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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Mar 1890, p. 5

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 m^^mm i^PPiiiiipiPi «PP ffPP wt^mam ^WP '•^j^ • â-  saw^gEg^aaswrjf^*!*;'*-..^ -â- ^^i*'4MSt^:3't»S'r%t-' -C»*S**'*»«- T-aR-'^SSi^^k,' â-  ;..iSi !«* •SJ'JSiaSW:^*!- OUR OTTAWA LETTER i Act resulting in a goverumeui majority |oJ 21. Six Miui«teria!i8t« voted for Ottawa. March 4,â€" The Alien the motion, March 4, â€" The Tjibor Bill, though conileuined by the \UeTS on Ijoth sides of thd Hoube ha^ Ln*TPUPPort on the oack bencues. Jfffasimrodiiced by Mr. Taylor the Miiisteilal Whip, and is au exact jopyoftlse Uuiied States law pro hiDitiiiiJ tiie eutiy ioto the conntiy of aiiali'^u'"' foreigner whose contract toffink was made m a fsreign country. It was pointed out in the debate that persocs ut Point Edward, Niagara falls and Wiudi-or who liad lived there lives lu Canada working duriug the ^jy in the United States were com- pelled under the operations of the American Act to pull up stakes and eiiji"raie across the line. On the other liacd Americans' at similar points are permitted to live in the U. S. and earu their livelihood in Canada. Mr. Gilmore instanced a case in St. Stephen, N. B., where 200 or 800 operatiyes of a cotton factory were Americans who crossed every evening into the State of Main to their liomes. Several membf^rs iicld that what was The impecding tariflF cbarges are beheved to include an increased duty on flour, the abolition of the duty on such heavy mining machinery aa w not made in this cone try and a re- arrangement of the duty on cerfeals. The precise nature of the proposed charges is however a jealously guard- ed State secret. The Opposition intend to move as an amendment to supply a resolutiou eoudomning the superanunalioM system. On the motion Friday night for the third reading of the Orange incorpora- tion bill Mr. Curran the Roman Catholic member from Montreal centre moved the addition of a clause declaring that the Orangemen should not have the right to walk in pro- cession in any Province where there was a law prohibiting such processions as there is in Quebec. Grand Master Wallace declared the amendment wortJ'v of the middle aa:es and said he would sooner see the bill dtiCated than to accept it. The rules of the AT MA.NLEY'S. saace for the goose was sauce for the gander and letters were read showing House did not allow of discussion be- tbat organized labor in Cnnada favor- yond nine o'clock and Mr. Lister get- that ei a iieasure of retaliation. The Premier however the Minister of Justice and Mr. Launer all declared the bill to be an unwise one aimed at A friendly nation whom they were sure bad not aimed at Canada. Ttie Minister of Justice told the Bouse that two members of tli« Goveruiueiit liad waited on the responsible minist- er at Washington and laid this whole matter before him that he had re- phed that no instructions to enforce the Act against Canada had been given Lilt any citizen could con^pil the U.S. officials to ui'ply it Canada. This is just what the Knights of Labor lit Det)vit and other places have done. On the Premier's moiiou the delate â- \vas adjourned which means the •shelving of the Bill. A bii.l to amend the criminal law introduced by t!ie Minister ot J.ustice is excitn;g a good deal of ignorant portions of the daily press. One of the clauses reads that any person who marries or has intercourse with a relative within the fourth de- gree of conyinquinity or Jiffimty shall be guilty of incest and liable to four- teen years imprisonment. A man and bib decease;! wife's sifter are within get- ting the floor talked out the time and thus threw the bill over till Monday. 6( SCOTLAND YET. can highly recoianiend HajjyartVs Pectoral Balsam. It cured my daoRht- erofacounh she had been troubled with ever s«nco she was httle. She is uow 12 :y£iixs old." Mrs. M. Fairchil.l, Scotland. Out. aSaxweU. Heceived this "week 10,000 Fine quality Square Envelopes. ±2 TOZ. 8c. SLATES. 1,000 of the best 5c. 300 page Scribbling Books ever offered in Markdale. 1 GROSS F-IIXE litcindard Correspondence. E. Linley has been awarded the contract to carry the mail between iiaxweil and Duntroon, beginning on the first day of April. Mrs. Wm. Loughoed was buried m the Singhamptjn cemetery on Sunday March 2nd. She had been sick for a very long time and was confined to her bed nearly six months v/ith cancer in her breast, and on Friday passed peacefully away. • ilichaid Maxwell is still very low he does not seem to be improving i much. The people of this place were treat- ed to quite a novelty in the Evange- listic line on Monday. A couple of the fourth degree of affinity and it is (Plymouth Brethren Evangelists held service on the corners in the open air, but they failed to get a crowd together and staled that this bill makes such marriages, which are comou in Can- ada, iucestuons. The Minister of Justice assures me this is a mistake. He states that bill has no reference at all to tlio marriage relation, biu is in- tended to punish incest outside of the raaii'al relation. Explanations will not b-^ made iji the House until the second reading. The bill, of which the above is only one clause, is a very important one. It punishes very severely anyone who seduces a young woman in Lis employ. There is general approval of the Governments conrse in sending Hon. C. H. Tupper to Washington to advise the British ambassador there iij his negotiations with Mr. Blain for the f-ettlement of the fishery and other questions now in dispute between the I'uited States and Canada, These iieKotiationscover not only the Atlantic fisheries, but also Behriug Sea. the Alaska boundary and some other minor matters. Sir John Macdonald stated that the negotiations are pro- ceeding pleasantly. There was a scene in the House on Friday when Mr. Somerville was read- ing Irom a pamphlet the wrongs and w^esof Sergt. Hurrell late of the 90tb i, Winnipeg) Battalion, who claims that he was incapacitated by the Kebellion from earning a livhhood and has not received the compensation and pension be is entitled to on the contrary was treated inhamau by the Minister of Militia. Mr. Somerville was saying he didn't know whether Hurreil had a wife or not when a voice ;ame down «om one of the galleries :â€" "Yea, he I'as a Wife but he is not able to support her." 'T]iQ audacious commentator was Hurrell himself, a man of about J»0 years of age. The Houoe was as- wnished at this breach oT privilege ^^i the yeteran Sei^eant. At- Arms clutched his sword. In a few min uf es Hnrrell was agam heard to exclaioi ibafs true." This sealed his fate jnd the Sergeant At- Arms harried up » the Gallery and, placed the culprit nnder momentary arrest, ltd him from tlie gallery. The upsho* of tlte dis- cossion was a promise from Sir jaolphe Garon to lay all the papers in «1e case before the House. ihe motion of Dr. Piatt for the wohtion of the duty on mining machin- Was disposed of by a vote ou a «obon to postpone the qoestion ntiliil tariff chargies were amtoanoedt the Jvennaent majority being 82 Tiierfl ^virion alBO early in tl*8 %*ek had to emigrate to a more con' genial clime. Mr. David Madil had a party and a social hop ou Friday night. The boys say they had lots of fun. Pat. GOBED BY A COW. A line colt belonging to Mr Peter Lindsay, of Nixon, Out., was baaly hooked by a cow. Two bottles of Hagyard's Yellow Oil cured it Tills invaluable remedy should be in every house. It cures cuts, sprains, bruises, burns and all pains aud aches in man or beast. BIRTHS. Pen Holders. HALF CROSS SCHOOL CRAYONS. AlsD don't forget that we sell the all-steel, everlast- ing unbreakable comb and BLACKBOARD Hiirra]i for Xaias Goods â€" AT THE- Watsox â€" On the 17th mst., the wife of Mr. P. Watson, Glenelg, of a son. MARRIAGES. â- VVALiiACE â€" Gawi,et â€" In Holland towrship. on the 26th February, by Eev. Geo. Hart- ley, Mr. Jno. C. Wallace, of Golden Stream Manitoba, to Miss Mary Jane Gawloy, daughter vf Mr. Joseph Gawley of Holland. CONSTIPATION AND HEADACHE. DEaK SIES, â€" I suffered with constipa- tion and headache, and got a bottle of B.^B. B. on trial, and found that it did me bo much good that I got several bottles, and it proved a sure cure. Mrs, Roberi Taylor, Shipka P O.. On*. RAarkdale Furniture Wareroom. awmY mm BELOW costi lor the Holiday season. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Sc Bedding, Sideboards, Oxt 1 Tablfs, common; Extension Tables, in (jrt'Mt variety Washstands Spring Mattress Wool Mattref a of all kinds, and in fact everything that ie kept in a first-clasR shop. Call and get quo- tations. Also Faneral Furnishingsâ€" Coffint Caskets, Eobes, Liaing-s, Grloyes, Cranes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. Thanking my numer- ous customers for past favors. Wish- ing a' I a Merry Xinas and Happy New Year. Yours respectfully, J- W. Sproule. aSarkdale Markets. Wednesday Mch, 5, 1889. Fall Wheat » 70 to » 82 Spring Wheat 70 to 82 Barley ' ^5 to 40 Oats •••••• 24to 21 Pease ol *» °2 Butter !**« "If Eggs ••• "'" ^** I£^ G onto 00 fotatoea, perbag 40 to 50 Wool. •• 20 to 22 Beef â€" •• y**» ^, Pork ••• » ^JJ **» » 2.*" NOTICE. Parties indebted to the uudersigred, either by note or book acconnt, will pleAse call ai Mauley's drag store and sett.e the Kanie without delay as I neele mouev. WaSei Turner ?«nd Dr. Ego. my partner, sue anthoriMd to receive money for me aad j. ive T. S. SPBOULB;W.D. receipts. 4»7 -r 5?iME TABLE. tiie wotion to repe«l^ F^aia^l^*N»»;i^ Iâ„¢' ^4» iw«.- i.if. I* has permanentfy onred THtmnAmm of COMB praabotineiBa by doeton bCfW- ien. If yoti have pmmooitorf nrorn* nioh as Oom^ Difflml^ of ' â-  " bnt HM Breathin g, A c., dm*1 PIBO'S CtTRRcMB R. L SnPHEN. i-i fe. • Wi Q I CD w O CQ \M (%q^ andodlf tAktt, L.ifilA *-" di»- eoTtrad. as it ia cwtain in its eflKt* and does not blister. Kesd pniof balom, OFFICE OF CHARLES JL SNYDER, •Lmum MT Mi nnTM I Blmwood, IUn* Not. to, 1888. DK.B.J. KbmbmxGs. Dear Sirs: I have ahimTS pnrehased your Ken-, dslfs Spavin Oh* bjr dw b^ dosen bottles. I wottid like orloas in lw«Br 4|Banaty. I tbink it it one of the best UnlasBii on earth. I have used it inmTstaUaafarthraeyaara.^ Youa traly, Cbas. A. Smtdk*. KEIDILL'S SPMIN CURL BMosLva. N. Yh November 3, xSSS. Ok. B. J. XsMbALt. Ce. Dear Sirs: I desire to ^ve yon testimonial of my eood opinion of yonr Kendall's Spavin Core. I have used it for l«Me*«ia. attSaelata maA SpavlMa. and I have found it a sue core. I cordially recom- mend it to all horaaman. Yoora truly. A. H. Gilbkkt, Manager Troy Laundry Stables.. KEHBU.L'S SPHIN CDRL Samt, Wimton Coumtt, Obio, Dec 19, z888. Dr. B. J. Kkhdali. Co. Gents.: I feel it my dutx to say what I have done with your Kendall's Spa^ Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that had BpAvtaa. ten of miar BoBe, nine afflicted trith BlcHe«d and seven of Bic Aw. Since I have had one of your books and followed the diiectioBS, I have never lost a case of any kind. Yours tmlji Ahduw Turkk*, Horse Doctor. lEIDILL'S SPAVM CURE. Price per bottle, or six bottles for fs- AU Drug- gists have tt or can get itfor yon, or it will be sent. to any address on receipt of price by the proprie-. tors. Dk. B. J. KcMDALL Co., Bnosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, "â- "':* .*.wi- » I .. â-  i.t:' .1 j»; I. â-  :« V ' rr ifi" •; .( ,â-  cjci ^.g Ihini, \*-' vi' »it"^- J-S'^ctonnc *I.n*wit iti(..i'.-i! *t c""ji_i-,iJu' ri-ry 1 «•*! «r\* nir-'hi.'jiiiin? r. h-Io .in wi/rI(i.v\iiU alt tiiC atuic-ln:i'-iif*. W" will '»iS" r'M' J"5**»rT '0'i|.!» ' I iliiic of uur fiiy fh-A vu;i»i.lf.* »ir; JwiinpU'^. Ill return n'cask (h*ii y-:\ y»litw whflt wi- j"ri»t. to tho«v «ii. ^ttmy rail nt y ur lionM-.-^M at'iT t5 |iiitmhKcll rti:ilt l-ci'«iiiii; ymtr ow^i \|irojrrv- lii â-  (mirtii inn* liiiie is [Biflilf n-»rr Ih** WBii{r*f pnteiits wliirh K., •(» run out tvion* |.nrcut4 nint'iii it pu\u l'-r3K9:;, ni'h iht tatt:i(-iiiii"nis. nnl uvw Rtllc fur '#^0. Hcfi,»*rjn»r»»t.TiMStu!i!» lI nMfhin in tlie v.-crirl. All id ge. No cppitol rcqaire'l. Tlufn, ktof ihttraedoiis eiven. T^ocq vrho writo tu rm -.u ome can pc- cnra ft e e the best sewinrr-machine in th-z wiTiri. r.ttd tha ^neM Iteaof works of hMi orterer shown totri-ilKrii) Aniviica. VJKVK A CO.. Aw '3'40. i^ueib.u», Jltuiae. WILL STODDilRT, T T^ILO R. Who has just returiied from Toronto alter takiug out Ins diplutua for cut- tiug ill the Toronto cuitiuw pcbool, had Miss Fitri who hid breu iu Lis employ lor some time ast ari;pted, and hrought up before iiiii Honor Chief .Ia^ lice Nent Fit. chatted Vfitli robhioK him and anutvuiv Ins cnslom- ers, she was found guihy and uentenc* ed to {;o down for fifty J ears. The public in general and ray customers, in particular are invited to come aud leave their measitre vith me fr thev clothing and need fear no niuic trouble- cr auiioyauce from Miss Fits. Vir. STODDAET, TAILOR. Over McFarland's store. WIND MILLS i»i:t;\jt»!«. gTOR/ jajPrmserJ â- ARTLEY MN Havini purcnased tbe Marknale l'uini biisi- uess I wikh t(^iinoun(* to tb» imlilic tbat I sut ]-rfpart:d to fiU ordM^ for a'l kinds of piimpo. tie Well fiimjBr 7ore* Pwdj^v, deter A Vomr â- # eto. Wind mile: Will ito coutiune to manufaotore Wind IGIIb, eitlier for power or pumping pitrpcaes. Aud. Kiiij; a inactical meohaniCi^I feel confident of tnrpiug out work that canned foil to give satiBf action. Kcpairin^ done. All: work guaranteed. Orders li-om k- distanoe wilt receive particular ul prompt attention. Gt^l on or address, JEi-FBaY ARTLEY, Mtsrkdale. â- BugeBia, March Srd, '90. iOt. .T. ABTLBY, ' DrAit.Sirt.â€" laangwor toyonr enquiry askiiiB }-ow I Mitrrt yr.irr Pump yon Diit in uiy well id te«-t dct- p.I must say I am wnll p}casea with it. It wotWao easy that my UhIu; liirl 7 Tears oUI caa.^ump with it. ' li; J. \Vii.scK. 1. H. MIHIIATER, has sta3?ted in business in tlia Hill Block.: to dO' m â-  f:' \h. mm .jMm igglljgyi^

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