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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Feb 1890, p. 8

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 ^Jl^pfplpi" I Office a£ Haidey's Drag Store, when aHoTlit day orvight will be promptlj Attended to. r. S. SPROULE, M. D. A. £80. M. D., «c. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Offfice at Stephen's Drug Store, lAte of the Ijondom Hospital. BagUnd. I*. ,M:cCniioTierii, BARRISTEJl, SOLIOITOR, c OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥ER MeFARLAMD'S STORE, MARKDALB. Mloney to E^oan. "l. B. L-UOKS. eSARBISTER, S01.ICITVR, c, of the firm of Bishop fe Liic«s, Owen Sound, at office of °»rm. UJJCJKS. ai, Co.. Every Friday. Wm. Iiiicaa in charge of office during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. WM. BBOWS. DIVISICN COUBT CLEBK. lasaer of Marriage Licenaes, Ac. Commissioner} in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- eurity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEBLEY, Issue* of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few Jrarms for sile. Terms easy. j. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GBADUATE OP TOBONTO SCHOOIi of Dentistry, will be attheMarkdale House, Murkdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also f t Munshaw's Hotel,Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th Seotember. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. Wm for sale. JSl?^J1^.- iThelarkdate Staodinl Ib isaoed evny Urania^, by C.W. RUTLEOSE. Mai*do.a. Out. Tbbms^â€" ?1 per year in advance; 11.60 if not paid within six months. Professional and business owdtoneinoh space and under, per year, 14. 1 TB. 8 KO 8 KO, Whole column |50 00 fS7 50 |16 00 Half column 27 00 16 00 10 00 Quarter column .. .. 16 00 10 00 6 OC Twoinchspaee 7 00 4 00 Threeinch space .... 10 00 6 00 Casual advertisementB 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per liite each Boboeqaent insertion, noniiareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col* umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 6 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals (fee, advertised 3 we^cs for 91 No paper discontinued until aU arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. X .» TO THE JOB PBENTIKa. Thx Stabsaxd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. All orders filled with dispatch. PBE8BYTEBIAN CHUBCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Bev. L. G. Ernes, Pastor; A. McFarland, S. S. Superintendent. CHBIST CHUBCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Bev. Mr. (rraham, Lienmbent. Sabbath School 2:30 B. Coleman, Superin- tendent. METHODIST CHTJBCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Bev. "(Jeo. Bnggin Pastor; B. W. EnniS' S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con nection Mrs. T Hill. Secretary. Strangers and visitors always welcome. Parties desiring sittings will apply to 0. W- Butledge, Pew Steward. OF il«$t-(9ffic« ^ired^rtf* MARKDALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tr. Pomona P. MARKDALE HODSi; MABKDALE. » ONT. J. £ Marsh, Pro^' The P O. will be opened from 3 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz G. P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm " " South, 3:30 p m, and T p m TKAVEBSTON and LAURISTON. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 12;30 noon 1 J. HARKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. EBSKINE. Wednesday and Saturday 2 p. m For registered letters and money orders fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P O. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:8. a. m., and half an hour after mails arrive. W. J. McFabioiid p. M. R. J. SPROULE FLESHERTON. Conveyaucer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Ijender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn uii audValuations madeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPliOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. ^6 PiiE GENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at iov.est rates of interest. Apply to K. J. SPEOULE, Coaveyaneev Postmaster. Flesherton. W. C. RICHARDS BUILDEK. CONTBACTOB, ABCHI- TEUT, Markdale. ^ktttttvm* 7IHE KEY TO HEALTH. UnlocVs all the elogged ayeawBoffihr fiowals, Kidneyg km. Ucmg. onyam off gradually without weakenmg the tjiteBL all the imparities and foul hnmon of the jbecretions at the same time OtRMfcillC Addity of tlie StomadLcai^Bu- onsnesB, S^ipewia. Hwtdaelm. Dia ziness, Heartboni. OoawUpKlioii. rryness of fhe SUn, Dnmir, Binf Bess of Vision. Janndioe. MtMnwwn, 7^1a8, 8crtfkila, nuttarinc of uie Heart, NexroasneaB and GeneriK Iebilit7 ;, all these and many other sir u lar Complaints yield to the hasmr ialtieBiBs •f BUSiMKJE: BLOOD KREIUl fiuapie ^/i\im 10e;Bafi«larriM'$]. ?cr nk hf all 4h^r» in Toor wni» •( o* H»' I. Tbcn«a*^tai.a» â- rmjW DM inuch. -«• «â- â€¢ .^f^s^^S^M^M MABKDALE TILI.AOB OFIICULB. Eeeve, W. J. McFarland Councilâ€" Wm. Brown, Jno. Lyons, Geo. Haskett and Ani(U8 Plewes. B. C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L. Young, Treasurer; Fied. Sarjeant, Pound-keeper Bobt. Askin, police constable. Public School Trustees Wm. Lucas, J. Lyons, Edward Rutledge, H. D. Irwin, J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, See. COUNTY OinOlALS. Jj l^e, S. J. L/ine, Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Cierk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sonnd. Clerk, John Bntherford, Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sonnd. County Warden, Chas MofFat, Edge Hill. Begistrar, N., B. McKnight, Owen Sound. ' S., Tbos. Lauder, Durham. Bevifiing Barrister, North, Judge Lane, Owen Sound. Bevising Barrister, South (b East, Jndge Lune, Owen Sound. M. P., North, Jas. Masson, Owen Sound. M, P., East. T. S. Spronle, M.D., Markdale M. P., South, aei« Lauderkin.M.D,, Han- over. M. P. P.. North, D. Creighton, Toronto. M. P. P., East, Capt. Borke, CUrksbnrg M. P. P., South, J.Blyth, Orehard. DIVISION COUBT 0I.BKK8 No. 1. Ben Allen, Owen Sonnd. ' 2. David Jackson, Durham.; •• 3. Thos. ftnnkett. Meaford. " A. TLos. J. Borke, Heathcote. " o. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. " 6. John McDonald. Cbatswortb. •* 7. Duncan Campbell. ' 8. Wm. Brown. Markdale "We wish to gently re- mind yon each and all that we are fully pre- pared to snpply your wants in our line pro- mptly, and at very moderate prices. 10,C)00 enveiopes just opened bought at am- azingly low prices, and will be sold accord- ingly. A large stock of Letter paper in Linen, and other fine grades, letter size, note size, ruled and- unruled; will be printed neately and cheaply.Everybusiness man should have his letter heads printed How neat and business like they are. l%eooaaeil met Feb. IO£b porsoaot to adjoMDQient. Air Qie meoibers present. .,Tue jeeve.. in the chah-, miiMites of last meeting read and con- firmed. Communications read as follows :â€" J^rom tbe Cierk of Holland, on aoeonnt for repairs nf a bridsre from Bobort Boriill, on account of remov- ing obstructious ojff railway from tUe oommittee on Treasorer'n sureties their report from B. H. Townsend, and C, W. Butledge. tenders for print- ing from Wm. Hall, asking fur tLe formation of a new road division at Traverston from John J. Alien, begging not to be »ppainted Palh- m^ister Irom tbe auditors, their re- port of the Eeceiptsaud Expeuditures, with a special report as mstructeii by resolution of cuuucil. Bnssel inade personal application to the council for assistance to enable him to be ad- mitted to the Toronto General Hospital to be treated for a sore leg. Staplesâ€" Davis â€" Tliat the Reeve make all necessary enquires in regard to the admission uf tbe boy Enssel to the G-eneral Hospital, Toronto, and report to this council at next meeting thereof. â€" Carried. Davis â€" ^^Staples â€" That the report of committee to enquire into Treasurer's security be accepted, said security be- ing substantially same as last year. â€" Carried. Beaton â€" Neil â€" That the tender of C, W. Eutledjie, for pnnting, be ac cepted. â€" Carried; Davis â€" Staplesâ€" That cheque No. 49, on the Treasurer for $2, be can- celled, â€" Carried. Neil â€" i3eaton â€" That the report of the auditors, as ordered by this council at its last session, relative to the as- sertion made on last nomination day by Thomas Davis to the effect that the late council had "over-expended revenue of last year to the amount of $400.00, be published and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. Davisâ€" Beaton â€" That By-law No. 276 be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on By-law book. â€" Carried. Indigenta were paid as follows, for Standard Comtgondenee. Sleighing isuearly'gonoaai.' aRve boys, "make hay whUe?"'^; shines.' Our enterprising 'i'"'""s "yim bet-. I ^M glutted the Palls wood mat\^ ^4 now turnme bia iikfa»n»;„.. "'*•" J K auces wended tliei Taylor's to wifcuesg tlie turnmg bia attention to B|.| John is the staff, j„8t tbbk $12 day out of wwlogs: "Wonder. neyer cease." ""till Recent visitors: SlJsg *, Brampton; Mrs. J..Elliot.8ydenl Mr. Jas. Taylor. New 1^1?' Misa Mary Rae, Torouto L?",?; Robt.Neely, of Calgary, who "^*" glad to hear, is improving ' *^ On Wednesday the i2ti, W large number of fnend.s and acoL* ••••way to. Mr. pj Miss Maggie TaybrSr^of Halbert. Ai the honr ap„niaM S sixty persons were seated iu tim W.withRevMr.Baggi,^;^- tue fii-ual. .At SIX o'clock tbe »; gentleman tied tbe nuptial kaotk J: usual pleasant manner. Tlie bridw maid was Miss Mary E. Taylor 'Z groomsman Mr. Robt. Halbert. 'aS a sumptuous dmuer was iom ^k justice to, the evening was spent m social chat and merrymaking. Tlie bride was made the recipknt of number of handsome and presents. MOEE ASON. eostiv Public schoolteachers will do *eli to note the tollowing as the literatnr* selections required for eatrance ex- aminations in July, 1890 :â€" 1 The Vision cf Mirzaâ€" J^urst reading ...pp. 64-66 2 The Vision of Mirzaâ€" Second reading " 68â€" 71 8 To Mary in Heaven .. " 97â€" %. 4 Flow Gently, Sweet Afton " 9g 5 The Bell of Atri...... • Ill-Hi 6 Ring out. Wild Bells.. " 121-122 7 Lead, Kindly Light... " 145 the mo!rths"of J^urry MdTe"bruaI-y' "^J® Heroos of Long.. viz: â-  Sanlfc Robert Bell and wife $8 GO Markditlo C. 0. 0. F No. 78. meets evwj alternate Iloudav BTeuiiig At 8 o'clock in their Ball, liae'a block. Viaiticg bretfaien welcome. Markiiale A. O.U. W, Ko Ul meets in tiiwr fliiji. i;ae'.H t.loofe, eveiy alternate Monday aveniii(?at o'clock. A lint Itoai brethren ol PcighboriDK lodges solicited. Maksdalb L. 0. L Ho. 1045 meets in iheir Ball on Fricla; on or befwe fall moon eacb -Month. J.H. Canon, llMtar; IF. J. Btakely. beeretary. Victoria K. B. Prec^ojfy, No. 228, meets in Lodge Boom ol IbAdale L. 0.' L. No. h)4o, first Friibor in ewb month. Virit- uiR Sir KnightB timft wdowae. tea. Bradie W P.; Thos. £)|i«i|^ |(e4iat;ra«. ,. .^ • JUBnEE L01dX. Monday xu llokHl^ New type and designs jnst to hand for fancy and ornamental print- ing. Bill Heads, statements, Mem o Heads, Shipping Tags, Notes, Receipts, etc., done neatly, pro- mptly and at city prices. CaJl on ns and examine stock and get prices, and don't let the fore- igner induce yont to send your orders from home. "W^ support you and we claim a right to your custom. Ann McMillan.... 4 00 John McFarlane 4 00 Samuel McArthor sister 8 00 Mrs. Mclsaac 4 00 Cheques were also issued as follows viz: â€" R. Burril, removing obstruc- tions off roadway, lot 13, con. 3, E. G. R., $2.50; the auditors salary, $6 each, $12 W. H. Arrowsmith, ex- pence of distraining lor taxes, lots 50 and 51. D. R., $6 the auditors for special audit, $2 each, $4 B. Cole- man, halt cost repaiiing bridge, town- hue G. A., $1.50 the Clerk for 1 quarter's salary, 1889, and current quarter's salary, $75; Treasurer of Holland, half cost repaurs at Allen's sink hole, 75 cants the Reeve and Mr. Neil, committee on Treasurer's sureties, $2 each, $4. The council adjourned to June 9th at 10 a. m. J. S. Black, Clerk, A SerionsWa^ration. The ItaiTettitg^igaidiaw at Tozoato Sault ..."155-361 9 Lochmvar "169-179 10 A Christmas Carol.... " 206-211 11 The Heritage " 212-21S 12 Song of the River. " 221 13 The Ocean " 237-24J 14 The Song of the Shirt " 263-265 15 The Demon of Ihe Deep.. "266-271 16 Edingburg after Flod- den.. "277-281 17 Canada and United • States "289-291 18 TheForsakenMerman" 298-202 IS GUP. CLIMATE CHANGING, The past two seasons have been so peculiar that thousands are attacked with conglis, colds, hoarseness, influenza, asthma, bron- chitis, etc. To these we recommend Hsgywd' Pectoral Balsam as the safest, snrest, tod best- remedy yet produced for the throat am lung troublee. NOTICE. On I riday evening last about 6:80 tire broke out m the University Build- ings, Queen's Paik, Toronto, and in less than two bours naught but a saddened heap of ruins remained, ibe hungry firey element made such rapid progress that the city fire extinguishing appliances were of no avail. Ihe buildings cost some $500.- 000 and were the pride of Toronts. and indeed of the whole province being second to none in the Dominion except perhaps the parliament build- ings at Ottawa. The fire originated by the upsettmg of a lamp. There « Bome $160,000 of insuLce omding the contents. THB SSIOHT BIDK. in Parties indebted to the undersigred, ette by note or book account, will please call « Manley's drug store and settle the sane without delay as I need the money. Wiei Turner and Dr. Ego, my partner, are authorized to receive money for meandpw receipts. 492-7 T. S. SPBOULE.S'" m FASHIONABLE TAILDR^ has started in business in the Hill Block. I am prepared to do all kinds of work. i P.S.-COUNTRY WOBI^ All people leaving their cloth to' will be done at a moderate cost. There hri«^ ' n"" oP»°wn. always a S' " ^f ' ^^^ side to a Se nf°?^ " "^^^ the destruction by SP w a.oalamity to be regretted bv rL^^"!!'ur^°?«?f..*e institution u^M f^-ii;^ -i »I--i I. W: RifTLEDGE, pU.e ^o hourrrate-rThenIhe"" won d r'T^°^" °^ ^^ mstituoon migbt have been scores of hves ir.Bt- furtLermore. while tbe loss Tf^Z: aud m reference to tbe fine libraiy^d exeeUent museum at least naSuiW irreparable, yet it« bome by tt^e^ vmce .^d no individual or fii^lfi wbeM^'^^"" as is often ,Stw ^^a^^K^i^y J)o«essions iv •/ *â-  A*.; â- M'.^ "^s*A. â- - /feSfety^ifc^a.^;^:^^ \--ii â-  J- TENTH Y 23iree The lars 'W( SURPLUS To be clean THE MONT It took the wisest long time tc M\ Langua anil some of them but it on 1 J. Mc «few minutes to c all surplus goods in such low figures, th ang me won't take i 'decide that I am ofi GENUINE 1 I'he following go -dnced list and daoi tbe Dress Goods DresI Dress Trimi ^d Mitts, Jers Ladies' Short MaJ .*Pnng wear, f 1.75 tJ "«»Ue8 at lees tha ^^ Boots, Overl •M lee. I jjfoiaatprictswhil mto haye very if j^wy YOU think off ^*^^ar. '•Overcoats, tt'Sade in pri *^ .•re. nearly I IJJWI a few cl ^^«*^8. II I fmiua; of fitt '^m'"'ia â-  I ^mts, BniiL "^^Bdprieegl

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