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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Jan 1890, p. 7

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 ifc- ^Vr Texu, report* » Blagulu and J«'^Wiveitaw which b«feU him â-  S'^itlr Wiley of tho Fr«kUn I"'" f Ivtog north of that pUoe. Your lIi«»'*^lt"o»lliog on him l«arned the b^'^VStctiS to a ranch owned by a .illi»4%,, about) twenty rone* from l»»"lo?the purpose of looking at a lot krt .Sep he had f"r «ale. and waa "iip"*tu,n met a Mexican with a Vl- hobbling along the road, who ^eD«J» ° ^nii had charged him the day Lidsrt ,tli«t» him into a water ho'e, • *»• « }| •t -•' I for tUa world ' !oat, an' Kdlie t, »ir, a tin it for ye we vaU ihin' an' on Qt I [eawhenwoik'il t cfF, an' lin in I rnln'aiwhatwtj Sandy a findiag Oman, whe oltca mother t,-im' iefof *M, trrtTun* bruliis^ Mm «Yer?ly ^^ The l^flll wa" » '^^ "" '**"' **** »11»"' "and"«iangeronBly eaTage from ^ja»«"» yi „jjjy not be a#are of the *^!*^tmt Jearb a«oâ€" fifteen or twenty "Jdea nealhere by the In«"» »d the oonrBe of time grew for they were of a breed this country. Xbey are rarely known to leave the "â- ' V-^» heiihta. but a bull aometimea, s'W'tHr. ,fffrom hi* herd by a atronger to the valleya, and often foe to enooanier even on ' -there ded |rtefl'5ri«»c£f "^,wUlae^oe. Leidjugero) IktrHbwlE' â- tami^ Ukstvo a«tM iMk wtMObM. I ooBUaot Me dMTfy. b€t Mm MttmoM welliag from Ui thiM^, nd hia limbe q«i. dnat and blood, oaaa ap to mattieB, mwfaut. apparwtly aa anoooadooa of trhuMi wtf he had bean UiUsg a eUl ia a ateaghtar honae. "He a dead eimighnaw, airTha won c trouble anybody any more.' I walked two or three paooi toward the dead beaat, when my aenaea faOed me and I tainted, w hen I came to myaalf my borae wao atand- Ing near me tied to a buab, and my atraBSB reaoner had withdrawn a few feet and waa watoUng me intently. I went up to him. and, thanking him for the aarrite rwiderad me, irqifred the name of him to whom I owed Oi} life. The man langhod a little. and then leplied Well, I don't mfaid telling on under the drcnmatanoea. I am ' No, I'll leave hia Aame untold- he waa an outlaw and a tugrave from jua- tioe, but he oertainly aavad me from a oruel deaths and he waa the iineit horaemau I evet aaw.*' ^^^^PT^'^^^j^^^. '"" n \%m _:«.n xrned me that the one he inSeTbywaa, douhtlc,., .till in â- ^SSborhood, and tbatlc would standme -r" !,..« a look cut for him, I igea: '""""^^^ileor in afoie ye wul accal I ao hailtli7 iar, the full of i a-fla«hiog; ;a| J. itomachaUreadyl y 1 hnah up, bi|| eye boyâ€" I onlyl 7 na, though we'nl itnal, an' half ost| J me in eamat! 163; Bterâ€" I'Unameyel )ther8 an' liiiotl [age, and ride oat I ,•11 suffer! I'm I before I low my I road, boy, itBlj [lere, i er would aee yei cut "J'-jTr on a mile or two when 1 dis- tSodrfcko? a little rucmngatream fSed.and to eat my lunch. My jSfstandiug. without taking the ifaiia of tying him, though wichout 'CdliDZ him. He waa a young mustang, TSm a woman, and without any 1 Jntcsoee that I could diBCover, threw L di head ALL OF A SUDDEN e down the valley in a mad gallop, of course, my saddle, with my belt Eg my pistols, which I had rather ioiiibly removed from my waist an hour or before, and hung from the horn of my Ihere vras nothing for it but to follow horse on foot, so cff I tut in as bad a ,or aa yon can imagine, for I was already juedby my long ride, and a tramp of ^ps mUes was anything but inviting. I ed oa for an hour or two, until my feet •e'ont and blistered by the sharp rooks, hid sat down to rest near a clumw of son wood trees, one of great s:z% and the )t of them mere saplings. At that moment iead a load roar and a crash ina bnah id me, atd out rushed at a, terrific pace e black ball, oharjjing straight at me. d only jnst time to throw myself to one flu on the sitound as he thundered by My npxt move was to make for the ipof cotton woods, which I succeeded in ing just as the bull turned again. My jjd lallen to the earth as I ran, and this tnimal now attacked with a ferocity and toed rage that showed me how little lywonldbe shown the man when his turn i, llHing torn the hat to pieces with horns lilioofa, and having smelled me out, he nmenced a circuit round the trees, stamp- piwing, and bellowing frightfully. ;h hie bloodshot eyes and loh^, sharp a he looked like a demon. I was quite d, having, by some unlucky chance, id to pat in my knife in leaving neuid my pistols, as I said before, being la; saddle, and I was wearied unto death. AlOVELINVEBTIOH. Hereattcr T«a Hair cany Taur Owa TypewrlUr la Touk Poeket. A pooket typewriter iaahertly to be of- fered to the Britiah public. Typewrit ing in- atmmenta now in the market are of oonaider- able 8z and weightâ€" at leaat a penran oould aoaroely think of carrying one about wich him regnUrly. The one under notioe ia not only incxpenaive, but ia ao email lihatitmay be oarried in the waianooat pooket. Tiie re- tail price will be under ten ahillinga it meas- ures 3^ inchea by 3 inches and weigha about four ounces. Though ao email it ia not a mere toy. The inventor claims for it that it will turn out better work and be .found more useful than larger and more expensive machines. With reference to its construc- tion, «J1 that can be seen when superficially examined ia a disk about the size of the fac9 of a gentleman'd watch, in which the type is fixed, and ona or two small rollers. It will prino a line from an inch to a yard long, and paper ot any sfzs or thicknesa can be used. Any one can use it, though as in the case of other insrumunts, practice ia required to enable the operator to write quickly. Another advantage ia that by means of duplicate types the writer can be used for different languages. Patents have been obtained for most of the oimntries in Europe as well aa for America, Cihada and Australia. «MoiT Aboat iMclaaa or ioartaaa yoan ^th" • lea ri a ia a a «i tho aama of Ocaat, UtI^ob ttao aorOi ahowff the 8t Lawrsaao, over • huadnd aad fif^ milea below Qoabae, waa oblfaadby braaliiwa to gp uf to that rfty» latoln^dotobni TMcMy Ura^^i^aobg wwa*^ ' to oroM the rivor (wbloh ia thora ofor thirty mOea broad) in a jacht brother aatUng Teaael to aoma Tillage on tlieopBoaite aide to take 'tiie train up. The hduae where Mr. Grant lived waa anew one, ao be did not like to take hia young wife and three child- rea down to be expoMd to the eold of a part- ly nnfiij a h ed dwaUiag dnri^ tli^ very aevera winter. So, aaon previouoooMio,n«, Mra. Grant lemaiiMd for the wintorwt|h her father, a well-known doctor, who has dnee died. Bodaeaa being over Me. GnuA haaten- ed to retuni, aa navigation is nob jvary praoMdaUe at tlie lata aeaaon (lor by thia time it waa November), and baviuK but late- ly reoovecod tnna a Mvere tUaen ha wiaked eo avoid aa much aa j^buibl^ a bad vroasfng. Arrlv«d at the atodm ba ballad a oarier, and, hearing tlut hia yaohb waa In port, aak- od tome queationa about the ddo and wlni. Juat at that moment the tndn alirieked and ao frightened one of the horaea atanding by, ttiat, awerving quickly round, it knocked Blr. Grant to the ground. On bsing picked up it waa found that he hadiaJlen with hia iMMk on a aharp atone ao aa almoat to have Inroken it. Although in pain and very weak he would not allow the yacht to remidn longer than waa neoeaaary to take in a load of freah leef, mutton, egga and butter (wti- clea re quired in his eatabluhment),aa he fear- ed for taer aafety, but thought he oould doc- tor himaelf, having quite a'medicine cheat at home and knowing aomething of medi- clnea. The day on which the yacht atarted out ao bravely from the aafe little inle) where she had been moored, aeemed to all appear- ance a fine one, and all on board (Mr. Grant the captain, one sailor, and two puaengera) expected to croaa in about seven or eight hours, for the wind waa blowing freshly, quite filling thewhite sails, and the little boat danced merrily along over the green waves aeeming to akim as lightly aa ooe of hava baoa At Wlat Oas JazocCSaa Do. a naRh aatfaato th* wit ia the Oroaia trial vara •6,000,1 000, Btanmiaphaia aad tTpa* 1,000. tha jury fS.OOQi aad tha far from |lOO,O0a HadJanr a lltdo aiore oiiatiaato, or laa oa tho jaijr wh« ,^^,_^ vodag for aoquitm, thia taa- ^_^^ jUiaJ^i^Boaoy woald hava bi ^ytaiai[.'i'nd,tl^nnld have baooma " tnuoh morofor another triaL "Won, I oartiod right oat'to aoa." "la^poaaao. Siaeo yoa bava fialahoi ton wo may aa wall go to the altllag-toom, wboro than ia a good iira, aad I Aiak I hoar aoma one tbora." **How d'ya do airf^ How d'jro do i How do? Blowiag a gal tan'titr V ••^ea, Mr. Abel, aad I wero jort idbiarlE*' ing that It ia almoat aa bad aa the atoio^ poor Grant went down in." «^ •So it is, air. Joat what we wai thlaki^ of aa we oame along Joe, aad Bill and ta»f, JTe B"k*riw •*^°' **"** "' °* **"" "fto'Jiirti«i5'^caKbli^ ^ifen^,.^^^' vi^ miacOilaf of wUoh ono juror ia oapaida "Oh I well talk of that to-morrow. Cook here will be glad to aee you, ah Cook Bat who ia at the door T ' "Three or four Indiana, rir, who waalto aee tl^ new atoro olerk about aoBka fro- visiona." "Oli ttow them in, Uaok,bgr all a Now, Mr. Abel, hero la a ohaaoo for fun. itifm a ventriloquiat yon mnat amnao ue thia ot!Sing." By gidtilme the Indiaaa had anterod, aad weaa%iij "How? Miaaar Brown, how T" "Ab^ that von Mfr""' and Jerome? How Mllo Coon ia I eomo In I ^yau have ^npHa with oar aaw dark. Hero he ia, m^VJr the way, mind yon don't nx him, Ite^e ia not to bo meddled witJi,; let me tell yoa he oan niao aplrlta If ho traata to." ' "Nwr Miaaer Browa very.taugqr Jeioihe nofriiMlipd of new atore raaaT He not ndse aniritet no more than Cook tliere.." "0%«W|'the? Well, if yon don't look out ho|ni|li What do yon think, Jaoquea I ' " Jacques live long time, never yet aee man thh« make spirit come." "AU right ait down there and aee what he oan do." "Well, Really, Mr. Brown," aaid the ventrfleqalat, if they want to aee a ghoat, I haveaa-i^bjeotion." " Wafc^hat do as well, Jerome " "When Jerome see the spirit he then be- lieve, but not say it ia well. Good man not call demona." 3 "Stteona now, is I think he will oome down the chimney," said the ventriloquist, Instantly silerca reigned in the room. The four Indians were as mute and motion- leas aa though cutout of stone, while the otaft. -*- Tli8 Ftttient Died Too. '£h« dooton who attended the lata KlttM PorMpgid dnrlag-tlMLlaat few woeka of mOI- aoaa p ra w ato d Ulta^l^ their aervlooa amoaat' lag to aeariy $9^^000. Oao of ' domuaided 114.000 tor ten viaita, an( demandad $17,000 Cw fifteen, while a tiioughttiiat^,000«aanot too muitir^ ask for attaadoaoo ataighteea oonaulbatten. BventaaUy tiio aow Kii^i auooeded in cftot- ing a aatttemaar of their olaima by i of a lamp Ma ot |60,000.-[N. Y. bnao. â- ,. i«.k i' .5 " ""â- i4 the sea pigeons that played around. "Well, otherlian quietly smoked their pipes and captain, tcis is goini; nicely, but it aeema watched to see what was coming. Nothing that we will iiave a blow." •- â€" -j «â€" â€" ^-..._ ^. 4.a "Ay, sir, I'm afraid we won t i^et in before it either, but we'll weather it, I'll be bound, for the 'Sea Gull' is a tight little craft. [eaven, my mt\ le there, a ftoel lea iie died a y«r| whenthiyl»l4| I ever trapa. boy, I mi SITUATION WAS A DESPKBATE ONK, injonly chance consisted in dodging ' 1 round the trees until he ahould be lout, and this wos; indeed, a faint hope, nthe animal seemed fresh and warranted ^liiui the strength of ten men. Tde iicharged as'.in and again, scmstimes Dgsgainst ths tree with such force that 1 on his knees, sometimes bending the i|;3 behind which I stood until hie home »t reached me. There wm, not a tell of the one large tree low enough for »k:z) and climb up, and I had no time ' '1 to sole it between the bull'a ,B0 quick tkey'i Imy New ^•«" aatby ml gentleman «J of hia w»e»»'l trip lirl ot two with her Ipaatime, ,bro»i| aDdsl and.. â- w mo ,ffidi».S aaentaj"**! asddi^l .fliforti*! eyea iheeka. How long this awfal game of " tonoh- ii lasted I canoot tell, for after the (ncitement cf self preservation panod Meuinesa aj^jkin took possession of me, ^it required all the instinct and love of I « IB me to keep me on my feet. Several "« the ball left me for a few aeoonda, injraddetly away, bellowing his malig- Nisconcenc of my refusal to come forth M trampled and gored to death, but "«I could croBB over to a better position ••Wye cime back at full spaed. My SM began to cleave to the roof of my my eyes grew hot and mist]r my ""mmbled under me, while a ringing in [*• warned me that nature waa ex- I ud I felb it impossible to hold ono Hairiage TJnpopalar In Eneland. The unpopulsority of marriage oontinuea unabated, and laat year was the first in re- cent times in which, while the price of wheat fell, the marriage rate remained atationary. It is now 14 2 per thonaand. The decline in the popularity of matrimony ia greateat with those who have already had some ex- perience of wedded life. Between 1876 and 1S8S the marriage rate fell 12 per oent, for bachelors and apinatera, 27 per oent. for widowerr, 31 per cent, for widowa. The drop in the remarriage of widowr, however, ia probably due St the glutting 01 the marriage market with aurplns spinstera. The ex- cess of women over men in Ecgland and Walea hi eatimated at 765,000 1 Another intereating faco is that the biriha have now reached the lowest late reoorded since civil regiatration began. In 1876 the rate was 36 3 per l.COO it ia now 30. 6 ThU is very satiaf aotory, and it ia alao notable that the iltegitmate birth rate haa declined, the proportion, 4 6 per cent., being the low- est yet registered. The worst featare in the Rogiatrar General' retnma. however ia the fact that the male birtha hadiallenin proportion to the female: in the laat ten yeara 1 038 baby boya were bom for every thonaand girle, and last year the male pre- ponderance had dropped by 5. and ia now atanding at 1.033 to 1,000 With a anrplna female popnlaUon of threc-quartera of a mUlion thia U a move in the wrong direo- °It ia worth noting that whUe the inoreaae in mariagee between EngUah people haa not kept pace with the popnUtion, (havtog In- creasld only 4 per oent. in the last nine yeara,) marriagea according to Jewiehritea have grown no leu than 65 per cent. If thtarato iakept np they will become Anglo- laraelitea indeed, in a way not breamed of by tttoso onthuaiaata who have identified them wtth the lost Tea Trioea. You had your eyes open, sir, when you bought her.' " Well, you see, I knew the 'Mary'a' weak points and when she went down last spring I made np my mind to gat a smaller but a stronger boat, one that could be more easily managed.' " Well, tbe Mary' had her good pointa too, and would have aailed a good while lonser if ahe had not been run into ty those lubbera." "I know it, but we had it out then. Cap- tain, ao there is no use, I auppoae, ia going over it again, but I alwaya will aay it waa one of the moat criminal pleoea of oareleas- ness I ever saw, to run rignt into a moored boat and sink her, but there I we won't aay anything more about it." While thia talking had been going on, the waa heard for a moment or two, but the diamiLl sound of the wind, and then a scratching aonnd was heard aa of olawa againat the bricks. AU facea were aa aahen as nature allowed. " Who ia there " asked Mr. Brown. " Yenr friend," answered a well known voice recognized by all as Mr. Grant's. " What do you want " " I come because sent for," answered the ventriloquist, making his voice answer from the chimney. " When did you die " " When I ceased to live." " One ghoat very good, but, when I aee two the aame, Jerome eay bettor atill.-' All eyea were turned in the dircodon of the speaker, and saw hia gaze fixed on the door behind them, where, pale and ghoat- like, atood Mr. Grant. SThia waa too much for the onlookera, who aoattered in all direcbiona, except Mr.Brown FoM M Deaf* tfe Imi baaa aotioed ti^at aometimea i whoare^htiy deaf appear to leabloto Iioar oMrtaia aoanda'boMar than they are to hear othora; and from thia the proverb |^ ariaen, "None ao deaf aa thoae who ^^ti hear.' The atory ia a well known one of thCriAi father, who waa aomswhat deaf, andTlrBo wu adced one day by Ida acapegraoe tUS^ Father, will you give me fifty doUara " "What?" aidd the father, putting bin hand to hia ear. "^ir ' Will you give me a hundred doIlaB|" ahouted the young man. ' â- â€¢^â- 4' ' Hold on 1" aaid the father, "I hearly|]il well enough the firat time." A aomewhat aimilar atory ia told of Sir Richard Steele, who, when he waa pepv- inraroom in York Bnildinga, Londoiii ~^ public oratioaa. happened to be a gobCdeal behind in Ida paymenta to his workmen, Coming one day into the hall to see Irlllat progreaa waa made, Steele ordered the carpenter to get into the roabrum and maako a apeeoh, in order to obaerve how ib ooald be heard. The carpenter mounted the atage, and, acratohing hia head, told Sir Richard chat he did not know what to say. "I'm no orator, sir," he said. "Oh, no matter," aaid Steele, "aayr tba firat thing that oomea nppermoat isyoor head." •â- Why, then. Sir Richard," aidd the man, "here we have been working for your honor theae aix montha, and oannot get a penny of our money. Pray, air, when do you intend to-â€"" "That will doâ€" that will do 1" aaid Steele. • Yon may oome down. I heard you quite diatinotly. but X didn't like your anbjaot." and the old Indian whose quick eyes saw SapiaaSMa^i*^ Monwohs. or k 001 late htf Itika [Adace. ooaa 3ato aayinfi CriiB«|: I the top. rigfctt .ubitk â- "••Ml It hf* arcoato*^? ythatJ*-; grew desperate, and determined tan tor tha oppoaibe covert the 't the bull turned from me again. I I' I WM doomed, a::d thought of it |«tuaUy began to welcome the Idea â- Ming in any way. The bull aeomod 'j » worn out, and grew more "Wfiwce hj his charges but juat when to lit down under the great tree jVJâ„¢ *o hU worst, I heard the rattle (,T**mon«the rccka above, and a *««onnded like the voice of an angeU ^« the baraing of a dog and tbo «« 0' A stock whip, but tho bulL wiUsh eyea fixed on me, aovor i-P came a horaeman at full apeed, 1^7,"' e lash on the buU'a blaok the blood spurted out In a long iSUiii, TUBNKD S'AVAQKLT horaeman, bellowing with ih»'^* '" P*ln, but the borae JJ"»d jnrt enough to bsffla himâ€" ao iWjS^the lash descended, outtlag (l»J^»°'«We rszor buo the infuriated t W ?• "'ten off with a whipâ€" SaaiJ?^ wd again. But ho bad VT*«. (o' ri«;ht and left, aa aoadpd. i^l^ttlsli laare turned, waat^nM »ri!?**n«« on hat foai 1^ It â„¢^t magnigoenb ezhlbiti^ia of ' i ever raw and I aotaaify for- tod exhanation vbila Itratob- ^CSL°**» Aouted aomethiag, leaped m!!' *^ "'rode forward to moat «i »! " 0P«i knife botwooB hia ""l«ast lowered hia hoad to We live in an aza of old minaroha, grand otSerwi^. •• weU as of oldaU«»am«. A throne in onr oentory eeema to give ite P** fair prospMb of longevity, ine of con?«.. expected to be an oW The two oldest men next to wm " tne D^msi of Holland and the reigning SU"fscha«mburg^L|ppe,^tbcJwh^m " ^n-ant^r the^Gr^d'SS: of wdreDakeof Gobourg-Gotha, aeaaaor Pope is, man. the Kmg King of Weimaa, P,Sni^rt'a b;orh.r,all of whom firat aaw f£^htini8i8 ;^jfc;^^^^^^ tbotiuUGwman If^o^T^^SS^ Sot foundation of the " J^J?|?!!rpJa Mall bean allowed to do mnoh mUng.- [1^*" »•" Gaselto. A Patriotic Soot- wind had been rising, dark cloada began to cross the sky, ominoua eigne not unnoticed either by the captain or hia employer, who had crossed the river m often aa to be quite familiar with the river aigna. Raefa were taken in and all thinga got ready for a cquaU. Bravely the ' Sea Gull" mounted each rolling wave, paaains unhurt to the next, though they aeemed almoat large enough to engulf her, but aa aerong and sea- worthy aa one of her nameaakea ahe atruggle- ed bravely on. However, after a time, the wiad^oered to the north and blew a harrl- nana, ao that it waa quite impossible to run in the teeth of the gale. The vessel was put alwut and all â- peed waa made to enter aoma place of ahelter. "Captain, where ahall we run We oan't go back for we are already aeveral milea lower than Saint C and the current runa down here! Yea, air, and the tide rauat be going out or aoon will be, eo it would be dangeroua to run for the ahore, but I think we oan make for St. Bimaby'a laUnd, a litt;e to the aouth-eaat there. " ^coording- ly.tiie oourae waa ohanged and they wero aoon being literally driven towarda the laland. Unleaa they oould alaoken their apeed it aeemed aa though they muat run aground, and yet to caat anchor on that angry aea waa an imposaibllity. What waa to bo done • 'Oar aaf oat oourae ia to run her aahore on the Bouth-weat aide, air, there ia a good bit of beach there, it ia our only chance." "All right captain, I know you will do your beat to aave her aa well ae ufc." On came the little oraf b, driven by wmd and wave toward that uncertain ahelter. But the captain's good ateoringaoonbronght her to the shore, where she wae earned high »bove the ordinary water-mark. The mo^ ment ahe grounded and the wavee rolled back the oaptain, aailor and the other two men with ropea in hand sprang to the beach, and aa the yacht roae on the next wave, drew lb aa hiah aa they oould out of harm a way. A* the tide waa falling tho boat waa aoon high aoddryon the beaoh. Being eagerly ex- amined by the ~P,««*» ""i ""»'** IT" found to bo very Uttle Injured, but,^ aa tiiey oould not with help get It down the rlw ,«ala,thoy worelpriaonora oa tho ialaad tiU Soh time aa they could algaal aomo paaamg boat, the Wand being too far from ahore for Sdr aignala to be notloed. Mr. Grant waa tea v«?week atato, tho«Jy W»8»»~°;j take befaig a UtUo broth made from tte freah beef they wora ao fomnato in »»t««^ boarfTAU next day aa weU -thefoDow. SJ5 boat paaaed near enough to^ nottoe SSm. After that, owntog to tho latwoaa rftta8aaaoB,Tory fow Taaaela wora tobo STanTK. .iU«r did ot«. or *«M not notioe tho aignata of diatreea. »artog Sua time great aaxlety wae felt In Qaobeo that their friend was in need of assistance, When this had been given and he waa auffi- ciently recovered, Mr. Grant told how he had been obliged to remain on Barnaby laland till the salt water frczj sufficiently for them to walk over to the laainland, whieh ioe, aa It continually doea, broke ap next day liy tha aottonof *how*^"^?; had with difficulty procured a yacht Whroh that day had oroaaed with him to the north ahoro, but owtog to the riaing.wind they had been ofbliged toUnd wme ndles below the aettlement, and he had eaoaped notice. Weak aa he waa he had been obliged to walk up and only reached home after dtf k. No one had htard him and he had juat walked into the aitting room in time to hear his own ghoat apeak. Mr. Abel aoon got over the fright be had received, for though he raiaed a apirit, he did not oare to aee the real arttole aa he thought had been the caae that time. He had known Mr. Qranbformeily, and it was thus that he could aoweU Imitatohia voioe in apeaking for a ghoat Many and many river on a fine day^ tance on that island where Mr. Grant was so nearly made a ghoat of.â€" [Montreal Wit- neaa Son Thinw uoin Iiife MoFingleâ€" Do you know that aeedy-look- ing individual ov^r there McFangleâ€" Yesi He's the inventor of the most wonderful and useful enginea in tha world. " Indeed I And who is thai handsomely dressed, prosperona-lookiag man to whom he ia talkingl" " Oh, he invented an oil can to UM on tha engine invented by the other." The Farmer Knew Better " What ia that " aaked the farmer of tha muaician, pointhag to hia tannbig inatrUj ment. ... That ia a pitohfork," waa the reply. "Yon must take me for a jay,"oom mented the farmer, aa he took departnro. One More Sous. The Czarâ€" Great Peter 1 all ia indoad loatoworth 1 Who fired that bombovitoh f General, the Count SkippofFâ€" Peace, aire. I It waa hia imperial bighnea the emporor „„ „., ^^.^S'"'«.«"sr3 Tk.* j.i.i.' whT^ Mr. Grant was the train.^t Pack, ttte bnt latter •ok«»*^8^ traitad bartflfiba that "two •"^•fâ€" Dm DTâ€" -iir_ii w "SamplM with a laadaaa •?f.?'.£Sr, don's yJiklU more '• aaid Soott; done yw "FariiapBl do. â-¼Â«8**«*' n? MpIrittOB I So," retomod tbSyau onrar ^^S^«4rtlt wiU ba a A^ ^ftriotio blaokaB»»» J»« » g j. at not CM»ollto«ara. "ea JGBAFtSR U. 'tlif, tv: TK ia for aaora baft Alwtl 'c â- !;•.â- â- â€¢ .,i-'--"'i»_»i. Ilka to hava auoha ' waald !•_ **â- " "zT'iâ€"--. nader â- â€¢Nolthar waaM iMTra nadar thea pita hor portf»lto •««;^, pro-e. th. oataplm^^ tbiak wa are -^ *?Ka. il*, ItMaky^y^ I ««• taat^Mii- Sdng that aatUag «â-  avw aeai atAa !3^ to I, â€" w two weeka aiaca aba wait ^dowa.' Ostriohes That KnnBaoes. Some time ago a gentleman visited a pen of tame oetrichea in Africa At his caU two beautiful birds came up to him. Being desirous of toati^ their apead he arranged with the keeper that they ahould run a race. So, he careaaed the birds and showed them a handful of figs, of which they are very fond. The ostriohes were held whUe the visitor walked to a oerbain distance. At a signal they were aet free and began to run for the figs. They came bounding along at a tarrifia fate, taking twelve or fonrtera feahjat a "krldo. They ten neok-and-nook fOr\^ tihan half the dlataace, their winga working Uke anna and making a great aonnd. Preeently one drew ahead, aad Ipokipg be- hind, aa you may have noticed a boy in a foot race do, to aee vOum hia rival warn, and, finding him beaten,, the winner alaok- «ned hia paee and gently trotted up for hia prize of fig a. Staoley to WinfaH at Caiio* Itianot aurpridng that Mr. Stanley haa teU^i'winVrbrqpiRH imd wlU aot by aeon in London before next apring. After oao baa lived wltbla die tropioa for aevaral yeara, aaoddoa ohange w a winter cUmate In the latitude of London la to incur great riak of a aeriona imiMdrment of health. This ia the reaaon Dr. Junker spent a wteter in Cairo before coing homi, and many aa Atriean teaveUiir, eager to get bask to Ik £rl«»da. haa haltad addway for a tfaae waltlag for apring. Madeira la a fa t m i toT aao rt for ozpknn going aortiifai ,^Blai.'4adi WlMaaaa ia amoag tho tnTol- Vfail gkaafar oiAk of Odco HEoSk, aad ba may ham It EdUlor- JaaMi^ J" owT Ada mgflpMon oat. triU yoa,! And ^dU yoa anTaboal i iS oatty th^ ngr^ «•». too.-lP.ok. Sot That Time. ••Did youâ€" did you everâ€" " he began a* he leaned aoroaa the aisle of tho atref t oar. •« Did you eter â€" " The other lifted the hammer ot hia ahoot« ing iron. ... •' Did you ever have the quinay "Ah I I thought you were gdng to apeak of the weather,*^ aighed tlie gunner, M he retarned hia weapon to ite place. Memory Dootor Wanted* Cellar." Are yon the memon doctor?** Prdeawrâ€" " I am a prof eaaor of the wtaac* •♦ Yea, I know you fix up memorieo.' " In common Murlanoe, yee." " That'a what I heard. Well I want mj memory doctored." " That la very oaaily done. All yon luva to do k to ad my eyatwp and to • litilo wliDeyoawillgotaO that you oan roiaoa* bef ahytbtog at aU." ••That lan'a vriiat I want. I waa* my memory fixed ao I oan't remember aaytbiar. I have been oaUod aa a witaeaa toaboodto triaL"â€" [Now York Weeklw- ' Heroio Treatment. Caatomer (in drug 8tore)â€"aivo mo about tm ""^i" of quinine to four ounoaa ot wnia^TM^i^yaieiw aayatt Idoirt take plenty of quia^no I'm a dead maa. Clerkâ€" »orry. dr, but we're aU oi^t of quinine there'a a carload on tho way. Cnstomarâ€" I a'poae there b, bat it doeaat deaiaaaygood. WoU, give eight eaaoaa of ^rfib^y tbea, Ivat«« to do â- a i i tolag far toiitordUama Afoo4»towiifo»»l*fr**^ _^ loff to a tarriM» hanry, ;i ia b e fl aaaaad fraa- SSS^toriltaiN^aMiaodtoathawoa^ jj^MOAvimB otea f ee a ll he.eeaM4^ xL^ltonaaSiriariff.Hit ^fySi'MCMS^ overooat. eald "goS ^hon^r^to Wwl^ looked a* the otoek, foand II w«l»^) a. akt aadweatbaaktobed^ U 'i\ it m â- :1i sJi'Liu, •t Jii-. 'WJvl

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