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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Jan 1890, p. 8

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 ^^^ â- 7- ^^mm 5W^ ill iiiii" t nil I if .if pi i /» I l;i^:;| ifl^i^ J 4 1^ fc* fiS O CO IK Q BBS. SMaWE EM, .fSXnCIANS, BTJaOBOKS, AOCOUCHBM, Ac- Office »t M«dey-8 Drug Stor^whewrfl call? a«y of Wght will be pnanptfy attonded to. • r. S. SPBOULE, M. D. A. epO. IL D., Ae, C. A. IMcBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. p. S. EDINBURGH, {MfSce at Stephen's Drug Store, lAte of the London Hospital, England. I». MicCixllonsrli* BARBISTER, SOLICITOR, c omCE-0¥£R McFABLAHD'S STORE. MARKDAIjB. jMConey to Loan. I. B. I-UOKS. BABBISTEB, SOLlCIToa, C AT omcaE OF â- HVixx. LUCAS, fii. Co.. Every Friday. Wm. Lucas in chari[e of office di^ week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. AW) BBXXM THAH MB WAXES WE AEB '^. Watebtille, Me.â€" The fe«tnre the day at the closing exercises of of SBOWV. DIVISICN COUBT CLEEK. lasner of Marriage Licenses, fcc. Commissionerj in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEBLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few Jfarms for eile. Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. ^DENTIST, Geaduate op toeonto school of Dentistry, wiU be at the Markdale House, Bforkdale, on the Ist and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw' s Hotel Flelher- ton, the day followinR the third Wednesdajr m each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between the under- signed as Furniture Dealers and Under- takers, has tbis day been dissolved by mutiud consent. Dated at Markdale this 24th day of Dec- embei, A,D.LH89. S. J. COLEAIAN. 483-7 H. HAMILTON, Berkshire Boar. For servcie on lot 13, con. 11, Euphrasia. 'Texms $1 payable at time ot service. 483-8 BOBT. SKELL. BERKSHIRE BOAR. Mr. Jas. BcliT^eU's Lake, has purchased a thorough bred £erk--ihire b r wuicL he ^vill have for service at his faim this seas-on. 484-6 FARM FOR SALE. Lots 109 aud 110, 3rd con. north-east of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad, township of Artemesia. A mBt desiralle property. -Uheap. Apply to H. D. IBWIN. Markdale P. 0., Co. Grey. WANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on "Salary or Commission. I can make a uaocess- Jul SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow my in- 1 .struotions. WiU furnish iiandome oatfit nee. aud pay your salary or eomuusbion. t-very wtsek. Write for terms at once. E. 0. tiSAHAM, Noneiyman, Toronto On Seal ta fir Fill; lears! WILL STODDART, TKILOR, Who has just returned from Toronto after taking out his diploma for cut- ting in- the Toronto cutting achool. had Miss Fits who had been in his employ for some time past arrested, and brought up before liiti Honor Chief .Ta5 lice Neat Fit, charged with robbing him avd annoying his custom- ers, she was found guilty and sentenc- ed to go down for fifty years. The public in general and my customers in particular are invited to come and MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J, S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0- FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg. 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S. BLACK, Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE MABKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop' R. J. SPROULE FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valnator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, licases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to K. J.^KOXJLE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. leave their measure with me for their c lothing and need fear no more trouble cr annoyance from Miss Fits. W. STODDAJIT. TAILOE. Over McFarland's store. 6 PER CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rateftof interest. Apply to B. J. SPBOCLE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. Private and Company's funds to invest in Beal Estate at current rates of interest. TAMMS FOB BAI^E AVD TO BEBTT. All bnainess private andconndential. Appraiss Colby University yesterday was an oration deUvered by Benjamin i. Butler on the possibiUty, probabiJity and advantages of the anne».tKm of Canada. In the course of hw address the veteran orator said â€" « -*u The British possession in Worth America which the Dominion of Can- ada holds within its boundaries have an srea of 8,470,892 square miles, while the United Statesâ€" not includ- ing Alaska of which the limits are n«. knownâ€" has an area of 2,970,000 square mUes, if rising 500.000 square mUes less than Canada, aud her surrounding water contains quite one half of all the fresh water of the globe. Please hear this gieat fact in mind, for I repeat it is a foundation of the resources to make one of the greatest cations on earth. Canada had quite one-quarter more land fitted for wheat cultivation than has the whole United States. The average production of wheat per acre in the United States m the year 1887 was a little over 12 bushels, while in the same year in Manitoba, where we hardly realize there is aught to sup port life, the yield was 12,500,000 bushels, at an average of 27 bushels to the acre. You may ask and I will turn aside from the thread of my discussion, "Why should the land be better wheat- producing lands than those of the United States 7" Because the climate is colder in the winter and hotter in the summer. I will add that Canada has more timber of every possible de- scription than herself aud the United States can need in 100 years. She has more iron and coal in her borders than anv other country yet known in the world. She has more copper than any other country, if not all otherii. The northern shore of Lake Superior are more capable of the pro- dnction of that metal than the southern. The climatic advantages of Canada are that it is cold enough to compel everybody to work in order to Uve, and the land is fertile enough to give every man abundant returns for his labor. Hence results the wealth of the nation acd the enterprise of its people. Mr. Butler's scheme for Annexation was set forth as follows Negotiations should be approached with a view of uniting the two ad- jacent English speaking peoples lying side by side in America, in the same commercial and business con- ditions between each other, with or without a zoUvereign as may be de- termined, leaving Great Britain, whoRe institutions depend upon the same constitutional provisions, and whose laws of freedom give equal .protection to their several peoples, later on when her interests of safety demands, to come into like compact with the United States and Canada, a league against the world if any part of the world should see fit to take a stand, winch none would or could successfully do. â- !â€"â€"â-  «1M Sid OMt StlM M„„ ' The gil I love to think aboat Far mo)r« than any oUier Is thoughtfal, helpful, m and ont ';. The girl that help, her aoC; Though pUinly dressed, yet ».. And never in ft bother ^^'M, But wisely plys head, hands and fox The girl that helps her motS!^ Ho itmorant. uppish, empty pmA, With whom no one woald.bothil. But Renial, jovial, active, elaewd ' The ghrl that helps hw mothwr Shfl deans, or cooks, or makes or And cheerfully does either- ' And tidies up all odds aod ends The girl that htlps her moth^ She does not dresR up like a flirt To gad and gossip Katlier ' Yet ever socially acts ber part- The girl that helps her mother. Home interests most engine ner t'mf For parent, sister, brothfr, She thereby saving many a dime- The gill that helps her mother. Thrice happy he who such has woo. To love through life together, For aye on her's God's beuisijnâ€" The girl that helps her mothei. Toronto, Sent. 1 887. _i), .KlaseB. He went into a baker's bhop, A bashful youth was he, "How much are kisses, please," fesgij And blushed perceptibly. "They're twenty cents a dozee,, sir," The maid said smiliugly; "But if you want them very aiuob, I'd let you have some 'e«." "I didn't mean that kind," he said. His cheek still redder grew, "But if yon want to throw them in, I'll take sume of them, too." â€" l-aleEecord. An. BiUtor's Mistakes. Iburkdala Bnuwh TTpper Oaaada BiU« Loan and Savlng- er for Canada Permanent Company, Toronto. 485 JOHN WKITBY, Markdale. To Our SulMcriliers. B W. G. RICHARDS UILDEE, CONTRACTOB, ABGHI- TECT, Markdale. W. H. DRINKWATER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, has started in business in the HiU Block. I am prepared to do all kinds of wop?k. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All peo;lc loaving their cloth to cut will be done at a moderate cost. ' The speeial-annooncement which appeared in our columns some time since, announc- ing a special arrangement with Dr. B. J. Kbndaij, Co., of Enosbnrgh Falls, Vt., pub- lishers of "k Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby onr subscribers were en- abled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to B. J. KENDALL CO. (and enclosing a two- oent stamp for mailing same) is renew, ed for a limited period We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of ob- taining this valuable work. To every lover of the Uorse it is indisnen sable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afiOict this noble animal. Its pbeuominal I fale throughout tiie United States snd Canada, make it standani authority. Men- f tion this pnper when sending for "Treatise." I 478-cl *B â-  Minutes of meeting held Dec. 2 1889, in Pretibyterian church. Altef the usual services the Rev. Mr. Moor- house was appointed chairman. The following officers were then «ilected Bev. W. A. Graham, President. VicePres. â€" Rev. Geo. Buggia.Rev. L. C. Emes. Rev. Mr. Fydell. Committeeâ€" Geo. Richardson, J. E. Wright, W. A. Brown, Thos. Boland, A. McFarland, R. D. Biggar, John Lyons, John C«Bsar, C. W. Rntledge, J. R. Graham. Collectors â€" Mrs. Lund, Miss Lackey, Miss Kells, Miss Byers. Miss McKee, Miss Ford. Miss Moffiat, Miss Stmth- ers. Miss Taylor. The Treasurer's and Depositor's reporta were read and adopted, and Mr. W. Turner and Henry Hamilton were appointed Auditors for 1890. «Te Ways to Stop » OoM. Au editor of a. country paper shouli never make mistakes they are quite. inexcusable in as much as h« liii plenty of time to cousider, ani re- consider all his wftrk; all he has to do anyway is to read proofs, corrm errors, write locals, leok flfter person- als, read exchanges aod c'up from them, write adv's for buBiness men, make pat te, address wrappers, foli papers, clean rollers, re- write cnm- munications and correspondence, miii papers and letters, talk to sallerE, re- port meetings, puff entertaiameat!, take. subscriptions, look pleasant vlieo an offended subscriber orders Lis paper stopped and says it's not worth i anyhow, look after the markets, cleut lamps, split wood, keep on fires ul j other such trifimg odds and wit Tfaer's no occasion to make mistakei whatever, and our readers are not ex- pected to exercise any forbearance or I charity on those lines, What are w here for Bheehy's Trial. The trial of Geo. Sheeby, proprielot of the Central Hotel, who was remand- ed from Thursday of last weekontti* charge of committing rape on one of the domestics, appeared before tin Police Magistrate ou Tuesday. T^» I proceedings were held with clo doors, only the witnesses and two ori three others besides the solicitors »iiJ the constables being present. Sbeetj elected to be tried by a jury and m enough evidence was taken to^ him up to the Assizes. The is of a revolting nature and showsft* prisouer to be a deprayed cb8rMj|- On the way to the gaol be beggea *»| ^- him the- privilege' coi d\ 5i *itr-^4»C:f,^?ii 1. Bathe the feet in hot water and drink a pint of hot lemonade. Then sponge with salt water aud remaiu m a/warm room. 2. Bathe the face in very hot water every five minutes for an hour. 8. Smiif up the nostrils hot salt water every three houra. 4. Jb- haleommomaor menthol. 6. Take four hours' active exercise in «Iib open *ir. A 10 grain dose of qditrine â- ^irill Bsnally bre-ik up a cold in the be- ginmug. Auything.tJiM will Mfc iue Wood aetivelyin dreuhtion will doit, whether it be drit«s or the Suae of a bncksaw, Butbettwr than All.ifvour Mid u inveterate m^ aerioQs, oonrolt --i.'-: â-  â- *.-'-â-  -â- ^â- .4 B."*«,-t7, 'iV- ;t i- _- j-l' ' .- a take his dmner with "^^'^^^\Z\ was very reluctantly granted- i ungarded moment he dashed ow the back door and jumped into a" J rig which was waiting for wm. drove away before the police catch him: Chief McAuleyhj^^^g' procured a conveyance ^°y\^ Herron followed in hot P Sheehy drove o'lt on the b • ' road until he reached f« '^^ Keelings' rock where be tornj" tied his horse to a telegraph P" jumped out aud tramped tJirou» bush and fields until he^reac" railway track at Bockford a'^J^^ From there he tramped ,^0,t, ford station where bo crawi ^^ empty box car »^^ ^°'^\„raihl^- Station, where he was captnj^ C. Shouldice, who noticed .^^^ fegTomThe'train^andjoi"^g^J^j brother's hotel. He was cowed and made mo res was brought back to tow" p a Years Day. ThejOhief an^^j;,^^ Herron drove to Meaford « ^^^ s Falls and return^ na wo J time to dibpatcli P. ^p " .-t)-J the morning uaia to f r«' Times. "CWginal and only »^ ofpooriffli»r ' sNTH ^ea: urr â€" FOE THE â€" leap Gasb ;6:-- 1 1 have iio"w }roceries, Flo Peed, Glass an raje, and hope st dealin Let attention 5sto receive j nage frc 3ople of M id sur r on: )iintry. CaUand ti^r^ 5 lbs. of tea Try 15 lbs. igar for $1.00. [A call respi )licited. Eei le place â€" S ^k)ck, Markdal T. W. Ri **t-tmm^m di f:J^ open Pace Screw '^ warrant »eat 2, only $18.00 wrgiiade movementt ♦2GX)0. |**ri Watches as low ^|i.6e Sumy fine J* patent «et, "W ^^-d?**^* ' Watches from *»m $1^0 up to y Bpnng Cio ..-^. w of Vfttcl '^?**y«. specialty. ' river coins '^«nin(g8, Locke â- '-i saii* Sri,-/ •»*5 ' Ma ^is%« ^â- i-^'-^-

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