i-S'^Zi^i' ttuisie OUR OTTAWA LE-g^ER baud of the Guards discoursed 0„,w.. Ja^. 21.-^ bng^ clea^ an^^^ided to fay a SSd1.en^ TorouU, «.d nenriy eWy cUy r-. verv cold day flji Flags fljing and omfcMrmed l^'huirviug to the Drill Ua!l. Closed T",lis driven rapidly nlong. tlir«ingij ^„se windows you catcU giimpsai rf j,y girls and iiandsome Womeu t"g "l*" "'"^^' ^iiat is ii all Wait aud see. It jj,„yiive miuutps to tiire«. Grossing nnffcriu bridge at a fast trot ride tbe pf,j,'i)oii Guiird' fliisliiiig back tlie litter of tiie suu frtui tbeir goldsm i,,,, and carrying in tbe.r niidst iKpu.ar aa'aoi^eV^^F'SXTiS ,^^ iioyai banner. ILey mrn into tbw ,u some fonu Lavebeeu ^u bf Messrs. Kij-kpHtriok, Patterson of' Essex, and OUarlbm. Tbe omiesiou of Mrs. Foster's name Canada. _Mr. dTarke Walkce .•ii^.b^nB in » Wl r«,tonag b« Couibinee mT^u* Tlie form of Hofua^d^^^ been cWed to Octavo and smalter ty^ JReciprocity in wrecking seems tobe arar diS' â- addoMDOt ilie the Parlism"" grounds, and as they lOULtl tlie long sweep ay to ibe great tower of tlie Honse of Comnions you ^e behind .hem fnnror live .-.qiupages 1 fmui invitaUon. toGcverumentHoiise ,uil rtco-nize tbe livery ot (be Viceroy, j has created a good deal of talk yoff you know what's up. Tbe Governor-General is comiug to open ,1,6 Pariinment cf Canada. The one I ,„i(iie'i scarlet coated men of tbe Foot {iiiards present arms, tbe grand. old MW' of ^1' National Autbem ring iiit in tje frosty air, tlie doors are Hang I'peu and flis Excellency passes ]u followed by tail officers M'ith clauk- ;i,gawoi)treiaeate. Tbe lig {*ell strikes three. The Governor General enter lbs magnifi- teut Chamber of the Senate, all pres- (ut standing. Seated on the throne His Ex';ellency motions them to be hcatd. The Gentleman Usher of the Black Sod wouderfnl title) bows and goes out to bumnion the Ci'mmons ffith Ins geriutiections. The Premier in tiie Duiform of an Imperial Privy Councillor, blazing wiih gold lace, onttjiiiiies in splendor that of tbe Govirri r-Generul's itselt. The as- ^cnibliiTC is not quite as brilliant as usual, but still there are the brilliant uniforms of His ExCfUeiu-y's staff, the ricli robes of tlie juJ^'es of the Supreme Courr, ruid tbe hunusome toilettes of tliG ladies. Pro.«f-nt!y enter the Com Eons iUid His Excellency' reads tbe Speech and Pfirlinraent rs upen. TliL; DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS. The speeches in the Commons of fupe of Comii.a4i tiud Prior of Victoria JD moving wi\\ â- seconding the Address :n reply to the Speech from the Throne were b.ild and uninteresting. Pope's Klyfe wfiB pleasing enough and Prior is a )M?pulrtr member, but, as Mr. Launer i-nid, tbey struggled in yain to ' put i-iiicv and fleih on the dry bones of the skeleton of a Speech from the Throne. The Opposition leader spoke grace- I'iilly and wittily, but he was evidently reserving himself for other occasions The annual meeting of the above ami let the government down easy, was held in Flesherton on the 15th The attendance was not as large as it should have been. The members do not turn out to tbe annual meetings us they snould, but can find any amount of fault with the management of the Society by its officers. The finances of the society as shown by tbe Auditors' report was as follows Bfcceipts, $1324.28 Ex- penditure, $1274.35, leaving n blauce on baud of $49.88. The following motion was put to the meeting and carried uuaiumously: Moved by T. Kells. seconoed by J. MoAi-dle and resolved, tbat we, the members of this Agricultural Society, do place on record our L-trong appreci- ation of tbe kind acts of those in charge of the Central Experimental Farm at Ottawa in tbe liberal dis- tribution of samples of seed grain to be tested so as to learn their suitability to the soil and cliioate of tho various parts of the Pommion. A lengthy discuEsion was indulged io with reference to the possibility of seeuriag a branch of the G. T. B. from Mount Forest via. Flesherton to Meaford. A committee to work up (he matter, eomprisiog tbe following gentlemen, were appointed Dr. Ohrietoe, G. Stewart, H. Datiaude. B. J. oproole aud M. Bichaidson. The follDwing are the,, officers for 1890: President, €t. thwart Ist. Vice President, I. Chnton 2od. Vice PrMicfeal. U. J. BPwAe. Directors r-4. lieAril^VifWiiB. W. Bmeter, B. BatbVan, W. Ifdrton, J. Conn. B. Datoiide. (r. H*irit and O. Bellumy. Auditorsâ€" J. i^ie and W. Bellamy. Sa«relary-Tr«afiprer. 8, DammW. •' •^»*««»Md» niatriet t. o. lu The annual meeting of the District Grange Loage of Artemesia was held m the hall of L. O. L. No. Ills, Eu- genia, on Tuesday, Jan. 14th. There was a large attendance considering the very bad 1 state of the roads. About bfty delegates from tb© subordmate lodges put iii au appearance, many of them walking from six to eight miles. After tbe election of officers "and general despatch of busiursd the brethren of L. O. L. No. Ills provid- ed the District Lodge with supper. The following motion was moved by Bro. John Bolaml and secondea bv Bro. Wm. T. McKee: Tbat this L. O. District Lol^e of Artemesia, in session a.-.-8embled, do hereby expres.s their disapproval ot tlie Orange Association of Canada. Petitioning the Dominioi; Parhameut lor Otange Incorporaiiou at this par- ticular jnnctnre, and tliat a copy ot this resolution be scut to the Provincial Grand Lodge, seeking tiieir co opera- tion in tills important matter.â€" Car- ried. The following officers were elected for 1890 W. D. M., Bro. James Brodie. W. D.D. M., Bro. Sam. Sheardown. D. Chap., Bro. Thomas Kells. D. Bee. Sec, Bro. Wm. McLoughry D. Fin. Sec, Bro. John Boland. D. Tieas., Bro. Wm. Sharp. D. Lect., Bro. Eph. Brodie. D. D. of C, Bro. H. D. McLonghry. Tbe semi-annual meeting will be held in the ball of L. O. L, No. 244, on the first Tuesday in June. â€" ^Com PmECT SATISmTIOH CRWMO -28 UNION SQUARE^Ii:- DALLAji SCIENTIFICAMERICAN ESTABLISHED iR-^S, la the oldest and most popular aeieatlflc and mechantcal paper pnbliahedand has the laivesi elnmlstlon of soy paper o* its class in Oe world. IFuIlT UI«uM«^ed. Bert elass of Wood Xmrnv. liiKS. Pnbllshed weekly. Send Ar specimen' S?l?»'?*^*UiI?"' "o«w months' total, •!. HDNN a CO., PUB LMHKRB, 161 Bioadwarl H.T. AReHITEClTA BVILDERC EditioD of Scientifle Anerioan. V A Rreat sncoeas. Baeh laane eontalos ooloreit Uthographicptates of oonntry and city reslden.. ees or public buildinKS. Nnmerons encrraTioKi •nd foil plans and speeilications for the use a* snch as contemplate ball dine. Price tUO a vua SB ets. a copy. MUNN a OD., PubuctusT OcD CD p O CD 2 P CD 2 ODtoSHi 188^ S DATEMTS â- 40 years' experience and hai â- 100,000 applications for Ameri ^B eien natentn. Send fnr TT«ni1 m»b«seeniw ed py apply- • Hdhm Sast Oxey Agxionltiiral Society. ing to J a Co., who hare had orei IWTa made OTet; -â€" American and For* ^elgn patents. Send for Handbook. Oorree' pondence strictly confldential. TRADE MARKS. In case yoar mark Is not registered In the Pat- ent Office, apply to Mumr i Co- and procni* Immediate protection. Bend for Handbook. COPTRIGHTS Ar books, eharta, mape, etc qnlckly proenred. Address BI17NN CO., Patent Solleltara. OxsBBAi. OvncK: aa Bboaowat. X. T. CD Tlie mobt notable portions of liis criti- cism were those in which he declared ^i-e N. P. a failure. In forcible langu- age he arraigned that policy for de- {iiesbiug the agricultural industry, for Mknig liaidor the hard lot of the toiler and uaihug up the doors of many iiomes and di-iving the people across 'lie border, lu convincing tones he poiated out Ihat the state of depression twoughont tbe 'country was so great jaat even such good Tories as Mc- Wt4iy, Marshall and Laurier advocat- «Ji«ipri,eity with Great Britain as a feniedy. The government's mdisposi- •i^a tu do anything tor the farmers ffealleJ to Mr. Laurier's mind the J-ia fthu had .attrtmed euch a state '!« be was content to contemplate "lynvu perfection. Sir Johu Macdonalds reply con- '-*^a rf a few stock jokes and two or I'iffc* benous words at the end of his 'i^minute speech, wJien he acc«,pted ^^e tariff issue as the fighting ground •i;ieJ to scare Liberals-again as he uone before by saying that as a ^y man ho was giad of the Jsfiue. a },^ Address was adopted without a X"" ^1^« House adjourned. *»n. Mward Blake and Alexander *wiizie were in their seats and Bir r^rd Cart tlie pf»y. wrigbt looked ready for Tbe A NEW DEPDTY-SPBAKER. w.: 7^ ^eputy-Speaker, n»d«: Colt '*!^*^e promotion of Hon. CO. I "^iilist T""**'" " *°y other Mtnb* ' Piefti,, "[*' could be chofcoo. • The 'frl.nJr"""" this assurance from Wi»2 .standing, a m^hv «f: W. H. DRINKWATER, ' FASHIONABLE TAILW, has started in business in tbe Hill Block. I am prepared to do all kinds of 'work. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All people leaving their cloth to cut will be done at a moderate cost. Ild Gold Watch.- 5100.1 I dS.'ISol "' -SlOO-oniniaMlT. waieS la ths worM. I timrtitpcr. W«r-J_ nntad. BM*y Solid Oolil 'lUauiiBf CuMu halk ladM land genu' lisas, with w«ik* and caaaa of aqasl nlab I One Person ia aaeh to, ealtiy can aecora oaa ft(% tocether with on lai|*aadnl- «uul« lino of Xlkaaelisid fikuaplca. Than umplet, as well as tba watdi, wo saa4 IVee, aad after yoa bars kept IhTOi la Toar homo for S noaths and ahowa iben • ttoaa tr;o iaj/ha«-o CBllfii. thcjr become yoar own WIOMII/. Thoia \. ho write «t onc« ran bo aora of tseolHait tha watch :."' S»ia*-1ee. Wo rr aU aspran. IMiAt.ota. Addnaa .iaaoaa£ Co.. 2mx gl^i, rarOand. MadlM. P3 M 03 CD CD BwDg) g CD CQ O D O P M. CD CD O ^• HHp OT To Ova Sa1scri1txs. The special^annonncement which appeared in our colamns socoe time since, anaoonc* log a spejial arrangement vrith Dr. B. J. Kksdaix Co.. of EnoBborf^ Falb, Vt., pnV liohwa of "A. Treatise on the Horse and hill DiseaMs." whereby our sabscribers were en- tiHiti to obtain a copy of that valnaUe work free by sending their address to B. J. KENDALL CO. (and enclofliag a tw». cent stamp for. madu^ same^ is renew- ed for a limited period. We trnsfe all iriU avail themsdres of the opportanity of ob- taining this Talnahle work. To ererr lover of tiie Ho^ it is iqdispens^lMe. M H trekta ip a simple manner 1 the 4i|H^a«^ wlM* afflict this nobid animal. It* ^^bmmembami M ..jj,i,i,,ute throngLout the Uaited iitAta* atid :n ' ' Canada, make it standard iantlMinly. ])f«n- d'-.i- .-.,.• ' tion this pap«*'irlmiibt^^ iMe«Ueii thny-*H».«a«to to Ho '7.r. sfris^-^ •"zi^nf-' I tic •xi'ftuiii kuti' ' 'itji.' iSSOi SAW ?• onKzor CMMISJL SKfDER, â- SBBBBR or oueniiun mt iw tnthh ma nm. Blmwood, Ua., Mot, », ttU, Da. B. J. Kxanau. Ca. Dear Sirs: I haw always pmehaaedjroDr Ken- daU's SpaTin Cora br tha half doaea botdea. I would Uke prices in larew qosndlj. I ddnk it is one cf the best Ifadmsnia aaaith. Iharanaadit in my atalilas fer three yean. Tours traly, Chas. A. Samaa. KEIMLL'S SPtVM CDRL BKoon.Tii, N. Yq Mofember 3, 18B8. Da. B. J. KsKDAiA Co. Dear Sirs; 1 desire to ghreyon tssHmnntsl of my Bood opinion of yonr Kendall^ Spavin Cue. I hare used it for Unseaess. aitfrjatets wmA ipavfiu. and I haTS foand it a sore coia. I oordially reoorn- mend it to all horsemen. Yours tmly. A. H. GnaaaT, Manager TMy Laimdry Stables. lEHDItL'S SPlin CURL Sakt, Wnrroa Couiitt, Okio, Dae. 19, x888. Da. B. J. Kbhdai,!. Co. Gents.: t feel itmy doty to say what Ihavsdoae with your Koidall's Spavin Cnre. I have cored twenty^ve horses that bid WiiailsiSi tea of Bine Ban*, nine aflUctad with la H ew and seven of Bla Aw. Since I iiave had one of your books and followed the directions, I Iiava never lost a case of any Idnd. Yonrs tndy, Andrxw Tcriie«, Horse Doctor.. KENDILL'S SPAVIN CURE. Price ti ^r bottle, or (iz bottles for $5. AU Dmg- gists have it or can get it ibr you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of {nice by tlwproprie- tors. Dr. B. J. Ksmdali. Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS., :h i.3isB«-^ J^ifiSfW â- Bt»:' j«*w rciti t '•^.-r^ Look Ml If yru tafte youaf.5gri8t to FORD*^S you f will get; good satisfation, as we keep (IJBST^iiSs XFLOUB; and no other. We also make a spe--. cialty of chopping. Bring along yoar chop and get it home again the same daj. Flour $c Feed sold at tbe lowest market prices. C»ll and give us a trial. J. W. FOBD. HARRIS' RURAL ANNUAL. 18§0.' 240 ILLUSTBifcirjONS Coatfiininff Artiiclcs of Interest and. Ynlne to nil Grower* of Fnnn dfc GuH^^mJ^^^ff|^», Fiitltf ».., Flowvrst ««•'• W« .nant one xadcrof ermf iBiniljtv where the STANMAn is taken to ba^o' a copy i.f the Itl^Ai. ^/^NKUAL Toj!^\ 1890. It will be sei^ Jfuz*. IT jrou trant ibo besit «tf See«k, Plaiila* fifl»e«^. Ac., we brpe i%^t an order' fr6myo«. Addre?B â- • ',â- â- â- . â- -.--•â- '-â- ^^^- ;_ ^^m^K ABii^ jee;9'Ic^^';. •^ j t Jdiotetoa For m» lluur4e Go.. N.l^a. ,. 'JKt ISve*tn«.Mai»lHia--rfp,js i â- s -i r i^ '•:.fc 111 "' ,11 .1 â- ; i l! I'M •