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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Jan 1890, p. 5

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 T'S' .44^ J, Jk.)llJ,;l " Books] iATEsl iing iOOKSl iing OOESl ^D lery, aoneryi .T .E!' Xinas Gooi THE- Furniturej Toom. BELOW C081 lidaj se».son. or Suits, ,li Suits, m Suits, Bedding (boards, Extension Tablj iVashstands Sp' lattiefsofalla;;' biug thatiskeP' Call and get qi ceral raruislH«« Robes, Li""'l all description* banking my nnffl past favors, ^jl Xinas and m ectfuUy, Sprouj?] JWIATI0| THE iSH STOI CHEAP ^^^^^ eatest J ned in JiiSi karkd^ ^l rejoice «•" .grand ^»t ffl 9^ .*»»i5% iy c^i6i)T'RaiT:!;i â-  â€" " •â-  rrn ' i rci i «in i â€" â€" Ml «3i»i«MmieHM jSeafora Boad. .,; 'orrespomlence. fitiriy Tiie school raeeting was fftU iittemied. A vote of those taken aathonziug the Lste'^s '° '-â- ^' *^^ dwelling house ou jjool gi-ixTiids. Mr, R. Buchanan n!f.'teJ Trustee, ^(leMAtii^o '^^"' has been crxiiuized uieetihg every Friday evening lock. liere: irameuced, for tiia year Sciiui-'i ISflO, on Jii^nday last «\ ith Miss Ettie Mnnicipal Elections. • Oloiwlg. T? r^f ^®' •^««- Staples. 822. John A. McMillan,. 076 Majority for Staples 47 COUNCILLOBS. Thomas Davis., 210 Sandy Beaton ann' ^•Neii :::::;::::?9?: DEFEATED. Thos. Sullivan igQ Ansus McCotmack "ui U Williams ...,. 125 J. McDonald.. """"^^Zl29. N.Dimsmore iq^ DUNDALK. Thos. Hanbury, Reeve, majority 12 over P. McGregor. Conucilâ€" J. W. Morrow, W, yjt\ aiJ^^' ^^ teacher. jlr. iS. Biichauan, of Oregon, is jjere visiting Irieuds. His visit this jj2i^ i^ of au interest iijg character, [jjeliir.'e 'od with the bow and arrow liavius Iji'^^ '^^"'-^ " ^*' "' ' ^^^' taken one -t' Uutario's fair ones as a life piuti.«, for weal or WOP; in tliei '"""u«â€" o. \v. Morrow, W. J ""â€"•-»»« "ix.« xib » cpiBimm c^uij. rPM)int Miss H.insou, sister of Mr. ^i^^rrow, Q. R. PuJUipg ^nd Tiin.-naa '°*'°*"^P""*®'""« '" «^fi»«i"' typ«- ^pe- rij Tlie Markdale Standard I^issaed eyery Thursdaj, by C.W. RUTLEOGE. Markda.e. O.t. Tbbmsâ€" ?1 per year in advance;. 1.50 if not paid within six months. Professional and business cards one inch space and unJer, per yeai 54. ^,^ 1 1R. 6 MO 3 MO. Whole column ?50 00 U27 50 ?15 Of) Half column ,. 27 (lO 15 OC 10 00 Quarter column 1= 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Hireeinnh space 10 00 5 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals a. advertised 3 weeks for ?1 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. T JamesHiiuHOiJ, Votennary Surgeon, Ql luiunto. buccess, Samuel Walter's Falls. Standard Currespomience. •'Epistoliirum Commercutny The feotive season is now over and (â- Terr one has resumed the duties which v.ere laid aside during the term of lioiiilajs, and seems to be striving to mak-n ^j for lost time. Mr. Albert Walter has been engag- ed tj teaL'h in S. S. No.l7, Euphrasia. We wish hirn much success, Tiie aamia! school meeting wag held, m the Kcliool house on Thursday the 2Gtli ult. everyihiug came off satis- iactoij; Mr. J, Deleree was appoint «d trustee in place of Mr. Henry iJouLeJ. Tlie Central Agricultural Society k'ki its aiuiuiil mcttino; in " the Odd- ieiiov.a hnll on the afternoon of Fri- Jav, the 8nl iust. The books showed tiiai thepnt year has been one of ?reata;ccf'ts, anduotwithstanding the enormou.s expense of'lencing and fit- ting up the grounds during the y«ar jQ.-t ci.isej, ilie society is still in a Bosititui to take steps to make the sliinv of this year a greater success 'ihau ever. Ttie former officers were reelt.cted except two W. Milsun tak- mtj tije place of D. Smith and R. Mc- Lauglilii: !!;e hicc of W. Norton in tile Jirec:rra'e for Euphrasia and HolluiiJ re.'ij)ectively. Flesnerton. iianhrd Cvrrc^ivndence. Mi'.iter George Bates of this village received a se%'ere kick from a horse a few (lays ai^o which broke some of the 3mnll b:iies in Lis hand. The municipal eleotioas were quite interesting,' here on Monday last. The Keeveshipwas keenly contested, both Mmhdates beiag sure of victory. The lesult of the poll placed Dr. Christoe again ill the Reeve's chair witu a Mji rity of 120, increasing his ma- jority 20 over iLe Elliot and Christoe ^ontLst. }Jr. Wright at this time did not seek tlie office by the persuasion cf kis )iiaiiy friends he offered him- self as thtir candidate, and had he Jeen elected would make a good Reeve. He polled a very £^ood vote. In Eu- miA ward George Thompson, jr., a yonug mau, defeated his opponent. ilr^^S. Pedlar, with a good majority. inilesbertou ward, T. Granger, R. • Sproule and W. Sharp were con- «staiits. Sharp was re-elected by a «rKe taajonty. Thus the old council Jreturneil with one new member, "^^ Ihompsou to take the chair vaeat- ^o by H. Cairns, Esq. ^^lug to the very inclement weath- ^ou New Year night the Methodist «bath School anniversary was not f entire success. A large quantity « Provisicns was left over. A social ^^ announced for on Monday even- J ast. The literary part of the «i'ertammciit on New iear evening iinn? ^°.'^- Cantata, given by nicer " °^' J'"'^°?^ neople, was very lln 1 '"^^^^^'^^3 and was repeated on JJay evening in addition. Short were also given by Prof. Self. ^S^' """ ' " °^ •^^t was very enjoyable. evening's entertain- Xnaulry. .A.i, Standard Ij,,' Mualitied voter residing in ofArt has lands in the townsbips Cr'S*' ^^^"'g' Egremont and Hsh -^^^ ^°^ i° '^ese named '"tforea ;P"!^-Reeve Please giveJis your ' m tins ta^tter, and obKge. ' ,^MuaIi§ed rstepayer eaii lej if his. name is od voters' Kl^^'^^ ^^- ^^^' for Beeve and ;pB; Hiae ^^y^ municipftUtiw iifim kg-'JI^ws on the votorV JiikH' DABD.] Lakiugs ABTEMESIA Dr. Christoe, Reeve, majority 120 over Thorpe Wright. T ?^»o«ilâ€" W. Sharp, John Boland, J. McArthur, aad Geo. Thompson, jr. OSPRKT. Thos. Gamey, Reeve, by 184 ma- jority. D. K. Pjeetoa,, Dep«ty-Reeve, by 121 majority. Oounciiâ€" MoDftghan, Taylor and Speejs. SHELBUBNE. Reeve. "Wm. Jelly. Councillorsâ€" J. C. Whitten, J. Ma- dill, Chas. Mason, R. A. Riky. TORONTO. Mayor Clarke was re-elected to a third term bv a majority of 1974; DURHAM, Mayor, Wm. Laidlaw. Reeve, J. S. Brown. Conncillors -A. Hunter, L. Ehidge C. McKiumm, G. Whitmore, H. W. " Mockler, A. Robertson, J. W. Craw- ford, G. Russell and A, McLachlari. MEAFORD. Mayor, J. J. Johnston. â-  Reeve, G. P. Mcintosh. ' Deputy-Reeye, S. Carson. Conncillors â€" Joim Gown, W. W^. Stephen, Geo. Spike, J. D. McGee, Dr. Clarke, James Randle. OWEN SOUND. Mayor, W. A. McLean. Reeve, J. C. Miller Ist Depnly- Reeve. J, M. Kilbourn 2nd Deputy- Reeve, R. Malcolm 3rd Deputy- Reeve, J. Armstrong. Aldermen â€" Elias Lemon, John Riley, A. J. Creighton, Wm. McLel- land, Robert Taylor, W. J. Creighton, John Wright, Jas. Gordon.. ORANGEVILLB. Deputy-Reeve, Endacutt. " Councillors â€" Ketchum, Yeomans, Kiug,Pinkey, Gillespie, Green, Bailey, Cobean. THOBNBUBY. Mayor, Raymond Reeve, Andrews. Councillors â€" Myers, Howe, Cross. HOLLAND. Wm. Norton, Reeve A. Shute, Debuty-Reeye. Councillors â€" Hampton, Galbraith and Foster. EUPHRASIA. Reeve, Gilray Deputy-Reeve, W. Fawcett. Councillors â€" Patterson, McE^ight and iiituart. JOB PRLN^TIKa. The Standabd ofQce has a cplendid equip ype. Spe M\ orders cial attention to orders by mail, tilled with dispatch PBESBYTEEIAN CHUECH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Eev. L. C. Ernes, Pastor A. McFarland. S. S. Superintendent. CHEIST CHUBCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Eev. Mr. Graham, Incumbent- Sabbath School 2:30; £. Coleman, Superin- tendent. METHODIST CHUECH. Services every Sunday at lOrM a, m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:3). Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening-from 8 to 9. Eev. Geo. Bnggin Pastor; E. W. Enuis- 8. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con nection Mrs. T.Hill. Secretary. Slrungeis and visitors always welcome. Parties desiring sittings will apply to C. W- liutledge. Pew Steward. Oaeial BetoniB. State of the Poll at the close of the municipal election for the towjaship of Glenelg, lield Jan. 6th, 1890'.- Office Dep.-Beeve Councillor. Camdidatks. John A. McMillan... James Staples A.C.Beaton.. Tliomas Davis N. G.Dunsmore Ai^as McCormick.. Jslm McDonald Patrick NeU... Thomas SnJUvan.... Chris. Williams c P 2S 108 81 106 96 S9 12 2S 14 S7 68« 9116 4314 35 i H O H 876 313 a056 sslao 907 210 6100 153 195 169 135 Certified correct. J. S. Bi^eK. Noticft of Birtiu. Marriages, and Death tweMjifivte eenU. "PE ATHS ^-^JtototeTo* ae 4thJ«na«y. the ^^^ohard Abby, .ged 26 yewi. Datib-I» Markdale, on the tt^inat.. M» i^d»rmhU« of W. L. Davis, aged jAKEBex-fii Markdale. oM the 7lh inat., in- iastsoaofF^Japiesoa MARKDALE. The P 0. w.ll be opened from 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz C. P. E., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm " " South, 3:30 p m, and 7pm TRAVEESTON and LAUBISTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12:30 noon HARKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. EESKINE. Wednesday and Saturday 2 p. m For registered letters and money orders fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P 0. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:3. a. m., and kalf an hour after mails arrive. W. J. McSarland .p. M. irABEDlLS VILLAOE 0FF1CIAI.S. Beeve, W. J. McFarland CounciWWm Brown, Jno. Lyons, Geo. haskett and.Angus ' Plewes. K. C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L.„Young, ' Treasurer; Fied. Sarjeant, Pound-keeper. Public School Trustees Wm. Lucas, J. Lyons, Edward Butledge, H. D. Irviu, J, S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, Sec. COnNrS OETICIALS.. Judge, S. J. Lane, Owen Sound, Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sound. Clerk, John Butherford, Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. County Warden, R McNaught, Sarawack. Eegistrar, K., 'B. McKnight, Owen Sound. â- â-  S„ Thos. Lander, Hurham. Revisinit Barrister, North, Judge Lane. Owen Sound. BevisiQg Barrister, South East, Jadlge Lane, Owen Sound. M. P.\ North, Jas. Masson, Owen So«Dd. M. P., East. T, S. Sproule, M.D., Markdale M, Pr' South, Geo Landerkin.M. D^Uan- over. M. P. P.. North, D. Creighton, Toioiitt. M. P. P., East, Capt. Borke, Claikatarg M. P. P., South, J. Blyth, OrehawL nrvisioN COURT cIjBbks No..,l. Ben Allfm, Qwen Sound. ' " 2. David Jackspn, Durham. â-  '• 3. Thos, Plunkett, Meaford. " 4» Thos.. J. Borke, Heatbcote:. ** 5^. J. W. Armstrong, Flesheiton. ' 6. John McDopald. ChatewtartU. ** 7. Duncan Campbell. ' " 8. Wm. Brown. Markdale. P»^^ -By ae^KW]^!^ ^^cip»*irw)jSi; Markdale C O. O. F. No. 73. meets ewny alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Bae's block. Visitirg breroi wdcom^. Markdale A. O. XT. W. No. 141 pie^s in their Hall, liae'd block, every alternate Minday evening at o'dock. A visit IrOm* brethren of peiRhborIng lodges solicited. jftggT'AT.y L. O. L. No.. 1045 meets in their hall on Friday on or before fall moon .each Month. J. H. Canon. Haeteir; IT. J. BUlkely, Sacxetarr. ii^ • .„ tlctoria B. B- Brec^oiy, No. 228, meets in Iiodge. Bc^m of T^ a rltdal e L. Q. L. No. lO^f, first Fr^y in.ea^ monjOi. TisiV ing Bir^jiiglits always wdp^nie. Jas. Bxbdic W P.: Thos. BIKott p Begintfar ' R. L STEPHEN. T B » M 2! CD CD 3 K 0) jp p O CD 2 ^^ CD 2.ti CD^ tr'B b CD CD " •-'^CD â-º-iCJo p So- g TO Ul "cy CD tjCJJm 2 P t^O P CD DQ o o cTo S- mO p£^ p" whJP' P pgS^oo o P 2 q CD • g ^*^ CD OQ p n *d pw *-*• O H-» Is.® H ' V.Ji3aii-^«M)£0-,':f r,i -r.- â- â€¢â- 3, =*^?wp^Mii .-.!â- Â»; ti^.i^ .a«l :;i"«r»^ 'ttoa^e oe 'xh- -af i^t: MM* gaiiiiiinlM Beaiedr ever dis- eorerad, as it is certain in Ito efbctt and does not. bliiter. Read proof below. OFrtcc or CHMRLES A SMYDEB, â- BsaoxB or ouevumid nv Ml ngniin mo NWia. EucwooD, lu.., Nqt. Jto, 1888. Da. B. J. KaaaAix Co. Dear Sirs: 1 bcva always pardufead yanr Ken- dall's Spaiifii Core bjr the half doaan bottles. I would like prices ii) Jarfer qnantity, I think it is one of tha best ii»«iif»«»nt« on earth. I have used it in my stables for three years. Yours arnil^, Ckas. A. SmniBa:. KnUi'S SPIVW CURL Brookltm, H. Y., November 3, 1888. Dr. B. J. KxNDAU. Ca Dear Sirs: I desire to gbeyoa teitimotdal of my fiood opinion of yonr Kendalra Spsvin Cure. I have- used it for laasoaesa, StlffJolaU aad Spavtas. and I have fon^d it a sore core. I cordially recom- mend it to all horsemen. Yours tmly. A. H. OttSErr, Manager TIroy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Saht. Wintoh CouNTr, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1888. Dr. B. J. Kbmdai.1. Co. ' Gents. I feel it my duty to say viiat I have done with yonr Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that bad Itoavtes, ten of tttmm Bone, nine afflicted with Bl)r Head and seven of Bte ^w. Since I have had one of yonr books and foObwed the directiohs, ,1 have eyer lost a 6M0 q£ any kind. Yours tndyv Andrew Torm^r, ' Horse Doctor^ KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Price 4i per bottle, or six bottles for $}w AU Drug- psts have it or can for ycm, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprie- tors. Dr. B. J. KxHDALL Co., Enbsburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ' MARDALE^ bakery: The citizens of. Wnrkdale and sur- rounding countjy? are hereby invited to give U8 a fair^-k-ial ou Bread, Cakes and all kinds pa-stry also Wedding .Cakes made in the very besc style. 'Vienna Rolls and all sorts fancy bread kept on hand and made to order. Snppers, Soirees and Tea-meetings BU[)plied oil reasonable terms and ou short notice. JOHNSTON^S BAKERY, Opposite Standard Office. BERKSHIRE BOAR. WESTERN KING, Six mSnths old, bred by J. G. Satll Bros.. straight ipoa Imported Stock, will be for awvioe on lot 4, con. 7, Euphrasia. Terms (}.00, to be payed at tjne of service. JOHN BUSKIN, 484.7 Proorietcw. Look Here. l/yon take yonr griet to yoQiwill get good satififatiou, p^ we I.. keep idS iitf' nther. Weals^make » rpe- tqi ,35« (if'fT".ar lifffFVW^^ .^fiT^WVeii'w too* i3«d tdt w t ml 'if I I :OB â- 1 â-  • s ' â-  â-  11 flfr^^Vl ' 'J^M p9 ^B^n M '^^R^tm H â- ^^^ siaia

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