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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Jan 1890, p. 5

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 tfe .4- .- vi. ' â- t A«; p^^^i-w yiy» i M -mam^imi^t^tm^ m ^^rd Correspondence. T-i will liave to excuse as, if our 8 eeeni strange this week, as we f Tenot recovered from the ahaok, ckd bv the thundered lightnings rjjrifitmas eve. Cliriataias passed off very quietly. p ,,.„ person we met seemed to be 'hftPPy, except i)an. Hall. From ^lies w; .leara that the ^^ is home for her holidays. Our Apathies, Dan., we were young ouce "'jauifcs'a^' Saul Nelson are visiting lie olil liomestead. The boys look I j(y girls beware. '(Jq{ 'young folk tripped the light fantastic iu onr townslnp liall ou jloudftv evening. We were awakened bv a merry load goiui? home at -jue in .u. mnrnin" V/e heard one sweec •^^^^^^ tof Godliuew uigfl^llni SlS^i^w"" from the heart wd ?iif ^i^^^'-^^^^n^tiod from God. S^ J"*»«^'=»*l. His. church is re. proachedi^ana the ungodfy stren^Own- Hk^n^^ yow unboiy Had unchrist School XW^"'" °; professors. Let as. of light aad bave no fello the unfruitful works of .4arkne«8. Thanks to the good bnrtlier on the nth con. Euphrasia who turned the intended daqce into a prayer- meotbg. JliUphrasia, Dec. 24th, 1889. w. s. AaalTaxwuy. Eugenia Union Sabbath School held their annual Tea-meeting iu the H I- J "raugeHall on Friday evening, the Mr. Hall 1^^ going to buy ttl kinds 20th; the Soperiuteudent Mr H oflogstiiiswiuter. Wliat^aboomto Mejdrum, iu the «hair. Altho" the Man! la iMaed every T^nndi^, bj., C.W. RUTLEOGE. ilarUa.e. 0..t ^â- ?"â€" lperyeario adv»aee; fl.50ii not ptud mthin aa months. ProfeasKwal and buKineaa cuds one iaeh spaeeattd under, Mr year, 94. un. 1 I YB. 6mo. 8 mo. Whole column.... ..150 00 127 50 «15 00 Half odlmnn. ....... 27 00 16 00 10 00 of light aad hav7io "t7nnZu^"^J^ i S^"' f^""" ' ' ' • " 00 10 00 6 OC th« „ ..f^^r. "" fellowship with Two mch space 7 00 4 00 tiie mormn- voice eclioin^' tlu-ough the crystal air, .for my befirt i-f aye my own "" tlje farmers. All we reed now is a railroaJ from Durham via. Travcrstou to llarkiiale. W'm. Leynox had a wood bee last leek. Twenty men cut six cord of lond; beat) that. Joe Eilwards lias {rot a new pair of fkeleton bob-sleisbs. Guess Joe will i,ive his best girl out for a. drive sooii. Township oominatious yesterday. iiwve Motfat went in bv iicclamatiou. (jleneig people realize and appreciate the worth of their talented Reeve. John McjJillaa aud Jim Staples will make a neck r.ud neck race. We think John muut go. Conncillors! Well yes eight of tuem every one i^ood, honest, energetic, "will do the very best that I can" fellows' We never heard no many good promises before but then this is a promidsing township. night was very unfavorable and the roads bad. there was a large attend- ance, the hall being completely filled. The entertainments given by this school are highly appreciated. The people iu and around Eugenia gener- ally are muck iu favor witli the Union School and the way everything in connection with it is managed, and as an evidence of this they cheerfully giye it their countenance and support. After a sumptuous tea had been served a long, varied and interesting program was gone through. There are two choirs in connection with this school â- â€"a senior aud a junior both sang several pieces very tastetuUy and were well received. Miss Pedlar was organ- ist for the senior and Miss Carr for the junior. A number of dialogues and recitations by the younger schol- ars were yery pleasing. Mr. F. T. Carr, Mr. tj. Clemis (Teacher and As- sistant Superiutenaent), and Mr. Joseph Ptdlar gave short and intor- FAitor Standard esting addressee. Miss Lottie Plewes Dear Sk,- Allow me a little space- ^*^'« ^^° ^°^°^' ^^.^ Mr. Wm. Pedlar sang three songs m such good style that he was heartily encored DArczsra. Three inch space 10 00 6 00 Caaaal advertisementB 8 cents per line firat insortion, 8 cents per lue each snbeequent maertion, noai«areil measure. Editorial nottces, or notices inloealool* wnB 10 cents per line firrit insertion, 6 cents each subsequent insertion. Htray animals o. advertised 3 weeks for tl No pnper dificonlinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of thepnblisher. JOB PHrNTTPfe. Trk Standabd ofiSoe has a splendid equip- ment of po3te AS well as fine job type. Spe- cial attentiou to orders by mail. iJl orders filled with dispatch. PBESBYTEBIAN CHUBCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:80 a. m. Sabbath School at 3:80 p. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesdav evening at 8 o'clock; Bev. L. C. Ernes, Pastor A. McFarland. 8. S. Superintendent. CHBKT CHUBCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Bev. Mr. Uraham. Incumbent. Sabbath School 2:30 B. Coleman, Baperin- .tendent. METHODIST CHUBCH. Services every Snuday at 10:30 a. m and 7p.m. Sunday School at 2:80. Prayer Mesting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Bev. aeo. Bnggin Pastor; B. W. Ennis- S. S. Superintendent. Ladies* Aid in eon uection Mrs. T Hill. Secretarv. Strangers and vinitors always welcome. Parties dcsiriuK sittings will apply to C. W- Butledse, Pew Steward. AND SEE OUR WE HAVE THE GRAND THE ELEGANT â€" AND- in your columns to give some hints npon the evil influence of the Social DsDce upon young Christians. I take my pen to give a few scriptural and practical thoughts, which, I am sure, will not clash with any thoughts which many may give, but corroborate with me and all lovers of pore Christianity. The question is often asked Is the social dance sinful There are three answers given from three characters. The true, devoted christian says, •'What is not of faith is sin" â€" Bom. U, 23, I cannot engage in any exer- cise that does not comport with the pure spirit of the gospel nor the char- acter of Jesu?, the author, fulness and Bn'jstauce of the goFpel, the nominal professor who onljr has a name to live who Lath not Christ. in him the hope «{ glory, says it is innocent amuse- ment and does not cofiict with Christi- anity nor any Christian character. Sow to gospel law and testimony. My dear young friends and those of riper years, read the 12 of Eom.â€" We tte to give our bodies a living sacrifice aud acceptable to God we are Mt to be conformed to the worid mat that which is evil, c. Abstain from all appearance of evlâ€" i Thess. 5.22. Cau you lift your heart in PWyer to God ia the ball-room and M« his blessing on the exercises. You ™« It IS not the place for prayer; Jen It 15 not the place for you. But IM not David dance before the ark? wme will ask, to justify them, no »j8^er, David did dance T\'ith holy 1J"J bnt not in mirthful pleasure. '^Q rejoiced before the Lord and ^ofe the Ark because it was restored I ^D to Zion. There is no ground of location for you in the act of m therefore I pray you, my dear :Z^' t^ ponder seriously the ad- ^t'oaof SolomoninEccleB.11,9 Joice! 0, young man, in thy j^'J^.and let tliy heart cheer thee in i.-7/"f 'I'y youth, and walk in the ,.;,^_« thme heart and in the sight Alto- gether a very pleasant evening was spent and all returned to their homes in good time and highly pleased. Al- tho' three-fourths of those m connec- tion with this school reside from i to 5 miles from Eugenia, the average attendance is 60, and the number on the roll is increasing. With 1890 Mr. Meldrum enters on his twenty-first year in succession as Superintendent of a Union Sabbath School. â€"Gov. MABEDALE. The P O. will be opened fiom 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz 0. P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm • '• South, 3:30 p m, and 7pm TBAYEBSTON and LAUBISTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12:30 noon EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- ^ihm ^llthesi « eyes, but know thou that for e things God will bring thee p^^ adgment. We are exoited by " dttt -^^ =»st off the works »iidri ?^' ^^^ to walk in rioting H ^.^^' ^ot io chambering 'aw K "^^"' °°' *° «'"f« "" Christ"' f ^^^ ^° "" *^® Lord Jesus 'ieflo^ J^ake not provioion for .j^°^l^ to fulfill the lusts thereof; Hii,'L:,°P^"^eHsor, we do not expect W "°™ t^ose who do not ttjtt "' K^^^' ^lio io not love the O *ao do not name .the name of tT.f ofesbor but if used it is WiL ^^,P^®°^e it; but, as the '^r.Tu"' '^^^^ that are hifl let '^dl! " nameth the name of t.l9;2' from iniquityâ€" U Tim. 5«toL -^ ** "e no precept nor Mwf ®° "y o»» Saviour wid r"«8 *o guide us in suoh ex»- ^iCr •"'°' who engage, in ' iiord and Master. ao4 hf Newboro, Leeds County, has a new paper, the Newboro Standard. Walkerton people are disgusted with their electric Ught system and pur- pose abolishing it. Squure Wilson, of Belessley, near Orangeyille, has been appointed collec- tor of customs at that town, duties to commence 1st January. Mrs. Annie Scott of Peterboro' has entered an action, ^against Henry L. Atkinson, ot Mono, for the killing of her son Jsmes B Scott, who met his death at Dan. Markle's fish pond last May. The btatement has been repeatedly made that there is no profit in keep- ing pigs, but such however, does not seem to be the opinion of Mr. G. L. Dodds, of Melita, who came into Deloraine this week to receive per ex- press a pair of thoroughbred Berk- shire pigs, which he had bought from J. G. Snell Bro.. the noted breeds of Edmonton, Out., who have won a whole string of medals and prizes with theur Berkshirea. Mr. Dodds believes in getting good stock whenever possible, and these latest additions to the thoroughbred stock of the Melita district, will in all likelihood be yet heard from next fall at tha shows. As an instance of what has been done, Mr. Dodds says he has sold nearly $60 worth of young pigs from one grade brood sow in two years, and ir he can sell fan: common pigs for pnch an amount of money he is sure tlwre will be sale for better stock, and invested accordingly.â€" Times, loraine, Man. HARKAWAY. Friday' 12:30 noon. THE BEAUTIFUL! AQ eombiued in onr magnificent sbwk of Xmas Goods. MUGS, ' Cups Saucers^ VASES, STATU AET. EllSKINE. Wednesday and Saturday 2 p. m For registered letters and money orders fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P 0. will be open on HoUdays from 9 to 9:3. a. m., and half an hour after mails arrive. W. J. McFBi^Hn P.M. ^Irfctavty. BEST ASSORTMENT OP ALBUMS Li the Town, LEATHERS PLUSH ♦ *« has De MISKDALS VIU.40B OFflCUUI. Beeve, W. J. McFarland Councilâ€" Wm. Brown, Wm. Lucas, Geo. iiaskett and AniniB Plewes. B. C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L. Young, Treasurer; Fied. Sarjeant, Pound-keeper. Public School Tnutees Win. Lucas, J. Lyons. Edward Butledge, Wm. Mclxughry, J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, Sec. CODNTX OFFICIALS. Judge, 8. J. Ltae, Owen Sound. Sheriff, O. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sonnd. Clerk, John Bntfaerford. Owen Sound. Treasorer. S. J. Parker, Owen Sonnd. County Wardeo, B McNaoffbt, Barawack. B^istrar, N., B. MoKnight, Owen Sonnd. •• S., Thos. Lauder, Durham. Bevising Banister, North, Judge Lane. Owen Sound. Bevising Barrister. Sontk4i.S«t^ Judge Lane, Owen Sonnd. M. P.. North, Jas. Maeaoo, 0«e»8oand. M. P., East, T. S. Spronle. M.D.,Markdale M. P.. SoaA,6oit Landwrkin M. D^. Han- over. M. P. P.. North, D. Creigfaton, Terooto. M. P. P., East, Gapfe, Borke. Ckukakorg M. P. P.. Sontfai i* KSrtk Orchard. MvisioR eavnf clkuu No. 1. Ben Allen, Owen Sound. •' 2. Uavii Jackson, Dniham.j •• 8. Thos.Plunkett. MeafonL " 4. Thos. J. Borke, Heathontrf •* 6. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. •• 6. John McDonald. ChatawOTttt. ** 7. Duncan Campbell. " S. Wm. Brown. Harkdalel It will do you good to see our splendid line of Plush Goods. Of all descriptions to cutcii the little ODes, too unmerous to meutiun. Fob backache, sprams, lumbago, aci- atica and rhemnatiflm, use Manley's Good Samaritan Oil. WB HAVE THE BEST SELECT- ED STUCK OF Xmas -:- Cards Tbta ig^ of Toronto. Ifarkdale C. 0. 0. F. No, 78. meets everj alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Bae's block. Viaiticg brethren welcome. Markdale A,0, U.W. No. 141 meets m Ibeir Hall. Bae'a Uock, every alternate Monday evening at o'clock. A viait from brethren of nei|^borg lodges aoUeited. MiUDAuL. 0. L. No. IMS meeU in thair ball on Friday on or before foU moon eadi Month. J. H. Carson, Master, IT. J. Bkkdy. Vietoiia B. B. Preemtoiy. No.. SS8, meets u Lodge ^oomef M a rk d ale L. 0. L. So. 1045, fiBrtftidv^ ••**»«»*• ""^•'*- WBir K^^its ahMV "mieoBe. Jae. BredM ITP.: Thoe. KBtM, Baciatour. MUSICAL PIANOFORTE 'ttdWiri Bali. I â-  Wi Oi JR. GUven Am^. OoBM and ale how yon ean get it. (V«7 ample. j ^%BmxmmmfUL ODvand, as it is certun in Ua jtSactt and does not blister. Bead proof bdow. ornci or CHARLES A. SHYDEB, 8*BBBU OF OLEVIUMB MY MO TMTTIM MU MNKI. Blmwood, Iix., Not. wh 1888. Da. B, J, KBm*i.L Co, Dear Sin-. I have always pudiaaed Mv Ken- dall's Spavin Core by the liaM dosen bottlas, t would Uto prices in ter|ar quaatity. I think it U one of tha bMt liniments on earth. Ihaveniedit in my st ab l es for thrye years. Yonrs trnly, Cbas. A. Smmn. KEHDILL'S SPHM 4SU1IL BaooKLTM, N. Y., November 3, x88S. Dr. B. }. KsNDAU. Co. Dear Sirs I desire to {^veyon teatimanial of my 0Xd opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have used itfor ^MieBeis. StUTfelBts aa* Spavlaa. and I have found it a snre cure. I oordially recom- mend it to all horsemen.. Yoors truly. A. H. Gilskkt, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. KENDILL'S SPAVII CURL SaNT, WiMTON CotrMTT, OHIO, Dcc Z9, 1888. Dk. B. J, KxiiDAi.1. Co. Genta.: I feel it my duty to say what I Iiave done with your KendaU's Spavin Cure. I liave cured twenty-five horses that had ammiwtmM, ten of Bins BoMjiiine affiicted with Bis BeMl and seven of Bis Aw. Since I iiave tiad one of your books end fallowed the diiecdons, I have never lost a case of any idnd, YowB tialy» Amdrkw TuRHsa, Horse Doctor. KENDILL'S SPAVIN CURE. Price $1 per liottle, or us tmttles for $3, AU Drug- gists havelt or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of prion by tliejtroprie- tors. Dr. B, ), Ksmdali. Co,, Bnosburgh Falla, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ^°^^# CONSUMPT' It has permanently cured THonsANDS of cases proiiouiicecl by doctors hope- less. If you have piemonitory symp- toms, such as Coiigli, Difficulty of Breatliing, c,, don't delay, but use PISO'S CUUE Fon CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggista. 25 cents. SALESMEN to amvasB for tlie sp.le of Nursery Stock, • ON SALARY AND tXI'ENSES OBUOM- MISSION. Steady employment. Apply at once, stating auc. (Refer to tbis paper) J Socliester, XT. T. J.B.Helll^Go MARKDALE BAKERY. The citizens of Marlcdale and sur- rounding countiy are hereby invited to give us a fair trial on Bread, Cakes and all kinds pastry also Wedding Cftkes made in the very best style. Vienna Bolls and ail sorts fdncy bread kept on hand and mHcle to order. Suppers, Soirees and Tearineetiugs supplied on reasonable teiuis and on short notice. " JOHNSTON'S BAKERY, Opposite Standard OfiSce. BERKSHIRE BOAg.. WESTERN KING. Siz^nttis old, bred by J. G. Snell Bros Bttaight from Imported Stock, will be for service on lot 4, con. 7, Euphrasia. Terms |1.00,^.be payed at time of service. • ' â-  JOHN birSKIN, ,484.7 Prporietor. Uf solution of^Partnirtbfp. Notice is hereby given, tbaf, the partner- ship IniOy snbsistiiig between W. James Lackey and James Wri«ht, nudoi- the firm of Lackey Wright, was dissolved un this J2nd day of Norember, 1889, by mutual consent. All acoouDta due the late firm must be.iaid to Jame» Wright before the 15th Decei^ier, while all pnatmm having any account agunst the firm are tterety notified to present the same for pi^ynent before above date wheiA the aame wiU he paid hy said June^ Wnghi;' "i«. Not. 23, 1889. " W. JAMES JtAOKET, JAM£» WIUQHl' 481-8 Ir yott «» twiiUed with dy^«?p«a. ia t qiene y oonatipstioa^ or anjfthiiut iiisiBK ftml tha Uood, abmu^ or k»web,iiaalfia]^S%^ aa^l .P- te|^.|i ;„â- ,.â- ! :\ ^^jA !, J ».; i A It lis i ' *^ • i i i '^^k :- f â- fmr •*? ij'J^^tt^

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