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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Dec 1889, p. 8

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 • 9 "V--. *T*IJ'Aflt*-' â- â-  â-  "~3, '.r ,1 â- â- h fH^ r ft in 111" it '• I â- ' 1 ;• -It i^i r NOTICE. .sitr" A tcacLer wj nted for S.S. No It^^^^d. lioUing second or third clasn cc^iittftte. Apply with t««timonialB. BtftOiig sditfJu'^P to the IMtrJtaiBuOfy: *«•**) I^IL fe*?' •(.â- â- â€¢â- :.(â-  i" -ii-.|V -.-ni- -GUji^tt, E.iU. Dati«iU»«Si|;^ MDf«.. I8g0. 485 7 d-Uis- HOTic?; Jb-. Notm ii h^ere^ given thatltw partnership heretofore tabnwias between the under- sized M FomiMve'-Peslers and Under- takers, taaattik^lKH'aeit'diBifQlvsdhj mutual Dated at^SfarkdAle %ba»\%4.,^ tif XM- esh^iVAtIKJ.*i6Qi tn •: ». .* a â-  »i I â-  .x-utu.^ S. J. COLEJJAN. 485-7 :^ t,,-a'iHA3JniT0N. S^otjNffTciie oELliq^ 13, cc«. 11, Jppbraals. Teimtm^i^«i^M"dmtf^jMHlt)«. 485-8. -^ BOfiT. SNELL*- WIU. STODDART, Btt.^rfWKiftlV iMra,!.-acooT7 einie i Ae.*- be pi^^^«t^dSHo. ^. SPROULE, M. D. A. EGO, M. 0.., *c. ^ifiBnisAriid'iMTB day or nigbi for Bervice.thi9f)^))pP«-' Xeniis'M ft time oHetrSkf 484-5 McJ3BD)E, Mr. Jas. Bell, Bell's Lake,, lias purchased .s±-*hero«fih bred rfi^iuhir4.ibair-:«rhtf:h he ^vill have for serviee'at his farm this season. •4iJ4-6 " ll':i a '•'â-  '-1' "â-  "" i I â-  i j il i l'li i ' " .-«- -.. I • ..! â-  â-  i' â€" ' " ' I ' i ' â€" firbo Lia«ja»i reamed 'frpin Ts^i^o alter takiug oat Bis diploiaa for '^ctit- ting in the Toronto cutting scbool. bad Miss Fits wbo had ;*e«n^^ w;'hw employ for some time paist aireBtsKO, and .brought up before Iuh BoQOr Chief JavticeNdlit Fit, chargeJ witfc rbbbiner bim aed-Aimoyiiig bit cuistottt- ers» she was found guilty and penteu*^ ec(togodnwu for fift? years. iThe public in geuetal and my customers in particular are iyiWd *o coifle ftiid' ' leave their measure With tne for Weir c lothing an^ need fear no mure tronblfi c r annoyance from Miss' Fit^. r ' Over iicFarlanS's store. C. A. iyicBRIIE,,M. p. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, liStHAV. Came to tlMeji)QQnyl|ej ofJE!. W. Moore, lot 22, con. 12, â- SaSdrSaSoufthe 1st Novemb- er, one white ewe and lamb aud one black eHe. ;Tlie owner is reqested'to- prove i pro- perty, pay expenses aud get, them ^, -, -,- E. W.i MOORE,, 483 6- Mafkdalfl'E. O. W. H. DRMWATER, FASHIONABLE TAILOft, has started in business intheHiJi jp. i:cCiiiiougii, BAlEtBrSTEB, SOIiIOITO©,. c ornceâ€"ovEnMcFMLMiiD's, store. ' Skioney to JDoan- • -1V.Â¥ni UVJ6 AS. 4. Co;,' y • Evwy Friday. Wm. liueas in. charge of office dniiag wa^'Juidi-Jcdalr-matteEa will receiye i'M'i:;.',t' J qqpBDoaiipt attention. VL Tllll' 188». Jah**i Balance oil haiid ' tralBank. Blvia0.a...-- •• 7cniwkEan,ee Society, rent " C(leiM£Council.iwtt......^ • Teuwanee Boeiety, reut " GIwiIm Council, .Ctinjral •«S'iCwaNo.3........ lii«J«ittWHa,«nal^l«ttb 18W..-_.. ,....• â- â€¢ Mcense'FuJiil; l«»-fl -^ • • " UcaaaeTvinAJSBa^ ...- " Win:l*0wn,;E8q.,.flnpre ^niy ...... .;.;"â- â€¢ •• Statute,Aiabor.,..„,_....... " HorraiidC6unrii;rent....... "i Gov't^Taut, Scihoql fttupa Suphnupia Conneii, r«^^_ 'CitfSlO Clt«Me Vaotory XatRa. Ameetmg^oftbepatronsofPL, ertou cheese factory was iJj" town balUFleehtrtou on T^ V"!* letU inst.. for the pur'fioseorr ' astatemeufcof thepaHt.ea.auT5 utss. Tlie Aiidit..i-8- lieport gl Feb.» Ifayfl /ane-0 6 up a« follows :- Actual r^,,\J,'l^ •»« 1«S.93; expemlitur. §2,02.3:43 ^- 4 00 1 auce to patrons $7, 103 45. Cheebe maker liL M 84 ,27 Jnly S 17 :as Nov. a â- 87 Iee.U 1«. ' 16 â- fempeHincis Society, aritt '• B.Jl,lJei»4»uaoct. lumbar' « W. J. wfeVeiiB, stove;..;.... „ y. a^eiQpennce SpcietyvTent " Taices collected., â€" r-ryâ€" " F0ttira-4fBepBr.; â- ;....;..... 7 Bl Sim ,168 00 a 00 seofio ISO 'SBflB 5 00 4 00 TiQOO 2 50 Milk drawerd ...... President Secretary..., Suiiddes Cash to patrons ... Cheese to patrouH â- $1210 7^ • 76141 .: 20 TO • 13:88 • 6931 78 • 1764? Dr. For Cheese. t »a()5S.58 TEACH E RW ANTED, Par;Schq,ol Jjection .No.. 17,, Euphrasia, maietir kcMe, holdkig 2ii(l" or-Srd- class certificate. John Steefc Joseph rrbompson.and W» J. Brown, ti'ustees. -, JOSEPH MANARY. Sec, 482.4 ;•.^ .1- i. :: i; Harkaway P.. 0. BERKSHIRE BOAR. For service on lot 8, con. 8, Glenelgi near Tirti'Mriton, a floe young tserkshire Boar. Terms?!. -478 85 JOHN HUNT* TraveMibDn. FARM FOR SALE. I#ots 109 and 110, 3rd con. nprth-east of the'Tfero'to-and Sydenham^ Roadf township of Artemesia. A desirable property. Cheap. Apply to H, D. IRWIN, Maridaie P. C Co. Grey. I am prepared to do all kinds of -work. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All people leaving their cloth to cut will be done «t a inodefatO'Ccist.: r SGordsSlOJS Buns Ea^y ,C1 BT OJfE cqnl^a^iDe ,te8tini6D(alS f rniQ; Vi rice for descriptive cstaloirne â-  â-  ,it or p««pi« vfa* 2S.0CO now Bacceu* T7t)^!|B tbere is.a- tally ined. Agen cy ca n be ^..^ .. ..^j- â€" â€" ~,_ â-¼acancy. A BKw IStKSTios t6r Ollnii saws sent trâ€" with each muhinr; by the uee of this tool everybody caa fll«tbeir owo aawg now and do Ubettertfaan the greatest expert can without it. Adapted to aU croseKnit BawB. Every one who owns a saw BbODld liave one. So daty to pkyt wo moBalketarclK Coaoda. ASk our dealer or write FOL.niN» 8AWING MA HE CO., 808 to .811 8. Oaiutl St., Chicago. lIL PRINTERS' INK. A JOURNAL i'OR ADVERTISEES. PiuktBiis' IsK ib jnst what it purports to 1)6, "a journal for advertisers.' It is idsued «u tiie first aud fifteenth days of each QHnth, and is the represeutativa journal â€" the trade jouruftl, so to spe'ik â€" of American adyertLs- efs. It tells the intending and inexperieucevl advertiser in plain, comprehensive aiticles how, when, and where to advertise how to write an advertisement how to display one; what newspapers or other meilia to use how duuch to expend â€" in fnct, discourses on eyej-y point that admits of profitable discussion. If you advertise at all. Phinters' Ink can help you. Perhaps yon expend but Ten Dollars a lyear in advcrtisins if '" Prin'tebs' IsK.may -show you ho .V to obtain d'nl)le the .service you are now nettiuK for one-half tlie money. A year's f-u'vscriiitioii co-ts bui One Dollar; -A'sample cp.y costs but Five (Jeiits. Adver- -tisioK is an art practiswd by many but nnder- sCood by few. The conlnctom of Piuntebs' Ink uu'ler-taud it ihoioMghly. Suruly their Alvice. based on an experience of more than twenty-live years, will bpl|) .yoa, Addre$s â€" '0^:0. P. EOWET.LCO'S Newsjxipcr Advtirii-'ing Barenu, 48o Ki Sprnee St., New York. PUMPS! PUMPS! PtfMPSi tmaJCPaiE pump facTOBY) is turning out a superior qaalily of pumps, iind guarantees satisfaction. JOSEPH M'GULLOUfiH, MAEKDALE. L ok Her e If you take your griet to FORD'S you will get goocl satisfatiou, as we keep [^Sf ^CUSSXFLOiig and no other. We also make a spe- cialty of choppinj?. Bring along your chop and get it home again the earae daj. Flour $f Feed sold at the lowest market prices. Call and give us a trial. J. W. FOED. Original and only reliable. Beware of poor imitatioi)!. ?;?,•â- :;.: f i_-i' fTi ' " VI. ...I,,! !i»l.i| 5^4, J.' i^/j'S ^^--^'2' •â- *-'• "' '•' I----' '"il "â- ' h DlHSICJI.eOURI5CERK. Issner^df Sarriajje Lioenees, c. Commissioners ini iJ. h/.-iie. Conveyancing in till its branches promptly' amended to and carefulify executed. .N.-B.r-^Money to Lend on BealHstete se- curity. W1U.IAM^ STUART, ' KIMBERLEY, .IsBn«.:of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan 6a Beal iBstate at low rates. A few J^arms for enle. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S, -DENTIST, OF TOEONTO /^RADtTATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL VT of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Siarkdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also atMunshaw's Hotel Plesher- tqn, the day.folIowinK the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. C^mmeucine on the 7th September. MOM TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, r" J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. Wrm for sale. LOTNo, 24. coy. 4, N. D. R, Glenelg, iOft' acres, will he sold cheap and on easy terms of paynient, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J, S. BLACK, ?90-tf. â-  'Poniona P. UN, ^«n.' ' iafpraroxTTntB. »Ifd.E. C. Bryiieh," Keg. Births, â- T! 24 Feb. 4 13 23 27 Mcb. 2 AprUl 8 26 May 1 S 7 27 31 June 8 July Aug. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Proft' W. C. RICHARDS BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. R. J. SPROULE FLESHEIRTON. â-  Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn uii andyaluations made on shortest notice. Charges very lo*. Aimly to â-  » • 1i.,3. fftnoULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. 2 S 4 5 B 9 10 11 85 29 3 7 10 13 17 22 24 26 SO Sept. 7 Marria^BB and Deaths B.Glas8to?d, book-case. .j. ;j*atf ^e«Wr«rtt, c^iarity.^- B. C. Brydeu, Beturmng 0.fflcer O. Walker, wood ..^........: lfe01ftBman,*h«rity â- .:...... R. omema-n, .charity^. » Jane'NetheilCbtt, charity^... Wm. L. Yoopg. salM-y, !««•â-  • J. M. Davis, hog sold by Pound R. Q. Bryden,.Bet, Officer ... C. W. Rntledge, printing G. S. Bowes. Auditor .... K. Offleinan, charity. .. Jane Ke«Tercottj- chanty. .... A.McFailaud, Aufiitcr...; R. Offleman, charity ,Tane Nethercott, chanty.. .... R. Askin. work. R. C.Bryden, salary C. W; Bntledge, Grant to Sraring.Show .,.,....,,... R. Oflaemao, charity Jane Nethercott, charity 2 Oi) John Whitby. AsBcssor... ..... 20 10 Wm. Brown, sundries 4 o.- Wm. Scott,, cleaning 1; £0 C. W.RUtledge, printing...... 4 CO Peter Duff, wOrk. .. ........ 2 ati Exchange pn cheques Vo Poter Diiff, work.;. 7 t* Frank Crqwe, work 2 Ou Chas. Johnston, road job 25 00 Jno. Lee, Statute lalior refund 100 M. Armstrong, lumber 1 0.5 Peter Duff, work 8 !» Joseph Lrwiri, work 2 00 W. A: Brown, School pnriwBes 200 00 There was received at the fiu*.. I l,0J.2.qa2 lbs. of miJk..frowj3 *»a70 ^f? was 'na""/actur4 96,452llJ 7 QO I of cheese. As this was the last ,« I te °^ '^^ '"^®^ y-*" contract wiilj'ij 1 6»' Stuart, ttie proprietor of the fi^ J 555 it was ddcided to euter mbaS^ l^ .. agreement for a fm-th -r term of tkn, I years. The followius officbrs «« 1 *f» tlected :â€" G. Stuart, rresideut; \( 6 75] WilcocU, Vice-President; J. ^^^ "4 w ' Secretary i). McKtiizw, \V. Partf,' â- ^}j;jiT. \Vri«hc. W.Sharp, i. Unm ioojU. McMuiien, it. Akitt, J. Enjjhsli^j' ^*^| Bucbauan, 1, Siuclair, J. M. LaatM 12 70 1 J. TJioiupson, W. Wrigiit, H. Pun,/, I 10 00 i Iirecti)rd J. Wright und T. Wnjiii' 4 0tflâ€" moM. ' Peter Duff,' work;.. Chas. Johnston, road job. .... Wm. Watchorn. road job..... John Wilson, road job It. C. Bryden, salary John Wilson, road, job W. A. Brown, School purposes Wm. WatchOrn, road job C. W. Butledgfe, printing. .. 8 -SO 53 00 10 CO 11 m Auditors.^ [Com. SCKOOZi C JZrCSBT. 10 ir, 30 00 3 00 31 00 Oct. Nov. 9 18 19 30 9 6 PER CENT. Money loaned on Favm or Town Property at lowestxates of interest. Applv to E. J. SPEOULE, Oonveyancer-it Postmaster. Flesherton. 11 23 Dec. S 6 9 10 Minnie Williams, grave. John Fletcher, road job ...... John Wilson, road job ' Paid out for reimirs on siarects. per Wm. Brown Thomas Mathews, teaming.... Jurlson Watchorn, road job 3 00 John Fletcher, gravelling 30 11 John Wilson, road job:........ 4 7.5 John Wilson, gravelling. ..... 5 00 John Wilson, gravelling... 5 )0 Thos Pendleton, cutting weeds 2%0 Chas JohnsJton, bridge and hill jobs .., 60 CO John Whitby, equalizing ass't 5 00 Lackey Wright, lonrber 79 0.5 R. C. Bryden, salary 10 00 Wm. Lucas, sundry accts 1 25 C. A. Johnston, work on bridge 40 00 W. J. McFarland, paper, stamps, c..' 3 73 S. J. Wyllie, lumber 7 5b John Wilson, road job 35 75 W. N. Haskett, Grant to Glen ' ' ' ' 60 00 15 00 60 00 2 00 3 15 125 2 00' 5 00 300 8-38 9 o2 44 62 elg Agricultural Society W.N. Haskett, do. Chas. Johustpn, work on road John Whitby, seTecting jurors B.C. Bryden, selecting jurors Wm. Brown, wood W. J. McFarland, select, jurors Geo. Noble, Constable feies R. Offleman, charity Chas. Johnston' road job Haskett Bros- acct...: C. A.!Johustbn.roiid job..... F. Maidment, Statute labor refund N.L. Piper Son.'lamp;. .... R. Offleman, charity B. M. Cnmmihgt:, Statute labor refund 0. E. Richards .do Balance ou hand 859 63 The concert held lu Bchonl No. 19, Euphrasia, on the even Friday, the 20th was, uotwithsta the inclement weather aad the vilt I condition of the roaJs, a grand m cess. The projjvamme, couMstini; of uicre tliau forty selectioiie, went ' I through with .^caicoly a hitch, except 18 50 when the teacher failed to respoud io 14 so I a call f.jr a fong, thereby grtatlydij appointing the audience, who seemei! to have a higli c^jiuion of iiis mnsicil powers. The n/strnmeutal mnsiCTC 1 |5i Bucii as is eehlom heard, consistiug ol a string baud â€" the celebrated Doanellj I Sou, accompaaiod ou the organ by the equally celebrated Prof. Cootl There were also a uumber of Tell-j Tendered songs by several local celotl rities. The Dialogue.^, Kecitationtj Readings, c. by young folks, Inrgtj aud small, were well selected iall rendered in fine style, the sublime RaU ridiclous, the serious, the comic, anJ I the sentimental, following oDeanotliaj in constant variety. Mr. Gih'ay, tlie efBcieut Eeeve of Euj)hiat;ia, occupied I the Chair, aud of course it iineswitli- out saying that the anJieuce kept* cellent drder thron.u'horit, as thati« habit of Euphrasia audiences. Tli proceeds -yere compariitiveiy small a there was no sleighiog aud vory madi roads, the rtupih free, aud theaQiiin-| sion fee only 15 cents, but they i ed the respectable sum of §8.25 wliicb I will be applied to the benefit ofSl»| children. E. J. Bbown, Teaciier. 2 00 4 75 3 00 2 bo 1 00 92o5S 58 WANTED Men to tak^orders for Nursery Stock, on "Salary or C'Ainussion. I can imike a aaoeess- SALESMAN of aa.T ane who wiU work and follow my hi* stroBtfioiis. Will forunli liuuWMNtte 'oatiii iiaet'-Mid'pftyyoBr- aalu/ r-t wiii iwiiq% t«^F nMfc. W(it«:for teiak A-ai^ftj.^^' -W ia* T«««Md" â- uii?-: Private and Company's funds to invest in Real Estate at current rates of interest â- J^KTMA rOB SAHE AHB TO SEVT. Al} business private andconfidential. Appraiss er for Oanada Permanent Loan and Saving- Company, Toronto. 485 JOHN WHITBY, Markdale. ' 58.-8 03 C2l 01 27 21 32 .5o 54 00 12 5o ifantmeam* tlt-^m. w« vili«w,l i*s'c» tf. 91.* iii-r.ui] \n r-Bch 'lrtt-r,iT.T,i^^ v*r^' bf.-c ^t'v iiip.Tnochiaa" ma'*(* ih tt'J" "".i;' 'â- â- "'^i! "'1 »'i» «tfec'ili»M(%-,.ilrT"'.i -.--,-j;%'""V"'"' â- '"• •iil vj.unhl'url â- " "' ]^j^,3vtXii\Aiit. ]iiu.lumv.'tl»k 11:111 vau "".);•»• whiit ^,0 ji'iifl. to tht»o ttiro oi«r cnU jiT ...iir hniiir.and nf^ur St ' inntht all .hiill hrn.iin.. your own iroiwn.v. 1 hi BlTinil nmrliine is mlef.^n. ihr Klqcr^ piuiiii, hich h..rfl mil out lt*-(ore patvnil nm out it«ulO f.,rftO:s. wlih tha lollarliinriu., anil ikw kII» tut V4k. 11nt.ttrunimT,tno*fl ara- michini! In Itae world. All i* •â- â-  X" ccpiul rt-auirrl., «o« «T«i, TroM wbo wnte ta oa nt tBcc «cn m U» bMt •ewinir-ninchinc ia tie w..rld. and ibo To Our Sti'baori'!iers. VS W;. JU»s tift, A.aciaMu, fLmia»» lSS^^Sy^°^^S^ mCT«r slK.ya toKrihcrin Aoiorii SM.1 l3.olld Gold WAirh.T-l^ S.'Uror;£l«H(.untHUMf.|,i a»* «iSS wMck In am worlO. K I â€" liEMkMpcr. War.X X« MBUd. B»7 8*u3-o^ UuotincCues.]iutli UdiM' '•»! C«it' lim, wlib woi^g mpd can. .f a^Ml m)... Oa«Ienan|BMdi to. trin r «niaen»aSftwi. Mibl* lin* orKooaehald l)'3*liai!»bnounc«toRrrt rj^iioh^nppiewed in our coluran-s. some time since, annonao-^ iiig a special arrangement with Dr. B. J. KESP.vri, Co., of EnosbnrKh Fulls, Yt., pub- li.'^liers of "A Treatise on the Hcrse and his Dise-ases." whereby our snl sciibers were en- abled to obtain a co)y of v-ilnable work free by sending their mklress to B. J. KESDALL CO. (and euclosing a twor cent stamp fir majhng sami) is renew- ed for a limited perio.l. "We trust all will avail tlieiusolvfs of the opportunity of ob- tainiiif,' tbirt valuaole work, lo every lover of tlie llor.-o it w iidis£KjiabIe. ad it treats in a simple manner all the' diseases which t^aict this noble animal. Its pheuominal sale throaghont the Uuited States und Canada, make it staudaid authority. Mn RECAPITULATION. ASSETS. Balance on hand. Uncollected Taxes i. E. Marsh, acct, Furniture, A-c. Due from Licen.'-e Fund ..;.;..... J^U9 from lloud Bridge Evuivii' lent. say...... ...... ' ?l«o6 85 laABTtTTIES. County Hate 5164 ^4 gy-I'^^171 135 00 By.Law38o ochool Purposes... C. A. Johnston, acct Haskett Bros., acct ......... Dialiuies ....,......,,. ... ©alj^pee 4$sets oyer JiiabiiitieV ' ' 8I606 85 W. a. CFAIILAKD, Reeve AV.L. YOUNG, Treaburer. ' Mi^rkdale, Lee. IGth. ISBJ. 126 7G 27o 00 58 00 53 28 35 00 .764 77 •X-'iS fari mil UMim ia Tonr Ihhm Ibr • anatb* ' who may liar* ailed, ihavbaeooM who «Tit« at OBta eaa b* aai* of iplca. Thaw nwpte. « I x- „ .1 • ,. ••_«»• i««*.,»piJ»*.sl "" "^- l»»er wfaeu seacung for "Treattse. *»•â- â€¢ allar yon baTa kapt rmn and abowM Qifm to tboi* -* (o-^l ToarMTBiinpait*. tboa* If yon are'troaltlea' wiiir void iuilie betid, fliat) I* you votkt lite to take Cod Liver pa in a pal«MUe, fQ?m try, ManleVs Cod Liror OU^Cream MipilNl Mid yoa i« k-*. tt'^*; *.- l»m.B9A 1;^^ Pmf. Loisette's MEMORY bLiH*h Stoiirotarti^^l^i^jSraSS %i provided tbeir Society bee qta»tf ct£%bhwgS5 Bp.iutiible lor fche iurther .saia Karkdale Council. Minutes of lltii meetiug of m municipal council of the yillase"" Markdale, held tlie 19th dav ot U«- 1889. Members all presenl the Eeeve oj the «hair. Minutes of last meeting read itf" ccuiirined. Communicationsâ€" J. J. Irwin, wftj forteamiue; Clerk's acconot forWj quarter of 1889 circular froinPP"f 8ecreta)y re. tax exemptions; "Of I iMr. Whitby, asking to have tUe Wl for nomiuafciou changed. Browaâ€" Haskettâ€" That the now pre.sented, viz J. -T. Irwin ?8* R. 0. Brydeu $10.90, ar.d C A.JoJ" stou «;27.00, be Tmid. Jind tliafcl" fifeve be anthoiiLd to bif,'u cueqi for sanie. â€" Carried. Piewcsâ€" Lucasâ€" That Geo. be paid the sum of SlU for servic^ Nol* Constnbie enforcing i3.y â€" (Carried. «. Brownâ€" LTicas-That By la^ 24 be amended by iuRt-nin;,' W^'^v.! H. in. as the imn'r of jioruiuatiuii ateHilof 7:30 y.. m. â€" C..rM'\- .1^ Bro^v-u-Plewfis-TL,at '^f^ ' night of the meetins: of t!ie t- Foresters in this Hall be c!iai'^«" â- jio? .1 of" lirsfc liig"' the AtMtfn ^HMk^^^^^-"^^-' *«^^rtito*»^-Bor68, burns. ftT u.^e of Uall Oarrid. ' Couuvil adjourned R. C. Bbtden, Clerl // gCftlto' â- ^• „5^^ 11 ^m^

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