into won?«Mrti^" pMn. StowetaJ 1 oyma u* id Mked, « «* «• hm ,«„„ ttheuiawaritiitht e, she adds that th« tnut Ufixrf. ])„. bat dayaht wit h herewMBoanilti, coantenuHM wcri t id only hy Af m I the imfllinML Tk Bwavy myhrfru k b»ndof\«lTe». of the dwth •( h« e fally tealizsd^, le wane. Up to tkh 1 in the height of W fatal iUnoM of h« ' of anziou iniui^ on her mind. Ttt with her a few itip nonth'a paitor, feoii unrest ud uamm T brother wai diid, leepinir it from h«. to knew if the Md Dg aaeored that te j I more oonfortabli, OWN THOUGHTS, n in her proaeoei. Bnry Ward ihe wm and maintained tk* me time. The «b- her retnm from Stg e for its mildBemiBd uant days she took the vicinity of her ler nnrse, more u » necessity oi an at- to walk a half milt ihowed improTemeBt ter oatdoor exeroiie. uices she wasalwayi word with thna, remembered theii tions, notwithstaad- fatal aickneas. Oi ndays she oscspiid lUl GoDgreKStioul istened to tJu W- Twiohell, theipe:- 0FTH£WOBLD. ,e Hudred MUce WMe mt â- a the Para Rivar be Inolad- Ui^lLn channel, la 100 mUm Kth» •*"!r Pwa itself, the north- ^•« Wsn-zil. lies »t the g»tow»r *** Jinderfal river system of the ,i,theoon.inercial depot and dis. ' lit f« 40.0CO miles of navtoabla â- ^CAmazon water shed wnbraoe. F^. deareesof latitude and thirty. Â¥1:1 dtengltnde. Its western warcws fl'P^niM of P«ni »»»d Emador, only M^M from the Pacific Its northern r'"'to»ver«e the borders of Goinea PTviL while midway the headwater PKntogle with those of the Orin- ^^fvw^ *P°" °^^* '"" *i'*Lth the Madeira bai Innomerable TiS^" ' ^^' â- ^**"^~; **Ji!Ste the central proriaeaa of f 'S, comparatively smaU gtonp of r tLoHnoMbeleftoutof thoaooonnt, 1*" with its tributaries, forma the '^M for an area larger than Oat of ifflrCMiada. It f nmishe. the only â- -roofflmn'io»'i»° between th« ""fUw ••Jj'JSpnlation in fully ono-half of the feSt'^oM^ leading tribatarie. |jJ2itretobes of MPKSETBABLK FOEESTS --, never explored by white men. It Jlizffl aloae that renders any form ^t posdble in the heart ot South i-i- Withinliiiho rar ge of the 40,000nii!ea CS»U« water settUmenti hava been Vnbber farms opened, and nuw- '• -powered to conduct local admlnl- iJA VuB,, lying at the sonthemniost ujf the Amazon, lees than ZOO miles .ikeies, isthemetropolhof this won- T»ney. It is a city wish perhaps Minbtbitants, aiid with as much com- ,1 enterprise as is possible under the Hl^mmerce of che Amazon is nomfaudly JoDondertheBrazaianflig. Foreign- KnotaUowed by law to own ateamers |s{ veaeels employed in inland navi â- and hence it is neceesary for the ^capiteliatB who control the oarry- .jie of the river to assi^ their inter- Vtt Bnzi'iaiu. There are forty steamers Id by an English Ifaie, which reoeivesa Uailrabaidy from the Brazilian Oov- jeatfor plying between various ports Irilligea on the main tributaries and in igfor this financial support it is well ted to fly the national flag. Another my has eight steamers, under similar (idma; and there ara as many as a imore on the river and its tributaries thnil the Brazilian flag. These sixty pai are gradually opening the Ami zm Ji; to commerce. Only the smaller ves- |in soir mcnini; beyond Manaos at the ioionthe Negro, bat next year the jit Eogliah veasels will make regular I to Yqaitoe, 3.750 miles from the «of thetribntaries are only navigable |!tiig diatanoea at high water during aoontha of the year but the lower I OB their banks are visited by a ui osce or twice a month. THIS RIVEE TRADE t completely in the hands of the jiese merchants and the mercantile urepreeented at Para. Manaos, with itlttion of 15,000, is the most flouriah- lonweab of Para. The other settle* i,with few exceptions, are straggling )ia inhabited mainly by negroes, I ud half-breeds. ' foreata of the Amazon, consisting ^yofhard wood, are not available for peicial requirements. The fioest of Food and mahogany are used there for pood, Eren if there were a demand udvood Inmber at Para, it oonld not iind brought to market on a large cving to the deaaity of the woods ' lack of roads and clearings. The e which ii a eonrce of wealth in these « forests is the rubber tree. It is |t mrywhere, from the low-lying delta Fte Para to the Tapojoa, the Madeira, Megro, and probably thouatmds of ^nyosdthoeesri eat tributaries. In the r raada are impracticable, and the mb- » that are mUked lie along the river, ' iM farms can be i^pproaohed. The 1*1 only be drawn at certain levels ot, T'J'plor the trunks of the trees are l?w» or twenty feet under water after 1 leasMs. ij., conditions are favorable the L%'" tooea is tapped and the mUk "" eope to be compacted and roUed iS '"y" "" "nowbaU. It JMied or smoked over a fire made of \^" that involves contraction a wd hnparts elastioity to the sub- Tk" ' " "***y 'o' abipment to «a operation of such farms and the a u57 'e'«w of trees in tbe tracklaaa *i I ;!?"" "qnire the employment â- ^^ under the most inclement "t'ATOEIAL HEAT AND KAINS. tty I'^wterof the world where UtU? *^ ^o'Dmand inaction and indo j"w those vaalj stretches of the I'ltoih,"^*'" Nowhere else can exlst- h^ «ith so smaU an expendi- V^! °^**" ^nd »«»»• »n be niM r ^K 1 J»ni*y to keep soul and body Cm.L i«ntitioas aids of nnta he woods. A torpid, somnolent d ikl ,.'" ^^ t»ie imperious require- ^•ad„ '""'«• The Indians, half- »*flouf °? " *•»« viUagea oan live, *-im th '"• ^^^ "•»»* »»y *» 1 in »u '"»=i!num of human labor '♦el7 3""°« a Uvelihood. They «»L!?"' *ll appeals to ambition itS: " '^^rt» o' »n»ber farm-. â- wV*? 'ndnca thtm to share in ^•sd.»^^' involved in exploring '•"tSi^S^^l" "«» â-¼Â«1«»» « 'â- l»«f itfi^y 'utile and the employ- S iiii£! '"** olaM« n* l»l»f *â- "««er the most insuperable dif- t!*t ta k** "**^« "' «vwT gwitle- on Arohitee- i,*Xfc!ri. '**^* "w '»o for i*." ?%..** yo '"' to bnllA » -HO 'S'la«- Uitle palaoo. for fSuS^,, Ittven't over five "»»oklsonly I dollar." OluiitiMitT in Afw«n Alotter frmn H. M. Stanlw m m.»a «plof«. to Mr.Alexa.a«T?Sw?lE£* Chriatia3ty^|B-Ceairal iaS^^Stk"^^ tiiat BbLsv^ *^irninrtoA^MujrT Mwanga, hZ mS^^SSr^mJSinS^ in Us flight by Um FcMsoh mlMooatiaa. In noblo requtal of ohnity and goo^MM for them forth from his domlaim. «»'« 1 ^.^*Vt2?*â„¢** ^- Stanley, wotifd hwn li^ ^â-¼taartoB. M mnoh ai that » Mt of Chriatfana oan booome in twdv* yaa^ numarouandfonnidaUo aa to depoM the mMt abnlnta and poverfal king in^faa. and hold Aoir own Maimt any t.wnbor2 oombinationa hoatile to tiiem. What oan • man wish better for a proof tiiat LhristlanitT b poaaiblo in AMoaT I forgot to aay that eaoh mombor of the dopntatioo of the Waganda wUoh waited np^ mo poaasaMd *jr!'l'J^^ "4 *•»• **^1 »* Matthew printed in Kigsada, Mcd that aa soon aa they retired from my preoenoe they went to study their prayer books. Five of their foUowing aooompanled ns for tho pnrpoao of pursuing their roligiooa atadiea on the OOMt. oL^* .*" Powwfnl body of nativa Christiana in the heart of Africaâ€" who pre- fer exile for th« aaka of their 'faith to a«v- log a monaroh indifTaront or hoatila to their faithâ€" as mora anbatantial evidanoa of tho work of Maokay than any number of im- posing atmotorea dnatered together, and oalled a mission station would be. Thaaa nattve Af rloana have endured the moat dead- ly paraeontionaâ€" the atake and tho fire, the oord and the olnb, the aliarp Icnif e and tho rifle bullet have all bean tried to caoaa them to re j sot the taaohiuga they hava abaorbad. Stanch in their baliefa, firm in their oon- â-¼lotions, they have held together -stoutly and raaolntely, and Maokay and Aaha may point to theao with a rlghteoua pride aa the raanlta of their labora to the good, kindly people at home who trusted in thenu Isnppoae you do not know Maokay per- sonally. Well, ho is a ftnfttflhmsih the tougheat little fellow yon oould oonoeive. Young, tooâ€" probably thirty-two years or ao, and bears the olimata s^endidly â€" even hia oomplei ion Is nnir jnredâ€" not Afrioanlz- ed yet by any means, deeplte twelve years' continued reiddenoe. These mission sodet- lea certainly contrive to prodnoe cxtraordLoi- arymen. Apropoa of Sootohmen, oan yon tell me why tiiey auooaed of tener thui ouier people? Take Moflatt, Livingstone, Mao- kay, real Sootohmen irith the burr. They stand pre-eminent aIove all other mission- aries, no matter of what nationidlty. It Is not beoansa they are Sootohmen that they succeed. It is not because they are better men in any one way or the other, phyrically, mentally, or morally â€" of that we may reet assured â€" but it is because they have been more educated in one thing than all others. While I say this I review mentally all whom I know and have met, and I mikke the statement confidently. That one thing is duty. The Late Lora ITapier's ITeiye. The death of Lord Napier of Magdala raoalla a story of the old soldier's nerve as exhibited once, in a time of peace, in India. The Silkh warriors were famous swordsmen,and, if any one was hardy enough to test their skill,th9y oonld cut an apple, resting on the palm of a man's hand, cleanly in two equal pieoes,so that « ach piece dropped separately to the ground, without fraying the skin of the ontstreched hand. PcrfeotJsteadinesB was rr quired in the person holding the apple, for if the hand shrank, the conseqaences w ra likely to be serious. It is pernapi needksa to say that the offer to periorm this feat was more often made than aocepted. For a long time Lord Napier refused to believe that the wild soldiers could do this thing, emd when one of them invited hinfi to hold the apple and witness the exploit he consented, supposing that the swordsman would flinch from the undertaking but the Sikh bad entire confldenoe in hia own akill. Hia eye, however, detected a little irregu- larity on the General's right palm as it was held out, and he asked him to present the apple in his loft hand. Lord Napier after- ward aaid that, for the first time in his lifr, he was oonaoions of the sensation f fear, as the oonviotion flashed upon liim that tha man waa not going to " back out," Howavw, firm as a rook, tha' hand, wiUi tha apple npen it, WM extended, the sword flashed down, and the fruit feU u two aegmenta to the earth. The akin was not aoratohad but ita owner said ha felt tha keen blade tonoh it, aa though a hair had been broken aones it. He added that,^diongh ho waaatlaatoon^noad of tlie Such aworoa- man's skill, ha would never again allow one of them to tost it in that way and he ad- vised nia (fiBoera to make the aame reaoln- ion. Gone at a Good Old Age. The father of the House of Commons in Englaud has just gone the way o' *•• '** w of the flonao of Coagreaa in the United Statea. Tha name of the En««*'»«»jr!* Chriatophor TalbJt, and ha waa » T«™«»"« patriarch. He died at the ajje ot 86. and he Std«.too.tin«ouslyin P««^«*f" Mtmo Welsh county for 59 »««: ,^^ this extended period hs andaarad 1»1««»« *» the nation by never making a apeeoh. He waa in Parliament before the 7*»m »'"5 hTaiw Oobdan, Bright. ©J"" "JJ^ rest oomo in aa young men and â„¢*PP^" Sid oMa. and yet he had ••"•^"•'^^""ril "Sn^d nev« to aay «y*'»»^^*5! «,mA» «rv fair apeeoheo ontaida. B«alda S. arlTqwSty, Vhad tha diatia«ti« of i^i^lirBostlMided oommonarin Brit- SSeof father of tha Honaa of Comswna now Sj^^da to Charles Villiara, aged 87, who SfbSSltoP-lum-" oontlnnausly aino. 1836. for the Year 1890 xr. !..«-«. nadvlioB oan bo ssada *hM» J^jThSlaTSyof «»•-«•**»»»"• "*!!?; " ir?Ir£-^' aa tha groat only suro-p*? aa "jMt •• SSia^e plSaas Com Bxtrae- ^TtJ^SSff^gSSTtlslaorfo-. Bs- ^^SS ZuISm' antatim taa. ,«. .- -ii hasoinaa are the e How to Take a Bunas Bath at flome. "I taU you how to get a Rnaaian Btaam b«th at loma that wW bo aaaaly as •»**^ftonr aa if yon paid $1 for it at £ *g5*|^ aaid a physioian. "Just bavetk "^lUMiaek heated rad-hot in the kitohai P f" place it upon an iron stool or I TT-** f^ things then stand a obidr over â- •VfiJlMU acrO^ pet around you with* ^-i^cxi. -r^*^" • p^ar tha top. Thiu you 2«m^Jf«i^Ma in » sort of oloaet, and, IMBB ^gn; ptmoailf provided with a jqg of not wmier, von amdseyenraelf by pouring it Tory alowiy ovkr tho hoTbrlok. The «wtor. transformed IliiefiatUy into steam, mla the enclosed spaoe and at onoe indnost nolont parsptratian." The LitUe Seed. A Uttlo aaod fay in tho oartar'a path A little ahoot bowed in tta jitong wind's wrath; A little shrub grew, by its roots held fast Then a stout tree braved all the winter's Uaat. A Uttlo oongh atartedâ€" 'iiwaa cnly light A little ohilFsliivered the bonrs of night A little pain canto an^ began to grow. Then consumption Ian all his brave atrength low. Be wiae in time. Check the little cough, core the little chill, dispel the little pain, are tha little ailment beoomea thaatrong, nnootquerable giant of disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioai Dlsoovery, teken in time, ia a ramedy f or theae ilia. Mamma "What are yon taking your doU'a bedatead apart for, pet " L'ttle Dot "I's lookia' for bugs!'â€" New York Ifeeit^. ' Jost Hear Tiiat Child doream I " said Mrs. Smith to her sister, Mrs. D,kvis, aa the sound of a ohQd's shrieks came across tho garden from a neighbor's house. "What kind of a woman have you for a neighbor T Does she abase her chUdren" No indeed." replied Mrs. Davis. " She is one of the most tender mothers in existence. Bat yon see she believes in the old fashioned stylea of dootoring. When a child needs pnyslo, she fitla a spoon with some nanaeous dos°, lays the little viotim flat on her lap, holda hu nose till he ia foroed to open his month for breath, when down goee tbe dresdful mess. Then oomeathe yt lb." "No wonder,' said Mrs. Smith, "Why doesnt she use Dr. Piwoe'a Pleasant Purgative Pallets They are effective without being harsh, and are as oeuy to take aa sugar plums. I always give them to my ohild- ren." "So do I," said Mrs. Davis. Never take warm drinks and then iosmedi- ately go out in the oold. Lucky Bamilton Ladies- The "Timee" received word to day that Mr. John B. Young, of No. 33 Hannah street west, had been so fortunate as to hold a winning ticket in The Lsniaiana State Lottery. A reporter oalled on Mr. Young, and that gentleman was reticent about gi7 lag any particulars of the affair. He, how- tvar, told the " Timea ' representative tha) his wife had taken a chance in the great lottery, the drawing taking place on Dae. 17Dh. The ticket which she held (in whioh Mrs. Younjt's sister had a share) waus a one- fortieth of No. 9S.455, which drew the first capital priz 9 of $600,000. The share which comes to tho Hamilton ladies is $15,000. Mr. Young told the reporter that he receiv- ed the money promptly from a New Orleans bank, by draft through one of our leading bemks here. It is needless to say that the ladies are receiving songratulations on account of their good fortiue. They would not have gone into the affair but for a friend who urged them to try their luck for once. â€" [Hamilton (Oixt. Times, January 4. It is by his personal conduct that any man cf ordinary power will do the greatest amount of good that is in him to do. BccKihGHAU, Que,, Nov. 22, 1889. Gestlkmen, â€" I have pleasure in bearing witness to the • x jellence of S :. Leon Miner al Water as a oarative agent. For a num- ber of years life was rendered a burden to me ih conatqaenca of frequent attacks of piles. Oshec remedies gave me rejiief, but none waa permanent. In Qaebec City I had opportunities of testing the cffisiency of St Lbon Wateb the effect was most sitisfao- tory from the start, and in the course of time aiy old enemy left me. I am now "in the sear and yellow leal" of life, but in the en- joyment of good health, for which I feel thatfl owe much to tha oaa ot St Leon Water. S. L Jonee, Printer. Address So. Lson Min- wal Water Co., Toronto. There may be acme doubt aa to whether faith cure really does cure, but its killing powers have never been qneetionod. AUMen, yonng, old, or middle-aved, who .find them- selvoB norvoue, weak and exhausted, who are oroken down from exoeea or overwork, reanlting in many of tha following aymp- tomarMental deproiaion, premature old ago, loaa of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dfmntt- of sight, palpitation of the heart, endasiona, lack of energy, pain in the kidneya, headaoha, pimplea on tne faoe or body, itohing or peculiar aenaation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, â- pecks before, tho eyee, twitching ^of the ifasoles, eyo-lids and elaewhere, bashfulneas, depoeito in the nrine, loae of will power, tendwness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mnsoUa, deaira to alaep, faflnio to be netod by sleep, constipation, dnllnesa of hearing, loos of voice, Oeabo for aolitude, (xdtaUlity of temper, annken a^ea anr. rounded with lkadm oibcl*, oily looking fcjw, et3., are ad aympwnu of nervons debility that lead to faiaanitr uid deatii nn- leaaowed. The apring or vital force having loot ita tanaion avary fnnotion wanaa in oon- seanenoe. Thooo who through abuse com- mTctad in ignoranoo may ba psnnananOy cnrad. 8«i*,rT "^^fT 5S^ M V dlMaaea peonliar to man. Aaoreaa u. v. •f iwUcte afa. faint spaBa, .J5%rt£ikaa, re* otbl^Ui^hml r^lAaisd inatlBlar, tha aaoand heart beat MSdKor ChM tta fint.prin aboat the tnaat £uM. etc. oaa podtivcly ba oand. Fo vTlUBON, ao trnmM Ommt Eait, Sotoato, Ouk 'titt amlim gvnBum"' haer uaia rminan a^^laae laatilnlMsiir npon tiia bav^gn^^oB of Gemana into aonthatn Basaia. «fe:«»-=---'c The Bed Biyer YaOey of Minaeiota and Jfacota Has readiod tha front rank aa tho moat productive gnin-raidng re^on on tha ooo- tinent. Soil ridisr than the vidley of th* NDe. Single oonntiaa raiae mUlloaa of biuhela of srain yearly. Single atatioua ship from 300.000 to 900,000 bnshels of grain eaoh year. Abundant opportunities still open to the homaaaeker. For fnrtiier information, mape, ratea, c apply to P. L Whitney, G. P T. A., S». P*ul, Minn. J. M. HucKixs, 4 Palmer House Blook, Toronto. Ia Sonday sohool "Now, R'ohar^, wty did the Israelites make a golden oalf t" "Why, 'cause thvy didn't have enough gold to make a cow, I 'spoae."â€" ITtote. The olaas ing, antiasptio and healing qull- ttea' of D.-. Saga's Catarrh Remedy are nno- qudled. A.P. 488 SG01TS EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYP0PH08PHITE8 of Lime and Soda Scott's Emulsion '^u^^^fr is a UMmderful Flesh Producer. It is the Best Rentedu for CONSUIUPTION, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Waating Dia* eaaea, Chronic Congha and Colds. PALATABLE AS BIILK. 6cott'B Emulsion is only pub up in salmon color wrapper. Avoid all imibationsor substitutions. Sold by all Druggists .it SOc. and $1.00. SCOTT BOWNE. Belleville. I AnirQ '"7 OLIVE BRANCH, the best reniedy LHIIIEO known (or tit female complaints. Sa.i pie free. J. Tbottbb, 5 Biohmond St. W., Ioroito, Oao. GOOD AGENTS ^m" taioi Addteaa. MEfEBS BaOS.. 87 Cnui Band (or lUus- le and terms. St., Toronto. UANCER and TUMOR Specialist. VMrate Hospital. No knile. Book free. C. H. MCMICHABL, M. D., No. «3 Niaear* St., Buffalo, N. Y. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COY'S TBANSFABESTT CASSOUC ACD TOILET SOA{ Is pleasant to use. It heals the skin, and de« stroys insect* and sermi on tha hedr of man o^ b«Mt. The Great Ottoman Blood Remedj ChMTuiteed to core aU diMaaet of the blood whether bronght on by indlacretita and exoen or arising from hereditary canees. Will- remove, pim- ples and blotohes from tha skin and by its invigorat- ing action on the blood restores failiiig powers and builds op the system of tbOM suffering from wasting disease. Price $1 per bottle. Address, Otlomaa Medicine Co., Hail Building, Toronto^ ALLAN LINE ROTAL HAIL STEAMSHIPS. THE PIONEER CANADIAN' LINE And still to the (ront'n regard t) the provi?{on made for the safety anl nomfort o( its onstomers. Wrebly 8aUI«ss Between llFerpool. CIos- (•w und the St. lAwreace A Fortnlglit* ly Serrtco troni LaKdon dnrlas BuBiBer Hontka. Mail Steamers mn btetween Liverpool and Portlacd via. Halifax daring winter. Qlasgow steamers sail throughout the year to Boston and PhilaCelphia, osU- ivx at Irish ports and Halifax en ronte. For rates o( passage and other Inlumation apply to H. aOURLIGR. oor. King and Tonge Sts., Torontc H. ft. A. ALLAN. Montreal, or to tbe looal agents in your ooun^. PTVROIITO CURDrO SCHOOL. _JL, ttHiWi |rts»i ismm irhnihrrtriiih, p«r peet-fltiine iraraNBts are predneed. 8eM for eiroo- ar. CGRBIOAN. Prep.. 4 Adeltids St West. TBACmUaan maka mousy aniiBg vasoltai by oaofaMne tor one or more eloar fast ssUfav Books and Bibles, espeoialiy Hiteryof Oaaada. tw W- H. Wlthraw, D.D., Utest and beet edMon Tsr Babllshed. prioes low. terms Ubaral Writs ftr lastrated eireular* and terms. Wlf. BRIGOS Pahliaher. Tor-n»« -LUSTfi/ J.LJONES. WOODENCRAVLR. i;. I' I'-Jc .STfEE T i TORONTO, CANADA Address, WVAI^ET, ft*TCK* C«.,15S Yoi«e â- tMOt, TOroM*. Send for Catalogm. ^^ L PENMANSHIP Book-kacidng, Shorthand. Tiniewritinic. Boslaasa Bdapation by attending (day or evening) CANADIAN BDSnESS DNIVEBSftT.'pabllo LlbifK^MUA^ lONOtO. (Official Reporter Toik Oconty Courts.)^ KNITTING MACHINE Send (or lUnstratad OatalogqeaaA this advertisement with your order for onr MBW BIBBBK and we w« allow yon lie FREiini DisGonn Abdkms CREELHMBROSmHTsi tiwomtoKMWji mwt. RENNIE'S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE FOB AHATEUR GABOENSBS FOB 1890 Will be mailed free to all intending purdiasers upon application. The list of Vefretable, Flower and A^^- cultaral Seeds is complete, and indndes every Novdtry of merit. Send for it before ordei ing a supply of Seeds. WW. ltF:WlVfl5, TORONTO. .« -I ^-.. .^ I .. â- I â- â- I .11 .ill. Il M 1^ Wanted Agents For the "HANDY" BOTTOir- Bample Card for 10 cents, or trial Box of 12 Cards 75 centB, by raaU prepaid. Also the "AKTISTIO" TIDY HOLDER and Draping Pms Best and most complete Holder ever made for all tidies and all furniture. Heavily plated, bngfat and attractive. Agents wiinout experience make mouey. SaoipliV pair for 15 cents, sent by mail. Illustrated circulars free. CASSGEEEJr MFG CO., eS Victoria Street* • • Toroiitak' B or rollers. UnyFy Large loans and ohorch loan* at very loir IflUIICI ratep, aai smallsr sums at 5}, 6, 0} %^ acoording to "-^^ IHYESTORSxoronto bn-. ness and hone property yielding 7, 8 and 10 to In* vestois and iOO to SPECnLATOBS. KEKK Jt lULKISEC, J. Latimsr Kbsb. Qam villi P. ELsisak 4 Kiaic Street East. Torowt*. Sncoesscrs to A E. Mihklsb Co. Oiiiae establish- ed l)-79 by Mr. 8. H Janes. Increase in population Toronto 1889 over 1883 (a sor's returns) 80.380. MONEY TO LOAN OITTARIO FARllEBi deslroas of paying off extit log high Inteiest-bearing nor«ges, or intending to hiJd grain and stack fcr better pricei, oaa obtain â- •â- C7 at I.«we. t Cmrreat Bates ot latereat by applying personai.iy or by letter to the LONDON CANADIAN LOAN AGENCY 801 J. V. KIKK. MlMASBB. 103 BAY ST. TORONTO t OHS\^yPT\0» *f «f J^, i:â€" Please inform yonr readers that I hare a posithre reiaedr for tlM its timely nse thousands of hopeless cases have been perms nentqr cnredU bottles of mr remedy FRU to any of yonr readers triio havo eon* TO THIS BDITOB:â€" I above named disease. By its th I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRBK to any of yonr sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. RespectfiiUyi T At SbOOUMU â- â- .d, lae Wet Ad«i»W t., TOIIOIIITO, OIITAIMO. X, CHEAPEST Eirwt Link Boltiag. BMt for BIoratiBg and Gonvoylag. Soad far Now CatakfM of MiU FotnUiii^E^. and best ditconis. WATEBO US EMCWE WORKS CO. LTP. BBAMTFOTO CANADA, ioiisAins OF mrniES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. i I CURE FITS! Wlieit I soy Om X I do aot â- â- â- • iiiav4r to stOD tbem ftir a tiaw, andaaa lia«etlieai»timaeala. i HBAM ARAOICALCURB^t 'I:^ltvoiaad»tto^oaMori|M% â- pWopoar •r laUimm â- •t c l t nâ€" a life Jcnff study. I vtarsMni p Dp^. to OwwtM worst cases, recanse others hAve faOed is no reasoB for not bow leeeiQUKa am. SMMif once for a trenwo and a, rrmm-HuiUm of a^y Sssfaiitete PoatOffice. It oa5ts yon nothing for a iriai, lad it win cur? TOO. Admoss KBowreecMurasom. P M l o t m- -*sia 4; "4 r^ if â- ' J if â- .. 'â- vl. 'UJnXi*f i^