierton. B W. C. RSOHARDS UILD;-.;;. cr»NTKACTOR, ARCHI- TLCT, Mai ku.iirt. THE K£Y TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of thf jSowels, Kidneys and Liver, canyinf off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the i,ecretions at the same time fimTg rfnng AeidUty of the Stotoach. curing Bili- oasness, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn. Constipation. Pryness of the Bkin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice: Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and Generic Debility all these and irany other .sii i-. lar Coniribint vield to t'^e hnppvinf«ience Of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample B' iles 10c Regular size $L -•'or sale by all dealers. StBH ^.'SN A ro.. Pr«priet«n, ToraU* FREE EKHIBITIOft or THE PRODUCTS or ' /j'^/^j// f'.r^^rjn/r^/ THE ^^H 'Canadian kRAClFIC/ u A1 The Provincial Secretary has iutro dticedabill which proiioses to make j ^q^ entered m the some impoi taot cbau^'CR iu tlie i iqnor Oarried. Btown-Habkett-Thst By.l»w No. 28 appoiutiiiK an assessor, be now read a tliud time and passed, engrossed By liiw book. â€" some impoiiauu- ^_. ._ â€" ,,?'•"" _, Ti.uf License Act. The ameudments will Rrowu â€" Piewes â€" iUat doubtless be welcomed by all who wisb I Butledge. W. A. Browiynid to reduce the evils of the liquor traffic to a minimum. If tbe bill becomes law tbe difficn ty of getting liquor licenses will be increased. At present the License commissioners can grant a license to an applicant for premises uoi uuder license, unless a majority ol the electors of tbe sub-divi.iou petition with.â€" Lost. c. \v. Solomon Hill be^Feuco Viewers for this mun- icipality for ISQu.-Canied Brovvnâ€" Plfcwe.â€" TbHt By-law No. n be amended by luseriiiig the word "Cows" alter borses in lh« first hue tbereof, and ail other woros struck out in said By-law mconsisteiit thtre BSFOBX AVO Editor Standard. Many of these absurd wbi of life luic^br, bo caricrttu-edTfr" fashion of this heading, x V se'iijg in a yanked comi,. t**"'"" P3 AU ARE COBDIAUY INVITEII. iriU b* at Cxe TTiideniiMitloiMa SUtlow as Pollowsi Shelbnrne.. Dundalk .. Flesherton., Markdale MABCH 7th. 11:08 a. m. 8th, 8:G0a. m. ...10th, 8:00 a.m. ....nth, 8:00 a. m, Holland Centre...l2th, 8:00 a.m. Chatsworth 13tb, 8:00 a. m. Owen Sound lith, 8:00 a. m. ICLBCH 7th, 6.00 p.m. 8th, 6:00 p.m. 10th, 6:00 p.m. 11th, 6:00 p.m. 12th, 6*0 p.m. 130i, 6:00 p.m. lith, 6.-00 p.m. FARM TO RENT. .lO acres, near Markdale, " good building!), well watered, good orchard. Kent moderate. 495-7 Wii. BBOWN. For Sale or Rent. Lot 1-5, Sydenham street. Markdale, con- taining of an ac^e on it is a comiortable dwelling; house 22 x 32, with woodshed aud cistern also a two- story shop suitable for a pnmp factory and carpenter shop, beside which is a well which supplies a 14-horse power engine with water. The above will be sold chean. Aj)ply to 491-4 " J. T. QUINN. AUCTION SALE â€" OF- l£ Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage made by William Stevens to the Vendors, (which mortgage will be produced at time of sale), there will be offered for sale by public anctiou, on SATUSOAT, 22iia OP UAKCE, 1890, at 1::30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Markdale House in the Village of Markdale, the following valuable i)roi)e:-ty situate in the Township of -Vrteiiiesia, iu the County of Grey, being com- posed of Lot No. 101 in the First Bange North East of the Toronto and Sydenham Koad, con- taining fifty acres, of which about thirty-five acres are cleared. This property is well situated, being within the Corporation of tho Village of Markdale, and on it are said to be a frame houso. 20 x 24. and a frame barn, 40 x 54, fitted with stables and gnii!ary. TERMS â€" Ten pe.r cent, of tho purchase money to be paid to the Vendors' Solicitors on the day of sale, aud the balance within thirty days there- alter, without interest; or part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage, with interest at 7 per cent. The pi'oijerty will be sold subject to a rcserxo bid. Further terms and particulars of .sale mado^ known on day of sale, or on appli- cation to the undersigned. Serr, BEacclonald, Davidson ft Paterscn, Vendors" Solicitors. Toronto. GEOKGn ^â- OULB, Auctioneer. 494-7 has on hand a good supply of WATCHES, of almost every make anil grade, Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Coinmbus, Waterbury, c. All \v}itcl'e.s wa I ranted from 1 to 4 years. A hw guod 6(.cond- handed watches iu slock. against it. The bill provides "In the case of an applicant for a tavern or shop license by a pert^on vim is not at the time of making nch application a licenses under this act, or as to premises which are not theii licensed, the petition must be ac- companied by a certificate signe.1 by a ma- jority of the electors entitled to vote at elec- tions for the Legislative A.«sembly in the polling sub-division iu which the premises sounht to be licensed are situated, and the said majority must inclnde a- least one-third of he electors who are at the time of the apphcation residents within such polling sub- division." In an unorganized district the certi- ficate must be signed by at least ten out of the twenty housebolders resid- ing nearest to tbe premises in which tbe applicant proposes to carry on the business for which bis license is asked. The bill also proposes some cLungcs in regard to tbe sale of liquor on ves- sels, the amount paid for licenses, the powers of policemen, inspectors, con stables, or otber officers, in dealing with unliceused premises. Tbe penal- ties for infringements of the Act are deak with. Tbere is a very important clause in regard to the sale of liquor to minors. It is enacted that any licented person who allows liquor of any kind by sale or otherwise to be sup[ilied to a minor who is not a retident m tbe premises, or a bona fide guest or lodger, shall, f)s well as the person wboactually sup- plies the liquor, be liable to a i-enalty of not less than §10 and not exceed- ing $2U for each offence. At present municipalities can limit the number of license by a by-law passed before tbe 1st day of March in any year, but they have not the power to prohibit the sale of liquor altogeth- ei" The bill enacts. The council of every township, city, town and incorporated village may pass by-laws for prohibiting the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquors iu any tavern, inn or other house or place of public entertainment, and for pro- hibiting altogether the sale thereof in shops and places other than houses of public entertainment. Providing that tbe by-law, before the final passing tbereof, has been duly approved ol by the electors of the municipality iu the manner provided by the Rections in that behalf of tliB Municipal Act. Provided further that nothing iu this sectiuii contained shall be construed mto the exercise of jurisdiction by tbe Legis-latare of the Province of Ontario beyond the revival of the provisions of this SEctiou which were iu force at the date of the passmgr^of the British N'.rth. America Act, and which sub- sequent legihiatiou of tho purpcrtod to rupeal. the y^as â€" Browd and Plewcs. Naysâ€" Haskett, Lyons aud Reeve. .,. Brownâ€" Haskottâ€" That the Muta- tors report as presented aud «riticised be now finally passed by this counci!, t.nd that the Clerk be authoris»:d to publish the Abstract once in the Mark- dale Siandaru. -^Carried. Lyonsâ€" Plewrtsâ€" That the Auditors b3 each paid the Eura of Two dollars for their services. â€" Carried. Piewesâ€" Lyonsâ€" That this council call a public meeting on Tuesday eve- ning next, for the purpose of learning the public feeling in regard to Electric hgbt for oar streets.â€" Carried. Brownâ€" HaKbettâ€"That tbe Clerk be instructed to notify Oswald Walker and Aaron Teeter in reference to ferces and that he call their attention to sub-section 17 of seciion 489 of the Municipal Act, and that they be en- joined not to erect other than wire fences along the highway. â€" Carried. Lyons- Piewes- That the bill of Mr, McJjeau for boarding and lodging of two distitute travellers, imounting to $1.50, be paid, and that Mr. Wm. Hughes be also paiit the sum of one dollar for keeping a distre.ssed andj afflicted man one day and night at his hotel. â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Haskeltâ€" That tbe Clerk obtain 25 posters announciag a public j meeting on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock to discuss the Electric light question. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. R. C. BrydSn, Clerk. picture of the bjoomiiio nniif, fore electioiv the pink otpeSr^ "pontile rlress, aud toutemcuiUe but""'"" "' ' ""i« Journal' he pi tl'tinC, picture being revereed, the v3 Jack Donkt-y appeare.l.lonae.!^" all. Your Correspoudeut'-Cb ,*" last issue. IS not a ba'l illustrot'" but that upon bcin" dowu," in addition to ears, "he would wear 'turned tbe a upsiiie P'ur of ' "Juch more ^^ ungainly lioins, chivalrously hfa:i-^.ear decoraii than a "christv stiil " T1.p «., • itation oi porae ihgh would lead t, belief in man's asceut f.oru tbi monkey tribe, so proae are the lnu to imitate their superior; heueeari«! the envious admiration of the man who went a sleighing on » cola "6 latter -iieearises admiration of the yoane ent a sleighing on" a colJ JFiuter 8 nignt lately. ••Chum's" euv, 18 clearly portrayed in tbe minute dj Bcnption of bis rival's dress and â- Â»eDetal attire but it is to be feared lie |«s many prudential aud moral lesgons to learn before he can gain the entree to respectable society. Elegance in style of dress is a true index to the inherent refinement of mans nature â€" at least such is our standardâ€" and the jibes of "Chum" would lead any respectable lady to suppose him low enough to tender liia embraces to any Molly Chambermaid or Dolly Dish- clout. Yours, One wno was these. A Kero in Aica. province SSarkfiale Council. CLOCKS, Alarm. Minutes of 2ud meeting of tbe mun- icipal c( until of the village of Mark- dale, held the 2Gth day of February, A. D.. 1890. Members all present tbe Pieeve in the chair.. Minutes of last mcetii'g ot council read and con- firmed. Communicationp. â€" From Countv Treasurer with list of binds liable to be soil! for arrears of taxes in 1890; from Diwiieu Plating aud ftlanufiic- turing 'o. from John \\'hithy offtr- Jmg his strvices as assessor; the 8davs.24 hour and Auditois presented their report; iiccouhts lioni Os. Walker; D. g! FOECIBLE FACTS. THE testimony as to the merits of BurdociL' Africa, and grcipbic descriptions of Blood Bitters is overwhelming and ad-/ mighty r'vers and cataracts, vast mits of no dispirte. It is the best blood purifier excant. Its action on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels is perfect. It cures dyspepsia, constipation, bad blood, biliousness sick hcauache aud all skin disease. Walter's Falls Pn'bllc School. (?DfS.*«fa*, ^S.l f-3'icl OoJd 'at'h.l hjfyi^^^h^ SoldlorSjlSK*. ui;t::i«ici i l ^iMg aBaLaBft B«m SsO K-hlcH In ttio worlii. j jjHWga^Mtl yerfctt War-J I /»r MlVi'^innj pz^rauicd. llca^^r SuJiJ Uo'J ^^UuutiBC Cut*. BuUl lldirs' 'lauilgeuu^lizM.wiLhworl-.s [stttl etses of equal vmluft. I Oae Persoa ia each lo. caliijr cau acctire ona frr^ foffother vath oar. larga andraU uable liu'i of ITc tsseliolc] I Sxantple*. Tbirse bamplct, a wel! aa-'flie wntc),. we acuj lCi*ree, and afVn- jroa hava kr}'t th^n in vnar linnta f^ 9 Tnnntba aud ahftwn ihfm to thura v.-;i3 i:i;ij'hava tdllcN!. thcv lMc«meToiir own ijrjp^nr. TV^** bo write, ac on.a ran ix rxn »f ttxitiug tke Watch ..-' ^nmlti We j'ijr ail azurMa, ft^cM.rM. AMnm XaWC Silb " SILVERWARE, in the latest i designs and of tbe best plate. was pre- JEWELLERY, to suit all. in designs, quality and prices. SPECTACLES, A largo sup- McLoau and I. O. G. T. sen ted. B\-Law No. 28 was introduced aud re.iil !i 1st aud 2ud time. The cfinmitlee appinttd at last meeting lo examine into the Treasur- ers sureties, r. purt as follows "Your commitM'e re Treiisun is suieties be" lo rqtort that they imve examined tbe Bureiiis and find them satisfiictoiy." (VV. J. McFRLAND, I A. Plewes. Hahkettâ€" Lyons â€"That the account of tbe I. 0. G. T. be paid.â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Haskettâ€" That the Clerk Signed 1 I 1 1-1 II 1 ~- • I "'6 instructed to notify the Conntv rly ou hand, winch will be accurately t..o^c„vo^ ♦!,„, .1 .-r â- ' """^^ ^•/i •' I iiSA.surer thai the Taxes have fitted A few clock brackets something new. Watch cases engraved. Ear brooches and rings made to order, Pfcfcpairing iu all its brancbef: promptly attended to. Call and examine stock. been paid on all ihe lots in Markdale, x- ctpt lot 10, George Street, South, rm,7o I*""'*-" ^^' '" be discbargeu, except "»g8' I said lot 10. -Carried. Haskettâ€" Plewtsâ€" That tlie njypM- c6.tion of Joim Whitby fur Assetsor bo accepted, and that he be paid the «um oi Twenty dollars (§20) lor hie service. â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Haskett â€" That my S.BREADMR. Jeweller, Markdale. SSt'criS: '^*""'°"'°«i" account of The following is the Honor Eoll of U. S. S. No. '1, Holland and Eu- phrasis, for the month of February. Names iu order of merit. IV Class. â€" Margaret L Thos. CampbF.Il. Emily Campbell, Jane Lemon. Willie Bonnell, Nellie Deleree, Mary Jane (Jolendge, Frank Sanderson, Ollie Brown, Bertie Carney, W^illie Sanderson, Lottie Brown, Anuie Walter, Percy Brown, Geo. Hanbery. Ill Class. Sen. Div.â€" Ida M. Carney Hannah Caswell. Eoso E. Taylor, Martha Prior, Jno. H. Coleridge. Willie McLennan, Geo. Caswell, Lottie Siiunk. Jun. Div.â€" Annie M. Slmuk, Thos. A. King, Jno. McCormick. II. Class, Sen.Div.â€" Philip Walter, 'atharine, McLennan. Stanley Sand- erson, Emilj Walter, Louis Lemon, Lizzie Leixon, Lizzie Wickham. Jno. D. Laycock. Byron Carney, King, Thos Bassett. Jun. Div.â€" Walter Lemon, Freddie W-alter, Arthur Caswf-U, Charlie B.arker, Charlie Taylor, Nellie Shuuk. Alhe Baiker, Edd'ie Jh-own, Nettie Bonnell, Sophia J. Shepherdson, Maggie Findlay. I. Class, Part II. Sen. Div.â€" Aubrey Dajmau, Catharine Laycock, ' Allie Walter. Willie Baseett. Jun. Div.â€" Phoebo Caswell, Thos. Mower, Robert King, Jabez Mower. Part L Sen. Div.â€" Lottie Seabrook, Grace Deleree. Kenith Lavcock. Jun. DiT.â€" Alex. Findlay, Willie Walter, Thos. Hanbery. The following pupils attended every day m the month :â€" Thos. Campbell, Wiihe Sanderson, Sander^^m. Percy Brown. Geo. Caswell, Jim. 'H. Cideridge, Walter Lemon, Eddie Brown. Willie Walter, Mary JanO The announcement of a new anil popular subscription book entitH "Explorations au'l ' Adventures of Henry M. Stanley," with a brief sketch of other world-renowned explorers, has just come to baud. It contains thrilling accounts of famous expedi- tions, miraculous escapes, wild sports of the juutjie and plain, curious cus- toms of savage races, tropical wonders, miraculous discoveries iu tbe wilds of forests, fertile valleys, miues oi untold wealth, etc. The reader will have a full accoant of all Stanley's latest travels and ad- ventures down to the time he reached the coast, a fe-,v weeks ago. Tlie book will contain over 800 pages and 200 engravings, is finely bound incloth and boards for ^2.50, and in Morrocco gilt for $3.25. As it will be sold by subscription Coleridge, only, canvassers would do well to ap- ply at once fv)r an agency. Where there is no local authorized agent the book will be sent post paid ou receipt of price. Illustrated circulars and terms sent to agents or auy one need- ing emplovment on application to the Earle Publishing House, bt. John, N. B. (Applicants should meuliou the St.\ndard when ordering. Hartaway. A. Bae hurt by Mrs. J. Bradley and Mrs. are again convalescent. Mr. P. Lyons was severely a cow recentlv. Wiley Brothers left for Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. McMicken, tLeir snc-^ Clara j cessor, took chatgp at once. Mr. Morgan, his bride aud Ma^w Arthur Mercer leit far Manitoba on Wednesday. Vive Vale. Our noble Dick has got aa lieir. do Mr. Mack, do not dispair. Why, if ma-ma is willing, Should pa pa be so mad When Bob is surely coming Wck To make his sweet-heart glad IncookitO' Berkeley. Coleridge, AHie Brown, Annie W^alter, Ida M Carney, Eoge E, Taylor,, Lizzie Lemon, Emily Walter. Average attendance for the month 50, EOBT. Mmitin, Teacher. Standard Correspondence. A very happy eveul took Berkeley last week. ^Ir. Wallace and Miss Mary Jane (^»»LJ la-enetf John C We were made happy in â„¢f'*^""'°°^" pjid wish tbera all the happiness tliis their bo""" Berkeley SIX YEAR'S SUFFERING. ^^ I was tronbled with dyspespia for six years. *our years ago I got a bottleof B. B. B. from UMbor, which I considered completely cured me. A return of the Bjmptoms about five tve KB *no, however, wa* iwomptly removed by s«nng oiily i»rt of anotbfir bottle. »ud I 5*\^«»»5TerI^ in my life^ 11,4 can afford. They leave for in Manitoba this week. There is quit3 a boom m now. The roads are Hned witU »» .^ The mill-yard is nearly Wocueu,^ .fact more' land had to be secar .^ place logs in. Also statioa-y»' firlliug up fast. .nnlete^' Berkeley station is about cobf^^^ Painting is the only drawbach^ being completed, aud we Uope soon be in operation V A PLEASING DISCOVERY. I suffered with neuralRia and" ^^ relief uutil advised to "?. „nd !? YeUow Gil. Since tl^eu I Uave w^j^^^off be au adinitablo remedy also w ^^^^^ tjiroat and rheumatism. ^^• ^17, iUduvoud St W.. Tprouto. i took the wisest mei long time to de( Dd some of them shi: but it bulj ti pew minutes to decid I sarpJas goods in my k low figures, that tl jmewon't take a ha] ade that I am offeriU; irhe following goods red list and doomed flies' Short Mantles. 'Dg wear, $1.75 to cles ^es at less than eob 5*? ^oots, Overeboef 866, *8 at prices which, if W) haye very little *6 Ton think of the '*y«»r. ^TT «^°«e8, Wr '« Bankrupt prices. ^jAlme of Boys' Suit ^te very cheap. "^tt to suit and Ik Mita

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