^UR OTTAWA .n^,WA. Feb. 4.-TM^1^|^ rtt r^mmoi'sis j"8t begmnmR tb aikat 'lit Up to this tiae House hsut meti Xee and adjourned at Idar, five d si^- ^° government daiys the Government has had notbine; to go on liHi gho^ine how utterly nupr^ar»d far tie session Ihey were. A cbAracteristic piece of coorraption -gs exposed in the Houpe by Dr. Wilson, of East Elgin. The Rovem- gjjt sent engineers to make sarreys god take levels of a little Btream called Kettle Creek, between St. Thomas and Piiit Staiiley, with the proposal to (^Detract a ship canal. This offer to spend great denl of the poblic money iu tbat riding is -f coiftse a dhect bid far support to the Government with jj^view tbat Dr. Wilbon may be de- feated at the next election As a matter of fact it would be a miracle to iQike Kettie Creek navigable for ships jjjd eve« if it could tliero is no trade ]«tween the two points. Mr. Cbarl- ion's bill is none too soou. It applies t just such caBCS as this and makes it an offence for the Government or the Governmeiit canflidaie at or near an election tci promise to make public ex- midit-u.-es iu a riding. If such a bill became law and was enforced ij would lii'i off ju«t such little bribery schemes as Kettle Creek. At tbe Oppoeition caucus Mr. Laur- ier WHS confirmed in the leadership ^nd it was stated Mr, Blake would not iluring this Parliament take an active part ill politics. Sir Richard Cart' wrifjlil testified to the great services rendered by Mr. Laurier and to tbe tact and wisdom shown by him under difficult circumstances. All the Opposition endorsed this as Mr. Laur- ier is comins out strong as leader. Unrestricted reciprocity with the Unit- ed Suites was re-affirnaed and it was iissolved to move for the repeal of the iniquitous and costly Franchise Act. Tiia Estimates were on Tharsday trftDFinitted to Parliament by a mess- age frum His Excellency "signed by Lis own hand." Every member un- covered and rose to his feet while the Speaker read th« Message ia English and in French. When a message from His Excellency is not "signed by nis own baud" the members do not nse. c/t%^t^ "fU b«*Ao4t^*Pprov6 of a uniform letter pottage of one ^c^twoctntsfor'SXof?^ MMiSnttBoiiia. Standard Corre$pondejiee. Sleighing Lag departed again and we have mud for a change. n^'i "" â- ^- ?°'*°^ °f Winnipeg, is over here visiting friends. ' Mr Tbos. Gilbert was up to Wiarton last week for a load of fish Go^s he intends to keep lent. Mr John Boland was up to Owen Coun -l 'eek attending the County Mr. Tbos. Kells is in Toronto this week at the central Farmers Institute. Mr- John Davis lost two valuable "m ^*'^*^ ^^°^ 'oping over- Mr. Joseph Buchanan has purchas- ed a pan- of thoroughbred animalsâ€" a bull and heifer. Mr. J. L Graham has also secured a pedigreeJ heifer. ihey are ehort horn Durhams. The last subject for debate at the club was, "did the Government do nght or wrong in allowing the Jesuit bUls to become law," which will be concluded this week. Board of BMlih. Minutes of the Ist meeting of the Board of Health of the village of Markdale for 1890, held in the council chamber, on Monday the 3rd day of February; at 10 o'clock a. m., accord- ing to statute. The members of the Board of Health for the village of Markdale for 1890 are W, J. McFarland, Solomon Hill, W. A. Brown, W. N, flaskett ard R. C. Bryden. The members having taken the de- claration of ofiSce took tiieir seat" at the board. On motion Solomon Hill was ap- pointed chairman of the Board, R. C. Bryden being secretary ex office. Moved by W. A. Brown, seconded by S. Hill, that Kobert Askin be ap- Itmay not be generallv known that I P°^°^®^/o'*^ ^°/P«'o" " O"^^'l^^^g^' every dollar of money' voted is voted i^^'i?:,**'-! *!?^ 'o^'"®??,"^* .^ *^®" "to Her Majesty." 'The Estimates ask for a total sum chargeable to (Jonsolidated Fundof |.36,035.000 an increase of half a million dollars over last year. The principal items are as follows, leaving out the odd dollars Cost of public Uebt Cml Government •Justice ... legislation Agriculture Arts S.atis, Immigration Pensious Superannuation 24o!o00 $11,727,000 1,239,000 726,000 691,000 320,000 101,000 105,000 Militia Mlic Works....,.....'.!!.' Mail subsidies steamship liightbouse fccoast service Fisheries 'Subsidies to Provinces. 1,295,000 1,704,000 236,000 526,000 386.000 4,100,000 709,000 J?^««isâ€" 1,064,000 Moaii ted Police Gvernment of Northwest Territories... 208,000 Tbere is no provision made for a re- ^^Mon this year of the Voters Lists. Jiie subsidies of $60,000 for West â„¢ia 6te?.mships is increased to $86,- JW. There is a vote of $200,000 TSQ? ^^' ^® approaching census of mi. The Militia vote is aboat the «me as last year, which is too little. Tbe week's proceedings m Parlia- ment have been notable for duhiesa m dryness. None of the important have been brought forward. topics ^eur divorce petitions were presented. ^agli b Feefer, of Vancouver, claims a divorca from liia wife, who was Miss ii^ale onthe ground that she had. «^Dai relations with a civil engineer. oSt Simpson at Thorold. I|avid Ciapp, of Harriston, charges Z Vl^^^ fonnerly Miss Patterson. committed adultery with FredPringle Y«" teacher of Harriston. of ^^ Walker, formerly MiM Herald I fromlf/ ?^ P"*y8 to ^^ pat asundv |. Jm Aife^d Walker to whom .he ave« « was never really joined. The pa^ tZT'f^ '"'"ed in DnndM wd «Z. *J 'o«?ether, and Emily iJeo .^™» a divorce on the ground of iier s desertion. condition to Mr. S. HiU, chairman of the Board of Healtii inspection to be made about April 25th â€" Carried. Board adjourned to meet at call of the chairman. E, C. Brtden, Sec. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- In tbe Dominion estimates Owen Sound gets $20,000 for harbor im- provements this season. Rev. J. McNeil, of Mclntyre, Osprey was married on the 21st January at West Toronto Junction to Misa Annie E. Drummond, late of Maxwell. Eilbourn, Bishop Co., general storekeepers, of Owen Sound, have be* come financially embarassed. Their liabilities are placed at $25,000 and the assets nominally at the same. An Ou) Goose. â€" Mc. John Wilson, of the old Sarvey, Melsncthon, reports the death of what was perhaps the oldest goose in the township. It was 25 years old, and laid eggs nutil it was 28. Mr. Wilson is certain as to the age of the bird â€" [Sheibume Econo- mist. Bltth.â€" -Mylea Young, J. P., wlo has for five years been teacher of the Bible-class in the Methodist church in this town, was presented with an ad- dress and a beautiful easy chair by bis class, which numbers uprwards of fifty membare. His good wife was on the same evening, made the redpient of a very kind address and a beautiful dressing-case by her Sunday-school class.â€" fChristian Guardian. BxJSKsn TO Death.â€" A very sad event occurred on Friday last near Oorbetton, on the farm of Mr. Leader, who liyes at the rear of Mr. Bundle's fiirm on the gravel road. About fbur o'obek, Mrs. Leader went ppit to the bam, where h« husband was woiing, leaving the ehildres in the bouse alone. One of them was three years of ^, the othar eighteen mohOis.^ Mrs. Leader it aeww etayed for a while at the bam to aeaet h«rh«sbM^aad on returning was horrified to feid the flames. Mr. pi ciu^ 5"^*°8*oO' alleges ttat J[l?wpher Columbus Gtover had fuoh J^D8 with Hattie, GlofM. ._ 5J^^»« to entiUe her to^aUf ffi liJtii^'^f^**^ on Mr. IfijCaL. wa ^e Bbai^ honae ija â€" daaTored to effect 9H entnmoe. Mm a wife seeks relief. Ghristina|.TOin, a«d nairowly aseaped mag h» ^if^jn^tbeiitteiapt The Houseâ€" ber|b6diM|of ^1*^ «*»gmtifl^%^ Town Hall. Gtendg. Jamaotb. '90. x-3^ "e^lf fleeted coui|dl for the township ol Ql^indg met this day pur- suant to Statute. Presentâ€" Charles Mo£it.E8q., fieeve; James Staples, fcsq., Depnty-Beeve Thot Davis, ^*«"n^er C. Beatou and Patrick Neil, £sq'8. Councillors Each mem- ber uiade and subscribed to the de- clarations of qaalificatiou and office and filed the same with the Clerk and took their seats. The Beeve in the chair., Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Beeve nominated Thos. Dutan and tbe council appointed George Binnie as Anditors. By-laws 273, 274, 276 and 276, for the apiKuntment of Auditors, Assessor, Loral Board of Health and Path- masters, rcRpectively. were introduced and read a first and second times. The Beeve and Mr, Neil were in- structed to enquire as to the sufficieney of the Treasurer's sureties, and report at next meeting of council. The Clerk was instructed to notify Donald and John McCaskell to re- move obstructions from the highway. Collector lor Ward 2 was instructed to accept $8.28 in full of taxes charg- ed against lot 35, Cons. 2 and 8, N. D. B., statute labur having beei* per- formed to the amount of $4.00. Collector for Ward 4 was instructed to erase $4.48 from taxes against lot 9, Con. 12. The Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders lor printing. Neilâ€" Beatonâ€" "That the Auditors "be instrncted to report at this "Council, whether or no, that the "allegations made on nomination day "that the late council overexpended "the revenue of last year, and if "correct, tu state how ' lunch, and if "not correct to show bow oinch (if "any) of the revenue of last year was "left in tl!e hands of the Treasurer "and unexpended by them. The motion was carried. By-laws 273, 274 and 275 were read a third time and ordtred to be signed, sealed aud engrossed on By- law book. Ward commissioners were appoint- ed as follows Ward No. 1, A C. Beaton Ward No. 2, Thos, Davis Ward No. 3, Patrick Neil Ward No, 4, Jas. Staples. The Beeve to be general snperviser over the whole township. Cheques were issued as follows Expence of municipal elections, $48.- 60 Milcalm Beaton, refund for over assessment, $1.87 Thomas Towns- end, work at lot 15, con. 3, E. G. B., $19.00; William Thomas, work at lot 15, Con. 3, E. G. B.. $19.50 Bobert Burril, work at lot 15, Con. 8, E.G.B., $7.75; James Edge, bank draft on County rates, $2.25 G. F. McCaul, Affidavits to assignments, 60 cents 0. W. Butledge, printing, $15.70 Alexander Bell, Arbitration 5. S. 12. A, G., $5 00 James Cat sou. Arbitration S. S. 12,A. G., $2.00 J. S. Black, cleaning pipes and flues in Town Hall, $100; Patrick Neil, cleaning pipes and flues in Town Hall. $1.00; C. Williams, comiiiissiou ou road expenditure, $000. The couucil adjnrned to February 10th at 10 a. m. J. S. Bi^cK. Clerk. Walter's TaXiM PaUle StihooL The following is the honor roll of U. S. 8. No. 1, Holland and Eayhnmia. for the raontk of Janoary. Nameo in order o merit iPoonh Classâ€" MarKret L. Coleridge, Willie uidersou, Frank Sanderson, Jane Lemon, Mary J. Coleridtte, Ollie Brown. Tho^ Camp, bell, Pprqr Brown. Annie Walter. Berti* Came;, Lottie Brown. Willie Bonnell, Badly Campbdl. Bertie Seabrook, doo Hanbeiy. Third Class (Senior Division) â€"Hannah Caswell, Ida M. Oamqr, Martha Pnor^ Willie McLennan, Rose E. Taylinr. John H. Cofar- 1 idffe. Lillie Sbnnk. Geo. Caswell. Janior DiTiiion â€" Annie M. Bhmtk, John MoDormick, Thomas A. King. Second Clrsa (Sen. Dit.) â€"Emily Walter, Stanley Sanderson, Philip Walter. Loiua Lemon, Liszie Lemon, Catharine McLei m e n Byron Carney, Clara Xing, John D.Layeod^. ^inior DiTisionâ€" Arthor Caawetl, Walter Lemon, Freddie Waltra, Ghariie Ti^lor, Allie Bmtket, Charlie Barker/ WiUie Bhaah. Udie Brawa, Nettie Bmiiudl, Soplaa J. Htaephetd- BOO, Ma^giie Vindlay. Sink Omm. Part IL. (Sen. DiT.-AcdraT Dayman, AUie Walter. Gadnriiw lAveoek. WiHie Baasett. iouor Divinoa â€" Lettie Sb i|iiM JieB. Phoebe Caswel}. Wiltiefins, UoMrtKiDg, Thomas Momr, Jabei Mower. PntI .««^ l)hr.)-W«rfiy Wsttis. Lottie 8eiteaok,Kaaiyi LeyBoek. Jnaier DiviaioiLâ€" Willie lialMr, John Wsltfb ifteesHaidwry. Atou Fw^T; 1. 1. ffiin^r^ ♦i»i ^^^^^^^ i/^n-m i»i6.»* :s ,*ti $1. iTwpuii Jan. 80.â€" The^Igin eoauty cjoaeii tonds^; passed gibs tol- '^Besdvied. thaiiSus eooncS t|tii4* mi^giii'dlaTerniMnl W iai««»«a IffgwaalUa TtMSj i ff|w» er 'rf^tj;. B to H e: o CD eovand, as it is certain in its ettictt had does not blister. Read pcoof below. lO ' aV« W'-t i':Ji â- »i Buarooii Ium, Nor. m 1(88. Da. B. J. Xsmuu. Co, Dear Sirs: I have uwayt pvehased yaw Kes- would BCp(*easiaIs«K|Wuiai9!. I Uiinkitb oaaof thabastliniaaMtsoaeanh. IhaTsnssdit in my stables for three yean. Yours tro^, Chas. A. Simna. 'S-r. BeooKLTM, M. Y.. NoMmber 3, (868. Da. B. 1. bnuu Co. DearSirs: IdestretoflMyoatestunaalalptmy RDodoirfnioaof Toar Kendall's Spavin Cure. Ihave n«edift»r â- â- â- wsieas, esiWJetotaeaagpevtM. andlhaTefoanditasoreenre. I oordiaUy recom- meod it to all horsemen. Years tmly. A H. Gn.BKKT, Manager Ttoy Lwindry Stable*^. KERDftU'S SPAVIN CURE. Samt. WmroM Coawnr, Owo, Dec \% z888. Dr. B. J, Kenoau. CoL Gents. I feel it my duty to say what I hare doB» with your Keadall't Spavin Core. I bave cored twenty.fi«« horses tbat liadl^)*Tlaa,tenof â- !â- « â- mm, nine afflicted widi BlvHeea and seven of Bi« Mw. Siaca I have had one of yonr books and followed the directions, I have never lost a case of any Mod. Years tmlyi Axnaxw Tornkr, Horse Doctor. KERBALL'S SPAVIR GORE. Price ei per bottle, or six bottles for #5 All Drug- gists have It or can get it far yen, or ifwiU be eent toany addressen receipt of price by the proprie- tors. Dr. B. J.Kxmoall Co., Enosburgh nils, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. KARRIS' RURAL ANNUAL. 1890. 73PAGSS. 240 ILLTJSTBATIOKS Containing: Artirlcw of Interest and Ynliie to ail Growers ot Farm Garden Crops, Fmits, Flowers, etc. We «ant me leader of every family where the Standabp is taken to Lave a copy of the BUBAL ANNUAL for 1890. It will be sent fkee. If you want the best of Seeds, Plants, Boses, Ac, we hope to get en order from you. Address JOSEPH HAEEIS SKED CO., Moreton Farm, Mouroe Co., N.Y. €»vr*5i cr--rt^ ri f ' 1 1? f'Tâ€" '^, r^ *rv ^jr^-'" ' -^V.'" â- '-»*•â- « '-St*. t»l tsh !• ^j \J *J ..« it^g\il.m^ m io |.-.r; ••piinp ' ^3^ j.I«Vini: will- «uihii'-5. JllUJj HuUlK'-.ivU vh^tvitM' people r-nii mc l!ifl!i, Wf will send iVt*e imii-' ln-rfoM ill each locality ,tbo vriy l/i'^r rt-ivin^-machiDe miiO« iu iftc nurlI,^^iIh uit t"..«j attnchnifnie. Vfr: vrilmUiu «iirt Treea cor.iiftc liiicofuur costly nnd valuiitlc nt: jcamirfcfl. In n-turn We tsk that vpi •bow what vrc m-nd, to tbaav nrlto may mil at rmir butup.and after .^ 'imoiitliiallalmll become four own pLrtr. 'ibi' pniDd auibiiia is s/fi^nt^^r the Kineer patent*. lurb k4^vnin ont: nicroiv |)«*rar! nin oiii it aolU firl|IU:t. with tbs ariarlniieDta, anil iicnr aelli fur '^TftO. Iteat, atrcinppsr, mutf un^ All marhtair in tbu worM. Jill fa I. Ni» c^rital nqairad. Plaia, wbo Write to as at onco can mc* nadiiao to the wnrld. aud tho •rtcvarabowB tocetliorin Anivrica. T40» A«ciMtu« Maitt0 SesliiniornfljfTsaKJ WILL STODOART, TKIUOR, Who has jaet iet,m:ued from .Tosouto alter taking out hi^^l||^lo,tna^ fur c.ot- ting in the Torop^jCii^^:^!" school, had Miss FitsRtVho- ..nad .^c-en'ju .his employ ior subm «time paot ^tT8ted, and Weught np before ° iiie Uonor Chief Jn lice Neat Fit. chained with ^obMne him and annuying hii costbu^- ers, she was found guilty and sentenc- ed to go down for fifty years. The pablic in general and my customers in particnlar are inyited to come and leave their measure with me for their clothing and need fear no more trouble cr annoyance ftoxo Miss Fit«. W, STODDAJiT.' TAILOR. Otiei: MeFaxland's store.. WIl^B MILLS I :tt' â- i 'i i .- Vf:-, f^^^, i ^j" "H ||: Mil V ' â- ' â- 'â- 'â- '