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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Feb 1890, p. 1

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 "11 «â-  MmimutSmSf \4 '*y ;J' T ' „VA-V J.' " ' " " ' "" " ^^ 1 '•^vir^*^ttmmnji^*~9^it"^iviemmt g' ^j â- Â»â-  â-  â-  art â€"1 i W i ii L wtwaftw .- I c jk.i^u on J. 6. TrcifoM, next door to Manley's dmg Btate. Mkikdalfl. and iiMpeethia luge and weU MMCted stoekof Hardware. 8tove« and Tinware, Painta and Oils. Prompt aV tentionto reparing and eave- tran^iing. "HEW TO THIS LIME, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." TE^TH YEAB.-I^o. 494. MARKBAI^E, THURSDAY, FEBB.UABX 27, 1890. C. W. BUTUBDE, Proprietor. Local and Other Items. tn^xee Thousaiid Dol- lars worth, of SURPLUS GOODS To be cleared out during THE MONTH MARCH. Notices tit these cohivmsintended to benefit my tndividttal or Society will be charged ten cents (I line for the first imertion and five ««t« o line etuh mbi egvent intertion. NOTICE.â€" Correxpondenee, enrnmnniea- •fee by noon OR Tuetday to insure publication that week. it took flie wisest caeu in Canada a long time to decide the Dnal Language Question an^ some of ilieni shirked the vote, but it only took t i. McFARlAND a few minutes to decide on marking ^^^ all surplus goods in my store down to j^^ gtartling prices, such low fii,'ures, that the pubUo visit- ing me won't take a half a minute to decide that I am offering The cheapest place to buy Ready- made is at Mercer's. Fiefih Oysters by the bulk or plate, at W. J. Stephens. LadiiisI if you desire solid comfort iu Boots, go to M. E. Douglass. Fur Caps, Robes, Felt Boots, Shawls, c., selhng t cost at Mercer's. Mb. James R. Cunningham and wife are up from Toronto visiting friends. Paib lumber bob-sleighs for sale or exchange for wood. J. Artley, Markdale. A SPAN of good young horses for sale. Apply to Charles Johnston, Markdale. 892-tf. Cali. at Mercer's and get a caddy of his notorious 25c. Tea and you will use no other. Miss Raksay, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Irwin, for a few weeks. Evert lady should see Miss Douglass' splendid spring stock of Boots Shoes just opened. Thb Spring Assize Court will open in «33Rien Sound, on March 31st, before Mr. ' Justice !Rose. Stacks of new goods are being opened up every day at the noted cheap store, Rocklyn. McBeth's have decided to discontinue business in Markdale and are selling off GENUINE BARGAINS m • ' The following goods are on the re- duced list and d3omed to go whether the Dress Goods, Dress Patterns, Dress Trimniiiigs, Kid Gloves, ^d Mitts, Jersey Gloves, Ladies' Short Mantles, suitable for ^pring wear, § 1 .75 to cl ear; Children's Mantles at less than cost of making Pelt Boots, Overshoes, c., come *nd see. Purs at prices which, if we did hap- P«a to haye very lit^e winter, will yoa think of the probabilities make next year. Woollen Squares, Wraps, Hoodfl, ^â-  at Bankrupt prices. I j°^ ^ine of Boys' Suits, Overcoats li^d Boots very cheap. It is alvrays l^season to suit and boot most of toys. Men's Overeoats, owing to a redao- "J» I made in price earlier in the are nearly all cleared tmt. *Te is still a few choice ones left of 5^n sizes. If I can fit ycnr shape "ave DO fear of fitting your pOoket. jjSnits, Suits, Suits. What snits? *) goods and prices saits the ^«' Dr. Sproulk arrived home on Satur- day night on business and returned on Monday evening to Ottawa. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are gold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. DoK'T forget the bargains which are to be had at McBeth's tinware, cutlery and Hardware, Markdale. 2,500 lbs. of deUcioBS sweet Japan Tea arrived at J. E. Richard's, Rocklyn last week and inore on the way. Mrs. James Edge and Miss Edge, of Edge Hill, Glenelg, returned last week from a visit to the Northwest. Wbddino parties make a B line for Hamilton's photo galleryâ€" just as others do when wanting a good picture. Mrs. Rooke, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter here who has been serious- ly indisposed during the past week. Any one wanting fresh Groceries, Flour Feed of any kind will save money by calling oa W. J. Stephens. Ma. Hekby Baix, formerly editra the Creemore Advertiser, died at his home in Creemore om the 17th mst. aged 56 years. W. J. STBPHEira buys for spot cash and seUs fresh Groceries cheaper than any other man m the town, so the people say. Parties from the country are invited to visit MoNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehictes. Boots Shoes, cheapest and best in the county. at J. E. Richard's; »7,000 in Boots* Shoes alone sold smce wie came to ±he XJapital. SWCB paper aad envelopes have be- -1 ^„A Ow. limit wmcnt or Th, W.J. came so cheap and the Umit w«ght a lettw raised to 1 02. there is naexcuse for using poor material for wntmg. A tA«OK stock of Ladies' Misses and Children's Boots in prices and styl^ suit the times. C.U and see our sto«?k before purchasing. M. E. Douglass. A fMal »» expbskm Owen Sound on _^ ^^ ^^ occurred in Saturday last hi the We are informed that Mr. John Wallace, who is down from Gold Stream. Man., on a visit, was married vesterday (Wednesday) to Miss Gawley of Holland. Mr. AND Mrs. R. W. Ennis and Mr. and Mrs. F. Jameson have been visiting friends in Chesley, Desboro and Tara the past few lays, returning on Tuesday 4ast. Oscar Wright arrived from Detroit on Friday night, returning on Saturday. He has entered into partnership and gone into the manufacture of umbrellas lU Detroit. W. J. McFarlakd is a success at any- thing he undertakes but is determined to lead in the mercantile line. Read his adv. in this paper and then call and see for yourself. The C. p. R. is stocking their Owen Sound ice house, for train and boat purposes, from ^.Collins' lake, south of Flesherton Station. The ice from there is a prime quality. Servant girls wanted, 2 good girls to work in farm houses, on adjoining farms, good wages and good homes, 2 miles from Edmonton Station, C. P. R. Address, J, C. Snell, Eemonton, Ont. MsAFoRr council has granted $270 to help to defrav the expeucesof obtaining a railway charter for the proposed line from Mt. Forest and Markdale to that town. Markdale has a right to do her share. Fellow citizens and ratepayers of the surrounding country are cordially invit- ed to call at Mathers' carriage establish- ment, opposite the Revere Hotel, and examine the splendid display of winter vehicles. Notice. â€" Parties indebted to the undersigned, either by note or book account, will please call and settle the same before the 10th March as I am in need of the money. I mean what I say. J. W, Sproule, Undertaker. The Oddfellows of Walter's Falls have an enviable reputation for giying a good concert, and their coming one, on Tuesday evenirig next, promises to eclipse all former ones. They are sure to have a crowded house if roads and weather should favor. Oy Saturday, March 8th, at 1 o'clock, the undersigned will sell by pubhc auction at the City Hotel, Markdale, for Mat. Walsh, his farm stock, implements, c. Mr. Walsh ha^ leased his farm and is moving away so there will be no re- serve. Usual credit terms. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. The Hawkers and Pedlars by-law passed last year in this county is bear- ing fruit. Last week two cases were brought before Squire Brown and the Reeve of this villaee resulting in a fine of S35 and costs and $25 and costs re- spectively, both of which have been paid, so we are informed. A convention of the Liberal Conserva- tive Electors of Centre Grey will be held at Rocklyn on Saturday, the 8th day of March, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of selecting a Standard bearer to contest the Riding in the interests of the Liberal Conservative party at the coming election for the Legislature of Ontario. Feb. 22nd, 1890. Thomas Kells, Pres.; Wm. McLoughry, Rec- Secretary. We were not a little surprised, while ferreting out news one day this week, to find a chair factory in full blast iu our village. The superior class of goods in course of construction was also gratifying. One piece of furniture es- pecially drew our atttmtipn, yiz a large easy chau. It had some thirty brass springs, in seat, back and arm reets, and when completed will be a much better artide than #26 wonld pini^iase in Toronto. The ^opriotor wishsao names published just, y^. BEMABKAbLB CUBE OF AN ULGEB. 3GRS.â€" TwoyeawsioIluMl M.nteer on buadiigo«««»Oiiea SQund^ 0,m- ^^ l iT5li;»*. to- man The Social at Mr. Wm. Dickey's, 11th line Euphrasia, on Tuesday evening, was a decided success, and, to use a common phrase, 'the whole oonn^ was there," Markdale, Rocklyn, 11th and 9tfa lines being well represented. A good social time was spent, and all tiie boys are loud in their praises of the hospitality of tiie 11th linen. Proceeds •16.00. Ma. James R. Boland, brother of John Boland, deputy- reeve of Artemesia, and Thos. Boland of Markdale, is now in this district visiting his old home and many friends. He left this part twenty years ago for Manitoba, and during his absence of that period many changes have taken place in both the place and people. Mr. B. has been very success- ful in the prairie province and owns valuable property in Winnipeg, where he lives. FostptaMd. Mr. A. Beattie's auction sale is post- poned till March Srd at 1 o'clock p. m. In addition to stock advertised there will be a number of milch cows offered for sale. T. Sttmimtm, First-clasa Lorse-shper and good general blacksmith. All kinds repairing neatly done and promptly attended to. Call and see us anyway. Shop opposite Markdale Honse, in McNaily's Carriage bnildinfr; Spriaff 8howa. Central, at Walter's Falls, Tuesday, April 22ud; St. Vincent, Meaford, Wednesday, April28; Sydenham, Wood- ford, Thursday, April 24 Euphrasia, Rocklyn, Friday, April 26. HoUoe. All parties indebted to the undersign- ed by book account past due are request- ed to call and settle the same by March 20th or the same will be placed in court for collection. J. Lund, Berkeley. Cheer "Up. The splendid sleighing of the past week had a wonderfully reviving effect on trade if we may judge from the drive on the roads. Saw-mills are now fairly well stocked wood, ties, timber and sawlogs have been moving in great quantities, and we may reasonably look for a material relief from the preyaiUng depression. Daaeiatr Kliiisters. Sir Julian Panncefote, the British ambassador at Washington, is learning to waltz. His predecessor, Sackville West, considered himself a cuckoo at "treading a measure," but on one memorable occasion he made a mis- step and was waltzed out of the United States for want of the prescribed Rejuyenator Bitters to tone up his system. Sold by Smith, the barber. fltraok on the Bead. Snowballing has been a popular past- time lately. One night last week as a pedestrain went down Main street and when passiug an alley a shower ef balls came whizzing after him simultaneously Which at first startled him but on second thought he gaye chase when suddenly a half dozen or more youttft thought of something to be desired across the rear fence and when scrambel- ing over were made painfully conscious that they possessed a latter end. The boys don't hke the mention of black- thorn since. Oonoert. Cascade Lodge, C. O. O. F., No. 83, Walter's Fails, is going to hold its annual concert in the new Hall on Tuesday next, March 4th, at which the following talent will take part, yiz J. R. Ander- son, the well-known and popular Scott- ish ginger Robert Norman, an English comic Flesherton QAee Club, and also Messrs. Carey, McWhirter, Murray and MeQuakex, with violins, vqA Geo. Clark, witii the bones. Others wiU also con- tribute in Readings. Recitatidos, c., c. Jas. Cfeland, Esq., rf Mealord, will oo- eapy the duuri oor8 open at 7 o*olodt. Adraistdoxi: S6.^ts. ^H^ £^!K BECOBO. -:o: I^^I^ONSJiNl^ -OF- No. 1. Salmon Trout. No. 1. "White Fish and No. 1. Fresh Water (Herring ^at Belfast House THIS W3BBK.. Get price 3 before pur- chasing elsewhere. Fine stock fresh GROCERIES to choose from, best e elected sotck of Crockery Glassware ^^ town. Our Provision department is 'well stocked with Flour Feed ol all kinds. Special inducements made te those buying in large quantities. Large stock of WINES, LIQUORS, ALES, CIGARS. (yome in, come up, come over and see us, the rush'still^continues and will continue, everybody is buying their goods at Benson's because they are the cheapest, and keep the cleanest and best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. All goods tresh. Yours truly, R.H. BENSON CO. B. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. "GOLDSMITHS HALL" SPEX SIGN. W^4u£Dg three bottlil ^^ui )!.; I did not begin price^ catting, but tne knife goes in now. IBeautifnl engraved filled cases, American movements, fnlly Trarramed $16.00, graded higher to $35.00. If Jewellers go below "sugar profit" 25 o/o (per cent.) on Watches we are cat off from getting them, so prices quoted here are rock bottom. Fine Silver Watches, American grades, $10.00, $11.09 $13.00 to $24.00, key and stem, 2 to 4 years warrants. Weight Clocks, 2 years warrant, $3.00, Spring from $1.50 to $10.00, in Nickel and Walirat cases, 1 to 3 years warrants. Look here a 3 ox. nickel cosed waton "Xot Waterbary s," for $8.S0, warranted, Gilt and Boiled Oold Brboches. 15 cents to$3/)0. Boiled Gold Chains $2.75 to $7.00. Above prices hoaorably and firmly ad- hered to. It will pay to call and get my prices for worK in all lines of dock and watch regmiiing. 7 years nere this month,^ and have been so steadily supported by the best da^s of eostpm^rs, it compells mc to say once more "majaj thanks.' I shaill eontiso^to 4o right by all patcons both ui jgooAiaad urioee. A cfntmaaiiee of yonr JEav»able asd^infle i^m soiicfteci, ,*'Gtu4i athe^" ^fet you, ^i|a^ ffiir, \rifctfo^; sw iis«fcto;fiea;.x. i .; 3»i!5?.--; •.'â- Â«e 8if«f Iv 1 •â- ^â-  3'|; J "f â- ^â€" -â-  .â€" -t â€" -â- â€¢Â«

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