« not a t^ijl^ which ci^dT! W-ton think i 1 not only be l^'^Mbt. All Bulons at Ttu- ' " '»MMriei I '.; ^^i it would iWtaken idea toa oBof theDjiniJi^ r pTopo»"to»a bidding lunrM It fully cqa^I re there aie aredman.lithsa tUe omploymentl I Belgian oommeni n the Congo FJ T sent to the Udtj af these corpantiJ ibility of hij pU Europe after ml 8 ompioyment in 1 ibsr of ttradnateal )ol», H'jitoppoi sted scheme for I if American nej^ ipiaion that wittoj 1 of his race voi coloaiats. ore assert that i3t vet appaared] and that the cbisj t week is the can ich have (^ven rin velcoms TUitor traa of New Yg ;ood reuson to 1 eaohed Boston, a that city, wli lai tempomily lem, who are ill aeczi. OnehoD 1 by another firm I large busineaa hoir portion. This ill) " bttt it it the deliberktiou )rs on the tabjvH isea are pnblio, i[8 at New WmL testhemethodiof commissioner! mr nepector laid b le hotels for tbt been well condoci Others had wed minors to r on the pwi the licanie wm were condnctM ,rt, and there charge that poW -ay inliaenoed w rial ot Qae«^ last year hsi.l. bbey. HarMjH Jing her gen«») danl of the tom ig supposed Ml W and the »w ,dinll63bvWi| jtland. theQjM" rear to etec' â- [rioal spot. TWO ^e presence of »I Sir Miohael^J T^igntenant ot 1 itable marble Wj z Inscription "-l .mbersof th«^ ,re buried in i^*i laced here by « orla. on the «« 1S88." ,f RoMiw*- .eotion of Am« a view to tiie » W to " Slberi»i irosa »'"" possibUidf ,lnbe-troM«g- tho ne* jlobe and rain tno »â€" .J •ain having;* 1 ,e betwf »^J*J lalate the """1 covering »* 1 ircomfereooj bjl |al Expr-^ ,^ |e oompl*f.t, luedll««fil r Antwerp •" lee S6*te. »fU lattery* ^iny«« ^^\ Ecoked at Last. Him glad yonr name is Mary," said Mr. Wch to his sweetheart, whom he had â- amrtlrg for several years, [Why 10 2" piOiase I Wis reading to-day and came iWiIlDe which s-.id 'Mary is the aweet- iMnie that woman ever bore.' ' pit J! poetically (xprejed I've beard piiier uy it to my mother, whose name FJ. It is from tome poet, isn't it I" nlKlleTeso.' pttlhve also heard my father say TlJete waa even a sweerer name than rltliink he must have been mistaken," F-ke lover, as he tenderly pressed his *li»n'a hand. 'H I do not think he was mistaken." rj^bUwia the other name!' fwiutifalblcah BnfTiised the charmbg rj cheek, the bilken lashea fell and fjtm lovely eyes, and 'a a tone ai aof c |«»ti«periaga of an .Ejliaa harp, she Fife/ *«rdsare out. Ite Pesky Little Brother. y--"Ob, you mastn'o talk of "".Miss Travie. Nobody U per- «« Brother (breaking b)-" Yeuir I f"" we perfect.' y (blushing with pleasure)â€" "Non. 'Brother~«I don't care Ma laid "jyoa were a perfect ninny." ^ttiie£ndoftli9Trii), fE^*""?«r-"Why didn'6 you ahlne l""" you black piratt'" 'cwkiDc-'.Didn'hab time, boaa. s°aa wiv d- baggage maeher, aU i'r- "What i that got to do with ?;'iDg-.Ee wanted t'kerry d' " wgeagt-ear'n check 'em." ^ikine Rome Happy. t' i3l^^"«,«member Jimaon, Job- Im "• "I do. I remember him Sti, °;;*^aout bad one, conatantly j(ni*"«»nd chUdren and making Xv^^'" J'P'"" "Well, he p«,UXJ«. ^^m now." Jobaon; Learned Societies Hc^ ""'"iwe hive teatified to the '" Ih! ""iai's iPaiBleaa Com "piovokes no line of demaroa- "Nid n, ^^' good wiU of the Srto ' humble, and with ^«C" '"noving with sqnal Ofl- â- « Of each. IryPatmat'^CJom Coughing in Climoh. I .^naciations are bein^ hurled hj IP^^Tmin E3(?Iand agalnat the. l^ieliji^P ople ^ho interrupt pnlpit' â- '•^^vr ionehing. It eeema to be Im- ?. ,^diatsrbance is entirely wilful, li**" »re nrged to put a reatraint on Koc««""Yy i'Let them only exercise li^n'^.f " ijjrites a reverend gentleman ItfT 'T'l.jrt, "and the coming congh will â- ^Ilttttl^d up for future enjoy •^ 1. Baf»ct, however, thatconghiog (ttjLoDS is often a mere temporary iW.'lbe quiet" **»« gathering, the P**? i.tible is the force which compela bn "^„ffie«sie or congh, or even to anon. lf*'!J.t h-flnence has never yet been A by sGiecce. It ia like the f .hich sefza certain people to aay jWii things in staid and deoorona â- "StlTnafely everybody U not :itatW« "'y- ^°*' P«"^*"8 the In- " tiM of this problem of nature by the •*'^tUU of the age there sppeara to r* wmedy for the nuisance of which K" coTiplan-°"l«"« indeed, the ^-;«from Yorkshire above mentioned "^TTiwcket apparatus for bottling off j;ll.^ccughs.-[N.r.Tribune. T, ffai the fanlt of the Uareless Clerk. omanv months ago there moved to ' JlTd from a neighboring town a young L \i8 wife and first baby. After becoming fe «tt!^d down to Cleveland life it was D,d to buy baby a buggy, and the fond â- ^Uetook themselves to a well knewn v in these very, nsefnl household n^asM on Superior street Assisted Rhetoric of the glibtcuged salesman Ire soon made happy in the poasession MKBoaa little vehicle and, placing JjB it, started c£f proudly for home. .â- miles »Jid grins of the passers-by be- Jeipparent before they had gone very [T bat tbey weren't used to Cleveland Unve»»nd innocently snpposed it to be Lof ths cnstoms of the place. Smilea gave L,(o immoderate laughter and the par- labenn to feel decidedly uncomfortable. t- jerej the subjects of the ill-timed t'l, that was plain. But what was it libout? They locked each other over. Ltogabcut them to excite laughter. Nor Im baby, either. r«ni walk ahead a little way and come U. I'm going to see what these foola are UIdk at, ' said she, now thoroughly mad. kU M. The mystery waa explained. liUrge card dangling on the front of the 17 wsB writ) en in bold black letters the d:0arOffnMake. ..e clerk had forgotten to remove the ^tiling placard. "BoEcobel." fBoEcobel," the fine country place of the t. Henry Ward Beecher,^ has been sold ISsOOO. The pk'ce was bought by Mr. Wrin 1S59 and covers about thirty-six jn. It overlooks the Hudsori jnat south liieHlgblaods, and toward the east com tdi a beantifnl view, the edge of the Kelyisi; jaat thirty feet from the highest Lt in Westchester Ccu ity. Mr. Beecher â- ttlie present handsome house at a cost UAW, Surrcnndict; the house ia a ncoDtsining a magnificent collection of Mudebrnbs. over 6 COO in number. For jicollectlon Mr. B3eaber was indebted â- ly to his missionary friends. China, n, India, the Pacifi: Islanda, Africa, pe, and in fact alt qnartera of the I ue represented in this park. Mr. slier ipent altogether mere than $200,- Koi the place. Canadian System of Iron Soads. S^dTn'^T^^njiu'-rrir-j^^ •xl«ntion of th. C^naSlaVJKitf^ moat Importanfi projecta a^e hoadedthal rj^L'rt^" ?**•** deapatoh outlinea to ^aI^^" ^S^ • ^•o'fia teiminM oonaiderably north of Port Moody, andwlS an Eaatem ontlet in the maritima nra^nW Jiththiapwjeet. to the extent of oonton.!- Mnr aome indiapenaablo Unki. A^ra M "J'"' ^^^ Pontiao Pacifle ia^ SS **.u*"«^""*™»' «of authority to bridge the OSUwa. i*y thl. meana a^ tS building of arhort line aontbward It will ^il* "•£" 'i*" connection with the New York rdlroad ayatom. ahortenins the mnntog time bwtween the Canadianoanital it^ i* completion of the projeotod load tothePaoifio there wUl be Mother intor- national lue in operation. Two roada oonoeoting tho British Columbia linea with Th?f%°i,w**«° "f fl«o »°der consideration. That the traffij of the Pacific Northwest b great and profitable is made plain by the reooHt experience of the Union Pacific, which Mr. Adama aaya would not today be earning any surplus over Its interest oharges but for the business done with the Orenn onort Line aystem. The Modus Viyendi. Jhe New York Timet saya :â€" The denial on cffioial authority of the reoent atatement that the Dominion would refuae to extend the modvs vivtndi waa certainly limited to two years, and this period will expire before the beginning of the next fishing aeaaon. But this limit waa obviously baaed on the auppoaition that twenty-four montha would be long enough to dispoae of the main oontro- veray. This provinc not to be the faot, there ia the reason for continoing the temporary makeshift aa there waa for originally eatab- liahing it. The license ayatoms reaorted to after the abrogation of the former recipro- city treaty laatod much longer than two yeara. Besidea, it ia aa much for the advant- age of the Dominion aa of our ooimtry tliat the modus vivendi ahould^lra renewed. The lioeiuea yield an income which, if amall, ircreaaed dnrine; the second year, and go toward paying for the Dominion protection aervice. What is more important, the preaent arrangement haa quieted an inter- national excitement whiou three or four yeara ago boded no good to Canada. £iehtieth Birthday. Mr. Gladitone's eightieth birthday, which waa celebrated Isist Sunday not only in Oreat iiritain but also throughout Ireland, found him in such robust health and vigor that he does not feel the need of going to Italy for winter. He proposes to face cheerfully the cold and trying weather of his native land, and to be on hand when the House of Com- mons meet next February. It is diffionit to find a living parallel for tuch a wonderful oonservation of power, both physical and mental, after fifty seven years of parliament- ary life. And be appears bath younger and in better health than three yeara ago. The ocdaaional snccetaes of che Liberal party aeem to have infused new life and animation into him, and he Irtquently remarks that it is only after he has succeeded in obtaining Home Bale for Ireland that he will be ready to intone hia Nunc Dlmittis. One of the moat singular features about this "old parlia- mentary hacd," as be likes to describe bim- aelf, ia that whereas in nearly all other cases old age renders men more conservative, Mr. Gladstone, on the contrary, becomes each year more intensely radical. The Turtle Mountain fiegion- Thousands of acres cf choice free govern- ment land, now open for settlers, in che Turtle Mountain region of Dakota. Here waa raised the wheas that took first pre- mium at New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil, timber in mountains, good achools, churche?, congenial scoiety. For further information, maps, rattr, 5., apply t^ F. L Whitney, G. P T. A.. St. Paul, Minn, or J. M. Huckias, 4 Palmer Houas B:k., Toronto. The builder of obelisks was paid by the column. All Men, yonn?, old, or middle-aged, who find them- aelvea nervous, weak, and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following aymp- toma: Mental depression, premature old ajie. lose of vitality, loss of meinory, bad diraama. dimneas of sight, palpitation of the heart, emiaaiona, lack of energy, pain in the kidneya, headache, pimplea on the faoe or body, itohing or peopliar sensation about the sorotim. wasting of the »'«"•• ^^^y*'"' apeoka before the eyes, twitohlng of the i£iuclM, eye-lida and elsewhere, bashfulnese, depoaita fa the urine, lose of wiU power, teMlerness of the scalp and apine, wealt and flabby muacles, desire to sleep, failure to be reSed by »lon constipation. iuUn«a of hiring, loas of voice, deaire for aolitude, exoitabUity of tonper. sunken eyea sjur- SSndrflHth LEADiyCIECLE, cUjr lookfag ^, etc., are all symptom «« "c""" deSity that lead tc fasanity and death un- hwa roTed. The spring or vital force ha^g iZ h, tension every *»?=*»« J"" " ~°- Lanence Those who through abnae com- Sffl^ linorance may be ?«»«««â-¼ SS: SeS your addreM for £ook o^ ^l diaaaaea ueouliar to man. Addreaa M. v L^JI^MFront S»eet E«t. Toronto, Ont. Bjoka aent free sealed. aEABT DISEASB, the Bwmptoma of which are faint «P«U"J»«- Sol^ numbne... palpitation, MP,^^' Sot Shi rush of blood to the h«d, dull S^inSie heart with b8atastroDg.»pM"d street Eist, Toronto. Ont. Th. New York Tribune J^«J to sssTi.isrxh.'^-B^ aj^iSr^'cMMS^rdSHS aS^JjJriSJc.^- wonld not have on. on th. prwniiM. The Longeftt Void in the Oiotionair ^t^fcapription, apreparatioBdeaigaad Mpeoi- of an Female Weaknaaaea, BWrottaneM^ diaaaaea peonliar to the female aex. ^le oi^ remedy for wamaa'4 paenHar illr, mU ^dmnbtB, nniter a pMitiv. guarantee, to g^ â- "'^•otlcn. See gnarantM on wrapper offcotUe. This guarantee haa boon faithfully carried ont fortnany yeara by the propria- tore. Bice waa fatroduecd into Bnrop. Iy the Saracena. It ia fntrodaoed fato tiw Ohiaeae with chop atiekf A Lure Estate. Abroad land ia thli fa which we live, dotted 80 thiekly with thrifty dtiea. towna andviUageal Amid them all, with anrar in- creaaing popobrity and hslpfolneaa, iaDr. Pieroe'a Golden Medical Diaoovery, giving nope and cheer where there ia diaeaae and deapair. Wherever there ia humanity there ia anffering; wherever there ia anffsrfag there U the beet field for this greateat Amer- ican Remedy. Consumption (which ia lung- ecrinla), yields to it, if employed in the OAllOAfir CAUHCa-bcasnn xm Ntw ^JIII^AIsr importatiaiis of BnglUh Sheepf, WftUUnUI. nnast Amailoan Bor Otdiuia. JASIES PARK SOV, 4IJto pfi^ |LnnaaBQB MwiMt^ Tbrnat., Ont r iii/r'Ln 'â- â- â€" ' ' â- u • â€" ^-r-^ â€" YOUR PENMANSHIP Book-kespteg, SiaitlMPd, Typanitinir. Boatafss Bdaoatija by attSnaing (d^y or STsoisid ' CAwa»iAx BcauEss VHiTnamr, PabUo Library BuikUnc, Toroa' o. VMM BBM«V«M. PMsMCBt. (Offlsial KcporMt Tork Cosnty Court) Liyj- MEN ^^ WANTED to (CU our Hardy. Haaae-prowa FRUIT TREES. Priceelow. Good pay aadsteadywcrk. Fraeoalflt. THE D.W. BEADLE NtliiSERy COMPANY. LTD 81. CaOuirlsics, 0mU i Ibe Albert Toilet Soap Cif^ eatoieal Sii9 « ^aiAltCS TMB NAND* AND THE COM PLC â- CAUTIFUL. Bee ttet tke Cr*!* i â- utcden tk •r when you see It. •need moke money. early asagea of the disease Chionio Nasal Toronto. Cafarrb, yielda to it Kidney and Kidney and Liver I diseases, yield to it i If you want the beat known remedy for all diaeaaea of the blood, ask for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery, and take no other. It ia guaranteed to cnre in all caaea of diaeaaea for which it ia recommended, or money refunded. Think before you strikeâ€" an impeouniova man for a loan. For Conatlpation, Sick or Bilious Headache, use Dr. Pierce's Pellete, or Anti-bilious Granules Purely Vegetable and perfectly harmless. One a dose. Mra. Scrimp â€" "I do wish, John, that you would get me a new Winter wrap my old one is a sight to behold." Mr. Scrimpâ€" "H'm I Can't you wait a little while longer, so it can paaa as a Caristmaa preaent ' A Happy Transitien. After five yeara' suffering from dyspepaia my wife got cured fa one month by the free use of St._ Leon water. We priza it highly, the transition it bringa from miaery to fine health ia ao grand and permanent. To thia hour not a pang. Feel ao good and hearty will toke pleasure fa answering any bquiri iea. Joseph Psicb, 349 Doveroourt Road, Toronto. Place your wfater ordera now. " Impossible to overrate the value of Sc Leon," aay phyaiciana. A. P 484. ABSOLUTELY NO LIMIT to the uses of the wonderfnl ConTcrtlble Basket. lOO articles la one. Used everywhere for everything. Sounds big, don't It? Bnt yoD'U say It's correct Agents experienced or Inexperl- Sample mailed, SSc. Circulars M'rs Co., S8 Victoria Street, Wanted TEJTPOUHDSI I TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! As a Flesh Prodncer there can be I no question but that SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypopliosphites Of Lime and Soda is without a rivaL Many liave gained a pound a day by the use of it. It cures CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND I COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- I EASES. AS fALATABLE AS MILK. JGenulne made by Scott Bowne. Belleville. Sslmonj Vi/rapper; at all Druggists, 60c and $1.00. nnnn apcutc wartkd. s^nd tor nius- UUUU AuCnlO trated Catalr(rae aid tenna. AddfMS. ME^iSKS BROS., 87 Chnrch St., TotoLto I A l||l*^ edvkrowo forall fema!e compleiotr: kMUIkU Sample free. Address viih stamp, J.TROT-TER, 5 Richmond St. W„ Toronto. Cantda. Agents Wanted. TKACHEItS can make money AMtlag vacaMoa bT canvassing for one or more of our fMt aeUing Bcok and Bibles, especially Historv of Canada, by W. H. Withroy, B.D-, latest and best edition ever pnMisbed prices lovr, terms liberal. Write for Ulnstrated circalars snd tersu. WM. BRIGOS, Pnbliaber. Toronto. TORONTO CUITINO SCHOOL. SdanUfic and reliable syatems tauKbt, wliereby styllrb, ptr- frct-fitt'n? gam (fits are prodncel. Send for circular. S. CORRIGAN, Prop.. 4 Adelaide St. west. AQTHMA CAN BE CURED. A9 I n lTl#» A trial bottTe sent Free to •ay one afBIoted. Das TAFI BROS., Kccherter, NY CG.G. Goanuitaet sore care for long- standing Oonghs, Colds, etc. A*k Toor dmgrist tor it or write us. Take no other. B. O. SNIDER Co., Dmgglsts. Toronto. Ont. Cancer and ICMORSpselaUst PrI vats Hoopltal. Ko knife. B^k tret. O. H. KoM ICHAEL. ir.D, Niagaia St Bultalo, K. Y J L JONES, V WOOD E.NCRAVER. V 10 KingStwectEast. ' TOROSTO. CAtiADA Address. WHAMY. â- •¥«* C«., 188 TMge KEEP' youf^ A V X^i 1 DNTHIS [NITTING MACHINE Bt^ tor mtHlsmted Ostslotoe eod -ihad n e itl ss M sntwtsbyOBtorterfw HKW KIBMB e^d we wffl BPjffiiiiJi^isooinrt ASDsnsâ€" BROS., Vbi BORROWERS MflUCV Large loins andohnrch loans at very low mUilCl ratal and smaller lums at bi, 6, Oi %, «xordiag to --t I J|y£gJ(JU§^ ^^^ ^^^^ ness and bouw property yielding 7. 8. anri 1 1 to in- vestors and 100 per oent to SPECULATOR V KEKR A KIEISES, J. LATIHBB KsKR. GKBNYIbLB P. KLBISIS 4 King Street East, Toronto. Sacoessorsto A. E Uiokler ft Cf. Office established 1879 by Ut. S. H. Janee. increase in population Toronto 1889 over 1883 (awes- sot's returns), 20 380. Money to Loan Ontario Farmers detirons ot aylnK oft ex st ns high intereet-bcatlng mort ures. or intending to hold ([rain and e-ock tor better prices, can obtain Heaey at Lewest Current Kates of Interest by apply ly personally er by letter to the LONDON CANADIAN LOAN AGENCY CO'Y J. F. KIRK, Manager. 103 BAY ST., TORONTO AU.ANLINE KOTAL VAILSTEAHSBiVB: THE PIONEER CANADIAN LHfE. And stUI to the front in tegari to the proviskm waAm" for the safety sod comfort of its oostonnau Weekly Satllscs Bctweea llTerpotf, COaa; (ow and the 8t. lAwrcace A F*i«»^[M- Vf Service ttvaa I«adea darter Saasater Meaths. Mail Staameis luo between Liverpool sad FtaKsaA* V Haliftx daring winter. Olargow stemf|eil tlu jtigbont the year to Boston and PhiledsIpM^ edi' iiiir at Irish ports and Ba ifaz eh leute. For rat»s Of passage atid other Inlomallfcm mmI* •*-' H. BOURLIBK. oor. King and Yonga 81a.. Toseata H. ft A. aLL.\K, Hoatreal, or to the loeal your oountr. 'm* Provident Life and Live Sleek AsMV CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D. ARCADE, TORONTO. CANAM (fNCOKPOKATED A IHntval Benefit Ai80ciati«B. SQUD IKTESTMEATâ€"Bv paying to the al»r* Asaocsatiou ON^ Cli^JNl PER DAY, a person twenty-two, and and two cents per day a person W*4 forty-four can secure Five DollarB per week wbAt disabled through sicknesa or accident, also lev and three cents pet day, pereocs aged as abcva seoote for ther dcptudaut, Five Hundred SaSss* in event ol death. LIVE STOCK OVrKEDS can provide agalMlIssa br death through disnase or accident ot their atasfe* at eaay rates. Those interested send for prospwlasse etc. Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented d)i tricts. WII.I.I4M JOIfKli. Manrging Direeler. TO THE EDITOB: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any ofyour readers who have c ^n- sumption if they will send me their Express and Post OlHce Address. Respectfully, T. A. 8LOCUM, M.C, 186 West Adelaide St., TORONTO, ONTARIO. J^OTES poR BIBIiE STUDY 32 PAGE MONTHLY. ONLY 36 CENTS PER YEAR. SHOULD STZTBgC^.TPIE; K FOR otes for Bibl^ Study Only 36e. per year. PASTORS K WILLFIIfD Otes for Bibl^ Study An invaluable help in pre- paring for Preaching, or Week Evening Services. Oaljr SGc. per year. FOR BIBLE STUDY The Best Publication Extant for BIBL^ STUDEf/JS Only 36c. per year. ^. IP. S. C. IB. WORKERS SHOULD CAKEi-ULLY EEAO f Otes for Bibl^ Study Its pages on the Veekly Stuiiy are full and fresh. Only SCe. per year. PARENTS WILL FIND IN otes for Bibl(; Study A GREAT HELP IN Family Devotions. Only 36c. per rear. K Send for Sample Copy ito A. G. WATSON, Manager, Toronto Willard Tract Depository, cor. Yonge Temperance Sts., Toronto, Canada. I CURE FITSI THOUSANDS OF BOHLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure I do not merely to stop them for a time, and tliea have them return asrain. I MEAN A RADICALCURE. I have made the disease of Pit% Epilepsy or railing Sickneee a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed 1$ no reason for not now receivine a cnre. Send air once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express aad- Post Office, It costs you nothing: for a trial, and it will cure you- Address â€" Ha Q ROOb M.C.I Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. STANDARD CHOPP ING MIL LS* USESBEST FRENCH! MILLSTONES meSTCRIKDEiimTHE WORLD iraRmemNo PLAICSAS IN IROKMILI^ JbSEPH MADDAUCfl KRiTIS FRIM MOERISORP.qt NoV. SOth, 'W, Now thitlhavepnrcbaced from jou one of your Standard French Burr^Chcpplnr Mil's, tuning^ ie oe it M p»rt payment my Iron Gritder, I hsT* ar objection to tell you that the plates used in the Iron Grinder eo«t 92.00, and Utterly bnt $1.00 ret pair.- I used over 950.00 worth last winttr. OccasteBaOjr a plate would lut a week, bat sometimes net over two or three hours. The t»loe cf the Mill waa $66.00, much cbcsptr that yours, bnt in tbs end it wsa a reir mcch dear- er Wn: lamiatitfied that Irtn Ciindeis are only tuitatle tor farmera who have a very snail amoaat cf Chcpidot; to do for their own use. J.:G}KEiUI MAN.WAKI. QUE.. WRITES Nov. SSao, 188i r I would te^I iBoUned to ^MloRise for not wiittagp eooner hao I no* been too busy, and my essire to give the 20 loch Standard Mill a fair trial "betete- wrltioar. I ammost happy to stats that I mm entirely iatis fled with the MIUâ€" U is daloK tplsndid wcrii. 4.4, Two No. » TNB'Origtai •tfis.obudi. 'tfum/f Ko. SIronHMnBTVGEHHfcilets at »fB,6u«acfe W^ • JIQ. E9VWM *â- â- «â- ^w» • '^MH ^â- aw*« II I •i^ H ii',t» I ' .!;• m !m" '^JiJ"V--.»--