'V" â- -««tat;f»«e,j«r-. HEW TO THJE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' Ti:'TH YEAR.â€" I^^o. 488. ^lAliKDAiE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1890. C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. I^StS! Local andOtlier Items. Notices in Hlie^e columiiginUnded to ienefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line ieach subtequent insertion. NO TICE.â€"Vorrespfmdence. eommuniea. tims. Advertisements. d^C, must be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. -FOE THE to Gash Grocery. ;o: I liave now in stocls jroceries, Flour etnd Peed, Glass and Delf- me, and hope through Lnest dealing and krict attention to bus- Efissto receive a liberal atronage from the Bople of Markdale' bd sur r oun ding. Country. Call and t2jy -some of bur 5 Ihs. of tea for $1.- lo. Try 15 lbs. of ouTif igarforSl.OO. A call respectfully olicited. Eemember place â€" Haskett's Block, Ma;rkdale. T. W. Rut/edge, :il H M i? i i iine Open Face' Screw Bezel Gold "'ed Watch, case warranted 16 years, foment- 2, only $18.00 â- her grade movements, warranted PJfan, $20.00. I •'"tiel Watches as low as $2.76. $4.50 for my fine open face, "'^il, p?.teut«et, Watch, war- ' 2 year?. I ^«s' Watches from $4.«0«ip. pel!8from§1.50upto-$8.00. [^J^«» 8-day Spring Clocks for only ' '^^paixing of watches, cloeks J'^eliery a specialty. ' silyer coins made into '^^ Eairings, Lockets, etc., on notice. ^BREADNER, ^^ller, Markdale. WiAKTON wants a High School. 16th of January and yet no winter. Ladies, bay your kid gloves from M. E. Donglass. S. Hill has erected a new engine lionse for his elevator. Gents, Ladies and Children's slippers cheap at M. E. Douglass' The County Conncil convenes next Tuesday at Owen Sound. Pbof. Dyke occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday evening last. Fine lines paper and envelopes at M. E. Douglass' fancy goods store. Go to the cheap cash Grocery for Green Apples. T.. W. Rutledge. R. BuHNsnoE lias been visiting friends around Mt. Albert since New Year's. f'louB and feed, delivered to any part of the village. T. W. Rufledge. Dr. Spkoule, M. P., leaves on Monday next to attend parliar lent at Ottawa. Me. Wm. Norton, Jteeve of fioUaad, gave the Standaec a friendly 'nail last Mr. Joseph liomas, of Waldemar has' been visiting friends in this district recently. OsEAi slaughter in xrices of Ready- made Clothing, Overcoats, dec, at Mercer's. Tbe wind storm of Monday last was general over Ontario and mach damage was done. BuTTKH and eggs taken in exchange for goods at the cheap cash grocery. T. W. Rutledge. New Tweeds, Worsteds and Pantings to hand at Mercer's this week. Great bargains. Call and see. Piso's Care for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W, J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. Mb. Alex. Mebcee has been visiting bis old home and friends in Erin town- ship, resturning home last week. South Grey Liberal Conservatives have re-nomjnated Mr. John Blyth, M. P. P., for the proviacial election. A lecgthy and irtteresting report of Ceotoe Grey Farmafs* Institute is given in another page frooaa the Advance. Ia Grippe is very -general throughout the country. The -daily papers team with accounts of it all over the land. Mi«KDALB Methodist Sunday School has purchased from J. W. Sproule a fine 'Ihomas organ for which they paid spot cash. GtENELG Agricultural Society has ap- pointed the 24th and 25th of September next as Show days for its next faU exhibition. PAKTiBg from the country awinyited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. Great bargains in Blankets, Shirts and Drawers, Top Shirts. Sha^, Wool S9ti«es, Facinators, and aB wmter goeds it Mercer's. Sine pupils from Markdale «nd Aye from Flesheiion scheri passed success- fnUy the BottaBoe B^un's. recently hold at FlesberkoB- THE slei^g Friday «id Satur- d«r, -*ho' scanty, caused wonderful "' It was all gone, Miss Williams' school entertainment, llth Une Euphrasia, on iFuesday night labt was a grand success. Markdale toboggan slide was opened an. Friday night last, when scores of pleasure seekers Miioyed that bracing and inyigorating recreaiaon for the evening. At the Christmas examinations of the Ontario Agricultural College the follow- ing two young men from Grey county passed in all subjects, viz E. F. White, Clarksburg and W. Conn, Heathcote. A singular feature about the liquor business is chat it is always cash, an i that the man who can afford to pay the least for necessaries always makes the most free with his money to buy liquor. This unreasonable weather;has knock- ed the bottom out of business and owing to so much idleness, is disastrous to tbe seat of trousers as well. A local tailor is said to be inventing a reversible pattern. Fellow citizens and ratepayers of the surrounding country are cordially inyit- ed to call at Mathers' carriage establish- ment, opposite the Reyere Hotel, and »K. BlB«lalr'H Tlait. Dr. Sinclair, specialist of ToccHito, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale. on Tuesday, January 28th. The doctor is BO well known that it is not necessary to say anything, only let the sick call and see him â€" Consultation free. Ton Magr Wink. While sitting for a photo, at Hamil- ton's you need not necessarily avoid winking. Just look pleasant, natural and unconcerned. F. Jameson, First-class horse-shoer and good general blacksmith. All .kinds repairing neatly done and promptly attended to. Call and see us anyway. Shop opposite Markdale House, in McNally's Carriage buildintr. Hew Paper. Newboro is an incorporated village in Leeds county with some 750 inhabitants and its last acquisition is a newE^aper. The Newboro Standard is a 40 column paper neatly printed and liberally pat- ronised by advertisements. It is pub- lished by the Newboro Printing and Publishing Co., Sutton fe Sparling being Editor and Manager. Heavy Oovrt. The last sittings of the eighth Div- -:o: I^M^I^ONSieNiE^ -OF- No. 1. Salmon Trout. No. 1. White T^ish and No. 1. Fresh Water (Herring -^AT- examme the splendid display of winter j jsion Court was held on Friday last in gport in busmess however, before Monday. TIKES are hard and money «»M«e, therefore you should economise by pnr- â„¢*^ "^. ««««.riBs and provwions at chasing yoiir groceries ana p T. W. RutiedgO-s cheap «aflh store. THE rush ana the tish ««_**'^f attractions m seen eve Markdale now can vehicles. According to Statute, eyery Municipal Council wiR meet next Menday at 11 o'clock, being the tlnrd Monday in Jrccn- uary, and make the necessary declara- tion of qualification and office, and thus prepare for business. On Friday, January 17, Mr. John Duncan, lot 7, Con. 14, Glenelg, will sell by pubhc auction his large stock of cattle, horses, implements, c. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 12 months on sums oyer $5. John R. Baines, auctioneer. The following is recommended by a New York hospital nurse as the best and most effectual cure for la-grippe, viz. A half glass of sweet milk containing a teaspoonful of red pepper, taken in the early stages of the disease, and if- neces- sary, repeat the dose occasionally. We are pleased to be able to say that Mrs. (Dr.) Syroule, who has been for several weeks as it were in the balance bat ween life and death, is now out of danger and making satisfactory progress towards recovery. Hrs. Sproule is a most estimable person and her serious illness caused a general feeling of anxiety. Last Sunday a dog ia one of the Guelph churches, the Mercury says, ac- companied tie choir and congregation in the singing of two verses of a hymn, but on the third he apparently got the hang of the tune and attempted to lead. This resulted in a conflict vS. authority between him and one of the managers, and his dogship was fired out. The Dnndalk Herald claims that the southern part of the county has a right to the Wardenship this year and sug- gests Mr. Duncan McMillan, Reeye of Proton, or Mr. Thos. Hanbury, Reeve of Dnndalk, as fit and proper persons to f£i. that honorable position. We were gsing to add the Reeve of Markdale, but will hold back until the editor of the Stamdabd getsthar. The session of the Dominion parlia- ment which opens this week promises to be of greater interest than usual, as ovc readers are well aware, and we have made arrangements for a letter every \v«Bk during the session which will con- tuB a synopsis of the doings thereof. Tkis will coat us considerable, but we hspe to still further increase the number of our subscribers by adding to the in- terest and yalne of the paper. From Vaa^tote. We had a friendly call last week from Mr. John Wallace of Gold Stream Man.- formerly of Holland township. Mr. W. is down to spend a few weekb among his many friends. He likes tho prairie province yery well and has been fairly successful since he went there. The weather for the past month has been dear and fine with good sleighing, the theremometerr^fd^oreaboat 16 to 20 |hdowz«ro. Markdale and lasted until after dark. Several impoifcant cases were adjourned until next court day. His Honor, Judge Lane, being ill, appointed D. Morrison, Esq., barrister, of Owen Sound, as his deputy, who iiresided with ability and satirfaction. Many of the cases were yery interesting and some very fine points of law involved. Messrs. Mc- Culleu?h and Lucas, Markdale, and Masflcu, Owen Sound, represented the legal profession. The Kelt Fonnd. A letter containing money was mailed without being registered at Markdale post-office some time ago by Miss Whit- by to Miss Maggie Wright, Toronto. The letter failed to reach its intended destinatioo, which caused considerable anxiety and not a little speculation as to where it had gone. Maggie Wright, thinking possibly the envelope address might have been incorrect, wrote to the Dead Letter office, and sure enough her suspicions were correct, and not only so but the letter within was signed Min., so that the authorities could not tell where to send it. After certain form- alities were attended to in reference to proper identification the letter and money were returned all O. K. The annual missionary services of Markdale Methodist church were held on Sunday and were well attended not- withstanding tbe bad state of the weath- er and roads. Rev. Mr. Galloway, preached in the morning at this place and at 2:30 at Town Line, and a yery interesting platform meet- ing was held in Markdale church at night when Reys. Gallovyay and Fydell delivered able addresses. Mr. Galloway, who is a former Markdale pastor, has lost none of his force and earnestness in the pulpit, and was heard vrith pleasure and we doubt not, profit bj' the large audience. Miss Ema Scott, of Owen Sound, de- sires to open a painting class in Mark- dale, -and will do so provided she has the promise of at least eight pupils to commence with by the 15th January. Those wishing to join her class will leave their name at R. L. Stephen's drag store, where specimens of her work can be seen. Miss Scott is an artist of high attainments. Read the following letter of recommendation To the Public â€" "Miss Ema Scott has been a student of this school this winter, receiving lessons in Oil Painting from natnre. We have found her an exceed- ingly clever student. Her work has re- ceived great praise from visitors who have virated the school. I have every confidence in recommending her as a teacher for she is possessed of unusual talent and will rank voy-higfa in the profession. Students who may be favored with an pppbrtonity of recoiv Belfast House THIS "WEEK.. Getprices before pur- chasing else^where. Fine 8kck fresh GROCERIES to choose from, best Eelected sotck of Crockery Glassware i" town. Oar Provision department is well stocked with Flour Feed ^f all kinds. Special inducements made te those baying in large qaantities. Large stock of WINES, LIQUORS, ALES, CIGARS. (]ome in, come up, come over and see us, the rush'still^continues «ind will continue, everybody is buying their goods at Benson's because they are tbe cheapest, and keep the cleanest and best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. All goods Iresh. Youis truly, R.H. BENSON CO. R. H. Benson. W. J. Bensos. GOLDSMITHSlALL SIGK OF THE BIG SPEX. ii 99 ing instmctiona from hei;' will bewail jag promptly attaxted to ' lOi »P3 9*STi "3 •a jeii- Gold Stp»fT is eight miles Co., I fom GtadrtW mA i» • ««d iawMfWlfi repaid. E. R BaWngton, Principle, See my fine fiiled-casc Watches, 15 year.s warrant on case, 2 ou moTement, for ^3.0( soot cash, or credit good mark. Ladies 10 and 14 k. Watches 16, 23, 26, 30, ftS, 36, 38. 41, and 48 dollars. 2 to 4 years guarantees. Stem-wind coin-cased American Watcnc 11, 13, 14.50, 16.50, to 24.00 dollars. 2 to/ years warrants; cash discount 5 per cen:. Thbse prices cannot be met in this sectio:. of Grey, on same linra of oases and movr- ments. I have now in stock over 700 dollar- in assorted styles of Gold, Gold-filled, Coii! and Niekle Cased Watches. Six differert makes American Watch Movements, and !(• Elgins jnst in from the factory, with my own name on, carrying special warrants. lATgest stock of Silverware tn select presents from between Owen Bound and Orangerille 10 per cent. ofF list prices Bend $5.00 to me for the best ll-jewell(Hl key -wind niekle cased atch. open face, yoa ever saw; written warrant forwarded witl- watch to any address post free. This is a cut price at present. Assorted styles Engagement Oem Biofis 3 to 14 dollars. If I have not the inest tny of 10 18 K. Band and Wedding Bings ever sbown here, at right prices, I don't ask yonr liatrouage. Am doing satisfactory wurk, using finest material I can get, and asking prices for tLo same that will meet your approval. The promptest work sometimes is not the beat. Better to be disappointed before th watch is done than afterwards iy ' its tkit going right. 18 years at the trade and very near 7 of it right hero in Hill's Block, Mark â- dale. Every job done by myself and fBll.r warranted. Can suit your tastes, your pockets, aud your demands for reliable goods, at popnlitr prioes. "f:" â- -â- v,'°' â- â- '• ' ' BepahtUg, tttSng ISpez. uid fine Engiav- ' i--t-J4»"« y w. A; biiown;^ 1 '4^ fa' J^^ it- I- 11 'li -ti i M .il ' I;' '.r=i 1^ ito: !â- . ;, .JA^