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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Dec 1889, p. 3

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 ' â- *• lAi^JtaH; •**•». Bt thatE. O.B^ « of th. Qwbi, ^U. d before the nf^* Sit iiheGnUof8»7^*« r»it« of Belle it*^ bridge benaeot^li e Mainland toT^J- cTOSlES Of DOM LUIS. rfiif « Fiae Cowns and *»^" Hto Health. tbe Fallare of KiEg «Ht«r of «ome remlnUcences of the late cf Poringal, aaya/'Caicaea.where para- and 2»ngiene came upon the late excel- IJ"^g Dom Lais, bai been deaoribed in 'f '.rtiaihic i*rgon as a royal reaidenoe and "Muiae palaoe. It looks mora like a barn raitBdoe.noIT*»«44 â-  ^^^^y wSather. Th with that a««*S?*«ti â-  ""r^Biii umbrellas with that gena^«» understood, Uldr!r'«'« Iahisrep,rt^\r« ^ea. Smyth drawT^w .t the Straits of Si"^- northeast, thn. «Si£! te polar current JIS I 'C7 stream, at from t!! t:r. pours its way intoT, •ence, overcoming bv i»! B warm gulf streinfJ^ two branches near dn! mniDg westward nnth! • sontueastward, di,ohar» again between Newionnf; .ea. Tne general. xpUinj neu sweeps aloag the ea»-. boatia and shoulders cff urther outto sea, whic" find its way along the inent and into the jmlf pslar cnrrent could ben' ed eastward of Newlonad. I ocean the climatic effectj 3f warm wawr, would be le gulf and adj acent shotw. is cf. Trade With Her. with a big basket of poods he bad just rapped on tlie farmhouse. An old lady of opened the door and sizjd had a chanoe to open hk wagely: "Don't want »ny- he repUed,wlbh a weary »t- as he mopped the perspirt- (7 with bis Goattall, "allow the goods, please. I hsvg two oente a penud, lilvei a oents per dozen and the ity oents pound, with vtet- thrown in tliia alone it anything ter day," she re- 3 savagely. replied, as he slowly return- ' tie basket, "If I were to offer ainess f or ten cents would a't. I don't want your old, stuff, at any price; so cleu continued sadly, "if there the world that you would enow, and I will bring it to trip. ' DU persistent puppy," «he aext time you otme bring tp.n dollar bills for a dollr ill take the lot. Now, ges J load up with something ou show that red noae of "**'fl«Va iAexlcux hacienda, aodhaa been â-  â€" ' â€" ' )laoo ani* -•--' artyaid Is gnu* tbas "l? merely aa a sleeping place and a shelter °*^..» waather. The oeortyaid is cnu*. OLD NAPLES CBUMBLmTwAY. lerBiUud MMrfiu A««ie., gte««.K. r.*, â- onse of 4hM »jnS. "MV?» Crape and So Deaths. Iâ€"" Why, my dear, wh»t so miserable Is there any paper ' ove-"N-no, not exactly ih, George, don't you know relatives who are in poor saw such bargains in crape ,ya." line Frankneaa. a said old Moneybags, lot asreeable to you say » lot, I beg of Tou. te 1 «â- Â« »ry that you will sl^J* a brother." 1 the lovely maiden, ai ner hedea»hleMfl*meofapare ,votion, "Idonolloveyon a brother, but I h»J8 « afi you as a husband. eaoed Whenlormg- !_.. What a terrible wreck to be euro. It is sad to lee I man. ' â€" «â- ? r'Yes, indeed, but you mu .« wis admitted totheba 'ramp Scheme. •a » tramp schema." I tie? What the denes do yo j uhen;e " woik.' Anomaloufi. to me the actions of tsU' i;r*dic;ory. Cwgood y»«°S^llri| are always reafly " Wa8 Very Delicate. l"y«°'"rAS:.VforS.- led poor old J'o** f,"" lie death-warrant I ,ji^ Ton don't wyw' "' [seriouely?" ,, .-d **! ',n a heavy ^JJ-'^onU-" »nk brought on pneo» » |b Same I'hu*^ kbA««1?| la oontraotornow- jB It did he used to P«^ Irset maker. jift.-eBC* I lldon'aseomaohdW" Ixale of a Ki*- 1 wee Jiisaâ€" ^«r. hU ne'er steal «•» i sport of bliss «0o kiss BU umbrellas are planted atwnl it ^j'^.lri and tables are sat beneath them. tf rV i. .c»nt Th. King and Qaeeo wwsUy dined under a sort of tqaaro oage. JTwitb a moMinito net. His MaJMty fISi Iniorj, likod swdy, retiremnt, and tnre aod had no eye for the deliolraa and "^f oMtly teilets which were so often sent ri t).ri» to his consort. "!!The confidential friend of the King was hi, pbyiioi*" who was a great natnrallst, iVho MW him too often to ba stmok Sth morbid signs when the disease which fit to be fraught with prematurely lATAL OOSSlQTJKIfCIS _uifl iti early stages. That malady was re- \it,\v caused by an attack of South Amm- !a MM from which Dom Lnis suffered ,l,en vUiting, as a nayal tffiaer, the porta of KrazlL Piralysls was an eventual oonsequ- Le that might have been expected. It it ktd no» given the coup de grace, something elK-psfbapa ioflimmation of the Inngs â€" woald hava done so. Isw Bom Lais in lielginm when he va: making a tour round Earope to see his rels'.ivM a- Brussels, Dusseldorf, Cebnrg, Dresiieu, Viae as, and elsewhere, and one jid act nee-i to be a doctor to peroetve that lie would not live to an old age. He fit wedded (when at heme) to his naval jniform. One was reminded by his figure o! X»coIeou'a definition of a constitn- tioMlKing. His short, burly (butnotmns- cilar] body, and plain, strong features, gbawed him to be his mother's son, and he Ijid her talent for strong, pithy word paint- ing when be talked of parsoxB he disliked behind their backs. There were, unfor- toDstely, any amount of the latter high np in Portngnees politics. Of all the different nembenr of the house of Saxe-Cebnrg Dom Lull was the mgsi) £nglbh in speech and tsttei, although he ccnld not have spent more than three or four months in all his le in England. The fluency with wbioh be ipoke our language was due to the fact that he served as a middy in A raioASB or wab bebngfng to his mother, butohiafly officered snd manned by Britons, and was nnder an Eogliah naval instructor. His passion for Sliakesptsre kapt np his study of £lnglisli lit- eratnre. Tbe King thought his misaien In life WM to translate our greatest poet into Port- nriese. He would have been, his snl J40« aid. competent for the work if he had only bioiro that language. "The Kbg's breakdo im in health showed itielf eoma years ago in an addled brain, treakentd sight and loss of memory. When bethought he had got held of an idea it ilipped from him. He should have lain bfgomewberein the country, taken tfontle aerciM, but plenty of it, and lived a good deal as a vegetarian. Instead of tliis re- iiaen ha wu told to keep up his strength, a tajto flUfbis blood with poison, and sedent* vy habits were continued with snch drinks uhe had leaned at sea to relish. By tbe time the treatment was changed it was too lite. The death of the great Doko.ef Ceim- ^. hii only surviving brother, gare a shock Isiiat PCSHHD mM BAPIDLT toward the grave. Dem Lnis was a kind brother. He and the Duke ef Coimbra were lavtd, the Pertagneae said, by being iiLoaden, from sharing the fata ef tko oth- s»ni of Maria da Gloria, who were snp- M ts have died from poison abont twaaty- J*AttpMdbl« Akk _;^J=^â€" ~* J" iMMBOlOB. able rhTM- .« -.TL"" " •â- â€¢ "*y« A vent- A Basiness-lUEe Uffer. For many years the manufaoturers of Dr. 23s iSS"' Ranedy have offered, in good fal^ $500 iward for a case «f WawJ 'â- â€¢wn wbld they cannot cure. The yyis soldy dmggtsta at only 50 oentt. *«saerfnl remedy has fairly attained ^B-^de rspntation. If yon have duU, ^* ••adartie, olistcnotien of the nasal W»^d^«*Mgas f^Hng from the head la aoiid, M nlheip, thfa*, tesuaoiMtf. fl*""' Porolont, loody and putrid if the .. i7!!L?^*^' ***^ " iniamed if there and gti«arssg«. "LiaUnlsa dull place. We shonld act ttnefoA osnsnro the Queen ef Poringal for e^^Mtlng tedium en s'habillant, so doeha- ,7ft. St IS rehabillant. She was ao start- f by ths ohaags the Duke of Coimbn's m wrsnght In Dom Lui» as to order noM Mtermaumlng in Paris, but tetrnst for it u to a lisben outfitter. There oonid be no noreoertainsivnofdeepooaoem than this, [fu baing her Majesty's raliog pas- imaand her orders to her oontinrier en exoaeding her allowance. Ska was M always, perhaps, the best dressed lady U.-TP*'^°' tlioBgh not a coquette, she =["ied to be so. There was always a hetter- '7»°*»*LUbonâ€" the wife of tha It- Ir""'»r. who is stepmother to the B^" Comtewe de Castiglione. Maria Hi! S*â„¢ent8 were too often overladen L. ,,f' """ garnitures, and were just »ble rtror of water BUSHW) DOWH IM HILL, S^Z7*S •*"" f â- *~*' •'tor eaoh of »°!*»«» •*•'=», and on its ^y deateoy^ S23r*fll^""J? w.ll.,fille§ cellKSd dejKMlt two er throe feet deep. It i, 'oSyllLtiJd'.* "" «*" "" '^^" "'^â-  m^^^^t^' â- *'*â„¢ â-  wateroonrse was Th^ S'^^u^**" *â„¢" *• Vomero, .0 that it might not foUow the disastiona oonrso it took In September. But it did still p^ter damage, as no precaution had been taken for carrying off the water, and the oonsequenoe was that it carried away about a hurled yards of the beantiful Via Tasso a road which winds along the side of the Vomero higher np and parallel to the Corso V Ittorio Emanneie. The road was destroy cU .roin side to side, leaving the foundations of a palace on its edge exposed, so that it threatened to faU. The debris were preci- pitated by the rushing water, which was as yellow as the Tiber, on to the gardens below; they blocked the Corso Vittorio Emanuele they burst a portion of the oanseway and destroyed the wall of Prince Amedee'a palace on their way through Slg. Crispi'a house to the sea. At the s»ma time the newly-bnilt buttress wliioh supports the tottering rooks at Posilipo was damaged, and there also cellars were fiUed with water ana all traffio was stopped, while at innumerable points in the oity drains fell in and homes were innndated. There were not sufficient "p«mpieri, e :â-  I guards, or military sappers ana miners u respond to the calls for help. But those storms, though they served to â- how hew badly the oity is protected from the effeoia of heavy rain, are not the most destmotiye agents at work. Soaroely a day passes without some outw^urdly seeming solid house falling in, and the a;per 3 cf bhe oity, with some hundreds of Im^" "palaceii" propped with beams or buttressed with stone is hardly reassuring. While a new Naples is gradually being built the old Naples i« ommbllng away, and in many streets the people are half panic- s cricken. A Commission has bsen appointed by the Syndic to examine the STATH OF THE CITT and it has already presented a report, emiMdying a scheme of reconstruction and repair. Work is to be begun immediately. There iano doubt that the defective pipes of the new water works, together with the fact that the taps in the honsea are carelessly ailewod to run all day into drains not fit to bold the water, which oonacqnently perco- lates and ondermines the foundation, and tiienegleotof tii? old water oistemr, and probably ijao an impercepHble but constant Tibratioo of volcanic soil, all oontribnto to tbe rapidly increasing emmbllng of houses which has been observable since the year 1884, when the new water worlcs were in- angarated. Bat all the damage done owing to theso oansee and accelerated by the late heavy rains certainly might have been poTonted liy forethonght and honest work, but those are two things difficult to bo met with in that land of "far niente." U wrioglag in the ears, deafness, haoking or o«jW»f to olaar the throat. azpootonn Of offBadve matter, together with scabs from l^IJ^-^^ being ohanged aiid has a ^aeat «wu j the brwtii.^ensive amell and •m»» impaired sensation of diezlness. with mental dopraasioB. a haokins oongh and fonenl doblUty, yea an sofE^i^ from n»sal catarrh. Th» more oempBoated year dijease, the gnatar the onmber and dJver- Bty 9t symptemi. Thonauda of oases ^n^y, without raaaifeeithig half of the above ayaipteins, reanlt in eonsumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, niore deceptive and dangerous, or less under- stood, or more nnsnooessfully treated by physicians. Why are Cashmere people! Because you here. A.P. 4S0 Alarse amonnt ofTRUST FUNDS • â- Â«â€¢â-  at » vety low rate of Intereat on OMf daaa seenrity. Applv to n/IONEY Beaattjf, Ctdwiek, BbekstDtk fiali, BarristersJamI BoUcUors. Wellington St, cot. Church, (over Bank olToroDte^, SCOTT'S ^.BPLS'I" MONEYTOLOAN shawls like deaf can't make them 1,1 -o- *o delight the country cousins Uidv. " ^»ndon, patronize Mme. Tus- Bapid AdvaEcemeDt. •i,,fl ""I taint been in the employ of id ri!?. "" "'*° a ^4ek when I was pnsh- *n«htto^ the front." iiT^" "" "»**» *« f^y tb»t yon were "?l«nton the sidewalk." ex- lUeaiti-.L^'^Ty"' yon wish to Smithâ€"*' 1 'Kin that vnlg'ar'm-iner." A Little AmbiffuooB. Soe~.' v^- 53b. t ° '® »°==b a solitary man, â-  "â-  lahonldthhik Mr. Iiffie. " """"«u tnini yon would get lono- SbjuL*^^' J"" I erjoy being by myself." |!t,« ^â- â- 'ooghtfuily)-" don't see how you Fred last weo KisB J ^C' mai Siick-to-itiven£S3 Won. •nb;" promuod to marry *« ihw **' °°ly last week that yon told eS!S° "jlJy k^^ted him." Ej»^i. rpT* ^*^ and I meant it, too.' ti«d, Tpi:"*° yoa have ohanged your J 'iit'Q-I..K °T°*®^ y®" **» ^° "» ' I*-' yon to iJ " ^** changert my mind; I;«!iioii^*'"6du8edto be a life insurr l'"»"Hai» • '"' " ^^ would not take 'nO" "• -[Detroit Free Press. 1 ne'er Bt^l***" is Needed »iJ?*» .»nd woman if they deshro to "'s ' « " world is a corn shoUor. J.t^ «*rMtor shells corns in two j^ au-T]! without discomfort or II' ^tiUni' o' 'outatfonB prove the merit l%tol. ,*" Corn Extractor, which 1% dii ' »» «i«b bottle. «ts. Se« aigna- S:ld by A Eufd Time of it. Tito hardibipo suffered by the frontier itinerant preacher are not all matters of an- cient history. Dr. W. A. Spencer writes to the Karth W»«tom Ohritiinn Advocatt of a Methodist pastor in Kansas who in the last tkras quarters of a year has travelled 1,000 miles, preaohed abont sixty times, and ri ooired from the people $10.75, of which |7.- 25 was dne on last year's account. But the reported failure of the crops inT three suc- cessive years, aad the consequent poverty of the people, make his condition little if any worse than that of his congregations. â€" fN. Y. Tribune. Three Thousand Barrels of Gunpowder Exploded. Mabsbillss, D3C. 10.â€" A terrible explo- sion this evening caused widespread terror throuflbent the oity. The three-masted ship TilledoMaraeilles, with a cargo of 3,000 barrols of powder. sUpped for Mosambiquo, canght fire. An attempt was made to blow np the ship with dynamite without success, jhe fire in a short time reached the f orehold, whore there were 1,000 barrels of pwder- A terrific exploeion followed. All the win dowa lor a nule arcnnd were â- battered, p^eaiia of .ho ill-fated ship wore picked up 500 motreo away from *be "c*" «' ?*® dteaiter No lives were lost. The ship be- fc^St^ Mess rs. Singlar Co.. M arseUles. Mistaken. Richard-Is is true that Jof'» ^^^ '"»" oaa«rf by the excessive use of tobacco 7 Harry-No; he never nsed tobacco. Cigarettes killed h im. A flome in the West. Good at fignres-a tailor. A Happy Transition. After fiv. y-S"^^„JrbJ'rC my wife got °«»iJ"°""weS« it highly, nee of S*. l*on wjtw- ,;;S,^i„^fine the transition ' j""f -^.nent. TSrlhis health i. so grand •»;* P^^ .„d bearty hear not a pa^- '^Jj^^ .ny inquir- reS^t-siJrps;^;;^^^^^^ IT^Z""the yai-0 of St L3on,*^ypbJ«i'i«* Would you know the keen delight Of a wholesome appetite, Understrained by oelio'd dire, Headache'a curse, or fever's fijre, Thcrughta morose, or icy chills Then use Dr. Pierce's pills. Dr. Pierca'a Purgative Pelletsâ€" the original and only fenuine Little Liver Pills 25 cents a viaL Colorado claims that one-half its popula- tion is composed of reconstructed invalids. The only guaranteed cure for all blood taints and humors, eruptions, pimples, blotches, scalp diseases and scrofulous sores and swellings, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. You get a cure or money paid for it promptly returned. To cure dull times â€" apply an advertise- ment to the afflicted part. Alma Ladies' CoU^e. S*. THOMAa, OKTiJUO. Oradnates of Alma Commercial College are now in Incratlve positions in the leading cities of Canada and the United States. Full oonrses in Book-keeping, Phonography, Pennumship, Typewriting, Certificates and diplomas granted. Young ladles purauing either ef the above courses can also enter for Music, Fine Arts, or Elocution and enjoy all tibe advantageeef residenae. Bates low. 60 pp. announcement free. Address Princi- pal Austin, A.M. A correspondent tells a story abotn a turkey which had to be killed, and two ser- vants tackled it. They put the bird's n ck between tongs, and pulled it till the head came off altogether. What was their aston- ishment when the headlees fowl started and walked out of the door 1 So shocked were they that it was stalking out of sight before they recovered sufficient presence of mind to run after it and drag it in agair Consumption Surely Cored. To the Eiitor :â€" Please inform year readers that I have a positive remedy for the above.named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently sured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkkb to any of your readers who have consump- tion if thay will send their Express and P. O. address. Beep'y, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 164 Wees Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. Pleasure Is like treacle. loo much of it spoils the taste for everthing. The Book of Lubon. A Man With Wisdom lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise eepeoially written on Diaoases of Man, contai^ng Facte For Men of All Ages I Shonld be read by Old, Middle A^red and Young Man. Proven by the S«le of Half a Million to be the most popular, beoanse written in language plain, forcible and instruotive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous, and ex hauste^, showing new means by which they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science Sdbjecte. Also gives a description of Speci- fic No. 8. The Great Health Benewer, Marval of Healing and Koh-i noor cf Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach you how to make life worth living. If every adult in the oivilisad world woidd read, understand, and f(liow our views, there would be a world of Physical, intelleotual and moral ^nts. This Book wiU be found a truthful presentation of facts, calculated to do good. The book cf Lubon, the Talisman of Health 1 Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon s Speci- fic No 8. the Spirit of Health. Those wbo obey the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeless vrreath. Vast numbers of men havo felt tho power and testified to the virtue of Lobon's Specific No. 8. All Men Who are broken Down Irom overwork or other causes not mentioned in the atwve, shonld send for and read this Valuable Treatise, which will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address all orders to M. V. Luben, room 15. 50 Front Street E., Toronto, Canada. OF PORE COD LIVER OIL tSS. HYPOPHOaPHITES. Almost a s Palatable as IWIIk, Bo disfpttted OuU the mot OeUeatm at^maelt iMy wha« U»lHng XT. B0Xnr8 BMULSIOK la scknowledgod by Phy. rtojMS to be the mSMT ud BaScpSmi^ Of Its class for the i«Iief of »«»«« CONSUIHPTIOII, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY. waAtlns Diseases of Cltlldren. and CHRONIC COUGHS. Sold by all Druggiats, SOo. and, $1.00. CTA MDQ~^"!*'°i ' Foreism or old Canadi»ii OIHIIirO or UnlMd StaiM wuited. Aadrese. " CtoUeotor," Box its, Post Office, Toroato. UUUlJ AlltNlU tratwl Catklorne and' terms! AddtesB, HE7SBa BKOS.. 87 Caoroo St., Toronto. I A niCO '"'***"S proat»b!e unplcyrent at LAUI to "^*'-*5?' with stamps. J. TROT- ' TR, 5 Biobmond St. W., Torciito. rpOBONTO CUTTING ROHOOL. Sci»ntiflc and L reliable systems taafrht, whereby styUkh per- fect flttln^rgamuflte art prodnceA. Bend lor circular. S. CORRiaAN. Prop.. 4 Adelaide St west. CANCER and TCIiOR SpedalUt AlTSt* Hospital. No knlta. Bof fiee. G. H. McMiCHABt., M. D., No.^NlaeuaSt., Bufialo, N.Y. ASTHMA Cf.l^JBE CURED. **** â-  â- â-  â- *â-  ** A trial boftle sent JTr..* to any one afflicted. Ba. TAFI BROS., Bocbester. N.T TSA.CIIKK8 oan make money aanoff vacation by oanvassinic for one or mora of oar fast selling Books and Bibles, espeoialiy History of Canada, by W-H. Wlthrow.D.]S..UlaH and best adlUM^ vet pnbUshec^ prices low, terms Uberal Write for lUnstrated elrculars and terms. WX. BBIGOS Pabllsher. Toronto. ONTABIO FABKKBSdeslronsofpayiDKOff iag hiffh intetest-bearias moHiaKes. or iatendinr hold grain and sleok for better prices, oan ebta. Mwer at I.awest f^wrent Kates of lateimf by applying personally or by lett«r to the LOKDBK CAHADiAN LOAN AGENCY COT J. r. KICK. MAiMBa. 103 BAY ST, TORONTO ENGRAVJNr- f or ALL • ktUSTRATIVt i ADVtRTI^-IMG PURPOSES.' â- â€¢: J. L JONES WOOD ENGRAVER. 10, KiNC Street East. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COY'S TSAITSFASENT CASBOLIC ACID TOILET SOAF Is pleasant to use. It heals the skin, and de« stroys Insects and ererms on the hair of man or beast. KNiniNG MACHINE Send for Illastrated Catalogue aod lis advertispment. witbyoorordertor iiir KEW KIBBEK aad we wlU allow you 10 PREMIUM DISOOUNT Addriss â€" IREELMM BROS.. M'fp CEOKIiETSWir, OUT UoU.U. Guaranteed sure our* for loni standing Coughs, Colds, etc. Ask your druggist tor it or write to ua. take nootaer. R.0.8XI0EB ,00.. Dugsists, T«roato AAiminr CAUHOS.â€" season IRSB. New NAIINIIIir Importations of Englirh Sheeps, wnU l/nUL. Finest American Hog Casiags. Orders filled for any desired quantity. Write for price JAMBS PASK sour, 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market, T«ront«, Ont. I MPROVE I Book-keeDtnir. YOUR PENMANSHIP Book-keeping, Shorthand, ^pewriting, BoslDses Education by attending (day or ereaing) CANAItlAX BC8inE8S SNITHBSITT, Public Library Building, Yororno. THOS BEVCOVCH. rresldeul. (Offlzial Reporter York Coanty Court*) E^'*?* J""^***** «»*^«^B* C O., 168 Voasc' street, Toroaiio. Send for Catalogue. BORROWERS M n V E V ' ""â- â-  " church loans at very low IllUntI rate* and smstller mims at 6i, 6. 6) Z. aocordiugteeeoority.lllirrQTIIDS I n f CO I UnOTor-otT bosi' ness and hou«e properry yielrting 7. 8. and 10 to iO' vestors and 100 per cent to SPECULATORi. KEKB « KLEISER, J. Latuiib KsKB. ORESvaLB P. ElhssM 4 King Street East, Toronto. Successors to A. £ Uiokler bC\ Office establistaed lS7»by Mr. S H. Janes, increase in population Toronto 1889 over 1883 (i sor'a tfeturns), 20 380. ABSOLUTELY NO LIMIT to tbe uses of the wonderful Coorertlble Basket. 100 arUcles tn onek, Ussd everywhere for 'everything. Bounds big, don't ttr But you'll say It's oorreot when you'see It. Agents experienced or Inexperi- enced make money. Sample mailed, SBc. Circulars free. CasOBfOOn MTb Co., OS TJctoria Street. Toronto. ANTi AGENTS FITS! "When I say CuBB I do not meao mereiyte stop them tor a tiine, mi ftjS. ?a'SJfiSf *• I liave made tbe disease of PITS, BPILEPST «P FAIiUXTG SICKNESS A Me long study. I watoaht Bqrjemedy to CUM tiie worst oasea. Because odierB iuwe failed Is no reason tor not sow recelTUiKaciire. Send at once tor a trertlse and a WOT BOTTUi rf mv IXFAixiBLB BMOtDY. Give Express 01 mj; i--.r *i;-x- ,„ â€" nothing tor a Lddress and Post Office. trial, and It will core yon. H. O. BOOT, KC IM Wert AcUlaide 8t a.«.«n»^ ' TORONTO, ONT. TARBOX BROS* HaontaHurers of tbe PAT- ENT VNIVlrBaAL COOKUro CROOK and dsaleis in Asitncs' finouhttrnt. It pays toMiaadls Ooad Articles. OUR GOODS are meeting with ready sales from Ocean to Ocean. We have Supply Depots at Convenient Points. Ilhistratea Catalogne* -rraa. Address. «11 Kinc M. West. Toi ALLAN LINE B0TAL 9IAIL RTEAMSHIPS. THE PIONEER CANADIAN UNE And still to taa (roata regard ta the provisioa made for the ssfely and nomfort of its oustomsra Woeidr ftalltaaa Between ElTorpool. «la» E«w and the »U Lawrence A Fortitttht* Ijr Bcrvieo from l.o*4an wnrlMC 8niunier Hontha. Mall Steamers run between Liveipool and Ftorfiaod via. Halifax daring winter. Glasgow steamera sal* throughout the year to Boston aod I'hllaf elphia, call. Ine at Irieh ports and Halifax eo route. For rates of passage and other Inf ormatiOB apply H. BOUELIBR, oor. Khig and Tongs Sta. I^rsoto H. ft. A. ALLAN, Uoatrcal, or to the local ageate in your oouMty. WANTED To sell our Hardy, Home-grown FBUIf TREES. Pticeslow. Gjod pay andsteady werk. Free outfit THE D-W. BEADLE NURSEBY COMPANY, LTD. St. Catharlnea. Ont. FARMERS, ATTENT10N,L00K HERE JUST WHAT YOU WANT The Grange Wholesale Supply Co., 1, 3, 5 and 7 Jas. via St., Toronto, where vou can aOod jour Bntter, Eges ronltry, Frnlts and Prodnce ef alt kiods, and reoeire baok prompt osab remlttaooes when sold. The only Farmers' Company in the De- miniol^ organised, owned and managed by farmers. Co-oprrate witb us. We aan supply yon with Dry Goods, Cvoeerlee. Hardware. Boota, aboea, Vatcnt Hedlelnt*. and an|thiag or eTeiytblag you require on the farm atssaaufaeturei^ er whole- sale pri'ies. Write us for catalogue and send in your order* direct, and save from 10 to 90 per cent. The Grange ffholesale Supply Compy B. T. MAtlNINO, I Toronto. Nov. 11th, 1^ Manager. Provident Life and Live Stoek IssmT CHIEF OFFICE. ROOM D.ARCADE. TORONTO. CANADI (INCORPORATED.) A MVTVAL BENEFIT ASSOCW gOMD mrTBSTBIEJnrâ€" By paylog to the abor Association ONE CkNT PER Day, a person aged twentv-twe, and two rents per day a person iwad fortr-feur can secure Five IoUar« per week wbUo disabled through sickness or accident, also for two aad throe oents per day, persons aged as ahora ean sscurs for thair dependaDoi, Five Hundred OoOan la event of death. UTB nOCK. OWNEBScaa provide agalaal by death through diseaae or aocddent ot their' atook at easy rates, fiiose interested, send forproqkeetnstb etc Reliable Agents wantsd Id unrepreseated dls triota wnxiAM JO«BS. If aaaglng Direetev. STANDARD CWOP PIMQ USESBESTFRENGHE MILLSTONES meST CRINOER MTNB •NML» MOIIEIKNme HAiEtas iM nosMiis kLS. JOSEPH MADDAUGH WRITESFROM MORRBOli 9JL Hot. SStk, 8». ITow that I' bare pnrehased fkwiB yomoae or yonr Standard Frcneh Bnrr Cbeppiny MUla, tnmlncln on It as part pnynsent nsy Iron Grinder, I bave no objection to tell yost tbat tbe Plates nsed In the Iron CrinAcr eoet ••.«•. and Intterlj bnt 9I.M per pair. 1 need OTer9M.M worth Um« winter. •cm sionalljr a Plate wonM last a week* hat •omeUnses not over two or three bosua. She price of tbe MUl waa 9K»M. mek cheaper than yattia, bnt in the end H wna s Tory mneh drarer Hill. I am satiahcd *hn* Iron Grinders are only snitable for tnrwscro wbo bnTO n very ansnti anioont of Chopping; to do for their own nsc. J. COMEAU, HAMWAM. QUE,, Wins Not. S3r«, '8*. I wonid feelfncUncd to t^pMoglae fhr net wnunc sooaer had I mat becM aoo hnay, and my deafre to ctre the jt*iach Mandnnd lUll a fatr trtal beiore writtnc- lam the moachnnpy tnatnte Umt I nmnt» tiioiy aaUBhen wtUt tiM MUâ€" tt U ' ' splendtd work. Two Ho. 3 Iron firindera at 91 5.M Three Bo. S Iron Threo lo. fl In at«WMeMii,aU im â- *•« Mder with plataa* m 1 f i 'It i h,;"-?!

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