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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Jan 1890, p. 1

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 ^e «;!.. fs ia^^ ȣ I --. r.s-a i \iM^ f* lvi- °»« of pi^l •025.43 ;£: $91% 18 ••$9198 tt »'J^J»e fiietortl from .^rtriekl raet witit H, 1 r int-) afmslil officbM iwenl t*remdeDt; Hvl It: J. Brodie I i-i. W. Parkeril J- JolmstonJ J. H. LesMtJ ;lit, H. Pmis] na T. Wngw] ISBT. School'^! tlae eveuiogoi oCwithstaudioji r a^ the vi « grand eac "consisting ol lectione^ weui [i hitcii, excel I to Tespoud dby greatly dis le, who seeme I of liis arusics Eutal miifijcwa^ (3, consisfing bratedDonoel lu the organ b^ i Prof. CookJ ninber of well cral local celeb sp, r.ecitatioi \-a% folks, Ini selected anj le subltnaean^ le comic, M ag oaeanotli r. Gilray, uayia, occupie e It !,'oe» witb dieuca kept' X, as thal« ilicuces Til tively small i ,u(.l very muddj aud the admi» jut theyraaclij of $8.25 wbe benefit of tbj Bbown, Teacher. icll. eetiug of tbj the village day ol '^*^'l the Beew i tins read J. ar J Irwin, «co^ ;couDt forM iptions; have the botf iat the a«^ jd C A. â-  and tb»fc;| big" Qiieqn* t (330..^* for ser«*^ laws f»rf " b By 1«^ crie--' f» the Cj^ becf "" ' sniu »' irst ro '"I TE"TH YEAR.â€" No. 486. ♦•HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." MARKDALE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1890. C. W. RUTLEDGE, ProprietoT. ujiL^texSiecai^ • ^Jii;aiLi^.Jic.^^' Hurrah Local and Other Items. any individual or Society wiH be (^barged ten ^fH!*!,?" -^T-**' '" in*ertion and five r'-u'**"'^**'""*^"" ««« fc in tkU office by itoon m Tue$iny toinnrepMieathn that week. 1 â€" ' â€" FOB TSE- CasH Grocery. I have now in stock |(Jroceries, Flour and Feed, Glass and Delf- ffare, and hope through honest dealing and Istrict attention to bus- linesstoi'eceiTe a liberal Ipatronage from the eople of Markdale^ land surrounding Iconntry. Call and try some of lour 5 lbs. of tea for $1.- 10, R. Trelford for yonr Xoat for sale. Smith tbe Try 15 lbs. of our [sugar for $1.00. A caU respectfully Isolicited. Bemember pe placeâ€" next door to( iBreadner's Jewellery Istore. IV, Rut/edge, TA GLAUS ice^e in the year \^'^^iny helped me to dispose ffa large amount of ffoods " ^^^istmas, I desire to "^^^himup with my very \^whhesfor those who have ^f^ // to give me a share of ^^' ended, '^^'•% the next year it '^^^ my aim and object to "jya more complete and ^^ "^sorted stock than I r^nd before. \^^_ prompt attentipn to \ii^^^' 'JUf^re detailing, ^^^"^work.f tiope stiU ""^^ your ff mod Witt. "^^ngyou all a happy r«r Very Ir Hi er prosperous J^ew emain, Sincerely yours, Markdate Goto J 3a\rs. Good violin bflrber. A good Lantern for 45 cis. at J. E. Trelford's. BoT wanted for light chores, P. Ramsay, Olenelg. Mrs. Logan is visiting her Slighter, Mrs. Wm. Brown. The Standard may not reach all Wttb' scribers on time this week. Commence the New Year with a dean sheet and a clear conscience. Ladies, polish your silverware, "Silver Cream" at Jeweller Brown's. Gold Spex and Bye-glasses, for ijt©- sentation purpoaes, at Jeweller Bctwn's. The Holidays are past, but HaaniltMi the Artist is noit done tiding fiiw photos. Whebe to getithe %est Chopj^ng Axe for the least monev, at J. E. Trelford^s. Annual meeting of the township Agricultural Societies on Thcirsday, January 9. Mk. J. Ebseine is looked upon as the one likely to he Euphrasia's d^uty- reeve for 1890. Piso's Cure for Oonsumptida and Bemedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J, Manley, Druggist, Mai^dale. Glenelo Agricultund Society annual meeting will be held m Haeliett^s Hall on Thursday next, 9th, at '2 o^clock. The gift making season is a^n past and hohday goods at a discount hut M. E. Douglas' fancy poods stoie is still replete. With the New Tear turn a new leaf, and save money by buying your Grocer- ies, Flour Beed at W. J. Stephens' new store. Pasties from the cotaitry are inyited to visit McNally's carzrage works, when in town, and inspect bis fine display oIL winter vehicles. A commnaication from a respected sabscriber Ot Holland Centre is crowded out f nrth€ainor#,-we fal to fully under- stand its import. When down towa 'cafl. 'Grieat bargains in Teas at W. J. Stephwos'.. Butter and eggs taken in exchazMSje. Bemember the place, in McNea's block. Mb. a. C. I'attbbson is a icancKate for re-election as Councillor. Mr. P. is a man of sterling worth, and; will doubtless "get there with a good majority." Fellow citizens and ratepayers of the surrounding country are cordially invit- ed to call at Mathers' carria^ establish- ment, opposite the Revere flotrf, and exanune the splendid display of winter vehicles. PaoF. Loisettb's Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in aU parts of the ocrantry, and persona wish- ing to improve their memory tfcould send for this prospectus free W! adver- tised in another column. 482-5 Atoa-meetingwiU be held in Town Line Methodist. Church, (Lyons' on Friday evehing. January 8. Tea served from 6 to 7 o'clock after which addresees will be given by Rev's Geo. Hartley, T, B Fydell and G. Buggin. Music by Markdale Methodist ohuroh c«mm. Admission 26 cents. Tub anm-J meetiag rf Owtee Gwy Farmers' Institute win to l-lda tta Town HaU. Flesherton. on Taesday tta 7t'i day of J*n«My. 1890. »WMW«« 10 o'clock in the ««««»^: *^P^ t«ioAgri«ilta«aGoll«e^taJI«^^ svsfii MaiiMi,M.?. Mns Eka Sc3TT^ of Owen Sound, de- sins to open a painting class in Mark- dale, and will do 80 provided she has tbe promise of at least eight pupils to commence with by the 16th Jaauary. llioM wishing to join her class will leave their name at B. L. St^hen's drug store, where speeunens of her work can be seen. Miss Scott is an artist of high attainments. Read the following from last week's Owen Sonnd Times, which is but a short portion of an nnsohcited notice â€" ^Abt class bx- HismoN. â€" One of the attractions of the tJhristmas week was the exhibition of the work of Miss Ena Scott's art classes which was shown in the McMUian Block on Monday and Tuesday tA iliis week. Tlie Work was excellent and €isplayed the effects of thorough instmctiou. Among the pictures shown were several productions from the brush of Miss Scott c., Ac. Tenders will be received up to the 14th January, for 20 oords of 30 inch wood. R.D. Bigger. The X. T OnrnM. Miss weaoie Rae won Stephens' mnsic ox. Her ^eea was 919i the correct number being 917. nutfl Purty, Canada's New Party is to the fore with an Organ called Tbe Canadian Nation. It is a 48 column paper neatly printed and vigorously edited. Its motto "Righteousness exalted a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" is certainly a good one. Subscription $2 a year. dip Tbls 0«%. Tbe Canadian Permanent Loan Co. requests me to annoanoe to th^ cus- tomers in Artemesia, Euphrasia, Hol- land and Glenelg, wishing extension of their Loans, or those wanting new Loans at lowest rates of interest can haye their wishes strictly and con- JGidcntialy attended to by calling at my residence opposite Dr. Sproule's mansion Markdale, John Whitby, appraisor. 483-6 Sk«a17t«!laa ChnxA AnalTcmay. New Tear's Day was dirty, dismal and «h:eary, raining all the day long, while the roads were in a parallel con- ditioa so that the annual tea hod a slim atte^ance however a goodly conmany was present and after a good tea rwas served a pleasant, profitable and well rendered program was^enjoyeiSi. -, Dr. Ego filled the ckair admirably. ey. Mr. McAlpin, of Chatswor gave a praKitical address on success .: the (nAer talent, which was local aqquittsd thsi^- selves creditably throughout. diribvtiiuui Tveo. The Christmas Tree entertainfl»en^; given in the rink on Friday evenii^^ last by Christ Church Sunday School, was a very interesting and successful ttffair. Ihe program was ren^red throaghout in « manner that showed thorengb^ training and efficient management. Tbe cantata, "King Winter," -was very appropriate and interesting, and the- InAan club swinging, by six girls, was indeed creditable to the performers as also Miss Ettie Fordf who had trained them, iand superintended ^at exercise. There was a large attendance and ex- cellent order prevailed. The distribu- tion lof gifts from the Christmas Tree, by Santa Clans, was specially enjoyed by the children, none b^ng foi^otten. TThe singing of the National Anthem brongbt this very pleasing entertain- ment to a close at a seasonable hour. First-daas horae-shoer and good general Uaeksmith. All kinds repairing neatly done and promptlj attended to. Gall and see ob anyway. Shop opposite Markdale House, in McNally's Carriage bnildinir. TottoVnlfllo. I beg to intinmte that I am now fully prepared to meet the wants of all who fovorue wi^ their pntroaage in any- thing in my line from a needle to an »nvil. Shelf goods, cutlery, tinware, atoves, punts, oils, ^i^ass, X-cut saws, and axes pnrobaaed for cash wid will b««old at the fowest livingprioes. Sola MEBClfar Moffat ft S(Hia' poimlur Pkabl LWB ofatovefc Acill is respectfully (olMiled. Bemember, Mabee's old gUiai, nflKtdaat to Maal^'a drag atbtew TlOJghjg »a tti»,oowifMmrtiits ot tite The anniversary services of the Mark- dale Methodist church were held last Sunday, and Monday, and notwith* standing the onpropitions weather and wretched state of the voads, especially on Sunday, were yery sncOessfnl. The Bev. A. Carman D. D General Snpenentendent of the Methodist church, preached morning and evening. His sermon in the a. m. on "Hohness" was most aloquent, logical and forcible and was fistened. to with great interest, admiration and profit. The eyening was dark, wet and stormy yet the audience was large. The Rey. gentleman deUvered a "political sermon" or tiie duty of christiaos to the nation. This was a strange theme in the pulpit, but was presented as scriptural and handled in a masterly and thoroughly logical and convinctag manner. On Monday evening the weather was fair and a large attendance was again pres- ent. The excellent and abundant pro- visions made by the ladies for the wants ef tiie inner man was appreciated and provoked expressions of satisfaction on every hand. Shortly after « o'clock Major Rorke, M. P. P., took the chair, which position he ably filled. The choir did their part in a highly creditable manner, but the ^eat expectation of the company was the lecture by Dr. Carman on ^Tfae Jesuit Question,' which was interesting and instructive, but as is often the case when expectation reaches a very high pitch, there was more or less dissapointment. Proceeds â€" Sunday collections $41.49. Tea and Lecture 976.16. Total $117,64. .^1 J ^i^ r â€" PERSONALS, Mrs. Jimby is theguestof her daught- er-, Mrs. T. Boland. Miss Nellie Gallagher returned recent- Ijrfrom Bethel, Conn. Mr. S. E. Waffle, of Dresden, is the ^est of Mr. John YHiitby. Miss Drinkwater, of Berkeley, spent SoBday last with Mends in Markdale. Miss Ellen McLou^ry is over from Sebringville, Ont., spending the holidays attiome. Mr. Robert McLoughry, of Toronto Tetarinary C^ege, is home for a couple of weeks. Mr. Alex. Cameron, of Detroit, has been spending his Xmas holidays with friends in Glenelg. Mrs. (Dr.) Freeman, of. Milton, has b^n the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. S. Bowes, recently. Mrs. Jas. Frost and Miss Scott, of Owen Sound, were the guests of Mrs. R. L. Stephen this week. Mrs. F. Averell. of Newton Robinson, u spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McEee and iends. A. O. V. W. At ihe last regular meeting of Markdale Lodge Ancient Order of United Workmen the following officers wore elected for the year 1890, viz Master Workman, Wm. Douglass. Foreman, H. B. McUay. Overseer, R. H. Boyce. Becorder, C. W. Kutledge. • Beceiver, Thomas Mathews.- Financier, W. N. Haskett. Guide, B, McNally. Inside Watobman, J.- 8. Mercer. Outside Watchman, F. Sarjeant.. Auditors â€" Wm. Lacas, B. S. Bae and (reo. M. Haskett. Delegate to Orand Lodge, H.Foster. This Loige is .organized now over eight years witli a m^mbership.duriog that period of ft-om forty to fifty mein* ben and has neiver yet lont • member by dea^. The members are highly pleased with the tvorkiofs and gnat pro s perity of this. Ordft. The meet' nfsarrweH MCilidwd and tlie bs»i- as»#0Bd B rt»3 in baaUi«B«.IiW ji^ I Here we are again, BooIilrisliBsifswWt! WE WISH TOU ALL A RTJBRBT XflfAS AND flAPPV imiiW TEAR. Astonishing fiargaina during the Holiday Season at the NEW BELFAST HOUSE We have jost opened ont this week one crate of Bohemian. Glassware suitable for Xmas presents also Vaees, Moustache Gups. and Saucers, Toys, Sta. FBESH FBUITS. Feels, Lemons, Oranges, London Layrs,. Figa, Dates. ^^M The finest stock of Confectioni^KTer shown in Markdale. Purses, Wallets, Pipes, Tobacco Pouches. Pipe Stems, a fall line cheap. The finest line of TOILET SOAPS to choose from ever shown in Markdale. Fresh Oysters Fresh Oysters Fiiman Haddie, Ciscoes Digby Chickens, Cranberries, c. Fine Wines, fine Brandies, fine Ales, for Xmas. Jobbers in Cigars. N. B. â€" Bemember we will sell you cheaper goods than any other House in Markdale. We mean what we say. It will pay yon to call on us and get quotations before purchas- ing elsewhere. Thanking you for past patronage. We remain. Yours truly. R. H. BENSON CO. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. Soecial Sale ^f^ --^ :^- ,j::ii »- st^^mM #7 :r^^-£.. â-  -.-' fCTi'r- :^! TILL 1890. Every Offer Honorabiy Carried Out. One-sixth or 16 per cent, iiscount on all Watches and Clocks, nickels excepted. One-fifth or 20 per cent, discount en a1 1 lines of Silverware and Musical goods. One-fourth, or 25 per cent, off all otii. er Jewellery stock.Chaios, Bings, Sets, Pins. Buttons, etc.. Plain Wedding Bings excepted. Stock book reveals the fact that stock must be reduced. Every customer, till Ncv.- Years Day, getting goods or work to tbe amount of $1 and up- wards, will receive a numbered ticket, and will share in .the dis- tribution of eight fine gifts, free of aby extra expense. Gifts wiUgo by being drawn for on New Year's Day. 1 Wahiut Clock $4.f0 1 Silver Cruet 4 50 1 Batter Dinh 5 50 Ladies' Necklet and Locket.. 5- oo Gent's Boiled Gold Chain 4 2C 1 Accurdeon 'i, 50 Butter Enife 1 uo Caff Buttons.. ' ' 'I 25 Above diseounta and special gUls I intMid to faithhilly fulfill, all being ^jk 1 have choice Wedding Presents, etc., fKni Napk.'n Rings to a 945 Tea Set. This mmth wiU reveal tiM»,rACT that I cany a fltie stock at jdoeejpriees. Warrants given as ifsoaL It will save yon ueuey tp do bii;. w^Jb^ jEWEtLCfl dRO^il, i ' 1** ' \rt "'^.i, '^^ ^m â- â-  It .•' -^'f- â- â- ** -,i. â- %;. â- .•â- -â- ;

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