WipWRppPRi i ':! h-j ".* M C. W. Uutledge, Proprietor. MARK0ALE, DEC. 19, 1889. 3ALANCE ACCOUNTS. Thifl is the season of the year for Betthng accoants, and it is necessary for every reasonable effort to be made in order to start the new. year with a "clean sheet." Hundreds are making iibeir best endeavors to do so, and where this determined effort is made, AS a rule, sneeess crowns the effort. Perhaps the larger proportion of tardy customers, however, are tbose who have the means at their disposal, but through carelessness and indifference allow tiiO' matter to remain from month to month consoling himself with the thought that as he is a good 'Customer the party to whom he owes tthe account would rather suffer much inconvenience for want of tbat which is due him than run the risk of offend- ing his customer by a pressing invita- tion, or demand for the needful. No small amount of the worry, anxiety, and embarrassment of business life is u:aased by the tardiness of customers itn paying their debts at the stated or expected time. The business man h^t acctants coming due, and has -abundance, it may be, on his books (which should be in his till) to meet them, but it comes so slow and un- certain that he is kept In torture fit to crush his spirits and sour his dis- position. There is not a business man who does not understand this to his sorrow then let each of us take it to ourselves and see if there is not some accouut, eyen very trifling, which is due and which we might just as well pay. iouS, resulting as follows â€" President, Thomas Kells. Vice-President, Thomas Gilray. Rec.-Sec., W. McLoughry. Treasurer, James Brodie. Corresponding Secretaries â€" Isaac Traynor, Dundalk Dr. Scott, Max- well W. H. Dodson, Booklyn, and Dr. Oldham. Chatsworth. Auditors, C. W. Rutledge and W. A. Brown. VICB-PBBSIDEirrS. Artemesiaâ€" J. Sharpe. JTlesberton. Gollingwoodâ€" T. McMurohy. Euphrasiaâ€" C. Devitt. Holland â€" Andrew Freeborn. Meaford â€" J. J. Johnston, Meaford. Osprey â€" John Clinton, Maxwell. Melanctlton â€" John Polly, Homing's MiUs. Thombury â€" Thos. Andrews. St. Vincentâ€" N. Read. Proton â€" J. Abbott. Dundalk^â€" Thos. Han bury. Sullivanâ€" J. Sparrow. Shelbume â€" Geo. Rutherford. Markdale â€" Wm. Douglass. TIE! II TOO BUSY AT IMPROVEMENT IN STOCK. A constant and increasingly rapid improvement is being made in the cl^ss of horses, cattle, sheep and swine throughout this locality. Farmers in every neighborhood are bringing in thoroughbred animals of the most im- proved and modern kind, while the scrubs are being cleared out, and will doubtless shortly become extinct. Necessity sometimes proves to be a valuable instructor. Gram raising has became uncertain and unprofitable consequently attention is being turned to stock raising with satisfactory re- I suits. This country is admirably adapted to this class of farming owing .to its lolling lands and consequent ^ood drainage, its excellent water and nutritious pasture. True, the winters are long and more or less severe, yet, ^with good comfortable outhouses, winter feeding is being earned on by many farmers with pro^t. Then there is the advantage of farm work being more evenly distributed through the year instead Of being largely crowded into the hot summer months. An- other important consideration in favor pf stock farming is the advantage of having a larger acreage under grass which ' helps to choke out noxious weeds and enriches the soil. Good stock will always command a good price and our agricultural neighbors are fast opening their eyes to these factF. The present season has been perhaps the most profitable for stock raising we haye had, and has given a wonderful impetus to this branch of .agnculture. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€"On Wednesday night, 11th, dur- ing the performance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at a theatre in Johnstown, Pa., a false alarm of fire was given which caused a rash for the door, and ten persons were killed and eighty wounded. â€" Can one picture a sadder ending than that to which Harriet Beecher Stowe has fallen a victim The authoress of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" has finally become hopelessly dement- ed, as her friends are forced to ac- knowledge. The patient is able to walk about, but is followed constantly by a nurse. She spends her entire time singing Methodist Church hymns popular fifty years ago, and talking to viewless beings, whom she says are her old friends long dead and come to life again. This ghastly behaviour is very trying to her attendants. Her physicians state she will gradually lose all her faculties, and pass away some time when she sleeps. R. S. MARKDALE cLoTHINO STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. TR0W8ERINGS in all the leading grades SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SUSPENDERS. c., c. v.. Special attention is invited f the Manufacture ol Bntians; partiM wiahmg bnttona of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentlemen, can have ttaem nude in a tew minutes wliile waiting. AGENT FOR PAIIKBRS DYE ^WOEKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careful attention. Good work and ceat fits. LEU f' CALL AND SEE Breadner's NOTED CHEAP AND WATCH, RELIADLE Good nickel pendant set, only $4.50. open face, stem- wind, warranted 18 months, Editor Standard Sm, â€" Every time I drive to Mark- dale I feel like patting on the back the Markdale Council for the wonderful change it made in the road west of the village. I could scarcely have beheved that such an improvement could have been made in that desperate piece of road. It is now a pleasure to drive on it even during the season of the year when the roads are at Iheir worst. I am strongly of opinion that if our township municipalities were to com- mute the statute labor to cash, same as the village, and appropriate the amounts thus collected towards im- proving roads, making a substantial job as far as it would go each year, that our roads would be in a much better condition ten years hence than by the old piocess. Edwabd Ruti^eooc, Glenelg. CONSERNiLlSVE MEETING. The annual meeting of East and Centre Grey Liberal Conservative Asfeodatum was hdd iu the roller nnk. If arkdale, on Friday last. The at- iendande was oood oonndering tbe bad state of the roads. Or. ^roole, ILP., aad Major BotlMi H.P.P., wuce pnank alao. ]|«il lloOoinap. Editor Standard Snt,â€" If you haven't travelled «ver tne road from Markdale to Barrhead mills since the recent contracts for grading, graveUing, bridge- building and hill-cutting were completed yon ought to do so at your earUest con- ' venience. Previous to those contracts it was one of the most wretched roads imaginable, but now it's a pleasure to drive over it. It's as hard as a rock and as smooth as a floor. The Village Council ib entitled to the thanks of the whole surrounding inhabitants, for its wise appropriations. My worst wish for the members of that' Council is that th^ may all be re-elected. P. Gaibns, Barrhead Mills. [We have been oyer the road and fuUy agree with what Mr. Oaurna says as above. â€" Rd. Stakdabd.] Also a fine line of higher grade Watches, with gold, gold-filled, bilver and nickel cases, screw bezel and hinged. Clocks from $1.50 np. %. stock of new Alarms just arrived. 12 per cent, discount on all silver plate from now until Christmas also a Uberal discount on Watches, Clocks i and Jewelry. " ' Monograms or presentationnnscrip- tions engraved on all silver plate, watches, etc., free of charge, besides the discount. Old gold or silver melted up and made into Brooches, Rings, etc. A fine hoe of Plain and Gem Rings on hand. ItiStials engraved on Rings sold, if desired. Repairing in all its branches prompt- ly attended to and satisfaction guar- anteed. S. BBEADNEK, THE BUST JEWELLER. EXECTOSS' HOnCE. ruBsnn! Your attention is respectively called to my QDDQQQSQSQDSaQE Whicli for quality of materiel, exisel- leuce of workmanship and style of get- up is not excelled anywhere. Whether yon wish to purchase or not, call and see ua and examine our work we want to get acquainted and to do business with yon. Next door to McEenLa's blacksmith shop. GEO. S. MATHEHS, MARKDALE. To write a new ad.tliij week. Don't fail to see theif stock of Plush Goods AND ALBUMS â€"IT PAirs voâ€" AND THAT IS THE lorUieni Bm College OAVEIV SOXJlVI The best and most practical oonrse of study. The best teaching talent. The best accommodation for students. The best methods of instruction. The best results from that instruction after students graduate. For annual announcement giving psrticniars regarding the course of study, terms headdress C. A. FLEMING, Pmncifai,. Owen Sound Nov. Ist, 18H8. Xb tlM aaal Bstat* and Goods at Ji Notice ia hereby given pursuant to B. S. O.. Chapter 110, that all parsons havin|; clain^ upon or asjunst the estate of Jamea Sanson, late of B Towniihipof Eupl r Qrey, Faraaer, who died on or about tbe 7th clay the TTowniihip of Euphrasia, in the County of .. Farmer, who died on or ' ' " of April, 1886, are on or before Kurkdale Ibrketa. Wkdnbsday, Dec. IStli 1889. Fall Wheat.. ♦70to»82 opnng VYbeBt... 70 to 82 "l«y • 35to 40 2*** 86to 86 Pease Butter ..." Eggs " Hay I'otatoea, per bag Wool Beef Pork 5Sto 51 Uto 15 18 to 18 6 00 to 00 40 to 00 OOto 00 4 00 to 5 00 6 00 to 6 "5 Ab old ntayileiaii, ntirad from ha«laiil»airtMwdiaUs taan^a byata ladla niiwtoiwiT tb* fonaalaaf » aiiâ€" ,â€" vf t a Uu TCiedT tor theneedTsiidp«iiiaa- m on* •COotNDiqptiott. ttmMitttelbatank Asttiia»aadanThraMud lABC A~ raadall I Ittti ThAlSiai daj of jMtuury, UM, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the nnder- aigned Solicitor for B. H. Stinson, the executor for the said deceased, a statement in writing of their names and addresses and full particnTaiB of th^r claims and the natnreof aUsecnritieB (If aoT) held by fhem. AndnotieeisfiirUiar given that after the said laat mentioned date tbe said executor wiU pro- oeed to diateibute the assets of tbe said deceased among ttie parw»f entitled thereto, having re- aidonlyto the d^ms of which notice AaU have bMnjdvmiM above reonirvd and tbe said •zwatw wffl not be req^onidSIe f or tb« MMta or •ay part tbaraof so diattlbnted to any penon of wboM elaim notiee ahaU not have bMn nerved •a^raaaidMtbe tixae said diatrilmtloa Is so noadrtimftdato m» Srddayof DMember. monthly Fairs. OrangeviUeâ€" The second Thursday in eaob month Dundalkâ€" Tuesday before orangevflle. Pleshertonâ€" Monday before OrangeviUe. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before OrangeviUe. Darnamâ€" Third Tuesdky in eacL montii Chatsworthâ€" Monday before Durham. HoUandCentre-^Saturday before Chatsworth Pricevilleâ€" Monday before Dorham. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Dnrhan NOTICE. Hurra]! for Ms Ml â€" ^AT THE â€" Markdale Furniture Wareroom. AWAY DOWN BELOW C08II lor the Holiday sessai. Plnsh Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, common Exteiision T»bl»l in great variety Waslistands SpiinJl Matt,re6B 'Wool Mattrefs of all kin^J and in fact every tbiug that is kept inl a first-class shop. Gall andgetqit^j tations. Also Funeral Fami6hiiig«-| Coffins, Caskets, Bobes, LioisS^I Gloyes, Crapes of all descnptioiuil-l ways in stock. Thanking my nnne ous cnstomers for past favors. Wutj ing all a Merry Xmas and Hapfll New Year. Yoars respectfully, J. W. Sprouie. proclamation! FKOM THE CHEAP CASH STOIEI /CmO OFAU CHEAP STO0\ )i* SBBL P. MoCUUiOUaH, SoUettoKfar~ MfilBfi-LJi Sta'tion.'" â„¢2?5*^^*'""'y 8*^««» »»» »PPUcation win b* ofnOwaT.aaattt """ â€" " -«Si;^ 4 ;, ' Aoknowladged by one and all t° greatest BAEGAIN HOUS^ that WM erw opened in «hi». «" " village of itaxKue- Hen we «r«, good peopto, ^Jlftof*! joo, with loto to show you, «» *L, ^f yon. and with lots to seU yon. "^^l knew how w« can seU gpoiaiof^^i lira, it woald do your besrtj«*"^;l Bate yoa qoaka with joy «%7«' it wmU aikk* yoo rejoiee «» homahoM that aiMhafrtQ^ GIVIKG A^M We waat •t«7 «» *H?'^i'l fO eeau on er^ dollar vnvTZil^i •Ddaw iu.eiaBiine mur HOtf^it skk^ ^^ Uc BBlff^' Tillage news of t Thoug loye spor Cling my Shortly i should I friend Hi ing greel cotti^e, We were was tired MUes ft large lodnstry The yo toying to Literary being no place for the boys the men i I James other eve Vonr yot •rtfcles f{ get a turl « he real] Miss 1 Toronto. For the ^w^ther 5^fc9ne 'aer is jj J^ being