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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Feb 1890, p. 5

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 Txr- imimi xteusion Tables u4ist:ind8 Sprin?! ttief s oi all kinifc-J that is kept mj Call iindgetquo-r Eobes, LiDingSr| 11 (luscnptions'il ^R OTTAWA LETTER include a scheme for a redi..ibahon ' !! !f.'^l^J" }^' Northwest Assembly ,*" ,ealui^ wiui Luau ..0 u,« urst re i,.unng the debate the Order Paper few u^ber mat ers has grown to large dimeosious and %,r,^.,euvoutA^.t^^ers of there are m,w about seventj five lerpetrated by ilje Chang- different matters ou • " of Hideiiu Hall, the are Mr. liOW of the it. Among these tSiown's notorious bird bill, TBS aouEv A TEMPTING DISPLAY OP THE MINEBAI. AND AGRICULTUBAI, PRODUCTS THE NOKTHWESr. OF Governor the three reciprocity iu wrecking bill ' iuliy roalized hv h^pA f.^^ ;^;„, .t. "» uuib, pjiliHuieiit B.u(l steps are being _tak by fixed for joint discussion, the adjourn- jeu ed debate on the motion to reiipll iho to It. The Public Franchise Act. Taylors LLTLab" of Mr. and \cc..uuts took the testimony Hiicluso" tlid outside manager and j bills. Casgram s Lk o( works of government house. Parliament bill, ' of- liis facts were interesting, j service. Healcii Bill, Cook's civil service and"r^rwry bills, r^oo™«„:., T â-  J lice, Com Noith- Independence of the Atlantic mail 5q,u,. or m- â- "-â- :;â- â- --- --"""â€"o- 1" xiCHiUi Dept. resolution, vor esamplH he told us that it requir- several fiscal motions, Daviu's motion j 2i iieatiiig apparatuses to keep lor a select comtee. to enquire into Ruleiw Hull, with Its 265 rooms and j the couduct of Mr. Herchmer corriJ"^!-^' "^^'"' and even then the i missiouer of Mounted Poli clue W'Jod of the iiitnat-is was often j west half-breed claims chilled. There are about a dozen In addition to these there are 11a Licts. Then It takes 500 gas jets " li'lit ap the establishment. Only J'.^^ (rov t. measures and all the private ••no Mhe fact cauuo longer be cou P"/^; " ' ' ' each! â- 'â- "e-bmauce Minister will in a few ixll IS I aayp^ briug down liis Budget and «r billed that on the departure ot /;nvpn!or Geueral Kideau Ha.. ., chiD-i: that '"â- "" ""'â- ges when Kuotber week c'jurse cjjaiige The Dom. Fruit Growers have just held their annual convention here. Mr. McLaren the new Senator from Eastern Ontario bas not yet taken his seat. Orange Governor niuiKlirecUiiil"io«t every „ â- , ... eau be remove;!, the vroi erty of Can- '^^pf '^^^^^« ^^' be counted on. â- u!a. 'ilius upon the entry of a new "" -m --- victi-oy ili'i Y""' has to be refiiruidli- .d mill refitted and' altered and im- ,,rovi.J at the public expense. Of the retahiers do the pluuder- ._,lHI^^iixeclleucy is ignorant of It is iiit; system that must he d, Scarce a rag of linen fit fir u.'^u is fouiul there by a uew GoVer- aor Gcn'l. Then a retiuisitiou for luwe IS mrtcle ou the Dept. of Public Works. There are no table napkins ill the conutry goi'd enough for this iioudehohl and we had to pay §1000 t.r 400 uapkins fur Loi d • Stanley's use, all uiitde to order. Of the 400 uapiiins used by Lord Latisdovvn none ejr to havt^ remstiued. So with yet What with discussing the Bill, d'lal languages and Imperial Federation the senat irs are jilJt to grow dizzy with excitement. IS OUE CLIM.\TE CHANGING. The past two seasons have boeiiFo peculiar that thuu-saods are attacked with coughs, colds, lioarseUHss, inilueuza, asthma, brou- chifia, etc. To these -.verecojnmeaaHaf^yard's Pectoral Balsam as the safest, surest aud best remedy yet produced for the throat aud luiig troubles. C. P. li. car with its exposition of the pro.iucts of Mnuitoba aud the Northwest was besieged with crowds of interested agriculturists, and citi- zens at the G. T. R. depot yesterday. The interior of the car is'ta.«tefuliy decorated with the dift'erent kiuds o'f grains and g-asses, including wheat. bats, timothy, millet, peas, vetches and hops, etcli of which by their ex- cellence came in for unstinted approv- al. The exhibition of cereals is ex- ceptionally fine, the sample^ of wheat and oats being remarkably clear and clean aud well calculated to turn the a^'riculturists's eye with rapture to the land iu ihe Far West. A good showing of the mineral pro- ducts is arranged iu suitable cases and boxes, and includes several specimens of silver quartz of good comparative value, aud also samples of bituminous and anthracite coal from the Alberta mines. Potatoes are shown which would average iu most cases half a pound each, and some are sufficiently large to supply an entire family with a dinner. The left side of the car is devoted to the exhibition of the dififer- j ent garden Iruits of British Columbia, which are put up in glass jars. To many this is the most wonderful part of the exposition. Crawford peaches are shown as large as the average apple and Bartlett pears that rival tlie usual squash in point of size. The exhibit is complete in every detail, and numbers in its collection straw- berries, grape's, currants, plums and berries, each sufiicient in itself to ex- cite the curiosity and iuterest of the most uuconcerued observer. 12 in- appe farpct. Over 700 yarns were put Jowit fur Lord Stanley. Altogether we spoilt last yo:;r in repairing aud furu-sbiug. KuLau Hall $31,644! Tins imposition on Canadians by Eadisli servants has lasted too long. file great debate, the greatest per- haps siuce Confederation ended at ten o'clock Fn.iay ui^ht when an ameud- meut to the McCarthy bill was carried by M9 to 50. The bill of the member I ^^^^li siieeue"of his freshly painted Ior^orth Simcoe abohched iu-enc 1 as |. ' ..-"• an ofijciai iauguai^e m the Northwest, iemtunes, m the Legislature and in|-aetuallj has a mmd-was troubled the courts. The Crovernmenc amend- ' BEFOSX: AVD A7TSB. Editor Standard. A Markdale youth, just buddin_ to manhood, prepares for an evening party. His toilet is made, complete iu all its details, and as an objeci of vision he was real pretty. From the brist- ling tips of his pompadore hair to the boots he was a thing of beauty and a joy forever. But liis mindâ€" for he I TRUST AN OLD FKIEND. Old friends are best, and if ever bufferera had a friend Hagyaid's YeliowOilcan ju.stly claim the distinctioa. Pain never stays long where it is u^ed, â- while for croup it is a specific. Parents should keep it in the house as a safeguard a{»ainst accidents, frost bitet, chUblains. spraiu.s, bruises, burns, etc. ii.ent which was passed jeft it to the Legislature of the North west. after the next general election to say whether tiiey Would print their proceedings in vlie or two laiiguages. Tlia' were half a huu-.lred speeches iiuriiig tL'G ten days the debate lasted, Tae g:'.llfrit.-K were crv)W'deJ to excess aud the IIousi; absorbed in its atteu- :iou to this one subject. Sogreatwas tiie divisinu of opinion that each I'-irty LMiieil 'Tiiee caucuses to c:in- i.iitr what kiuJ of an amendment wnulil be mobt acceptable. The lliiusieri::lists were mtre successful ^^s-^ C^^J-,0,5-. A tuan tue Opn. m arnviug at an ap- liroximatioi! U) unity. The Govern- uiciit aud all the O^.po^ition leaders except Mr. Cha'lton united on ouc amciklmet yet there were no less than fifty Votes cast against it. Of these nmewere Conseivative English speak- ing meubors and thirty Liberal Euglish speaking members. Tile s!eeclifis all alluded to the feture of tijc country and dwelt tile clftnger .of a conflict of races and !iio pns'-ib'.lity of civil war. Sir Hector Langeviu talked of relying ou the as- ' â- istHuceof a million and a hal fotFreuch 'auadiansres^idingin the United States 3dJ Col. Aiuyot quoted a prediction iliat the firs; guu fur Canadian lude- Peudeuce would be fired bv a French Cauadiaa in Uie States. Mr. Bechard declared they wt)uid turn their eves to- wards the Stars and Slripas if deuiod Proteclicii under the flag of Britaiu,aud ^r. Charlton told him that the U. S. ^ould u;orc likely treat Quebec as another Utah until Quebec improved "er institutions. But most of the S'pwcbes^ called for peace aud harmony """ dtplorpd the race feeling aroused ^7 ilr. McCarthy's course. Mr. Mc- Carthy himself made a speech of "Wked ability and disavowed any in-' "«iition of interfering with the French 'Q their own Province but submitted As he stood before a large French glass mirror at his boarding place fondly, yea, lovingly viewing his pretty figure and faultless dress he gracefully raised iiis chri^tie stiff and with tenderest care caressingly touched his lovely hair, remarking to his friend a he dirt so, is it too cold to wear this hat Yes. said the frieud. But, if I do not, said the mild eyed youth, the cap will r"iu the artistico mechanico arrauge- I ruent of my loved pompadore, and as I 1 desire to appear and look inv very I sweetest to-night, Mr. hat I wi-l wear. j And he did. I The night was bitter c )ld and ere F°' " nhl. CONSUMpf'° It has perm.nnently cured thousands of cases proiioim-Bl by doctors liope- less. If you Juive premonitory sy^mp- toms, such as Ooiijili, Difficulty of BreaMiinfr, c., don't dolav, but use PISOS CURE FOR CONSUMPTION imined lately. By Druggists. 25 cents. iu view of the demand in the 'hat, 'wtUwest for the Bill, it should pass. w. tue other hand the view of tUe f^ajority leaned to the autouomy ^^•^^ as the prmc'iple of settleuieut. Mr. McCarthy declares that ho will "^H 111 hid bill again next session. aejator Mcluues of British 'ttmbia thinks the occasion a Kood kn? '" joke 80 he has iiitrodaced a '"to tue Senate making Gaelic an •^cial language in Canada. " 13 probable that in introducing ft jijlfs^ill h^ve to be done to giw /®ft to the Gpyerument amendmeu* â-  .{;^^_-u-nt •Ptlie McCarthy iU, the ^pift wJl %?9«S»"^. the wee sina hours it cohler grew. Our youthlet so superbly but thinly clad, "saUied forth hke a conquering hero ou his return trip and, like other common clay, wa3 hustled into the big sleigh with other members of-the party. The ruthless north-polar breeze whistled gloomily round the artistic curves of his '• chiisty stift" "' which had served so well to keep his *^" loved pompadore in statuquo. Sudden- ly an acute p.ain darts through the lower lobe of iiis left ear. Instantly the pam ceases. All is serine and he softly caresses the icy fingers of the gentle being by his side lieroicly for- getful of self. Yet, the pin Ic wart that adorns the dome of his aforesaid left, ear has, bj' easy stages, assumed that deathly white appearanise character istic beneath tho closed eye of a dead swine, and the palor spreads until tiny pellucid atoms gleam aud glisten across the broad expanse of that un washed ear like myriads of dazzling infinitesimal diamonds. Ye gods, the ear is frozen but the precision and perfect comliness of the pompadore is preserved. The next day a modern slugger would have been proud of that ear. However, it was saved from utter rum by frequent hyperdermic iufections of cream oil and tne notorious â- â€¢Â°'"-- failiug Bush's eye salve. Original and only reliable. Beware of poor imitatioDSi CLAND HOME STOCK FARM Pprrheron Horses. FiCBt-h Coarh Horses. Savage Farurnn, Impor- ters and Breeders of Per- cheron and French Coach Horses, I sland Home Stock Fano.Grosse Jsle, Wayne County Mich. We offer a very large stud of horses to select from, we piarantee oar stock, make prices rea- son.ibIe and sell on easy terms. Visitors always wel- come. Lar^e catalogua ce. Address Savage Tamunv OBIROITUICH. never Ceuji. SMttJonM MOTa«toK«atac*y. ATi,.KTA.Gft..F^.17â€" Bev.Sa.. Jones aunounces that he will so.n niove with his family t.. his farm ner.r Em?Dence. Ky. /^ ^^^ ^^^'f '^^^ for Ion? years ni^de bis h me at Ca teS. I'liH Htate. where ho has SSfnl suburban houie. He g.v noMMuD for the oliauge. und .the ai.- 5XiSJOT.*nt creftt« great, ^pn. a R. 1. STEPHEN. L^ id H i-h O OJ cr!- 50 GJ hj ••• p ^^^^" ^^^F 1 Tke Mm* gaeecMfU Kemedy ever dis- eoverad, as it is certain in its effocts and does not blister. Read proof below. O'-^cto^ CHA/iLES A, SNYDER, BRXKDBK or OLEVELMID MY AND TROmNQ BRED HONES. Eluwood, I1X.1 Nov. ao, 1888. Dr. B. j. Kendall Co. Dear Sirs: I have idways purchased yonr Ken- dall's Spavin Core by the half dozen bottles. I would Uke prices in larger quantity. I think it is one of the best liniments on earth. I-have used it in my stables for three years. Yours truly, Chas. A. Snydek. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Brooklyn, N. Y., November 3, 1888. Dr. B. j. Kcndall Co. Dear Sirs I d esire to give yon testimonial of my good opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have used it for Iiaineiiess, Stiff Joints and Spavins. and I have found it a sure cure. I cordially recom- mend it to all horsemen. Yours truly. A. H. Gilbert, Manager Troy Laimdry Stables, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Sant, Winton County, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1888. Dr. B. j. Kendall Co. Gents. I feel it my duty to say what I have done with your KehdaU's Spavin Cure; I have cured twenty-five horses that had Spavlna, ten of ftUiK Bone, nine afflicted with Bis Head and seven of Bis Heft, Since I have had one of your books and followed the directions, I have never lost a case of any kind. Yours truly, Andrew Turner, Horse Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. AH Drug- gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprie- tors. Dr. B. j. Kendall Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HARRIS' RURAL ANNUAL. 1890.; 72 PAGES. 240 ILLUSTRATIONS Contnining: Artirlos of Interest- and Tnlne to all Cii-owei-s of Farm Garden fJi'ops, Frnitti, Flo%vers, etc. We waiit rae leader of every family where the Standard is laicen to have a copy of the KUEAL ANNUAL for 1890. It, will be sent fkee. If you want the best of Seed.s, Plants, Eosee, c., we hrpe to Rjet fin order from you. Address JOSEPH HAERIS ?EED CO.. Moretoii Faim. Momoe Co., N.Y. 'â- â- i â-  y 5 i ^^hr^-Cr-^r^--'^, -ii=M-r*" ' â- -" "' **=*â- *" io.:;!li'.y,tl.. wry. â- ^"^t^'f i ^â- â€¢"â- - S'-^Mii'.-nr.t-hii!c Tr.nd iii 'iL-* f-'i" V.'-rI(i.^\iTii ;, tlic att.^(â- !Jnu•mâ- i. ^vJ^;'*-' ^* • «iL" .-tlbo K-.;.(i:"i-f« -.icoroyh-:- Â¥cC.-.i^\""' 'â- " "^*" *-'"".^" 3-"l ^â- 'liii.ili" art |!,i II rjil (.•--. Ill r.:t:iri wecsk llmi yr.a l.ovv- whnr v.. sfi 1, to those \Vlm ni:iv- cnll-nt j.-im- i.omc.and aficr 14 iiiiniiili.-; aii sli:i;i lM(-t:ni»' ymir owa jpri]K;rty. T iii ' sriiind marliiiie is ' â- .\\.-r th- Siiitrcr paten**, h i.j.f run 'iii: lirfcrc putfni;* 1 iiiM ii it.Ui i.iijK!f;t., vtiih Cia- Ji-lilicnt' fitil I'lOW Sills ii*c- 'J*?.*»0. !!â-  -I. ji:nn't-'-sT, must d«" 'ft'l nia- hin** in ili-- ivorld. .AH is -- i^c. No cni-ital renuii'-.l. fUin,, brief instracttons fpvcn. Ti".)?e who write i03ci tnce canâ€" euro A*ee the bept Mwinp-machinp in the U' rid. ami mo ftneWlineofwor'.tsofhi^h Brtevev shov/n tnir'-iii.-nr A:ii«nn. VJftlJK «fe CO., liox '7-k0, JLu;;ift.i«,u. jkl^iuae* WILL. STODDABT, T MILO R. Who has j list letiiKued fi-oiu Tcpronto after taking out his diplcuia i'cr cm- ting ill -the Xoijouto fiithn.t; cchuo]. had Miss Fi;s who had In eu in ]\i eijQpli'V lir soius time i a^^t iirnhtvd, and bioHfrbt up before IJoiior Ciiiff JiL'tiee ISeat Fit, chnrKevI widi I'obl iiitr him j'i'd iinui yiii^ l.i^ custom- ers, she was found yniliy ami. Fentenc- ed t'l fjo down for filty vears. The public ill peneial and luy custoners in purticuhu- are invited to eon e and lea-ve tiieir measure v it]j me f r tlieir clothmp and need f»'ar no ir ore trouble tr annoyance from li's. 'W. STODDA.KT, TAILOE. Over WuFarland's store. WIND MILLS Ht vTii; par' based the,., J. 'A'fI; lo unlit U)ir* to t!^ liuWic Ini.i jjr«-!'Hri J to fill oriiers 'ot a ' Iniifs o" i-iii'i • Jg^rcK^tiinfs,C ItaflUSfiate. VTInd^'irlB; Wiij-r Hocontii.uo to mat nfaet'irf! ind Sft^^ditbr forjmwer or Iiuiuitii j urp- »eB. '.-M.-'iAtJ-g ii ractiul meeuanu;. I f el oetrfi(*Fut vi tii tiingoi.t voik- tb»t eanvotTail tn pyf- ratji^art.' n. lici airiuK Aome. All ytoHc.gaKiisxUxJil. ifirr.-. lim tk. w"I r-ri*e iieirtioclai a^l iicicit. h CWlfl|«r»-W.i». ^- ' jI.-IBVT ABTLKT, m-^i' ,,; 1 t I ' i .a- ^^^jjiatillim mam

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