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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Jan 1890, p. 5

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 â- %x-. Q\}R OTTAWA LETTER cwase in wages of $2 8 week. The ^,„,J.„ 28.-The M^oitenia K'rk'Sr J'SmJI'S "" tus ou Friday waa a quiet enoagb ^luuu. *fflir einiply bef-ause Sir John Mac â-  ' *** fn«l(] n'ould not allow auy discussiou '** '•^ *•» »«iH«iii of " ygsf d gueatioiis. He patted them " tiic back, told tlieui to be good boys "^i li )iet'eH8ury he woukl later .on call I take it for EdHor Standard. As it has been the fashioa of late tc lafflbiii^gs^ ot preaii-i' open lebtllion if the doeti uot dismiss bolh his Snaiict' njiui^itei' atid bis minister of Biilitia, both of whom ure very louch cislikfd by inosi uf those t'j the Speak- er's rigbt- Tiier6 is also a divided du Mr. iJcCaithv's course. jlr. ilcCiirtljy himself was absent Tjm the ^ov'u least and at tue moment was ridni^' a l)lood horse around Parlia- aieutlii'j- The vexed question ^of the ^.jur iiuiV' "•" "'i-T"ise of which is c**;- jsHUilcd by Ihp Oiitiirio members and â-  resistea by the Maritime mcmbarg, lias also-dudged by the Artful Dodger wlio hupfcs to wriggle out of the di£ calty ill somo way. 'ilie lirst; httly brush between the tnirosi.'i'.Hi aud tlie Guveruinent result- «i'iu Ml rxliibitiua of temotr by the ?feraier who was comptjlltd by Mr. Lau^ior to come down. A motion of jVr. MuMulleu's for a return showing tjj* expenses of the bare junketings abri'iiit of the luiuisters and trade cammissioaers was oppcsed by Sir JoLd Jiiicdouuld 111 such- an uuparlia mentary way that Mr. Laurier ttireat- oiied to divide tlie House, upon which itiie Premier agreed to allow Mr. Mc- Jlulltii'd tuotiLii to pass at a subse- quent ritage aud iu ii luodifted form. Mr. JiLCarlhy's bill to abolish the official use of Ereucli in the Northwest Territories is not so important as Mr, McCaiihy's speech. It was something of a surprise and was attentively listened to hy bcth sides of the House. The able ^jember lor North Simcoe reviewed the question of two hinguages mil two rces as affecting the whole Bouiiiiipi) aud took the ground that so long as Cauada recognized another â- official bntjuage beside English so long would national u;jiLv be wanting. He declined that most oi our difficul- ties were due to this racial cleavage which threatened to rend the Domin- ion ia twain ' He was several times intern] ptnl by the J^rench members whn displayed a good deal of feeling nu the subject. Mr. McCarthy warned them to let him alone as he had a right to his opinion aud intended to maintain it. When he spoke of the "conquest" of French Canada the French members suggested "cession" as a better word, but Mr. McCarthy thought hifi own expression better. Although he took high ground with fefpect to the whole Dominion it must KOt be forgotten tlat his bill applies to the Northwest only. The Prercjer ':vas evidently grieved at Mr. Mc(;flrthy's line of argament, and said it raised Fueh a grave issue that they must have time to consider ii- Mr. LiHurier's few remarks indi- «atefl tlias he did not regard the bill 'tself asa terrible affair but he disent- from many of the mover's atter- ances. Col. Denisnu. of Toronto, seconded tje bill and it passed it« first reading. When It comes up for its second read- mg there will be a big debate not secontl i;i interest to the great Jesuits "ebate of last session. How parties ^lU vote on it is as vet unknown. the issues raised by Mr. McCarthy "epei-baps greater than any raised 5"iec .Confederation. Jie 'lanking system was discussed oalnrday morning: between ahont .J'"y P^n-'inion bankers and the Min- istfr of Finance. A scheme of nation- ' currency was snggrested and con- nl emned. It was the general opinion, J'^ever, that the banks notes of one ^roviDee should be made a legal tand- ^^ in all. The government will also wobably provide in their forthcoming "i.a guarantee fand for the protection ' "ppositors and noteholders of any "K that closes its doors. The ^^aericar, Kystem nf government bonds » hasifi of circulation was generally J^n^emned by the bankers. Most of J ^Tiks wish the present system of «'^ctilp,tionl(.ftunaisturbed. At .J " " granted that every Markdaleite wishes to see hia viflage a fair bized prospering town i.i the near future. Now what are we doioR to accomplish this end Very little has been done so far. True our little affairs, such as sidewalks, roads and I'udges, ^.. e.. Hi-f. heing looked after better than they have ever been, but It will take corsiderable legislation 01 this sort lo affect the mowth of our village. What about that Commiitee which was formed to do their utmost to get some manufacturers to establish them- selves here. Duudalk is springing up in this direction aud it is likely they will succeed if they mean business and pull together. It is a well known fact that the great majority of the towns of Cauada owe their success to the:r nianufnctures. Take away the factories and what is lelt in a few old dry bones who hang ou for dear life to the little pile they may have made, afraid to spend one dollar until they see it yield a refund of 50 per cent, ready to cry down any new scheme eithtr financial, social or moral which has been started for the benefit of the village at laige. In writing tlie I am well aware o^ \yhat 8oc»e of our men, es- pecially the Xieeve has done in endeav- oring to secure a High School for this place also in regard to Railway mat- ters, but it is quite plain to all that if we do not make a start sometime in the direction which has been iudicated. Miirkdale will be left in the race. Thanking you Mr. Editor for yonr valuable space and trusting this subject may change from letter to an open question. 'Mabkdale an open Oomity Conncll. The conncii convened at 2 o'clock on Tuesday 28th as per statute, and after the roll was called an adjournment was made until 7 owing to a number of members not having arrived. ..The day waa gorgeous and every one appeared as happy as a sunflower. The principal work of the evening session was the election of Warden, when Chas. Moffat, Esq., Reeve of Olenelg, was elected. THK PEBSOMKEL. Artemesia â€" Dr. Christoe, Jno. Boland, W. Sharp. Gollingwood â€" F. A. Smelser, W. Kerr, John Irwin. Bentickâ€" J. Messinger, H. Brigham, H. WiUia. Derbyâ€" J. Cochrane, W. Brien. Kgremont â€" P. Dickson, J. Swanston, J. Allen. Euphrasiaâ€" T. Gilray, W. Fawcett. Glenelg â€" G; Moffat, James Staples. Holland â€" Wilham Nortogo, Anthony Shnte. Keppelâ€" W. A,,Totten, Jt)h» Clark. Normanby â€" Victor Lang, Geo. H. Scbenk, Malcolm McPhee. Ospreyâ€" T. Gamey, D. K. Preston. Proton â€" Duncan McMillan, Mr. Shaw. Sarawak â€" J. S. Findlay. St. Vincent â€" J. Bowes, N. Rjead. Sullivanâ€" J. Sparrow, J. A.Thompson Sydenhamâ€" J. Thompson, \5f. Lemon, N. McDonald. Owen Soundâ€" J. C. Miller, J. M. Kilbourn, R. Malcolm, Jno. Armstrong. Durhamâ€" Jno. A. Brown. Meafordâ€" G. P. Mclntobh, S. Carson. Dunds^â€" T: Hanbnry. BJ^ri^daleâ€" W. J- McFarland. An old lady nsmeil McOdman living some distance north of Bones* Ban was frozen tu death last Monday oight »bile making her wav from her own house to that of a nephew. She was eighty-two years of age iind had been hying alone.â€" Durham Chronicle. Dnring the heavy wind storra on Monday the 18th, a twehre foot board was blown off an outbuilding and'carri- ed some forty f«et strikinji Jaioes Barber, a Derby farmer, while fplitt- ing wood. The boaid Ftruck him on the head rendpriug him unconscious. He is recovering. The shoddy pedlars who have been doing np the unwary farmers around Dornoch and Williamsford and the Kocky Sangeen for some time past, is about to be bronght before the tribunal of justice lor sellinsj cm trary to the County By-law made and provided in such cases. A county conotable was here Tuesday making enqniries re- sppcting the whereabouts and the number of sales effected, with a view to cj.mmence operations against him. Several jewelry pedlars who are also goiiij? through the country with pack" are to be brought to account and will have to contribute to the revenue of the County either by paving license or fines.â€" Chatsworth News. At noon last Friday Mr. Neil Macdonald, of the 10th concession, Glenelg, was in his usual health and spirits. An hour later he was cold m death. He was working at the Glen- rodden saw mill. A sleigh load of saw logs had capsized, but nobody was hurt. fcfome time afterwards Mr. Macdonald wished to reach the other side of the spot where they lay and -tead of walking around the logs he started to cross them. Being on a side hill they started to roll the de- ceased lost his footing an.l was shot out Jii front of the logs which- rolled over him. Streams of blood shotirom his body, be was a corpse. His legs were broken in several places his shoulder blade was fractured and the side of hifi face broken in. The accident took place in the sight of several of the deceased's horrified fellow work- men, but they could have rendered no aid. The excitement for a time was intense. Mr. Macdonald was about fifty-five years, and leaves a f jmily of grown up children. His wife died three or tour years ago. â€" ^Durham Chronicle. XarkdaU Ibxkcta. WsDNESDAT, Jan. 29j.l889. Fall Wheat 70'to 9 82 Spring Wheat,.. 70 to 82 Barley 3.5to 40 Oats 24to 25 Peaee 52 to 52 Batter 14 to 15 Eggs. 19to 20 Hay COOtoOOO i^otatoes, per bag 40 to 50 Wool 20to 22 Beef...., 4 00 to 5 00 ^VINB MILLS a±a EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- This year 384 students are attend- ing the Collegiate Institute, Owen Sound. The Owen Sonnd Art Exhibition trill open for one week, commencing 8rd ol JFebruary. Bev. J. J. Dobbin applied to the Presbytery, at Oraugevilie. for re- instatement, at its last ineetiuK aud Ilia i*ayer was rejected. Michael Brennan, of Btookholm, ^^ Wnlock's motion for*n addrPS- U«» Owen Sound, fell froin «»«»«;«; of his house last veck xrhile putting out afire which had staitfeil "», Tftof. au^ wai weariv killed. FoOT.Pw» »i«e««B«D.â€" The Gill • " qiiarM i»*«t. om9 at the I HaTing pnrcbased the Marfcdale Pump busi- ness I wish to annonnce to tho pal)lic that I am prepared to fill oirdtr^ for all kiuds of pumps. Deep WclL Pttmps, ForcePninMi, Qbrtezu Vnmps, eto. Wind XlUa Will also continue to mannfactmre Wind Mills, either for iwwer or pamping purposes. And, being pnkctical mechanic, I feel confident of tormng oi^ work tnat cj.nnot faU to give satisfaction. Ilepairing done. Ail work goaranteed. Orders froja « distance will receive particnlar WKt ttOBOft attention. CaU on or address, JEFFEBY AETLKY, Maakddk. i " ^T"" assuring Hsr MaiMty of .•ei^valtyof hpr Canadian subjects. ".Jtbe paper for today., »il| h "' ^°" *^® HaWiiiiftna election • '"'ution If- 17 M^\ ite *O.JfM NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that appIi mUmi wxB be made, at Vbe next session of the Parliamenl el Canada, for an Act to incorporate *«empaayf«r the porpoee of constmcting, eauipytng, lUAim-' t piniiig and (qerating a railway froas the town ef Mount Forest in the County of Grey andProvteee of Ontario by way Markdale 4*ttie town ef Meftfard in the aforesaid Oountj, with the Doaa) powers to boUd telegraph or teiaiMqe liner er both in connection therewith, aanUnecessaiy bridges, and to take and acqnint 'lands for the ri^t-M way, station gronnds aad etjbor neosHi- ties, and to acquire lauds or c4ber bonnses er aid from the Government of the pominioef Canadft, orliie Government of tbe Ptovtkee ef Ontario, or any. Mnnieipality. CaeptaaHoa ez person to assistin the constractioB g( tbe said railway, and to amalgamate vitb, ccuinect iritb, aud obtain running powers oversayliBe orlfnee of railway, and to make traffic snilMbararrauiie- ments with otiier railway or otber ootapanias. audfora^T otiier' usual aud necessary powen, rigbts ai^padTilegee. D^t d at Meaftdd this 10th Smr ti December, 1889. WIUSON EVASR 4S3-aS St^citortrfavAnpUeaata. B. L. STEPHEN. » M S O CD go p ^^ or ass o CD CDti O 2 Oo Cot c^Cp ^•fei^ CD g) o CD CD TO 02 bd^^ cr CD o CD E:^^ L-J O Cf P CD TO o (0 O t:^ I-' 6 CD o '" TO cf «-• o CD TO m O g F§ cf p O cr. â-ºâ€" TO CD CD • TO j TO £D 4 »g^E3 TO 5J'aȣf 5 » pjcf CD CD TO ♦Hi TO TO ef t-t I ^.i^: CD â- t .•-«Si dis- eovwed, as U U oertaia ia itt efteu and does not bBster. Read Efoof Mow. Orwict^of CHARLES A. SKYDEB, Blmvood, Iu,4 Nov. to, 1888. Da. B. J. KsRoau. Co. Dear Sirs: I have always pordiaaad your Ken- dalTs Spavin Cnra by Aa half doses bottles. I would Hka jprioea ia larger quantity; I think it is oneof tlMMatliaiiqants oneartli. Ihaveuaedit in my staldes for three yaan. Yours truly, Oua. A. Smtdkr. KHMl'S SPAVII eORL BaooKLTM, N. Yq Novendter 3, 1888. Da. B. J. KsHoau. Co. Dear Sirs 1 desire to g^ yon testtmoiUal of my good opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have used it^r iJMeMaa, •tlff.Ieiato «mI tmrtmn^ and I have found it a sura«iire. I cordially recom- mend it to all horseman. Yours truly. A. H. GiLBBrr, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. KEMDIU'S SPAWI CURL Sjuit, Wimtoh Coomtt, Ohio, Dec 19, 1888. Dr. B. J. KCHDALL Co. Gents. I feel it my duty to say what I have done with your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that had SpavlaB, ten of RUik B*«e, nine afflicted with Bf* Me w and seven of â- Is Aw. Since I have had one of your books and followed the directions, I. have never lost a case of any kind. Yours truly, Amdixw Turkeo, Horse Doctor.- KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Price 9i per bottle, or six bottl. for $5. All Drug- gists have It or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by theproprie- tors. Dk. B. J. Kbhoali, Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CONSUMPTI""' It has permanently cured thousands^ of cases pronouncel by doctors Iiope^. less. If you liave premonitor.y symp- ... toms, snch as Couf^Ii, Difl^ciilty of ' Breathing, c., don't delay, bnt iisa PISO'S CURE FOB CONSUMPTION;, immediately. By Druggists. 25 cento. HARRIS' RURAL ANNUAL. 1890. 7a PAOZS. 240 iliiUSTBATIOl^S Cantainlnf; Artirlcs of Interest and Value to all Growers of i Farm Garden^C^rops^ Fmifs*, Flow«rSt etc. We nnut cue leacler of every {»mSj- â-  where the Standard is tnk^n to have a copy f the RURAL ANNUAL for 1890. It will he sent vkee. If you want tho best oft Seedri, Plante, RoseR, c., we h pe to gtt an drdf-r" ffom you. Addre.-R JOREPH HAr»JR^S,J?LED;f?... Moreton Kltoni, M»nwiie Co.vN;.3C*,- i^^^ mr I --1- inr »t !* V rli- m, "^v (tifwn in '«i-li i'^fTaliiv Iicm'-v t.-.-l to-u iR^'-iti^tckini: Illicit- :a thr wirM.wi'h hP r\'.e nitnrfuttc;, ». Wo vriiii};y|^t-"Utlt'«flei* nw-).) ♦ Vmc uf our ^•^â- '•'.y nnd v,ilii;i' :*- c [sauiplcs. Ill p'tiirn w« aafc tbt\t y- i mil A» vf -itr boni'p. and aO* i 9 ny.. IT.v-jmnil nw. irnix it iM^runJtiii: t1rrviit»iwtfaj •Miilt K'i'u7f-iEaa.' With th 1 il narhhitf^TIi the worin. All is 'o M in i K««irr4. rintB, St* U M Bi oin*« can w* twhNCâ€" iihyia th* world. ii4(«I tf)4 •rvsMrik toffrtkvrin Aawricik miLmmm. THIl-QH. 1. â€" â€" â-  I .1 ^o has just tetumetl from l%|V)pto •Iter takiug ont lu8 diploma Utj^ cut- 4pBK in the Toronto eutUuK «c1ho1, ^tedMiraflts who bud beffiV hi his Bploy for some ijkime \iwl jsrrested.. id^oo^t ttp^liefoco J4ft., Honor uef ia»tio» Ne^ FiS. duuiiieJ. with 4iiBMniic Inia apdnAo* yaix-ttf^^co^toio- :«w, |4ie wtsfo^a gitiUjr AiMt^'iietoteivs- ^itti^JSl^^ilr.l^f -M? "^ip,. The I !;; !?'H J.. • â-  â- :% i-

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