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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Dec 1889, p. 1

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 Jl L CotmoU. L-e, Nov. 15. ias», â-  met on above date of buaiaess. bair; members all Jtiiig. of Oct. i2ti, m 'yasreatUromibe a askiuq; payment of n7, bridge on toiia farther infona». presented, siguea by 1 and several others Minssion of tbu taxel ficcoiiut of Ills beinjr il cireumstHQcea. â€" iliHt the prayer of r/ McElwaiu ancE I, so far as tiie lau^ j'.otTu eJ .^-Carried, mipton â€" That J. \V. •d §G.18 as over-paid cou. '2, E. G. E., for Ciirrie'i. â€"That we send th» Gillies to rectify tlie ice of Jand meutionei rried. â€" That the bili of Q, iting, c.. amoatetiag 1.â€" Curried. opinion respecting lb» vns then read. k)n â€" •'^hat tiie ad»j«e 'reasor, in regard u^ II, be fikd for intui* â- ied. dbraithâ€" That the bill lumber, amounting to- â€"Carried. lalbraitb â€" That Mr, au order for $3, beiatr paid Mr. Creasor for u Pago deviation. â€" lampton â€" That Tbos. n-dor for B3 ctnts. be- ixes on lots 18 and 19, I. â€" Carried. il- â€" That Albert Krause • §0.65, taxes charged error for 1886.â€" Car- tapton â€" That lot 9" placed on the roll for â€" Carried. Foster â€" That this couu- ier for $2 to A. Sbute rea touud to get advice ion. â€" Carried. Ilaiuptonâ€" That lots B 9 be erased from noo- vl placed on the coflec- 1889 for collection.â€" Sliiiteâ€" That John Mo^ m order for $1 for ne J.n;e's Court of Eevision^ ,pt,onâ€" That this conn*- 16th December, in ac- |the statutes.â€" Carried.. J. P. Hake, Clerk. Lrasia Coxmcil* I met pursuant t» ad- bio vember 29 tb, 1889. jrosent. Minutes of last [cil read and confirmed, Ll4, appointing poUiag l)uty-returning officers, \h the different stage* er was instructed to re- McLaughisn, M. D., I attendance on the late L indigent. I orders were issued on- pay as follows, viz :â€" §1, cedar for cnlveij? I§1, work on 15 and It? luel Marshall 75 cents, iBit; Peter Harris f». fedar posts and work; R2, repairing culvert; lelly 80 cents, work oa lie line, con. 5 Jobtt \0, repairing bridge, i*- Icon. 5; Samnel M«- iring bridge, ^alferj- Lriman $1.75, plank fhn Mathews $5, xndi- ,hn Sewell $25-50, re- blasting rock and cut- rtDunlop $15. services ith Judges eotwtre«8- ' JohnSewell^l^lOj: and ditching on tow^i ,t and Euphrasia. b«- paying an eqaivalenj- ,nrned until Moudag, December ne^*' !JJ in compliance wjw R. DTJNI.0P5 Clerk- cheap blood medici" rifying Powders. ma» saleatManleys w^ Lbled wiih dy^ Itipation, or anj blood. B*o»*'*^J. |eysBloodandStoia»fi» VfiamaBc "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." ti:TH YEAUâ€" Ko. 484. MARKDALE, THtTESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1889. C. W. BtrTLEDGE, Proprietor. Come in AND SEE OTJE Local and Other Items. Notices in tltetecolunim in tended to benefit any individual or Society will he charged ten cents a line for the firx't tmertion and five eents a line each subtegvent insertion. ^O'^ICJ^-â€" Correspondence, covimunica- **^°"' 'Advertisement*. de„ nmxt he in this office by noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. WE HAVE THE GRAND! THE ELEGANT â€"ANDâ€" THE BEAUTIFUL! I All combined in our magnificent stock of Xmas Goods. MUGS, Cups Saucers, VASES, STATU AET. â- â-  » â- Â» BEST ASSORTMENT OF ALBUMS In the Town, LEATHER PLUSH. It will do yon good to see our splendid I Eiae oi I HbsIi Gtoods. TOYS I Of all descriptions to catch the little ones, too numerous to mention. pE HiVE THE BEST SELECT- I ED STUCK OF ^as -:- Cards ISiis side of Toronto. 'â-  ♦ t MUSiCliL PIANOFORTE ^iven Away. I r ' ^^ and see how you can get it. (Very simple.) *^'?»i' XMAS TO YOU ALL I Yours, fl^. STEPHEN. Mahkdalk has a toboggan club. Next Division Court sittings, Jan. 10. Women are generally clothes observers. Read McFarland's Christmas Letter in tliis issue. It discourages a young moustache to be called down. Gifts to suit age, sex and pocket, at W. A. Brown's. The iK)pulation of Markdale is in- creasing rapidly. Chopping done every working day at Ford's flour mills. The person who is dead in love with himself usually has no rival. Bargains and prizes at Jevseller Brown's "Goldsmith's Hall. Ladies, poUsh your silverware, "Silver Cream" at Jeweller Brown's. Save money for Christmas by buying your Xmas groceries from Mercer. Read the Reeve's letter in the Stan- dard this week he is running again. There is to be a shooting match at the Revere House on New Year's day. Gold Spex and Eye-glasses, for pre- sentation purposes, at Jeweller Brown's. Great reductions to all cash buyers at Mercer's during the^ balance of this month. i If this weather continues we may â- expect spring plowing to commence forthwith. Mr. JosiAH Gamky, treasurer of Osprey dropped m to see the Standard on Fri- day last. The Standard wishes all its patrons a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Why is a tight hoot like a warm sum- mer? Because it hastens the growth of the corn. 100 beautiful China presents to be given away at Mercer's, going fast, call and get one. Sleighing for Christmas is going to be about as uncertain as the average candidate's election. Mr J. E. Richards, of Rocklvn, was in town last week, and gave the Stan- dard a friendly call. The day and night is as long as ever they were, but daylight is of mighty short duration at present. If your appetite is faihng and you re- quire a stimulant and tonic, take Man- ley's Beef, Iron and Wine. Mrs. Steer and daughter Sarah returned this week from visiting friends in Toronto and Tottenham. MB. WM. Norton, reeve of HoUand gave the Standard office a friendly call on Wednesday of last week. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are so d by W. J. Mauley. Druggist, Markdale. TEAOHKB wanted for S S., No 6^ Gleuelg, smiles fromMarkd^e. Apply to Alex, smith. Sec., Markdale P. O. Wk hope to have eyery subscriber relwSiendshipwithusbyrenew- LT^ subscription for the STANDARD. SrrYeafral. -enerBrov.^ THK STANPABD had a fneudly caU -^-jrrFrLr.r?H^v Mr. EnsseU, of Flesnerwn, last. 1 «hawl advertised in the THE I'«***li3afi0 has been found STANDARn ^^^JZ,^ for adver- jaid returned, rscoreiw. **^°^* .;i meets this (Thuts- Bine die. Can you make a more appreciated Christmas present to a distant friend than fifty-two visits of the Standart for. 1890? Try it. Parties from the country are inyited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. Miss Douglass has her store hand- somely arranged with a splendid variety of fancy goods, boots and shoes, c., c. A call will repay you. Just received at Mercer's new Robes, Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, Gents Fur Coats, Caps, Muffs, Boas, Gloves, Mitts, c. Prices the lowest. If you want to send a token of friend- ship to a distant friend, call at the Markdale art gallery and have your photo taken for that purpose. We are here, and intend to stay, so your patronage is respectfully solicited. All kinds of Christmas work done to order on short notice. A. W. Wade. Notice. â€" Miss Nellie Fogarty is pre- pared to do Dress and Mantlemaking in the latest fashions. Rooms at Andrew Fogarty's residence, Markdale. 480-5 John A.'McMillan, deputy reeve of Glenelg, dropped into our sanctum on Tuesday last. He is a candidate for re-election and is almost certain to get there. A Christmas Tree Soiree is to be held at 'lemple Hill church (Presbyterian), 9th line Euphrasia, on the evening of Tuesday, the 24th. A good programme is promised. See posters for particulars. Rev. Dr. Williams, one of the General Superintendents of the Methodist Church, died at his residence in Toronto on Monday night last after a Ungering illness, aged 72 years lacking three days- Fellow citizens and ratepayers of the surrounding country are cordially invit- ed to call at Mathers' carriage estabUsh- ment, opposite the Reyere Hotel, and examine the splendid display of winter vehicles. Prof. Loisette's Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and persona vnsh- ing to improve their memory should send for this prospectus free as adver- tised in another column. 482-5 F. Sarjeant has aurchased a number of choice fat cattle, c,, for Xmas and New Year's which will be on exhibition at the Markdale Meat Market. Every- body call and see the quaUty. Enquire the price whether you want to purchase or not. For sale, on time or exchange for sawlogs or lumber, one new set of trucks 4 inch tire, 1 good wagon, 1 good cutter, 1 buggy refitted, 1 plough, 2 set of har- rows, 1 set of framer's tools and chest. For particulars, apply to Thos. Boland, Markdale. A WATCH found a few weeks ago, on a Sunday, by a man while on his way to church, was advertised the following week in the Standard and thereby found an. owner. How many church goers would have taken that much trouble to find the owner Mb. a. W. Wade, the new baker, has commenced baking in the shop lately vacated by Mr. Rooke, and is now ready and willing to supply the people veith first-class bread, cakes, buns, c., in fact anything in his hue. Bread deliver- ed in any part of the village. Giyehun a call. The anuual Christmas Tree entertain- ment of Christ Church S. School, Mark- dale, will be held in Marsh's lUnk Hall, Friday, Dec. 27th, 1889, when the Can- tata "King Wmter" vrill be given by the children and others, also Carols, Ac. Admission 15 cts.. Children 10 cts. To commence at 8 o'clock. A YOUNG man and woman stopped at a country hotel. Their awkward ap- pearance excited the cnriomty of one of the family, *ho commenced a conwrsa- tion with the woman by inquiring how far she had travelled tbatday. "Travel- led i" exclabned the stranger, somewhat mdigaMtly "'«» '»* *«»^«* J we rid." New Paper. â€" The Saturday Ledger is the name of a new illustrated story- paper which began publication at To- ronto last week. Each week the Leader contains eighty-four columns of reading matter, profusely illustrated, no adver- tisements, all for $2 a year. Address, Saturday Ledger, 4 Adelaide st. West, Teronto. Walter's Falls Methodist church vrill hold its anniversarv on Sunday next and Christmas evening. Rey. Mr. Mc- Innis (Presbyterian) will preach on Sun- day evening, and on the evening of Christmas day a lea will be seryed and good program rendered, in which a Christmas Tree will form a part. Only 25 cents. The posters for the Methodist church anniversary services are out, and a throng is expected on Sunday, the 29th, as well as Monday evening, the 30th. The Rev. Dr. Carman will preach at 10:30 and 7 o'clock p. m. on Sunday, and lecture on "The Jesuit Question" on the Monday evening. Mr. Ro^ke, M. P. P., chairman. Indian indolence is proverbial, but the Indian women are not all of that stamp judging from the following item in the Manitowaning correspondence to the Manitoulin Expositor "Two Indian women, ages, respectively, thirty-five and sixty-five, planted, cultivated, raised and pitted qine hundred bushels of potatoes this season. Mr. Thos. Elhott, of the Markdale cheese factory, purchased last spring a thorough bred Ayershire bull, and has recently added to his herd two females, both with registered pedigrees. The Ayershires are proving superior milkers for cheese factory purposes and Mr. Elliott is not slow to take a forward move in introducing that breed to his already weU-bred herd. The annual school meeting will be held in the Markdale school house com- mencing at 10 o'clock on Thursday, the 26th. There are three trustees to be elected and owing to the necessity of erecting new school buildings at an early date there is the greater need of making a wise selection. Messrs. Lucas, W. A. Brown and Wm. McLoughry are the re- tiring members of the hoard. An Irishman having signed the pledge, was charged soon afterward with haying drank, "'Twas me absent-mindedness," said Pat, "an* a habit I have of talkin' wid myself. I said to meself, sez I 'Pat, coom in an' have a drink.' 'No,' sez I 'I've sworn ofif.' 'Then I'll drink alone,' sez I to meself. *An' I'll wait for yez outside.' sez I. An' whin meself come out, faith an' he was drunk." The Canadian Horticulturist im- proves every year, both in appearance, illustrations, colored plates and reading matter. Every fruit grower, gardner andiarmer should have it. The editor is a practical fruit grower, and the other writers are the leading practical gard ners and fruit growers in Ontario. One dollar, addressed to the editor. Grimsby, Out., secures this monthly, the in- teresting Annual Report of the Fruit Growers, and a choice of plants for test- ing. 4S3-4 T. JamMon, First-class borse-shoer and good general blacksmith. All kinds repairing neatly done and promptly attended to. CaU and nee as anyway. Shop opposite Markdale House, in McNally's Carriage building. Por Sal*. In the village of Markdale, Hotel, known as the Mansion House Recent- ly refitted and in good shape, good sheds and stables. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to.C. Reynolds. 483-4 BwrrhMid XUls. Having overhauled and fitted up Barr- head flour mill, we are now grinding vrith the. stone process and -the old custom of every twielfth bushel for toll. There is a rush to the old mill, and fttfmers are satined with the sbbqII. Floor and feediwsale^ Ohtq^iDg done' eyery day at six cents per hiuidl|ed IImu Thos. Wyvill. ' ' SLAP BM G Here^we are again. T EoilrisliEofsareWe! WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY X9IAS AND HAPPÂ¥ NEW TEAR. Astonishing Bargains daring the Holiday Season at the BEW BELFAST HOUSE We have just opened oat this week one crate of Bohemian Glassware suitable for Xmas presents also Vases, Moustache Gups and Saucers, Toyk, c. FBESH FBUITS. Peels, Lemons, Oranges, London Layrs,, Figs, Dates. The finest stock sf Confectionery ever shown in Markdale. Purses, Wallets, Pipes, Tobacco Pouches. Pipe Stems, a full line cheap. The finest Uneof TOILET SOAPS to choose from ever shown in Markdale. Fresh Oysters 7 Fresh Oysters Finnan Haddie, Gisooea Digby Chickens, Cranberries, fec. Fine Wines, fine Brandies, fine Ales, for Xmas. Jobbers in Cigars. N. B. â€" Remember we will sell you cheaper goods than any other House in Markdale. We mean what we say. It will pay yon to caU on us and get quotations before purchas- ing elsewhere. Thanking you for past patronage. We remain. Yours truly. R. H. BENSON CO. B. H. Benson. W. J. Bensok. Soecial Sale TILL 1890. Every Offer Honorably Carried Out. One^Sixth or 16 per cent, iiacoont on all Watches and Clocks, nickels excepted. One-fitth or 20 per cent, disconnt on all lines of Silverware and Musical goods. Onefourtli, ur 25 per cent, off allotn. tx Jewellery stock.Chaius, Bings, Sets, Pins, Buttons, etc.. Plain Wedding Binge excepted. Stock book reveals the fact that stock must be reduced. Every enstomer, till I^ew Years Day, getting goods or Work to the amount of 91 and up- wards, will receive a numbered ticket, and will share in the dis- tribution of eight fine gifts, free of any extra expense. Gifts willgo by being drawn for on New Year's Day. 1 Walnut Clock ...... ..«4 fO 1 Silver Cruet 4 50 1 Butter Dish 3 50 Ladies' Necklet and Locket.. 5 00 Gent's Boiled Gold Chain 4 25 1 Accurdeon 2 50 Butter Knife.. uo CuftButtons 1.25 Above discounts and special gifts I intend to faithfully fulfill, all being welL I have choice Wedding Presents, etc., from Napkin Bingstoa 945 Tea Set. This month will reveal the fact that I carry a fine stock at close prices. Warrants given as usual. It will save yon moa^ to do biz. with JEWELLER BROWN, fiignof tiie»BiVSfe«," V wt A.R K:r Ai^E t « '*. t vJ

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