1. â- m i ji-.* f'i i ':i i-ir l-tefnl '•4iA- ilk ^i .-ft-." Irk K::^ â- i4"i f 1 .1 1. .ji I'll iitif!} ^.P i- in in'i C. W. Rutledge, Proprietor, MARKDALE, JAN. 30, 1890. THE WARDEN OF GEEY. Clias. Moffat, Esq., Reeve of Gleu- «lg, has beea chosen as Warden of this County for 1890, and a better choice could not have been made. Mr. MofFat is u man of talent and superior executive ability, a fluent and forcible speaker and commands the confidence and respect of the whole County Council as well as the ratepayers of his own township. We are sure he will fill that position with credit to himself and satisfaction to the county parliament. NOTE AND COMMENT. 'â€"Adam Forepaugh, the showman, is dead, and leaves property estimated at $1,000,000. â€" Somef Russian-Germans just arrived in Winnipeg have a disease closely resembling leprosy. â€" Dr. Gilmour, M.P.P., has been again chosen to contest West York for tlie Local Legislature. â€" In South Dakota there is the greatest destitution and suffering Hajoug the people. Cold and hunger luako their existence utterly miserable. r^The United States senate com- cixittee on commerce has agreed un- iiaimously to report a bill appropriat- ing §5,000,000 to improye the Sault Ste, Marie canal, â€" The Mail newspaper has brought a J action for criminal libel against Mr. David Creighton, manager of The Empire, the alleged libel being con- tained in articles published during the last few days. Walter's Tails Braadi Vpp«r Oaa*da Kbla Sooietjr. Editor Standard Dear Sik, â€" As a branch of the Up- per Canada Bible Society has recently been organized in this place, and a large number of the people in this vicinity are readers of your paper, I have decided to ask yon to give this letter a place in your columns, m the assurance that a better knowledge of the aim and work of the Bible Societj- will work a greater sympathy in that work, and result iu the granting of, more generous aid towards ii. The Upper Canada Bible Society. which was established in 1841, is noW; the largest auxiliary of the British and i Foreign Bible Society. Its field ex tends not on) y over our own province, ' but also to Manitoba, the North West Territory and British Columbia. j The object of the Society, like that ' of its parent the British and Foreign, is "to facilitate the wide circulation ui\ the Holy Scriptures. It seeks to pro- vide the Word of God for all nations, in such translations, forms and laces, and at such prices as to make it ac- cessible and acceptable to-preaehers and teachers, missionaries and indi- viduals, ricli and poor." The Holy Scriptures are issued in a great variety of editions and bindings and are sold at the lowest possible rates. A number of tbe cheaper edi- tions are sold under cost in order that FOUR BOOKS FREE THE RURAL CANADIAN for 1890, the leading Agricultural Journal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the following books for ONE DOLLAR: Kim1aide7. Standard Corretpondence. The Tea-meeting in the Methodist church, as was announced, came off :)n 16th inst., and notwithstanding the disappointment of the three Rev. gentlemen who were invited, the meeting was a giand success. The .•speakers were Messrs. W. Stuart, T. Giiray, M. R. Hammond and A. Hall. Rey. J. Watts, pastor, occupied the -ctiiair. Music rendered by the choir. Amount of proceeds $37.00. Sunday evening Jan, 19th, Rev. J. U. Watts preached to an unusually )*rge audience, delivering a very ttirnest, zealous and soul-stirring :|ctiaon. taking his text from li Corintijians, 14, 15, "For the love of Ciirist constraineth us." Tlie Influenza, La Grippe or the lueviiable, as soma term it, is break- ing into onr village. We notice a few oases at present date. Mr. G. Proctor has moved into his new house on Front St. Mr. J. Magee has returned from "Toiduto where he left his wife at the city hospital for treatment. At the aunual meeting of L. 0. L. No. 134 held in this village, the following officers were elected W. M., T. B. Carruthers; D. M.. Geo. I'roctor Chap., R. D. Carruthers Rec.-Sec, S. S. Burritt; Fin.-Sec, J. L. Lawrence D. of C, R. J. Sturgeon Treas., W. F. McOonnell; Lecturer, H. Lawrence Tyler, J. M, Thurston. Committeeâ€" -1st, W. Trotter; 2na, E. Baker; 8rd, J. Burritt 4th, H. Longhead; 6th, J. McCo'iucU Gth, B. Carruthers. I. Dr. Rameau. By Georges Ohnet. a. Lady Audley's Secret. Ry Miss nraddon. 3. The Texar's Revenge. By Jules Verne. 4. The Strange Case of Dr. JekyU Mr. Hyde. By Kobert L. Stephenson. 5. The Death of Ivan Hutch. By Count Tolstoi. 6. A Terrible Temptation. By L harles Reade.' 7. Tom Brov/n at Rugby. By Thom.-is Hughesi S. The Sketch Book. By Washinjjton Irving' 9. The Uast of the Mohicans. la Widow Bedott Papers. It. Knickerbocker's New York. By Washing- ton Irving. 12. My Husband and I. By Count Lyof Tolstoi. 13. Jack of all Trades. By Ch.arles Reade. 14. Grandfather's Chair. By Hawthorne. 15. The Cloister and the Hearth. By Reade. 16. Spoopendyke. By Stinley Ilunlley. 17. Not Like Other Girls. By Rosa Carey. iS. Rambles from Russia to Spain or. Out- door Life in Europe. By K. P. Thwin;j. 19. Esther. By Rosa Nouchette Carey, aa Charlotte Temple. By Mrs. Rowson 31. The Flying Dutchman or. The Death Ship. By W. Clark lliissell. »i. The Pride of the Paddock. Bv Ilawley Smart. 33. The Passenger from Scotland Yard. 24. Twice Told Tales. By Xathaniel Hawthorne. 25. Bootle's Children. By John Strange Winter. a6. Mona's Choice. By Mrs. Alexander. 27. The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. aS. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker. By The Duchess. 20. Chris. By \V. li. Norris. 30. Paul and Virginia. By ht Pierre. 31. The Tale of Three Lioo^ By II. Rider Haggard. 32. The Devil's Die. By Grant Allen. 33. Cleopatra. By H. Rider Haggard. 34. Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. ByEdnaLyall. 35. A Crooked Path. By Mr.s. Alexander. 36. Marooned. By W. Clark Russell. ' 37. A Hardy Norseman. By Edna Lyall. 3S. Merle's Crusade. By Rosa N. Carcy 39. Sweet Lavender. By II. L Williams. 40. The Beauty of the King. By Dr. Thwing. 41. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. By Doug- las Jerrold. 42. Salathiel or, the Wandering Jew. inI vol. ByDr.Geo. Croly. 43. Salathiel; or, the Wandering Jew. 2nd vol. 44. The Piccadilly Puzzle. Ry Feij^is llnme. 45. Complete Dook of Recitations and Dia- logues. Over 200 selections. 46. Complete Book of Etiquette and Letter Writing. Compri.eing ili'.- SMndard Liflter Writer, selections fur Antoginph Alliums. 47. The Condensed Cyclopedia of Useful Know- ledge, Kamiliar '^ciiiici;, and inicrcsting miscellaneous information. 48. Modern Cook Book and Medical Guide. A nsL-ful h:iiuib.Hk for cc-ry honsi-IioUl. 49. Live Stock Manual. Profits 1 â- ilhistnitt-d; X^S paycs. l.-n»ti; li:inclsitnic* cover. 50. Standard Poultry Bi.ok. liS pn^res hand- somely goltfii up iiitnrrous illustr-rfticms. 51. Book of Home Amusement, containing Charades, Tableaux, Kiddles Games, etc. A whole winl»:r's t-ntei t4inmi;nt. 52. American Fun. The ftmniest book ever puhlishtd 500 langlis in sc« minutes. 53. Ladies' Complete Guide to Fancy 'Werk. A mo.st rompk-te work 500 illustiuliiHis, Artistic Embroidery. A charming R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHIi^G STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS, TROWSKRINGS mall the leading grades, SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIKS, COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSrENDERS. c.. c. Special attention is invited to the iTIanillactiire of BHtlOiis; parties wishine buttons of same material as their f;armeuts, either ladies or geutlemjn, can have tbt^m made in a tew minutes while waiting. AG-ENT FOB PAEKEB'S BYE ^VSTOBKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careful attention. the Word of Life may be put in the GrDod work and reat fits. _^_^^ _^ ^_^ way of the very poorest classes of! DE5« S« t"^V^ l~' people. ]., ^mm^-^ â€" .1 Besides this, grants, free, or at a great reduction below cost, are made every year to needy missions, prisons, hospitals, asylums, railway stations, emigrants, c. But beyond all that is beini^ done at home, the great aid that the Bible Society (jives to loreigu missions en- titles it to our sympathy and help. Missionary Societies do their part. They incur the expense of sending *o«t and maintaining among the heathen, living teachers. The Bible Society supplements this great work by plac ing iu tUe hands ot missionaries, the Word of God in the language of those among whom they are laboring. The Bible, or portions of it, is now circul- ated in 286 different languages. Iu 1804, when the British and Foreign Bible Society took its rise, there were not more than four or five millions of copies of the sacred volume in the world. Since that date, more than one hundred and ninety- seven millions of copies of the Scriptures have been circulated in whole or iu part, by the Society and its auxiliaries. There still remain8}a ^reaC deal to be done, and much pecuniary as- sistance is necessary for the carrying on of the work. The proceeds from sales cover only part of the expense of prepaiing the Bible and circulating them to all parts of the world, and a great deal of the money necessary for the carrying on of this 'work of faith atd labor of love" must be raised by voluntary contribution. The Upper Canada Bible Society sent over fSOOO of free subscriptions to the parent Society, for the year ending 31t;t March, 1889. The Waller's Falls Branch has its share to do in this work. The Society's BiLles Will be kept iu stock at ihe cle- posicoL-y, Bonneli Bros.' store, and catalogues, as well as pamphlets con- taining useful information in regard to the work may be had from the deposi tarv. Mr Scribbling BOOK! Scribbling BOOH AKD Stationer?, w' • stations AT HnrrahforXitsta 54. Artistic Embroidery. A charining' NiiA, profusely illustrated. Write your name and post of5ce distinctly, name your premiums, and inclose 81 00 Register the letter. Do not delay, but order at once. Addressâ€" RURAL CANADIAN 5 Jordan Street, TOHONTO. â€"IT PAlTfS TO- Mind tranderiu; nirod. Bnok^ )p..rnpl in one rB.jmns T.-iitirnr.ni.-ils fr. ,., || parts 01 tho fc-lol-... P^isimct i- i -isi' PEEK, Bent on i;|.plin.iti..n to Pr-.t A. Lousette. 237 RlUi Ava. New Ywk; Collectors"hâ„¢ve S appointed to I C5M1!M PMJf SO R. R. PrlMTill*. Onr dtizens were made glad by tie fall of snrvw last week. John McGowau might be ^tm t!-ainin0 a yenrling pet colt to drive alouiTside aiiotber ct«lt more advanced ill years. The Faw tuill. under the prnpvietoi* xliip of J. Ciauder, is now running steadily. "hix. Brown has put a new front in hi3«store. Oar respactnd h$ad te«cbtf in isaid to trntaoA books foraebolaie SSiia ia/t Ti(^lM9tt.af the law «3 the ;]^d«o^V call on all liyiug withm a certiua range of the village, and it i8 hoped that this ainouncement may, iu some measure, assist those who are called upon, to j contribute intelligently to the funds of the Society. j We have many duties to discharge i to mankind, surely one that ought toj weigh heavily on all Christians is that t at sending to those who are not iu the enjoyment of such privilege.s as we, that Word which is a liimp unto our feet and a light unto our patli. Much more might be said of the importance and necessity of the work j of the Bible Society but as 1 do not I wish to encroacb tjo mncli on your i space I shall say no more iu the meau j time thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your kindness iu giving this article a place m your columns. Rosr. Mabtin, President. Walter's Fall?, 24th Jan.. 1890. TIME a?ABLE. â€" IVtEiflidale Stjxti Going SorTu, UoiNO North on â€" 6.i5" a. II). 12.10 p.iM. '.o4 )). m. 8 o4 p. m. flnt tion Itmi paper pabllsbed In AND THA.T IS THE lorikii Busissss GoUe^e â€" F â€" OTV'Krv ^riTiNr». T^f ^* accommodation for Rtndents. The best methods olinstmetion. St Jle'ndn*' '"" *^»' instructioa after « 'â- annual aniionnrprnp,,^ Hvin" nirtionUr* regarding the course of study, te^" SlSdi^ C. A. FLEMING. Pbjtoipal. Owen Sound Nov. Ist, 1888. =T THE â€" i Markdale Furnituif| I Wareroom. AWAY mm BELOW lor the Hoiiiliy season. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-clotk Suits, Bedroom Suits. BedsBeddii! Sideboards, Tables, comuira Extension 11 in great vjirietv ^V;it;llst:^!l'i-' ' Matteess; WikW M:itfie^J"2;r.' and iu fact evervtliins,' tlwM'" a first- clas^ sIk-'o. Call ai!i,«' tations. A.!t;ftFuiiM-;ilF«™"" Ciliinn, CiitOiets, Eobes, J^^' 'GloveH, CniPJS of all descnf'!!^' way*in st(u5t. Tbanting !»:' ou» f^toiuers for past lavor^ ing: all u Merry Xiaas m Ne-Wf Year. Yours respecHally. J. W. SP m^wsE^ snsr* " *^« " -p«it tt7?7i. J^? *o«W read It. ConsniapUott Cured. Onbr SI Bar «opylOeenu[ Mice. annonnC' •vith Du. B. J, lb- HI d Us An old Tdiysician, retired ttova practiee. haviDK had placed in his hands by an East TiiiiU mJBginnary tbe formula of a simple â-¼eRetable remedv for the speedy andperman- of Cmisuinption. KrcsuddtiMlituril Aatlaiaaiidall Throai aaA Ijmg Affeetioaa also* poaiti«« and zadiotf Mure, for ' ja tiiyiuiaun;! ui oiifes, has felt A.i«a if k^xmCbbisHA«r*" t^ftt«4 by t»if4'^wi»»*art a â€" i atnmii, name tbis pu«r; w. M To Onr SnbsoxllMn. Tlie specialfannonncementwliirl, npnenred m onr colnmns some time " lugasDejial arran„emeut Ke:.i.ai,l Co.. of En.mlnirRh F.ill.,, Tt imb- ]u.lers of -A Treati-. o» ,!,« Hors. „, d Mb lJi.«ases •• wh,-rol.v onr sul,.«ril.er. wt«, eu- UW..C1 t.. ..bt,.in a c.pv „f that vjJnaWe .vork Ji-o 1,y sending tUoir Mdrnss to B J XENDALL CO. (and e„cio-iu^ a t.o! cent ,umy. for mading same) in renew- ** â- • 1» I â€"I 1 ^^^* 1*»niDRtb»«Talimbl«work •"»««» to •dwaee. Sample WAIWTED-A poo, ^au, or men, to s^ll onr fruit •h rtrtw. 6r)i«i*.|it»tK IIIO.. eto.l ai' ^the Hor«e it in indi«pet««iblH..4. ft t^j. «!• tbrpnghow^.th* ©tilled. {#10^^ PROCLAM^TH FllOM XBE CHEAP m^ Km OFAU CHUf^ """ sat"' Acknowledged by one ana greatest BARGAIN n^i that wa» ever opened in village ©f Miu-ka^. .Here we are, good PfoPlf'^tfil*' you. wUh lots to slwwyf •. 'lfJ*3 yon, «»d with lot^»o'=dlj-^^l knew bow «-e can sell e" â- ' liTO, it would do «"r "f;,„«. ., icake jou quake with i" J ^^ it wooM make 7011 t^^ hoRsaboki thiit siub a 8"" GUVINa AAVAt ^, ,. PMOpcnB»tirigbtatr*J^^ We want eveiy one 'fbo^ " fiQ^^iUotteTwy dollar tj^