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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Dec 1889, p. 7

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 '»-~'-»^P^Rv«a*t«r-;»awi«r«-^. -, IpiQtheooSlJSl! •art from n8ait,_ ., ^^ mdatobniU,^ 9opla atVivi;^? »ths,Md le,^, Bund that thronghT^ a parts o! th»rt awieldythattte^ aandj OT CABBT XBIM, 10 with renid tT which the ^^op 1 be heavy parta «( Uoogo oatanoii. 1 nuuportable ntrtiott ^, *o,J»^wh^f been lying n«sM. er, haa not deiptbiii latpreaanthaiiinTi f aacoearfolly attii ler along theajttthk. yanga. Mei^UIi u ia well kaom, i LF SUPPOMQIG, he lower river, ikrf nation, and are Ih rinoipalreaoQioebli Bamtna, theportitt are three ot the Iifl I and hia wife ud i roman. They liva .nd give instrootionl b Kimpoko, on lor miasion»ri«8, tlirij Accorbing to Le Mm remely poor. ThooL bliahad by Bhhop pi rent to the Congo, I' oondncting any Aoe pation ia killing Up| zchan^e the, meat ' :faat they oaa flat. Ilj akry atattona in the o arpoae ia to reoT^op iamer to Stanley Fm ear aa anon aa bb ° on thf Upper Congo, i at Vivi guarding t" ar Ones, ries common tlinagiH iddle agea and the r' tntariea there !•»â-  the object, whlch^ I by aome oonunimi eference at the men lesame. WarotlMi e thiogeâ€" the «*n" 9 of the rendezwoa' an example ofthafia famUyoflBenrboni ourbon." Sonetnn«i« 1. aaintbeoaap «" i CounbeofHniiww; e."Thoae oftha W reference tothe plH bundantinSoetUiAJ localization rfel»Jj «id the practioe "« ig them at a p«J' eer b meant oI» » croBB." They were, aof patronnaUj;;*-^ jid waa " St. W«»' !? set npon onr •"•' aenol fiery diaB***- -RlohtfdlDj cried "Monti^^ word being toaj^r, Ttoin little «^a :eofcedonth}.*g^ for thodl»*"J of MUaa'M*53 an old H»0»Si warorie*, above: *• V!2i| crlee of in'2g7"l E-wporor, anffioieotiy Hew ot^«, of fig'i^ tide o' ' â-  1^ the Wt^i •ge iva t» a«ni II 'a in day.. ^J^' i the w*'**^ jf* the T'fJ*^ rf i n great a*^ rf i it leave ro^ imest. PERSONA.LS. If T. Jackmaa spent Xiuas in Toronto. r s. Bowes was hovae from Toronto Ajjar Wri,?lit is home from Detroit for » bcli^'ay- geo. Pitl^ell is liome from Detroit for •lal aWBtr! ;w««»o»s»s» 'isn^j.^*; «ou"Tr.. T.""' ""'io*i Boutu 1 aud 2, cou. 10; GouccU of Health re report V local boardTs 5 Parner re arre«^ ottaxea on ct 17. i We bugton 8tzeet west. F.v.rdiaii I b. J. MeFarlrfue, b.U $8.50 for posi age a..d peucUs; C. J tiproule re ex- ' 1 emptioii of taxes ou personal properly ' Kerb. Hall is down Owen Sound I In o^f'^xet 'tot iSa"'"' •" "T" â-  '0"" '"^-"^- »'« bis houi b un?d ' Geo " '""' ,,cCuilo..h, barrister, spent Xmas »m.$18.24^'r.fjob^;"«:;K letiu 1888. ii.,w completed; John iu Georgetown. jliss storm is spending bar Xmas bolidays ia Toronto. Mr. Giis. Truss;, of Hamilton, visited Hirkdale last week. Sauders Wright returned from Mani- toba last week. Andrew Hiil, of Orangcville, spent Xmas iu lilarkdale. jliss ilaggie Wright is home from Toronto for a week. Miss Jeauio Doauolly, of Toronto, spent Xmas in Marlidale. Jliss Rojko dined at the family gafch- eruijia Toronto on Christmas. Mrs. k. ilill, of Orangcville, spent Christmas with friends in town. Master Will. Douglass was uj) from Toronto Medical College for Xmas. Miss .Maggie McNea is home from Demill College, Oshawa, for the holidaj'.s Mri G. Thomas and family, of Wiar- tbu, spent Xmas witli friends in tins part. • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker are np fann Toronto and will remain some weeks. Master Will. Lyons, of i'oronto Veterinary College, is home for tire holitlavs. .Newlove, bill $1 for useVwi. v • • .. iheiieeve'H order was issuei' ia f,.,v„ jH j '•'°** "' *^^*%^ """""e*' It has become so cnstomnry to wiah onr favor of 11. Lever, for §3 beW doTa tl h--^â„¢'" â-  ^o, Ufiug ao RQ wuhout ever domfr auyUii^jg to make amount naid liv* r^' Z'^l Y'^l" ' t^ "" ""ou* ever aomR auyUinig to make one another happy or even thinkinc of what rtiuouuD paia ()v him far statute labcr t^e seutunents they bavfi exinessed means. ""u»i"b "i wn»» wnicu lias beCu performed. • I '*S^"»^'.*° my store will convince you that I have been thinkinR about von, in fact have Uy-Liaws ^us. 270, 271 and 272 ' T-f " P"'"" »"' patting mythoughts into execution in order to make this the Merriest to provide pollint: ulaees ai..1 ^,.r..J,, ""IL^'"" "•! Happiest Kew tear of your Ufe. D. K. O'S L 1890^ r .,;"^-lP.?r.' i ^. J,'^:!;?"^^^ «*. ^H'T «- "' -K-t -«?!•" eat., what w« shall drink, and where pay :owusiiip isyu, to j,„j, »uwu»iiiu ofiicers and school monevs for 1869 t" graut cenaiu owners and occupants on con. A the priviiige of erecting a wire fence opposite their lots lu ac- cordance with the statute, wao in- troduced and passed tiirough the several stages and passed without amendment. The Collectors was instructed to mnke the foiiowiog exemptions, viz: Jackson r^tid, §1.02, over cjiarge ol statute labor; Alien Bell, $12.15, j owing to having his house burnt and ihnvmg no insurance; H. Jackson, "$2.57. error iu ssssepsmeut of lot 1 and 2, Victoria street, we^'t, iJever- -sham, $0.16 assessed to Cbas. Neil as personal property, now insolvent; Edward Hoi ton. §10, on mill pro- perty, Feversbam; lot 17, Wellington street west, Feversbam, $2 being amount of arreais on btatute labor. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer in favor of Donald Buie. Indigent; Geo. Harrison, $8.75 for 5 days work ou road; L. Kenny, withal sliall we be clothed. I have tnought of this, and iu tue way of eati"u« have provided the choicest, best and freshest. o /^ r Elme RcJains, Vahnei Raisins SevtUess Rasins Hdena Currants. Italian Currants. Elmo and Creole ligs. Lemon Pee/s, Citron Peels, Orange Peels, Spices of;'ev«ry de- scription, Kasences, n A n -4.1 It*. i. i.^-l. cuUoctor.s bag for J. Elliott; S. J. R. 0. Whitbv, real estate agent of ^^^. i,^ ^.„ .^ ' ..,.,., ^, " Met arbiue. $3.50 for postage and Dro.ito. a-u Ins brother Cham, spent .,.„„:,.. t,-„^_ ^., _|X. ° ^n,o.» Housewives. 1 have been thinking of you. and if vou want vonr Husband to be Rood liumored and appreciate your cookery, thiuk of me when purchasing. eoferad, as it is oHtaia ia ila «SkU and does not tdUter. ReadiaraofbdMr. orriccoF CHAHLESM, SHYDER, BSSSDBm or •untMW MT MB TwiM an RMm. El|iwooD| {Uh« ^OVt^aSi 1888. Da.B.J.^aw«u.C«. r- ' .v. Dear Sirs: I have alwajrs pnrchaMdjoin' Kei^ daU'a Spavin Cure by the half doaen Bo«Um. I wooM Hke prices in larsar qMntity., I ttnli ft is. oneof tbaiHt.linimntaaB.«artk» ;| in mr •table* fix t^iree yean. YonirsÂ¥nly. Caaa. A. Smmn. KEIIUi4'SSPIIi|SU|E. Da. B. T. KxHDAU. Co, Dear Sirs: Ideeirt ogive yoo testimaaial of mr eood opinicn of Tonr kendall's Spavin Cnre. I have- used it for iMMBeaa, (StMraoUita aad Spmvtes.. and I have found it a sure core. I cordially recom- mend it to ^i horsemen. ' \ours truly. A. H. Gilbbst, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. Toro.nti Xmas in Markdaie. Master Fred. A. McDiarmid, sou of Rev. N. A. McDiannid, of Oshawa, was ui) to tlie great wedding in town on Christmas. Master John Dundass left town tl is pencils; Thos. Scott. 60c, express 'charges; J. Gamey, $4.15, discount on cheque and going to Owen Sound county rate; Thos. Gamey. ^6, 4 days overseeing work on town line; Thos. Gamey, $2, committing J. Miller, Vagrant; Wm. Mouaghau, $2, exrra commis.sion on the 40ib pi;le WHAT SHALL WE DRINK? I thought of ihw too, and when you want tue-.purest and choicest Tea don't you forget that I have ot It. Just fresh to hand this veek SOChestsPiireUncoIoredJapTea, May PicMiigs and although all grades of teas have advanced, I will sell this at the Old Popular Price, 25q. per lb., 5 lbs. for $1.15, 11 lb. Caddie $2.50. Get a Caddie of thia for tlie Holidays yon cannot set your Christmas Tea table withont A COSY CUP OF McFABLAND'S TEA. Black and Greeu Teas in all yarieties, itocha and Java Coffees, CUase Sanborn's bes ttHDitt's^pivn ewiE. Sakt. Winton Covhtx, QHio,Dec ig, iSSSL Dk^ B. J, Kendai.1. Co. â-  ,^ Gents.: I-feetitmydntytosaytdiatlhavedene witkyonr Kendall's Spavin Car*. I have cured twenty-five horses that had (ipMTlaa, ten of RinK IlABe, nine afflicted with Bis MeaA and seven of Blac Siar. Since I have had one of your books and followed the dirpctioiHt I have never lost a case of any kind* â-  f â-  ^- Yours truly, Aiibaiw Turnbr, Horse Doctor. inULL'S SPftVIN CDBL Price %i per bottle, or six bottles forts ..All Irug- gials have it or can get it for you. or it wiU be sent to any address on receipt of price by theproprie- tors. Ds. B. J. Kehdall Co., Enosbnrgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. week for ilamilton where lie will follow :^,,^,^. the followmg for use of Imlls: my goods I think of L'BArti.t protessiou. .John is a tUeut- j i^ K.maghau. $2; Jonathan Hick- el yonug man m his hne and wdl make J lug, jg 2; Neil McLean. $1; Wm. lusniark. Euwards, §1; John Newlove. $1. Mr. V\' S. Abercrombie arrived on j The account of Geo. Sandlaud was :a'ouday last from Sea Island, Ji. C. "5l."'^*'J^ 'i" Jit»«rtry meeting He comes home a few^ months on a visit WHEREWITHAL SHALL WE BE CLOTHED. What joy and happiness is added to our lives, in knowing that we are nice and com- fortrtbly clothed. I need not tell my customers that in the way of clothing and wearing apparel I have studie.1 tlieir wants for the lost 25 years. I need not tell you that every season takes more thought and caro than the preceding one, and that in tiie selection of aad will return in the spring. He likes B. U. Weil and looks as though the climate suited him admirably. The weekly visits of the Standard are high- ly appreciated by Mr. A., wlio has been a regular subscriber ever since he .went west. The Council adjourned sine die, Tuos. Scott, Clerk. FoR.backache, sprains, lumbago, sci- atica and rheumatism, nse Mauley's Good Samaritan Oil. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- Dr Yoomims, of Mfc. Forest, died 'on Mouuiiy Inst of apoplexy, aged 49 years. The new C. P. R. Ferry was safely launehfd sit Owen Sound last Thurs- day, lOth. Co., is greatly The Poison ship Snilding iiemt,' reconstructed and sfeiigtbened fiuaucially. Exten.'^ivo aiteratious and improve- ments will be made iu tho railway y«ds at Owen Sound this w^inter. Five b;yrf ia Durham were recently aiiide Pity 'Id in fines and costs for •iisturbiug a Sunday evening service 1" the Baptist cijurch iu that town. The Campaua will winter at Owen '"lid, and is to undergo important "Iterations wjiich will cost $42,000 *od double her carrying capacity. Sev. R. H. Shav7 (Anghcan) of ^nelburue, is about to remove to The Markdaie Standard Is issued evei-y Thursday, by C.W. RUTLEDGE. Markda.9, Out. Termsâ€" ?1 per year in advance; ?1.50 if not paid within six months. Professional and business cards one inch space and under, per year, ?4. 1 TB. 6 MO 3 MO. Whole column »50 00 §27 30 $15 00 Half column 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter column .. .. IS 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space 10 OO 5 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per hne first insertion. 3 cents per Une each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices m local col- umn 10 cents per Une first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c. advertised 3 weeks for ?i No 'paper discontitiued until all a^fars are paid except at the option of the publisher. Miss Fancy and Mr. Fastidious, Mrs. Small- purse and Mrs., Economy. This season I have eclipsed all others in Choice Millinery, Dress Goods, Dress Patterns. Braided Dresses. Paisley Embroidered [Dresfaes. Cahmeres. Stanley Cloths, Henrietta Cloths, Ottoman Cords, Empress Serges. JOB PRIKTIKG. The Standard office has a splendid equip ment of poster as well a$ fine job type- Spe- cial attention to orders by maU. All orders tilled with dispatch. "can, and was last week presented »Jth a fur coat by his Shelburne mends, Mr. John Jelly and David Hoey of '5'ielburae, liave been exhibiting the ^mmoth bones recently in Owen ooQuil and have sold a three-fourths iflfcrest iu them to Messrs Horton "nd liartiston lor §3,000 cash. liev. llr. Waddell, Methodist min- ««r of Mount Forest, died on Friday ""^t of paralysis of the brain, aged 47 th*'i!" ^^" (^ijai^e will be taken for p Dalauce of the conference year by «'=^- Mr. Charlton. PBESBTTEBIAN CHUBCH. STvicea every Sabbath at 10:30 a.m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m- Prayer Meeting evwyN^Vfednftdw evtoing at 8 o'clock.' Iter. L••©^â- Efte»,- fartor; A. McFarlaad. SiS. Si«*in«en4wt. J ' OHESST CHUECEP *-- « Mantle Cloths. Bich Sealettea, Seal Plushes. Aatrachanii, Moire Stripes, Moire l^igures. Diagonals, ^^eed Ulsterings, e "3 S, «...§ t o» .^ f^ady-Made Mantles, ^c. Black Astrachan Fur Mantles. Satin Lined; b^utifully quilted and finished. Ftu- lincd Dolmans. Fur Capes and Collarettes, Muffs, c.. to match, beauiiiul, comfortable, seudble presents for the Holidays. Woollen Goods â€" V.oor Squares, \v'ol floods. Wool Caps, c. a large variety at prices defying coutpetitiou. SPECIAL DBIVES IN GENTS' EHKIMI^H- INGS, FUE CAPS^iD BpJ^^S.. Ties, Bracps, Collars, Cuffs. Gloves. Mitts. Silk Handkerchiefs, SSk Mnfflcra, Cash- mere ^lufilet;^, Woollen Hose, Tweeds. Suitings. Pantiugs, c. Mene' Imuiitatiun Lamb Caps, V5 cents to $i 35 Beal Astrachan Fur Caps, 9}.^ to 92^50 Persian Lamb Uapa. $3.00 to SG.oo Driving Caps. o. Bobes. in Black. and Grey, IC.uo to 310.ou. Osfxey Oonnal. I'eversham. Dec. 16tb, 1889. Q^'llie above date the Council of «Prey met in the Orange Hall, '«8bam, according to statute. _flieiribu-s all present. ..Minutes of jyious meeting read and approved., kill jy^^^uJcations from .Kenpjy, *«* for collectors bag "6;. Ii^er Services e^^j,.xm^i» lt:«Q a-' «• «Pd SabhaAfi«bed88r' tendent. Servio^^v^^^i*;^^^ t '" 7 p. m. SWB^ JS«l«»k**;;?t%, rnuedge. ijnoniabent. B.-CpleiB«j|; Snperin- Prayer nt 8 ,to 9. Pi READY-MADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Youns; man. do you wish to keep the affection of your best ftirl Do yon want to have the nicest and nobbiest Suit or Overcoat and stiU have a little money left in your pocket i You knew wiiat the proverb says about the man without monev.. then visit my clothing room, visit it anyway whether you want anything or not, it u the place whture, clothes make the man. O " Don't forget this, I keep the largest and best atook of Ladies' and Gentfi' Bfipka Shoes m the County. Keep your feet warm and j'onr head cool it is getting near Election, time I am running are you In the way of Felt Boota. Bnbbers and Overshoea.,! gettliere every time. I purch-ised this week 5 t-Ases Overshoes at 25 per rent, below unainfacturerers pnced. The weather may not be below zero, but my prices are. • â€" o TOTS I TOYS TOYS I have been thixiking of the Children too. Ko home is comi^ete aiid hn}fpj witfaont them, and Santa Glaus. I know, likes them too. YoU will find that I have atndied t please tuem'and to place before you very suitable, dnrable and aseful articles at very low piieeM. I want everv cbil-i. who can. to come and visit jiny display. a»d «*«" the faufoos TflO^I AM CaTTIWIWE VlQ«^10]»*;EijIi«y Ino^ tpii«^|%^ the MiteinbtCatterwull. ^â€" 1^) ' a- I I .1 "â- ..- â- â- â- . iv^ In closing this long leWr I say to one and «11 it i* the tima of yeiu- we go to aee oor friends come and »ee me see for vonrself. be eofivimiirtl tliat ^heh I-^rish you a Meny Qi^ntmaa and « Happy New 'Xcaf that lAean it. tb^t I have provided ttx it. SALESMEN to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, ON SALARY AND E.XPEXSES OR COM- MISSIUN. St(iatiy ouiploymeut. Apply at once, stating sue. •i. B. Nsifis 8i C9.'i£li^i;*%^' MAMDALE^ bakery: Tije citizens of Markdaie and sur- rounding country are hereby invited to give us a fair trial on Brudd, Cakes and all kinds pastry also Wedding Cakes made in the vevy best style. Vienna Rolls and ail sorts iducy bread keat on hand and made to order. Suppers, Soirees and Tea-meetings. supplied on reasonuble terms and ou short notice. JOHNSTON'S BAKERY, 0]^osite StandHi'd Office. BERISHIRE BOART â- t^^' If you want a ch«ap bl©o4 wediciBe bny Pawnee Parifyipg ?p^dst*^ »«¥»â-  itactnted ana sale_^^i?wjffi^..i5?8 Store. â- MiVji it r::aii;:...i- s '"'ff^y WESTERN IIIIMC, Six mSnths old, bred bj J. Cr. Sntll Bros., straight from ImportMl Stock, will be for service on lot 4. con. 7. Euphrasia. Terms 91.00, to. b^ payed at tune of service. JOI^K BUSKIN. 484-7 Broorietor. DitsiMion of: Pariwef tiiip» Notica ia hereby given, that; the partner- ship lately subsisting between W. James Lackey and James Wright, under the firm of Lackey Sc Wrighc, was diasolved on this 22ud day of November. 1889. by motoal eousent. All aeeoonts dne the late firm uinst be paid tu James Wright before the 15th December, while nil pt^rstms having any aA:ount against the firm are hereby notified to present the same for payment befrre above date when the swme will be paid by Maid Jwnet Wright. An«iULeaut,.NoT. %2, lf(fi. -,r^^i~ W. iAMBS J-ACKEY. :f • i â-  i is' â-  5 1 " t-!"it ' â- '-ifi^S^.-r .^.L-

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