â- -«»I.S6*** *ia^^«M»««K^ji»^;^. (Wlat6bafe -HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." te'th YEABâ€" Ko. 487. MARKDAI.E, THURSDAY, JANTJARY 9, 1890. C. W, RUTIjEDGE, ^oprietor. Local and Other Hems. Notices in thene columns' intended to benefit anyrndividuaJ or Society nil! he charged ten Bent* line for the firxt insertion and five harged eenti^^Unejavl, sub^e/jnent insertion -J^^ ^^^^^ â€" CfT'^pflJidcwr^. commnnica. t"^-AdrertmementK.acm.mt he in this o^e hy noon on Tiiesday to in»,re publication that Keek. â€"FOE THE â€" Cash Grocery -;o: Bad seaBon for tobboganing. BsYDEN has *9999 8/3 to loan. A Snow storm on Wednesday Go to J. E. Trelford for Saws. Good violin for sale. Smith the barber. your Xcnt E. A good Lantern for 45 cts. at J. Trelford's. Division Co'art day on Friday the 10th in Markdale. Fire wood is scarce, and a fuel famine is threatened. Glenelg Agricultural Society's annual meeting this Thursday. Men wanted at once to cut cordwood. F. Bamsay, lot 96, Glenelg. The Russiaa influenza has reached several individuaSs in town. The want xf snow has seriously affected trade so far this reason. These days one does not need to join a secret society in order to get the grip. Where to get the best Chopping Axe !,for the least monev, at J. E. Trelford's. Examine your newspaper label and see how mucli you owe for your paper, if any. The weather is bad and the roads are I have now in stock I Groceries, Flour and Feed, Glass and Delf- kare, and hope through honest dealing and strict attention to bus- messto receive aliberal patronage from the people of Markdale |aid surrounding conntry. Call and try some of lour 5 lbs. of tea for $1.- llO. Try 15 lbs. of our |sugar for $1.00. A caU respectfully Isolicited. Eememberj floppy, but w'at's the hods so long as the place â€" Haskett's we're 'appy. I Block, Markdale. I W, Rutledge. ^^ TA CLAUS Wvinff helped me to dispose ^i alurffe amount of ffvods Chn'simas, I desire to mhw kim ifp wit?t my verjy I â- '(fhishes/or those who han^e Y^nfitlof/ive 7ne a share fof Wrpalrofiaffe in the year \j^fl ended. 'during ihe next year it V^^hemy aim and object to Y^JT^ya more complete and r^^^ assorted stock than I X"" had before. ^y prompt attention to yiines, square dealing, 3^dwor,I hope still your good will. J^^hfiffyou all a happy 1^ ^^^y prosperous JV^ew ' J^ remain, Sincerely yours, ieller, Markdale I New subscribers are being added to the Standard list daily. This is very encouraging. A. W. Wade, the baker, is willing and prepared to supply every customer with first class bread, cakes, ha. Pisp's Care for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. WrtH the New Year turn a new leaf, and save money by buying your Grocer, ies, Flour Feed at W.J.Stephens' new«tore. Pasties from the country «re invited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of j winter vehicles. Jack Pilkie, of Glenelg, plowed half an acre -of sod on Monday last. This is the first plowing of the season of 1890 we have heard of. When down town call. Great bargains in Teas at W. J. Stephftns' Butter and eggs taken in exchange. Bemember the place, in McNea's block. It's not often a young lady will under- take to boot a man, but Miss Douglass can do it about as satisfactorily as the next one. Call and examine her stock of foot-wear. Ci-ocK, No, 1102 Cruett, No. 1094 Butter. No. 1087 Necklet. Ac., No. 1078; Gents' Chain, No. 1090 Accordeoq, No. 1070 Knife, No. 1082 Buttons, 1099 gnccessful numbers. Brown, the jeweller. Fellow citizens and ratepayers of the gurrounding country are cordially inyit- ed to call at Mathers' carriage establish- ment, opposite the Reyere Hotel, and examine the splendid display of winter vehicles. Prof. Loisbtte's Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and persona wish- ing to improve their memory should send for this prospectus free ae adver- tised in another column. 482-5 The Markdale Methodist Missionary anniversary services wiU behield next Sunday. The Bey. Jos. Galloway, of Hanover, a former Markdale pastor, wiU preach at 10:80 a. m.. and at Lyon s awwintment at 2:80 p.m. At7p.in.a Platform meeting wiU be held at If wk- aale when addresses will ^eddiver^ ky «eF8. T. B. FfaeU and J. Gallw*/. Lost. â€" On the night before Christmas, a heavy horse cover, lined with canvas, between Markdale and Sewell's side line, town line Artemesia and Euphrasia. The finder will greatly oblige by leaying it at the Standard office, Markdale. On Friday, January 17, Mr. John Duncan, lot 7, Con. 14, Glenelg, will sell by public auction his large stock of cattle, horses, implements, c. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 12 months on sums over S5. John R. Baines, auctioneer. Mr. Thos. Gahey, of Osprey, is to be congratulated on his splendid victory, being returned by a majority of 184 as Reeve of the township. Mr. Gamey is thus elected for the thurtieth time in his township, 28 as Reeve and twice as Councillor. Mr. Preston also shows the high esteem in which he is held by the ratepayers of Osprey, being returned by a majority of 121 as Deputy-Reeve. Mr. P. is a man of honor and integrity, with more than an average amount of in- telligence. Miss Ema Scdtt, of Owen Sound, de- sires to open a painting class in Mark- dale, and will do so provided she has the promise of at least eight pupils to commence with "by the 15th Jaauary. Those, wishing to join her class will leave their name at R. L. Stephen's drug store, where specimens of her work can be seen. Miss Scott is an artist of high attainments. Read the following letter of recominendation To the Public â€" "Miss Ema Scott has been a student of this school this winter, receiving lessons in Oil Painting from nature. We have found her an exceed- ingly clever student. Her work has re- ceived great praise from visitors who have visited the school. I have overy confidence in recommending her as a teacher for she is possessed of unusual talent and will rank very high in the profession. Students who may be favored with an opportunity of receiv- ing instructions from her will be well repaid. E. R. Babington, Principal, Toronto Art School. March, 1889." Tenders. Tenders will be received up to the 14th January, for 20 cords of 30 inch wood. R. D. Bigger. Ton Kay Wink. While sitting for a photo, at Hamil- ton's you need not necessarily avoid winking. Just look pleasant, uatural and unconcerned. 7. Jamcaon, First-class horse-shoer and good general blacksmith. All kinds repairing neatly done and proEsptly attended to. Call aal see us anyway. Shop opposite Markdale House, in McNally's Carriage building. Dr. Slnolair's Visit. Dr. Sinclair, specialist of Toronto, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on Tuesday, January 28th. The doctor is so well known that it is not necessary to say anything, only let the sick call and see him â€" Consultation free. To Our Oorrespondanta. We heartily thank each and all of you for your valuable assistance during the year just closed. Many of you we seldom meet face to face, bnt always appredate the contributions from east, west, north and south, and trust each may profit by past experience and eonidnne during this year with unabated yigilance. Taa-]la«tln«' Ihere was a tea-meeting held at Lyon's church, six miles north of Mark- dale on Friday n^ht last. The weather was abundant, the roads plentiful, the attendance suffideitt, and the provisions excellent. Mr. Lyons presided efficient- ly, and the pastmr, Rav. FydeJl, W. A. Brown and Elder Hawkens snpi*lied the intellectual ingredients, while the Mark- dale Methodist chorch choir famished the music. Considering the state of the roads the affur was a genuine success. The proceeds were sufficient to meet what they were intended for, viz., a payment on the organ, On their way home the Markdale contingent had a break-down when oyer four miles from home, and a lumber wagon was procored to convey the ladies, while the fgentie- men ^tsxAgA it, singimr "Well aU gel borne in the monung," itad lo tiwgr did. OIUMff* of As may be seen by advertisement, Mr. Jeffrey Artley has purchased the pump business from Mr. McCullough, and re- moved the plant to his wind mill factory across the street, Mr. Artley is a me- chanical genius and an honorable business man, and we wish him un- bounded success in his new yenture. PERSONALS. Miss Foster is home from Arthur for the holidffys. Charlie Casson returned home to Sea. forth last week. Miss Eliza Steer is visiting her sister at Tottenham. Miss Bine. Hamilton is visiting friends in Leeds county. Mr. John CsBsar spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Miss Emma Williams is over from Michigan on a yisit, J. H. Hull was in town last week. He intends ii3oving back to Markdale next spring. Messrs. fVedand Cham Whitby left on Saturday for Oregon. They went to Oehawa Saturday night, spending Sun- day with their sister, Mrs Brooke, and left there on Monday for- their ten-day trip to the Pacific coast. We wish them a safe journey. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- The Orangeville Sun entered last week upon it§ 80tL year, Mr. Moody is now holding very snceessful meetings in London. The Doherty organ factory is about to be removed from Clinton to London. Mr. Sam'l Irwin, of Orangeyille is dying ot cancer in the throat caused by smoking. The Bev. Geo. Yeomans was induct- ed into the pastorate of Wiarton Pres- byterian church last week. iForty Montana ponnies arrived in Toronto last week to bd pold at Grand's iiepository January 14. The by-law to grant a loan of $18,- 000 to the Gaelph Junction railway, after being twice defeated, was voted on last Monday for the third time and carried. TI.e site for the -new government buildings at Walkerton was decided on Monday last by vote the site agreed upon by the town council last year "yas carried by a majority of 280. Mrs. Payette, an Indian woman who lived ou the shore of Owen Sound Bay.lstarted from her home accompani- ed by her two nephews in a boat to spend New Year's with friends at Cape Groker. When about mid way a equal struck the craft upsetting it and she was drowned while the young men clung to the boat and drifted to White Cloud Island where they were picked up by a tng. Wliaro-do our Tonnf Stud. Miss Willard says "There are 7,- 000,000 young men in America to-day, of whom over five millions never darken a church door. Seventy-five out of every one hundred of these young men never attend church ninety five out of ever hundred do not belong to the church, and ninety- seven out of every hundred do nothing to spread Christanity. But ou the other hand, sixty- seven out of one hundred criminals are young men, and young men are the chief patrons of the saloon, the gambling-house and the haunts of imfamy. It was noticed recently that into a single saloon of Cincinnati and within a single hour, went 262 men, 286 of them â€" all but sixteen â€" were yoQug men. As a result, the death rate steadily increases from 14 to 26 years of age, their evil habits reporting themselves in deteriorated bodies and distempered souls at ati age when they should ^i»Fe Mttaiqed their manly priqw. SLAP BMC Here we are again. BodllrisliEofsareWe! WE WISH YOU ALL A III£RRir XJHAS AND JlAPPÂ¥ HEW YEAR. Astonishing Bargauiis during the Holiday Season at the NEW BELFAST HOUSE We have just opened out this week one crate of Bohemian Glassware suitable for Xmas presents also Vases, Moustache Gups and Saucers, Toys, e. FBESH FBUITS. Peels, Lemons, Oranges, London Layrs, Figs, Dates. The finest stock of Confectionery ever shown in Markdale. Parses, Wallets, Pipes, Tobacco Pouches. Pipe Stems, a full line cheap. The finest line of TOILET SOAPS to choose from ever shown in Markdale. Fresh Oysters! Fresh Oysters Finnan Haddie, Ciscoes Digby Chickens. Cranberries, c. Fine Wines, fine Brandies, fine Ales, for Xmas. Jobbers in Cigars. N, B. â€" Bemember we will sell yon cheaper goods than any other Hoase in. Markdale. â- We mean what we say. It will pay yon to call on us and get quotations before pntchas- ing elsewhere. Thanking you for past patronage. We remain. Yours truly, R,H. BENSON CO. B. H. Benson. W. J. Benbox. GOLDSMITHS HALL a SIGHSr OF THE BIG SPEX." See my fine tilled-case Watches, 15 years warrant on case, 2 on movement, for 933.00 spot cash, or credit good mark. Ladies 10 and 14 k. Watches 16, 23, 26, 80, 83, 36, 38, 41, and 48 dollars, 2 to 4 years gaarantees. Stem-wind coin-cased American Watones, 11,13, 14.50i 16.50, to 24.00 dollarB, 2 to 4 years warrants cash discount 5 per cent. These prices cannot be met in this section of Orey, on same lines of cases and move- ments. I have now in stock over 700 dollars in Msorted styles of Gold, Gold-filled, Coin and Nickle Cased Watches. Six diSureut makes American Watch Movements, and 10 Elgina just in from the factory, with my own name on, carrying special warrants. La/gest stock of Silverware, tn selact presents from between Owen Sound i^d Orangeville 10 per cent, off list prices. Bend 85.00 to me for the best 11-jewelled key -wind nickle cased W atch, open face, you ever saw ;. written warrant forwarded with watch to any address post free. This ia a oat price at present. Assorted styles Engagement Gem Binjts 2 to 14 dollars, {f I have not the finest trsr of 10 18 K. Band and Wedding Rings ever shown here, at right prieet, I don't ask yonr patronage. Am doing satisfactoiy wurk, using finest material I can get, and asking prices for the same that will meet your approval. The promptest work sometimes is not tho best Better to be disappointed before the watch u done than afterwards by its not going right. 18 years at the trade and yery near 7 of it right here in Hill's Block, Mstrk- dale. Every job done bj myself and full;/ warranted. Can suit your tastes, your pockets, and your demnnds for reliable goods, at pupalar prices. Bepainng. Pitting Spez. and fine Bngrar- iag promptly attended to. W. A. BBOWN, â- n,# â- i .J w t iiljl*^ tv ^.;r V; p ;5if^