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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Feb 1890, p. 4

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 y" .| Â¥. i -â-  iik'j lii O. W. Eutledge, Proprietor, MARKDALE, FEB. 27, 1890. NUTE AND COMMENT. â€" Chicago is to have the World's fair. ' ' â€"The net profits of the Paris ex- position were $1,800,000. Dr. Montague, coDservative, was elected for Haldimand by a majority -of 246. â€" Mr. John S. Eraser, father of Hon. C. F. Eraser, commissioner of pablic works for Ontario, died on Monday at his residence in Brock- ville, aged 86. â€" report comes from Washington that the new Tarifif Bill will shut the Canadian truck farmer and potato- grower from the American market and put a duty on the produce of the Can- radian hen. around Beaverdale are solilouqnisin^; alas, what it might have been. The Presbyterian concert at the house of Mr. Wm. Dickey, 9th liue, was a grand success. The Cpnservatiye Convention will be held at Bocklyn Town Hall on Saturday, March 8th, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Local House. Quite a number of candidates are spoken of, as follows Major Korke, M. P. P. Thos. Gilray, Esq.; Thos. Kells, Esq. W. H. DdJ son, postmajter, Bocklyn D. K. Ellis W. J. McFarland, Esq. Editor Rutledge, Markdale; C. B Sing J. E. Bichards Neil McCole man, ex-M. P. P. Great Scott I nemertoB. Barkaway. filandArd Correspondence. Times brisk since snow arrived. W. G. Pickell paid us a flying visit last week. Our school teacher spent ^last Sun- oday at her parents home. Mr. Morgan, of Shoal Lake, Mani- toba, and Miss Janet Murdoch were ^united in matrimony last week. Con- jgtatulations. Gbeat Exciteheni. â€" Last Thurs- day morning Mr. C. was awakened by snuffiling noise at his door and on examination found a fierce grizzly ^ear confrosting him. After a hard iussel for championship brum was forced to retreat and is now supposed to be in the swamp west of W. Neely's farm. B. S. McLaughlin is said to have seen him there. MoBE Anon. Statidard Correspondence. Miss Breckenridge, of Owen Sound, who was for several years a resident here, is greeted with many welcomes by her old friends here. She is this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ander- son. M. Richardson. Esq., preached in the Methodist church Sabbath morn- ing last, and Bev. Geo. Buggiu, of Markdale, in the evening, owing lo the absence of Bev. Mr. Shilton who was called suddenly to Toronto to see his brother who is very low with Pneu- monia, a relapse of la grippe. Jos. Blackburn, Esq., is able again to move out alter being three weeks in the shade with a severe attack of the "grip." MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. TROWSERINGS mall the leading grades, SHIRTS. SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, c.. c. Special attention is invited to the fflaiiufacture ot Buttons; parties wishing buttons of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentlemen, can have them made m a tew minutes while waiting. AGENT FOR PARKER'S DYE ^WORKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careful atteoSion. Good work and r eat fits. ' MANLEYg Received this 10.000 Pine quoiiU Square Envelopes^ I 12 rOZ. 8c. SLATES. Maxwell. titandard Correspondence. J. S. Hodson has sdd his farm, lot 17, con. 10, township '.of Osprey, 100 acres,- to Thomas Julien for the sum of $2,800. Mr. Hudson will moye to Michigan in March. John Garrison has sold his farm in Egremont and purchased lots 5 and G in the 8rd con. north of the Durham Road, Osprey, 100 acres, for the sum of ^1,500. Angus Morrison cat his foot badly with an axe while helping Robert Morrison to get out barn timber. The people at Mclntyre have pe- titioned the Postmaster General to cut ofif the mail route between Maxwell and Duntroon and to establish a daily mail between Mclntyre and Duntroon. We hope the petition will not be granted; at least that part of it regard- ing the Maxwell mail. Pat. UocKiyn. Standard Correspondence. The late snow has made good sleigh- ing at the Capital and the larmers are busy teaming. Large quantities of sawlogs are be- ing taken in at Wiley Bros, saw-mill on the 7th line. Mr. Wm. Martin, of Beaverdale, is also booming things at his saw-mill, and we hope to hear of his joining the holy bonds of matri- mony. Mr. John Manary is building a large frame barn this spring. Mr. John McConuell is taking out timber for his straw house, 100 x 40 feet. When completed he will have one of the finest out-building.s in Eu- phrasia. Mr. James Greer is making prepar- ations for the raising of his barn, under which he intends putting a stoue fonodatiou. Councillor McKnight is building a large frame honse opposite tlie one he now lives in, Mr. Ezra Cook is building an addi- tion td his barn. Mr. James Morwood is recovering from la grippe. Mrs. Robert Gilray is slowly recov- ering firom her lata illDess. Treasurer McConuell's wife is ilL lih^. Widow Longheed is atiH in a ciitisAt conditiou and no hope of her recov^ary'ia entertained. The above 1-6 all under thedoeton^' care tni.jowe eorreapondent w^JMM tJim a »peedy fecowry. â-  Mr. BiUcbael FoyABd liiwB.OmM- Business Change. â€" Rumors have been afloat for some weeks that our esteemed jeweller was about selling out his business here to again return to his native cit^. Hamilton. On Fri- day last he closed negotiations with the Armstrong P'loa. who will succeed him in that line here. Our citizens regret very much losing Mr. Russell who has been a good citizen always took an interest and active part in whatever pertained to the best interest ot the village: possessed with rare vocal talents, he was always ready to help in that line whenever called up- on our Glee Club, which has gained much popularity and has rendered grand service to the village, was under his efficient management the Presby- terian church choir will have lost an untiring and successful leader. Mr. Russell has taken a vary active part in temperance wbrk. He is one of the most energetic workers in the lodge of R. T. of T. here. He will be much missed there. Shbden Death. â€" On Wednesday last Mrs. Bulmer, photographer, of 'this yiUage, received by telegram the sad intelligence of the death of her eldest son, James, who has been out West for some time. Mr. Bulmer had been iJl for some weeks with la grippe, upon his recovery the day appointed for his marriage had arrived. He was married on the evening of the 18th and the young couple retired about 11 p. m., upon entering their room his wife noticed him gasp and fall over. A doctor was at once summoned but pronounced the young husband dead, caused by heart affection. The citizens of this village extend io Mrs. Bulmer, the mourning mother, and family their tenderest sympathy, and also to the young widow so soon bereft of her companion. Incendiabjsm. â€" On Tuesday night last a barn belonging to Mr. A. Holly Sr.,on the Meaford Road, was burned with its contents, a quantity of grain and implements. Suspicion rested upon Mr. Holly's son a warrant was issued and Mr. A. Holly, Jr., was ar- rested and tried before Magistrates Armstrong and Richardson. Although the evidence given was not strong, they thought sufficient to commit him and he was deliyered over to the Owen Sound authorities. AUCTION SALE OF- NOTICE. mm Fisan.i Parai^s indelited to tlio nii lersigred, either Iiy ni)fe or buok account, wil jJe^se call at Miiiilt.'v's (Irufi ^t^lre and trettlu the same with' «t delay a? I need the monev. Waltei Turnrr Rnd l)r, Ej^'o, my partner, are imthoiized to receive mc.ucy"fir me and give rtceipiB. 492 7 T. 9. SPROULE. M.». 1,000 Of the best 5c 300 page Scribblinc Books ever offered ii Markdale. For Sale or Rent. aari by virtue of the i^'ower of sale con taincd iuaoeriaia inoitsafjo mado by 'WilMam Stevens ':o Xb" tidoiS, iwiiicl: laovt-,',! ;o will bt: • produced at tinir of siLii ), thoru will be offered I for sale by imblic auitiou, on ' SATU£1A7, 2and OF UASCH, 1890, at 1:30 o'clook in the aftenjooii, at the ilarkdaao ' House in the Villag ' of Markdale, the following Lot 45, Sydenham stieet, Jlarkd-ile, CD- Itl"if^':«;.-'T/'«*/r;!?,"„'t*" f'.^"" "f^"""=P °' Haining J of an acre on it ifi a coniiortable Artemisia, m the County of Grov, beiu!; com- i ,i. tt oo -..i i i_ j j posed ot LiotNo. iOtixi the First lln^ti NirtU I .w^'J"n« house 22 X 32, With wootJsbed and East of the Toronto aud Sydeuhaiii lioiul, con- uistern also a two story ^op suitable for a "f which about thirtj -five pnmp factory and cai-).«uter sipp, beside which is a well which snpplies a 14-horpe powfir engine with watei-. The above will be- taining fifty aores acres arc cleared This property is well situated, being within the Corworation of the ViHage of Markdale, and on it are said to be a 'rams house, 20 x 24, and a fraino barn, 40 x 1, fitted with stables and granary. TBUildS â€" Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid to the Vendors' Solicitors on the dav of sale, and the balance within thirty days there- after, without interest or part of the ijurchase money may remain on mortgage, with iutr;rest at 7 per cent. The property will be sold suliject to a reserve bid. Further terms and particulars of sale made known on day of sale, or on appli- cation to the undersigned. Kerr, DCacclonald., Xtavldson Se Faterson, Vendors' Solicitors, Toronto. GEOEGE NOBLE, Auctioneer. 494-7 Sale or Lease by Tender Desirable Farm Property. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on MOI7DAT, 17tb BA7 OF MABCH, 1890, for the purchase of the north half of lot 8, cou. 4, township of Euphrasia, containing 100 acres more or less. The clearing consists of about 70 acres which is in a fair state of cultivation. There is on the premises a good frame house with stone cellar, a good frame barn with stable underneath, also a frame drive house and horse stabies also a good orcuard with about .50 thrifty apple trees with some pears and iilums. The property is one mile from the village of KJmlierley where there is a daily mail, two stores, two blacksmith shops, twoTemperanco I hotels, two churches, school, gi-ist-niill and saw- ' mill. If the above iroperty is not soid it will Ve I leased for the term of five years or longer for which tenders will be leceivod up to the lath day of March inst. llent to be paid iu advance or security furnished if needed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. This is a first- class farm for stock raising. WM. A. DAYMAN, Walter's Fallr, Out. Walter's Falls, Feb. 19, 189C. sold cheap. 491-4 Apply t.^ J.T. QUINN. 1 CifROSS FINE Pen Holders.1 HALF CROSS SCHOOL W. H. DRMWATER, FASKiOi^ABLE TAriOR, has started in business in the Hill Block. I am prepared to do all kinds of "work. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All people leaving their cloth to cut will he doue at a moderate cost. -IT I»Ars TOâ€" dion't forget that we sell the all-steel, everlast- Ing unbreakable combl and DUSTINESS BLACKBOAEDl ERASEnS. Hufrali for Xma AT THE- Markdale Furniture Warerdom. AWAY mm BELOW COSii VlBatdoleiir. bj were joined in ^etidck. ea Ifoo^y 'â-  ^4^w And Iniid of ike badbelon Last Thursday eyeniDg was perhaps the worst storm thus far this winter, add that is why tlie attendance at the entertainment at Kells' Orange Hall was not ap to the ayerage however a goodly nnmber were on hand and a very pleasant time was spent. After' a splendid tea, which was serred at Mr. Eells' residence, all repaired to the Hall when Mr. John Bolaud was called to the chair, Which position he filled in his pleasant and humoroas manner. The speakers were Messrs. B. Jmieson of Berkeley: G. L. Dodds of Meltta, Man. J. B. Bolattd of Winnipeg W. A. Brown, Markdale J. M. Davis and G. Wright of Vian-. deleiu and Thos. Eells. ludisa Qlab .frwiagix^ by Misfi Ford's olaas was well executed vbfle Buoeie was firaialk edhy Miss Ford Mas Suitb of Albioaand M«i«.,'^s. Eyerrthmg passed off i^eMiaitlj. ii. aoehl was f 4l«id o«t UcHutey emniiifi bUoviog TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received up to Tunrsday, Marcli 6th, for the erection of a Frame School House, on lot 16, cou. 9, township of Glenelg. Plans and Specifications can be seen nt the Secretary Treasurer's office. Sealed tenders to be adch-e-sed* to HM. MUKPUY, Sec, TrHVerstou, P. O. The lowest or any tender ui.t noocssarily accepted. AND THAT IS THE I sr mm Se ^I^J ^tX^^^^r^'^-^- of study. Th« w* "•'^coi^'f odation for students. Th« iT\ methods of instroction. studenKadnate^ "" *^** instruction afte, m^f'j*""'?,*' announcement givim? icirticiilara regarding the course of study, f^J^c^Sj^ C. A. FLEMINO, Prdjcipai.. Owen Sound Nov. 1st. f SS8. 19, 1889. Uarkdale aZarketc, Wednesday, Feb. FaU Wheat « 70 to » Spring Wheat 70 to Bftrley Ottts ... Pease.. Batter JEgga .. Hay ... fotatoes. Wool... B«sf Pork.... per bag '60 to 21 to 51 to Uto IB to 6 IN) to 40 to 20 to 4 (X) to A 5 00 to 5 82 62 40 •^i 52 I* la 00 50 22i OG 25. niontliljr Fatrs. Uia%ayille_TlieBeco;ud. Xmir»d»y » asoL Doadaik-Tuesaay T)ef o» ^Hu^B^V FIe«liei*mâ€" Monday bdon OrangeviBe. MMkdpl»-.S»turd«y before Onm^viife. "O^at^m-IMti Toesdsy ift eaol, wont*. Clute«Wtb--H(MMh(r baton Oorhs^ To Onr Salaeribers. The special annonncemeat which appeared m our columns some timo since, au^oune- iDg a Bpesiai arrangement with Db. B. J Ke3^dail Co.. of Enosburgh Fall.s,- Vt., pab- hshers of "A Treatise on the Horse and hk Biseasea." whereby^oor subscriliers were en- abled to obtain a copy of that valuable woA free by Bfending thefr address to KENDALL CO. (and enclosing a cent stamp for mading same) i ed for a Junited period. We trust avadthen.8elye.of the epiwtnnity of ob- taining this valuable work. To every lover of the horse it is indisDeusable. as it rn a simple manner an the diseases ^amiat this noble animal. Its hal* throughout the United ior tie Holiday se-ison. Plusb Parlor Salts, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, BedsBed«r Sideboards, Tables,, coramcii Exteusioii Tabifcj in great variety Wa.-listMDds Srt| Matfcrees W Jol Mattrefs of all ki" and iu fact every thin? that is kept i a first-class shoo. Call aDdgetqafrl tntioBs. Alao Fimerai Fnriiishinss'l CoffioB, Caskets, Eobes, hrm Gloyes, Crapes of all descriptwn*'^! ways in stock. Thanldng my d""*! oas customers for past favor-*. iug all a Merry Xinas and 'm New Year. Yours respectfully, J. W. Sprouie- Wist! B. J. tw^- reneir- all irOI treats whiqh jibeDomiaal r'«» J • States and Cansdii. make it standard authority. Men. Mwn thas p,j«r wha^ gonding ior "-Sntta^" jthiscouatryiJerpeti WILL CURE OR REUEVE '*f^-^7*y'i(.i sot ^â- ^"m •*'/«i .(iVER. WO^bT^ piC!S£ TIME TABt^ BtU0U8NE88, OYSPEPSIA, iMDtBBSnOM, JAONblCE, iHY8IPELA8, »4tT RHEUM, MiAgTBURN, HEADAGHE, 5*mI wwry apade* of i*(tU;» 1 Gt^pXB. $.q5 a. ni. i|.;?l»J?«B5^^, 1^.101.%;

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