xn sl^^ J^ ill which UUal diadltu,"' L it hM ' inffKi«g f^" M pwjoiim, id In thii liii (I IliElBIsa WIDOW. ti^. gay» SometUns AlMvt CAas- Ity Balls „ Mrs MoGlaggerty, f what dia ^am charity balla they dix be â- Oi danno " " Mra. Magoogin, WPr'.the tbrnth, Mrs. Magoogin, â- riw".VJ OitafWB about thia, at aU, j^tw*'" « nor me aither," add the widow, r-S'^fUhearin' me daughter Tocz/ •"" them in th paper, an' id '.thOT're not charity balls at all, -•*1'C?S' very opporite. DivU th' ' ^roraythnre ye'il .ee at thim •*VSS an' th' hoighohooiiief.,that ' ^^ fifty an' a hnndhard doliua I an' miahkitty bar gloves, „ many doimonde in their 'top« »â-¼ "heir heads as Danny "â- u*°«»rti w hii nose, an' sure an' God 'ft" many'" **»' ^*° Â¥? «°^ Bsgorrv LiTnameaT id they shnd. an' ^*f^,«JUii'id a charity baU it's th *!**ww ball they'd ought to call Id. £*y ' is.Mra McGIaggerty f ?Tl7d»oiniaty they diz be afther "toth^n.ameavth'paor Th; • MffaL '^^^V P*'®^ *° wnrrnk an' 'J* .hiUfo'th'poor an' *ln charge \t »U that'B holy fwhat poor pnrson is mdMS id's some dhry ^oods dark in "^t kin affoord tc p»y tin dollars to aZm^ Oi kndn t %f oord id meser ?IXe money. MoAllister's Xew â- Ln bnahted hibâ€" th' woines there iigh-Foiced. Mrs. McGlaggerty I â- « foive nr fifty oints is enough fur any ""in topay for a ball ticket, an' thin Jmhi to be a chance an a ahtove ur a ;^,towninbesoides. F»h 1 say '^rityball. Itsnawthin'bul a and flapdoodles an an' thinnioked in' thB poor don't git aiven a shmell. \„ani charity is gettin' to be turribly J. iira MoGlagwrty. It ought to be toth' haspital af whoile far repairs, so feats of SwaUowing. m tl" A Pet Woodpecker. inay»l«»" .ty-**-*!^ ^•winged woodpecker, otherwise llfheflicksr and high-hole, is one of jbest known of American birds a hand • creatine, Eomewhat larger than the with a orescent on the back of its ' a black crescent oa its breast, and jriai y noticeable for the yellow lining of U:g8 and tail. A New York geatleman. Be years ago. took a young one from the tand brought it up, and found it to be a yiBteresting pet. Iliie bird conid thrust out its tongue two Itliree inches, and it was amusing to see lifforn to eat oorrants from the hand. [vosld roa oat ftis tongue and try to lists the current Failicg in that he ibend hie toagno pr-:und is like a hook liny to rise v, by a sudden jerk. Bac lieTfr succsederi tbe round fruit would Sind slip aw»y every time. Ha never jiid to thick of tttkiog it in his beak. liii tongas was in constant use to find out Imtnreof every thicg he saw a nail-hole Itboard, or any simUu hole, was care- explored. Iliii carions organ gained him the respect liiimber of half grown cats that were ittbehoose. I wuhed them to get ac- ^tedwirh him, so that tbe danser of I killing him migh: be lessened, and for itmeon I need to take kittens and bird jnykoee together. At such times tbe idpeckcr't curiosity was sure to be exalted I Ihi kittens' eyes, and levelling his bill as lly as a marksman levels his rifia, he 1 bold steady for a minute and then ibii tongue at the bright round obiect. Iliiiwai tield by the cats to be very mys- I being struck in the eye by lome- iisviiible to them. They soon acquired lit terror of the bird that they would tmy whenever they saw hia bill turned lUi direction. |;UghhoIe was never surprised at any- ' ig nor afraid of anything. He would inponthe turkey gobbler and the holding np one wing aa high as ible, as if to strike with it and scolding |tlie while in a harsh voice aa he ahcffled {toward them. I feared at first that Tnlgktkillhim, buti soonfosnd that «afale to take care of himself. "favorite diet was ants. When I tum- r stones and dng into ant-hills for bis «t| he would lick up the ants so fast iioonitant stream of tbejri seemed to be |Bto his mouth. I'tayed with me till late in the anhumn, Bared. Probably he yieldea sniigratory impulse and went South. Uing Good Music by the Yaid. """nost interesting inventions at tâ„¢t Paris Exposition was a «'mel- Mnaiatingof three parts. About it a '°"«°t writes •.-••I improvised on a ^» which the first machine was elec- f 'ttacbed, and as I touched the keys ss, iT* *°^ dashes, representing the '»'lhad played, were registered on Tâ„¢"' "trip of paper about six inohea 1^; ^^^ ' finished pUying the 1„,""» trough the second machine, r^t out the dots ana dashea, giving to l^M sppearanoe of the perforated Ttbtt "'° °'=^'«oal organs. The atrip kfc.'**"*^ into the tiiird mechine, '« »ttached to the keyboard of the 1*1. ' ""'y turninjj a crank the "^ed through tthe machine and "«u»8 original exactly •' " Pdrhapa tha moit remarkable ecMttWo twaUowiagon record ia that A^^^^J^^ ^?^ banded down me««a records. In *e ySinSeii^g. ;^' ^yy""«'!;'^wMisi«Hiy ngfa»viiiS pntini attckd feaaloi tor«by TheexT O boaatfolliAid __ faiebiiate«i'vlSrii „ boldly annmiiMMa «b Eb oonMoibu ijhal he could awaUow Mvee^irair^e tin Freaudi. man. He was jxut di-onk oioagh to bereA^ leaa and pMuptly accepted « ohallense to preform tihe feat. He placed hie ownkSle In hIa monflt^not withonb iome miiudvlikn. aa he afterward iM)mowledgedâ€" andlMereaUv to the anrnriae of bimaeK and the sMtato^.it •lip|«d down bis throat ew^, The witqeia- 68 a! she feat were aofiaatMed, andadced him If he conld awallow another. "All the kmvei on board the ahip,' he aaawered, in a apuit of bravado. More kniyea were pro- dnced, three of which were bolted like ao many pills. And thna the company wai. en- tertained for the night, asCnmmirgi himself said, " by the bold attempt of a dranken man." His stomach waa madily relieved of itsnnnaaalbnrden, and the affair waapaased over merely as an episode which had served to enliven a few weary honra. f nmminga gave no more attention to knife swallowing for aix yeara. In March, 1808, while in Boston, he related his exploit to a party of sai)o-s with whom he waa having a carousal. No one believed ... .. ^^ i^d being again drunk and reckless, foine he swallowed six knives in the couise of the evening. The story of hia performance waa quickly apread about, and the next day in the presence of crowds of wondering visitors; he swallowed eight more, making fourteen, in all. This exploit nearly killed Idm. He was taken to a hospital and for a month suffered great torture. He was finally reliev- ed and started on another voyskge for France. The conrse of his wanderings at length took him to England, where, being agabi under the influence of liquor, he boasted of Ijis former feats. Of course no one believed him, and, "disdaining to lie worse than hia word," he accepted a challenge to repeat them. This was in December, 1808, and in the course of two days he swallowed nine clasp- knives of various sizes. A few other feats of the kind brought his record up to a total of thirty-five knives swallowed at different times. Now, however, Cnmmings reaped the natural fruits of hb folly. He was taken violently sick, and despite t^e effort cf physicians the greater part of the knives stayed by him." He suffered sxciuciating pains and oassed most of his time in Guy's Hospital, London, After leading a miserable existence for nearly fonr years he died in March, 1809, literally and emphatically a "total wreck." 01. to All Easiness Alike- First Beggar-" 1 tell yer. Bill, it's twfnl hard times this Winter." Second Beggar â€" " Seems kinder strange it should be hard times with anoh warm weather." First Beggar â€" "Any feller can see that you're an amachoor. It's always so in an open Winter. It's so blame warm, folks afai'c got no sympathy for a feller." 'JOie Bnehtest Jewels in a mother'a diadem are her fwr, healthy children â€" the pride and omamenia of hu heM Boe « aether eaaaot faoMr aied nourish anch childrea while ahe la the victidi of auffe r iug maA cH a e a ie B y â- of aelf -treatment with Dr. Pieroe'a Fc ition, every woman can thoi^oghly te thoae excmiating periodical paina otional weakneaaee incident to her Kt^faf aaipe time build np ahd in- ' ir wbolft Byatnn by ita UMJth- afiuttioe; A trial bottU wiU "^iFavorike Preaoription " la the for.WfldBen, aold-by dmigiats, m gmtrantM from the Eann- toj^ve aitiaf acOpa In eiOeryi caae, ormoney wSlbeztfii^M. !l9ii*gQa^tee has haen printeCunr^^KHftottle-wri^pper, and faithfWIy carried ogt ha^ihaiafrjvfn. Heâ€"" don't tee why there abo^ld be no marriage 6r gf««n fas marriage in heaven!" Sheâ€" "Probably because there won't be any mea there." Bread! Breadl The G77 fbi Brea4! A million loaves, not enowth for one dty I Five milltena, not enongb for one State I Fifty millkms, not enough for this cenotry a single day, yit often wUkt soar, jpggy stuff it is, nevertheieaa it ia eaten, sad the result is dyspepala, bDiraaneaa, rick headache, im- poverished blood, ^mplai, blotcbea and scrofula. For the correction of all this, and as a general tonic for the system, take Gulden Medical Discovery prepared by Dr. Fierce, rf Buffalo. Its action is like a charm, a "l)enediction that follows after prayer." A remedy for stomachic and Uver troubles, as well as a specific for throat and lung dis- orders. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money refunded. It's a pity, girls, that this year isn't leap year. The prevailing influenza baa brought many a hardened old bachelor to hia aneezs. " That Miaa Jonea ia a nice-looking girl, isn't she " " Yes, and she'd be the belle of the town if it wasn't for one thing." "What's that?" " She has catarrh so bad it is unpleasant to be near her. She has tried a dczon things and nothing helps her. I am sorry, for I like her, but that doesn't make it any less disagreeable for one to be around her." Now if she had need Dr. Cage's Catarrh Remedy, there would have been nothing of the kind said, for it will cure catarrh every time. "Come 8knd see us a?ain, John," said the police captain to the Chinaman just buled out. "Yes, dome and see us glain, in a plig's eye," retorted John. La u-tippe or Inflaeoza* A preventative andcure. Drink St. Leon Water very freely hot if attacked. If in the head, nxmS np the nostrils. Will allay the malady quickly. Many so declare daily. Reasons â€" St. Leon contains the grand ab- sorbents, and BO destroys the microbes. Makes pure, rich blood, etc. The food we eat lacks the abeorfcents, thu? is health im- paired cnd life seriously endangered. A.P. 486 fllOBOHTO ODTHNO school. gdmtWIe and I. nliaUe Fyotemt taoght. whereby styli^ per- peot-llttiiMr eannents are produced- Send for oiica- ar. OOBRIGAN. Prep. 4 Adelaide St West SAUSAGE UjaiCER •â- â- TOilOK Hospital. No G.H.UI tto-ea Niagani St.. BookfiM. nIy. SIO.OOADAY.-^ VfV â- W â- W ^V reapeetable work for men and 'womeau Address T. K. Buuwunfc Adelaide Stzeet West. Toronto. 1 riWACB^BS oaa make taoamg dainw v JL byeaimMfaiirtoraiMormoreotoarst selBnc ffi efcs s adBtblsa.SMWisI'y HMOfyot Canada, by W- H. Wllliww7b.S., hMsl sad best adltioa vat â€" â€" ' rSbmi WHt» tor WX. BBicms CAMffCS.-SsanB 1888. KsaT ImportaUona o( BurltFii Shieps,- Kueet Ameiioaii H OMlnn. Oideis lllled for any desired qaanttty. Wrttef or pilar' ... 'r44HRi;iPASK.4L8IUIs 41 to 47 St. Lawrenoe Market, Toronto, Mt. eiioalais PnbUibar, ToKMto Onaraatsed stve eoie for lontr Gfl f1 ataiidlaKCwiKbs,Cokls.ete 11 11 7oar droggist forjt or wrtte^tone, yonr I lake no ot^er. ^OO.. Dufcists. RENNIE'S lUUSTSATED GUIDE FOB AHATEVK GASDENERS FOR 1899 ' Will be-ouiled free to all inteoding' purcfaasers upon' appUeation. The list cf Veiretable, Floorer sad AgrU cnltural Seeds is conudete, snd indndss era^ HoreUy of merit. SendforitSdcireoideiingaBappljrof Seeds.' R.O.BNIDEafc Toronto ENGRAVING f JX JONES. r-p ALL V WOOD ENGRAVER. PURPn^pq ,o:. TORONTO, CANADA IMPROVE I Book-keeniniF. t YOUR PENMANSHJP Book-keeping, Shorthand. Trpevrltinp, Bmipem Kdncation bv attending'rday or rvenlnar) CANADIAN BUSINESS UNlTEBSCry. PabUc Library BoUdiog Toronto. THOS. BENCiOVCtn, Fresldemt. (Oificial Reporter TorkCooaty Courts.) LIVE MEN WANTED To sell our Hardy, Home-grown FRUIT TREES. Prices low, Groodpay and steady work. Free outfl' THE D.W. BEADLE NURSERY COMPANY LTD St. Catharines. Ont. Wanted Agents For the "HANDY" BtFTTON- Sample Card for 10 cents, or trial Box of 12 Cards 75 cents, by mail prepaid. Also the "ARTISTIC" TIDY HOLDER and Draping Pins Beat and most complete Holder ever mode for all tidies and all furniture. Heavily plated, bnght and attractive. Agents wiinout experience make money. Sample pair for 15 cents, sent by mail. Illustrated circulars free. CASSGEEEN M'FG CO., 68 Victoria Street, • • Toronta MONEYTO LOAN ONTARIO /ATt9neR: deslroai of paying: oS be log high iatetcst-bearioe nor^iges^ or intending bold grain and stank for better prices, cso obta- lleaey at I«we. t Cwrrent Sates of latere by ipplyins parsana.jy or by letter to ths LONOaN CANADIAN LOAN AGENCY COT J. V. KlftK, JUHAeaa. 103 BAY ST, TORONTJ Borrowers^ MniirY Large loans anil ohorch loan at very low ITIUIICT rates, an smaller nanu atSJ, 6, 6}%, acoordiog to Beanrity.|y|f rATnnn lllf CulUIIOTorooto bnsi- ness and hau«e property yielding 7, S and IC to in- vestors aad lOO to SPi:cnLAT0R3 KEBK A KLKI8BB. J. LATIMSK EBRB. ORBllVIbTBP KLBISSB. 4 lUaiE Street Bast. Tor«»t« Snccesscra to A. E. Minklbb Co. Offlje establish* ed 1«79 by Hr. 8. H Janes. Increase in papulation Toronto 18S9 over 1883 (asses* 8or'« retnrns) 20,3St. â- "^bHE. "--^ Hadn't iJone Anything to It. Jeweler (examining it)â€" "What on earth have yon been doing to this watch " Owner of Watohâ€" "Nothing, sir. Noth- ing at all. I wound it up a while ago, good and tight, and it stopped. I shook It for half an hour andtoonldn't start it and then I opened it and poked the balance wheel with a toothpick, and still it wonldn't go. 1 want M know what's the matter with the blamed thing." Some remarkable oaves have been discov- ered in West Ansti alia. Two of them wonld afford accomodations for 200,000 men each. After forty-seven years of labor Ura. S. L'zzie Weaver, a Bridgewn, N. Y., womai^ has jast finished a crazy qoilt of 30.0/5 patcnes. 480 Acres free. Dakota offers a tree claim, a pre-emption and a honie«tead-in aU. 480 acresâ€" fww to each settler. Tha St PauK »4hineapolli Manitoba Ry. reaches the DstU • Lake, ttie Turtle Moontiin and Mouse River land dis- tricts. For farther to'Sâ„¢**'"""^^^ T. A., St. Paul, Minn. J. M. HFCKihS, 4 Palmer House, Toronto. Fourteen miUion clothes pins are mad* in America every year. AU Ken. y,«„g. old. ormlddle «ed who fin^them- wei^ end exhausted, ovarworkt Chrohig Cough Now! For It you do not it may become con- sumptive. For Conmititption, Scroftila, General DebilUy and Watting Oiaeaaea, there Is nothing like ALLAN LINE BOTAL HAIL STEAMSHIPS. Provident Life and Live Stoek Assoe' CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D.ARGABE, TORH^TO. CANADA (iNCORPORreo.) A mVTJSHl. ftK'VrFlT *^SO€'Sf 80I.ID I3r»'KSTSIK.\Tâ€" B p- ylriii t. the ahov Aa«ociationOi!iE Cf.Mf HxJB Di^y, a pftraon aged twont»-two, and two "Pt.tn ppr da' .i pt^rson aged forty -fdnr can soeurp Five P Uara p»«r dieaoT week while it, 4IOO for two and three cents per dav, .per«on« aired nf ^nove can ' Hi 1ollars In digabled througrb sick;ieM« or aticirl" THE PIONEER CANADIAN' LINE And still to the froDt'n regard ts the provision made for the safety and nomfort of its eostomers. Iffekly SaUlngs Between liverpool, Glas- gow and the 6t. Iiawreoee A Fortniglit* I ly Service from London litriii|{ 1 Snnuner Months. i,. j j j« «* j Ma» Steamers run between Liverpool and PorUand 1 Bscure Jor their depeudnnvs, ftve Hu.id via. HUifax during winter. Glasgow steamers tail 'S?* ^i, 1??IJ;.„ „_„.,„^ .^ throughout thrtyear to Boston and PhUaCelphia, oaU- VfVf^ STOCK OTrXKRS can provM against jnir atllrish ports and Halifax en route. • ^^^ ?«"i£? •***?^ °\^T^ "^V *heir stock For Fates of passage and other hiforniaUon apply to »* ""W !»»«». Those Interested send for prnepeotnes. H. BOJjELIERVoor: King and YongeSts.^ Toronto; f^- Bebable Agent* wanted 1p Qnrepre»ented dla H. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or to the local agents of *â„¢*8- ,„„..„ ,„^„„- _, „ your county. -» i WIIHIW J»"E». Managlne Dl'eetor. TO THE XDITOS:â€" Please inform yonr readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cored. I shall be jglad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who Iiave con* sumption ifthey wUl send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully. T. Aa ttUCUt(U M.C., 186 Weet AdelsUde St., TORONTO, ONTARIO. Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES ^t Xaiaxae Azad Sodn* It is almost as palatable as milk, i better than other so-called Emulsions. ' A wonderful flesh producer. SCOTT'S EMULSION is put up in a salmon color wrapper. Be sure and net the genuine. Sold by all Dealers at SOc and $1.00. SCOTT BOWXE, BelleTiOe. « Far 5 C t free. OLIVE 6RAKCH, the best remedy known for 4II female complaints. 8a 1 pie J Trotteb, 5 Biclond St. W., XoroDto, Can. liDlfS*' • M I I 1 BQUITY. THE Ontario Mutual ESTABLISHED 1870- AsBurancei in foroe Jan. Ist. 1890 New Assurances wrinten In 1889 • C*sh Income fcr 1888 • Assets, Dec. Slat, 1888 Ltabilities, as per Qovemment Valuation -; STABILITY. Life $13,127,400 00 ' 2.621^800 00 393 074 00 1,313 833 00 1,223,516 Ca Surplus $90,337.00 nnnn AOCIITC TTANTEB. send for Illus- uUUU Auun 1 trated Catalogue and terms. Address, mBTfiBS Ba03., 87 Caurcn St., Toronto. .„ it had It it simply wonderful, and â- use relation to instrumental I 4.1 T7~" '"un-ion DO uuirumeniai Ui!.) k P""»ograpli bears to the •celebrated performer should play -^ .^"OMotta*! the machine to the kto!r ^^^^' »'ter yo« v"»t»r »« .3u "" faithfully every note ••idri, *• nnderstand that the IW^"^/*"' purchased for $250 iL u " ^^ »" the celebraued nT "^PWchMed for the machines «^«ntg a foot."-f Inventive Age. ^J*f«. Sure, and Painless. N,*ji?°^ meaning this statement 'PBh. I'^,** yoa »'â- « looking for, r»»»tt^* l^iinleaa Cam Extraotor 'Ji ^^^ oon cureâ€" aote in thfa • «rt K??*®*»8 *^^ P*rte; peib- »«M^^ iapond upea by imita- ^l^^isfiae ^_. selves nervouE, are uroken down from excem or^ The Great Ottoman Blood Kemedj Guaranteed to cure all diseases of ths blood whether bioagbt oa by iDdisereti-ia and exoess or â- rising from hereditary oausss. WiU remove plm- Dles wd blotefaes from the skin and by its invigorat- inff action on the blood restores failing powers »nd hiSlds an the system of those suffering from waa^ing dteease. Price $1 per bottle. Ad£reiS, Ottoman Medidns Co.. MaU Building, Toronto. muMlee, eye-i depodit In the urine, lou of will power, oily lookiBg exoit»amy of temper, wnken •-ret 'Sf^lT^'lra'^ySSS of nervou. ?Slit?Sh.t^ toSKy end death ««- debiU^*»* 1««~^ ^f^totce having lost sequeno^ Ont. SPECIAL FEATURES Prompt Payment of Cilaims, Annual Dutribation Of Profits. Guaranteed Surrender Talnes and Liberal Policy Conditions^ WM. -HENDRY, Manager. W. H. RIDDELL, Secretary. StANDARD CHOPPING. USESBESTFRENGHE MILLSTOtlES tTCRINDER INTHC UOma NOREMEMUU lUKiMMI LLS. JOSEPH MADDAUCH WRITES FROM MORRISOII PjO Mev. SMfe. •». Mew tlHit I have pnrehased i •r year Staadavd Frenek Bavr Bulla tanOacln en It as part IrwM CMwIer, I have ate ehJeettoHtoteU je« the natea ased In the Uea OrlaAer' cat at.M. and latterly hat 01.M per pair. 1 â- sed ever 8M JM werth last winter, al nally a Plate would last a week* haf â- ^etinsee n«»t over twe er three hean. The price ef the MIU vraa aWM cheaper thUM years, hat la the end tt very nsaeh dearer MIU. I aas satiaaed that â- rem CMadecs are ealy sattahle far f anaer* whe have a vray sautil ameaat efChepplag te de Ihr their owa ase. th* wi* '«• mm Vtt Etfi /i:4fe»-ilV IMii ^B« Hb^ â- H-' i? M r, .; ' 1 » •: â- 1 1 i' t V ' ^l- â- 1 fl m mt ^â- Hi *!-,