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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Jan 1890, p. 3

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 ilplplillipiiiiniip ^wm â- ^r^ ^^ '^ifliaBROM ODD SBID£. ttibtl wUl Help AMuUf •V MEo we dMcribed » bridg* l^»*Uyoftheland.ltWM OLD A£. â- y«llvcr B»"5llSow »d»ptation of th« wme 'if IW- city Ue. la^M-tom ' bridge for a tinie, but the abip- rXie canal objected, eepedaUy as «^ Bide of the canal waa very ^SMTlving low down, wouldiwait ^SuCce to ahippfag 5«»"1«»^ tabe BWtmg every ttme m tiiig^ " Iiwonld be of little bemfib to ""ffi^'ilio, becaoee of the delaye incid- K^S*f«Mr. Gerard W. Sbhim- J"J^i acceptable plan. Itlnolndeai "f^'r.tone and steel tower., with » *rLfag "bo-t i* »»ti» a mffietart " !r„hAl Thia roadway has a atde- " "Jtrfdra waRon road 19 feet 8 Inch- l " cars mn in next to the tower, ?STh ontaide of all. Connect- ie tf towers is a common^steeUwing rjijitramcar He tram cs" lijiidewalk rMtiua on a atone tower. The opening V^ aiiett wide and the awing bridge R .Birches above the water. Winding Lt the tower, which ia 143 feet in tfie blographiea of oei^tenariana. Such drives a rise of 13 feet 9 inchMi Arâ€" „»~^â€" .. *w..„ -t .u. â€" ..^. ^owraare provided with elevjaton JmwIio do not wiah to walk np. There KL room in each for paaaengera who lilrtdwhenabigahip cornea in. It la 1 tlio to utilize the apace in the ritnreaof varionakiada. It a I i little School Girl on Courage. Ijiil courage" is soffething which few iijndsjmetimea people who are aa a "ooorageonr' are the very onea time when thia trait can be 1 fall into the background and allow k other person, who haa never been [Uble for any great deed of bravery, pinto bis place and show to the world hey are the ones who really poaaeaa itnmed "real conrage." an does not always mean the per- t of some great deed such aa risking I to save another or diatingoiabii^; f on the battle field. a a fanlt, to ataod np for the calls forth more courage than beccejcf one's sell or frienda from dan- who at the moment of peril are Ldongh to defend themselvea or their s ue certainly "courageoaa men," M who have willic^ly given their irtbe sake of their country or have dtheirown to save another are men 1 of and men whom we gladly iro«s." snot only seen inhuman beinga, nesaoimala have evinced wonder- iaces of thia trait. 1 read of dogs which have mahed houses to reccae a child that r and excitement had been for- t saved men from drowning when I of otbers have been in vain. bthi^may be called "uooiage," tor |ttlier came can we give it again more children have.ahown Imnge 03 many cccaaiona. V^ldwhoia not afraid of the dark, a bravely asserts that he ia not afraid Rlin,or:e, or wild betsta, ia looked I ind admired by bis more timid com- hbittheae are not the onea'of whom we llorit it generally these "brave boya' R nowhere to be found when the icoBcs, and it is often a child, who ia called "timid" and "coward," Mthe angry bull while the others fly It lives, or who fights bravely with »ia of a baming building wnile the itind white and trembling looking wly at the " timid boy," who after ^« that he is no ' coward," but who ' "" afterwards proclaim him, " A ro-" BiBDIB. MssiTeness of the Chinese. ptsof an Eog'iah company to ^er on the Yangtaekiang have «iBa ludicrous manner by the a dignified mandarins who conaider- Ihe compsjiy did not cake J^fto China until tl^e Peking anth- w»grcedtol3tit eiogage in trade Vtbaeg and Chnngkinsf, but endleta •aae mto view when the veaael W. The mandaiiaa, after long TOa fiially decided that whereaa Ttandaof jnnka on the upper ,i,3"^»c'» would donbUeaa be ^» smithererna if a ateamboat |«ioo«e among them, thenf jre for '•Isyear juaks should be tied up 'OMlu, thus giving the afeeuner iCiA?l remainiDg 355 daya the [Ce. â-¼acati^n and give the 1^ head off" ^lidleneaa. 1â€" lears ,^,I^«'ed in aa many days. fc^'j^^regate aa much aaffcr- •fS?"'« Com Extnwtor •P^yrcooeaaful in tm^ V^A^A •'»J?«ttt«». how^rSr "« the beet. Sure, wrfe, wid fc^a that in 1870 "iffiloea in there wuU j^ -.^«uea m North Aniei;- Cr.Vl^" *•" 700 II9t tit AftMrtva, qr wfffi fPKt cnad ia flaw KdUi Mm'gtSS ' bytiie firaa nNm Bdpiai of fir of tho^ H. AtBOthJ bocd, bit the pgrattcinea nsbrok^ nnk hnfiiiiyu 8rteehc« of ^^^m M^vah^v 9. Attf he HKa Witt 4 te£ at the •ti^g^mwiH.t Si'u3^i Khea A ii^t^iMhei. tomeht look 80 old ttitb clMe aaad to, afapoflf. M W^ atawa • borial anrvitk aaeiiu to hwvf ___ one did not eotiee in formw yiian. There £*^«;*^.^ •?!^*""8 P«i«i|»l about «. Bat If one Uvea to 70 he iooa seta «aed to the text with the ihredusoM rai â-  mnd tenia it, and b^ina to ooant hiisB^ amrag thoae who by reason of atrra^aca. daatincd to reach foniaoore, of whom he can aee a number In reaaonably good condi- tion. The octogenarian lovae to m4 about people of 90 and over. Heipeera amdog tin aateriaks of the trieimial catalogue of the nniversitelor ^he aeinw.of i;mdnat(8 who have beea«e««i«y'yeJiffa«nt «{- ooUega- ebd remain atiil nnatarred. Ho, ia curioua aboot Fwl 10 good and ia aaawwing aar iaqi Pnci. S49 Doreirooart yonr winter oidan b( i awttate the walae of ^7 berk !â-  on m ^«ettttded bjr thoiia|iS^F:%r^^doe ^SMr^mehtlaad. CflriW#%ttltat3^|ly jClp^^ OntaHo^j ^e^ '^farar«An^he gev^ment ka^. liJMr farther tafiirtt^^G^, napB.rcteJ(. ^., npply n P. I. ^fS^cto, e. P. -^. A., Sa. Panl. Minn^ J. M. eacapadea as thoae of the terrible old ainner -tod anoertor of great men, the Bsveread Stephen Bachelder, intereat him as they never did before. But he oannot deceive himself much longer. Sae him walking on a level anrfaoe, and he atepa off almoat aa well aa ever, but watch him coming down a flight of ataira, and the family record oonld .not tell hia yeara more faithfully. He cat yon dead, you aay Did id ooour to you ^t he could not aee you clearly enough to know you from any other aon or daughter of Adam He aaid he waa very glad to hear it, did he, when you told him your be- loved grandmother has jaat deoeaaed. Did yoa happen to remember that, though he does Mfe allow that he is deaf, he will not deny tint he does not hear quite so well as he nsed^io t Ko matter aboat hb failings the louier he hride oa to life the longer ha makes life seem ts aU the Uving who follow him, and tims he ia their oonstastbenefactiv. â€" Jannaiy Athntfo.: A Tonng Girl's Grief At seeing her charms of f!oe and form de- puting, and her health imperiled by funo- tlonal irregularities, at her critical period of life, waa tamed to joy and gratitude after a brief self treatment with Dr. Pierce'd Favor- ice Prescription, it purified and enriched her blood, gave a healhy activity to the kidneya, atomach, bowels, and other organs, and her return to robuat health apeedily fol- lowed. It ia the only medicine for women, aold by drnggista, uxdes a positive gcab ANTES from the manufacturera, that it will give aatisf action in every caae, or money will be refunded. Thia guarantee haa been printed on the bottle- wrapper, and faithfully earried out for many yeara. There waa to be company at dinner, and Bobby's mother had cautioned him to be careful of hia behavior, eapeoially to eat i SOOITS lEMULSION ' RESULT: S I take My Meals, I taj£e My Rest, ' AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; fettlns ts^t too, FOR Scott's mulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HypophosphitesofLimeand Soda NOT ONLY CURED MY Incip- ient Consumption but built ME UP,' AND IS NOW PUTTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. 1 TAKE IT JUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK." Scott's EmulsloQ Is put up wly in Salmoa color wiraptjsro. fitoW Dy;*^ Dnifflias al 50c. and $1.00. ^^^ " color wirappijw. fitoW trnail Drii^a 50c. and $1.00. *^ ' ' SCOTT BOWi^^eUi^lle. LAUirO kwiwa (or tf teniilt^MtopIi ' ^^ free. J. Tbottbb,6 S^vpie Biehaioad St; W^ Tonato, Om. THE BOILER INSPECnOR I "ii i â-  ii' fiiin ' iiifi-( THE BEST FCMDi TatOB»iip«ttmcttij «ltaft:ofi ikHA^Hlti .ui:-.-' .:iT ?Xs.!i.^}:i;4*- .!:[)' -Vl^«fV}-^ C*fR(..(« ill STDMS FLlilQ BEEF Theateat Sti^i^h-CHver ONiE OP In 1880. THE HOME SEEKER THSW? \^id$^lm^Wr 'Wurrommo SHE PIONEEIV CANADIAN- UNE tea to the fraotH liifcutfll^ilM pMrWoa tortheMfetraalneartortof ili via. Bdifaz darima wuitir. G tbioq^tont Ul*)!^ â-  InrUIfkhporW For T«ia of.nivHn aa« dHiaKiauaallaaafWIrr H. JiOCBLIER, oor. King and Tonn Sta;. Xoraato H. ft. A. MJjtMi MiBteil. Of w tfaJMajbaknia ia your oonoty. â€" -r-â€": â€" 1 â€" *-' â€" .• ri 'â- ' â-  .i i iii' ' â€" 1 1 â-  n COMVERTIBUE W^E B^Sj COODAGEITTStTi^â„¢ Addieaa, liurjeBa IsOS. Stnd tor I Ina- C»M^e' and terma. 87 Ca»iiA» St., Toronto. ASTHMA Pf^^^^^ anyone fflioted. Das. TAFZ BSO Boobeater. K.T and Ttn«OR Specialist. I.tlT«ta Hospital. No knife. Beok ftea. G. 11. MCMIOSAZL, M. D., Na.63Niat;u»Bt. BuOUcN.Y. â-  • â-  â- â- ' ""-^ • ' â-  'â-  $10.00«DAI â€"Easy and respectable work for men aDd women. Address T. N. Scbipiubj^ 4 Adelaide Street West. Toronto^ UaU.U. Guaranteed sure pure for lontr atandlog Gongha, Golds, etc. Ask our druKgist (or it or write to us. take no otaet. R.O. SNIDER ,CO., Dogtists, Toronto. TBACBEKS can make money during Ticatlon by canvassinfr for one or more of our fast selling aparingly ana aiwaya to aay taanK yoa wnen Bookaand Bibles, especially History of Canada, by anvthins waa oaaaed to him. The old Daonle W* H. Withrow, D.D., latest and best edition var asythusg waa paaaed to him. The old paople were rather namercaa and, perhapa, rather hungry. At all eventa, they kept the boateaa 80 busy that ahe found no time to wa't upon Babby. The littla fellow grew deaperate. ' Say, ma," he whiapered, aftitr a timp, " how can I eat aparingly and aay thank yen if Idon't get anythisg 7" $10 000 Found in an Ash Earrel. A New York rag picker ia reported to have found $10,003 in greenbaoka in an aah barrel. Thia waa a rare piece af good lock, bat how much more fortunate ia tdie anfferer from coDBumptibn who leama that, although the dostora may have pronounced hia r.nae hopeleaa. Dr. Pierce'd Golden Medical Dia- covery wi!l cure him. Conaumption ia a acrofulona diaeaae ot the Innga. The "Dia- covery," which ia the moat potent blood- pnrlfier of the age, atiikea right at the root of the evil, and there ia no retisting it, if taken in time. In all acrofnlous or other blood tainta, akin and acalp diaeaaer, old aoree and awe^inga, is ia guaranteed to cure, or money paid for it promptly refunded. By dmggiata. liThe amarteat Aleck In the world ia elec- tricity. Dont hawk, and blow, and apitbnt nte D.-. Sage'a C*tarrh Remedy. The amell of the mlnoe-pie ia heard In the land. AUKen, young, old, ormlddleawd, who fiad thera- aelvei nervour, weak and exhanated, who are onken down from exoeaa or overwork, reanltfag In many of the foUowing aymp- tema: Mental depreaaion, premature old asB, loM of vitality, loae of memory, tod inunB, dtaineM of aight. palpitation of the hea*fcemiaaloB^ lack of energy, pain in the body, itoliing or peooUar aenaation about the ^vmdm, awa-UdaaDietaewhete. baahfulaeaa. dSte te tha .fiiie, loa. of wBl power. iSSSw of the ioalp .ad â- pta?.7»k " flSb?S!aole^ dealre'^io aleep, faflme to be reeted by hearlaft't (zoitabUi^ low, terma liberal Write for eirenlan and terma. WU. BKIOOS Publisher, ToMoto published, prices fUiutratad ' ENCRAli-iNG /G) • J.L.-JONES. ' PURPOSES., (?J^TOR0NT,O, CANADA SAUSAGE CASUreS.â€" Season 188R. Ne« importations of EngU^ b tihrepe. Finest American Hog CaidDgii. Ordera fiiled for any desired quantity. Write for puce JAMES PftRK SON, 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market. Toronto, Ont. takea '160 free aornf ta the famous Miik B'ver Yalky cf Montana, reached by the Mani TOBA Hailwat. THE HEALTH-SEEKER takea the Makitoba fcb' the lakea wad woods of the Nortli^weat^Helena, Hot Springa and Broad- water Sanitarium. THE FORTUNE SEEKBTtakestha. Manitoba to the gloricus opportuni- ties of the four new Statea. THE MANUFACTURER takca theMAmroBAto the Otsat Falls of the Miaaonri. THE TOURIST takes the Maxitqba through the grandest seeaery of America. THE TRAVELLER takes th» Makitoba Palace, Dicing and Sleeping Car line to Minneaota, North Da- koU, South Dakota, Montanaand thePaoifio Coaat THE TEACHER taaea the Makitoba cheap ezcuriiina from St. PauItoLakeMinnc* tonkajthe Purk Region, the Great Lakea, the Rookiea, the| Natioral Park.the Ftoific O jeao, Criifornia and Alaak'a. ANYONE willreoeiv«mp,books and (uidea of the ro- giona leicbed by the St.$Pau Minneapolia Manitoba Bui way, by wilting to F. I. Whitney, G.P.T A., St. Panl, Minn., or to J. M. Hockini, C.P.A. Toronto. MARVBUJiUS' Kg loose parts and yet can ba converted iDto MOueefui and ornamantat shapea^JXunlMtP Shade, Cake Stand, Card Receiver, Sge Boiler, Water Heater, and inn«meiable otbat ardclca â- tk^*"' 'f* dispensable In the house or office. Nothing like It la ezistence.-Bd Agentc make tt afA iM PSiiSt Bought eagerly by all classes. Send at oice for P"" ticuW etc Caassreen m'Pu Oo..^ VtotoKia Street, Torohfo. {;Uention ttala paper.1 Agents Waitled. Provident Life and liTe 8M Assm' CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D.ARCADE, TORONTO. CANADA (INOORPORATED) A HVTVJL BEHTEFIT ASSOC'M S«Ibl» un'llSTBnSNT-'By pwlag to the aber Association ONE CisNr PBR DaY, a petaon agaA t#entr-two, and two rents per day a penonaisfl forty -fsur can secure Five Dollars per week wnOa disablsd through sickness or aoddent, also tot two and three cents per day, persons aged as above eaa secure for their dependants, flva Hundred DoUaia ia event cf death. UTB CtTOCK OWSBBSoan provide airaiiial by death througn disease or accident of their atoek at easy rate«. Those interdated, send forproapeotoaa, etn. Belial le Agents wanted 1p unrepresented dis trioti. WfLUA.H .fO«E8. UanaarlDg Director. I CURE FITS BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 45 King Street East, Toromta, Formerly, for over five years, PrincipV ot the Short- hand Institute in connection with the Canadian Busi- neaa University. Tyrewriting dwaftment ander the management ef Ur. GEO BENOOUGH, agent for tha BemingtOD Typewriter Apply la« oiroular. JleaHoa this paper in writing. The Great Ottoman Blood Remedj Guaranteed to cure all •'i^easen ot the blood whether bronght on by iadlscreti-ra and excess or arising from hereditary causes. Will remove pim- ples and hl3tahei from ths skin and by its invigorat- iag ;ao'ion on the blood restores failing powers nd builds up the system of those snfferiog from washing disease. Price $1 per bottle. Addreae. Ottoman Medicine Co.. Hail Build ina. Toronto. Artificial Limtis J. DOAN SON, FaKICIKCVIiAK A0DKBM. â- ortlieate • Teroate oenrtipatiob, dnllneas of tdoe, of temper. £^'*3!l^«5«'for «.Utndtf. Addrcaa, WVAI.KT, KATCIUkCO.,! gfereSTTatMU*. Send for Clataloiciie. â- oaken et*es kwtits "" .MSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. mt When I say Cure I do not mesa '" rasrely to stop them for a time, and then have them return agrain. I MEAN A RADICALCURE. I have made the disease of Pfta* Epitepay or Failing Sicknesa a life-iong- study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others bve failed is no reason fornot now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post OfiBce. It costs you nothing: for a trial, and it will cure you. Address â€" H« Ga ROOA M.C, Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET^ TORONTO. Confederation 3Llfe ORGANIZED 1871. HEAD OFFICE," TOR0»)tO. REMEMBEa AFTER THR5E YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE, " Free from all restrictions as to residenc^t ravel or occu pation Paid-np Policy and Casta Surrender Valne Cuaranteed in caciiPoliey THE NEW ANNUITY ENQOWMENT POLIOY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTIOK AGAINST â- ^^^^^Ssi^E A R L Y I t D E A T rt ,qg^=;i===g^ Provides an Income in old age, and is a good lavestment. PoUcIea ore non-forfeltib e alter the payment of two futl aanuol Pnmiumf. Profita, which are unexceUel hy any Company dGio? bur'nsss in Car^ad ' are allooated every flva yaara from the ime ol tbe policy, cr at longer periods aa may ba selected by th i iniared PKOFITS SO AIXOCATED are ABSOIirrE and not liable to be redaeed or reeaUed at any fatnre time nndcr any ctrcnmatancea. Participating PoHty Holdert ar« entitled to not las^ tban 90 per cent^ o( t*ia profits earned la thalr claas, and for ibe past seven yeara have aetuoMy received 05 per cent, of the profits so earned. W. C. MACDONALD, J. K. MACDONALD, TO THE XDITOBt Please inform vonrreadera that I have sportive remedy for the above aflMd d we a ae By its timely nse thousands ofhopeleaacasea have bean petmaaenttycnred. lahall be ffUd to aend two bottlea of lay remedy FKEE to any ofyour readers who have coo- aomption If they will send me their Express and Post Oflsce Address. Reasnetfidl*. T. A. «UOUM, M.O., im Waat AdelailfM 8t.| TMIOMrrD, ONTAIUO. *^^^* STAWDA Wto C HOP PiWg USQBESTnEMCHI MAinniEs tTCMMOEII MTHC tunaaaia l^^^o jllSEffilMDDAinmWRITCSflOMWHnBNf J. â- av.SMk,'**, Kow Oiat I ^ve pai •ff yaar btaadard VreMA tka tMe niie* iMl ia tha Itwa CO! mimvat mMia§jf*m^t4m »e 1 aaadavf^ UMtwa^tlMiial^ivfBtaw «1 miaij m nato wmM %i«-a M aet aver tare ar tkica na ^rlea at tlM Mm waa fCBM. S3 ,it-" 11; n r'«i*-a Iiaa CMaden are aaly aallaUaA I 'i'V-a^Ma«M«tt4^aaMI'haMMf al V Tm la^MJfc Ml la I Mawi^ a 1 ill i I ji^T M I -^ -* ufm«' Sd «" li'r!;: f (I â- ^ 'â- â- 'â- ' f t :,

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