Christnua CaioL a one of the prinohKi s^ the civilfeed world!* ^CSJ ieiC3 of recent origU.fcijy«r« r derout Chruti^ «» the, ccntry ^ya ruled UiJSl? »8o f the people very p^»» eocca centary th^^i! A. 1 m vogae ever BincJ: "** .hriBtmas carola wm* iacie to be naed. TtJ^ '=1«0 Kicausad the carols teh!*^«* :ideay frivolous ia "^t^^* inder Anglo-Saxon W.^^- n indecent. The earlv PV-J?' ever allowed aziythbAft" e8ameinatylea«atp;2;?'» sand others light aa' Bgular collection of CbriL. to have been made wai^o^'®^ vear 1.-21. Th«rhZ«P»b- :iDce then, and at present r? f singing carola on cS^«- on., and though no? ,Sr? rou^hont this conncry i. » « ic.!. England. whS'ttp'S' of eacn locality are serS?; Chr,sT::,,.g carols seem moS cnrlsy Echocl festivals X .t the present thne. Oejfc ^n-.wd gathers^ sins, some ov .hri3tmiseve,butthepraoS iho cards are of EaglUhorifln g o.her ihan the work of ^* ;r.-^. exueroeiy pretty ones 5e ^Amfrioan hymn writers, but ieaiy inferior. [â- lie Pumpkin Pie. knifeâ€" the best of its kindâ€" ::ie pumpkin's golden rind caba shaped blocks of buff, mmer till soft enough. I sieveâ€" the best to beb«'ight- of the sifted pumpkin a qaart jple-crown" hen wUl mourn to- nest in the scented hay. pumkin pies yon can bake !t yon must nine eggs take. d whites in a separate dish oamy and light as you wish, ono oup and a half you take, la of milk your pies to make mon, nutmeg, and mace, eaob aspoonlul ere yoa are done. sngar, eggs, pumpkin, and lat together till " smooth u urions, homely phrase, iher used in those old'time of raisins, more or less, ill add flavor, yon must con ist be baked in a ahell-Iike hardens, with sngar yon dost. this mle, when done yonll nine, old-time pumpkin pie l' Lizzie M. Hadlkt. L Bew Explosive. ilians, it wonid seem, hm a new and valnable explouTS It is the invention of two 3d Liersch and Knbin. I« i» damp, shock, or fire. It" 'namite as 100 to 70, and it from place to place witn tlw It emits a thick, black e detonation ia lender than wder, bnt shorter, sharper, can be used for rifle cartidwe for cannon. A bombshdl eocploded with snch tenrrtie parimonta against paliaades )0 250, and 5C0mena^r»g« ind 1.200 meters reoorded y division of tde paliaadei 3cldier.~[N.Y. Times. luing His afcudiea. I your son abontanywhwe, g man to a merchant wnom n. f the city?" is studies?' j is pursuing his "tn*^' °.' ;an hear I don'fl think ho BU catching up to them. Veiy Lucky. n ting ' to f oind a horaa iho* ^. .were, yia-lf «*""*» ,^ J, ' yez happen to b« *•" 1" in Improved Seivice. me, h-mily." said the oo-" L mildly but firmly, ••*»?'„ mier for all conoemoa "^^ 6o these thrte y^^m^tf at the same time, re at each other all th« " the yonng \^l^^SS» ly Winter male arrang" c5 next week." ,use a'jd Effect, •y Lineâ€" •• What a I y de*r t«i sdl* jomuoâ€" "And I* ^^ witk that di»mo»a pry L»ne-"My J**r netiU fourthfa»«"2^' abeâ€" " And «» Mf*.„ and then! h»4 » OESISTMAS GAMES n,ri=toM tol" '•'« merriest tale • "T*»?^" gambol oft wonlo iCHn^/heirt mroojfh hiU the year." ""' JIIE5CH BLIND MAif'S BOFF. ^•Mren form a circle. Oae ia in the cen- 'gfadfolded and furnished with a atlok. a« Ml(Jren dance round in the cirole, to ^^, tfwssible, nntfl the blisdlolded peimn » V. the stick on the fljor. Then they *°'^tantly. The blindfolded person lifts '*°^rick to some one in the circle and asks "' Ann The one addressed answers in a iqiiei iMtion. As soon as the blindfolded •1" irtd voice. Ai •^Tany one by means of the voice, he C" """ ^^*^ *^** '^*"°°" " BUZZ. n,hk witted youth will be interested in an „iemetic»l game called "bczz." AU thoae ^e par' ^^° seated in a circle or around iJfroon). Ode person beings by saying Ifae " the next "two," and then the coun' ° 'a^innea around the circle, when number ^en is reached, or anv multiple ot seven '.as ,,.ij etc) or any nwmbar having the word liWa" ia ' (*^ "' ^^' ®*°" " '"°^* °°* ^0 mven, bat io its place the poraon says ••brzz" rd the following number is counted by the ai pUyer- ^a the failure of any one to L"bjzz"at the proper time, or should he say i" ^^°^ °°' oallei for, he is droppad {fjn the cirole and thns tne game^proceeds, a!n»lly beginning at one each time a person fails, until only one counter remains, and jie is the winner. 51 y ladt's wabdeobe. Ine children sit in a rine, and are named jc'ording to the articles ot lady's wardrobe. Tie child in the centre of tha cirole of playera names some article, as, "My lady pants her brush, brush." She who has re- ceived that came mnst answer before the ttird utterance, or pay a forfeit. The speaker naturally pronounces the word as fast as possible. SHADOW BUFF, Shadow buflF differs very materially from blisdman's bnfl^, but itia equally amnaing. A large piece of white linen sbonld be f aaben- ed neatly up at one end of the room so that it hangs quite smooth. BnfF (not blinded) leata himself on a low stool, with his face to the linen, and a table, on which ia a lighted candle, should be placed abont four or five feet behind him, and the rest of the lights in the room extinguished. Bnfl's play- felbwg next p»s in succession between the candle and him, distorting their ^features in as grotesque a manner as possible â€" hopping, limping and performing various odd antics, 80 as to make their shadows very unlike their nsual looks. Buff mnst then try to guess to whom the shadows belong, and if he gnesses correctly, the player whose shad- ow he rFcogufzaa takes his place. Baff la allowed only one guess for each person. MAKIXG OOMPABISONS. Each person writes his or her name on a alip of paper and on anotlter slip the name of an object in the room. These slips are put into two hats, and drawn out by ohanoe, and each person muss tell why the one named on the slip drawn and the object designated on tne other slip are alike or unlike. Should 'one draw his own name, he may draw a second time. A CHBISTHAS FIE. To concoct a Christanas pie which shall eclipse Jack Homer's, take a tub, clean and dry, on the bottom of which lay a thick paper. If yen have many friends, especially if many children are to be helpM from the pie, yon will do well to choose your largest tub. The pie should be begun about a week before Christmas. Set the tab in tome convenient place where baby fingers will not intrude i cover it to keep out tbie dost, and then let all the Uhristmas paek- ages, as last as they are ready, be deposited thereb by the various givers. They should be wrapped and plainly marked, and of course It will be a point of honor for each one as he deposits his treasures not to look cnrl- onsly at the shape or labels of other pack- nea. All bnnales that come in the mail mnst go in unopened. It will be a matter of interest to note how mnoh delight that pie gives to all the family dnring the pro^ cess of its manufacture. The pride of the Oiker will be in every heart, and this pie will becne of the few dainties which many cooks cannot spoil. "PJums for the pie," gMly. announces p^ips, as ne oomes in from the post cffioe. "I put in a whole armful M plums to-day," says toamma, temptingly iwghiDg at the eager faoes of the cbildien. iMk dropi in wich proud satiafaotion his curiously wrapped bundles, careful to put one 10 particular so that its laoel may not meet mamma's eye. Tinkling parcels for "le tmy baby are not left out, for this pie •pes with the youngest ohUdren. Bvwi the 'girl' shyly steals in and lea^ea her modMt plums, for she is not without an in- vitation to this feaat. Fer a week that hems- y tub 18 the centre of interest and plea- «"9 to the whole family. On Christ- f» the laat plum is put in, and â„¢ oookin chiefâ€" aanaUy mammaâ€" adds â„¢ tiniehinz touches by fiUing the tab as «" a. It will holdof clean, dry sawdust, so Mat every package is weU covered. An »"m:io crust of brown paper, adorned with «jety ornamentation that an orthodox pie "Wt shonid have, is placed over the top, «abenold a dainty dish, fit to set beore y bog. As a cook sometimes has a bit ' PMcry left over, and ntea it np adding /ffs tonohts of beauty to her pie, so you ^wa net be troubled if your pie will not hold others. laro '♦"""*â- ^^ere may be a few trifies too tfc. k *** ^^ ^^^ ^^'â€" » Mwing chair for famin " """her, a hearth broom for pater- ,.-H'*»' a sled and snow shovel for Jack, a o'd A " " c*" '» **»• three-year- ston,^ II*°Se thoae in an artistio fringe be^to, ^*P"*- M oncovered, so mnoh tae toom '^^ ' *°" »*»â- ' »â- tbe baqneft tij^^ opens and the Kueshi enter, will testify ti,e'„7"adbita only whet the appetite for Pie n ?,f° delicacies of the mysterions jL^^ChrUtmas momint; breakfast wi-1 of tw"'°"' *»d tedious formality in view •oaeVn^"' Nevertheless there siionld be W^!!. K "" *^* parent's p*rt that the oH J*" '« duly eaten. To tartaer that J h.v *®" " *• ^onot the day, mamma '«ither!^*° ??°*'^*»V appefzing breakfast. â- ^lilec^ n " onstomary devotions be can,, f Oa no morning have we so mnoh as on " Wateful acknowledment of God °Qe morn that celebrates his richest Peril The Far Beaching th,t p^"' «' a 5ood nvne heralds tha olidm Hr, l"'".*" Painless Com Extractor k a Jilt!, i *^ *^d pain'.eis remedy for corns. A ' "^^%'iocj P-0V9 a to be th? best gift to 'ni NawSri-^shsSl' booM wljh happ^ tewT ^^ o' tJw ChristmM pie ow S mL. t A Childs itift. •The most trifling gift b often the one to be valued most, an?! have one that a kin«'« ransom could not purchase," writes a genWe- man who was once a teacher in a country school district. "I had among my pupita some years ago a singularly beautifiU and winsome little girl named Mary. Her parents were dead, and she had the misf or- tune to live with a distant relative w! o made the child most unhappy by his cruel treatment. His wife was evL more crS I to Uie helpless child, who was the obedient and anbmiaalve of children. "They allowed her to come to aohool three months dniing the winter weather. She was always thinly dad, and I fear th. t her Iibtla tin lunoh-paU seldom contained anything bettor than dry bread and cold potatoes. I tried to be very kind to her. I hope that I was. "But I had a large school of bad boys and mischievous girls who sorely tried my patience, and who took up all my time, even at noon and recess hours. " Mary was shy and sensitive, making few friends, and saying nothing when cer- tain thoughtless and heartless girls ridicul- ed her shabby clothes. "She had a way of twiating her thin white fingers together, and gla 'ng around in a frightened, timid manner n a ahe was thns taunted. " I always went to the rescue as soon as I could, and am not at all sorry now because I boxed certain ears very amartly on Mary's account. " Tbe week before Christmas she fell ill. I went to seoiher every evening after school ani her gratitude for those visits shone forth in her eyes. I feared from the first that she would never be well again, and I think she felt so heraelf, and was not aorry. " I took her a few little gifta on Christmas morning, and after I had given them to her, she 8li|p8d one thin white hand np nnder the pillow, and said, â€" " ' I've got a little of something for yon. It aint anything hardly. I'm moat asham- ed to offer it bnt it will do for yon to re- member me by, and its all I've got to give." " Her little all conaiet»d of a small came- lian ring that could not have cost more than five cents. • • I'd like to have yon keep it,' she said in a whisper. " And I have kept it among the things I treasure most. " In another hour ahe was raving in delirium. " ' I wish, I do wish they'd stop it I" she cried. " I wish they'd not point at my old clothes so I hate so tc put them on I I wish, I do wish, I could have newâ€" ones â€" some time 1" ' Before,the day was done, she bad put on new clothes that never will wear old, nor lose their heavenly beauty garments not fashioned by earthly hands." White CiysanthemTuns. Botn of the clouds and darkness. Of the frosts and early snow When the Summer blooms have faded. The beautiful Christ flowers blow. All through the budding Springtime, All through the •Summer's heat. AU through the Autumn's glory, They hide their blossoms sweet Bnt when the earth ia lonely And the bitter north winds blow. With a amlle of cheer for the dear old year Tbe Christinas blossoms blow. Sweet as a dream of Summer, White as the drifting snow When our hwurts are filled with grieving, The lieantif ul Christ flowers blow. Net all the sMitti wind's wooing Opens their secret heart Slander they grow and stately, Goardintc their life apart. Bat when the earth is dreary And the heavy clouds hang low. With their tender cheerfor the wayworayear, The Christmas bloassms blow. Sweetest of all consolers I Fairest of flowers that grow 1 When hopes and flower* have faded The beautiful Christ flowers blow. Bright in the cottMO window. Sweet in the darkened room. Fair in the shortened snnUght Cheering the dusky gloom. Oh, when our hearts are lonely And clouds of oare hang low. With blessed cheer for the dying year The Christmas blossoms blow. Gonsixnption Bvudj Cored. To the EiiW :- Please inform your readers that I nave a positive remedy for the above^umed disease. K^its timely use tbouasods pf hppeiea oases h;ve been permanenUy sured. I_J*»L »• fflad to sendtwo bsrttles of my remedy nuK Ib wy of your readers who have consump- tfon if thiy will «»d, their I'Vr^J^ P. O. address. R-P y« ?^- ' ^â„¢Ht M. C, 164 West Adelaide St., Toronta, Ont. -~ â€" â- The aptaess with which a madmsn wijl tni L. Lanm«it is wjU "^^^^ ' IcMing is « amusing .«»•*««•â- J^ w,mr^tae vlaitins the asylum at N was SSuSSd K^tiSf medic j'sarperlntendent r";X^'car-f-l_ta_«ldr.-j;-^ nldaBt as •*yonr imperial majsBty,_ pardon, but I Cseiar last year. th« JatsaMc, •'»" .^i.1. u.»* tcel th*gM you wow J«|} "Well, yes," replied T -vafl, "*• '"»*' ^^1 l^y Tfis Bnwiia. Brown has a1wm* foO of gMfe «kd bom. Itosy ud healthy ud full of ndbe. 5VP?***y »* «* aad bright at ttiair iMMka^ "SLS^' «»rtne« and wto M»d good looks, J^li^thy, hiiwife isfsfci And their laoas an free from wrinkles of Th^ spnd no money fmr powdon sad vOls. And new a dollar for dootoi's UUs, ^^ The reason is that they begin In the rsht PJ*' Dir. Woroe's GoldeaMedioal DiscSv- «ry, by kooptag the springs of life pure, the Wood free from ImpuritlBs, wards oil aU ttose diseaKs which spring from bad Uood. ^°?««o'tbe "Discovery" prevents Uver and kidney taronbles. dyspepsia, oounmpiion or lung scrofula, atomadi and bowel tronbles, and forestalls the beginning of disease. That 18 why the Browcs are so healthy. It is also guaranteed to cure these ailments if taken in time and given a fair trial, or money paid for it will be refunded. Talk abont dreaa as you please, but it is the man employed at the abattoir who wears tne killing costumes. §500 Offered for an ?ncarablo case of catarrh by the propiietors of Dr. Sagt'a Remedy. 50 cents, by draggists. "It's necessary to have puppies before we fcm hive dogs, bat that am't the reason why a twenty-year-old boy shouldn't be a gentle- man." For constipation, "liver complafait," or biliousnon, sick headache, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the aver and stomach, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Palletsâ€" a gentle laxative or ac- tive cathartic accordii^ to size of dose. Chollyâ€" " Do you notice, DoUy, that I am raising a mnstaohe T" Dollyâ€"" Well, it needs raiaine, for I pereoive it's down at prosentk ' AJma Ladies' GoIle{i;e. ST. THOHAS, ONTABIO. Graduates of Alma Commercial College are how in lucrative positions in the leadfaig cities of Canada aud the United States. Full oonrses in Book-keeping, Phonography, Penmanship, Typewriting, Certificates and diplomas granted. Young ladies pursuing either of the above coarsoa can also enter for Music, Fine Arts, or Elocution and enjoy all the advantsges.of reaidence. Rates low. 60 pp. announcement free. Address Princi- pal Austin, A.M. Mr. Ztroâ€" " What was that sigh for, my dear?" Mrs. Zsroâ€" "Nothing." Mr. Zsro â€""I didn't know but what 'twas me as usnaL" Mrs. Z«roâ€" "It waaâ€" a cipher is usually nothing." A Happy Transition. After five years' suffering from dyspepsia, my wife got cured in one month by the free use of St. Laon water. We priee it highly, the transition it brings from misery to fine health is so grand ana permanent. To thia hour not a pang. Feel ao good and hearty will take pleaanre in answering any inquir ies. JosBPH Pbtce, 319 Doveroourt road, Toronto. Place your winter orders now. "Impossible to overrate the value of St. Leon," say phyaiciana. "Thia is a little late for you to be ont, isn't it. Peck 7 Aren't yon afraid your wife will miss yon Y' Mr. N. Pockâ€"" I hope she will. She oa^ fling things pretty straight, though.' A Home in the West. Join the great army of houseekers and secure 480 acres of government land in the Davit's L»ke, Snrti, Mountain or Mouse River districts of Dakota. For further in- formation, maps, ratea, o., apply to F. I. Whitaey, G, P. T. A., Sc Paul, Minn. The Book of Lubon. A Man With Wiadom Lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise especially written on Diseases of Man, oontaining Facta For Men of Ail Agea 1 Should be read by Old, Middle A^ed and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the moat popular, because written in language plain, forcible and inatmotive. Practical preaent- ation of Medical Common Sense. Yalnable to Invalids who are weak, nervous, and ex- hausted, showing new meana by which they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Ssoial, Science Sabjects. Also gives a desoriptien of Spsci- fio No. 8, Tbe Great Hottlth Benower, Marvel of Healing and Koh-i-noer cf Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be mrin- tained. The Beek will teaoh you how lo make life worth living. If every adult in the oivlL^cod world would reaJ, understand, and f rllew our views, there would be a world of Phydcal, intellectual and moral giants. This Book will Iw found a trathful Sresentation of facts, calculated to do good, he book of Lnbon, tbt Talisman of Health I Bringa bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It Is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lnbon s Spool- fio No 8, the Spirit ef Health. These wbo obey the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and teatified to the â-¼irtae of Labon's Specific Ne. 8. All Men Who are broken Down from overwork or other causes not mentioned ia the above, should send for aa4 read this Valnable Treatise, whish will be sent to any addiesB. aealed, on receipt of tea oants In stamlN!. Address all orders to U. V. Lnbon, rlMm 15. 50 Front Street E., T^reatoi, Oanadi, Ajf.m ATI linCh-CoUection ol forolipi o* old Canadian ulAlnrO Of Uniiad StaMs waMod. Audnst. '• OoUMSor," Bos 4f3, FMk Offlos, Toioato. GOuD AuEnTS tratcd Oat*ldgQS md tomw. AddtSH, HBrKRS BKOB.. 87 Coaraii St., Toronto. WMtlBK prolltabTa •upUymfint at 'RMWithl TXB, 6 ElalwtoiMl St W., Torouto. â- ad TUMOR SpMlaUM. Tttntm llo^iilal. No kaifa. Book Iraa. C. U. MCMICBAXL. M. D.. Ra.«3NUa;*raSt.. BuSUo, N.Y. I A n I p Q hora», addicM with atanip^'J. TaOX CANCER AST H IVI A A Hw tMHM sant wni to •nr ooe afflictwL Das. lAR BBML. t a et im m. H.T G.G.G. aouranlswl awe rara lor Iodv stMdiiiK Cotigtas, Oolda, 0*0. Aak your diiggiiSMr it or wthm to ns. *aka noowioa: R-O.smABBJt Doniflik Tonoto. doiuw TacaUon ooinst lai Bibles, enoolaly HMi W H. W»iwb.lE, IstM* »^,^^ •«S21 " pileas low, tsrou Uberal Write lor mBACWBBe*B inK« monay 'I w iifinasilin fw ona fit monet -eSUkMtai Bit ' "â- •elUng HM0170I Oaaoda, by paMlslMd, BioireiiiTis CURED. After spending Ten WintezB Sooth, WM Cared by Scott's Emulsion. 145 Contn BL, New T(^ 1 Jane SStb, 1888. J The Winter after the great fire In Chlcaco I oontraoted Bronchial afrectlons, and einoe then have been oDiigedtb spend nearly every Winter South. LastMovemberwaa advised to try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites and to my surprise was relieved at once, and by continuing its use three mont;is was entirely cured, gained flesh and strength and was able to stand even the Bliz- zard and attend to business every day. C. T. CHURCHILL. Sold by aU Urugaiats, COe. attd $1.00i ENGRAVING J L.JONES, â- iLLU^STRA^ivp'^^ WOOD ENGRAVER. • PURPOSES. ©.'TORONTO. CAN A D.A WatBiman's Ideal Fountain Pen. •' The b*9t pen in the world."â€" W. S. Aldsh, N.Y. Timet. " Tbe eleaneetin ue."â€" HncT IrtsjcoBSRS, Editor London Truth. " Perfect in •ptratioD."â€" Kiv. Thos. K. Bbbchsr. D. D. Circniar on applicatloe. SEOBUE REXGOIIGB, Beminsiton Tjpswritei Agency, i6 Kioff Street Eut, Toronto. £,%£^*" «f TRMBT FUNDS to Koaa at avwjr low Mio ot latwest on Sc^ dasssoeuMr. J^plrtm Beaatty, Chdwiek, Blaekstoek^ Oatt, aadSoUcUors. VolttBglOB St, oor. OhaKh, (o*«r Bank of ToroalOb j TORONTO OWT, MONEYJO LOAH ONTAKIO FARMBBS dealroai of paying off exist lag hl^ ittteiait-baariiiK mortagat, or intending to hold giain and etxsk tor better prioes, oan obtain Money at lowest Carreat Kates ot latcMsk by apfdylng personally or by letter to the LONDON CANADIAN LOAN AGENCY CO'lf J. F. KIBK. Mahabk. 103 BAY ST. TORONTO â- â- .1.111 ^.^^^ THE DRINK FOR THE COLD WEATHER IS HNSMNJS FtijiisBtetF SAUSAGE CASIXC8.â€" SeMon Uas. New importations ol English Sheeps, Fineet American Hog CuiDgs. Orders filled for any desired qnantity. Write for price JAHCS PABK SON, 41 to 47 St. Lawrence 11 arket, Toronto, Out. /IITEIPH BrSUVESS COIiLECE, Cnelph \X Oat.â€" Ibe etzth soholastte year begioe Sept Sod. An Alt INrowtBient has been added In which Drawing and Woodcarviag will be taught bv the moo* Mlad ^MclallBt in tin Dominion. Oor Sho:t hand Department bu aooompliahed phenomenal re- eulte. We lead the van in Practical Education. U. tUcCORUlCK, Principal. BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 45 Klag Street East, Toreato. formerly for over five years Principal of the Shorthand loatitute in con- nection with the Canadian Buelneaa University. 3^rpe writing Department nnder the iranagement of Ma. GEORGE BENGOUOH, Agent for the Remington Typewriter. Apply lor Oiroolar. Mention this paper in wrltingr. MiflGial Liitis FOX CSCin.AK ADDRESS, J. DOAN CO-, 77 Vortheote Ave., Teroate, Oal II KEEPS OUT THE COLD BY KEEPING IN THE HEAT. "*• TARBOX BROS. Manaf»ctarera~otthe*PAT ENT UNIvsuSaL COOKINO CROCK and dealers in AainTB' SpiciALTms. it pays tor handle Good Articlei. OUR OO0D3 art meeting with ready sales from Ocean to Ocean. We have Supply Depots at Convenient Pohits. Ilhistrtited '-Catalognee Free. Address, ftil 1 LI»« St. West. Toreaf. PLATE GhL SS Delivered anywhere in Canada. Largest Stock. Lowect Prices. McCausland Son, 72 TO 76 KING STREET WEST TORONTO. CONVERTIBLE WIRE BASKET. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COY'S the larsrest sale of any Toilet Soap in the country on account of its uni- formly excellent, delicate and firaff- rant quaaities. Address, WnALEY. KOVCE A CO., 158 VOBKe ftrett, Toronto. Send for Catalogue. ALLAN LINE BOTAL MA IL ST EAMSHIPS. THE PIONEER CANADIAN LiNE And still to the frost 'a regard to the provirion made for the safety and comfort of its customsrs. ffeebly SalltacK Ketfreea UTcrpool, las gow aad the at. lAwreaee Jt Fortntstat- I7 Bernee from l«esdoa aurias Samaier Moaths. Hail Steamers run between Liverpool and Portland vis. Halifax daring winter. Glavo^ steamers eal- throughout the year to Boston and FhUaif eliriila, call, inr at Irish porta and HalUax en route. For ratea ot pissige and other intomatlon apply H. BOURLtCR, eor. King and Tenge Sts., Toronto H. ft. A. ALLAN, Hontrsal, or to the local agents ia your oouaty. â- CURE FITS When I say Cuitx I do not mean merely tt stop them for a time, d4 then bave ^em rO' tumagain. I xbait A HADIGAL OTOK I have made the disease ot FITS, EFILEPST or **^ FAIililNa SICKNTESS A life long stndv. IwABRAirrmyremedyto CuBB the worst oases. Because others lUre failed is no reason for not now receiving a cnre. Send at once for a treatise and a Fbkb Bottu of myIirFAi.i.iBi.K Bbmksy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing fdr a trial, and It will core yon. Address H. O. BOOT, ILa, 164 West Adelaide St. TORONTO. ONT MARVELOUS â€" f^SS) S No loose parts andyetcanbe converted t y «* Into 100 useful and ornamental shapes. ItisaLamp Shade, Cake Stand, Card Receiver, Egg Boiler, Water Heater, and' Innumerable other articles that are In- dispensable In the house or office. Nothing like it ia existence, and Agents make $6 and tlO per day. Bought eagerly by all classes. Send at once for par- ticulars, etc. Casssreen MTg Co-t 5S Victorisk Street, Toronto. [Uentfam this paper.] Jb}\^ Provident Life and Live Stock Assoe'i CHISF OFFICF, D.ARCADE, TORONTO. CANADA (INCORPORATED.) A MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCV SOUD CfTESTSIEIliTâ€" By pu^g to the abOr Association ONE CkNT PBB DAY, a person aged twentv-two, and two cents per day a person ayed forty-four can secorc Five Dollars per week while disabled through sidcneas or aoddent, also for two and three cents per day, persons wed as above oaa secure for their dependants. Five Hundred Dollais la event of death. UTB STOCK OWlfEKSoan provide against by death through disease or accident of their stoek' at easy jMsa XtiM intwestsd. aead forpsospeetaea^ eto. SsBablsAgsntswaatod to aniepiesonted dte triela, wnilAM Jeatt. Haaaging Dlieetor STANDAFID tHOPPIJSG. USESBESTFRENCHE MILLSTONES tWiSTCamPtB WTHE BtAinn IS mosMi^ vrf E.W.C?-BRAHTFQfiD. canaoa.â€" Confeberatiott %itc OBfiAinZED 1871. HEAD OFFICE, TOKOMTO BEMEMBEK, AFTEK THKEE TEAKS tjt^jy~- Policies are Incontestable. Fr«e trom all restrictions as to residence* travel or ooenpatioa. PaU-np Policy and Cash Surrender Talne Guaranteed in eacb Poli^ rVjWeo ai« noo-f orfeitable afttr the pavment of two fall annual Premlnms. ProSa whidi are unexcelled by any ti^taay d-ing bniinessln Canada, are aUoosted every five year ficim tbe iasn of the ptriicy, or at fawger periods as nay be si-Iected by tbe insored. PKOFrrs so AIXOCATEB m* ABSOUTTE maA Hot UaMe to be redneed m- reeaU « attMjtnttuKtMmteunatsrmmj tiremmutmrntt*, • ' ParHeivatinff Pvlieg HtUen are entuitd to not len tikon 90 per cent, q/ th» mw/Ks sa m a d in h» aUit, dmrfortke pattievea if«ankaMaetwU'greeeivei9S peretnt. of tke profit m earned. "W. C. MACDONALD, J. K- MACDONALD, .^^ciLaT. a1a..u.^« l;iJiXcros. rm •i^f: -1 .„-