'H^mm *;•*•** -K:»^so»*c-t-' l i'» i M l t^ u ^-m â- *'*• •'^•~,^ »ion»tely, and k praver to HmtJ ' niiggion. Boprano voio ler'd favourite c :tany stole in are Bartram Da is feetu y CiariBtmai Er r my poor, ua Do not belie yrcle is singiog- 1 and meroy i lera reconuiled.' ait myfather'ii â€" give me My it voar feet." Myrtle osntit ly, nntil her ms not a faynml SEWS. J of J»pin i« jast nnder 40,- rf:^* ,ffi^il BtatfatloB Marieillm's r*cfdM",l doubled liDce 1870. V" ./ven roonnments in the var- V? "f Italy to Count Cavour, but not JisR"" f Italy ha« sent to King ^.^"^Mvei wooden throne twenty- i"'^L f»monB «nger who .tarted '*^ ha been einging lately in iennft p"' inoceM. "" I- «. are said to form the largeBt ^fiovtrany thing. r 7^ -enibar of the French Legion 1 1='°' • aMldier 29 yeara old, the last P^'j'tbebattle of Trafalgar. ' ne»8 of fcoBtiUties in Uganda ' • ' death of Chambalongo, one of '°'£ri of Biehop Hannington. « French eeagoing torpedo boat If 5 h„ torpedo ttibea with Bucoess '" ing »t the rate of 2U- knots an hour. ""^U V.rchow, son of the faroons " ha3 been made extraordinary 2« of snatomy at the University of La tract of tea land in the neighbor- '^CiDton this year yielded per acre jiousand dollars in tea leaves of the I r french inveatloa la a smoke bomb, 1 "diobo fired into the ranks.of the r'f„ao neea Bmokeless powder, and tier, are only twenty-nine freetraders .ieFrtnah Pdriiament, the remainder of deputies standing up stoutly for the .J Jve home industry creed of the Thiers fkanie there will be hardly any court i^ties in Vienna this season, and no ta balls. » g«** â„¢*°y distinguished ^itjea of that city will spend their winter iSsrliii' li locial bomb threatens to explode in Lliiiby the report that the Emperor, who Ld!to make hU cspixal very gay this will attend the ball of Herr Bieicb- fer, tie banker. Be Italian Admiral Albini thinks that â- I fntare manof-war will have double Eiw8 and a helm at eiich end, so that in it need waste no time in turning kitd. Its sides will be unarmored. â- iuB proclamation suppressing the Chinese kit Bocieties has been published all hughtheStraitsSettlements. Theproperty itbe societies may be disposed of, though [•GoTernmeDts do not desire to cocfiscate I lie lateit rccensemtnt ficures spt down fc( icpnlation of Barlin at 1,173,853, and ^Viecna at 1,110 764 a steady advance ifcg made by both .capitals through addi- i ircm small tc was throughout the two â- pirei. hath ia increasing her field artillery. iiiieito each brigade had eix batteries cf ji: guns each, but new each brigade will re eight batteries of eight guns, or a total ityfcurgnne, instead of forty- eight as licilHtO, ItJB uid that the ti rst thing that the new 'joT^rsment of Brzadid was to send a tele- hm to the Rothschilds asking for their Mmii financial support, and the reply eeived was favorable, and undoubtedly Dnch toward solidifying the new Gov- lint, Tbe main entrance of the Monte CmIo unbliog house, which was closed all sum- ui, vas reopened a week ago. A new rjf, which will be filled with more tables, kubeen added, and the vestibule and smok- iij promenade nave been enlarged, and lifts U't been built to take people up from tAie liilroad. I»oor three years ago the Russian Gov- nment established credit banks for the PJpoie of assisting the owners of large wtM who happened to be pressed for woey. Tne effect has been that the num- W ot mortgaged estates is much greater i»a«ver, and many belonging to high no- "19 «e to be sold this year for nonpayment '"be interest on loans. .THE^SDOFACAMOI. 'SK V" Sir Rbbert BawluMoarlL O B ~^^.~ the fouIwinB striking nlnMw^" ^^ On 1855, 1 »wi milibar;^ t before jSsi known M go back y't^f^!^imm:w^^SS^'S" passed In froti^ *!V»m fWiffi catting the reiaa out ot my fet^ hi^i^^ right arm. Th«d lamy righi-haid tronicn pocket a pmaBtlwrther pii,^ iHth.ttedlS to it wda rittletilvetlali. TJuTiutw bralwd tha strong elot^ of tV picket and my fluinel sUrt. aa abo the crest of the ^!'"j^/'*7" imprwslon was ttot the shot had struck me full in the abdomtti. and that I was cut in two. I fainted and my wound bled copiously, and I was taken to tbe nearest temporary hospitaL Now astothewindof ilu8sh3t. Itcjuld have had nothing to do with my wound. As ex- plained, the shot traversed across the abdo- men and met with nothing solid but the purse and money in my pocket, and the con tact was snffijlent to break the strong oloth of the pocket under the purseâ€" not above it- the flinnel shirt, and the flesh and bone of the pelvis. And remember, so slight must have been the touch of the shot on my clothes that they were not abraded or mark- ed the thin summer coat being perforated, but the outer edge not broken How could the wind perform this freak? The fnll front force of this shot if only 1. 000 feet per seond, would have a striking power of about 40,000 pounds; but, cannoning on me in front, the lorce or blow might be only iqial to a severe b'.ow by a man striking belcw the belt. If this shot had passed ov(r any more solid portion of the body, as the head or the b*ck, sudden dea^n would hava been the result but as it barely tuched the clothes upon the abdomen the (fP.ct was lessened. At all events, I was severely wounded by a forty- two-po uud round shot, and most certainly not by the wind of it and by reason of the grand surgery of the late Sir J imes Fergus- son I am now alive to tell the tale." A medical correspondent qujtes P.of. Sir T. Longmore upon the matter thus: The true explanation of the appearances presented in those cases which were for merly called " wind contusions" appears to rest in the .peculiar direction or degree of obliquity with which the missile has hap- pened to impinge against the yielding and elastic skin, together with the podtion of the internal organs injured between this missile and other hard bubstanoes in their neighborhood. The surface itself is not directly torn or out into, because the im part of the prfj^ctile has not been scffi- ciently direct to tffsct in opening ;but tne parts beneath are crushed by the pressure CO which they have been subjectPd between the combined infiucnce of tne weight and mnmontum of the shot on one side and of some hard resisting substance on the other. There are no cases 1 have^seun or read of, our correspondtnt adds, that C3inn;.t be satis- factorily explained on the theory given above. An OffduiTe Bnfttli whom lia oomes In centaot. It Is a deHakto .matte^tospeakof. |»t it has partJdTot bat loveiB. Bad breath liid inseparable. Dr. Sag*'»C*t4rh j^e worst oases, as thousaMs B^pes|)ni marries it is alwiiys iveB^SiB now, tii tnis Ibe press of Italy is discussing theques- |*a of cipital punishment, which ia at pKa: illegal, cocfinement at hard labor for P 7°« the caximum punishment he- wed bj the Italian Jaws. It is contended ?mny inflaentiiii papers that a return to P«'Ji senteacea ia necessary in view of the IWccreasein murder since the existing "•went into operation. Lj"Pfl^t^liBtecClub of Vienna is ar- l^ttgforan intortiational poa^age 8tam| huT"" '^^" "^= y*"^- " yeaif 189l) I ""tOMen because it will then be just fifty iiJAOBce postaae stamps were introduced, L|^^^'"" since they came into use in li-J" "1^ ten years since the club was \7r " exhibition will take place in M.Tc" Itidustrial Museum- A con- l"-iwcffiyei8organ:z^ngit. Ito.fl^""' l"^°*«"*°r of ch:-mi3try, De fa fB"*^®°"y exhibited before a Ntf^i '"^° Ecitntists several bricks liolid-f f^^"'"'^^^" discovered how rcktm k â- J ' original process. The pet- hd^th •' " ^â- "'" enon-h to be hand Nte â„¢?"""'"^°"^^^'=°ce, yet soft enough â- ioslT ^l *^ a stou: knife. They burned teiij'"^^ touched with a lighted match. texpj .^' -^ys they are nen-explosive and ^^kl 'â- ^g-^a"=28 for miUtary reoep tfstejj uf^.*"' ^^^® " distinctioa \j^ 2^^"' ' -2u "amall " receptions "=t;ioM ' is available, in the great Jjft"' squadron will accoropauiy the »-3k'f k "' '^*' '"i front of tne carriage •Crfdp V â- Ti^s 'tti'-a^ «a command ^•'beJ. k^" ^^ *^^° "S^' ^^^ '^^^®^- »ill!)(,g " ^e fortraes, a salute of 38 guns f^j-io .k^ ^^° ^•^'^^^ which the Emperor â- *«?C„* .1".°^^^ P-2"°" 21 guns; for Isra ^nd other reign and the sLue regnla ""«'« to th: Ki,57'i^2gan3; a IWw ° oe observed for foreign rulers ones. Death of an Indiaa Heio. The Indian papers announce the death of LlentenantColonel Henry P. Kirke, 12sh Bengal Native Infantry. This iffiser was presented with a commission for distin- guished service during the Indian Mutiny in 1857. Hli fikldier. Colonel Hinrjr Kitke, served ia IncMa for iqpwttds of forty yean and wl^an his. regiment, the 12th BengatrNsitive Infantry, nmtinied at Jhan- si and Nowgong, he, with f onrteen other Europeans, bad to fly for their lives in the direction of C:;kwnpore. Several suocnmbod from exposure to the intense beat. Colonel Kirke among them. After his father's death 'ie command of the party was given to young Kirke. Of the fourteen who started from Nowgong only fciur survived. For many days young Kirke carried an orphan baby, slung from his shoulders, whom he managed to bring throrgh alive and well. Travelling by night on one occasion the little band was fixed upon from large guns loaded with grape- shot, and though they escaped ix jury they in oonstquenoe lost the road. When daylight appeared Kirke gave a Brahmin a rupee to show them the road he ran away, refusing to help until he received another rupee. Trtter, when jained by more rebels, he struck Kirke'a horse, on which two ladies were riding. The animal reared, and the ladies fell oflf. The rebel ran up to strike th«m Kirke shot him dead through the head. The ither hostile natives turned the dead man over, and the rupees fell out of h's mouth. " Look," they cried, " these Faringhees must have lota of money, for they have loaded tiieirguas with rupees.' And they renewed their attack, untit another of their number being shot they desisted. After many such encounters the four survivors reached » place of safety at Nagode, and young Kirke received his commission m recomition of his services and those of his father. He served almost oontmncusly In India up to the time of his death at Darjeel- Jng on August 23, 1889. rindiuff a BrsaK m a Catle. The location of a break in an ocean cable is very accurately determined by a prooeas known to electricians, and by an instrument which discloses how far an electrical current Ttarted on a given line of wire travels before it meets with interruption. ^The calcuUt.on of the distance of the break «n»f« »° t^^ side of the AtUntlc can be cheokea and confirmed by a similar calcuUtion made on heother side, although such a oo?fi™»"°° ia scarcely necessary. After having found outTow L from l«d the break .s. the only other thing the captain or navigator of the S stealer waSte to. taow is. m w^at direction that distance is to be tf«J«"«f ' *nd as the course of the cable is P«rf««y well faiown, from the fact that whan the TaWewM^aid accurate observations were mken b^ the cable layers «»*'««»"« made, the cable steamer sterting out Z do the work can steam dlreotty the spot where the break is located. She was Saved htJ!°-?goiiy and discomfort, not by. 'jiyR„.7*"'^-ous, but by the use of the 'Pop corn cureâ€" Patnam's Painless Tender, paictnl oornaare 1 ^%t.If J? °^® '° *^6w day. withoat J*«a»tk f "°""' Many Bubstitntes I ?-3i»m',n 1°**^® '" neccEgary that only n'ltaf. k, "i be asked for and taken. '^Limas'nrsttaS BeiuiUttia bi WiUhetov* WneB,ourlto««a«dWa^. xr .,.,"h««6v«»Wd»T ^^* Yes, if It u the trde^klnd it wHl survive aUtho laeTitakHo Pastes and changes of Ufe. But, it is every Woman's d^dro vid dn^ 10 retain, as long as she oan. tlie at- toaetions thatMide her obaradng and bel^v- ed In youth. Koone o«t k«^ her youih- Inl bloom or equable temper if weighed down and tuff jring from female wetness and disorders. Dr. Pierce's Fivoriia Pro- soripaon Is a remedy far these troubles. Sold by all druggists. Figured goodsâ€" helireases. i" " -! Inventions of the 19th Century. The steamboat, the reiiper, the sewing ma- chine. Cars running by night and by day. Houses lighted by gas and heated by steam. And bright electricity's ray. The telegraph's click speeds like lightning released. Then the telephone oomes to excel it Aad, to put on the finish, the last but not least, Is the famed little Purgative Pellet. Last bull not least is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellet, because it relieves human suffering, adds to the sum of human comfort and enables the relieved sufferer to enjoy all the blessings and luxuries of the age we live in. S5gu of a hard winterâ€" "Orer coats for sale.*' How to cure Dyspepsiaâ€" Chew Adams' Intti Frutti gum before and after each meaL Sildby all Druggists and Confec- tioners everywhere, 6 cents. Bjlto are fashionable with women, bnt the only man to wear the belt is SalUvan. A]iaa Ladies' College. ST THOMAS, ONTABIO. Gradnatos of Alma Commercial College are now in lucrative positions in the leading cities of Canada and the United States, Full courses in Baok-keepihg, Paonograpby, Penmanship, Typewriting, Certificates and diplomas granted. Young ladies pursuing either of the above courses can also enter for Music, Fine Arte, or E'ocntion and enjoy all the advantages of residence. Rates low. 60 pp. announcement free. Address Princi- pal Austin, A.M. The only walking mateh Paris has known for some time is Bernhardt. Gonsnmption Surely Coied. To the £ liter :â€" Please inform ycnr readers that I have a positive remedy tor the above.named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently sured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy i^bk to any of your readers who have consump- tion if thay will send their Express and P. O. address. Resp'y, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 164 West Adelidde St., Toronto, Ont. 'mple, yet effective, is a hairpin top that formi one immense circle incrustodwti pcMiS. The Book of Lnbon. A Man With Wisdom Lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise especially written on Diseases of Man, oontaining Facta Per Men of All Ages I Should be road by Old. Middle Af ed and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plain, forcible and instructive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous, and ex- haustef^ showing new means by which they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science Sabiects. Also gives a description of Sped- fio Ko. 8 The Great Health Renewer, Marvtl of Healing and Koh-i noor of Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach yon how to make life worth living. If every adult in the civilized world womd reai, understand, and follow our views, there would be a world of Physloal, intolleotnal and moral ^anta. This Book will bo found a truthful presentation of faote, oalcnlated to do good. The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health I Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. .LuboM Sped* fio No 8, the Spirit ol Beal^f^ixlpse wno obey the laws of this book ^dU:|e crowned with a fadeless wreatlu Vaiil hnmban of men have felt the power and tastified to the virtue of Lubon's Sp«!ifie No. 8. All Men Who are broken Down from overwork or other causes not menttoned in the above, should aood for and rOad this Valuable Treatise, wh{9h will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten oente in stamps. Address all orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15. 50 Front Sbreet S.. Toronto. Canada. A third of the deaths in the French army are Cue to typhoid fever. A Happy Tnmntion. After five^years' sufferii^ from dyspepsb. my wife got cured in one month by the free use of S5. Lion water. We prize it highly, the transition it brings from misery to fine health is so grand and permanent. To this hour not a pang. Feel so good and hearty will take pleasure in answering any inquir- ies. Joseph Pkicb, 349 D.verconrt road, Toronto. Place your winter orders now. Impossible to overrate the value of St. Leon," say physicians. over A flome in the West. great armv of honaeekers lortl. Mountain and the Join the great army %4?TakTK^rK^^^r Souse «ij?rKrA.ViSi ^. Whitney, w» ^^^^^ „ earthquake Water-quako that mwt nave The p*I« i fit Venice, been 1 SG0TT8 EMULSION Of Piire Cod Liver Oil and HYP0PH08PHITE8 of Lime and Soda Scott's Emulsion 'i^.^% is a tvondetful Flesh lhroduc«r. It ia the Best Remedy lor CONSmOPTION, ScrofbIa, Bronchitis, Wasting' Dis- eases, Chronic Conghs and Colds. PALATABLE AS MILK. Scott's Emulsion is only put up in salmon color wrapper. Avoid all imitationsor substitutioBS. Sold by all Drugeists atSOc. and ?1.00. SCOTT Ji B0W:;E, BellQTille. I MPROVE OIllOinF CABnaS.-SsasDnlSSB.Ksw OMBisflnaatosaydeslNtfquaMttr. WfttsfBrriSss JAHVS PAKK SON, 41 to 47 St. Lawrenoe Mnkek, Toronto, Ont. -YOUR PENiVIANSHIP Book-kecpti|r, Shoctiisnd, Itpawritiiur, Buripess Kdon't n by attending (day or •veainK) CANADIAN BCSISESS BlIITBBgnY. rablio Library BoUainir, loroa- a mOS ItENCOrCH. PmsMcU. (Official Reporter Totk Coanty Court-) UIltT FUMD8 to IMS St aver J^ll^^ lew rate ot Interest om mnt class seenrUy. Applvto Beaatty; Chdwiek, Blaekstoek ClaU, t Barrlstcrs'sad Bol'eltars, WelUngton St., oor Ohm ch, (over Bank Toroals^, 'TORONTO ONT. MONEY TO LOAN OirrRIO FARMERS desirous of paying: off ing high iDteteat-bearifigr mor^atres, or inteiidliig htild Krain and Ft-ick for better price^ can obtsu. â€" MoBcv at Lowest Current Kates •! IntereeC mplrj-oient at j by spp%ing personally or by letter 1o the GANGER and TUMOR Specialist. lriTata Hospital. No knife. Book frea. C. H. MCMICHABL, M*. D., No.e^MiacaraSt., Buflalo, N.Y. I A nice ^-^'^^'" proatab'e LAUI tb 5'^r^o;fst^^.rTS?" L0KD3N CANADIAN LOAN AGENCY COT • J. F. KIKK. Hamaoiii. 103 BAY ST. TORONTO BORROWERS MnUCV l^^i^ loans uidcharch loans at very low IliUilCI ratei and smaller vnins at £}, 6, 6i %, according to eeoatity.|||ljrnTnnn In VlO I UlfCTor^nt'f bnei- ness and houie property yielding 7. 8. and 11 to in- vestors and ICO per cent to SPECULATOR KERU KLEISER, J. LAnVSB KhKH. GB^IIVIUiB p. KLSISBft 4 Kins Street East, Toronto. SnooessoistoA. £ Uiaklerft C\ Offioe established 18i9by Mr. S H.Janes. increase in population Toronto 1889 over 1888 (asses- Bor'a leturna), 20 380. " â- " iwB#» A ttlalboctle seuc Frje to anyone tfflieted. Dss TAFT BROS., Rochester. V.Y TKAVUEILS can inaKe money Outing vacation by canvas^ng tor one or more of our fast selling Books and Bibles, especially History ot Canada, by W- H. Withrow, D.D., latest and best edition rer published, prices low, terms Uberal Write for lUiuitrated circulars and terms. WM. BRIQGS Publisher, Toronto UsU.U. Guaranteed sure cure for long standing Coughs, Cold«, etc. Ask your druggist for it or write to ua. take no ot er. R.O. 8NIDEB ,CO., Dossists, Toronto LIVE MEN WANTED To sell our HarJy, Home-groirn FRUIt TREES. Pciceslow. G^od pay andateady work. Free outfit. THE D.W. BEADLE NURSERY COMPANY. LTD. St. Catharines Ont. FARMERS, ATTENTrON,LOOK HERE JUST WHAT YOU WANT The Grange Wholesale Supply Co., 1, 3, 5 and 7 Jar- vis St., Toronto, where you can eend uur Ualler, Eggs Poultry, Frnits and rroilnce f ali kiods, and receive back prompt coib remittances when sold. The only Farmers' Company in the Di- minion, organized, oaned and managed by farmers. Co-cp^rate wi^h us. We can supply you with Dry Goods, tiroceries Hardware, Boots, tlioes, ratent Ht-dlrlnrs, and an; thing or everything you lequire on the farm atiranutacturerb' or whole- sale ptizes. Write us tor catalogue and send in your orders direct, and stve from 10 tj 20 per cent. The Grange Wholesale Snpply Compy B. Y. WANNING, Toronto. Nov. lltb. 1^89. Manager. ABSOLUTELY NO LIMIT to the uses ot the wonderful Convertible Baaket. 100 articlea in one. Used everywhere for everything;. Sounds big, dont It But you'll say it's correct when you'see It. Agents experienced or inexperl- eneed make money. Sample mailed, 2Sc. Circulars free. CasBgreen MTs Co., S8 Victoria Street, Toronto. ^^^,, t, wanted. ALLAN LINE KOYAL BIAIL STEAMSHIPS. THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE And still to the front a regard t) the provision made for the safety and comfort ot its customers. Weekly SalltagB Between llTerpool, CSlas* gew and the it, Irawreaee A Vortuislit Ijr Mcrvlce fntni loadon dKrl«g gammer HobUis. Mail Stsamsrs run between LiveriMol and Portland via. Halifax during winter. Glasgow steamers lai- throughout the year to Boston and Philadelphia, oall, ing at Irith porta and Halifax en route. For rates of passage and other Information apply H. BOURLIER, oor. King and Tongs Sts., Toronto H. Ac A. ALLAN, Montreal, or to ths local agents la your county. ENGRAV'ING â- ILLu;.TriATiVt J' -JONES, T^/TORCrlO. CANADA I CURE FITSl Adiress, WHAIEV. KfkVCE dt CO.,1 Street, Toronto. Send tor Catalogue. NiniNG MACHINE Send for ninstrated Catalogue and [tbi'9 ad verti sement with your orde rf or *onr NEW BIBBEB aud we wlK allow you lOFEmUMDISGOimi Abdksss â€" REELMM BROS.. H'fsi CSKOSfiBTOWlf, OHT TKE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COT'S CASSOLIC ACID TOILET SOAF Is pleasant to use. It heals the skin, and de« stroys insects and srerms on the hair of man or beast. When I say ccTRB I do not mean meaHftt. stop tlieia tor a time, aDl then bave them n iurnagain. I hkan A ivADICAL (XWBi I have made the disease ot FITS, EPTTiEPSX or FAIililNa SICKNESS A life long stndv. I wabbaitf my remedy tb Curb the worst cases. Because otiiers nave failed Is no reason for not now recelTlng a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Freb Bottu of my IirFAi.i,iBUE Bemedt. Give Express and Post Otace. It costs yon notUng lor a trial and it will cmre you. Address H. a. BOOT, K.O., 164 West Adelidde St. TORONTO, ONT.: Provident Life and Live Stock AssMNfr CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D.ARCADE, TORONTO. CANADA (INCORPORATED-) L nrTIFAL BEHrEnT ASSOCff SOLID UrTEgTHEIfTâ€" By paying to Oie abor Association ONE Ci£NT PKB PAY, a person aged twentv'-two, and two cents per day a person aged for^-tonr can eecuire Five Dollars per week whUs disabled through rickneas or aooident, also for two andtluaaoentsperday, persons aged as above oaa secure tor Uieir dependants, ITive Hundred DoUais la event of death. UVR 8TOCK OWNKBSoan provide against by death through disease or aooident of their stodc' at easy rates. Those interested, send forprospeotoa^ etn. Sellable Agents wanted Ip unrepresented dls tricts. WmUAH J*HES. Managing IHrector. A.P. 482 TKATEIXEB4 WAMKB Mm or Womm make big money haadiing onrfsdtaelBng spe rtalllSr WittB or oaU onOLKMHNIS CO.- a Kiog St. East. Toronto. ^^ 36 â€" CoUsotion ot Foreign or old Canadton or Ui4t*d Stats wanted. OoUecMT." BoKStS. Pqf»piBca. Toronto. STAMPS oe'Urt«?d S»a^s wanted. ^AOdress. COOD AGEMTS tntod Ct»logne and' terms. Addren. MBfgBS BBOS.. 87 Obarob St., Toionto. • myuR-taTO ol^irTitfO MoUuuL. Soluitiflo and â- reliable systems taoght. whereby rtylkb, per- fect fittnr gasmetlh awwodncei. SendlatcficuUn. S CORKKJAN, Pfcii, 4 Adelaide St wert. STANDARD CHOPPINGMILLS. USESBESTFRENCHBURRi MILLSTONES PHESt GRINDER INTHE «niU.9 HOREHEWINC eUKSAS IN IRONMILLSi JOSEPH MADDAUGH WRITES FROM MORRISON P.O. Kov. Sfitta, *89. Now that I bave pnrcbased fk-om yon one of your Staadard French Burr Ctaopplac mils (â- mlagiii on It as part payment my Iron Crlnder, I have no objection t« tell yon tba the Plates nsed in the Iron Grinder coc 9f.W, and latterly bnt 9I.M per pair. 1 â- «ed over 930.0* wortb last wlater. «eea' si nally a Plate wonld last a week, bnt semettnies not orer two or tbree taonrs. The prlee «t the HIII was $S5.M mnch cheaper tban yonrs, bnt In the end It was a very much dearer MUI. I am satisfied tliat Ir«n Crinders are only snltable for farmers who have a very small amonnt of Cheppins tm do fer their own use. EiW.C^-BBAHmBD. ^ada!â€" ' J.GOMEAU. MAillWAKJ. QUE,, WHITES: Nov. 93rd, "S*. I wonid feel inclined to apelocize for BSt writine sooner had I not been too bnsy, ant my desire t« give the 80lnch Standard XUl a fair irial before wiritinx- laas the mosthaopvta state that I amen, tlrely satlslle^ with the Itulâ€" It is delns splendid work. • Two W*. 3 Iron Grinders as 9I00 EaA. Tbf*«H*.S Iran. nuraea«.t Iran Grtadoa at SSS 00 eadi. all In s««d nrder with new plates. 1' 'J •( « "!• I -i