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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Dec 1889, p. 3

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 see their THS BATILE SHIP "VIOrOfilA." XHe Most Powtrfttl Flghia AAtmt. The greatest of all batfrle ahipa now »flo«t hgj M«je«ty'« w»r ahip ii»ined in her hon- the Victoria. In the •!» of her gnna, ?h'e tblokneea of her araaor plating, and the !^«er of her ensinea there la noAing lilie r° gomecmiaera have enolnee o{ a little' JfLjer power, but have neither the gnna nor ^utaor. A few battle ahipa mount gooa ^.oa»li!ZJ, bat have neither the armor Iribe englnea. The Viotoria ia without The Victoria waa built at the work* of sir WUU»m Armstrong at Blawiek on the ^e. SheiaabentSdO feet long orerall /4) between her atem and her atwn poat), 0 feet brokd, and when loaded with coal, ^torei.uid ammanition drawa 26 feet 6'inoh- ei of water. Ear duplaoemsnt ia 10,500 tool and htr enginca are 12.G00 horae power iadicated. She carries, first of all, two rifled cannon that weigh 110 boo" eooh, the diameter of the bore being 16^ inchea. Thej are I little oTcr 43 feet long. The pr«jeotiIe to be fired from these guna weigha 1,8W pecuds, and the charge of powder that Kowli ic weighs 960 pouodaâ€" nesrly ' HALF A TON or POWDBB to send oca projectile a-flying. EUch has a nominal rarge of 16 milee. A man haa to asop aad consider that althonah in the orig- isaJ Monitor the puns wereel 12 hieh calibjrei, the prcjcctiie was propelled by ]$'oasda;.«tf powder. He haa to do this to fnlly oompre- hend what a modern rifle \s. TheflB two great rfl33 are moonted in a turret placed wsli forward oa tbs deck of the ship- Tbia turret is covered with ateel armor 17 inches thick. The bottom of thia turret is eoclosod ia and protected by a steel wall or bj^rbotte that is 18 inches fhiok. Thia vail ext«nda down into the ahip far enongh to protect; the machinery that revdlvea the tirret and hoists the ammaoition. To handle thete guns â€" load and aim them â€" no lesa than 29 hydranlic engines, including pnmpa of 2,000 horee power, are necessary. The are over w'uich the guns can ba fired extends from 50 degree* abaft the beam on one side, uound over the bow, to 50 degrees abaft the beam on the other side. At the etem of the ship is a single long rifie, that has a bore of ten inchea and Area a projectile weighin$r a quarter of a ton, with a charge of 250 pounds of powder. Thia gun. it mounted iu a remote degree like the super- etructtire on the American ships Boston and Atlanta. Oa this suporstmotore, mount- ed as broadside guns, are twelve riflea with bores six inchea in diameter, which throw a prcjcctiie treighiiig about 125 pounds. These guns project through portholes that have ihot-proof shutters. In addition to her cannon the Victoria car- ries twelve littlo rifiss, *•; .02 which will throw a dozen Etz-pouiid .A bolts a minute with am.'zlQg power and accuracy, besides a host of the eort) of rifies called murdering guns, bec:iu»:e cf the ha.U of death thut they could shower on an expceed enemy, Ie addition to the armcr on and about the turret, this ship has what is called a protec- tive belt. It is a stield of steel Children How and Tlwn. •nd her ladioe delightaliSr -SjS.^ IS iiS'J?^ were enieUy ownr«ka3 at the point of tlie rod. di«cip!fae in many famillea. ' EIGHTEEN INCHES THICK that extends from the main, deck down to a safe distaacfi below the water line. Thia shield ie 152 feet long nd it is placed, of course, p.!oDg the ce:tre of the ship on each Bide so es to protect the machinery and the men chat work it Tho ends of the shields ars piatd by a, heavy bulkhead across the ship. The main deck rests flush with the top of this belt of armor. It is made of steel three inchiis thick and h supported by beam« below so that shots 3E1 iking it would be deflected. The protection afl'ord._-.i to the men working the gucs in the superstructure, as distin- guished from the turret, is much less, but there ie no safer enperstruoture afloat than t'cis. As already acateid, in the master of srmor there is no ship her « qual afloat. To drive this gteit hulk there are twin screws of sixteen feet diameter, driven by triple expansion engines that under forced cranght and working np to the limit have loreed her through che smooth water over the measured milo at the ratfl of 16| knots w hour. She haa coal bunkers iht will hold 1.200 tons of ooaJ, or enongh to drive w 160O sea mjlea at full pressure. At ciuuing {.psfd ,h6 could steam 7.000 miles, HermagjzinPB are the leurgeac afloat, and sbecan carry 160 rounds of ammunition for ter big 120- tbn guns, and much greater ssppliee for the smaller guns. ^ae is lighted thronghcu* by electricity, ty which also her g«ua are fi:ed. ouch is the greatest ship which the best Bwai constTuctors of the foremost naval F-sercl the world u.vo beeu able to pro- ^J^«- To a power uf ( s.0 great that ordinary mind cc-n scares comprehend it We adds a dtfecBiva armor that is all but "i^vulEerahlo. She v^aa built and armored J- a cost d Eiliious of doll/irs, her largest s^incn alone ecating over SIOO.COO each. t.â„¢* l^"*!*^"' Cbriatlan feellns in the preaent day finda no higher or more beeoH- fal exproaaion than ln*the tenderaeaTS AmericK. oitiea every annuner to the monn- tuna and aea-beaohea U »a aura a teatimony to the power cf tho good God among men waa the going out of the hoat of lartel froin Ai'E!'t ?**"!J°f** " ""^«" olvnfzitlon ia directed to their training, to making them Btrong, happy and good. The old heathen Anaxsgoraa, iriton he waa dying, was asked what waa hie laat csmmand. "That all the children may have a yearly holiday on the day of my death." waa his reply. •« Then they wiU aometimea be glad that Anaxagoras ever lived.-' The modem American doea not wait for death to make the children about him happy. Whatever may have been the golden age for adults, yours is now, children. 1 worth your while to cohtraat your o,.n atanding-grfund with that of tho child of two centuries ago, that yon may rate your chances at their just weight and value, EggSpinnuG;* A writer in the «Soientifio American ' des- cribes three very timple experiments, which ahow aome of the phenomena of fluid fric- tion. He directs the experimenter to take two eggs, one raw,the other hard boiled, and suspend them by wires from a gtu-fixture or other support their long axes being verti- cal. Then if they are gently turned around ocoe or twice, it will be feund tha^ whUe the boiled egg continuea to turn, the raw one comes immediately to reat. This diflerence is owing to the fact that the boiled egg is a solid body anl the whole egg turns; while the raw egg ia a fluid con- tained in a shell, and the shell alcne is turn- ed by the twibting cf the^ire, the fluid re- mainine stationary. Sir William Thompson who devised this and the following experiments, uses it ss one of tho proofs that the earth is a solid body, and sot, aa some have supposed, a thin crust of rock surrounding a fluid or "pasty nucleus." In that case, he says, "the observed swinging and swaying mo- tions of the earth's axis in precession and mutation would be impossible." The same phenomenon is shown in the following experiment, though in a directly opposite way. Take the two eggs and spin them rapidly on their sides on a mirror or other perfectly smooth surface. If you pat the palm of your band gently upon the boiled egg while it is spinning, it of course ceases to move and remains motionless after yon have lifted your hand. But if yon do the same with a raw egg, it will immediately beijin to spin again when the hand is removed. Indeed it is extra- ordinary how Icng yon can hold your hand upon ii; without destroying its motion. The reason of thia is no doubt apparent. The fluid within the shell continues to revolve, though the shell is stationary, while in the other case the whole eag is stopped? If you attempt to spin the eggs on the mirror like a top, you will find that the boiled egg will spin for a considerable time, but the other wHl iall almosti immediately en its side. "Professor Mendenhall has re- marked that this experiment furnishes a solution of Columbus' problemâ€" how to make an f gg stand on end first boil the egg hard, and then spin it." Maniage and Eivorce. Commisiioner Carroll D.Wright's rf' 'it'.: k» «*** »*?«« on the marriage ard d vorce wa of the various States oontaina much "M inf.rmation. It ia stated, fer in- tht"" ** Penasylvani* statue declarea k» *^' marriages not forbidden by tho »» of God ahall be encouraged." In I^kota â- "IMi and a woman may become married MointdscUration." Twenty-one Statee eJ,"**'^»lWating bogus marriagea where ji!f •"« »f »ha parties bcUevod at tho time wepteiecdsd oereraony that it waa legal. *ucbi2»a and Wisconsin a sentence ef jj^wonment for life disfolvea tho oonvict'a jp"»e« vrii^iont any other legal prooeaa. zront^ "" " months' abandonment ia rtCi " '^^itf. divorce. In lenneaaee W h u° '"' P"" of a » Ife to remove with auibuid 10 that) S:ato ia g-iod ground. t! ilL *• ^i'^^^f previsions migha bo cited 1»C""'^8 the grea' diversity in the tJeK;""""^* marri'kan and divorce aoroas .7 "otder, an â-  • «IBJ, 'y Of them. tl the extraordinary character "'oiifv Tie Ere Be'h ^1 ahrm a:;d it ia fapeded. This is !i,,j _{y^'° i^Ja!; bite nubstiiuiioc is prac- -sdf" great, sure -pop corn cure is "itnev ""' ^°-"-*n"s Piialeas Cora Extrac !!,.„/"â-  'a'^la to tako coma off. It makes »" PatnQm'd." pAin, Be sure Her, .li dan^h;tr has mariied a rich "Well," slow'y replied the 'relieve she ha^i mairied a rich A T AILOS'S GOOD FOfiTUNE. me ITUs 915,000 In Tbe tonUiana State I,ottery. Liffhtnincâ€" not political, but fioanojalâ€" struck in the rejrion cf Baltimore rather heavily at the lst drawing of The Louisia- na State Lottery. Besides the Eumerons small prizas of S5, $10 and S20 dra»»T« by BaUimcrean*. Mr. Joseph Kwa, a taU«-r -Ia noes without sAying that Mr. K i J y olatod over his good fortune. ii Kasa said yesterday that he h»8 been in the habit of buying tickets m the Lettery for the past, two years. In «J1 t^* **^' *^ has not missed drawing aome pnz». Tb^ We in small sums, however, and only en- «m«J«l him to ctntinue courting Duae fX^ Just what to do with the money Mr. Kass ia undecided. .u*- «* clothiera Herald, December 3, ,nd has 7«,.7S^'.-I^timore (Md.) ConsTjmption Surely Cored. To the Eiitor :- ^^ j j,g^o a Please "^«'"y^°I/^^;"named disease. positive reinedy *f*^^!j|Jof hopeless cares By its timely use thoM-JJdeoi n v have been P«^'«*°«° '^^Zy remedy fbeb «^^ '" TJti7l^'^oL^' consamp^ »?*-?; l^rwrnlend tb«r Expre«- -d Besp'y, T. A.SLOCUM. tion P. M if thay will send ftddr9!«» g;.'S'm..iSld;s:;,, Knocked out by the Biaok Crook. OaB. fosd Mi«Baoktoy-"I««P""y°° ofscenery.Mr. ^^f.J^'^^msnsely." ^i°B:SttP'Pry;upreferMontBl«.c to the Yo*emi»_^;.j ^j^^ .BlackCroek' Mr. Dearbornâ€" iw"» he IS a very P^' t^^yihTm both out. •' The Manlj Art of Self Defetoe." Giving "blow for How" ia eftai m^^ tboaght of, ttiaa that athar "art of aalf de- tanaa, wliioii cmaiBtt Jb ^««â€"Hi«g ^M'a pwuayatemomtiM eaulta ef diaeaaeaod Mcleot. Whendyapapaa,oMirtli*tieB.hU. the Ukelay liold of taya*a^rthebaM de- gooe la the iouBediata nae of Dr Fiene'a PleMam Peileta tiny, ngar-ewtad ana- "JjVmade fro« do«ia«tra»ed vegetaide exmuna eoe e doeib Ualeaa » tree been Uoaema in aprlog we Buy leek in vain for antimm fmit. Hoopskirti Anin may oeme into atyle, bat It ia hoped not. The tranaforai»tfen which wfU brl^ bwsk uet atyle ef oriaoUiMe onght to be tndefialto- lypeatponed. Tnuuformadonafntheliealth ef thoiaaada of women thronghent the oonntry have taken place daring the paat iV^**" P*l«. hHIwd, and dispirited, they have betjomebr^l-ayed and healthy. The aeoret! Dr. Pleroe'a Favorite Pri- oripUan, which onrea iall thoaa chronic "weakneifea" and diatreaaing idhneate pecul- iar to womeo. It ia only by laboar, aaya Boskin. that thought can be made healthy and only by thought that labonroan be made happy. If all so-called remedlea have failed. Dr. Sage's Catarrh RenMdy oarea. 50 ote., by dmggista. How can we ei^aeot that another ahonld keep our aecreta whta it ia more than we can de ooraelvea A)ma LaeUb' CoQ^. ST. THOMAS, ONTABIO. Graduates' of Alma Commercial College are now in lucrative poeitiona in the leading cities of Canada and the United Statea. Full cociaea in Book-keeping, Phsnography, Penmanahip, Typewriting, Certificatea and diplomas granted. Young ladies pursuiog either of the above oonraea can alao enter for Music, Fine Arts, or Elocution and enjoy all the advantsges^of reaidence. Ratea low. 60 pp. announcement free. Addreaa Princi- pal Austin, A.M. Culinary Query.â€" Skonid a cook carry a chicken with a coxoomb fYlKACHEBS ean siaks money a JL by OMiyMainK tor ooe er^ora at initiw vaoaUon oUr nrt aaUing ,„ "nd Bibles, mptculfj Hiftoiy of Canada, by W- H. mthrow, D.D.. laMst and bert editiaii ver priaea low, tanas ttbsial Write tor dnmbn aad tanna. WM. BUOOS PobUaher, Toronto pal filo u.G.G. OaanatMd aaTe ear* lor Iobk BtaDdiog Ooii^a,Oolda, eto. AA your draggM tor It or wriM to na. take no otter. R.O.KKIDBBfc fX., Dotaists. Tonato. SAUSAGE CABOICMI â-  Bâ€" sen isas. Kaw Importations of Buflbfa Bhtepa, FlaasI Amarloaa Hok Oanlnga. Oideta flllad tor say dsaifad qnantMy. Wiitetor pnoa JAMBS PABK ftOV. 41 to 47 Sk Lawrence Market, Toronto. Ont. TJie Book of Lubon. A Man With Wudom livea in a Fool'a Paradise. A Treatise especially written on Diaeaaes of Man, containing Facta For Men ef All Ageal Should be read by Obi, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a MUUon to be the most pepular, beoanae written in language plain, forcible and instructive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Senae. Valnable to Invalid a who are weak, nervous, and ex- hanator' ahowing new means by which they may ba cared. Approved by editora, critica, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science Sdbiects. Also gives a description of Speci- fic No. S.. Tbe Great He«lth Benewer, Marvel of Healing and Koh-i noor of Mrdi- oinea. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach yon how to make life worth living. If every adult in the civiltead world woiUd real, understand, sd fellow our views, there would be a World of Physical, intellectual and moral giants. Thia Back will be found a truthful proeentation of facta, calculated to do good. The beok of Luben, the Talisman of Health I BriDR» bloom to the cheek, strength to the body find joy to the heart. It ia a meaaage to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon a Speci- fic No 8 the Spirit of Health. Those wno obey the laws of thia bo«k will be crowned with a fadeleaa wreath. Vast nambera of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon'a Specific No. 8. All Men Who are broken Down from overwork or ether cauaea not mentioned in tbe above, should send for and read this Valuable Treatise, whish will be sent to any address, seaJed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Addreas ail orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15 50 Front Street E., T.»rMito, Canada. If yon would not be forgotten aa aoon as yen are dead, either write things worth read ing, ar de something worth writing. A flome ia the West* Join t»i*» great army of hoaseekers and secure 480 acres of government land in the Devil' Like, Turtl, Mountain or Mouse River disttiote cf Dakota. For further in- formation, maps, ratea, a., apply to F. I. Whitney, G, P. T. A., St Paul, Minn. In friendship your heart is like a bell, atruck tvery time your friend is in trouble. A Happy Transition. After five years' suffering from dyspepsl" my wife got cured in one month by the free u»e of St. L on water. We prizs it highly, the transition it bring* from misery to fine health is so grand and permanent. To this hour not a pang. Feel so good and Hearty will take pleaaare in answering any inquir- ies. JcsBPH PaiCE, 349 Djvercourt road, Toronto. Piaoa ypur winter orders now. "Impoasible to overrate the value of St. Loon," say physicians. A.P. 481 (f ram nrsmBM c*ujm», c«eivk V ••«.â€" The sixaa sohoUsUo year bagiaa aiept Sad. An Ait DnMutaant haa bMS added to wUiA Dnwinc aod WMdoarrlnc wUI ba tmnfiti by tiia moatBoaadapeeiaUaltn tbe Domiaion. Oar Shozt- hand Dapaitment hta aooomplMud phsnomeaal m- snUs. walsadtbevaaUiPfaotiealKlaaatian. __ M. MioOORlUCK. Principal. WAN T B D 6,000 MEN TO DRINK larce easeuat ^TRUSlT FUNDS te Keem et a w rate of intereat em ant eteaa accwlty. Apply te MSNSfg Beaa% Chdtriek, Blaekstoek fiatt, Bsrriateralaad Selfdtera, WelliogtoB St., oor. Chatoh, (over Bank otlbtoaM^, â- TORONTO OMT. TON'S FLUID BEEF Apply to the Ijeading Hotels and Restaurants. KEPT ON DRAUGHT. BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 45 KlBC Street East, Torento, formerly for over five ye»r8 Principal of the Shorthand lostitnte tn ood- hection with the Canadian Btuineag University. TvpewriMni; Department under ths iranag^ement of Ma. 6B0BQB BBNGOUQH. Agent for the Bcmln^rtoo Typewriter. Apply for Circular. Mention this papai In writinar. Mficial Limlis FOK CIRC1JI.A.B A9BKBSS, J. DOAN CO 77 Hortkeote Ave., Teronte, 0ut Address, WHAIEV, ROTCEAC 0.,158Toese Street, Toronto. Send for Cataloffue. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COrS has the largest sale of any Toilet Soap in the country on account of its uni- formly excellent, delicate and frag- rant qualities. MONEYJO LOAK ONTABIO FABMSBSdesitete of paying off tag hijrh intskeal-baariiuc aaortagaa, or totondiav hold frato and itaok tor baiSir piloat, eao nhia'i â- eeer aa I.awcet Caneat Katea et latenaC by qplylnic paiaoiwlly or by letter to the LONDON CANADIAN LOAN AGENCY COY J. V. KUKa MaaMBa. 103 BAY ST, TORONTa ALLAN LINE ROTAL MA IL STE AMSHIPS^ THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE And null to the front *a regard ts the provitlon maiia. tor the safety and nom'ort of its customsra. Weekly 8aUlac* Betweem Uverpool. Cllaa* sow and the »U lAwreaee Jt rortnta;iht )y lacrvlrti from Loadoit Aurins Sammer Months. Mail Steamers run between Liverpool and Portland via. Halifax during winter.. Glaajrow steamers saP thronghout the year to Boston and Philat^elphia, call, inr at Irinh porta and Halifax en route. For rates of passage and otber information anply H. iSOURLISR, oor. Ein;; and .Tonics S»., Toronto H. k. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or to the looal agents in ycnr cooaty. I YOUR NAM€ on this Fen and PencO with bottle of ink and case, 25c. f t5 per day easily made by live agts. Send 36c for sample and terma. JhbCaN- OIANRUBBBBSTAMPCO.,lir Adelaide sU £!â- , Toronta Motion paperr PLATE Gf-L_A.SS Delivered anywhors in Canada. largest Stock Jxtwett Prices. McCausland Son, 72 TO 76 KIMC STREET WEST TORONTO. CONVERTIBLE WIRE BASKET MARVELOUS! Wo loose parts and yctctui De converted ____^ Into 100 useful and ornamental shape*. ItSaLamp SJiade, Cake Stand, Card Receiver, Egi? Boiler, Water Heater, and Innumerable other articles that are In- dL«^)ensble In the boiiso or omc«. Nothir.g like it In eiistenoe, and "Agents mate $5 and $10 per day. Bought oagerl y by, all classes. Send at onffe for par- ticulars, etc. Casssroen MTg Co., 58 Victoria Saroet, Torontpo. [Mention this paper.] Provident Life and Live Stoek issoff •! CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D.ARCADE, TQROKTO, CANADA (INCORPORATED-) A mvtijtil benefit ASSOCA SOKIIft ISTESTMBSTTâ€" By pajinif to the abor ABsociilionOSE CtuSt PKR DY, a person agad' twenty -ttvc, and two rents pr day a person a^ad forty four can secure Five Dollars per week wldla disabled through bicknatu nr ttccident, also for two and t.hrce CBnto per d»v, pardons aii^ed as above eaa secure for their dependanfe, Hive Hundred Dollars la event of death. LITK STOCK ©WJfEKScan provld» airatnst by death throutrti disease o' aooicient of their stock at easy rates. Those interested, send f or proi^ectaeSr' eto. Reliable Ageisie wanted 1p- unrepresented dfe tiiots. WIUXUI JOilGS. UaaaKinx Oireotos. When I say Cubb X do not mean matHflt stop them for a time. Bad then have them â- # iarn again. I heait A uAOICAIi GC I have made the disease of FITS, EPHiBPST or FALIiING SICKNESS A lifelong study. I WABRAirrmyremedyte CuuH the worst cases. Because others nsTS failed Is no reason for notnowrecelTlngacnrw, Send £t once for a tre.itl8e and a Fbee Bottue of my I:-rFAi.i.iBiJi Kkmkdy. Give Express and Post Olllce. 3ft costs yon nothing tor a trial, and it win cure you. Address H. G. BOOT, I£.0., 164 West Adelaide St. TORONTO, ONT. T_ Twi Â¥ Ena W AkVaD â€" Ken ' or Womi n VJe^^"ytanSin«.w fat-aelllns: spt- Si»g St.JJi*»i,1jMaiiXtt ;, ._^^_ nx A MnO-Oollec»'«» •' 'o»s'«t" «» •** Canjdltn STAMrO or U»l«.d 8MMa wanted A«idrees. OoUartot," Box UB, Post Offloe, Xorooto. LHl/l LU T»B, 6 Blohm ond St W., Toronto. â- itdTtnaoK IlMpltaL Ita hBiii' Book free G. K. tactfjcaam, »«• D-„ lU.siaaaw*3t.. BiAl«.M.Y. ASTHMA ?eiSbSfi.SVfr^*fe any one i.fflic*sd. Dms. lATT BBOS.. Kochsster. ».Y WO0DLMO??A\/ER â- loXiNoisTHEeTEAST; TORONTO-^^riAOA THE BOILER INSPECTION I AND liiSURAKCE CO OF.-CAMIU. ihtablished f3r the preveaSlon ef steam boiler oiplo 5£^,Ti;J^i»t..Tor.-a..«««. C0H80LX- Solicitors of patents Gao.C.*o«B.C»IeJBii«iiieer. I A. FaiaaE. Beo'y Confc6eration %itc OVHiATHZK.t 1871. HEAD OFFICE, TOROSTV' BEHEaiBEB, AFTKB THBEE VEAB.S Policies are Incontestable. Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Paid-up Policy and Casta Surrender Yalne Guaranteed in each Polic] Policies are non-foifei»ab!e after the payment of two faU annual Premiums. „ â-  •, Profits which are unexcelled by any C -mpany drin? buataeeain Canada, are allocated every five yeaf from the iwu' of the policy, or at longer periods aa i»ay be e*leot»d by the insured. PBOFITS so AIIOCjITED are ABSOMTTE and not Uable to ,le reduced or reeaU ' at any ftatare time under any elrcnnistances. Partuj-Vatino Policji UMerg ore enttffcd to not leu than 90 jet cent, oj th* profits earned in tt doss, an for the part seven yewrt have etetuallg reeeivei 35 per cmU. tf the profit* so earned. W. C. MACDONALD, J. «- M vCDONALD, AcrtTABT. MaNSQIKO DlBKCTOIk STANDARD CHOPPIJ USESBESTFRENOiE MILLSTGNES pmESTCRIKDER MTtB WORM SO RENCWan etATesMiHinosir" ^XOSETWIU. UESTHIB 0. JOSEPH MADDAUGH WRITES FROM MORRISON P Not. 261 k, 'M. Now that I have purchased ttom yoaoae of your Standard French Burr Chojiptaf Hlllat turntnc In en tt as itart payment .wty Ir*u Grinder, I have no •bjeetlan to tell ya« that tha Plates used in the Iron Grinder cost 9).M. and latterly but $1.09 per palv. I used oTcr 930.M worth last wlatcr. 9 slanally a Plate would last a week, sometimes not oTcr two or three houa. The price of the MUI waa 9t5.M. maadi cheaper than yours, but In the end it wna s very much dearer MUl. I am aatlsfled that Iron tlrlndera arc only suitable lor f amsei* who have a very small amount of Chopplnf to do far thdr own use. m: EW.ft-BBiynnBD. CAOtJUW-^ J. COMEMI, MA9ilWAKI. (^U^, Wi^lTES Not. «3'd, '8». 1 would frel incllnr4l to ^^lojcize far n*t wrltiMK sooKcr bad I n«t been ti» baay, ano my deaii^ to give the SO-lnch Standard Xill a fair -^ral lM;iore writ'nK. lam the most baapr to state that I arars. tirely sat(sae- with the lUllâ€" M i» doinc -splendid work. Two No. 3 Iron firlndera at SIS-M WmtHu Three No. 9 Iron Three No» t iron â- Brfdrin at $86 •• eaeh, all in good order with smiT platea* 'i, -f^,.

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