r-TiBi«ti*i!s*rf«waMfc*»»»a^. 1 I « " \ii â- ;• U .1 l^fPI â- " I--- it' mm li » i ^i I? r»' C. W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, FEB. 18, 1890. LOYALTY. 'When an uidividual is Leard .boast- .Ingofhia honesty, look sliarp after yoar pocket strings, and when it be- comes necessary for parliament to pass a resolatidn to loyalty to the British Crown, it cannot but excite suspicion in tbe minds of the English Govern- ment that all is not right, or that the annexation sentiment in Ganadaactnally exists. The resolution of Mr. Mulock, which was uuaminous- ly adopted at Ottawa recently does â- uppear an unnecessary aDdjshurtdight- ;ed exhibition of gush. -MILD WINTEE. Owing to the Hnprecedented mild .weather, causing stagnation bordering .00 disaster to all lines of business, {o ,gether with the "inevitable" which has been meandering from house to house over the land leaving drooping spirits and withered forms wherever its despotic grasp was experienced, humanity now longs for spring, which it is hoped will bring better times as \weli as brighter days. If there is, however, any consolation lu the fact tbat all communities are served alike, thdt satisfaction is ours to enjoy. We are rather iuclined however to look on the bright side. Matters and circum- stances^might be much worse, and jiow that la grippe is on the wane and the days materially lengthening let us oheer each other by kind words and happy greetings. NOTE AND COMMENT. ' â€" Yorke County Council has decid- 'Cd to abolish toll gates. â€" Six thousand people attended the reception of Rev. Dr. Talmage, at Brooklyn.N. Y-, on Thursday night "last. â€" It is reported on good authority that the C. P. R. have made an offer for the Hamilton and North Western railway. â€" The Orange Incorporation Bill was given the second reading on Mon- â- day in Parliament by a majority of sixteen. â€" On Friday last Winnipeg ex- perienced the greatest smow storm for 3 ears, The storm reached from .Brandon to Fort William. â€"On the 17th September. 1890, the Ortario Legislature will be 100 years old. It is suggested by a cor- respondent of a Toronto paper that tbe ceotuary be celebrated by the erection of a monumeut at Niagara, where the first Legislature Assembled. â€" The Canadian Nation suggests that our Public schools ought to con- fine themselves to the imparting of a practical education in the fundamental subjects, backed up with an industrial .training, which would give the pupil vT fair start in the battle of life, and that Universities and other institutiaus of higher learning should be support- ed exclusively by those who benefit by them. This is sound talk. The average pupil does not get beyond the PnDiic school, and it is a sad fact that the training he receives there is of â-¼eryhttle us^ as a preparation for business life. â€" Rev. Dr. Wild, the Toronto pro- phet, has settled it aU, and the Mail and its annexationist fdeuds may as well understand it. The Dr, says the destiny of all nations is fixed by God, aiKl it is folly to suppose Great Britain Jitadi ^United State* btye been over- Jook^d: -The Uuit«d States is tlie tribe of Manoaasah, and it was clearly focetold yews ago that Mannasaah "should leave £phraim and become a great Md iiidepfudeuk uatioD. But *4(^e United Sta^ is the only colony will lose. Annexationists might as well try to blow the moon out of the sky as take another colony from Great Britain. One tribe had to be eepera*.- ed from the others and one only. That has been done in tho case of the United States, but it will never happen again. â€" The example of Canada on the question of divorce is certainly af healthy one as regards the purity of family life. It is much more difficult to procure a divorce in this country than in England or the United. States. In tbe latter country the disgraceful divorce laws of some oi the States are calling forth the mdignant denuncia- tion of all trieuds of social purity and reform. The question of bringing about some changes in our laws, with tbe view of establishing a divorce court, does not seem to receive any encouragement. The difficulty of obtaining a divorce here are a shining contrast to the disgraceful laxity across the line. â€" Senator Macdonald's Bill intend- ed to prevent the practice of polygamy in Canada by the Mormons should certainly become law. Certain prom- inent members of the Mormon church in Canada have declared that Mor- mons would be within the law as well as within their religious rights in practising the polygamous rites and ceremonies of their church. It is not clear that they can be prosecuted effectually under our law against big- amy. The law in the United States prior to the passage of the Poland and Edmund Acts was similar to ours and was found altogether iueffectual. It was not until the Edmunds Act was passed and it was prosecuted vigorous- ly that the evil which had become firmly rooted could be even scotched. Senator Macdonald's act is said to be iashioned after the Edmunds Act, from the operation of which the Mor- mons who have come to Canada have fled. This law prevents them from escaping actions for polygamy under any plea as to the conditions under which it is sanctioned or practised and makes the rites and ceremonies theii|- selves offences, and it takes from polygamists all civil rightsâ€" a very necessary provision, as the Mormons are expert politicians, and have used their rights as citizens to conceal and defend lawless and immoral practices. Living, as they insist upon doinsj, in close uumixed communities, they can, if not deprived of civil rights, virtually govern themselves according to their own ideas. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS. ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. TBOWSERINGS m all the leading grades. SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, c./c. Special attention is invited to the ITIaiiafaCtlirc ol Button«; parties wi.shinj; buttons of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentlemen, cau have them made in a tew minutes while waiting. AG-ENT FOR PARKER'S DYE "WORKS, Tailoring- done as usual. Custom work will receive cju"etul atteatiou. Good work and rcat fits. FOUR BOOKS FREE THE RURAL CANADIAN for 1890, the leading Agricultural Journal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the following books for ONE DOLLAR: is the best, and is 1 CHE A PES! Vravexscon. j Standard Correspondence. We are glad to learn that Malcolm Wilson is rapidly recovering from his severe iliues." Will. Baker thinks 'twould be a good idea if our pastors would unite in prayer.. Snow being the object in view. Pleased to note that Mr. Will. Mc Nally is able to be around anain. Mac says that boach-limb company is not to be courted. Jack Murphy says this is a queer winter. It seems Jack baj» just got Ins colt trainad to drive iu the catter^ and away goes the buo.w. Never mind, the one hand training will keep Jack. John McNally is placed nu the shelf for a few days with the "Inevitable." His spine cannot see where the joke comeo in. A prize is offered to whoever can exaggerate the truth the moat between now and the first of May. It will be u'ieless for any one to compete as the Chronicle cor. will be sure tn win. One of our first pioneers, Mr. .Thos. Qninlin. has been nerjonsly ill for some tim«^. Very little hope is enter- tained of liis recovery. Joe McGrade le quests to know what would be an appropriate valantine to f^ead to tlie fair one f his heart. W'e »re at alosf^, so tarn to Walter's Falls cor. f; r an answer. This has been a rough winter on oil biirus. UD less than" four being un- roofed. The last to take flight was that of Martin Sweeney's. Martin thinks a keg of beer wdl indnce the hoy« to replace bis. Pisazif .1. Dr. Rameau. By Georf^es Ohnet. 3. Lady Audley's Secret. By Miss Braddon. 3. The Texar's Revenge. By Jules Verne. 4. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll ft Mr. Hyde. By Robert L. Stephenson. 5. The Death of Ivan Hutch. By Count Tolstoi. 6. A Terrible Temptation. By Charles Reade. 7.. Tom Brown at Rugby. By Thomas Hughes. 8. The Sketch Book. By Washington Irving. 9. The Last of the Mohicans-. 10. Widow Bedott Papers. iz. Knickerbocker's New York, By Washing- ton Irving. 11. My Husband and I. By Count Lyof Tolstoi. 13. Jack of all Trades. By Charles Reade. 14. Grandfather's Chair. By Hawthorne. 15. The Cloister and the Hearth. By Reade. 16. Spoopendyke. By Stanlev HunUey. 17. Not Like Other Girls. By Rosa Carey. 18. Rambles from Russia to Spain or, Out- door Life in Europe. By K. P. Thwing. 19. Esther. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. 30. Charlotte Temple. By Mrs. Rowson. 31. The Flying Dutchman; or, The Death Ship. By W. Clark Russell. ai. The Pride of the Paddock. By Hawley Smart. 33. The Passeng:er from Scotland Yard. 34. Twice Told Tales. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. 35. Bootle's Children. By John Strange Winter. 36. Nona's Choice. By Mrs. Alexander. 3/j. The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. aS. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker. By "The Duchess. 39. Qhris. By W. E. Norris. 30. Paul and Virginia. By St. Pierre. 31. Tbe Tale of Three Liona. By H. Rider Haggard. 33. The Devil's Die. By Grant Alien. 33. Cleopatra. By H. Rider Haggard. 34. Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. By Edna Lyall. 35. A Crooked Path. By Mrs. Alexander. 36. Marooned. By W. Clark Russell. 37. A Hardy Norseman. By Edna Lyall. 38. Merle's Crusade. By Rosa N. Carey. 39. Sweet Lavender. By H. L Williams. 4a The Beauty of tbe King. By Dr. Thwing. 41. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. By Doug- las Jerrold. 43. Salathiel or, the Wandering Jew. zst vol. By Dr. Geo. Croly. 43. Salathiel or, the Wandering Jew. 3nd vol. 44. The Piccadilly Puszle. By Fergus Hume. 45. Complete Book of Recitations and Dia- logues. Over 30O selections. 4 Complete Book of Etiquette and Letter Writing. Comprising the Standard Letter Writer, selections for Autograph Albums. 47. The Condensed Cyclopedia of Useful Know- ledge, Familiar Science, and interesting miscellaneous information. 4S. Modem Cook Book and Medical Guide. A useful handbook for every housiehold. 49. Live Stock Manual. Profusely illustrated laS pa^es, i2mo handsome cover. 50. Standard Poultry Book. laS papes hand- somely gotten up niimerous illuftnitions, 51. Book ol Home Amusement, containing Charades, Tableaux, Riddles. Games, etc A whole winter's entertainment. 52. American Fun. The funniest book ever putilished 500 laughs in 50* minutes. 53. Ladies' Complete Guide to Fancy Work. A most complete work 500 illustriitions. 54. Artistic Embroidery. A charming lhok, profusely illustrated. GOOD SAMARITAN OIL has no equal for Bheumari -AND- Write your name and post office distinctly; name your premiums, and inclose Ji 00 Register the letter. Do not delay, but order at once. Addressâ€" RURilL CANADIAN 5 Jordan Street, TORONTO Fall Whent Uarkdale Uarkets. \VEDNESD.iY, i'e.it. 12, 1889. 70 to 8 82 Spring Wheat 70 to Barlfy Oata • \[[\] Pease Butter '.."'â- ' Ei?i;a .. [Hay I'otatocs, ptr baj; Wool .....;;â- â- R-..f Pork. â€" JT PAFS TOâ€" 35 to 24 to 51 to U to lo tn 82 40 1 24 1 oil 1-.| 15 C 111) 10 I'O â- 411 to r. » •20 to 22 4 Pflto R dO y 0.1 to 5 2; NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that applicario'i will 1,0 "r^::^^5 an Act t„ i„.orpo^at.. a ^â€"nv^^ AND THAT 18 TllK m " ' mad Cai; tho purposo ol coastrnetiii tamiuc;juKl opeiatiii^ ,1. r iilv. i!i;'ftiiy for "imppi.a^., uiain- of Ontario l.ywavof .vr" 4 iVv tn t ^^^ Meaford in t!io aforesa rt Co ant," u IH, h!""'" °f power:, tr, l.uiM te...t;iai.h or S ' J .ov^^m ^^ """"' of railway, and to toake tr.kn"o and oih "" """ ""«« meuts with other ranwnv'nvnV-,. '^*"'"'^- and for Ml ot!i-r usual a^H,,^' eouipanies, riRlita ,ui.l p,-ivi.p.,er ' """ary poxvers, ^^Ud.;t^Jca:o:d this lOtb -lay „f Decowber. 4S3-9-2 '^V^^^. f- J'VAN-S *»-*5 Solicitors f _,.• .\,p!i,-.p,,ts. OW'KJV SSOXIIVO- Tut l^^t "•'i'1 iifost practical course cf study. i lie best teaching talent lie best accoranaprtation for atndeuts. Ihe best methods of instruction, stii.leuts'^radiiat;-' 'â„¢^ '^^ iustruction after .^"â- "J^""""' announoement givinc Particulars regardmgthe conrse of Rtudy, terms KdS C. A. FLRMING, Pbincipal. OwenSouoa Nov. Ist, 1888. Wamtkd.â€" A customer for B Baymond Sowing Buwfauw. WftiOd trade for money or exchange for wood. A bareain (^ eat Britaio 1m efw luafc or «^ wiU b« fpviio. Apfly ^t oSce. iSCords -s «*v^ aaimS To Ow Sii1aerl1a». The speciallannouncement which appeared in onr colnmns some time since, annonne- JDg a .special avranfeemeut with Dr. B. J. Kendall Go., ot EnosburRh Falls, Vt., pub- lisliera of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Di.seaRes,» whereby our subscribers were en- abled to obtain a copy of that valuable work fiT-e by sending tlicir address to B J KENDALL CO. (and enclosing a tw.v cent stomp for mailing same) is renew- ed for a limited period. We truat all will avail themselves of the opportunity of ob- taining this val table work. To every lover oftheHorseiliBiudisDensable.as it treats in a simple manner aU the diwwes which afflict this robU animal. It. phenomintl Mle throughout the United States snd Cansda, make it stai dtf d aut^nrity. Men- Lumbago. HurraliforXmasGai T THEâ€" Markdale Furniturej Wareroom. AWAY DOvVN BELGW COS' lor the Holiiny seison. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-clotii Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds BeddiBfj Sideboards, Tables, commou Extension P ill great varietv WasiistftUiis;^!* Mattress Wo'ol Mattress i/ai and in fact every tliinj,' t'"""' a first- class shon. Call and.je.? tations. AlsoFunorfilFnrms" Coffinu, Caskets, Holies, l-'" Ciloves, CraDcs of all (]es.ri: ways in stock. TIiaiikii)Sn.^"J ons cnstoiners for past f»"'-- „^, ing all a Merry Xui:i= wd d-i New Year. Yours re.'spectfnll.v, J. W.Sproi* PROCLAMATIOJ â- " FEOM THE CHEAP CASH ST«1 fC/NG OF ALL CHEAP i^' Acknowle-lgeil by one nvi » greatest BABGAIN no^^ that was ever ver openeJ W i*' yiUageoflfMkd^ Here we are «tfi!»^*' goo.l peop!«- .(;,i*^»| t von. ]tf â- yoa, with lots to show j-cu. and with ioistofj^^^^ Knew how we cau """ (^i4% live, it would do jour '^^^â- ^ .^, wake vou quake with 1" ^li "1 it woni.1 make you rej»' hpnaehold that sach a «r»" GIVIKG AWA^ was opened rigbts'r We want every one •bo aO eenU. on every doUtf " «a^ see n?, enanine ^^^i*' IHfi«iiB. and be eof «»«*" *^^ 0|f?O1 " Ottawa, ' ^D^uet au \bevew VVise (^gcli of die iniglit iop"3rl ^Greece, w 5ras siient wi \plied:â€" "lie iliere are of 4liU. liold tbe; iffhis wi8d( i^ifto the lo; 4htt (ielate oi ^jomjii'^uied istesiaiiHts vv hut iield tlieij l^ac on tbe Jiligui, to r«p( «^4 Proyiuciai «ition urged Yemen t and h abied biicii o lUHuiiood sufi'i Mod Prince I tuemtielves of 4toiJd us well. declared iiims( ^ie uf inaDhoo The Hon. J «f eiatti, was t view* of tbe Gi for « national ijat4ouai pari principle of u lijay £Qigiit b niacbiuery ant fle gave the c iu lb«G as $41; m 1889, as think it uecebs; levisiou of the The dibcussi number of Mil Jater on to the ii.fendiug the A The appoint' •es-ljieut. Gtivei ihe late M. Eo «ue. A Uioden scter, Mr. Mas both the great was bir John I istor of Mitttia i 1S80 on accoun «alied to the Set he resigned m 3 Goyernor of summoned back Jeft. Jbnday eyenii canes of the set was three weeks] mittse of JSupr submitted on t1 Tapper as to tt the different govl ing in and suJ papers. The ol the statement w] tentionalJy so. I'upper to hi6 fee that his statemel to be partial auJ time. Finally 1 to banter the Mi] his father, the] ^nd used the applicable to M Ycung Tapper's â- Ije taunted the w| the bufioou of thi J»8 language m\ than tbr ParJiau *onld joke oaL proved liis title t| ^oose, after whi «d lo simmer ^ew minutes. This time the â- â„¢J»fdgerSaAul "f Alilitia, over hi *«d Dr. Wilson '/fer to some Adojpli^.s t^ t- rellow traveller, i f08e quickly to hi feuted Dr. ;vi| ^Jbb«b followed J.^ tl^ai the word J"hstanding tlis 'f^l^uUy ,uoii. rf .^dolphe wasl J^.^»d the chai^ J?^ Premiers S«^ the Mini "•^ttunister's ml ^\ot tue oj ^^« exhibit ai, y^J^duesdaj rtd *• «te discussio^ ^22^*^'°° Mod %2%A day. Ti *i is to tb£ " be leftl themi â€" ""