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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Dec 1889, p. 8

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 -^ ESrRAY. M: t Came toihe premises of E. W. Moore, lot 22, con. 12, Holland, aboat the 1st Novemb- er, one white ewe and lamb and one black ewe. The owner is requested tc prove pro- Berty, pay ezpeuses and get them, E. W. MOORE, 433-6 Markdale P. U. STRAYED From the premises of James Bell, "B-.ll's Lak*," aboat the middle of September, two yearling steers, red, with rings in their ears. Any person giying such information as will lead to their recovery will bo suitably re- warded. JAMES BELL. 480-3 Markdale. TEACHERW ANTED. For School Section No. 17, Euphrasia, male or female, holding 2nd or 3rd class certificate. John Steer. Joseph Thompson and W. J. Brown, trustees. JOSEPH MANARY, Sec, 482-4 Harkaway P. 0. BERKSHIRE BOAR. For service on lot 8, con. 8, Glenelg, near Traverston, a fine young berksMre Boar. Terms ?1. 478 85 JOHN HUNT, Traverston. FARM FOR SALE. Lots 109 and 110, 8rd con. north-east of the Toronto and Sydenham Road, township of Artemesia. A most desirable property. Cheap. Apply to H. D. IRWIN. Markdale P. O., Co. Grey. Pm NTERS' inkT A JOURNAL FOB ADVEBTISEBS. Pbikierb' Ink is just what it purports to be, "a journal for advertisers.' It is issued on the first and fifteenth days of each month, and is the representative journal â€" the trade journal, so to speak â€" of American advertis- i.-rs. It tells the intending and inexperienced advertiser in plain, comprehensive articles liow, when, and where to advertise how to wiite an advertisement how to display one; what newspapers or other media to use how much to expend â€" in fact, discourses on every point that admits of proiitable discussion. If you advertise at all. Piunters' Ink can help you. Perhaps you expend but Ten Dollars a year in advertising if so, Pkintees' Ink may .show you how to obtain double the service you are now getting for one-half the money. A year's subscription costs but One Dollar a sample copy costs but Five Cents. Adver- tising is "an art practised by many but under- stood by few. The conductors of Printers' Ink understand it thoroughly. Surely their Advice, based on au experience of more than twenty-five years, will help you. Address â€" GEO. P. HOWELL GO'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 48o 10 Spruce St.. New York. PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS' CmBKOaiE PUMP FiCTOBYj is tarniug out a superior quality of pumps, aud guarantees satisfaction. JOSEPH M'CULLOU0H, MARKDALE. Original and only reliable. Beware of poor imitations. WANTED Men to take orders fir Nursery Stock, on Salary or Commission. I can make u success- ful SALESMAN of any oik; wlio will v.ork nnd follow my ir- struct-di.s Will tnrt'if-li hairil-mif! outfit liee, Hud pay yi.iir salary or commission. fveiy woek. ^VrilH for tcrmi? at once. K. 0. GEAHAM, Xui^^piymftn, Tovoirto On SALESMEN to c invv!: for tl:e salf of Nursovv Stek, OX saLAEY and KXPKXSKS or C.)M. ^IISSIdN. Steiuly iiuployiiietic. Apply at I nee stiitinp s'^e Dissoluiion of Partnership. Notrce is hereby given, that the partner- ship lixifly snU-is'iii a between W. James Lac-kiy nnd James Wright, under the firm of Lackt-y S: Wr-Rht, vas dissolved on thia 22nd day ot November, 18^9. by mutual consent. Alt iiccouiit!» due the late firm must be paid to Jiime? Wright b*-fnre the 15th Dacember, vliile pU persons having any account af^DSt the firm are heibby notified to present the 8me lor p^iyiuent before aliove date when tl.e .same will « paid by said James Wright. Aneuiosia, Nov. 'ii, J8M9. W. JAMES LAOKBT. ^81-3 ik^EH WRIOHT. GREAT WESS THE wnSTEKN ADVEETISER XAHBOV, OVTAXZO. Published in tvelve-page form, and bcftoli- fully printed on one of the best web- feeding preasea in America. ^ramcusB, bubgbons, AocotrcHi»a» *».â€" Office at Manley's Drug Store, whe*a all calls day or night will be promptly attended to. r. S. SPROULE, M. D. A. EGO.M. D.;Ac. VALUABLE PBESENTS FOR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. LABGEST $1 PAPER In clubs of foor and upwaids 75c. each Popular Departments Of interest to ever member of the family, including a Frst-class Agricultural Depart- ment Special Market Depaitment Secular and Sacred Music Interesting Stories Ladies' and Youths' Departments Carious and Useful Department Legal Department; Tai^uaoe's Sebmovs and ALL THE NEWS by telegraph, mail and coirespondence. BALANCE OF 1880 FREE I Agent's Package and sample copy on application. The most liberal inducements ever offered in Canada to clnb-getters. Addresa â€" ADVERTISER PRIMTINO CO.. London Canada. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Oflihe at Stephen's Drug Store, Iiate of the liondon Hospital, England. i». i:cCiiiioii8rii, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE, MAEKDALE. Mioney to Loan. I. B. l-\joh:s. BARRISTER, SOI^ICIToR, Ac, AT OPncE OP Wm. LUCAS, Si. Co., Every Friday. Wm. Lucas in charge of office during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. Snliowi for Fill; lew! WILL. sWdDART, T TAILOR, Who has just returned from Toronto after taking out bis diploma for cut- tiog in the Toronto cutting school, bad Miss Fits who had been in his employ for some time past arrested, and brought up before bis Honor Ciiief Jaf lice Neat Fit, charged with robbini? him apd annoying big custom- ers, she was found guilty aud sentenc- ed to go down for fifty years. The public in general and my customers in particular are invited to come and leave their measure with me for their clothing and need fear no more trouble cr annoyance from Mies Fits. 'W. STODDA.ET, TAILOR. Over McFarland's store. WM. BBOWV. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner^ in B. R.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issue* of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jf arms for etl^. Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OP TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the let and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day followiiifj the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO LOAN. ON interest, no commission chaiged. ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, Busi- O. FARM FOR SALE. W. H. DRINKWATER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, has started in business in the HiU Block. I am prepared to do all kinds of \7ork. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All people leaving their cloth to cut will be done at a moderate cost. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cueap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or bv letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. E, Marsh, â- - Proji' W. G. RICHARDS BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. LookBere. If you take your grist to FORD'S you will get good satisfation, as we keep and no ntber. We alt'o make a spe- cialty (if chopping. Briutj along your chop uiul get It htinie again the same daj. Flour $t Feed sold Ht t'le lowest iiiiirkot prices. Call and give u.s a ttinl. J W. FORD. R. J. SPROULE FLESHEKTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Iiender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn np andValuatioas madeou shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. BPROUIiE, Money Xiender Postmaster. Plesherton. 6 PER CENT. I Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at i lowest rates of interest. Apjil y to B. J. SPROULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. TMOIVE Y TO r^O^^lV. Private and Company's funds to invest in Beal Estate at current rates of interest. PABUS FOB SAIiZ; AJTS TO BEHT. All business private andconadential. Appraisa er for Canada Permanent Loan and Savinc- Company, Toronto. «85 JOHN WHITBY. Martdale. gY'l" " t^"3 rtabll«lilt U ll It Ki .ndc in ill I»IT •.» P ij f" P b£ ]i«iiup our nuH-hiaflvX ALUm Muo fMtHls f«b*^rr tbc p«opi« rsB w« th'iu. w« will wmd IVecioMw l-«-i ,wn iu Cttch }ocft]lt7,lkc vn7 L»FC Mmrinc-Bmeidn* iâ€"ii in »urll,«iib ill ih« I ""' iii'i Kili alK MVdArce « eooiyloM of oar cMdr Slid i«laabtt nt 'mt. laiMuamaikttMjtMi what we wnA, to lh«aa wko full w ytm o» t. mk tM m 9 i^rhall b«ca» nar /. miamad awHi â€"ga*"!!*** " â€" â- *"» •» Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spit* of sdoHnated imitatioiu wUeh arias the ^y ^^^J^ .^.'f°l,te9f the Origmal. inspit^ ttenoiMSt mteeprnentatipns by etiTKna wonldJM ^lafi^^rUiilabon.(^ ofwhiob dimonstnta^ •ft. A. I4USBTTB, 837 FUkk ATeaae. U.t 482.95 The Ooonty Council of the Comity of Grey met for the despatch ot business in the Coancil Chamber, on Monday, Ond iii6t.,-a« 730 p.m. Robt. McNaugbt. Esq.. Warden, in the chair. Tiie following members an Bwered to the Roll call, viz. Mc 8=i^. AgneW, Allen, Bowes, 13rien, Briuham, Chisholm, Clark, Cochrane. Dickson, Fawcett, Gamey, Gilray, Hanbury, Irwin, Kerr. LanR, Lemon, Messinger. Miller, Moffat, MoClean.^Mc- Farland. McDonald, Mclntyre, Mcintosh, McMillan (Duncan). McMillan (John A), McPhes. Norton. Preston. Rogers. Read, Shute, Sparrow, Swanston. Smelser, Thomp- son (Jas. A.), Thomson (John Wi^meyer, Willie andWhitelaw. Minutes rf Jast day of oune Session were read »od sigbcd by the Warden in confirmation. TUm following communications were presented,. Tiz: County Treasurers Report of Auctioneers' licenses, granted iu 1889; Memorial from Huron County Council in regard to width of sleiifh runners County Treasurer's Report of Stationery account foi 1889; letter fr«m Jas. Cochrane, Esq., Reeve of Derby, asking to have his son appwnted the County Student to Agricultural College, st Gaclph letter from Mr. Wm. .eowinan, of Mount Forest, requesting to have his son appointed by Council to Guelph Agricultural ;ollege Report of Andrew Grier. Esq., Public Scliool Inspector, East Grey; circular from Chas. Chamberlain, of LeamiiSK««a, in reference to the hcensinp of non «t«udard Stallions draft of a memoral from Council of County of Simcoe, in the mattei of the Railway Commission. Council adjourned till 2 o'clock Tuesday. TUE8»AT SSSSIOIT. Council met at 2 p. m. All the members were present the Warden in tbe chair. Minutes of Monday were read and confirmed The\(arden preeeuttd to Couiwil the follow- ing^ communications. Tiz a letter froxo Senator McCallum, in reference to a proposed amendment to the Railway Act, as to drain- age, with a copy of proposed amendment the Presentment of Grand Jury at Fall Assizes a petition of certain ratepayers of the County of Grey, asking for aid for the Partridge lamily account from James Bain Son, of Toronto, for io, for book for ofiSce of Clerk of County Court Telegraph Com- pany's account lor $2.33 letter fiom James P. Telford, renewing appUcation from Slst Battahon Rifio Association. On resolution of Jas. Cochrane, the War- den was directed to procure a return from the County Treasurer, of the amounts paid to the Companies, of 21st Battahon. under the first, clause of Report No. 3 of Report of Finance Committee, passed at June Su-ssion. Mr. Irwin, of Colliugwood, introduced his motion, of which he gave notice at the June Session, to memorialize the Ontario Govern- ment to amend the Municipal Act as regards the composition of County Councils, fixing it so that it shall be composed of the Reeves only, but giving tnem a plurality of votes on all financial questions, according to assessed valuat'on of their respective municipalities Quite a liyely debate arose en this motion, quite a number of the members of Council expressed themselves pro and con, but on the vote being taken the motion was declared lost. Mr. Moffat, the energetic Reeve of Glenelg, introduced an amendment to the effect that the Council do memoriaUze the Government of Ontario, to so change the basis of repre- sentation in County Councils, that munici- palities with one thousand ratepayers or under shall only be entuled to one represen- tative, and for every additional 5oo ratepay- ers an addition representative. This amend- ment shared the fate of the orieiual motion, being voted out. The Deputy Reeve of Meaford, Mr. Mo- Intosh, gave notice of motion to ask the Legislature of Ontario to abohsh all tax ex- emptious on churches and dinrch property. Council then adjourned till Wednesday at 2 p. m. Wbdnksday AnSBHOOK. Council met at 2 o'clock. All the members were present. Roll called; the Warden in tne chair. Mmutes of Tuesday afternoon read and confirmed. Quite a number of accouEts were presented: from Wm. Mc- Artiiur of Glenelg, for land taken for road deviation, «144; from H. Durie »l.oo, for sawdust from K. Breokenridge Son, for burial expenses of iwo indigents who died in gaol, »14; from Pliilip H. Branden, for teaming, $^0 from Messrs Christie Agar for repairs $48 94; n. Kennedy A S^db, »1.5o; Matthew McComb, remoyintr nieht IpVr*? J*"' »l«lJ- H Littl' for printing, »6.86 J. Rutherford, for printing. $2.75 Clerks postage account. $4.68 JohnMoodi. of Durham, for making copies of the ABsess- m^t IloUs of Durham, for equalization, $20. Mr. Lang presented Report No. 1 of Com- mittee on i-inance, on motion. Council went into committee of the whole upon the Report; Dr. Christoe in the chair. After semetime spent in committee, committee rose and reported Report as an-ended in commit- tee. Council resumed; the Warden in the chair. On resolution the Report of the Fin- ance Committee was adopted as amended. l^vo or three other motioa* were presented, wnongst them being Mr. Mcintosh's, foi memorial for abolition of tax exemptiois on churchs, salaries of clergymen, and income of civil servants. Considerable eloquence was ehcited on this motion; some amend- ments were offered, but neither original mo- tion nor amendments prevailed CouncU adjourned at 8 o'clock until 2 o'clock theme^Se"'"-=^°-^«-*-etin To beeonlinued next weefc). Holland Conaou, Holland Centre, Nov. 15 Holland council met oa above for the transaction of business • Keeve in tbe cLair members i. prefpni. Minutes of meetiuj;. of Oct lo read, approved and Kilned. ' A communkation J^asreaiUrointi clerk of Sydenliam askni£r paytcent r $1.50 for repairing bridge on to? line. Left over foi- farther icfonn"' A petition waa presented, sioneji,, Bobert McElwain aud severaf otj praying for the remission of tb« tS of AVm. Kfili)li oil (iccouut of Lis h^^l in poor health and ciicunisfHjn.(.j. ' Shnteâ€" Fosterâ€" i'hHt the prayer cC -^- McKlwaiaaui, tax for 1889 lo ^oncerueJ.â€" Carried GalbraitJi â€" Hamptuuâ€" -That J \v Eagle be refunded §0.18 as over-DHii taxeaonlot b'l, cou. 2, E G B'f tbe year 1-88G.â€" Carried. " "' Fosterâ€" iShuteâ€" That we seni tbe deeds back to Mr. Giihea to rectify tim mistake in the price ot }snd mtut[oue4 in the deed.â€" Carried. tha petitioii of Robert others be granted, so far Fosterâ€" Shuteâ€" Tiiat the bill of G J. Blyth. for printing. c.. amoajtinJ to $8.50, bt, paid.â€" Carried. Mr. Creasor's opinion reepecticirtli^ Page deviation v.'as then read. Shute â€" Hamptonâ€" 'Tliat tiie i^ of Mr. John Creasor, in regard 'j* Page's deviation, be liied for liituin reference. â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Galbraithâ€" That the bilE of J Taylor, for lumber, aaouuting tc $6.0, be paid.- Carried. Hampton â€" Galbraith â€" That Mr, Shute receive an order for $3, beinp the amotmt be paid Mr. Creasor for legal advice on Page deviation.â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hamptonâ€" Tiiat Tbos. Sutliffe get an order for S3 cents, be- ing over paid taxes on lots 18 aud 19, con. 4, E. G. R.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" F(sterâ€" That Albert Krause get an order for §0.65, taxes charged against him in error for 1886.â€" Car- ried. Shute â€" Hampton â€" That lot 9' Chatsvvorth, bo placed on the roll for the year 1889.â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Foster â€" That this coun- cil grant an order for $2 to A. Sbute for going to Owen Sound to get advice on Page deviation. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Hampton â€" That lots 8 of 8 and 1 of 9 be erased from Doa- resident roll and placed ou the collec- tor's roll of 1889 for collection.- Carried. Galbraith^Shuteâ€" That John Mo- Cutcbeou get an order far $1 for nse of Hall for Judge's Court of Eevieion. â€" Carried. Shute â€" Hampton â€" That this conn' oil adjourn till 16th December, in Ac- cordance with tJie statutes.â€" Carried- J. P. Hare, Clerk. Supbrasia Council. k I boUbr4lOO. unmu.,;^ rmlim teskeeper. Waiu rauMd. Vmry M'-m^iiii niuuafCuM. B«ifa taaS? l«nd»n,i,-ri,^,rtlliwortM and «M« of •owl ymimZ ithor wtth owlMj, aad nH wjU «• the witek. inSmi A Fatal Shot. Owen SoDKD. Dec. 4.--A fatal Phoot. mg accident occurred yesterday after- noon near Pyers Bay, on the Saugeen Peniusula. It appears that two youna men named Alexander Kennedv. of the firrn ot Wm Kennedy s;ns. and Hiram Lymbumer. son of Mr! Horace Lymburner, of Owen Bound were out after game. The bush being supposed to be a deer and taking de- iberate aim, fired at the object, when to his horror be diaoovered be had onl^i^jf*® '""• Thewoonded mai^ only hved a few minutes. H« leaves awifeanatwoeljiMwn The council met pursuant t* sd- jonrnment on November 29th, 1889. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed, By-law No. 414, appointing polliag places and deputy-returning officers, carried through the difereut stag© and passed. The Treasurer was instrncted to re- mit to T. P. McLaughlan, M. B., $3.50, medical attendance ou the late Bobt. Bobinson, indigent. The reeve"s orders were issued on the treasurer to pay as follows, viz:â€" Mathew Patton $1, cedar for cnlvert, Arthur Bums $1, work on 15 and 15 side line Samuel Marshall 75 cents, repairing culvert; Peter Harris $9i cedar plank, cedar posts aud work James Boyd $2, repairing culvert; Thomas Donnelly 80 cents, work oa 16 and 16 'ide hne, con. 5; iolo^ Alexander $1,50, repairing bridge, 3^ and 4 side hne, con. 5 Samnel Mar- shall $1, repairing bridge, Walter's Falls road Wm. Keman $1.75, plant for culvert; John Mathews §5, indi- gent relief John Sewell §25.50, re- pairing bridge, blasting rock and cat- ting hill Robert Dunlop ^ISr^ernces iu connection with Judges court rens- ing voter's list John Sewell ^18.03J. building culvert and ditching on towo line St. Vincent and Euphrasia. ^J- Vincent council paying an equivalen*- Conncil adjourned until Monday- the 16th day of December next, ajj then to meet in compliance ^^ BtatiM«. R. Dtolop, Clerk- Ir you want a cheap blood buy Pawnee Purifying Powders, m*""" factored and foe sale at Mauley's 0^ Store. If tou are troubled with dysi flattdency, constipation, or *°y^* Arising from tbe l^lood, stoma**- bowels, use Mauley 'aJflood and Si BittecB. j ^nHH

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