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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Mar 1890, p. 1

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 JSyf W. ;M^: ' '"'^r"t,i • â- i' ' " ii^ 'â- *â-  " TV â€"CALL ON J- e. Trelfeild, next door' to MaiUey'a drag store, Markdale, and inspect his mrge and well assorted stock of Hardware, Stoves iand Tinware. Paints and OUs. Prompt at- tention to repairing and eave- tzoogfaing. 1 "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." h^'TH YEAS.-:N^o. 495. MAEKDAI.E, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1890, C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. Local and Other Items. hree Thousand Dol- lars worth of iiPiyS GOSDS To be cleared nut duriDg llJEiONTH MARCH. Notices in these cohivims intended to betufit any individual or f^ociety irill he cliarged ten cents a line for the fimt insertion and five cents a line each sub^eqnevt insertion. NOTICE. â€" Corregpfmdence, eommimica- tions,. Advertisements. (£e„ nmst be in thi» ojhce hy noon on Tuesday toinsvre pubUeation that week. the wi^fst lueu in Canada a lull" time to decide the w stion Delightful weather. The mercury went below zero on Wednesday. TiNWAKE, c.. going like hot cakes at McBeth's. Fresh Oysters by the bulk or plate, at W. J. Stephens. Ladies if yon desire solid comfort iu Boots, {TO to M. E. Douglass. Friday the 7th (to-morrow) is Divi- sion Court day in Markdale. Pair Lumber Bobsleighs for sale or exchange for wood. J. Artley, Markdale. Fkesh groceriea are being opened up regularly at the cbeap cash grocery. Our railway station yard is now well stocked with wood, ties, square timber c. For Crockery Glassware, go to Mercer's nn immense stock to choose from. A SPAN of good young horses for sale. Apply to Charles Johnston, Markdale. 392-tf. Every lady should see Miss Douglass' splendid spring stock of Boots Shoes just opened. Any person wishing calenders for 1890 can have them on application to Wm. Young. Stacks of new goods are being opened minutes to decide on marking ^p everv day at the noted cheap i^uphis goods in my store down to(gtore, Eocklyn. icj low fi^'ures, that the public visit- ,, ^^^ ,. 'K w:.u-t take a half a minute to ^f«- ^^«- I«"gla8, of this village, lost a cow on Tuesday by getting cast in the manger. The past week has been ice harvest in Markdale and a supply of prime quality is housed. A. W. Wade is still to the front with first-class bread. Book's old stand, Markdale. iome of ihem shirked the vote, but it only took ick'-f tliat I am offering BARdAINS Ihe followii]cr goods are on the re- "td list aiid d'jomed to go whether ^ress Goods, Dress Patterns, press Trimmings, Kid Gloves, ^d' Mitts, Jersey Gloves, l^sJies' Short Mantles, suitable for F=Swear, §1,75 to clear; Children's pii'Jes at less than cobt of making 1,^'t Boots, Overshoes, c., come F" see. "â- â- sat pricts which, if we did bap- '0 have very little winter, will '*= you think of the probabilities F^ year. PWlleu Squares, Wraps, Hoods, •' " Bankrnnt prices, pfo lifle of Boys' Suits, Overcoats ' Boots very cheap. It is always ^^^^ason to suit and boot most of Id I*^^ "/«coats, owing to a redac- ifon°^* in price earlier in the ^^0, are nearly all cleared out. 18 still a few choice ones left of iWp '^^^" ^^ **^° ' y^^^ shape I i^c fear of fitting yonr pocket. ^â- "" Suits, Suits. What suits? « and prices suits the times. ^- J. McFarlato. The cheapest place to buy Dress- goods, Ginghams, Shirting, Cottonade, c., is at Mercer's. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. 2,500 lbs. of delicious sweet Japan Tea arrived at J. E. Richard's, Rocklyn last week and more on the way. Wedding parties make a B line for Hamilton's photo gallery â€" ^just as others do when wanting a good picture. Don't fail to visit McBeth's bargain store before it is everlastingly too late. Just one more week in Markdale. Mr. p. Cairns has exchanged the Barrhead mills to W. J. Rowe, the form- er owner, and is moving to Toronto. Any one wanting fresh Groceries, Flour Feed of any kind will save money by calling on W. J. Stephens. Have you had any of that syrup at the cheap caph grocery. If you have not you had arter try it. T. W. Eutledge Constable Noble had the misfortnne recently to break the small bone of his leg near th« ankle, and is not yet folly recovered. W. J. Stephens buys for spot cash and sells fresh Groceries cheaper than any other man in the town, so the people say. Pabties from the country are inyited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. Boots Shoes, cheapest and best in theOountyat J. E. Richard's; $7,000 in Boots Shoes alone sold since we came to the Capital. ♦•ExPLOBATioNs and Adventures of Henry M. Stanley" is the latest and perhaps the most interesting book oat. Mrs. B. M. GummiDgs, of this vilkm:e, H taking orders for it and will call on manyof oorreadeis; ThebdokiiJHi cKMlhnfc one. SvY 1 if you want an extra fine tea for flavor or strength you caanot do bettor than call at the cheap cash grocer. T. W. Eutledge. In the new issue of postage stamps the United Statec have discarded the green and adopted the red. This is another outrage on Ireland. E. Holmes, V. S., of Holland Centre lost a horse by inflamation recently, and being a poor man the neighbors replac- ed the animal with another. Money to Loan on Mortgage Sec- urity, at current rates, expenses low, biisinr-es strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. If you have not supplied yourself with fish try T. W. Eutledge, the cheap cash grocer, he can give them to vou cheap, yes, and good too. A LARGE stock of Ladies' Misses and Children's Boots in prices and styles to suit the times. Call and see our stock before purchasing. M. E. Douglass. We notice by the Post that Mr. James May, of OrangeviUe, was re- cently married to Miss Myles, daught- er of Mr. James Myles of Euphiasia. If the party that took Eobe from iron 1; of Mercer's store on Monday evening don't return it at once they will be prosecuted as they are well known. Ennis Foster, a six-year-old son of H. Foster of this village was run over by a team on the street a week ago. He was seriously injured but is re- covering. BsiGGs 'Bellow, what's your hurry?' Braggs "I am going down to kill an editor. I sent a communication in sign- er* 'Honestas,' and the blame fool added aL Jier 's' to it." Fo.uR applications for membership were before the Markdale Lodge, A. U. U. W. last meeting and oihers yet expected, so that the very interesting debate has got to lay over. The most complete stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and Panting iu town at Mercers. Also new stock of Ties, Collars, Cuffs, c. Young men want ing nobby goods, go there. "How horrible it must be to be buried alive " exclaimed Cumso to his family physician. "Yes, indeed," replied the medical man. "I assure you none of my patients are ever buried alive." Pa "What is your beau's name, Mary?" Mary (blushing): "His name is Brown, pa." Pa "Brown I I thought it might be corset." Mary: "Corset?" Pa "Yes, you see he's such a stayer." The C. p. R. Exhibition Car No. 303 will be at Markdale. station on Tuesday next from 8 o'clock a. m. to 6 p. m. with samples of the produce of the north- west of 1889. The exhibition will be free. On Wednesday next, March 12, Mr. James Gould will sell by public auction at his premises, con. 8, Eu- phrasia, all his stock, implements, c. Usual terms. Sale at 1 o'clock. Geo. Noble, A'lctioneer. Notice. â€" ^Parties indebted to the undersigned, either by note or book account, will please call and settle the same before the 10th March as I am in need of the money. I mean what I say. J. W. Sproule, Undertaker. The recent cheese factory meeting was quite successful and the prospects continue to groiv mure favorable for the operations for the coming season. The hanlmg is let and ten additional patrons secured over last year. A MKETiNG of "The Befotm Associa- tion of East Grey" will be held in Haskett's Hall, Markdale, on Thurs- day, the 13th of March, at ona o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing offi- cers and other business. T. L. Moffat, Jr., Sec. Eeform Association, Ease Grey. Stbeetsvillb wants a'pnblic ceme- tary, and a joint stock company is the means adopted by which to secure the desired object. Markdale requires a cemetaxy, and we knorw iBcf no waj more feasible than by a joint stock company. Who wifl lead ia the 7 .-"i CnoLEBA is said to be liable to follow la grippe and Toronto is taking steps to prevent such a dreaded visitation. Markdale people can fortify the system against such a calamity by the use of Eejuvinator Bitters, sold by Smith, the barber. An ounce of prevention is as good as a pound ol core. Michael Howbt, ex-councillor of Holland, happened with a severe accident a short time ago. It appears he was backing his team and sleigh, being himself behind the vehicle, when the dog dropped upon his instep going through his foot making a very paioful wound. Oy Saturday, March 8th, at 1 o'clock, the undersigned will sell by public auction at the City Hotel, Markdale, for Mat. Walsh, his farm stock, implements, c. Mr. Walsh has leased his farm and is moving away so there will be no re- serve. Usual credit terms. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. Ephraim Page, a young farmer about two miles west of Holland Centre, lost a pair of young horses recently. It appears they were both stabled m one stall and one of them took sick during the night and in rolling and fionnderiug about kicked its mate so badly that it died. The sick one also died shortly afterwards. Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will hold a public meetmg at Thornbury on the 14th March, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., when Prof. James of the Ontario Agricultural College, Prof. Robertson, of the Dominion Experimen- tal Farm are expected to address the meeting together with leading loc!al talent, There will also be an evening session. Mb. John Hanbury, of Brandon, Man., paid his many Markdale friends a flying visit, arriving on Saturday evening and leaving again on Monday. Mr. H. has the contract for the new post office building in Brandon which will cost in the neighborhood of $50,- 000. He has bedn to Ottawa tender- ing for of the erection of other public buildings. A CONVENTION of the Liberal Conserva- tive Electors of Centre Grey will be held at Rocklyn. on Saturday, the 8th day of March, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of selecting a Standard bearer to contest the Riding in the interests of the Liberal Consoryative party at the coming election for the Legislature of Ontario. Feb. 22nd, 1890. Thomas Kells, Pros. Wm. McLoughry, Rec- Secretary. Fref. G. Stevens, who has eflficiently managed the post office in this place for the last fiye and a half years, will sever his connection therewith in two weeks, having accepted a more remunerative situation in Toronto as bookeeper. Fred is a young man of exemplary life and habits and of thorough and precise business qualificanions, hence certain to rise. Miss Annie McKay, daughter of H. B. McCay, tanner, takes his place in the post office. Votiee. All parties indebted to the undersign- ed by book account past due are request- ed to call and settle the same by March 20th or the same will be placed in court for collection. J. Lund, Berkeley. F. Jameson, First-class horse-shoer and good general blacksmith. All .kinds repairing neatl; done and promptly attended to. Call and nee ns anyway. Shop opposite Markdale House, in McNally's Carriage buildin^r. Trade and ffet Biifli. A farmer in Kansas sold a beef for two cents a pound to a butcher, agree- ing to take a quarter of it for his own use. The butcher charged him regular rates f 3r the beef, and when they settl- ed the farmer owe! him 92. fir- Sinclair's Visit. Dr. Sinclair the well known and popular specialist of Toronto, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on Tuesday the 18th day of March. Those who suffi^r should mark the day and call on biu. If he caanot care yoB be will to a eeitatnty tell whiU die Blatter nu^ be. UoosoltatisBi -:o:- CiiBeE)^coiisiaiiiEiiT! i -OF- No. 1. Salmon Trout. No. 1. White Fish and No. 1. Fresh "Water (Herring -at- Belfast House THIS WEEK. Get prices before pur- chasing elsewhere. Fine stock fresh GROCERIES to choose from, best eelected sotk of Crockery Glassware i" town. Our Provision department is well stocked with Flour Feed of all kinds. Special inducements made te those buying in large quantities. Large stock of WINES, LIQUDRS, ALES, CIGARS. Come in, come up, come over and see us, the rushjstill^continues and will continue, everybody is buying their goods at Benson's because they are the cheapest, and keep the cleanest and best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. All goods Iresh. Yours truly, R. H. BENSON CO. E. H.Benson. W.J.Benson. "GOLDSMITHS HALL" SPEX SIGN. I did not begin price cutting, but tne knife goes in now. Beautiful engraved filled cases, American movements, fully warranted $16.00, graded higher to $35.00. If Jewellers go oelow "sugar profit" 25 o/o (per cent.) on Watches we are cut off from getting them, so prices quoted here are rock bottom. Fine Silver Watches, American grades, $10.00, $11.03 813.00 to $|4.00, key and stem, .2 to 4 years warrants, Weight Clocks, 2 years warrant, $3.00, Spring from $1.60 to $10.00. in Nickel and Wahmt cases, 1 to 3 years warrants, Look here a 3 "z. nickel cased watcn "Kot Waterbury s," for $3.50, warranted. Gilt and Rolled Gold Brooches. 15 cents to $3.00. Boiled Gold Chains $2.75 to $7.00. Above prices honorably and firmly ad- hered to. It will pay to call and get my prices for worK in all lines of clock and watch repairing. 7 years nere this month, and have been so steadily supported by the best class of customers, that it compells me to say once more "many thanks." I sha!i continue to do right by all patrons both in goods and priests. A contmoance of your favorable assistance again solicited, "Cash or Ciedit" will meet yon square and fair, with a good article at a low price. or .ajfi.'.r i-jf. JAift fcU?^ • ;- .4tt'i^v,-.A.i4',i? 111 •»' .â- !*-â- !! 4 .jm^„^m^u^i^iaMStM t^atuum li^^HfliiMiiiiiiH

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