V »-vi •Mil Up M lAi mm i f*r' iJti C. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, FEB. 6, 1890. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€"The second G. T. E. track has been commenced at Kingston Mills. â€" The Chicago Presbytery Monday voted in favor revising the Confession of Faith, â€" Senator Jonn Macdonald died at J. his residence, Toronto, on Tuesday last, aged 65. â€" Haldimaad election takes place •on the 20th February, and the nom- inations on the 13th. â€" WelUngton County Council are (petitioning the Dominion Government for national bank bills. â€" Mr.Parnell gets $25,000 damages from the London Times, the libel suit being compromised at that figure. â€" The New York Presbytery Mon- day voted to adopt a report favoring the revision of the Confession of Faith. â€" President Harrison's residence in Indianapolis was burglarized on Wed* uesday night and considerable booty secured. â€" The first party of colonists of the geasou from Ontario passed through Wuiuipsg, on Thursday, bound for Qu'Appelle. â€"Dr. Wylie, M: P. P., of Btayner, has been chosen as the Conservative standard-bearer for West Simcoe lor the local eleclion. â€"The (3. P. R. car shed at Ottawa, Sir John Macdonald's cart "Jamaica" iiud the other Government cart "Ottawa" was burned on Monday. â€" Parliament Monday, by a vote of 74 to 54, defeated the bill ta let corn come into the country duty free for the purpose of fattening cattle for export. â€" The town of Stayner has organ- ized a board of trade, with Alex. Nicol as president, H. Perdue, vice-presi- dent, aud F. J. Stewart, secretary- treasurer. influbnce among the manufacturers of the country. To check this wholesale buying up of American manufacturing industries, a bill has been introduced into the House by Mr. Chipmau of Michigan, which aims to prohibit an ahen from being at the head of a cor- poration conducting business in the country. It is not likely, however, that the bill in its present form will become law, for although some ol the members of Congress are restive at! the large investments of British capital those of the new States particularly are well pleased to have British capital applied in developing the industries o the XJ. S. Still the disposition seems to be quite general to place some restrictions upon such investments and to provide, if possible, that British capital shall be under American con- trol. It will be remembered that restrictions quite as stringent exist at present m tha district of Columbia whose "alien law" does not allow a foreigner to hold real estate within the district, and which a couple of years ago was construed so as to cover the case of a foreign government desirincr to make investment in real estate for legation purpo8e.s. This is certainly an application of the principle "Ameri- ca for the Americans," hitherto un- heard of, to see in this the logical result of the particular policy the nation has been pleased to adopt, while others will likely conclude that the presence of the great pork industry in their midst has had a bad eifect upon the uisposi. tions of the people. R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, is the best, and is M Kfieps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWSEfS, ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. TEOWSERINGS in all the leading grades. SHIRTS, -SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS. CUFFS. SUSPENDERS. c.. c. Special attention is invited tithe Manufacture o( BnttOHs; parties trishing bnttous of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentleBieu, can bavo thcai made m a tew minutes while waiting. AGENT FOR PARKTiiE'S DYS WORKS. Tailoring doue as rsial. Custom work will receive cireful atteiiSiion. Good work and reat fits. Many no doubt will profess ^â- ^' ,• -.-.. ' â€" U| GOOD Hollana Centre. EMORY Iffind wandering cured. Bonks lesmed in one resaing. TestimoBinls from all parts of the globe, Prospectas POST FBXK, sent on application to Prof. A. ImiMtte. 837 EUtb â-²Â«â€¢;. Bew York. â€"IT PAYS TOâ€" Utandard Correspondence. Vital Satistics for '89â€" There were registered with the Township Clerk, during the year 1889, 62 Births, 10 marriages and 24 Deaths. The Entertainment â€" In connection with the Presbyterian church on h ri- day evening was not as successful financially as was expected. The committee was unfortunate in their selection of an evening, but villi no LONDON ONTARIO THE â€" The Lieutenant-Governor of On- tario went down and opened the single legislative body of that province yester- day with very little ceremony. A de- tachment of C Couipany had an op- orfcnnity of showing how nicely they could present arms, and there the fuss began and ended. Ontario is the only one of the provinces that has as such any assets that have a ready market- able value, and there is probably some connection between this fact and an- other, namely, that it carries on its ailairs after a simple, inexpensive and common sense fashion. â€" The Postmaster General's annual report contains many items of public inteiest. The total number of Post Oflces open in the Dominion on the Jut of November, 1889, was 7,838 against 7.671 at the close of 1887 88. D'lring the year 571 miles were added to the mail routes, and the annual travel now amounts to 25,756.678 miles. The estimated number of letters which passed througu the post offices of Canada last year was 92,- 686,000; of post cards, 19,355,000; of registered, 8.649,000 of free letters 3,872,000 of newspapers and periodi- cals, 12,269,000 of books, circulars, samples, etc., 17,058,000 of parcelp, 604,000 of closed parcals for the United Kingdom, 15,400. The total value of the stamps issued for the fiscal y*ar ended 80th Jane, 1889. was $2,- 978,506, as against $2,728.026â€" an increase for last year of $245,481. â€" Our neiphbors across the lin« «9em to be growing jealous of tbeix nsinp from the Motherland who have reeantly shown a remarkable disposi- tion to invest thdr money in Yankee enterprises and inSnstries. The many millions of British gold that have passed into Aoierieaa oaflEan are givr in^ these English bapitriirtii a deeidyi doubt consult the clerk of the weather in time lor their next one. Counter atiractious lu Williamslord and Chats- worth drew away the fun-loving citizens of the Centre. The program was a good one and consisted ot speeches, readings aud music from the juveniles. Equal Eights. â€" A meeting in the interests of the Equal Rights was held in Mr. Price's hall on Monday evening Jan. 27th, the chair being occupied by Eev. Mr. Hartley. The spealiers were Eev. J. B. Fraser and Mr. Busby, president and vice-president respectively of the North Grey As- sociation. We would be pleased to see all political meetings conducted as harmoniously as this one. At the close a large number £ave in their names as adherents of the cause and the election of officers was proceeded with. The Influenza â€" still maintains its sway over the community and some have suffered very severely but we are happy to state with no fatal results as yet. Board of Healtj. â€" The Board of Health met here on Monday, 8rd inst. There is no change in the personnel of the board for 1890. Very lifctJe baeiness was transacted. In truth it seldom has anything to do. If it could only deal with the iufiuenza the leople would vote them a bonus. RUNNAWAY, lastM a load his own tjate. next morning he dis- covered that it was like the Dutch- man s hen, 'luiHsing.' On starting out in pearch of it it he soon discover- ed the route it had taken, vi«.. up Kin«» street to where it was intersected bv Queen when it turned west until after it crobsed the railway track when it left the beaten road and tried to climb a telegraph pole when it. came tr grief with a broken rod and bench. Mr. S. is now examining every ones shoes aud comparing them witti the tracks near the sleigh. Certainly the .iko was "a little too far fetched." The boys should pay the Bill for the repairs. WINNIPEG MANITOBA. The only agrionltnral nnblloatlon that received 225 j^" In London, Bneland. in im^Sa, AND BEST^^^'V*?"*?' "*»• '««• *« OLDEST Canada. »eiln"tnral paper published In â„¢)^f??? f anneri »y Its cost to the beat spent money that leaves the farm. ^^ ^^ g^eiy farmer shonld read it. »»i H.*â„¢ best medtam to Canada fbr advertto- Ine any and all goods nsed on the ta/rmT^ We have scores of testimonials from lesdins eopyVienS """ *° advance. Sample 0NEYfOR*LL WAIVTEDâ€" A eooa energetic man, or men, U) sell o^ir Fruit Trees, ll'sps, Slinib^, Ornauieutals, etc. Pkkmanest E:.iPL0Y.viExr. Write a^ once for teruis, aud stiuure clioicfl of tr rritory We sell only tirst-cla-^ Rt,uk. ILunlsoiu outfit free. Address MAY BROi'llEKSe Nurserymen, li loheater, N. Y. 4di.9o AND THAT I!S THE lortlem Mm Collets â€" CF OWEJV SOXJISO. The best and TSiosfr practical cottrse ot stu Tho be^t teachi2ig talent. The best accouiniodatlon for students. The best methtxis of instruction. The best results from that instruction after students graduate. For annual anuouncc-ment ipving pwticulars regardiag the coursaof stuc^y..Qerm8 iScvaddress C. A. FliEMlSG. Pbuscipai-. Owen Sound Nov. 1st. 1888. SAfiARITAI OIL has no .equal for To Our SubBcrlbMHk liZaxkdale markets. WEDN£SD.\y, Feb. 5, 1889. Fall Wliwit 70 to 8 82 Spring Wheat 70 to t:2 ^j'l^^y :!5to 40 "s 2410 24 I"^.f • 51 to 51 ""er i4to 15 ^-««"-- 16to 16 ^y, C 00 to 00 f otatoes. ptr bag 40 to 50 20 to 22 4 00 to H 00 5 00 to 5 25 Wool Beef Pork A JLrnx* Tmit. NOTICE. Notice is^hereby given that application will be ^S.^.^^fV'"" "7* session of the Parliament o? Canada, for an Act to incor ,orate a company for the purpose of construct.ns. equipping. ^aS.' taming and operating a railway from the to^^f Mount Forest m the County of Grey andpSce ?LH!i'„?;'l.°.""?y°f Jlarkdale to the C^^of lie usual lines or necessary right of w.y. .tati^ ^oI.nH^'^li;! oV:""^;!;^ ties and to a..cjnire lau.ls or ot ler 1 .r" sll or aid tvom the (iovoruineut 01 tl o Don touof Caniida, ov the (iov.n-ninoiit of r,!,e Pj",. 'ce of Ontario or any Muuicipalitv, CorooVilion or per.son to a.s.st in the constfiicti .n'of t e sa?d and obtain ruani.; povoi-s over at. v line o, Tines of railway and to make tT:Viin aiidotl "r «r atm^ Z^'IT "".^^ ?*"-â- 'â- "'l^ay or other connZ^ and for all other usual ahd necessary o*?e« riguts and privileg '3 ^==00,1 j, jiowers, IS^"'^*"^^*^" "'" 10th day of December. 4ftl.T9 VV7T.snX KVAT.-.S «»'-« Solicitors for Applicants. The specialjannonncenient which Appettred ia onr columns some time sirce, auuonne- iug a spesial arran;.,ement -with Tfn. B. J. Kendall Co., of Euoslmrgh Falls, Vt., pub- lishers of "A Treatise ou the Horse aud bis I Diseases," whereby our subscribers were en- abled to obtain a copy of that valnable work free by sending their address to B. J. KENDALL CO. (and enclosing a two- cent stamp for mailing same) is renew- ed for a limited period. We trust all will avail theiQselves of the opportunity of ob- taining this yaluable work. To every lover of the Horse it is indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which affiict this noble animal. Its pUenominal sale throughout the United States nnd (-anada, niako it standard authority. Men- tion tliis paper wheu sending for "rreatise.^ 478-91 Rheum SI -AND- Lumbag'o. Hiurali for â€" 'T THE â€" AWAY For Sale^r Rent. Lot 45, Sydenham street, Markdale. con- taming J of an acre on it i» a oomlortable dwelUng house 22 x 32. wifl. woodshed aud cistern also a two-story ^ivp suitable for a pump factory and carpenter shop, beside which 13 a weJl which supplies a 14-hoH.e power engine with water. The above will be sold cheap. Apply to **^-* J. T. QUINN. t9 Cords J. B. McMarrich and H.C. Pearaon !cuai«tMrown started aroaad the isluid at 3:20 i ^SSu. TO WHOM ITJMAY COMCERM. TLis is to certify that we Lave ap- pointed Mrs. Kobt. Askin, of Markdale, Ontario, as our duly authoriseil Agent for the sale and teaching of our '-Nevy^ Tdilor Sy8tem of Uresa-enttiag" (late Prof. Moody's). b •* « We take gieat pleasure iu recom- mending her as fully coapet^nt to teach the System thoroughly, and that s^e 18 a per8.,a ot resi-ectability and tleairous of giving all her patrons en- tire tiHiislaction. J. A. Cabtkb, T.Tj, i'^Py'lKe St. Toronto. To Mrs. Bobt. ^akm, MarkUHle, Ont. Besilenn.i vpc faruitui e store. ' 489-92: Markdale Fumittirel Wareroom. DOWN BELOW CO! lor the Holiday seison. Plush Parlor Siiits, Sair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding] Sideboards, Tables, .common Extensioa 1 in great variety Wasiistaads; ijpi Mattrcris Wool Mattrefsnlai!' and iu fact ev^rytliius t!iftSi=l' a first-class sboD. Call aod gel q tations. Also Fuufiral Furuislm?] Coffins, Caskets, Bob«s, h^ GloyeR, Crapes of all ^scriptioaj ways io stock. Thsnkii)? my nf oas customers for past favors. iug all a Merry Xmas aad New Year. Yours respeetfitllyi J. w. Sprouie;^ PROCLAWATK FEOil THE CHEAP CASHSTW KMB OFAU CHUf^ AeknowIe1ged by one ana "B greatest BARGAIN SOiJi (to* that ever opened m village of Markd* Thursday alternoon,and accomphshed ^^-J'S^WaSp^-S^^^J' the feat at 3:20. The season is a re markableone. Never beforia, probably, hag the bay bodn open at thia time o£| ==--â€"-!«_ W tod tlie boatius as good as in LBi;iii«-In Eauh, â€" [Jimpire. ^^ V 3'«»»n«. DEATHS «•!•, OO th'3 4th ilMt. of W^. Brom H^^ «tts War., •»w^i.-£;j::% tm .-w V. tliis"!* Here we are. good peopw* lo»'»J you. with lots to show y»n; ""if,*f you, and with lota to seU jw- j knew how we can seU goo« Uve, it would do yonr ^^^ j Biake you quake witn \?IZ «itli ' U wonkl make you rejowe hoosebold that such a f GIVING AWAY S^ i{^nearigW»"'^^ We want every one ffho«»"L 00 eeott on eveiy dollar fffirflj lad Me w, exiunine "f .rf^J^ imm^VftAU oonvinoed VU* %cBt^