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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Dec 1889, p. 2

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 •N^ ^?.V?^.--. "•-(-V:v ;(.-,,. \yt ii- • w»f^i«»i wm â- i .( t# ?f • G. W. Rutledge, Prc^rieio*. MAEKDALE, DEC. 26, 1889. WEDDING BELLS. The marriage of Miss "Whitby, of this village, to F. W. Bxooke, of Osh- 9wa, which took plaoa la tli^iJtt^^k^^,^ Church en ChFi8toiaaDay,-wa ooe of the most bon-toD affairs we have had iu our town. The nnptial knot: was tied sharp on time at 1:80 p. m., the £e«. George Baggia, Dwtriet Chair- man, officiatingi The: biide appeared buth handsome and happy and was supported by Mitses Mabel Mathews aiiid Bell, while the groom, who seem- ed quite at home, .was assisted by Messrs. McDonald, of London, and W. F. Whitby, jf Oregon. Afterthe ceremony was completed the compuiy adjourned to the family residence where a sumptuous repast awaited them. The presents were numerous, elegant and costly. After a couple of hours pf sociable intercourse and fi:ieudly congratulations the happy ^uple took their departure lor Osh- awa by the 4:85 train, amid showers of rice, a wave of good wishes, and an occasional old slipper. A large black Fox has been aei^^ lately. Ks fur jf-.valaed att $1. Wl^M wiU be tiie In^oDd to diobt i|.: " Oar mercl^nts Mi-e bney. "1,000 Ibs^'fowf iougbt in » day. Tour corrtolpeuaent Wishes yoarself and Standard reaJers a prosperoas New Year. MeafordBoad. Standard Correspondence. The Xinas Tree entertainment given by tUe teaeher and school cl»il- dren iu the-flcbool house ou Thursdav eveniug, the i9th inst., was a spleiidid success. N otwithstanding tJie v L-ry bad state of tiie roads was wel] attend- ed, the house being comfortably £1 ed. An arch was erected over tl.e oirjiau. which was covered with gifts of all descriptions for the pupils, none being forgotten. The whole eutertHinment passed off well, and uiuch creditj is duo to tlie teacher. Miss Ford, for the excellent manner in which she had the children trained. Her sister. Miss Alice Ford, presided at the organ. BoUaad C«]itr«. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. On Thursday, 26th, interested rate- payers convened at the school house, when W. J. McFarland was elected chairman and H. D. Irwin, secretary. The Trustees' annual report was read by the sec, W. A. Brown, showing net receipts $1520.36 and expenditure 1089.02 leaving a balance on hand of $431.84, which report was adopted. The auditor's report read by C. W. Eutledge was also received. \V. L. Young was elected Section's Auditor, and Messrs. W. A. Brown, Wm. Lucas, and H. D. Irwin elected as trustees. The question of school ac- commodation was taken up and dis- cussed in a business-like manner re- sulting in a resol^ition to put the pre- sent premises in a good state of repair where required, not entertaining the idea of a new school at present. Berkeley. Standard Correspondence. The eiitertaiument in S. S. No. 6, Holluud. on the 16th. was a great success in spite of the wet night. During the entertainment the children presented their teacher Mr. P. J, Stephens, who isjleaving, with a hand- some album and address. The Orange soiree on the 18 th, had an uufayorable night ah c, but was fairly well attended. Addresses were given by Messrs. McLoughry, W. A. Brown and R. Jamieson, Mr. Juo. Lyons occupied the chair in a vary able manner. Some of the friends and well wish- ers of Mr. R. JamieSon presented him with a cow as a slight evidence of their regard and as a mark of their apprecia- tion of his service in the Methodist cburch. We might say that the pre- pentatiou was especially appropriate as Mr. Jamieson had a cow. drowned while he was away preaching at ijyou's Church on Sunday. We wish all a merry Christmas. Standard Correspondence. We wish the Standabd a merry Xmas a Happy New Year and con- tinued success. Mr. E. J. Bmith who has been in Tilsonburgh since spring, leturned on Monday, looking as hearty as eyer. He will remain in the' Centre for the winter. Chakge of Tkachebs.-â€" We do not understand why so many sections de- ' sire to change their teachers every year. Every section in this vicinity 18 doing so this year and this when they were supplied with good ones. We regret that Metsrs. Beckett of No. 5 and Armstrong of our own are leav ing, but the village people to shew their esteem entertained them to a supper on Friday evening last after which a very enjoyable time was spent. Pbesentation. â€" Ou Friday evening last as Mr." Armstron g had brought his labors iu connection with our school to a close he was a^reebly sur- prised when his pupils in behalf of the school presented nim with an elegant gold watch chain together with the accompanying address â€" J/r. Armstrong, Dear Teacher, â€" Knowing that you are leaving our school for another and that our assocations as teacher and pupils must now close, we cannot allow you to leave us without express- ing to your our thanks for the deep interest you have taken in our welfare and the hope that you may be blessed more than ever in your new ield of labor. Plea se accept this chain not for itp great value but as a slight token of our esteem and respect for you as our teacher. Signed in behalf of the pupils of S. S. No. 7, Holland. Annie Cbowther, Jennie Jackson, Edith HABiLBr, Holland, Dec, 20th, 1889. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS, TROWSERINGS m all the leading grades. SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS. CUFFS. SUSPENDERS, Ac. c. rrv. -orTy,-;^- Special attention is invited tithe Manilfnctiire of Buttons; parties wisbiuK -L^ VvriDe 8; IieW Sii ^jo bnttODB of same material ss tlieir garments, either ladies oi- geiitlemeu, caa huTe them 'W66l' made in a lew miuates while watting. ' AGENT FOB PARKER'S DYE ^WORKS. " Tailoring done as usual. Custom, work will receive careful attention. Good work and i: eat fits. J^« S« wbi /t^i l7;J CALL AND SEE rimsmis! Your atteBtion is respecliveiy cal^d to IDV l ^[w|l|j||T(E|BDMH|t|C|l-|E|SD NOTED CHEAP AND WATCH, RELIABLE Good nicijel open face, stem-winci, pendant set, warranted 18 moiithsr only §4.50. Also a fiue line of higher grade Watches, with gold, gold-filled, silver and- nickel cases, screw btzel and hinged. Which for quality of material, excel- leuce of workmanship and style of get* up is not excelled anywhere. Whether you wish to purchase or not, call and see us and examine our work we want to get acquainted and to do business with you. Next door to McKeuua's blacksoiith shop. GEO. S. MATHERS, MARKDALE. â€" i/r pAr»$ TOâ€" Don't fail to see thair stock of Plush Goods AND Clocks from $1.50 up. new Alarms jusu arrived. A stock of 12 per cent, discount on all silver plate from now until Christmas also a liberal discount on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. SocklTn. Standard Corresvondence. School closed on Friday last. The following evening a large number of the children, parents and friends of tbe school assmbled at the residence of Mrs. Sarah Breadner, the teacher's boarding place, when a beautiful ebony gold lieaded eaue and an ad- dress was pteseuted to Mr. Frank Hutchinson, their late teacher. Mr. Dodson read the address, which brought tears to many eyes. He followed with an eloquent speech, which would do credit to Dom Pedro. Music was furnished by Mes.r8. £. Cook, John F 'Us and Miss A. Bread* Iter. J. E. Richards gave a resitation 'O^NWould I were a boy agait?,'".. The National Anthem whs sung an3 all L^ft. wishing Mr, Hutchinsojj a. ^ro- sWerous joaruey thfuugh life. Mr. W. Nickleson is visiUog at 11^. Gan^e ixa snow are two Koarcto â- *ti«i«"J' ' 'â- ' " â-  " f jys, Bi^haras boo^tlii) «r t€- Mr. Armstrong was completely taken by surprise but managed to return his thanks to the pupils assuring them he should eyer value the chain on account of the kiudness, which pro mpted the gift. Mr. A. takes charge of the Drumbo school Co. Oxford, in 1890 and we trust he may be as successful as he has in Holland Centre. "Noirination Day" draws near but municipal matters seems strangelv quiet. It is c»^rtaiu that all the Council of 1889 will seek re-election while Mr. liowey will contest for theReovc- ship with the present occupant. It is not certain if Mr. Shute will haye any opposition for the position of Deputy but the chances are greatly m favor of being elected by acclamation, while Councillors in addition to the present onesweiiearthenamesofex-cbuncillors Murry, Smith and WilHscroft. No doubt the electors will select the best. MoBB Anon. Monograms or presentation inscrip- tions engraved on all silver plate, watcheff, etc., free of charge, besides the discount. Old gold or silver melted up and made into Brooches, Rings, etc. A fine line of Plain and Gem Binps on hitnd. Initiate engraved on Rings sold, if desired. Repairing in all its branches prompt- ly attended to and satisfaction guar- anteed. S. BREADNER, THE BUSY JEWELLER. AND THAT Is THE Thibet* SiS|*tS«S^«^""^r°' ^*-^5r- The best accomiuodatioh for students. 1 lie best methods of instruction. .^Pn^^^^l^. '*â„¢ **** iustrucUon alio. For annual anuooacement givina partieularB regarding the course of study. teri^KddrSS C. A. FLEMING. PiaNcn-Ai,. Owen Sound Nov. ist. 18b8. Karkdale Marketsi WiKSESDAY, Dec. 18th 1889. Hurrah for Xmas -AT 7HE â€" WAIATEB'B TAAXS FUBUC SOKOOK. The folio wiER promotions were made at the end of the school year. Note â€" Names arranged in order of meri.t. 3rd to 4th class â€" Olhe Brown, An- nie Walter, Bertie Carney, Lottie Brown, Percy Brown. Bertie 6eabrook. Junior to Senior Jivision of 3rd class :-rWiJhe McLennan, Ida Car- ney, Lillie Shunk, Martha Prior, Ros6 E. Taylor, John H. Coleridge, Geo. Caswell. 2nd to 8rd class:â€" John UcGor- naick. find part to 2nd class: â€" Charlie Bvker; CharUe Taylor, Nettie Bon- m:ll. AlUe Barker, Uaggie JJindiay, Jelbe Shank. £klt» firoim, Sobhut CANADIAN P ACIFIC B, B. TIME TABLE. Fall Whffit Spring Wheat... Barley ......... uats .•.......â- ,, Pease Butter â- Eggs Hay I'otatoes, per bait wooi.,..r;. B*Hjf â- * Pork ' « 70 to « 70 to • 3o to 25. to 53 to 14 to 18 to 6 00 to 40 to OOto 4 00 to 15 00 5 00 ta 5 26 83 b2 40 26 51 1.5 18 00^ 00 00 Gorao South. GOINO NOBTH. 6.55 a. Tax, 12.10 pjn. 4,34 p. in. 8.64 p. m. MARRIAGES. It^'.hiU-.--;^ i^'-n ';*•'• I'lliTri tir"-.,. â- a r^. SiEPHBNaoNâ€" BuuH.â€" On the 18th inat., at the residence of the bride's father, hv theBev.T. B. PydeU, Mr. Wm. P Btephenson, to Miaq Jiary BUin. both of £apibtaaia. pBooM^J7HiT8T.-B.Ythe Eevi Jeo. Bnggin. at the MetVoOist Choteb. ilarkdaleTon Chnstniaa Day Fredenofc "M^ebb Broote of Oshawft, to Minnief A. Wbitby.^oongoBt duURhter of John Whilby, JB«i^ ftl^k^ Monttaly Fairs. Oiangenllo-Thea^I^ Thursday in aaeli month Dundoht-Tuesday before orangeville. Fle^ertpn-Monday before O^ngeville. Markdale-Sfttnrday before OrangeVflle ^ornam-Third Tuesday in e«cL ihbnta Chatsworthâ€" Monday befow, Durham HoIlandCenb:e-SatMdaybefor.Chatsworth Pnoevilleâ€" Monfay bef«»Darham. Hanover-Monday, betire DurUsw NOTlCEk Npttoe is hereby glTen tit « Cwiada, for an Act toiucoJrria Markdale Furniture Wareroom, AWAY DOWN BELOW lor the Holiday season. Flush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Beddings Sideboards, Tables, common Exton^ioa Tatt* in great variety Waslisr.i^l-; SpMf Mattress Wool Miit.tie;--s 4 h!1 kinfc. and ju fact every thiu^' thp.thteptit afirst-clasR shoo. Call nudgetqn^ tfttions. Also Funeral Fiirnisliiog*' Coffins, Caskets, RobeF, to* GloyeR, Crapes of all (]escnptions ways in stock. Tbankinp; my nnn^ 0U8 customers for j)ast i'avors, « ing all a Merry Xiuiis and fl» New Year. Yours respectfully, 4. W. Sprouie Iff 4 s Blr.f mi 301m tamm «ha6 1 of tb* alhtie be fin pMuid^ propcli to lend i^Mo) ' POIKIAr. send wii Theie tome pi theahip. armor 17 torretiai wall or bi waUextei to proteoi tomtand these gtuii 29 hydrai 2,000 hon over whio] from 50 dc around oti beam on tl At tile a rifle, that J a projeodlt a charge of ii moonted â- tniatnre aad Atlanta ed aa broa bores six in projeotile v gnaa projeo •hot-proof s] In addltio ries twtlve I tbrow a don withamszhtj bostofthe I gaat, becass ooold ahowei Ib additioi tnrret, this s t*ve belt. It sio that extends i aafe distance â- bieldts 152 «"ne, along i "deaoasto i men that won •"joined by] â- Up. The main d| tUa belt of I inohesihiok â- o that ahots tile 31« protect gnus in «nWedfrom Jfwienos, ^- As aire vmorthete To drive •«ew8 of I Mple drangh. «, foroed her the mea â- Â» honr. „„, H* 1.200 toj '•f 1,600 oadtiaj Her oan Sepeedl magaei eirry Ike iSL,^ ^20'i ""gPlfce for tfal â-  U«ht »lao tie oonstrnj Pf»«rofthe I!?*- To a ordinary *y which Soohia â- aval the apH kddk Jr«l'»«»bl( a del Ma «*t cf mi *»»«n alone KKK or tbe P9OCLAMATI0IV FBOil THE I GHE#«lSHSliq_ me OF ALL CHEAP i'^m a*. 85^ â- *«*Oad â- â€¢â€¢â€¢Bd iMonwUlbe J^Iianutut at ^nuu ' »t JemBM Brawn' HodhtFbr K?*iwSS{SSS. all tt' by one and greatest thai' WW ever opened in '}»'» â-  ' " â-  vdlage of Markdale. «i«ha1 ba:i^ain â- ' "â- 'â- ' "Hi Id" J i Htn we are. good people. 'T.^ti m; with lotsio show you, »""'_, 'yo«; and with lots to sell .««^ "-« knew how wo can sell gooos so liTe^t-iHtBlddo your ^eirif^^, ffiiAe.y^^nake with |oy ftw" it wonW ike you rejoice «»" tiewehold tbat BQoh a grand GIVING AWAY S^ v^Mienea right at yo"' â-  ""Wo wMjl avarv one who****^ i,i 'TrlfcsQ and want every one vno ^-ZuH*, SO oenU on every dollar th«yj5f •"•' â€" VM, exanae our stoc« convinced tliw' ^u.i^ a%-

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