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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Jan 1890, p. 8

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 w^mns^- *i «iu i â€" XMl i« n '»« i^' n Jh.a â-  ii. t'i't tt NOTICE. A pusher WF ntfld for S.8. No lO.Hdlandi holding second oi third class ,eertificate Apply with testimonials, etating salaiy, tip •to the 13th January 1S90 to JOHN H. FETHEBSTON, Glascott. P. O. 'Dftte^^his SSrd day of Deo., I89O. 485-7 NOTICE. Notice is herehy given that the partnership heretofore sabsi^ating between the nnder- signed as Fnrniiare Dealers and Under- takers, has this day been dissolved by matnal consent. Dated at Markdale this 24th day of Dec- ember, A,D.l«89. S. J. COLEMAN, 485-7 H. HAMILTON. Berkshire Boar. For servcie on lot 13, con. 11, Euphrasia. TTetms 91 payable at time of service. 485-8 BOBT. SNELL. BERKSHIRE BOAR. Mr. Jas. Bell, Bell's Lake, has pnichased a thorough bred Berkshire boar which he "will have for service at his farm this season. 484-6 ESTRAY. Came to the premises of E. W. Moore, lot 22, con. 12, Holland, about the 1st Novemb- er, one white ewe and lamb and one black ewe. The owner is requested, to prove pro- perty, pay expenses and get them, E. W. MOOBE, 483-C Markdale P. (X TEACHER WANTED. For School Section No. 17, Euphrasia, male or female, holding 2Qd or 3rd class certificate. John Steer. Joseph Thompson and W, J. Brown, trastees. JOSEPH MANARY. Sec, 432-4 Harkaway P. O. BERKSHIRE BOAR. For service on lot 8, con. 8, Glenelg near Traverstoii, a fine young berkshire Boar. Terms $1. 478 85 JOHN HUNT, Traverston. FARM FOR SALE. Lots 109 and 110, 3rd con. north-east of the Toronto and Sydenham Eoad, township of Artemesia., A most desirable property. Cheap. Apply to H. D.IBWIN, Markdale P. 0., Co. Grey. PRINTERS' INK. A JDUBNAIi FOB ADVEBTISEBB. Pbistees' Ink is just what it purports to be, "a journal for advertisers.' It is issued on the first and fifteenth days of each month, and is the representative journal â€" the trade journal, so to speak^-of American advertis- ers. It tells the intending and inexperienced advertiser in plain, comprehensive articles how, when, and whwe to advertise how to wiite an advertisement hOw to display one; â- what newspapers or olher media to use how much to expend â€" in fact, discourses on every point that admits of profitable discussion. If you advertise at all. Pbisteus' Ink can help you. Perhaps you expend but Ten Dollars a year in advertising if so, Pkintebs' Ink may show you ho w to obtain double the service you are now gettiu}; for one-half the money. A year's subscription costs but One Dollar a sample copy costs but Five Cents. Adver- tisin,^ is on art practised by many but uuder- Btood by few. Tlie conductors of Printers' Ins nudorstand it thoroughly. Surely their advici;, l-ased on an experience of moi-o than twenty- tivy yeais. will lialp yon. Address â€" GEO. P. P.OWELL GO'S xN jwspfti er Adverlisiug Bureau, 430 10 Spruce St.. New York. s PUMP PUMPS! PUMPS I is turning out a superior qnality of puuaps, iuiii guarantees satisfaction. JOSEPH Eig'CULLOUGH, MARKDALE. 1, V ^AMTED ?Tontotiko nrJ.'is f.^r Nursery Stock, on Salai} or t'l'm.uiss^ou. I can make a snoccss- lul SALESMAN f any oae wlm will work and follow my in- structions. Will iuruish hantlKome outfit -4iee, and pay your scalar/ or' eommisaiou. every week. Writo for terms at once. 1 £.0. GRAHAM. Naiteiyuan, Toicnto On If yoa wantacliaap blood medicme buy Pawnee Purifying Powdens bmuih- fMtaced it|i4 for wl« »fc Sfa^y'S P*^ WILL STODDART, TKU-OR. Who has just returned from Toronto after taking out his diploma for cat- ting in the Toronto cutting achool, had Miss Fits who had been in his employ for some time past arrested, and brought up before his Honor Chief .TuFtice Neat Fit, charged with robbing him and annoying his custom- ers, she was found guilty and sentenc- ed t«" go down for fifty years. The public in general and my customers in particular are inyited to come and leave their measure with me for their clothing and need fear no mure trouble c r annoyance from Mis^ Fits. W. STODDAJIT. TAILOR. Over McFarland's store. SFROOUAEM» â€"THStttaum, BuaoBoHB, ACeoucH«B«, o.â€" Offl« at MaBl6y"«Drag fttee. wh«**U«»l" aay»iii^t wiUbepiompttyattended to. T. S. SPROULE, m., 0. A. £60. M. D.. Ac. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. B. O. P. S. EDINBURGH, mice at Stephen's Brug Store, lAte of the London Hospital, England. W. H. DRIKWATER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, has started in business in the Hill Block. I am prepared to do all kinds of work. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All people leaving their cloth to cut will be done at a moderate cost. BARRISTER, SOlilCITOR, C OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLMND'S STORE. MABKDALiE. Money to E^ofiti. baAbistebi solicitor, *c, â€" ^»*AÂ¥ OPflCR OF \VtiA. t.UCA.S, Oi. Co., Every fViday. Wm. Lucas in charge of offioe dnring week and legal matters will rsceive prompt attention. tile HdJMd GWitie, Uec. 164lw 1*89. Ho'Iand ew^»cn met on^ abore dite at MsCatcfaeon*»4iallior the- transac- tion rf busineas. R^evpiri the chair members all present. Mintites of meeting of Nov. 16 read, japproved and AJgne^. Robert Gilliee applied for to bare taxee of 1886 eo lot Mi H L Wfl- liamsford, reftrnded. No aetiMii taiten. Galbrtiilh-^Hamptouâ€" That James Fraeerbe refunded $1 as 6vei--charge in toxei for road work for. tne year 1689. â€" Carried. i w r FoBter^Shnte-That we refund E. Wilson, an account for work oc w B. ifeehinds $1.69 as over-paid taxes l»oe G. and A ;.froni Petor Wahen,; for the »e«r 1887, as per Auditors' Pet»t»on for refund of statute Lk„.J' i^ggiaw""' The council met December pursuant to statute. All the present,' the Eeeve in Minutes of last meeting read »na firmed. ""ii- Communications and reports as follows :â€" From Local ijoij**! Health, the annual reuort ,.r ' from Wm. P.. Rumbough sl\T*' for survey from Wm.M;Doo'aB John bimpson, a certificate as to pletiou of a water-course fromii"" of School Trustees, Markdale aaS lo pay school money; from j j DrVISICN COUBT CLEBK. Issner of Marriage Licenses, e. Oommissioner} in B. B. o. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefnlly ezecated. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- oarity. WILLIAM STUART, KlMliERLEY, Issner of Marriage Licenses. Money to L ok Her e. If you take your grist to FORD'S you will get good satisfation, as we ieep and no other. We also make a spe- cialty of chopping. Bring along your chop and get it home again the same day. Flour $t Feed sold at the lowest market prices. Call and give us a trial, J. W. FOED. Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few Jtrarms for etle. Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. â€"DENTIST,â€" GBADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of eachmonth and also at Munshaw's Hotel,Fle8ner- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in eacii month for the practice of bis profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission cbaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold coeap and on easy terms of payment, for further particolus apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. S!.f Kewinr.]I.Tn«1i1n-Tr'nTlTI I^Tci ai onio OS Kill I is:. I I M 1 1 SJ fllirad,- in all pans. b-H fl p f1 'I-Uuinp our mm hinevX i 1 » I I uuu guoti* « ben- the peu(!e can •«• thtm, w« will aenf! free to one p«T»on in eacb localjry.ihe rt-ry bun arwiup.macliiiii! made in wirld.niih all the atuctam(nta. Wc will alto fend free a comvlf la tine of our costly and valuable art |sarople8. In return wc ask that you •how whmt we aenil, to ihoft who may call at jour booie. and aflar 8 'months all ahnll becoma your own iproperty. Thi I jmnd machine ~ia made aftar the Sinser palanta, whkh b.iTa run out before palanta run out it aold for 993, with tha attachnenta, and now aclla for aSO. Best, atrongeat, noat nao 'All machine h the world. All ia B^J**^ ""• aapitaJ required. Plain, giTan. Imoaa who write to oa at once «aa a«- anra free tha beat aewin^-macbine in the world, and tha JafSi.»'j"£'i?"!!E**rta»Brahow» together in America. VjairBAGO..Box 940, MARKDALE HOUSE, MABKDALE. ONT. J. E. Marsh/ ' Profi W. G. RICHARDS BUILDEB, OONTBACTOB, fe ABCHI- TECT, Markdale. R. J. SPROULE FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Iieases and Wills drawn np andValuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPROUIiE, Money Lender Postmaster, f lesherton. 6 PEE GENT, Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPBOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. f85 Solid SoM Watch.1 SoIdforSlOO. lutU Uulr. But «3S watch lu tiia world. tiaaafceapcr. War-,^ nntad. Baae/ Solid Uold kUiuting Caaea. Both ladiaa* Paad genu' aiaai, with woik* .and cue* of aqnal *a]a« One Person ia aach !•• calti7 can aeenra one tn», tocaOier with oar laise and ral- nable line of Hcnsehold Samples. Tkaae tamplaa, as well aa tba watch, wa laat Pree, aad lUter yon bare kept (h'^rn in your hame for montha and ahown them ta thota \Tlii I'-iAT have called, they become your own property, l^osa \Tbo \Ti:e at oace can be sure of roceiTlni; the vP'ateh fc-^'l Snni|i]«L We noT all express, fireijrht, ete, Addreaa i!.^iauut4b Co.. JBox 81U JPorUiaad, Maine. MIOIVEYjto J^OAJS. Private and Company's fands to invest in Beal Estate at current rates of interest. TAxma roB saiiS ksh to •axon.:. All business private and confidential. Appr aiss er for Canada Permanent Loan and Saving- Company, Toronto. 485 JOHN WHITBY, Markdale. Is the oldest and most poimlar seieatlflc and mechsnleal paper pnbllshed and bas the lanr^ cirealatlon of any Mper of Its class In the world. Fully Ulostnted. Beet class of Wood Bnarsv. lOKS. Pnbltshed weekly. Send for specimen cop^ Wee »S ayear^_Foiir months' total, W. MDVK CO.. PPB UsmtHB. U Broadwaj. N.T. ARCHITECTS A BUILDERO EdKiOB of Soientifle AanricaR. O Agreatsneeess. Baeh Issue contains coloied UthOBTsplile plates of ooimtrT and dtr realden- C4B or pobUc baildinaa. Nnmerooa ooRTavian and full plans and speeUleatlons for the use o SQoh as contemplate boll dins. PrleetUOaysv Setaaeopy. If UNN CO., PUBUiRKBa. ' SS^"L S!9"i^MN for JUnartawi and rot. To Ons SnbaoTlben. The Rpecinljannoancement which appeared in onr columns some time since, annoono- iDgaspeMal arrangement with Db. B. J. Kkshali, Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt., pub- lishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby our subscribers were en- abled to obtaina copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to B. J. KENDALL CO. (and enclosing a two- oent stamp for mailing same) is renew. edforaUmiled period We trust all will avail themselves of the op;jortunity of ob- taininp this raluable work. To every lover of the Horse it is inJieDensable. as it treats in a sunple manuet all the diseases which affict this nobis animal. Its phenominal sale thronghoat the United States snd Canada, make it standard authority. Men- tion this paper when sending for "Treatise 478-«l *•» la TRADE MARKS. ISMt iBttMnst. 'AV.JL If yoB would .like to take Cod Oil in • piJataUe fmm CM Liver OaOteftia. Lireci toy Mauley's I» yw»««ip«H4e ie failing and yon n. ta atiiQgteii aa4 tooii •r* BMi!.iiMi Md in^^ enp^JefliefltafJ' report.â€" Carried- Aeconnts were presented frcm A. McGill Son, road Bcrarer, $9; Jno. Ratherfoid, ststipnery 1887 aud 3889, $7.96 Dr. J. B. McCuUough, attend- ance on Mrs. Grabam and Mr. Mc- Nevin. Hamptonâ€" Sbuteâ€" That the bill of A. McGilI, lor foad scraper, amount- ing to $9, be paid. â€" Canned. Galbraithâ€" Hainptonâ€" That we play Dr. MeCuUoujtb$8for medical attend* ance on Mrs. Grabam, and the bill for attending Mr. MeNevin be laid over for farther consideration as we do not consider we have apy right to pay it. â€" Carried. Bbnte â€" Hampton â€" That we pay Mr. James Page $4 for cnveriug caU vert on the 2nd con. of Holland. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Hamptonâ€" That By-law No. 7 be read a first time.â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Foster â€" That By-law No. 7, estabhahing road deviations, be read a 2nd and 8rd times, signed, sealed and engrossed in the By-law book. â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Bhute â€" That Mr. Robt. Gillies get an order for $102.60, being the amount of Arbitrator's award on deviation on lot 64, con. 8.â€" (Carried. Galbraithâ€" Fosterâ€" That Wm. De- laine get an order for $1 as statute labor taxes oyerpaid in error. â€" Car- ried. Hamptonâ€" Shuteâ€" That the Clerk be instructed to register the deed of deviation on lot 64, con. 8, Holland. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Hampton â€" That William Davidson get an order for $2, an overcharge on taxes for the year 1889. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Hampton â€" That James Wright get an order for $6.60 as taxes overpaid on lot pt. 61, con. 1, W. T. A S. R., for the year 1889. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Hamptonâ€" That the Trus- tees of S. S. 9 receive an order on Treasurer for $7, it being an error in putting lots 47 and 48, con. 8, E. T. k S. R., in S. S. 6, for the year 1889. â€" Carried. Hamptonâ€" Shute â€" That Francis Pryle get an mrder for $1.80, being overcharged taxes for the year 1889.â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Posterâ€" That the report of the Board, of Health, for 1889, be adopted, andjthat all bills in connec- tion therewith be paid.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Fosterâ€" Tha t the prayer of the petition o^ Joseph Kehler and others to have ihe land taxes of .Tohii Speight struck off the roll for 1889 be granted.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Fosterâ€" That By- law No. 8 appointing dfiputy-returmng officers and polling places, be read a first time. â€" Cairied. Fosterâ€" Galbraith â€" 'Ihat By law No. 8 be read a 2nd and .Srd time, signed, sealed and engrossed in the By-law book. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Fosterâ€"That there be an order granted Mr. Hare for $80. bai- ance of salary for 1889.â€" Carried. ^Galbraith â€"Hampton â€" That the Treasurer get an order for $80 as salary for 1889.â€" Carried. Hamptonâ€" Bhuteâ€"That this cnnn- cilgra,Dt an order to the Trustees of o. b. 10 to the- amount of $9.42, paid in error to other sections in 1887 â€" Carried. Fosterâ€" Hampton â€" That J. vral- braith be authoriised to let and erect a hndge on No. 8 side road, con. l,ttiid â€" C^eV^â„¢^^^*^ by July Isi, 1890. Galbraith-Fosterâ€" That thi^coun- cil grant an or.ler to Trustees of U. S o. 1, Holland Sydenham, of $20.42 paid Ml error.â€" Carried. ' Galbraithâ€" Hampton â€" That the Treasurer get an (»der for $2 for postage t»nd stoti.o:5^^_Carri^. iaIbraitli-*.F«»te^i,at Waiiam Hampton get an wdfk for $4.40 for commissioi, on special grants.â€" Car- nampton-Fuster^TIiat ibis ooun- cU grant un ^tension of time to the and tiiat the Clak notifc his mnTiSa it 4itt eonn- Nt.' ' ' '• petition for refur Commissioner cQ 'istatiitelabirttj. for ward 4 ,« antLorized to make proTision forcW iu^^ new road a« lo{ 27. cou.3,Egi, HS soon as the lietve makes fi'nai bJ7 viaion for exchange of old road The Reeve reported assignments {» a deviation on Jot 15, con. 3,E.G 8 and the Clerk was instriieied b seni the same with others to erown lanjj Departmeut for registratioD and b obtain patents. lanuy Smith, Mary Wilkie,Un, Flyn and Widow Cameron Tfewex' empted from payment of town^ taxes for current year. Instructions were issued to eraRe statute labor tax cbarsed on Collec{or'» roll against lots 14 ami 15, con. 4,8, D. R., labor having been perlotmeii in 1888, but not returned bv|)atb- master. Communication from J. T. Wilson was ordered to belaid over forfartlier information. The Reeve was instructed to arrange with council of Markdale relative b N. R. lots, assessed in error in 1887. The statute labor charged on roll against Bernard and Edward llart- ford was ordered to be struck off, tilf same having since been performed aui certified to by ^athmaster. Cheques were issued as followsivi!; Members of Loc«I Board of Health $4 each, $20.00; the Keveral Scilool Section Trustees, for rates, §3,362.07; Wm. Fallice, 4 cords of wood for ball, $4.00; Joseph Payne, work at lot 20, con. 11, $8 00; Thomas Wright, woik at lot 20, con. 11, $24.00 Jolin E Hayes, work at lot 20, con. 11, $4,50; Wm, White, work at lot 20, cob. 11, $20.00 Rowsell k EutcbisoB, order book and voter's Ust, $7.63 Wm.B. Rumbougb, P. L. S., for sarveyiDg and plans, $11.00; Wm. JwkaoD, one new road scraper, §9.00; Wm. McDonald, for drain as per engineei's award, $2.00 J. S. Black, postsge, oil and express charges, .51.74 J. S. Black, furnishing coancil proceedings for pubUcation, $10.00 Jno Gallagl- er, extra work at lot 15, con. 12, i^ 1888, $2.00 Wm. H. ArrowMnitli, for payment for legal adyice, £. Kilmer, four lamps for ball, i Thos. Lander, registration feeftwd search, $4.55; John Morrison, grad- ing at lot 15, con. 4. N. D. R., ^Oft Archibald Campbell, for rigbt of wj, lot 16, con. 8, E. G. E., $15M; Andrew Ritchie, balance on graveffing on Lambton at., $2.25 G. Haw, repairing road scraper, 25 cents rj- Neil, letting and inspecting, $5.00; A. C. Btea*on, letting aod inspetting. $2.00 Chas, Moffat, 9 dayd on eoii- mittee. $6.00 Mrs. Chas. Boj^r doivar for deviation, lot 5, con. !! $1.00-- Jas. Edge, extra serviceH-" treasurer, $6.00. The Reeve having left the chair, »« same was taken by Mr. Willjao^ when it was moved by Mr. McMilW and seconded by Mr. Williams, in«' the thanks of tbis council are due w» are hereby tendered to Cbas. Mom Esq., Reeve, lor the able ana""?,' tial manner in which be haspreeia^ over this council during the vear do coming to a close. Carried now mously. The council adiourned sine die. J. S. Br-Acx, Clerk- Qonaunptlon Cnred. An old Physician, retuW from J^|^' having had placed in his bands dj ^^^ India miasionary the formula oi»^^^ vegetable remedy for the speed anui^^ ent cure of Ckn8aiiiption, Broucuiu-^^fijjs AsthMkanaall Throat and L"" uerro* also«pdi'^« and radical ic"r« }°^a »»f Debfli^S^jOl Nervous Compl^f po,rti! havingSBd its wonderful curauve ^^^ iu thooflMids of cases, has felt it '^j. i^ make it teown to his suffering """ tuated by this motive and ^/^'^^f i*»* human suffering, I will send fteo ^^ to aU who desire it, tWs receipt^^j, fg Trench oar English, with '"'f ^mK^ $ra»aiti««iia^uBing. Send by^^^^' Original and only k^^ Bewa«3fpooriinit»" ^;r-^3' Ir yoo are troubled with «oUiiitlieIie«du«ii?lI^^ ^^^â-  TENTH YE UE ;â€" POE TH Heap Gasli â€" -;o:- I have no^ irroceries, F feed, Glass j rare, and hoj lonest deal strict attentic iesstorecet"y mtronage I jople of s u r r o â-  sountry. Call and tr3i )ur 5 lbs. of te LO. Try 15 lbs sugar for $1.0i A call res Bolicited. K fche place â€" ' Jlock, Markd T. w. SANTA G ^ving helped m a tarffe amou7, tip M.ik '^i^t*he*for tha, ^^^fiitoffiveme ^*' paironaffe 'l ended. t. ^^^inff the ne^ r^ya more coz r^*" a**orted sto '"' *ad he/bre. P^^^'^^wj?^ ati ^•«*'e square yourffQo '""•^n ^UA ^^S^jfou all ^ry prosper ^remain. Sincerely *- •â- - â-  I aV-- blsO â- â- â- Â«â- / *!â-  I

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