â- PW^fSPPI ^^ W iSlU in m •M. SrtMIU Jk tMr tt-tamcuas, aomeMOKW, Aooooaasu. Acâ€" Offlce •« lUalQT's Drag Stove, wbcraaUeKlla flay or ni^U will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPROULE, M 0. M. COO, M. 0.,«e. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. 4 S. EDINBURGH, Wfiice at Stephen's Drug Store, lAte of the liondon Hospital, England. i». ^IcCiillongrli, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥ER MeFARLAMDS STORE, mabkdaIji:. IMConiey to ILoa,ii. Tbe Iirkiltie Stasduil I. B. LUCKS. BARRISTER, SOI..ICIT0R, c of the firm of Bishop Lnoas, Owen Sound, at office of IVi UUCAS, Co.. Every Friday. Wm. lincas in charge of o£9ce '-during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. DrVISICN COURT CLEEK. Issaer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner} in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branahes promptly -attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Eatate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMJBEELEY, Issue/ of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few farms for enle. Tirms easy. J.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, â€" GRADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Fledier- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MOMTO^ LOAN. OK real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. FARM FOR SALE. l» iaaacd ereiy Thtmday, bj CM. R9TLE0GE. KktrMu^. Sitt. TssMtâ€" tl per year in advance; (1.50 if not paid within six months. Professiooal and busineal.twcdsaMineh â- pace and under, per year. H. 1 TB. 6 no t KG. Wholeeolnmn t50 00 |37 50 tlfi 00 Half eolnmB........ 27 00 15 06 10 00 Quarter oolnmn.. .. 16 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch apaee 7 00 4 00 Three ioeh space 10 00 5 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents perlin« first insertion, 3 cents per line each aubuqnent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local eol- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 6 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals fcc. advertised 3 weeks for $1 No 'paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. X â€" JOB PRrPfTrPTG. Thx Staitoabd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. All orders filled with dispatch. IKatvit^ale fRIintth flirect^nr. PBESBYTERIAN chubgh. Services ever; Sabbath at 10:30 a. m, Sabbath School at 2:30 p. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Bev. L. G. Emes, Pastor A. McFarland. S. S. Superintendent. ^HBIST CHUBCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Bev. Mr. Graham, Incumbent. Sabbath School 2:30; B. Golemau, Superin- tendent. METHODIST GHUBGH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Bev. Geo. Buggin Pastor; B. W. Ennia* S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in eon nection: Mrs. T.Hill. Secretary. Strangers and visitors always welcome. Parties desiring sittings will apply to G. W- Butledge, pew Steward. Ifinntes c^ist mseGbg of the mniit eipldimitMU of tb* vitlij^ of MtukfUiB^ for 1890, i»el4 tbe «fl«li d^y «f Jiaii- jiry, ll81d, at 11 p'cl6iJk m.y Iccoifd- ing to statate. ' The members ekot of tbe moBus^til eoimea rf the vilhg* of M ariidsle, for the year 1890, areâ€" Wm. Ji McFar- la^Esq-r^eve, and Wm. Brown, AngoB Fleses, Geo. H. Haskett aud John Lyons, Coancillors. The said members, having asseoiol* ed at the coanieil chamber at tbe time above mentioned, made and subscribed their declarations of qnalifieation and office in due lorm, deposited tbe same with ^e Clerk and took their seats at the cooncil board. Tbe Beeve in tbe eh^ir. Minotes of last session of council read and confirmed. C!ommanicatioos â€" From Wm.Powi's F. C. A. re sinking fund and instal- ment tables Clerk's acct as returning officer, c., $2.65 C. W. Rutledge's acct. for printing and advertising John Whitby, collector, acct. $10.60. By-laws No. 25, 26 and 27 were in- troduced and read a 1st and 2nd time. Haakettâ€" Plewes â€" That the accts. of C. W. Butledge $18.20, and B. C. For^Ulo'tmst ten years* cultivators of tbe »oil 1,4.. « LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for farther particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 1904f. Pomona P. O MARKDALUODSl MAEKDALE. ONT. J. £. Marsh, Prop' MAEKDALE. The P. O. will be opened fiom 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz C P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm •' " South, 3:30 p m, and 7 p m TRAVEBSTON and LAURISTON. Tuesday, Thui-sday and Saturday 12:30 noon HAEKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. EBSEINE. Wednesday and Saturday 2 p. m For registered letters and money orders fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P O. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:3. a. m., and half an hour after mails arrive. W. .T. McFablahd p. M. R. J. SPROULE FXjESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and l^oney liender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Willp xlrawn up andValaations madeou shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPKOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. ^6 Pi]E CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. ^ivtettni. WANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Salaiy or Commission. I can make a success- ful SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow my in- straetious. Will furnish handsome outfit tree, and pay your salary or commission, every week. Write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toionto On W. G. RICHARDS BUILDER, CONTRACTOB, ABCHI- TECT, Markdale. Original and only reliable. Beware of poor imitationa. KABKIULE YIIXAOE OFFICULB. Beeve, W. J. McFarland Council â€" Wm. Brown, Jno. Lyons, Geo. haskett and Angus Plewes. B. C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L. Young, Treasurer; Fied. Sarjeant, Pound-keeper Bobt. Askin, police constable. Public School Trustees Wm. Lucas, J. Lyons. Edward Rutledge, H, D. Irwin, J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, Sec. COUNTY omCULS. Jai^e, S. J. Lane, Owen Souad. Sheriff, G. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sound. Clerk, John Butherford. Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. County Warden, R McNaught, Sarawack. Registrar, N., B. McEnight, Owen Sound. ' S., Tbos. Lauder, Durham. Bcvising Barrister, North, Judge Lane. Owen Sound. Bevising Barrister, South East, Judge Lane, Owen Sound. M. P., North, Jas. Masson, Owen Sound. M. P., East. T. S. Sproole, M.D., Markdale M. P.. South, Geo Lauderkin.M.!),, Han- over. M. P. P.. North, D. Creighton, Toronto. M. P. P., East, Capt. Borke, Clarksburg M. P. P., South. J.Blyth, Orchard. DIVISION COnBT OI.KBXS No. I. Ben Allen, Owen Suond. " 2. David Jackson, Durham.: " 3. Thos, Plunkett. Meaford. " 4. Thos. J. Borke, Heathcote. " 5. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. " 6. John McDonald. Chats wortli. 7. Duncan Campbell. " R. Wm. Brown. Markdale X I Camp. M.y. Wyville, a Euphrasia boy, is this winter m a lumber camp on tbe north shore, in the employ of Wells Charlton. He sent $1 last week for tbe Standard and we glean the following from bis letter. Jan. 11, '90 â€" A Mani- toba blissanlBniTedio-dy. Wehaye here t«ro feet of snow arid it nl stiH â- SQOwiiwi. .Thrae is 80 vftepriuoTaei^ipfi,, -A fevw sfenudc canp laA^.^eek si^aahe it at once, llie foBoWiiw afcr%toi^ a,â„¢.'^^^' TT ^** ' •- Markdale.: B^ dUttk,' itm^MtSSgA, Jtolto^^SirS*^- â- :;. :i-. ds,. .â- â- Msb i. .^ -fer:^ ?ts ys,^ -vsTtift«sd *mimr .*ti^^ Markdal( C. O. 0. V. No. 7«. meets evei^ alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their HaU, Bae's block. Tisitirg bratbien welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. W. No 14L meats m eir Hall, ilae' Mock, every ahaniate Monday eveniun a* o'doefe. A viut fnnn brethren of peighboring lodffM aoHoited. MABKSAI.X L. O. L. Mo. lOM meets in their h aU on Friday oa or before-full aaooa each HMrth. J. H. CarMin. Marter, W. 3. Bkkely, Secretarr* Vietoiia B. B. Preoeptoiy, No. 288, BMeta in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. O. L. " • viA, 3rolie Slliott. SwiattM. m! Bryden f 2.66. be paid. â€" Carried. The Reeve appointed Thomas L. Moffat, Jr., as Auditor for 1890. Lyons â€" Brown â€" That Henry Foster be the council's Auditor for 1890. â€" Lost. Haskett â€" i'lewes â€" That Andrew McFarland be appointed Auditor for 1890.â€" Carried. BrowEâ€" Haskettâ€" That Frederick Sarjeant be poundkeeper fur the current year, â€" Carried. Brown â€" Haskett â€" That Solomon Hill. W. N. Haskett and W. A. Brown be members of tbe local Board of Health, and that Pr. Ego be the Medical Health officer at a salary of $2.00 per necessary call. â€" Carried. Lyons â€" Flewes â€" That the Reeye issue his order oil the Treasurer for the sum of $10.60 in favor of John Whitby for Collector's salary for the year- 1889. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Lyons â€" Thai; the Collect- or's Roll far 1889 be accepted from collector Whitby, all the Taxes being collected. â€" Carried. Haskett â€" Plewes^ â€" I'hat Wm. Brown be paid $4,00, money paid to Robert Bowers for damages to crop â€" Carried. Brown â€" Haskett â€" That By-laws No. 25, 26 and 27 be now read a third time and passed. â€" Carried. Lyons â€" Plewej â€" That Brown Haskett and Plewes be a committee on Roads and Bridges, and that tbe Reeve, Lyons and Haskett be a com- mittee en Streets and Sidewalks. â€" Lost. Haskett â€" Brown â€" That Brown, Liyons and Uaskett be a committee on Reads and Bridges, and that the Reieve, Plewes and Brown be a com- mittee ou sidewalks. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Haskett â€" That this council pay Mr. Bowes the sum of $2.00 for any supposed damage wbich inay have been done to bis fence at Gravel Pit on George Street.â€" Carried. Haskettâ€" Plewesâ€" That this council grant the sum of $10 to Mr. Oe. Walker provided he builds a substan- tial wire fence on Brown street, 40 rods each side, on the hill east of his residence. â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Haskettâ€" That the Reeve and Councillor Plawes be a committee to examine into the Treasurer's securi- ties and report to this council. â€" Car J ried. Haskett â€" Plewes â€" That Robert Askin be appomted constable for the village of Markdale at a salary of $10 per annum.â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Plewesâ€" That this council grant the sum of $2 per month, com- mencing 1st January instant, for four months, to Miss Jane Nethercot. Carried. Brownâ€" Haskettâ€" That m future Hiis oonneil hold its regular monthly meetingB on the last Wednesday in each month at 7:80 p. m., commenc- ing 26ih February next.- Carried. Council adjourned. R. C. Bbtdbn, Clerk. tiisi^t. our own favored *oiiutry baja" oat the world. TUki,^^^K crops but tolow Drices. FarnT badaternlle struggle ,,, ' There has been no over pjj^ That is a mistaken uotiun. j}" produce has been wasted Tt] been consumed. But buy;,,^;^ that there was euou^rb.h,,j,^^ forced down tbe price. CoZ!? now know that ibis Was .^y? them as for the prodaceri. \Z\ farmers have no money tU J* j Lbrne Hrttcl, B^ddyrfi 'wr.^h«/«d«sr jO» 9th iiist., wheir the f»iiimm^^' ed (jeutlemen veee (Bl*cted'*ftWjWf *^ the year 18iM)5-*l*iiq8, i*lnBr; Pre- sident Wm. MlJOonnel.'^l^iee'Pfe- Bident W. J. Snokt, h W Boyd. Bpbl. McAfee, S. McEb^hr;' Jos. Manary, Saml. GiloMiWV-. iW. H. DodRon, A. C. PatferBOir ^iu« Geo. Crabtree, Directors J.. ^^ Richards aud Abraham Crabtree, Auditors J. L. Wilson, Sec.-Treas. ' The treasurer presented hisfinancial report showing receipts $496 80, dis- bnrspments. $507.19, leavinga balance j buy. There has been eaforeej'ecll" due the treasurer of $11.80, which ou the farm aud extravaganci* 1^7 being certified toby the auditors as ""'" " " being correct was unanimously Mdopted. The president in a neat little ad- dress congratulated the Society upon the steady progress it was making and on its success in reducing the liabilities stating that if the coumiii continue its liberal donations and the directors be as active in the future as they have been in the past in a few years more they will be able to clear off the entire indebtedness for the hall and grounds. After the business ol the day was over the officers and members present spent a very enjoyable hour with mine host of the Lurne Hotel. â€" Meaford Mirror. Artaaoasla Agrimxtunl Boeietir. The annual meetint; of Artemesia Agricultural Society was held in Price- ville on the 9th inst. and was well attended. The finances of this society, as shown by the Auditors' report, are in a very healthy condition, the total receipts for the past year being $819.- 78, disbursements $266.82, leaving a balance in hand of $52.91, and a present membership of over fifty, it was also resolved to hold a two days' exhibition. The following were elected officers for the current year, viz President, Alexander Stewart Vice-President, Iavid Harrow. Directors â€" John Nichol, James Sullivan, Dougald Mc- Cormick, Wm. McMurdo, Wm. Stew- art, James Brodie, Joseph Aussum, David McMnlien and Thomas A. Ferguson. Auditors â€" Michael Beiley and John McArthur. After the close of the public meet- ing the directors mat and re-elected James Brodie Sec- Treasurer.â€" -Cok. Kave a Pnxprnn. Young man, have a purpose in your heart. Now, what do you purpose in life Is it that, underallcircumstances you will do what you think is right. Or is it to becotne rich at the expense of principle and right. The first por- pose you should have is to care for yourself. loung men uow-a-days don't, and when the body is wrecked they hobble through life, making every. body about the?B'iniserable. Find out what diet best agre^ with you, aud adhere to it. Daniel 'feegan by abataui- ing from wine. This would be a good start for you, young man. Next, take care of your intellect. Study, if you.have intellectâ€" there are some young men who don't know whether they have any or notâ€" im- prove it. Many bard-wcrked men have acquired profound educations By being studious during small intervals of leisure. Get an hour a dav, if jou can't get any more. Devote half of it to the study of the Bible, and divide the other thirty minotes, aay between astronomy, botany aud geology. Do this one year, and yon will be surpris- ed at what von havA iiA»n«n*.i;ak.wi ciij.. We are, or soon shallbeA wealthiest nation oa eartb. W i, no great standing armies to jl' We are a nation of workers an,U„,i, workers as the world ba, never jI before. We do not plow witjj and'a stick of wood. We no C quote IranahnB maxim "He tb»tW theplow would thrive, himself J either held or drive." We do boIT We drive three horses abreast, auidj more actual work in a day tiiM,^ formerly done m a week. AniJaiMt many farmers, iwt content with tlij. put on two* teams of throe hwsea ead to a gaiig of plows, liarrowa, etc. Hither tx' the cousamers bnveliadiii the benefit of tbe producers' enterprJBe and uidnstry. Bat the time has come when they will share it with us. cities are rich and they are BpeDdin" freely. They are not hoarding. T'i°e vast accumulations of money in oar savings banks belong, not to the rich, but to the industrious classes. Many a young man and young woman pot the money there till they can join hands and join purses and buy»BinjlI farm for themselves or start in hu ness. ForeicjM labor Iihs sought our shores for many yeare aud now foreigt capital is coming by tbe millions. Ail this- means better times for farmers, and when farmers do well tbeeoaatrr is prosperous. Let us be hopeful aui go ahead with our improve.ments,- Harris' Rural Annual for 1890. Blew the Valaa of Advln. moew m ijoage ucomoi jaaraoaiejL No. 1046, fiat Fndiy in each month. â- »«« ii^t»al«ara waleoine. hm.. M ».i XhM. Slliott. AiaiattM. SB TO WHOM ITMAY GONCERN. This is to certify that we have ap. pomted Mta. Robt. Askin, of Markdale^ Ontario, aa onr duly authorised Agent for the sale and teaching c»f our "N^w Taflor System of llress-outting" (lae Prof. Moody-*). « .^ " Wetdtt gw«t ^pieaaow ia rie^. mendrng bn m ftdJy ooKpeteiii to ,_, 'f**** yoa liave accomplished. Then take care of yotir mahnen. ihe manners of Canadians are de- generating. There was a time when a young aan would not offend a young Iftdy by puffing cigar smoke into her tace. Now I see it done on the horse- cars every day. Imitate the sweetBesa teoup and kind. Never ntter a thought- tejj word that will Tp^, utarl in life with the pmiciple, "i'U be a fientle- man, eomo "That will.** BMth«rvMCil.ji(. When D. K. Teuney was to the bar he was one of tbe He enjoyed a good time as well asftoj- one, and the following story is I him He went to a country dance neir Madison, Wis., one night; and beeanu smitten with one of the country i He danced with her nearly all tbt I evening, regardless that a sii-footo in the room kept watching him tbreii- eningyl. Fiuall a friend approacliei ••Dan," he said, •'do you see ' big fellow on the other side of tbt I room " "Yes." "Well, he is going to lick the lifs| out of you." "What for " aaked Tenney. ••You've been dancing with his 1 all evening." „, -I didn't know it. What siiiH j I do?" ••Well, if I were yoo I'd put on Jj ooat aud make a sneak for home- i« get away from here just as quick w I could." â- The embryo lawyer said nevaJI word, but reached down iu his "" and pulled out a $2 bill. "What are yon doing "Mted*« I friend. -Take it." ••I don't want any money. "Take it," repeated Tenney. J 1 taken '$5 for a blamed sight w" advice than that." itM^at tweh the S^nr thorttachlvT 5^e,iai. pei*p» jiC W8veait%^ Sni] ^aw Aed m the ^•. at New-Hit|i;C$^n'^5;;^ Mr. James Harris, 7f| "^of I* BEUAvnaai, Jan 80. Dawaon. RA.. LC». iflthjiist â„¢*Mir4 sail «f «» tat* B«»i *A. ^M0tMg,i and awbiifl? Imi^ j^i EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- Owen Sound Lodge ^-0. •^' has 114 members and has » treasury $278 of general fui»- Mr. BeU, Secretary of the W Board of Trade, volunteew tw iliiKtion that fully 98 per cent. »^^ basiness men of that city a^ej of nnreatricted reriprocity *» United States. \^ ,. ICaJftnethon ratepayers b»T« j, ed by a vote of 295 to l^J 2H ftituM eattle shall not be w"" run at large in the township- eoo«'*r wJt^le haruessiog «^J» tUmtaatiirkithhib died Ute *. ^§"^rf i«^;^ ^^. .»«iw t..-t»_|,^.. ^^'Utt^'S^^^' ^i*.-^f.. If.' r. •i'M*-.-!.'*. Booth, late f*L,j^j fBMite,^«Attgerin«, w '°*^m ^j^jl^Bi^ie Boose, --iriw -*l ••JWtwI. Toronto, --, :«BiiB,4HiotlMroUiioteli^. xrartfx!/ â- ii^^' '^- A few plain dnters â€" My fresh, pure 3ash, and wil tor cash at tli ig prices. Bargains in id Glassw^ari Fine Pish b- )r barrel at )rices. Prompt attei square dealing p^*^ Open Eace Sere â„¢l«d Wateh,case warrai "•"e^ent 2, only $18.0 BUgher grade novemei PJetR, $20.00. j^'cketWatehesasIow 1^^4.50 for my fin •»d, patent set, ** S'yeaf 8. Watefces from I ***«)mfl.soup â- ^m 'J fe-