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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Dec 1889, p. 5

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 O BUSY AT ie a new ad. this w^eek. fail to see their f sh Goods AND BUMS L for Xnias AT THE dale Furniture Â¥areroom. ]WN BELOW COST 1 1 the Holiday seaaco. Parlor Suits, clotli Suits, iroom Suits, eds Bedding, Sideboards, nmon; Extension TableB. •ietv; Washstands Spring W6ol Mattrefs of all kinds, everjtbius that is kept in shoo. Call and get qno- Jso Funeral Farnishings- Jaskets, Bobe», Lin"»8M ipesof all de8cnption«H- ck. Tbanking my nnma- icrs for past favors. WiB»- Merry Xmas and BaPPy rs respectfully, J. W. SproiuW' 3LAWATi0H| FROM THE CASHSTOREI ALL CHEAP SrORBSl by onl and lOl to • **| greatest tAIN HOUSE ler opened in «hi«. *»* ^\ tillage oi Markdato. I e, good peoP^ J^joti » «»!H 1 to show you. '""^-ot onWI ^e with ioy 5^ ^J«*| fT yoa v^9m •*** I f fK/flr.^ Conrsfmtdence. ' Mr. Eilitor, before we addi-ess you ^^i^'aud auotbec issue of the Stan- "Ibo J"" ^^'" '"^® enjoyed your rbristnias turkey,aLd your cor. wisbes a very merrv merry CbriBtmas LdbrigtJt ftod bappy New Year. Artemesia townsbip fatuers held [Ijeir last session for tbis year on Uoflday last, not all likelj to ever oeet at a council table again. Dr. (jbristoe tas tendered bis resignation y the electors, and Mr. H. Cairns, ^ncillor tor ward 4, has signified Ibis intention t© withdraw from the Our towDsiiip elections are likely to 1^ quite interesting tbis year. The names of several aspirants for Bdeve jjte now reported, but, of course, Mon- jsv niffbt will settle who shall be ^X)Dte6tant8. Mr. George Higgmbotham, of Bran- don, who was for some time in the employ ofB,. J. Sproule, Esq., in tbis place, arrived here on Monday even- jnff last and intends spendmg the Obristmas holidays with relatives and friends m this locality. Altboagh ihe weather was very in- clement last Wednesday evening the Drama, "Ten Nii^bts in a Bar-room," was very well patronized. It will be lepeated on Wednesday evening in tbe Town flail this week. M. Bicbardson, Esq., of this village, has purchased the new store and stock lately fitted up by Alex. Hannah at Flesherton S^iation. Bev. Mr. Ernes ie announced to preach the Sabbath anniversary ser- mon of the Presbyterian Sabbath School in this place an Sabbath after- noon next. Their annual Christmas Tea and entertainment will take place on Christmas evening. Careful pre- parations are being made for a good time that evening. wherej E.Bicbards and the Gwd I ner brothers shot one a',out a year ^o Our township fathers met Son and F«^'T- ^•,^- ^^«' Erskine. and Fawcet »re.hkely to enter fo^ istaikmg ofmnnmg for councUlor also ex-conncillor Bovd. ""^-^^o^' Grei^tpreparatious' are being made for the Temple Hill Soiree and Christ ™»jTrM. to be held on the 24th. ai^^.°-^°^~° is laid np with No less than six Bachelors in Bock- ?°* « ^®** **'l ^^ h«af of a wed. ding? Who wUl be first? ralUr^a luis. Traverscon. Standard Correspondence. Energy and push,- the chief char- acteristics of our village, are increas iu{{, cousequentJy Wm. Hall has de- cided to put new rollers into his mill, iiesides retaiuing one run of stone. Success is sure to follow tbe man that ecdeavors to meet the public wants. Pete Waisoii called the other even- ing, and, in his genial way, amused our dull spirits, by hi.i dioll yarns, comic, wit, and laughable songs. We predict a bright future for you, Pete, not very far distant either. We forgot to mention where our quiet home is situated. Gaze over there on that picturesque slope see that thatched cottage that is our home, the birth- place of our daughter, so modest yet 80 pleasing in our eyes. I might here mention that the young folk of our Tillage call to see us, giving us the news of the day. Though an old man, still I do love sporting, so the other day, should- ering nty quD, I made for the woods. Shortly after entering tbe forest who *liould I meet, but our old bachelor friend Hugh'y Charlie after exchang- ioR greetiug.s he invited me to his cottage, which is undergoing repairs. ^ewere pleased to hear him say he ns tired of single. Go in go in. Miles Darcey is preparing to build a large frame barn. We love to see industry rewarded. The young men of the 10th con. are 'lying to organize a Debating and Literary Society. The Baptist church »«ing now idle, is likely to be the place for their flow of eloquence. 'Tis tiie boys and girls of to day that make 'be men and women of the future. James McNally had a raffle the other evening. We were wondering "onr youth which writes imaginary wticles for the Chronicle, chanced to pt a turkey, or will he just report Jwrsay. We will hunt him up, to see a M really is witty. Miss Martha Banks is home from ^oronto. City life agrees with her. or the young men's sake, we are ""y tJ^ere is no sleighing. A beautiful rose-bud has once more frightened "eris happy as the day is long, his Eu -â- "â- :" "P our village. Isaac ]Jjleiug caused by the arrival of a ^yed daughter. Congratulations PABsnc. SUl^ Motaajn. Stamdard Corresrondenee. "Epistolaram Commerciain/' The twenty-fifth of December is again drawing near and the general expectation is that we shall have a green Christmas. Municipal matters are again the talk of the day, and everybody feels at liberty to speak his mind about the candidates for office. The ice on tbe mill-pond is now six or seven inches thick and the boys are indulging in skating to their hearts' content. The Mddel School term is now over and McBsrs. A/ Sutherland, G. ileid, and A, Walter are home a' -»;ing the result of the examinations. A Mr. Stirrit, from Ontario Co., is enga(^ to teach the school on the tenth concession, Holland, for next year. Tbe other adjoining sections retain their former teachers, â€"Mr. J. Carrie on the Blind Line, Sydenham, and Mr. Gibbs on the fcleventh con- cession, Euphrasia. Mr. B. Martin will still manage the affairs of the Walter's Falls school. The animal tea-meeting and Christ- mas entertainment in connection with the Methodist Church wiU be held on the evening of Wednesday, "Dec. 25. Tea will be served in the basement early in tbe evening, after which an interesting programme will be render- ed in tbe Church. Bev. J. Mclntiis, of Knox Church, St. Vincent, and St. Paul's, Syden- ham, will conduct the anniversary services in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening next.- The School Concert came off as advertised on Friday evening last. Althougb the roads were in a very bad condition, quite a large number found their way to tbe Oddfellows' Hall and thoroughly enjoyed the interesting programme which had been prepared. The proceeds amounted to $22.50 and will be expended, after expenses are paid, in purchasing a for the school. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- Mr. J. B. W^atson, the talented lecturer, is said to be now editing a small paper, published in St. Mary's called the Pen and Platform. Mr. Jelly has been^ offered $2,500 for the mammoth bones recently un- earthed near Shelburne. He wants $8,000. Tbe proceeds of Chatswnrth Presby- terian church anniversary services, a week ago last Sunday and Monday, amounted to $160. Little Current, Manitoulin, is mak- ing application to the Ontario Legis- lature for a special Act of incorpora- tion for that yillage. Hanover has a second furniture factory which is to employ 50 hands. Essex Centre has been erected from a village to a town. On Sunday morning last a row of old frame buildings in ColUngwood, north side of Huron street, owned by Messrs. Moberly and Gammon, were burned. Stanley and McLuggan' hardware store in Chesley bad a $6,000 fire last Friday BIRTHS. Hambttâ€" iTi Markdale, on the 14th msfc. ^^of Mr. Geo. M. Haskett, hard- ware merchant, of twin sons. T,»MB-In B«arkd»38. on the 16th inst.. the aaon. "'dCorrefpondenee. n*J»HEB Bkak Shot.â€" Mt. Goorgft ^ee and Mr. Alex. DonneUy, two ijT^ed sportsmen, when out hont- jTj^t baturday their do? came •crow l^^bear under a cedar tree and Wfr above gentlemen took delib- 1 |(|., f °» »i»d bruin bit the snow and IjJ «» nnearthly yell and his ramb- mrZ^^! °^«' The bear weigbed MARRIAGES. ««Ai.M-CeoP»-On the Uth in«t-.»ttbe ^*tf2S;^dMhe bride'i mother. W the JSS*5^*B" Marthal^bell. Coap« CHRISTMAS LETTER â€"TO My Ciishiiners h Puic. fr,«« jf "2 **** time Of Chiietiiaas Oreetingi. It has become so cnstomarr tovish our XJ^o^^T^' "i??*" Christ^ and a Happy New Year.MhLt^^Sf SelS,«^t.^^K""' •'y»»»"«*omakeona«iother happy or even thinking^ what Mie sentiments they have expiesaed means. â€" » A visit to mv store will eonvinee yon that I hare been thinking abont you. in bet have ^«£fr"*5 "S^ P?'^^^ my thonghta into execution in order to make ibU^lt^^x Chnstnias and Happiest New Year of your Ufe. «i»KJi l^If" iwoblem of daily life is, what we shaU eat, what we shall drink, and where- S:^£|.^^.S*?,2iiest.^^* ""' "' *^' "' •" "^« -^ "^^ «^ havelroid' £/me Raisins, Valenci Raisins Seed/ess Rastns humSS'!S^f^«^ ^*? ^° *^^^^ o,* y*"' "" " y"" "t yo" Husband tb be good humored and appreciate your cookery, think of me when purchasing. Helena Cnrranta, Italian Currants, Ehne and Creole tigs, Lemon Peeis, Citron Pbe/s, Orange Peels, Spices of ereiy de- scription. EseeDces, Ac WHAT SHALL WE DRINK P ♦i..»^T?'"'^^\'*f.* X too, and irtien you want th^pureet and choicest Tea don't you forget that I have i{ot it. Just fresh to hand this week SOGbestsPiireUncolored JapanTea, Hay Piddngs and although all grades of teas have advanced, I will sell this at the Old Popular Price, 25c. per lb., 5 lbs. for $1.15. 11 lb. Cadme $2.50. Get a Caddie of this for the HoUdays yon cannot set your Christmas Tea table witfaoat A COSY CUP OF McFAKLAND'S TEA. Black and Green Teas in all yarieties. Mocha and Java Coffees, Chase Sanborn's best. WHEREWITHAL SHALL WE BE CLOTHED. What joy and happiness is added to our lives, in knowing that we are nice and com- fortably clothed. I need not tell my customers that in the way of clothing and wearirg apparel I have studied their wants for the last 25 years. I need not tell vou that every season takes more thought and care than the preceding one, and that in the selection of my goods I think of Miss Fancy and Mr. Fastidious, Mrs. Small- purse and Mrs. Economy. This season I have eclipsed all others in Dress Goods, 4* Choice Millinery, Dress Patterns, 4? Mantle Cloths, 1^ Braided Djweses, 5 Bidi Sealettes, 1 Paisley Embroidered Si,' 2 o Seal Flushes, [Dresses. /? Astrachans, 3 Cashmeres, St t.l Moire Stripes, te Stanley Cloths, ..a â- Â» ff Moire Figures, â- u Henrietta Cloths, ^1 ' i ^*- Diagonals, 5" Ottoman Cords, 1 5# '^f Tweed Ulsterings, Empress Serges. S tS Ready- Made Mantles, $(C, Black Astrachan Far Mantles, Satin Lined, beantifiilly quilted and finished. Fur lined Dolmans, Fur Capes and Collarettes, Muffs, c.. to match, beautiful, comfortable, sensible presents for the Holidays. Woollen Goods â€" ool Squares, Wool Hoods, Wool Caps, e. a large variety at prices defying competition. SPECIAL DBIVES IN GENTS' FUENISH- INGS, PUB CAPS AND BOBES. Ties, Braces, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Mitts, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mnfileri, Cash- mere Mufflers, Woollen i Hose, Tweeds, Suitings, Pantings, o. Mens' Immilation Lamb CapR, 95 cents to Si.2d Beal Astrachan Fur Caps. S1.50 to 92.50 Pcrbiau Lumb Caps, S3.00 to S6.00 Driving Caps, ftc. Bobes. in Black and Grey, 96 oo to SlO.ou. READY-MADE SDITS AND OVERCOATS. Young man, do you wish to keep the affection of your best girl Do yon want to have the nicest and nobbiest Suit or Overcoat and still have a little money left in your pocket You know what the proverb says abont the man witheut monev, then visit my clothing room, visit it anyway whether you want anything or not, it is the place where clothes make the man. 0- Don't forget this, I keep the largest and best stock of Ladies' and Gents' Boots fc Shoes in the County. Seep your feet warm and your head cool it is getting near Election time I am nmning are you In the way of Felt Boots. Bubbers and Overshoes, I get there every time. I purehised tbis week 5 eaaes Overahoea at 25 per rent, bdow manqfaetorerera pnoes. The weather may not be below zero, bat my priees are. ' • TOYS I TOYS TOYS I have beoi thiakiBg of the GtaildieQ too. JTo homo ia oom{4et6 and happy vitfaont them, and Santa Chras. I know, likes them too. You will find that I have stndifld to pleaae them and to plaee before yon vecy â- oitable, dniaUe and useful artidea at v«nr low prices. I want everr diild. who can, to eoDM and visit mr diq^y and see tiie famooa THOHAM CATTIlilliE YIOJJOIIOEIXO llio. Cowett pkyiag the Midnii^ OMenraO. S^ or more and wUI bring *JJ."« the city. This bear ma ^tbm about seventy roc|a fltoai. B«»«*!^^ JS\tl^. Hamy Bodman. el di»- eovend. as it is certaiB ia its •Sects and does not blistsr. KMdpraofbalow. ornc€or CHARLES J. SHYDER, BBBBDSB or KmuaMTM Blmwooo, IiXn, Nov. ao, xHS. DK.B.;. KsmAixCo.,^ Daar Sits: I have ahnn pv^assd yaw Ksn. daU-s Spavin Cm by the half doan bottlM. I would like nricM ia larger qoutUty. I think it la one of the best llnimaits on aarth. Ihavansadic in my stables for three yeara. Yours truly. Crab. A. SarDsa. inULL'S SHVM CURL BaoOBLTM, N. Yn Novembwr 3, x888. Da.B.1.KaiiDAU.Co. Dear sirs I derire to ghre yoa testimeirial of mr â- ood oiiinioa of vonr Kendall's Spavin Cure. 1 have SMditWbUMMsa,MUr««lB*B«B«8»avtu. and I have found it a sore core. I cordially recom- mend it to all horsemen. Yours truly. A H. Gn.BBKT, Manager Troy Laundry Stablet. KENDILL'S SPHM CURL Sant, Wimtok Coumtt, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1888. Dr. B. J. Kbndall Co. Gents. I feel i t my duty to say what I have done with your KtndaU's Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that had SpavlBa, ten of Bias Wmm», nine ?Sicted with Bis Bead and seven of W^t Aw. Jince I have had one of your boolcs and followed the directions. I have never lost a case of any kind. Yours trulyt Andbiw Tcaaa*, Horse Doctor. KEHILL'S SPIVII CURL Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug- gists have It or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprie- tors. Dr. B. J.KcmdallCo., Enoibur^FaUs,Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MnNFY FORALL WA]V*rKJâ€" A eood energetic mau, or meiK to sell our Frail Trees, Roses, Slinrt«. Uruainer.tais, etc. Pkkmakent kmi'loyment. Write at once for terms, and secure clioice of trrritory. We sell only firi-'t-claK* st'Ck. Handsome outfit free.' AdJrc-s M.\Y BItOTHEBS, Nurserymen, Rochester, X. Y. 4{J2-9o MARKDALE^ BAKERY. The citizpns of Murknlale and sur- rounding; country Hfd hereby invited to give us a fair trial ou Bruad, Cakes and all kinds pastry also Wedding Cnkes made in tbe very best style. Vienna ItoUs and all sorts fancy bread kept on hand and made to ordei^ Suppers, Soirees and Tea-meetings supplied ou reasonable terrai* und on short notice. JOHNSTON'S BAKERY, Opposite Standard Oflico. BERKSHIRE BOAR. iBfllqfiiiff thia kmgtottegl â- Ttooae end ell it k the tfaâ€" of jmtwma%otmaax frJMidLetMw and aee me aee for voonaU, be eoavfaMed that irtMB X wkh jtm. • Merrx, I it. tlMt I have pto«f4ad lor it. W. J. McFARL^NO; WESTERN KHtC^ Six mSnths old, bred b) J. G. Soiell Bros... straight from Imported Stock, will be for service on lot 4, ooq. 7, Euphr^ia. Terms 91.00, to be payed at tane of service. JOHN BUSKIN, 484-7 Proorietor. Dissaliititii of Nrfawship,. Notice is hereby given, that- the partner- ship Litely subi^tiiig between W. James Lackey and Jamp Wright, under the firm u( Lackey W|^^, was dissolved on this 29|^' day of Noy^^ber, 1889, by mutual consent. All aeeonptaduethe late firm must be p«id to Jaaes Wright before the loth Dsoember, while all pwaons having any aeeunnii against the firm ate hereby notified t» present the same for payment before i^lbtnjf-^ date what the saime will b« paid by aaid James Wright: Artemena, Not. «, 1880. W. JAM^ MCKBT. ?! • %J â- ^«^- m :% â- lifr

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