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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Dec 1889, p. 7

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 H«e Force txptM energy or fo^ human body^^ own to b, L»!r* *w 30 in figure^ ^\Vti\ 168 poundnr^f«- Ing. he ha, tofir^l loal force fonndl.!*'** ytheheI«h»tob:L 7000 feet =|i ^4^,^** •her T7ord..ir7y55l 11 foot. "".OOOft, performed maralv h. «n the heart, ,Sft! krcer!e», and, on A. This U effwtSJ?!!*' -tp.raeconJ:tte««^« e of an adulii a J«a M r each oontraaMj^f "' ^ic^Sli'S^' yâ€"Intemational Conference at BniBsels. A.r oivilizition, m npreMDted 0« •**iJwer« meeting in Bru««eU, wiU ' r B** f^loiai •nd gathering Ita whole trade, in the hope that the Ictii """ which has witneaaed the ' "I'^Jf railway*, shall «ee the laat i^'^omj â-¼"» thi. attempt as a '^**( in»ndlin gentimentallam, ahoold L tb^t civiliMtion waa prim»rily, •^^JnT solely, responaible for the med Earope invented the bar- Mc»n «lav« hunting throe oen- '""" when it began colonizmg N«rth «"•«*? America, and felt the wuit of ^l «nd Bua Hardened laborers to '"f^he soil of the New World and •"!,niM great BfltUh, Portnguese and '" iBepablics. Earope even patented feS' Wet the time when tbe^Spanish VQ^ngaeto of an per minute, but bZJ^, to the additional. I »"««a8€dtoanexteS y 100 beats of thepXi uldglv« 400 foot poS foo„ pocnds per hour md. lor the five honri n^ i;nredin ascending a hebj ibe work performed by 13 tniDg. by the expansion^ tne cheat, may alio beny -pounds Ai«iuming.f„lh r of breathings per mbttliei oclf twenty-five, althoned fact, it will be found to 3 :ountain ascent lutfaig fil to add further work of 3oJ J. k performed during five ler consequently amonnti pounds. In this estimtte e pbysioal force spent hi ot« ition on the groond, the ^^ having oonqnared and doaad tik... •tipply. the rork tSTSi^^.l"' •' houae and harem awvanta^ •lao hondrada of tfaea •«t back tc AwJrtrTpS?' " *«» out the pagan poaple ef ST^ TO B£ABOa FOB EUBIED TREASUEE. IltaSrt* ,.be w.rtfc,».,^,^„a ^^ m tae •rtke Maifaue laiaaOa. or janiaaariea. bnt ntar« ICoamlmaa it thrnigh- Govemmenta chartered ',. .lave raiding companies, which ?^!lok to provide annually 10.000 or '?. Jb of negro" (aye. that waa the L gpoke) trom the Guin^ Coast ^^â- 1 wben »he Portuguese Bishop of i. on the Wesi Coast of Africa, stood f the beach snd gave the blessing of the icCharch w the slave lades and slave Jig veesela sailing out to the lands /ffrc»n forget that hardly a century ago «eat LiveruQol and Lgadon merchants^ L .till m»kin« a trcmeadons bneinMs in â- hL the United Ssa^s with » Uncle " ttd lopsies" that within the first M of the present century Cuba received r,erthan 12,000 black wretches intend- '„, the cultivation of its tobacco, and „ recently as 1850, the Braaila Uke- bonght 50,000 unforiunate negroes, to lais which the human fltsh hunters had compeUed to ^ht and kill about as lAid yet, as in the case of Lady Macbeth the perfumes of Arabia fall in "sweeten- tbU little hand. " In spite of onrselvea, liuve raiding and slave ownine crime ve invented is going on still throngh- Central Africa and even aprealing idiei. Daring three oenturiea, civilization lit the coast Africans to invade the ior cf the Dark Jon tinent and enslave biethren for the porpaees of civilization Kow that the coast Africans have oar coBtom, they are practising that aport and trade on their own aooonnt. ibre traffic bas removed its markets the religion of the ctvilked WertL coijSed iSw^Aful^cSr "s:^ ^nndac^nntnry and the ^SS^k^^l fhref^uiSf:^.h"da^ r^-^^^^g martyrs be maa««red en th J3ta« of^£ pagan gods in the rel.giou. oereSS of heathenism, while a porHon of the captured wretchea are alao .hipped aonthi^a to Madagaacar the Comorea and otherlarM islands of the Indfen Ooean. ^^^ Informatimi naa oome to light ahoiiine that aa expadllioD la beiac •q4»od b £S fi^ *is^' ioin^JS55r5 S OMaanraa aald to belmrM on the Mariana Uanda. fci the yaarl823. daring thidark daya of the terriW. rovilatST ta R^. «!*"S.'*r "L*^' T«Jthleat reaidenta of lS mwiaatery t davlae a plan whereby aome ef aSaT^ "Sl'^^J**' Thi brig El merohandbeAetroaaureawerohaatfly con- veyed on bo*rd. It la aaid her cargo a^onnt- fawei. " ineatimable amonnt of Unluokily for the owner*, Winton Somers, an adventorona Englishman, aerving as Oaa evening before Aty raaofaoa their dac- ttnatlMi, Soman and the Pamvlaa ware alt- ting ohaMiaff on the lee rail, and lookins over tfaepUt giving the poaitiaB of th« The axplanatiaDa wan oai tiia a 5e in keeping the body Bw ,chrisrianto Mahomedan or heathen I and in dragging heavy boo( ,keB-that'a the only change. 1^ 'il f " """"r P'" m Cr to DAM. A MACBBTHIAN 8TAIK. 1 in the loe, not to reckon 4 "»'"" i in carrying an ice axe, i 'i^nrse, all this la oyer now. Jivor since roe exerted in crosslna freil 'i ^^^ "" contoienoss were aroused to r. Bucbheister arrives at the werk dene in an ikm sting five hours, oasnot li ban 1,380,000 foot-ponndi. â-  â-  £s£:li8li Militaiy Duel. who Lieut. Munro, had a quarrel. CoL I»Hiiii7 incidents had been In India, wu oi ii°g preoetB 18 by the spl3^'iA outburst of a great ilotionaTy and »bolitionist Freaohman 'Lit ear celenies pirisA rather than our idplea of hnman freedom "Qae lea m persissenii plutot qu'nn {NrLaeipe 1" It! sbce then the oivUIasd world has been liy endeavoring to cleanse the bloody ived its death blow fa Eoj » t^ ^rem its hands, and the great encounter wbioh took phi irictn Seecssion War, followed by last ily, 1843 Two effioers,©) fi fiial nofettiering of the slavery bon- ii the Empire of Brazil, have been the of this general white exceedingly Irritable mtai out afterward that he ion the greatest provooatia luro hung back from wit had been regarded ut if a gentleman, eapaoitlly He showed great i i. Fjiwcetc, and it I impreealon â€" miataksD given to the Insaltad m t expected him to take t that if he didnetdaioli ced throngbont ths ut hla brother- b-law. Ikj [accepted the moatiag Uwcett waa ahot dsad,i maly presented Itaalf o( i rendered a widew by 1 iher in-lawâ€" and a family i mourning for their er had alaia. Ap«»l lent. Monro waa miaw' tep on which ha had teeline waa rouaed to w arona practice, hT wU iapowertoriakthalifsifl ly hia superior •«•'"â- *?[? ave a dislike. PrlnosAw If deeply in the qww ncerned the army. 'J^ auggested; eventnalV^ inserted into the Artiol-^ founded on the moral Ind Christian oonclnstoai gy, or even to makej had been oommltti le character of »â-  than to t^rWMt^' up to kill or to be kiU*' rash act. Absent Mindedness. lorst cases of absent-min" principal slave hunting ground iliea trom west to east, from the Niger I Bine Nile, ri^ht through the Sendan, kuexpanse of eomstniag Uke3.7S0mUs8, Rietrly Bosnectnig the Atlantic with the Ocean, and expending southwards h the Niassi Main country, right down northern frontier of the Congo State. And even this portion of [pietare deean'c say the whole truth. Ur. Wftstera has drawn up his ve kave got horn Slanloy the ter- jiMnthat the Mahdists, coming down •Kkartoam, have invaded and oaptnred â-  prevhioe, where the traffia was dying • that the salvery canker now again liionih-ikardB, right down throogh te 1 ad Uganda ooantries, to Witn, of the East Coast where the nsier Ur. Maakeuefa, and the snder Captain Wiasmann, are to eBtabhsh Earopean domina miira backwards from tbte £astt ' â„¢we it a Becond wide slave hcntinjr I which begiaa ir ths ne^iberhood Falls on the Upper Cango, and M throDjh the Mauy«ma count) y, ^T^^ borders of Lake Can^^UDyeka, !«wn to the northern bank of the ewtwards and to ths Launda weBCTvrds, covering and far »ut- "«the whole central and southern «« th3 Cangv. S»t« territory, which aitted, Indian Ooean. thll'^i^ ' the upper part of this distiict that Dr. NachWgal, the German explorer, witnessed terrible slaughter hardly three ITi' TlyT^-"^^ *1*" • admiration 41 their own children or throwing them amlds! he flames ot the burning huts, in order that they should not live to know the horrors of f"^A- .^tl*!* '" *^ *^3 »«»« portion of this district that as recently as last Juno some bootch mmionariea living in the Nyassft-Tanganika pUtean witneased simUar scenes, and ^terwarda discovered that the ri^ n*" i"*^ were nearly aU armed with »T °*„Ea«li"h manufacture, stamped Tower,' showing that oivilizatlen is not only guilty of having toupht the Arabs their first lesaoa in slave raiding, but has also provided, and is still providing them with the weapons wherewith to carry on their horrible negro chaaes. HOW THB OONFEKENOB WIU, BK COMPOSED. Such, according to the moat recent eye- witneases^nd authorities your oorroepondent has consulted and to the last docnmenta. published or unpublished, is the present condition of the black fleah traffic which in Livingatones time made iialf a million victims annually, and now, aooording to Cardinal Lavigeiie, makes two million viotimaâ€" a figure which may have been exaggerated some montha ago, bnt which, tlianka to the capture of Emin'a province, wUl aoon be be low the truth if the "African onne" be not quickly put a atop to. And now the dviliaod nations are going to put ail their heads together to stamp out the hideous evil, not only from sentiment and because they feel theur moral responai- bility oonoeming a plague of their own croation, but also from aeU intereat, because, at the time when the overcrowded Old World is seeklog to get out of its social troubles by preparing Aiiioan outlets for its coitimarce and its surplai population, it is confronted and arrested on every aiae by its pupils the slave traders and slave hunters, who likewise wish to shut out Gl^rmany from the Zanaibar ceaat, EWgland from the Stciali coast, the Bolgiana from the Upper Congo, and light and progreas from every polns of the D«rk Oontineut. And this is what iiaa prompted Belgium, at the sugges- tion of L«rd Salisbury, to o«nvene a great An ti- Slavery Congress which is now in sassion in the Conference Hall of the Foreiim Office, in Bruetiels. HOW THE ATBJCAS CUBSZ IS TO BE BEKOVED. What anti-^lavery measures will be pro- poeed neither President Camot, Lvrd Salisbury, the King of the Belsiana nor Prince IMemarck oouTd probably say exactly themselves at the present moment seeing that no previoua agreement baa been come to, that each one is in the dark as to the other one's pkms, and that the delagates will probably have to telegraph daily to sbetr respective G«v«mmea1B for fresh instmc- tions while tia« Cooferenoe Is prdcettdlng. Bat several sn^rations are already in the air which are Kkely to be brought forward. 0«o of them is to render general the system aarried out last summer by England and „^„«xplan»tlooawwtoBtha and all ia Snniah. Saddanly th« lookoat heard* ory.^ In tbewakaodbeal^ haaaw a olntoldag hand dfaappaaiiag trmtsifc tha ^Iff; "" *» ««»• â- Â»Â« RarJPwaa dntofalng the paper and looking overboard. Hm ToaMl waa bronght to. bal the body waa aarar recovered. Kavalo deoiarwl that Somera had aooidontaltr fallen ovwboard. The paper, whidi ha aMU hall la hia hand, had a portion of the margin Mntatning the explanation torn away and waa mooh enunp- led, ahowing signs tf a atmggla. Soon af tar this Thompaoa righted a brig, the C»ptain of whioh proved an old friend. He divided the aeore* with him, and together they aaQod for the lalanda. Bavelo waa threatened with being delivered np to TJ.niâ€" I â€" L -;rBâ€" '-• -- " â- erviBg as a ^^ Qovomnment unless he guided them to lieutenant in the Peruvian navy, learned of "'o ^^t where the treasure waa buried. He tne Whole plan through a maid L the servioo Promised compliance. On arriving at the of » »if- «* _«,. â€" ._ ,5„j of the island he was asked If that was the one, and he said it waa. Preparations were made for going ashore and diggin? np the gold and jewels. As Ravelo was stepping into the boat he begged to bo allowed to returji to the cabin for a little plat of the place he had. The cabin boy, who was in the place at the time, after- ward told that he filled his pockets with all the led and Iron he could stuff into them. On returnhig he slid into the boat, lost his of a wife of a millionaire with whom he was carrying on a Uttle love affair. He aoon auaseodod in gaining thoaervioes of a band of kindred spUrits, who were ready for any plan that promised fortune. Oa the nieht before the sailing of the vessel they waylaid a party taking the last of the j swels aboard. The bearers were killed, ana two of the heaviest MBkets liurned over to the keeping ot the maid, who promised to meet Somers in a foreign land. Boats were manned, the pirates brarded the brig and killed the g^"" They threw out the proper signaU, which SomerF, as an efficer in the Peruvian navy, was acquainted with, picked their way anjong the guarding ships, and struck out boldly into the Pacific. After some discus- sioc, and more disputing, the pirates made for the Marianne Islands and bnrled the treasure. A course was then shaped for Honolulu. Before reaching the port, however, the old disputes sprang up about a division of the ssoils and the method of disposing sf them. The crew quickly divided into two factions. One night one side attempted to extermin- ate the other. Snmerii, three officers, and a cabin boy soon found themselves pcnnsd in the cabin, the others of their party hav- ing beon KILLED AND PITCHBD OVBSBOASS. The Victors cele':rated toe event m a wild orjty. The four men in the cabin took advantage of their condition, fought a clear passage to one of tho boats, provision- ed it, and put off, after first setting fire t» the ship. While on the ocean in deaparate straits a small cask of whiskey caused a fight between two of the effioers. One was killed outright. The other, badly wounded, was soon after sacrifioed to save the rapidly diminishing provision. At Honolulu, Somers, Pedro Bavrlo, and the cabin boy represented themselves as the survivors of a shipwreck. Their story touched the sympathy of a merchant, who provided them with paaaoa to San Franoiso, Sem^era'a first business wss to try to get pos- aeisionof the JBwels left in Lima In charge of his sweetheart. In order to realize on^hem and tout an expediticn for the Marianne Is- aods. The three raked and 8crap?d together every c )nt possible. It was given in charge of R kvelo and the boy, who were to go to Lima and bring back the maid and the isw- els. Somers, being afraid to show his face anywhere near the Peruvian line^ for obvious reasons, remained in this city. At the same time he proposed to do what he regai tied as a neat little stroke of business. The treas- ure on the islands was large, but the fewer there were to share it the larger it would be. After the style of the trick practised on Bellerophon, he despatched an epistle by Ravelo and the boy urging the maid to aee that the messengers were killed. The mes- sengers reached Lima, delivered their letters and were cordially received by the former love of Somers. Time and the revolution had changed her lot, however, thanks to the jewels Intrusted to her oare on the. nigh j of Somer's great coup of the Peruvian treasures. She waa the wife of a great-official She coolly informed the messengers that she didn't propose to go with them, and chat she dldn t take any stock in their story relating to the treasures being safely buried and Somers waitfaig to guide her to them. The messengers threatentd grip, and SHOT BEKBAIH THE SUBFACE. The coxswain made a grab for his disappear-, ing head and pulled away a tuft of hair. The two Captains went ashore and made a long and vain search for the treasure. They had Somer's plat, bnt he had goni down grasping a part of it. What detcriptions they had were in Spanish and not a man among them was acquainted with that lan- guage. In digging about, some South American coins were found, a ring, a sailor's knifer and a pieoe of board, into which had been burn- ed the letters £1 Ci, undoubtedly a portion ot the words El Ciudad, the name of the brig in which Somers fled with the treasure. Grumbling among the overworked sailora and a scarcity of provisions compelled the Captains to abandon the search. In January, 18S6, the British schooner Nereid sailed from Yokohama as far as Gnan, a small island in the Marianne group, in search of the treasure. The vessel waa never heard of afterward, and is supposod to have perished In the terrible typhoon that swept that coast shortly afterward. Two expeditiena have aailed from Lima, implying a confidence in the confession of the murdered cabin boy, One of them was wrecked on a coral reef, and the other returned unsnooessful. Speculators took up the scheme and worked for some time to have the Gsvemment back them in an expedition. For a time it looked as if their object would be attained, but a new ad- ministration conJng into power mined their hopes. Thompson Is In San Francisco, old and penniless. For a long tim? he tried. to interest capitalists in his story, bnt without result. Shioe the report of the fitting out of tbe expedition has got. abroad Thompson has disappeared. Those in his old haunts who are familiar with his habits are con- fident that be b now being kept in seclusion until the story of the treasures on Marianne Island has been tested. The Tobaooo f lut Tobaeoo ia a native of Amarioa. Aooord- ing to many aooonnta, it was firat f onnd bv tha ^aaiwda in tha provlnoa of Ynaata% who oallad it after Tobaoo, tho name of tha oonntif ia wUoh it waa ealtiTatod. Othan, howavar, aaaart that th«y firat disoovarad It to Tobago, whioh ia one ot the Caribbaa lalanda. Thia laat aoooant ia general]^ ooa- aldarad vary doabtfnl One thfaig ia oar^ tain, howavar, ia relation to tho origia of tho aamo of thia plant, that tho aborisiaan or Indiana of the Cariblao lalanda had tabaorpipo whU the* tarmad **tabae».** and in whioh thoy amoked thia herb. Uta Spanlarda, on viaittng thb torrid ollma, traaaferrad the aame of the taba or pipe to the plaat itself, whioh haa beoa deamai- nated "tabaao," or, aooording to the orthog • raphieal oorruptioa of the word, haa baaa atylod "tobaooe" aver ainoe. Vhe tobaooa plant ia olaaaad with th« Nieoliana genus. This geniu derived ita name from Nioot, a French or Spanish bot%nist, who devoted hla attention to the atndy of thia apeclea of plante aoon after the middle of the sixteenth oentury, or about the year 1560. The leaves of this plant, upon being dried, and then manufactured in various ways, are most commonly used for chewing and smoking purposes, and In the preparation or makg of snnff. It ia alao used, to some extent, aa a medicine. im Didn't Like the Bank Selected. Brownâ€"" My children manifeat fooetr^v In lifs a tendency to put away money, and i am exceedingly worried over it" Jenkins â€" "Why, thatis an excellent trait. and I don't see any reason why yon ahonli^ be worried " Brownâ€" "Bnt I am. The b»by awaUowed a dime this morning." Germany on the Bi»st Ooastâ€" ». e., a blockade i jj„ ^^ jjj^ exposure of her oonneotion with of the whole Afrioan seaboard, from tfn 1 i-jj^pj^^^^ She temporized with them to no of that was of one of Bl iortyl the ciroumstanosf, Oa] Iducah woman, about td8hehadahorie«hoewi td found on the way. •" lit along, "he wi^. loe whil- on a ]o«*«J, good lack. Bot^*«^ lid next morsWg. ler hsr V^^*JSLt Bd them In her ^. in her month. AaJ.^ sveredher mtotrfj^" ler *w wi»" .^ r to «et away wiw Eaquirer. ent Gri3dentia'». OMlUwed 10 Ku5g Leopold, but np liil L "*^ sovereijin has not yee l«w«r the time or tha mc wa hU civiiieicg sfiForis. 'Older IS, how can inch immense wnncrybs ao e*si!y lavaded, where ' trnfortunate population taken to. ' *wt use CAQ all ;ai3 huiaan fleah le I *^ SHTE3 ARE WANtHD FOK. 'wj^S^' " ^^^ S'*^e convoy rcutea on â- ft, tTj^f " tiie western portion of I b-w ?L °®" hunting ground carry i^ mrough the immeose Siiiaia °'f*"Mda to the Oaaddao, Mpoea are used for home con iiir'^o'y owriers, domestios for the 'Hior '" f*rih; to Morocco, ilr^^'J'i'Mal slave marketa oon^ VhsTB Mediterranean to the Atlantio. from the B d Sea to the Indian Ooean. B^sh ooantry's men-of-war would be empowered with the right ef searduofir trading vessels for slaves, under whatovor fl*g thoy may he coursing and as a coroUary to this, an International Court, compoaod of the Oensnla, would eit, try Mwi afverely ssntonoo all slave parties caught red hoi: banded. AEo*iher idea, which will probabJy be mooted by the Portuguese, will be that r„».„„ t^ „.,-.,. oivilization should summarily oloae all the means to oarry(, ^^^^ markets cf Morocco. Tripoli, the EtBtein countries and Africa itself, by armed force. If required, and at whatever opst of money and blood the enforcement of this m«a«uro might cost. i. n Other deWgaties will swrgesS that all Statee possesskig territorios hi Africa should be oompellod to levy smaU flying ermies and create watch stations, in order to keep the slave raiders in check or to give thtm chase, while all regularly oensthuted States, auch astnrkey, Morocco, SWpoli, Madagascar, where domestic sUvery haa beoome a Mtfon al neoaasity and haa created vested rights, aheald bo constrained to proclaim tiiat "anyone doairing to be free, ia free, and fisropeKji Cananla, and to um I *, °*2»o Is used aa cur- •Wnlsnt to tile American dol- P»,i,^° J«^ereign or the African i kt,^^"" ^^^ eastern portion of -..bW « «^^:-nd, the caravua of "•Wf^'J***"-- •*^*n ""*«* °« *i^n*°"^*;^'PP^*o«'"-rJ« Nubia, •^•fc* J*" ***^^"« domf- -r. purpose. At last she found na escape but to follow the advioa of Somers' letter. The two were WAYLAID BT ASSASSINS but they made a botch of the business, Bav- elo escaped with a scratch, bnt the boy was mortally wounded. As he lay gasping away his life he confeesed tho whole story to the authorities. T^e woman was airsated, tried, and»X3cuted. After suffaring untold privations Bavelo escaped from Pern and made his way to Som- era. Tne two survivors now began to deVise ways to reach the buried treasure. At last they fontsd Cikpt. Thompson and told such a good V- c: â- ' "'i ho consented to fit out his Bchoon:?i ov;;llow and have a try at the heaps of gold and jewels. Somers, however, te pro!ect himself, would not divulge the island which held them, but Insisted that the char- ter for the vessel ahoald include the whole group. Stanley's March. lao. 1 â€" Stanley writing from Mikesti under date Nov. 26, says that the party are all well and enjeting the Inxutlos Major Wissman aent to them, but he complains bitterly of having been two years and eleven months without news, the mall having been lost er robbed. A postscript, wriiten on the morning of the 27th, states that Stanley had jast reoeivad Acting Censnl-Genand Smith's letter, hiveryone was rejoiced to hear that the Qaeen stUl reigns, and eagerly wanted newspapera to Icarn the inoideate of the 1a-.t three yeara. Stanley gives (he follow- ing as his probable iusorary â€" Goren- gevi, November 27; Maot, November 28 Halt, Novo nber 29 in oa np, November 29 in oamp. Nevember 30 r lach Mbnyani, December 1 Kihijo, Derembsr 2 Kingaui river. Oocemlnr 3 Bag^moyo, Daoember 4 and Zanzibar, Deoember 5. TaeWayfleConidTeU. on yea rte!" "I say JenkiuB, thicken from an old " Of course I o»n " WeU, how " "By the teeth." " Chickens don's b^V» teeth." •• No, but I have." toll a young The Evidenoe Against Him* Hard-Looking Citiaenâ€" "Do yon want to hire a man?" Merchant â€" "No, I've no use for a nuus that drinks." Hard-Looking Cittern (with offended dig- nity)â€" "I can bring you any number of withneasea to prove I m not a drinking man, air." Merchant (motioning him to the do6r( â€" "You can't eatabliah an alibi for that breath." What He Thinks Abont. "My dear," aaid Mrs. Honeymoon to her aponse,'one day at dinner, "dootora aay that one ahonld not tldnk about butineaa mattera at moal timea, aa It imnaira digestion and injures the health. Pray dear, what do yon think about when we sit down to meals?" "Sweetest" replied the old man, "I only think alMut chew And Mrs. Honeymoon put her arm arouad his neck and kissed him. A Musical Shoe* Mrs. Bjones â€" Why, how your left sboa rqneaks I What Is the matter with it. Bjonesâ€" I think It must be the music in ita sole. Hew Fe Lost Thei]c« Lady of the House â€" How did you loao thisf two fingers from yonr left hand, my pi-irman? Tramp â€" They were cut off, mum. " I suppose that was when yon w«e working, and that their loss disabled yon fr.^m further manual labor. T«llmewaait in •» mill?" "No, mum. It wuz in a hen coop. I. h'Jid to out 'em off er ateal the trap." The Kind-Hearted Gob- Policeman â€" "Here, now, move on." Straogrr (who haa loat his way trying to get back to hia hotel) â€" "lam no tramp." Policemanâ€" "What are ye, then?" Stranger â€" "I am a country editorâ€"â€"" Policemanâ€" "I aee, I aee. Poor fellow I Here's a dime." A Si'era which Failed* Young Husband â€" "Seems i o me, my dear, thin chicken is pretty tough. ' Young Wifeâ€"" I know ft Is, and I lan't understand it at all. I picked it out my- self." "Did you examine it closely ' "Indeed I did. I looked in its month the first thing, and I oonld see it liadn't out it] first teeth yet." only snoh alavoa "romain alavaa as wish to." tfh«D,^««n, tiierela atolk ofproposfag totaStotSTurgo lii*«™»tionalS«itefa^ for the creation of narrow gaMO Afnoan SLwaya and ateamboata, which would S^^y beoome aubatitutoa for n;^" " ^ard. the carrisge of ^^7 •«?*'*;" „ods, and at the aame time haaten the gi^* oert«»'y' s« Mnly, sir, lit (after bo happy agl Istmnped }_'-Mypop' iBoy-" !«»•*•* What'dthat!" atkyootf^fl the way^""' «m, ^^f*Klofaa.or else ahip- f^iUirit, i*" Aaiatio previaoea. **nT '^i" EMtem trade it ^^ C"?^^ »^^ oaptared for ««thtrm early yonthoraa ^^"J?^ "^^ eighty yeara baok /-dfldl"»KL^Pit« °"" oiikBown ia tite hii laooe)- '!»«» •"•be; »it»_ I " servanto ^ara af j^HarohbaokadJBsoima, (j^i^moR, orotkivSaat-!aa»kaainItalaBd, spread of ednoation. a â€" i^,^un»l»ed importation of firearma may b? pwo^ted, Sr^o a heavy duty '" ^^J^^t^ spirit trade, which rendora the negroea anoh aneaay puey to the slave »idera. ca^ofrom tiio »««»/f.,S!SSL «T^ sure to create great f/^S*^*^ mI^- aomething may «H«ne o« 2«»;±jy,f£ betii belwt ao anxiona to rid heiaoit oi sne bad amelUu? ataln. PMT«-sm«y go'^^aC^Ssa. iHit " Whafl^J y«« hav* r never doaa. It, ia qu^t.^ -*.iirK. the mw wh. atspi on a taA ahonld be hopping mad. CABISTM*8 EVE. A TEBBlBJiE THOUGHT. V ••Oh, ToaMBJ I Joat rapposa robl;-*- u.^-^. «b »â- "' â- ~' 'ff Tltlili 1" Pattin' a patohed dime in the colleotioa box 18 like bnyin' a acalpet'a ticket to heaven. Ooly One Thing Lacking.â€" (Mr. Jonea had married little J ohnny'a midden anat ' and they wers at the wedding breakfast.) Little Jehnny (to hla grandfather) â€""Whaa are you going to begSi on him, grampa I" Grandpa â€" "Begin on who, Johimy?" •• Oa Mr. Jones, I heard you toll rrandma Im wouldn't ba ao bad if you could only pat some brains in him " Breakfast waa fip i»hd without Johnny. â€" Tezaa SIftinga. A museum attraction in Boston has per- m-irently retired frcm bnsinesB. Hia sped- alty was catching a bullet, fired from a rifle, in his teeth. This apparently wonderful feat is not ao diffiault when one knowa how to do it. The main thing is to have an Imitation bullet oempoaad of pasteboard. It looks exactiy like lead and easily " catchea" the gaping jaya who see the thick. This time, however, the gun was aooidentally loaded with a leaden bullet, which. Instead of bfiag stopped between the teeth of the showman, went on tiirough hia head. Curiona cnatoipa previdled in aome part* of Sntherlandahi(e in the "olden time." Not^ the least muriona of theae waa the agreement between the "minister's man" and the min- ister. In those days the minister, for tha time being, had the sole right of fithin|p salmon on aome of the beat poola on tfca river. This was part of his salary, and he oould fish those pools In any way he pleased, by net or rod, and by proxy. The conse qa«nce waa that hia aervante were re^rukrly aorfeited with salmon and so it c»me U» pass that before engaginc; they bound doira the minister not to give them salmon of tener than onoe a week I A great outcry has bsen raised in the Swias Canton Teasin agaioat the prevalanee there of bribOry at eleotiona. The political workeraara oonatantly raoking their bralas to devise aew meant of bnyiacr votea. The mayor of a amall city near Leoame reoeatly, while maaiag for raeleotlon, iavitad cvary peraoa who wonld promise to vote for lifas, to eat aad diiak at liia ezpeaae for tbr montha at otrtUn apedSed taverns. Tha rasoeaa of hla plan ia ahewa by the fact tl-vt ho waa zedaotad aad that hia UUa at » tevarai ia qnaatloa aatonatad to 14 (IQO Iraaoa. Vetaa b«aght la the old-faahioaad way 000 from SO aaati to fS aaah. Ks clergy at« said t« bciba aleoton rfcht aiiJ •fit. But aiviHaatioB Iidaad." Ion lom Ikcow, 'h\\ •- it s-lN il :i\ ii A- .1 I ' «1 -4i either.

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