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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Jan 1890, p. 1

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 mm '«â- â€¢Â« TENTH YEAR.â€" No. 49a, HKW TO THIS LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." HARKDALE, THURSDAY, JAJSTJABX 30, 1890. C. W. BUTIJS»€hE, Proprietoi. TO Ithe public Local and Other Items. Notices in tfi^geeohunmiiitendedtobeHefit any tmhvidual or Society will heeJiarged ten cenU a line for the first imertiov and five eentt a line each fvheqiient insertion. NOTICE. â€" Corrfspnndence. communiea- ^^^^•"fvertisementf.d-c„ mxut be in thi» office bj/ noon on Tuesday to insure pvblication tJiat week. â-  A few plain practical llDintersâ€" My goods are all fresh, purchased for cash, and will be sold for cash at the lowest I liviiig prices. Bargains in Crockery laid Glassware. Fine Fish by the lb, I or barrel at bottom Iprices. QuABTEELY meeting in the Methodist church next Sunday. The cheapest place to buy your Boots and Shoes is at Mercer's. Mr. Jake King and family are over from Gollingwood visiting friends. Johnson the baker makes good bread and is attentive and obliging veith his customers. Joseph McLkod, Jr., returned last week to his former situation at Qninnesec, Mich. Pasties wanting pure Coffee, ground from the Bean, can get it at Mercer's only, as he grinds it himself. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Mauley, Druggist, Markdale. Rev, J. E. Allen's lecture in the Methodist church on Monday evening the 10th Feb., promises to be a rare treat. The ZioQ church Methodists of Glenelg, will give an entertainment on Imy part of the town. Prompt attention and [square dealing alwaysu Call and see ibr yoiir- Iself. I. W. RUTLEDGE. NMMI«iMM|xJ^MWMM IMtbelifJU M I iS Friday evening, Slst. Admission 15 rioTir delivered to cents. Kept in stock by M, E. Douglass, Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarns, Zephyrs, Goblin Wool, c., in all shades and colors. The finssian "Depotism" continues its ^Sfp apon the people much suffer- ing and many deaths resulting deere- from. We are pleased to be able to state that Miss Carrie McKenna is now on the way to recovery, after several weeks serious illness. Pasties from the country are invited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. While there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. The sleighing of the past few days has caused a boom in all kinds team work; the prospects arc however that it will be of short duration. The days are lengtheniB« and bright- ning, a favorable time now for taking photos. Call at HamiltoBTs art gallery and secure the shadow e're the substance fades. At Artemesia's first Council meeting, Mr. Wm. McLou^y was appointed assUsor and Messrs. Sharp and Boland A fee Open Face Screw Beiel Gold yreae .elected first and second Deputy- jfilled Watch, case warraated 15 years, jaovement 2, only $18.00 ber grade movemenis, warraated |-*jeaR, $20.00. •Nickel Watches as low as $2.7S- ^4.50 foe my fine open oe, "«iawind, patent set. Watch, war- hted2years. ^a^es' Watefees from $4.50 up. •^locK from $1.50 up to $8.00. i,^ S-day Spnng Clocks for only â- repairing of watches, clocks jewellery a BpecMlty. Of silyer coins made into *8, Eairings, Ijockets, otc., on '.lotice. FoTJNB.â€" Last week, in Markd^e, a small sum of money. The owner can have it by proving property and paying for this adv. a. C. Bowes, Manleys drug store. We have been informed that Joseph McLeod, Jr., took nothmg f«"".l;|»J father's farm but what he had a^rj?ht to. Jo. has always had a reputation for honesty and square dealing. Wanwo I A Local Agent to represent a leading Agricultural Implement Com- !^r^ this vicinity, for Bmd«rs. cX^»rrApplyBo.l82, Orange- ^â- BREADNm **eller, Markdaje. â- '"'iH I edtocall a* Mathem' carnage meS. opjosftetheEeyere Hotel, and 'winter vehides. « T -« lirtM, im «*d and reii^fc. â- Â«â- Â»â€¢' Lit v- v»««i^' « ' Miss SiciTH, daughter of the lateBev. John Smith, of Erskine cbnrch, Toron- to, who giyes an entertainment for the Y. P. A. of the Presbyterian church, Markdale, on the evening of Feb. 6th in the church, is a young lady of re- markable ability as an elocutionist, having graduated from the Philadelphia school of elocution. It is not often Markdale is favored with talent of this kiud. She .ought to haye a splendid audience. Admission, adults 15 cents, children 10 cents. All kinds tinsmithmg and repairing done neatly and cheaply at the new hardware store also special attention to job work. J. E, Trelford. Wanted. â€" A customer for a Raymond Sewing machine. Would trade for money or exchange for wood. A bargain will be given. Apply at this ^ce. Lost. â€" On Situi-day the 18th January, between Chas. Boyle's place, Glenelg, and Markdale, the ball of a way beam. The finder will obUge the owner by leaving same at Standard office or at Chas. Boyle's. OuB Ottawa letters are very interest- ing, giving the doings of parliament in a nut-shell, and which are being read by s^ores of subscribers with satisfac- tion, many calling upon us to thank us for this feature. Probably the oldest lady in Ontario thae recorded a vote at the last municip- al election, was Mrs. Captain Browne, of Watford, Mrs. Browne is in her 94th year and walked to and from the poUing place and up a high flight of stairs with- out assistance. Cash buyers can save mniey by buy- ing their Groceries from MercOr. Fresh goods to hand. Dry Apples, Prunes, Currants, Raisins, Syrup, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, and Cayenne Pepper for the La Grippe new seasons Tea from 20 cents tb. up. Oh the clothes press is a swell affair for fragments nice and neat, the hay press is a grand machine and does its work complete, the cider press is lovely, with its juices rich and sweet, but the printing press controls the world and gets there vrith both feet. Miss Nettie Waldie formerly of this place, died at her mother's residence Streetsvllle, on Thursday last, 23rd inst. Nettie was an estimable christian person and had many admirers as such, but that subtle disease, oonsomption, hastened her to a premature grave. Her manv acquaintances in this part will learn the sad news with regret. The Mt. Forest Representative enter- ed last week upon its sixth year. The Rep. always comes to hand neatly gotten up, clearly printed, replete with Hbe doings of the town and vicinity dished up with taste and free firom party at sectarian bias. Bro. Lambert is having the success which he richly deseryes, and iho' a self-made man, is never heard worshipping his maker. An (entertainment will be held in con- nection vdth the Presbyterian chnrch, Hollamd Centre, on Friday evening, January 81st. The program will con- sist of readings, recitations, dialogues also short addresses by the following reverend gentlemen, viz Mir. Hartley, Mr. McAi^ine and Mr. Ernes. Music by a jnyenlte choir under the leadership of Miss Fanning. Admission 20 cents. ICbs. John McKenna received a tele- gi;am on Friday last bearing the sad negrs of the death on that day of her sioter, Mrs. A. Denhohn, wife of the editet of ibe Blenheim News, and pre- vioosly of the Wopditock Standard and Kincardine Review. Mis. Denhohn was bat 84 years old uid had IsMn ill only a short time, ^nf^g been jamslaated with iaflmBza wfaioh developed iato ptaOa- moflii; trliieh tims !Oii|^t li«r\.to a pcenatpce ti^Vfin^s. 'â-  ..-.â- ; X Gtt the lS'pteeifMir^9^ Oiim McQiian â- Â§miiitiie\ „ .... aawtt^*" Mb. Alex. McLotroHBr, is home from Montana on a visit. 7. JaaiMMm, First-dasa horse-shoer and good general blaoksmith. All kinds repairing neatly done and promptly attended to. Call and nee us anyway. Shop opposite Markdale House, in McNally's Carriage bnildinfr. On* VaenUartty. There is one peculiarity in which the present season is unprecedented. The second week in January there was not a square foot of frozen surface in the whole system of the great lakes, from the head of Lake Nepigon to the foot of Lake Ontario. Such a thing has never been known dnring the time the records of the country have been kept by civil- ized people. Xapeatod firasa Vamorjr. Miss Lizzie Ricketts repeated the whole of the sermon on the Mount as contained in the 5th, 6th and 7th chaps, of Matthew before the Presbyterian Sabbath School, Markdale, with only one Mistake, which was the omission of the 12th verse of the 7th chap. She was awarded a handsome prize worth $2.00, the gift to the school of R. L. Stephen, druggist. The Jesuit Xatter Affala. Evidently Parliament has not heard the last of the Jesuits' Estates Act. Colonel O'Brien will move for copies of the reports or opinions of the law officers of the Crown relating to the Jesuits' Estates Act, and also copies of the case or other documents or reports submitted to the law officers, or to the Secretary of State for the colonies in relation to the Act now in question, and upon which the said opinions were obtained, and also all the denpatehes and correspondence in reference thereto. -:o: to Our ad7 Boaders. The Canadian Queen is now haying its Annual Free Distribution of Choice Imported Flower Seeds, a large package containing an immense number of rarest varieties, together with the Queen, on trial for three months will be sent free to each of our readers forwarding her address and only 8 8c. stamps to cover actual expenses. Five trial subscriptions and five packages by mail or express, (free of expense) to same address in Canada or U. S., for only $1.00. The Queen is one of the finest Illustrated Ladies' Magazines on tiiis Continent, it is deyoted to Fashion, Art, Literature, Flowers, the Toilet, Household Matters, and contains the Latest Imported De- signs for Fancy Work and Home De- coration. The Seed Distribution for 1890 continues for this month only. No lover of beautiful flowers can afford to miss it. Address The Canadian Queen, Toronto, Ont. The lecture on Friday evening last in Haskett^sH^lbyProf. C. A. Dike, on Psychology, embracing the phenomena of animal magnetism, clairvoyance, and independent clairvoyance, with kindred interests, was listened to with wrapt at- teniton by a large and appreciative audience. Ihe speaker presented his views in a clear and forcible manner, and tho' the subject is djsep and misty to those-who have not made it a study, yet it was made quite clear and in- telligent. The lecturer illustrated his yiews by the introduction of facts of so startling a character as to arouse the attention and awaken a lively interest on the subject in ail who had tiie pleasure of listening to him. Looking in upon the question from a religious and christ- ian standpoint, aiid the easy way in which the speaker unfolded demonstra- tive truths in order to uxorect false notions r^arding phenomena thought to be mysterious, placesbim in the ont, rank as a lectiMrerr i After fbe, leeinre^ he mada a phrenological examiitation, whichlproved his ability in tbatdireetitoi, after which a nnmbeo; qf^sabjeclB^were^ hcengbt under tboeleetexealiaflneaoejaf' Oa Jaebiier ^en ttoet Wioliiibl^ and- i^Re|i^Msm|E^ No. 1. Salmon Trout. No. 1. 'WTiite Fish and No. 1. Fresh 'Water (Herring â€"AT Belfast House THIS "wieek:.. Get prices before pur- chasing else-where. Fine stock fresh GROCERIES to choose from, best Eelected sotek of Crockery Glassware in town. Our Provision department is well stocked with Flour Feed of all kinds. Special inducements made te those buying in large qaantilies. Large stock of WINES, LIQUORS, AUES, CIGARS. (]!ume in, come up, come over and s^ us, the rush'stilljcontinues and will continue, everybody is buying their goods at Benson's because they art the cheapest, and keep the cleanest and best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. All goods Iresh. Yours truly, ft. H. BENSON CO. B. H.BEBSPN. W. J. Behso?. e:mi Kz.aii\ k-S^e "GOLDSMITHS HALL" SPEX SIGN. h wiii N?!! T ftJ' •' vw?»»s'tj â- ~l«l,l* ^v5tj' -iSfWtSlW- 1 did not begin price catting, bat tne knife goes in now. Beautifol engravecl filled cases, American morements. folly warranted 916.00, graded higher to 935.00. If Jewehers go oeloW "sngar profit" 25 o/o (per cent.) on Watches wearecutofffrmn getting them, so price. quoted here are rock bottom. Fine Silver Watches, American grades, $10.00, 9li.0.« 813.00 to 924.00, key and stem, 2 to 4 years warrants, Weight Clocks, 2 years warrant, 93.00, Spring from 91.50 to 910.00. in Nickel and Walnut cases, 1 to 3 yearn warrants, Look here! a S. "z. nickel cased watcn "Not Waterbury s," for 93.60. warranted, Gilt and Boiled Gold Brooches. 15 cents, to 93.00. BoOed Gold Chains 93.75 to 97.00. Above prices honorably and firmly acl- hered to. It will pay to call and get my prices for woric in all lines of clock and watch rqiairing. 7 years here this month, ' and Iwve been so steadily supported by" Jflia! best class of enstomers, that it compdls ma to iay once more "many thanks." I «hs coniiBiie 4o do r^trt by aM patrons boiSi in ' loodraad iniaes. A conimaance ot. jroor- flttpi i iij e a gs is tijaae agay vOieiiak, ifCMu (iffQi«ait" wiil Meet, yon vqiiar*^ «ad inr.. wMia good aj«te«B « ft !»# pride.- ':^ ^^^ir .,. .-...- .. .â- -â-  (.â- â- «-. ST.- •*ii»* â- , '|:« ' ' " tm t taKwJdff.ii^fSMI

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