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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Jan 1890, p. 4

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 Pipp mmm msm w ^PP^WS?!^ WBTT"?^^?? â- ^I" ..^ lii^ *; ' If mm t f r. ' h i â- =T C, W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, JAN. 2, 1890. NOMINATIONS. Markdale nomination was held at ten o'clock au Monday, resulting as :fo|Iow8 W. J. McFariand elected reeve by acclamation. For Council, Wm. Brown, B. Coleman, S. Hill, Geo. 'M. Haskett, Wm. Lucas, John Lyons and A. Plewes. Messrs. Lucas, Coleman and Hill resigned. ^leaving the other four elected by acclamation, 08RRET. Keeve â€" Thos. Gamey, J. Douglas and A. McGirr. Deputy-3eeve â€" D. K. Preeton, A. -Mclntyre. Councillors â€" J. Taylor, Wm. Monogan, I. Hamilton, J. Brown, J. Speers, Wm. Smith, J. Hudson. A. McGirr resigned. GliENELG. Chas. Moffat, re-elected reeve by â- acclamation. Deputy-reeve â€" J. A. McMillan and Jas. Staples. For Councillors â€" Alexander Beaton, Thos. Davis, N. Dunsmore, Angus McCormick, John McDonald, Pat. Neil, Thos. Sullivan and C. Williams. NOTE AND COICMBNT. â€"New Bronswiak Loeal elections are to be held on Janoaty 20th. â€"The United Statas public debt was reduced in 1889 by over f 80,000,- 000. â€" Mr. Gladstone, has received 200 telegrams and 500 letters congratula- ting him upon his 80th birthday. The earliest telegram to arrive was from the Prmoe and Pnncess' of Wales. TleaiMrtoii. MARKDALE CHEESE FACTOEY. The annual meeting of the mmbere s of this Association was held in Mark- dale on the 17th December. The management was apparently satis- factory to all the members, as also the resalts of the operations of the year just closed, the average return per lb. being a little over ball a cent over that of last. year. One fact is very evident, viz Those who give the factory the mo3t gener- ous patronage are those who are best pleased ^yith the system. It is not too soon to commence making calcula- tions for the coming season. The cheese factory is long enough estab- lished to convince every farmer with- in reach of it that it is the best and most profitable system for the dairy available. If all who live within the "bounds of the territory reached by milk wagons were to give the factory a generous support, all interested would lind the profits materially in- creased, simply because the additional output of the factory would be with- out additional expense, or nearly so, iiud besides, there are often chances «'f making a sale of a lar^e lot and at u higher figure than when only a small lot can he had this has been repeatedly the case in the past to the regret and loss of patrons of Markdale -cheese factor j. As grain faraing is 80 uncertain and unprofitable our ueighbors would do well to give this matter their careful consideration during the winter months. Markdale factory made, the past season, 59,668 lbs. of cheese from 028,922 lbs. milk supplied. The cheese was sold for $5,479.88. The officers and directors appointed for next year, are â€" Thos. Elliott, Pi-esideut; D.R. Elhs, Vice-President; H. D. Irwin, Secretary Edward Eutledge and Henry Hamilton, Audi- tor j. The directors on routes are â€" For No, 1, Wm. McLoughry and David Foster. For Ko. 2, Edward Eutledge and Thos. Hill. For No. 8, Shephard Boyce and Hugh McEee, For No. 4, Joseph Bichardson and James Walker. For No. 5, James Elliott and Thos Brady. Fur No. 6, Richard Douglass and Wm. Hutchison. For No: 7, Geor^ Eichardsou and Wm. Boyd. For No. 8, Andrew Walker aud James Walker (Holland). Fob wounds, sores, bams, scalds, salt rheom and all skin diseases nse Manley 's Carbolic Ointment Standard Corresfondence. Eev. David Holman, of Chicago, son of P. Holman, of this village, preached in the Baptist church here Sabbath morning last. Eev. Dr. Burns preached in the Methodist church in the evening. On Christmas eve. a pleasant gath ering assembled at the residence of John Bellamy, Esq., of thia place, when his eldest daughter, Allie, was wedded to Mr. J. Patton, of Proton. Eev.' J. W. Shilton performed the ceremony. The happy young couple have the best wishes of many friends for their prosperity and happiness through life. Mr. J. Alexander, of Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, is this week the guest of M. Eichardsou. G. Holman, Esq., of the Streetsviile Eeview, is enjoying his hohdays with his parents here. I Mrs. W. Wright, of this yillage, ' left a few days ago with her little daughter to pay a visit to members of her family in New York, Chicago and Detroit. Mr. N. VanDusen, of Chicago, who paid his brother and father a visit here on Christmas, returned home again on Thursday last. Frank Van- Dusen, who has been in the employ of J. G. Eassell, jeweller, for some time, accompanied his uncle and in- tends entering up(m his trade in the great western city. The annual School meeting of this section, held in the school house here, was so exceedingly well attended as to manifest a deep interest in school matters by the ratepayers of this sec- tion. M. Eichardsou, Esq., was voted to the chair. The meeting was har monious aud pleasant. Several items ot business interestingly discussed. Mr. S. Damude, after a servitude of 12 years as Trustee, retired from the bard. Isaac Sinclair, Esq., was elected to fill the vacancy, Mr. Da- mude refusing nomination again. Jos. Blackburn was elected ratepayers' auditor. The Presbyterian friends of this place were not favored with sno k or good roads to encourage people to turn out to their S. S. anniversary on Christmas evening, but withal it was a success. The church was very well filled, and the programme was good. The little folk almost all did their parts well. The Cantata by the school was very well rendered. Decorations of garlands and mottos were nicely hung in the ciiurcb aud the Christmas tree well covered with gifts, looked very pretty, ail of which were distri- buted among tbe young folk at the close ot tbe entertainment. Not for many years has the pulse of this township beat so high nor the clamor for municipal honorb so loud aud strong as on nomination day (last Monday). The members of the old council .all appeared but one for re-election, and gave a very good ac- count cf themselves and their condnct for the past year but a number of others who think themselves equally as competent, seek tbe honors now. For Eeeve, Dr. Christoe is again in the field and an old and well tried war horse there now. He may (?) be closely enough followed by the wolf in chase to feel his breath before they reach the goal, for Thorpe Wright, also a worthy man, is lu the field. The Dr. had tendered his resignation and after a very successful reign of 15 years would have quietly retired but lor some fruitless letters wiuch ap- peared in the Advance by Patrick a lew weeks ago anent the Dt. After tbe Dr.'s long and good service, com- ing again before the ratepayers it leaves Mr. Wright with perhaps hard- ly a lair competitor. For CouucillurB â€" ^In ward No. 1 John Boland was returned by acclamation. In all their numbers not a man liad courage enough to strive with John. In ward No. 2, John McArttiur returned, for 7 speais must now spike his soles for a run with Michael Eielly. In ward No. 3 W. Sharp, a young man rather slow of speech but with a level head, had to meet the eloqaence of an Irish* man and the cany cracks and poetry " • Scotchman, for R. J. Bproale R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHBNG STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FEENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. TROWSEEINGS m all the leading grades. SHIETS, SOCKS and UNDEEWEAE, TIES, COLLAES, CUFFS, SUSPENDEES. Ac, c. Special attention is invited to the naaufnctnre €tt Buttons^ parties wishinp bnttons of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentlemen, can have them made m a tew minutes wi^iile waiting. AGENT FOB PARKEE'S DYE ^WORKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careful attention. Good work and reat fits. 12, S To write a new ad! this week. aovm I BS-OFBVS TITSSSAT, JAV. 7th THE BEST EQUIPPED SCHOOL â€" ^IN THK â€" PROVINCE i I Your atteatiou is respectively called to my I gw|i|M|T|E[BK|y|E|H|i|C|L|E[Sp A STAFF OF SEVEN SPECIALISTS Eor three years has taken more Certificates than any other School in the Province, at departmental Teachers' Examinations and Art School Examinations. BECOXUD, 1889. University Matriculation 5 {One with honors in all departnuntt) First Class Teacners Certificates ........ 9 Second Class " " ......... 35 Third Ciads " " 49 Law oociety's Examination 5 Art School Certificates i.. 280 For further information apply to /. M. LEVAN. ^D. R DOB IE. Principal. Sec. of Board. Which for quality of material, excel- lence of workmanship and stj'le of get- up is not excelled anywhere. Whether you wisli to purchase or not, call aud see us and examine our work we want to get acquainted and to do business with you. Next door to McKenna's blacksmith shop. GEO. S. MATHERS, MAEKDALE. Don't fail to see theii stock of Plush Goods AND THE WITNESS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 0Â¥ER 198 PREMIUMS TO SELECT FROM. â€"IT PAl'S TO- ALBUMS Hnrrah for Xmas ^AT THE- OBBAV mvCEXESTB POB OLO AJTS HEW B0BBCPXBEBS. SEE THE PREMICTM LIST. Annual SuBscBiPTioKB Doily Witness «3 00 Weekly Witness. 81 00 The Northern Messenger, oiily 30 cents per annum, is the cheapest illnstrated paper ui the world. Contains the Sunday School Lessons, and has abundant ol interestinj? in- formation for old and young. See the list of premium books for old and new sub- I acnbers. JOKV BOVeAIA ft BOM, ••Wrr»E88" Omci. Montreal. AND THAT IS THE Uen Iisiiess Collen â€"OF â€" owEJv soxjivr The best and most practical course of study. The best teaching talent. The best aucommodation for students. The best methods of lustraction. The best results from that instruction after students graduate. For annual aunouncement giving purticulars regau'ding the course of study, tei-ms c., address C. A. FLEMING, Pbincipai,. Owen Sound Nov. 1st, 1888. Markdale Furniture Wareroom, AWAY DOWN BELOW COST lor the HoliJiiy bmsod. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Piof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAININB METHOD tojplto of adDltantad indttrtmu i^^^dT «» eompeUton, aadiniinitoof "busi^^ntaS.ZSSiil'S? Xarkd»le Xarkets. Wkdnksday, Dec. 18th 1889. Fall WliHit « 70 to « 82 Spring Wheat 70 to 82 ^*fley 35 to 4g g»t8 25to 26 f«*f« 53to 64 ^n«er 14 15 £888 18to 18 ^Y* V 6 00 to 00 J^tatoes. perbag 40 to 00 ^o^l-- OOto 00 ^^^ 4 OOto Tables, common Extension in great variety Washstands SprH? j Mattress Wool MattreFs nf all i and in fact everything that is kept ml a first-class shop. Call andgetqwj tations. Also Funeral Fiirnisliing*-| Coffins, Caskets, Robes, LiD*! Gloyes, Crapes of all descriptioDS"' ways in stock. Tbanking my nuffl* ous customers for past favors, Wstl Pork. 5 00 o 00 to 5 25 lb2-i)5 mttATMiM,M.T of aud Thos. Grainger, Esqs., are in the field, lu ward No. 4 four new mett ate in the race, vi£.. Geo, ThompBrn. JJ- W. T. McKee. W. J. HoaiifTnd CmOjIII P ACIFiO B, R. TIME TABLE. â€" IVIa.r'kda.le Stationâ€" Gonio SoDTH. ^IKG NOBTH. 6.56 a. m. 12.10 p.m. 4.84 p. m. 8.S4 p. m. H HN FY FOB ALL WANTED â€" A good enuiget'^c msn, or men, to mU onr Ftoit Trees, Boaea, 8hf^ Or^unaitals. ete. Pmunat aMnoxun. Write at oreefor teniM, aoi wgan dioioe of tnritot7 We tell on^f fink^daMi rtuek. HmuImom i.tir.^iuiu they are all dare of ooifik free. AddtsM lC4X BBOTHEBS getting there. NuNiTmeD. Bog||wt«. N. t. 4^49' monthly Fairs. Otangevilleâ€" The second Thursday in aaeh month Dundalkâ€" Tuesday before orangevillo. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orangeville. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Orangeville. Doruamâ€" Third Tuesday in each niontu. Chataworthâ€" Monday before Durham. HoUand Centreâ€" Saturday before Chataworth Prioevilleâ€" Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Dnrhatn. ing ail a Merry Xmas and HsPPJj New Year. Yours respectfully^ J. W. Sprouie. PROCLAMATlOn FROM THE I CHEAP GASH STOK NOTICE. â„¢^5*^il'*®'**'y K^^^n ^t application wiU ba KING OF ALL CHEAP S7O0 BABGAIN that vas ^es^ffissr aeeenaiy vcmin, 18BB. thia VOxtufot DeeenAw. ^^^^SSS^HVAOT Aeknowledged by one and all ' greatest ever opened in 'b" I village of Markdale. " ' v)l Here we are, good peopJ^'^^figtstoSi*! you, with lots to ahow you, " ',-„„ dlfl you, and with lots to seU you- ' t^ knew how we can sell goods so"-^^ ^^ live, it would do your heart f**"' ^^ make you quake with |oy witnw i^ it would make you rejoice «»" household that such a grand GIVING AWAT was openea right at yonr ^^i We want eveiy one who *«* !? i^I » eenU on every doUar they s^ ^^1 tadsee ns, examine o"' ffL-nieM'^l pfioee.and be eouvinoed that «" 0^\ door* l' 300" CorVtipondenc Yo'i will have to item* seem strange have not recovered received by tbe thun an Christmas eve. Christmas passed gyery person we m anite bappj. except J f auqoiries we leara ' is home for hei gyiBpathies, Dan., we oarselves. James and Saul N the old homestead. hearty,- girls. beware. Our young folk ti fantastic in our tov Monday evening. W by a merry load goiuc the morninsf. V/e h voice echom^ througl "For my heart i-^ aye Mr. Hall is going t( of logs this wiiiter. the farmers. All we railroad from DuihaiD to Markdale. Wm. Leynox had i week. Twenty men wood beat that. Joe Edwards hes g( skeleton bob-al»*igbs. have his best girl out f Township nomiuati lieeve Molfat went iu I Gleuelg people realize the worth of their t John McMillan auil J make a neck and m tbmk John muut go. Well yes eight of tut (;ood, honest, energeri very best that I can' never heard so many before but then this i township. BAVGza'a Editor Standard Dear Sik, â€" Allow m in your columns to gv npon the evil influence Dance upon young Chr: my pen to give a few practical though ts, whi will not clash with any r many may give, but coi me and all lovers of pur The question is often i BCcial dance smfol T answers given from thr The true, devoted cl "What is not of faith i 1^1 28, I cannot engag cise that does not ccmt pure spirit of the gospel acter of Jesus, the autbo substance of tbe goppel professor who only has a who hath not Christ in « glory, says it is innc ment and does not coflic M»ity nor any Christis Now to gospel law an My dearyounu friends jPer years, read tbe 12 we to give our bodies a li jy and acceptable to 21 ^J^ conformed t( Jbbor hat which is evil. jJ^' Can you lift y, Kf i? G?i in tbe i :^ his blessing on the es blow it 18 not tbe place «en It 13 not tbe place f ^1 not David da^Sbef IJw W ^^^' diddanc 'dL ' â- '^-°' i^ «»irtbf into fnS ^^"^SB God wil CiJl^'°*- We ore t ' drnnt^' "°' *o walk V nn«. r ^•^ *^e lui kaowTf' from those ,^'»«wl^?,"°t name U*«yoiifl^, '•»««! thai J^SSi^ »»«eth â-  S lii

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