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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Dec 1889, p. 8

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 mm mmmm iZi\ w ^^L m^: iUll Sfc*- â- â€¢51^ BJgmCSHIPE BOAR. For service this seaopn. Tenna U at time^ of service. EOBT. McBBmB. 481.0 Markdale. BERKSHIRE BOAR. Mr. Jas. Bell. Bell's Lake, has pnrchaeed a thoron^h bred Berkshire boar which he will b are for service at his farm thi^ season. 4114-6 ESTRAY. WT mOESS! THE WESTEBN ADVERTISER fiOVSOV, OHTABXO. Published in twelve-page form, and beauti- â-  fully printed on one of the best web- feeding presses in America. BUS. S^ROULE A E«0, â€" rRTUlCUNS, BOaOBOKB, ACCOUCBBBS, C.â€" Office at JIanley'B Drug Store, where all calls day or oi^t will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPfiOULE, K. D. A. £G0. M. D.. Ac. TSB I«8P»ATB DRM* W DBTBCIKD VOBOEBJCT eUSfiOffy. Came to the premises of E. W. Moore, lot 22, con. 12, Holland, about the 1st Novemb- er, one white ewe and lamb and one black ewe. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay expenss and Ret them. E. W. MOORE, 433 6 Markdale P. O. ~TE^ACHER^ ANTED, For School Section No. 17, Euphrasia, male or female, holding 2nd or 3rd class certificate. Jc^m Steer, Joseph Thompson and W. J. Brown, trustees. JOSEPH MANARY. Sec, 482-4 Harkaway P. 0, VALUABL.E PBESENTS FOR SUBSGEIBEES AND AGENTS. LABGE ST $1 PAPER In clubs of four and upwards 75c. each BERKSHIRE BOAR. For service on lot 8, con. 8, Glenelg, near Traverston, a fine young berkshire Boar. Terms $1. 478 85 JOHN HUNT, Traverston. FARM FOR SALE. Lots 109 and 110, 3rd con. north-east of "the Toronto and Sydenham Koad, township of Artemesia. A most desirable property. Cheap. Apply to H. D. IRWIN. Markdale P. 0., Co. Grey. Popular Departments Of interest to ever member of the family, including a Frst-class Agricultural Depart- ment Special Maiket Depaitment Secular and Sacred Music Interesting Stories Ladies' and Youths' Departments Curious and Useful Department Legal Department; Talmaoe's Sebmohs and ALL THE NEWS by telegraph, mail and coirespondenee. BALANCE OF 1889 FREE I C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Office at Stephen's Drug Store. Late of the London Hospital, England. i*. i:cC«Liiovi.g-ii* BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥ER McFARLAND'S STORE, MAEKDAL.E. iMoney to Loan- I. B. I-UC7^S, BARRISTER, SOI.ICIT0R, «c, KTC OFFICE OF Wxn. LUCAS. S^ Co., Every Friday. Wm. Lucas in charge of office during week. and legal matters will receive prompt attention. Chesi^ey, Dec. i2.-i«^ middle aged mau ^me into this village yesterday and registered himself ai tlie Soliohn Hotel ds James Ward, of Brajat; After AD3ZXXOVAL LOCAZ«. nujOriosda Case. The memorable Cronin case I ed and the jurv returned their on Moodaj last. 1 hey acquitted BeJ found Coughlin, O'Snllivan, and B guilty of murder, and Kun'ze ^?^ manslaughter. The former tlitee ^°^ .^endinVBome time ab..ut town he* "^-"-^-"«";-^- ^^«^°'^ertl„ee ;; bpeuuiug Buiwo » ^iV' v.f t i Sentenced to i.tiprisonment f,.. 1-, proceeded to the banking ««M« of J. 1 """^^'^^ torhfej^^ H. Elliott Co.. and sought «n mter- 1 Kunze to three years. view with the manager, Mr. JoIju Mc- j vcwOrooerjr. Bain. He represented Limselt asai Edward Rutledge, brother of yeeditn larmer living near Ellaugowan, and I and his sou Will, formerly of the s gave his assumed name. Then be dard" staff, are this presented promissory notes amouutipg to $630, which he wished to have di.s- counted, $4C0 to remain on deposit and $200 to be taken for immediate use. After refei-ring Mr. McBaiu to two gentlemen in the village as parties ^:^ek iu Toronto purchasing a stock of groceries and J 033en out next week in Hasketfsbw in the premises lately occupied by C son Bros. Will has had experience b the business with his brothers ia^^ Agent's Package and aample copy on application. The most liberal inducemeutfi ever offered in Canada to club-getters. Address â€" ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., London Canada. PRINTERS' INK. A JOUBKAL FOR ADVEBIISEKS. Printers' Ink is just what it purports to ibe, "a journal for advertisers.' It is issued on the tirst and tifteeuth days of each month, and is the representativa journal â€" the trade journal, so to speakâ€" of American advertis- ers. It tells thn intending arid inexperienced advertiser in plain, comprehensive articles how, when, and whore to advertise how to wiite an advertisement how to display one; what newspapers or other media to nse how much to expend â€" in fact, discourses on every point that admits of profitable discussion. If .you advertise at all. Printers' Ink can help yon. Perhaps you expend but Ten Dollars a .year in advertising if so. Printers' Ink may show you ho «â-  to obtain double the service you are now getting for one-half the money. A year's t-ubscription cots but One Dollar •a sample copy costs but Five Gents. Adver- tising is an art practised by many but under- stood by few. The conductors of Printers' Ink understand it thoroughly. Surely their â- advice, based on an experience of more than twenty- five years, will help you. Address â€" GEO. P. ROWELL GO'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau, #80 10 Spruce St., New York. PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! (â- MKDtLE PUMP FACTORY) is turning out a superior quality of pumps, and guarantees satisfaction. JOSEPH MXULLOUGH, MARKDALE. Original and only reliable. Beware of poor imitations. WANTED ^fen to tike orders f jr Nursery Stock, on Siilaiy or Commission. I can make a success- ful SA.LESMAN SsaliloiforFiflifbs! WILL STODDART, TKIL-OR, Who has just returned from Toronto after taking out his diploma for cutr ting in the Toronto cutting school, had Miss Fits who had been in his employ for some time past arrested, and brought up before his Honor Chief Jaf tice Neat Fit, charged with robbing him ard annoying I113 custom- ers, she was found guilty and sentence ed to go down for fifty years. The public in general and my customers in particular are invited to come and leave their measure with me for their clothing and need fear no more trouble cr annoyance from Miss Fits. ^W. STODDA.BT, TAILOR. Over McFarland's store. of any one wlio will work and follow my in- stnicfoiis. Will iumish liantl.-ome outfit liee. and pay ynur salary or commission, every wtvk. Write for terms at once. E. 0. URAHAV, Nurseryman, Toronto On SALESMEiyi to cunva ^^ for (lie .-.alt- of Nursery Stock, OX^S vL.\HY AND EXPRN.SKS OR UuM. MISSION. Cte»dy eui^ioj'uieut. Afply at iioce, stating aee. J. B. Nellit ^i^^^^.)P?l W. H. DRINKWATER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, has started in business in the HiU Block. I am prepared to do all kind of ^vsrork. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All people leaving tbeir cloth to cut will be done at a moderate cost. Look Here. If you take your grist to FORD'S yoQ will get good satisfation, as we keep and no other. We also make a npa- cialty of choppin;.;. luring jilongyour chop a'jd get it home again the same da\. Flour S: Feed t!old wX. i\\t^ Idwost maiket prices. Call aud giVti IIS H tiiiil. J VV. FOED. BBOWV. DIVISICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commiaaioner} in B. R.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3ERLEY, Isaue.^ of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rate.^. A few inarms for rale. Termg easy. J.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S, DENTIST, GBADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commenciuf; on the 7th September. MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Buai- nesa Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona. P.O. FARM~FOR SALE. LOT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg. 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particnlarB apply on the premises. or by letter to J, S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. who could identify him. he went out William and will manage the new store. for a few minutes. Mr. R. Maxwell was sent for as being a man well ac quainted with Mr. Ward, and when Clip This Ont. The Canadian Permanent Loan Co requests me to announce to their be appeared he informed iJie banker j tomers in Artemesia, Euph that he did not know Ward. Iu the i^nd arid Glenelg, wisbiuc e; rasia, Hoi. evening the stranger presented otber tLdr^LoansT'or' ibtrjaS"" °^ notes to Dr. H. A. Bonnar. but not ^^^^ ^^ ,^^^^^ offutl making any headway in getting them ^__._ ,, ,_ "" .°\ "terest eturued to the hotel, wi.she.s HARKD ALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £. Marsh, Proj*' W. G. RICHARDS BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. discounted, he r where he was arrested for forgery. He ackno^vledged bis guilt, and said his name was George Horsley. living near Elsinore. The village constable, iu stead of locking the prisoner m the cells, allowed him to remain iu a guarded room in the Windsor Hotel, he himself occupying a room near t!io prisoner. At 6:45 tins morning the constable unlocked the room door, and, looking in, found the prisoner lying on his face at tbe foot of the bed, but not thinking of anything serious and concluding that iu all pioliabilitv the mau was sleei^iiig, he retired and locked the door. About eight o'clock he proceeded tp awaken the prisoner for breakfast and discovered that the man was dead. On further examina- tion he was found to have a muffler Canadian Almanac is simply invafeable strictlj and con. iidentiaiy attended to by calling at njv residence opposite Dr. Sproale'smansioii Markdale, John Wbitby, appraiser. 483.$ The Lecture by Dr. Carman, to be given in tbe Markdale Methodist chnrch on Monday evening, the 3ffth, on Uk Jesuit Question promises to be both interesting and liigbly instructirs. The Dr. is one of the ab]ef5t orators in the province, and beinp thoroughly posted on this great question will doubtless have a crowded house. Lecture and tea only 25 cents. CxyADiAN Almanac foe 1890.â€" The Canadian Almanac for 1890, published by Copp, Clark Co., is out iu an en- larged and greatly improved form. The looped around his neck and lieJ strongly to the bottom of the bed. If you have a severe cold and a troublesome cough, use* Mauley's Throat and Lung Syrup. Fob backache, sprains, lumbago, sci- atica and rheumatism, use Mauley's Good Samaritan Oil. Boyal Blatik Ibl^litB of XraUuid. R. J. SPROULE FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valnator and Money Xiender. DeedR, MortgogeB, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations made ou sbortest notice Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPKOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton 6 PER CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to K. .T. SPBOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesberton. Private and Company's funds to Invest in F.eal Estate at cnrrent rates of interest. Victoria Preceptory, No. 282, held their annual meeting in tbe Hall of Markdale L. O. L. No. 1045, on Dec. Idth, when one brother was initiated into the mysteriej of t^e Boyal Black Degree, and the usual business of the Preceptory gone throagh with. The following Sir Knights were elected to office for the ensuing year Sir Kt. James Brodie, W. P. •' William Brady, D. P. •• James McMahan. Chaplain. " Thos. Elliott, Registrar. " James Elliott, Treasurer. " Joseph Gibson, Ist Lectarer. Thos. Gilray. 2nd " J. A. Heanl, 1st Censor. Thos. 2ud " J. McFaddeu, 1st St. Bearer Thos. McArtbur, 2d " '• James Erskine, Pursuviant. ' Geo. Ritchie, 1st Committee " James Trickey, 2i)d do. •* J. E. Marsh. 3rd do. •* R. W. Blakely, 4th do. " J. G. Carson, 5th do. ' Tiios. Abercrombie 6th do. Thos. J. Lackey, 7th do. as a book of reference, and this jear's issue contains several new features that add much to its merit. There is for tiie first time a list of the physicians of Ontario, the political color of members of the Dominion and Ontario Houses of Parliament are giyen, as well as the salaries paid tbe ofBcials cf the Govem- ment. Get one at Mauley's drug store, only 15 cents. Fob wounds, sores, bursrs, scalds, salt- rheum and all skin diseases nse Manlej't Carbolic Ointment. Kaxkdale ConacU. t' rABlCB FOB SAILS AHB TO All business private andconftdentia]. Aud^bs er for Canawla IVrmauent Loan and sfrtS^ Company, Toronto. oavmg «S JOHN WHITBY, Markdale. .id.- in all i-ati*.- '• ^. {-to«iB^ Our uiMkinritJ tta m. wr wfll amd rp • w-rHI««ih «n tb« MMriunniia. Piof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAININB METHOD 182 95 9 Cords S 10 "S!!!^ •»,»^"" Easy TOBAIJKACHE. 'VMa^TA lEKS^n85.l%J'*£j?^»* *iere Is a fi«M«wS£^Al£T2^'^t' Adapud to »U If you would like to take Cod Liver Oil in a palatable form try Mauley's Cod Liver Oil Cream. If you are troubled with Catarrh ot cold m the head, use Mauley's Catarrh Magic. So Onr aabMclWrB. The special announcement whioh appeared in our columns some time suioe. imaoano- ing a speoial arrangement with Db. B. J. Kendall Co.. of Enosburgh Palls, Vt., pub- lishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby our Rdbecribers were en- abled to obtain a copy of that valoable work free by sending their address to B J KENDALL CO. (and endoaing a "tw,v cent stamp for maUing same) is renew, ed for a limited period. We tnttt aU will avail themselvea of the opportunity of ob- taining this valuable work. To ererr lover of tbe btnseit is indigoenaable. as it treate in a simple manner all tlM diaeMea which affict this noblB animaL Its pbenoaunal f.ale throaghout the United State* and Canada, make it standard authority. Man- tion this paper when sending far "Treatae " 478-91 Minutes ot lOtb meeting of to municipal council of the village of Markdale, held the IGth day ofDe- cember, 1880, according to statnle. Members all present escept the reeve. Wni. Bmwn in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications â€" Keqnisition of school trustees for balauce of sdiool moneys. Account from HaskattBrss. for rent of ball, c. Account ivm C. A. Johnston for gravel and work. Moved by Mr. Lucas, secoudedby Mr. Plewes, That the Treasure be requested to furnisli statement of k ceipts and expenditures also assete and liabilities, and that the same be published iu Markdale Standari- Carried. Moved by Mr. Plewee, secowJedby Mr. Lucas, That Haskett Bros.' sect of $53.28, be paid, and that tbelM" issue his cheque for the 6ame.-Ca- lied. ., Moved by Mr. Haskett. seconded by Mr. Plewes, That the requiaoou of School Trustees for balanw »' money due them be paid fortbraB." Carried. Moved by Mr. Lucas, seconded 07 1 Mr. Plewes, That C. A. Joiwstonj I bill of $20.80, for gravel delivered " street, be p.%id. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. R. C. Bbydbn, Cm- SCIENTIFICAMERiCW' Is the oldest and most popnta' »JS?Sij^ meehanioal paper pobltsbed aod dm j^^ tfnmlatlon of any paper of Its cIsm »fw*; »nny Illustrated. Best class of WooaJS* lain. Pobllshed weeklr. Send M q^ ARCHITECTS A BUILI^IJ EdttioB of Scientific AMfic^ Aareatsnoewu. Bfch issue 000'**, HthoKiaplile plates of ooontrrandcnr^ ••ior Bntolle bidldliws. Nâ„¢'*?!^^ and fnlTpIaiii and speclflcaUons w j|^ Speh as contemplate bnll dine- rf^SHSii Xats.aeopr. MDNN If you wantacbeftp blood modidno buy Pawiiee :Pnrifyio« Powders, majm- ^toroi and for sal^ at Uuley's Urngt Sto«.-e." l^!5 ;;p^sssssior'?Si' I «i«a p^Sr^d for HaBdW»* poadanoe atrtoUr oonfldeDtlaL TftADE MARJg-.** â- onr maik ta not repJcrin*]^ rf^S^ basiadiiMpiotiMtton. Sendforiv-^^ jOOpT«ieHT9 for bo^ " â- cmi CO.. P^^S'^otf***^* _^jAi^Qjes»it. â- :

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