mother jj/^Wi 6 from WeUi^fc ' the body "iinhfa rderedtoj5n7L °» «PP0rt««i^ • brothwTMH w«nt with him y «r oar hero, h»J ^^"^1 **y (S w). was audbto] heard, amid»d,' *tory ofhUdtrt ined property eid '=°'^p»y- itc.J i" to the surpi|„1 •cdy present he J 3 man who gtoUtlJ om Waterloo app^ been more aiuil^ 18 hind, with"A| le poor surgeon qaij the "hero- onght" Id. The watch, nded down with I on, and may beged gualu3' ooUectioal Bridge Project, dge acroee tbe le "Engineerirg Ula a scheme of 1] entyyeiU'aapo,beiii one appears ti ing to an old vols ?," the French Enp epired by M Uhirl| i an engineer. Bob £8.000 000, t»l iaa of 9846 feet loaded trains at 1 lere were to be fi{ 98 feet deep at tere, each tniu fa y composed of ntal iron wires 2 in :al plane. After b«i^ )aa ropes they we h enormous leiiitf ,8 rigid beams, ere lo be flMted 1 enormous set i ruled on and boa sand by scren (lent screws ot Ir aving Dock. British Goveranie •ntribute to thei ring deck at E« The amount o^ canatrnction ot I now another $50.(1 needed for thei leen discovered I 430 feet in le enough for the i knadian Pacifiol :actinK. wd ai greately inter it is though tbstj aid in the impr y .Times. •. told of the boyhood of the Wales by the " Mhnohei. Jl^.»„ .xiellent authority ^fcce stood one day ifhi«room sf*»« "^T Windsor at the window, the •»P^.\ reached to the floor. He «'«""*„ learn by heart, but instead i I l*"\i 'wif by loolilng oat into the gisof?,, ' inc with his fingers on the »*l£erne«,Mi.8Hilly«d. an 'â- rilonB person, obierved this, and •"Km to think of getting his W "" .Z Pricoe faid, " I don'w r" *• «t von in a corner " 1 won't rf ^jredtbeMttle fellow, resdntely, 't stand in cf Walea ""'r,^and in the corner, for I am "°"'f Wales." As he said tnfa "f^mt one of the window panes ^« t At this Mi?s Hilyard rose J bii "â- J ,M. "Sir, yon must learn, 'C nn the corner." "I won't." IfSZ out a second pane. The ' r.n race, and told the servant "" /to .ay to Prince Albert that 'CdtheVe"e"^«"« his Royal ' 1 tomediately on a presdn? matter with his eon. The devoted father Tones and heard the ataoement of 'Imstter, after which he turned to tJa^d'said. pointing to an otto- Sown there and wait till I return." PtiBce Albert went to his room and i, Bible. "Listen, now," he said to tU of Wales, " to wh*t the Holy Paul »»y« to you and othsr children flereuDou he read Gala- ' 1 and 2:-"Now,l cay that ling Tours- ling to Italy in M« y pay a visit to t In order that she L I Frederick at Cr Id herM»jestyw«« V by the EmP* td would attend 1 Cnt mausoleum wn Jho reception ,oti Iderick.wbichuH lane 15, the •»» [th. Tbe Jnttriot anditUlwhe- inlaid witl»^' [ruth. U for Tobacco- L annually tap" Vdom is batfca." Le sort or anoU land when »• " land coat cft^ lokers, we i»»r â- the BfitW Jj poo. being »»rtrj Kdalt inal«P' IgdoiD* fcroninVeraictJ L with the 2*^ the f»B f le has been •«, the U-iof J,8" I little bo*«»*"l of jo't^ iliBh. [destrato 1^ \rB be« fSi!, blitarv »*• ot. .,ir .oloDgasheis a child, differeth Lioma eervant, though le be the i ti »11, bnt is under tutors and gov- u in i'the time appointed to the fath- "It la true," continued Prince Al- (â- tttt yon are the Prince of Wales and tconduot yonraelf properly you may J nan of hign position and even, Ue death of your mother, may become Loi England. Bat now you are a little |ibo mMl obey his tutors and governors. Lji I mnat impress upon yon another of the wise Solomon, in Proverbs, [H: 'He that spareth the rod hateth tint be that loveth his bob cbasteneth lietimM." Hereupon the father took Iriid and gave the heir to the throne of liiglitiest Empire in Christendom a very itle iwitcl'ing, and then placed him in jtinier laying " Yon will stand here litndy yonr lessons until Miss Hillyard l;on leave to come out, and never for Vit yon are now under tutors and {oon, and that hereafter yon will be fthe law given by God " •^ Tie Bone of Oontention- jiFrencbare gradually receding from liituable position in regard to Egypt. Itt of tbe fact that France withdraw lEjjptwhen the rebellion cccnrred, and d{lani to ecaept the responsibility and iwotk of firmly rstablishing Tenfik ^Esgland allowed France to retain of the control oi the adminis- â- of pnblin affairs. France has taken age of this to blcck and hinder ad- ntive riforms in order to compel Enjr li withdraw altogether from Egypt. lidliaB steadily and firmly refneed to |a;e the country until all danger overthrow of the present Gov- KtwBpaet. That she was jus- in doing to was made piain ludo^er s(;ain by tbe calls trade npon itiocps to prevent the capture of Saa- wj\ie rebels aad the invasion of Upper niiiy the way of t he Nile. France now n her mistake and wishes to com- « by requiring a withdrawal only of a i the Briti'h trocps. Erg'snd will Mat to this. She is responsible for iKpillty of Egypt and mtist be allow- liicide jaet how many British troops Psaaryto preserve tbe peace. The j»liichBifzed not only the natives of tEnropeaDs when the last serions l»« made upon the Nile by the der- ^!tow« how little confidence is felt in 'troops by anybody. The native itrongly cfficered by Eaglish â„¢ tendered confident by the "' a British force in reserve fliackB, totally defeated the Mah- i««. bnt had the Egyptians been nMidhad there ben i:o British troops 1 orell back the tide of war it would Mlyhave spread all over Egvpt and »ly at Akxicdria. The Mahdist kJ-u"" '"" °f 'â- "« *° enerpy, "i.tidrawal of British troops would Brazil aB««: ' ,. .. *_ p."'^p'"«i»tivitatioQ to the dervishes Hk c ?â- " "^^^ financial proDosals •"Jtac'als are desirable, as France trench GDverrment cannot, „ continue to bring in jury np- j .oy c^pcsiD^ the proper adminif itliv'v "" """'y because she Pi. r!j Pow" whose presence there r««dnction of interest possible. NHnetobeTbaakfuUfor. nri** "°|' ^«*' madam, abont 8 boy which pleases me -^ » visitor, who had patient- '^kl ;*7i°'5 " °°"" trampled """n polled out by young hope- i'^y«r' smilH. [.Sj«,thal-^, At Hi mamma. is not a twin." â€" 'Piraleled Case. L"^^*"8^ ;aso. that of the Stth skipped with a ery ordinary. I il^nid6"",,D* bappeni"g eVery â- »«hi,wife."""y dearfeUow, fiisUotes. ««tli«.„ ^* "^-"" man, "we r B^" goods on fanr months' Bote. £,?" y*" "y °°'*-' ^^^ sell on -the street " iiuisi^ ' ""^^^^ Po bom« and "Wofclodlng." '»aeb3moii /iSi*^^"' "uppreesed and *»• UbTJ? f "tnam'i Palnleee I "*« "P^^' ""'J'nal discomfort A MT8T£RI0irs POWBB. Marrelm sMry TeW .r* utile C»i«rc« The dtUens of Samter an «ezdtid mod pnzzlei by the .txange maniwK*" f Mcae hUd«a feme which mmu to^M-, Daisy RoWbmb. » UKfe ooloi«i gW*abo5 child, and htm » lauffuld look in Imt m!? She ^Idom imilarid gsS. lLu2£ around at the crowd, of pSoplo wh?^ »«»«-?^y IPdng to «• h.rSfb,^SotS is dead. s^diiM Uvea with her imTtoi house in the baoit yard of F. A. Tradewll. where she u employed as a servant. As an iUostratiwi of what doaens ol emin- ently respeotable and trustworthy people of Sumter t«t«y to. Policeman Eppe^^ who was detaUed to inveatigate the mitt«. makes the following sUtement "I went la! to the room where the girl and her sister were and turned everybody else out. and sat on the bed, facing ihe flreplaoewith my lf°i!?? i? "y ^*^- " "â- • «other Ught in the room and a fire in the firepUce. The girl sat on the rlgho of the chimney, facing me, her chair leaning back aaainat the chinmey, her hands in ber lap. "I waited awhile and nothing occurring I was about to leave, when a dinner plate that was on the top of the bureau to my left and agaiiMt the wall and several feet away from the girl came sailing out into the air and f eU right side up on the floor, breaking into pieces. A two quart bucket on the mantel shelf then sprang out and fell to the fl)or at my feet. Immediately after a trivet weigh- mg five or six pounds, that stood by the fire, dashed out and across to where I was. strikbg on one of it s feet and spinning around until it came to a rest. "Mr. Tradewell came in to ask what all that noise was, and just then a shovel which was back in the corner to the right of the girl, came prancing out aod fell with a clat- ter, striking Mr. Tradewell on the foot, who left without staying to see anything more. All this time, as it seemed to me, the girl was sitting perfectly quiet and there was no way for the things to ba thrown in from the outside. Besides, I saw the missiles as tliey were coming thrLui{h the air and they came from juat where they had been lying all the while and Ism satisfied that no one in or out of the room mjved or threw tbem." Ihe room was afterwards examined and found to he jlosely sealed above and all round. The floor Is tight and a careful ex- amination from the outside failed to reveal a crack that even a ten-cent piece could have been thrown through. Similar occurrences manifest themselves in every house or room where Daisy goes, so that she is not a desirable visitor. Her aunt says she can not afford such costly en- tertainment for the public and does not know what to do In the matter, as she can not turn her out of doors. She says that this morninp, while Ddkisy was eating her bieak fast, the beadstead in her room was act- tually wrenched to pieces by an unseen power. The Bixunatick- B hold my rotund wealth of mtat. With all its juices, rich and sweet I How firm, how solid, are my parts, And bow 1 go straight to the hearts Of children, with distended jaws, In wait to hide me in their mawa. Ah how I love to lie in state Upon the table, while you wait With eager eyes and teeth that burn. Until it comes to be yonr turn. How crisp my skin, oh 1 bow brown. And how I tickle going down And, then, my bone, oh I what delight. To pick it till it's clean and white. How would you Use, on Cbristmas day. To tramp till noon and then, we'll say. To come back home, well almost starved. And find me waiting, nicely carved Between yonr finger and your thumb Yon bold me up. thusâ€" yum, yum, yum 1 1 tickle every nerve, I thrill Your stomachs, and I fill the bill. And with all men 1 nothing leek â€" In fact. I have the inside track I AI Chinese Punt ral Procession. A remarkable funeral procession paraded the streets of Peking a few weeks ago. It was tbe formal public celebration of the buri- al of Tacbing Tscbu, a grand chamberlain and brother-in law of Prinoe Kung. The bier was carried by eighty man, ir seeded by forty-eight flag-bearers, eight a nels, and twenty- four white horses. One hundred and sixtj men followed bearing sixteen red planks, on which were painted in many coloured letters the name and titles of the dead nobleman. The whole precession was a mile and a half long.â€" [Ex. w"p«tr"""'iâ„¢"'"""Mort w»^sr'*fT*_w ^»t«»Mn's,' and take none fnVk* iohmf V jU,if7M-' Justifiable Envy- Managing editor " You say here that you have cultivated hot-house lilac bushes ^at have attained • Jf»8bt„o« J^" AJ*?: feet ?•' HortioulturJ editor ' Yes. Why» Manaing editor (musingly): "Nothing, only fwish I could Uiao that." A flome in the West- Join the great army of boueeekers Mid secure 480 acres of government land to the DavU's Lake, Tnrtl, Moontato or Mouse River districts of Dakota. F« /^^her in- formation, maps, rates, c., apply to *. i. WhitneyVG. P. T. A.. St. Paul. Mum. Bonnets are small and made of much richsr and more expensive materiaLi than have h sretof ore been need. Connunptum BinelT Cored. "ptse^W^mT-r reader, that I hav^. pcSSTrSedy f^ *• .bov. nan«d dh^ Bj its tlmdy «• thousand, of J^oPS^'" "!?? bavalieen pirmMentiy aored. I ahall glad toanyoiyoii-^ tioolf thay wiU»wd gt5,aryour_«^,who^ba^^amg A. SLOCUM, cowlMtfreiB. Wh^ "Twins, mun Ton rtordy twk whoaa braMhaa wld* Boldly the afewma and wind. defy. Not lon«r ago aa aoon. naall. Lay doraaab 'neatli tdw nmmer sky. Mot unlike the thrifty oak in iia lerm. But oven this mighty foe of mankind posi- tlv^y yields to the wonderfnl onratiTe pro- pwtiei^ Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- ♦wrery if ukan eaily. Dan't be blind to purown iotetesti and think youn a hope- '^^^»^' Tail remarkable remedy has re. "MO^mMds^ It lathe only medicine of It. oittM, add by druggists, under a positivb cmaMMB that h Wffi benefit or onre in all oMea «f diswiw for which it is recemmehd- e^or money paid for it wiU be promptly refunded. e ir- j Running expenis.â€" CUldrtin. "Standing with reluctant feet Where tbe brook and river meet." is a period of "maidenhood" whioh is peril- ous In the extreme to vigorous, healthy wo- manhood. Reckless exposure, at certain Ume.. whliA todnoe irreg«l«riti«.,haa wreck- ed muiy a fidr young Ufe. To aU sia'cted with derangements ofra uterine natuM Dr. Pterse's Favorite Prescription I. of toestim- able value. It is the only medidae for wo- man, sold by druggists, rKosK a. PosnrvE OUASAKTEK from the manufaoturers, tlxat it will give satisfaction to every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on tbe bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. It ii the spur of the moment that makes time fly. BuitYonrself, bui there is no other remedy for sick head- ache, dizziness, cohatipaUon, biliousness, or to restore a regular, healthy action to the lirer, stomach and iMwels, equal to those reliable little «• Pieasant Purgative Pallet." prepared by Dr. Pierce, Of druggists. Bine onyx wild flowers compose .a choice array of new scarf pins A Happy Transition. After five years' suffertoj; trom dyspepsia, my wife got cured in one month by the free use of Si!. Lson water. We prize it highly, the transition it brings from misery to fine health Is so grand and pernranent. To this hour not a pang. Feel so good and bearty will take pleasure to anawertog any inqnirx ies. Joseph Paice, 349 Djvercourt ruad, Toronto. Place your wtoter order, now. "Impossible to overrate the value of St. Leon," uy physicians. The population of Japan is just under 40.- 000.000. The Book of Lobon. A Man With Wisdom Live, to a Fool' ParadlM. A Treatise especially written on Diseases of Man, containtog Facts Por Men of All Ages I Should be read by Old, Middle Afred and Young Mf n. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plato, forcible and instructive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous, and ex- haustet^, showing new means by wliich they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science Sabiects. Also gives a description of Speci- fic No. 8, Tbe Great Health Renewer, Marvi.1 of Hsaling and Koh-I noor cf Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteri»s of life. By its tt^achinga, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach you how to make life worth llvtog. If every adult in the civilized world would reaJ, understand, and follow our views, there would be a world of Physical, totelleotual and moral giants. This Book will be found a tmtlifnl presentation of facts, calculated to do good. The book cf Lnbon. the Talisman of Health I Bringh bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon s Speoi* fis No 8, the Spirit) of Health. Those wbo obey the laws of this bock will be crowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power aiid testified to the' virtue of Lubon's Specific No. 8. All Men Who are broken Down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in the alove. should send for and read this Valuable Treatise, whish will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address all order, to M. V. Lubon, room 15. 50 Front Street £.. Toronto, Canada. A.F. 483 scon's EMUIilON DOES CURE CQNSHMPTION In Its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the geninne in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at j ecx:. and $i.oo. SCOTT BOWNE, Bdleville. nrktanOâ€"OoaeoOoB ot Forelcn or old Canadian hlAHIrU or Uaiiml Stafs wanted Aodress. •^o5leoi»r." Bot 4»8. Poet Offloe. Toronto. GOOD ACEHTS '""" " " "' nw».. • w tratad OatUeriu and terms. AMiem, MK f KBS BtO-l.. 87 OnnTca St.. Toronto. WaetiDtr pioOtable eupleyiDent at home, address with staaps. J. TROT- TKB, 6 KliTtt""'~* St W., Toronto. LADIES ASTHIMA 9(JSSfSSft M iy one affliotsd. Pas. TAFT BBOa.. Boohester. K. Y nostac T OfMVfisI Muhli*«i. peJM. ••»• ••™?_""iâ€" ^UstJS^ tuasMlsd etieolas. FubHsher, TotoMo WV. BBfOOB^ C.C.0.3#^p-- lb,XMnisK IMOMSL UANCER •adTDMOn HMiitaL No R.MCIftCBAl,M.I.. Ifo-asMtaomSt.. »t1Uo,ti.r. MKN OR WONWN Mak* Eiir Hone}, liaiidlintr oar Speciattica Wilts or call on CLEMENT CO,. 36 KING ST- E Toa at). SAUSAGE VAMMSIS.â€" Seanon IRSK. New ImportatiotM of Bnelith Shtepa, naeet Amerioan Ho^r Caalags. oiders filled for any desired qnanttty. Write tor pitoe JAHCS PABK SON, 41 to 47 St Lawrence Market. Toronto, Oat. C1ITEI.PH BVBINiBSg C«U.K«E, Cimelpis r Oat.â€" The alxsn icholastlo year batias S«pt Sod. An Art IVpartar.eDt has been added in which Diawinir and Woodcarvinff will ba ttsofM bv the mcs3 1 oted apeoiallst in the Domioioa. Oar Short- hand Department has aoooraplished phenomenal re- snlta wa lead the van in Practical Eduoation. M. UaoOOBMICK. Principal. BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL 4S Kins Street East, Torenta, taraarty for over fire yean Prindpal of the Shorthaad Institate in oaa neetlOB with the Canadian Business University. TypewritiDK DeiMrtment nnder the Kanagemeat of Ha. GIORGK BENOOUQH, Agent for the Reminetoa Typewriter. Apply tor Oiietilar. Mention this paper in wrUlnsr Artificial Limlis FOR catCVI,AJB ABBBESS, J. DOAN CO 77 JfoiHieote Ave., Toronto. Ont â€" THB â€" Cheapest and /best PIiACE^^ [in America to buy Band and Uusloal ' iDstramenls, Masic, o. m Address. WHAIET, KOTCEA rO.,1 Street, Toronto. Send for Catalogue. PIsATE G!-Ii.A.SS Delivered anywhere ui Canada. Largest 3t3ok ' Iowett Prices. McCauland Son, 721076 KING STREET WEST TORONTO. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COYV^ JhBLB the largest ee' of any Toilet Soap in the country on account of its uni- formly excellent, delicate and fraff- rant qualities. iMVe •â- sewat •TTRUST' FUNDS •• iMuaatavwr' law rase at ImtwesS •â- BM» ebusseeaHty. Am^vS* Beaatty, Chdidek, thMwl M^ Barristers and â- •licUata, WeUingrton Et, oor Ohnioh, (of«r Bwsk TosnatsQ "YIIIONTO OHT. MONEY TO LOAIt ONTARIO FARVKRSdeairons of paying off log high inteiest-beariag moHwges, or intending iv hold grain and atock for better prices, can ' Meaev at lowest Carrent Bates otlatesaM' by applying personally or by letter to the LONDGN CANADIAN LOAN AGENCY GOT J. F. KIBK. Maaaeaa. 103 BAY ST, TORONTO^ ALLAN LINE KOTAL HAIL STEAHSHIPS. THE PIONEER CANADIAN UNE And still to the front' i regard t3 the provision maitm for the safety an l nomtort of its ouatomers. Weebly Salllaga itetweea Uverpool, CHaa*- Kow and the St. liawreare Jt Fortalglst- ly Service f rum Ao-dnn darltig Saumer Moutbs. Mail Steamers mn becween Liverpool and Portlaad*- vla. Halifax daring winter. 01aq;aw st«amers sa^ throughout tbe year to Boston and-Fhilacelphia, «aU, inir at Iri^h ports aod Halifax en route. For rates of pass^jf*- and other iaformation apply H. jJOUKLIKR, cor. Kins: an-l Yooko Sts., Toronto J H. A. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or lo ttie local agents in your county. â- lLruCTR"ATvt^\'-^COD-£NG RAVER PURP.G£S.-r@."TOR0NT(0. CANADA MARVELOUS! â€" ^^ ^i^ip S No loose parts and yetcau be converted tZ^^J' P Into 100 useful and ornamental shapes. Ills a Lamp Shade, Cake Stand, Card Receiver, Egg Boiler, Water Beater, and Innumerable other articles that are in- dUpensable In the horuse or office. Nothing like it In existence, and Agents make $5 and $10 per day. Bought eagerlv by all classea. Send at onoe for par- ticulars, etc. Casssreen MTg Co., S8 Victoria Street, Toronto. [Mention this p^er.] Apenti Wanted. Provident Life and Live Stoek AssmT CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D.ARCADE, TORONTO, CANABft (INCORPORATED.) A MIJTVAL BENEFIT ASSOC^fT SOriD IWVeSTSIEIirrâ€" Bv paylnR to the ahor AseodationONE CKNr PER DaY, a. person t^at" tirent~-twc, and two ronts per day a penoD aired" forty-four can secure Five Dollars per weak irilS^ disabled through sickoess or aocideot, also for taro and three cents per dav, persons aged as abova esC secure for their dependants, five Bundred Deliaistsr event of death. tXVK STOCK O^nVBBSoan provideVainat by death through disease or aoci ^ent of their stocBt* at easy rates. Ihose intoreetrd, send forproepeetoes^ etc. Reliable Agents wanted it unrepresented dte tricta WII.f.IAM JA«Kfi. Ka-iasrlnsr Tl»tctnr When I sayCmtBi I do not meas meia^M stop them for a cime, 8d4 then have ttien 89 iurn again. I mean A nADlC!AIaO0S I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPST or FAIiLING SICKNESS A life long study. I WABSAXTiuf remedy •• CVKE the worst oase Because others nsNtf failed is no reason for notnowrecelvlngacant Send at once for a treatise and a Fkek BcrrnM of mvlKFALLiBLE SsHEOY. .Give Exnreatf and rost OfSce. .It costs yon nothing lor • trial, and it will core you. Address H. a. BOOT, K.O., 164 West Adelidie 8U TORONTO, OUT. Confebetation %itc ORGANIZED I87i. H! FAD OFFICE, TORO NTOi REMEMBER. AFIER THREK YE^RS POLIOIES ARE INCONTESTABL E Free .from all restrictions as to residence, travel or ocenpatlon. Paid'up Policy and Cash Surrender Talne Guaranteed in each Polf^ THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTIOX AGAI NST B -A- R Hi "Y" 3D E jS^T H ,â€" Provides an Income in old age, and is a good :Iiivestineiit PoUcies ate ton forfeiUble after the ^yment of two tall ananal Premiums. Profits, which are un»xoeUed »y any oompaay doing bnslnsas in Canada, are allooated every flvoj from the iaene ot the poUcy. or at longer perioas as may be nelectsd by the Insured. PBOFITS SO ALLOCATED arc ABSOLVTB «t amy fmtare time HBder any cirennaatances. Partieivating Poiiti/ Holdert are mUiUed to not lew tlum, 90 per sent o/ tA«jno/!(s earned t» I elsf«. andjor the pott seven years have aetuaUy reteived OS perunt. o/theprvfiu s« earned. W. C. MACDONALD, J. K. MACDONALD. AcTCABT. MAVAOute DootaoM ad net liable to 1e redneed or rccsiUctf STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS* USESBESTFRENCHBURRi MILLSTONES pneSTCMNOER mTHE W08L3 mSEHEmNe lUitSAS IN moiiMnxs. JOSEPH MADDAUGH WRITES FROM MORRBOII f M, KoT. tMk, tm Kow tbat I haTe pnrekascd Craaa jentess* or yonr Standard Frenck Bnrr nulls tsumlnsln en It as part paymcM Iran Crlnder, I haire no objection te ten j the tke Plates sssed in tke Iran Vmtm co: 9t.M, and latterly bnt 9i.M pw 9s Insed over 95*.Mw«rtk last winter. 9€ si naliy a Plate wanid last a somctftnes not over tir* ** tkree 1 Ike price et ikeHUl was 9WMk â- cbeaper tkan jnut, bnt in tke end tt is Tory nsnek dearer Mill. I ans satis Med â- con firlnders are only suitable lair I wka kare a ycit snsall amaant mti to da far tkelr own nse. J. GOMUU MAKIWAKi. QU^ WHS IfoT. SSrd!, *Mt â- wanid fed Imdlncd «• apalnHii 1 â- ot wrlttnc saaaer kad I»at keen ••• I and ntr desire taclve tke MHnck T" â- 111 a nur trial kelare wrlflac I ans tke â- saatkavvy tastatc that 1 1 tIsMjr saliafled wlik Ike â- lO-lt is f \t V W. I %W W yy I *â- V f r â- ' iiili* I'litr- f I ^-- 1 •If.