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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Dec 1889, p. 5

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 -A. S^ 7etkip ndecl of tl.e necessity of othingI NOERWEAR â€" AND â€" furnisMng G( Tntt the MMon. mc-nyo,, akmg these changes a visit to ^Farland' ;he very large anri varieil istoj it of GooAs will repay you. woll estalilislierl fa ct yon ey by makiij},^ your purcljagj iL\ND's establishment. liHH 75 pHcksters of ne^roooi LIT lMPOH'[Tri0^jS baj :ed ill st.t cU. tlic-t'e to be weekly pbipment? duiiug tJ c lot of all-wool Serge Dn 7 difeieut culors, at 20 1 cos beavy fine Melton Slotj Goods at 18c. per yard. case hfinsome hand workej ihroWeiies. Pattonw §G up to $14 oico assortment of new Si| lushes 45c. per yard, in i i-able shades, including cir k. )lck and colortd Silk Dn^ ux, comnieneing at 80e. les of Silk DressiiS thissei beeu nearly uuuble of lince coriicaeuciug basicess. xtensive and choice Mantl I Sealelts, Piusbes, YeM iid Plain Cloths. MAGHEB, our milfoera aker, is daily turumj; unties, stylish Hats-: sat job in Children's .Vool Hoods, 30c. eacli. Isqnares, Wool Di esses una lar price, supplies of Gloves, TnD buttons. Flannels. loc. all-wooi 28-incb in ;;annot be beat m the lase black Cashmeres, «« St dyes, at close wkolea lothing Koom up-stairs, « le large plate gla.s muroj^ ^-ith Men's Boys' and W p and Suits, bought from fanufacturers, for spot 8^ iDominian. Prices wiu â-  low as good ^^^"I'l |,v. No trickery a»°J^ ands at hopest P?*ces. nb Caps, Astbracan g^ bs, Alma Caps. Beaver ^J d boys' that honestly^^, Competed with- i^^f ^, les in these goods. J lot and Sb*e '^^"J od reliable g^f^^U. IVe don't aim **i^7bat Iced boots to be HJ.^,, Inore about tJie w ^^ji, Ijackass does apo ^oc lots of cbeek aoJ^^^D, l.theysucreedi^F ,,^1 lisekeepers id«o f ^e bifl thy componDC^-jjjtbef [pure teas, s^^^tiao*^ I flavored. A- » c If over a q^»Pf ^rfio- lying and ^^"^^ lantee of onr »»^,, IcFA A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL (WHEN THEY COME.) GREAT OPENING OF ALL KINDS OF XMAS GOODS AT Comprising the following lines ^^?"S?n^^-?Â¥-?^Tnvyro TERBA COTTA PIGXJRES. LEATHER ALBUMS, CUPS AND SAUCEBS, LEATHEBETE ALBUMS POBBIBGE SETS All prices. VASES, " PBAYEB BOOKS, CHECKEB BOABDS, HYMN BOOKS, DOMINOES, BIBLES, NINEPINS, BIBLE HYMNAL, CARDS, PLUSH COMB BRUSH CASES, PLUSH jew:el boxes, PLUSH ^WOJllS. BOXES, Plush PERFUME GASES. MOUTH ORGANS, BUGLES, DRUMS, FIFES. DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS. :he finest line of PERFUMES fi^'om 10 cts. to $3.50 per bottle these make the finest Xmas presents on record. If yon don't want to bny, come in and see onr stock and prices. Liberal discount to Sunday and Day School's. 3is4:.^2SrX 'S ZDIKTJa- STOxeE. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS- -*â-  Hanover girls smoke has been raada a Some ot cij,ais. Oraui^cville customs port. Ihlura Methodists have decided to build ii iiew church. The cciitor of the Mt. Forest. Rep. lias be oil treated to a piece of venison rcceuily. Mt. Methodists took in §170.9U, at their anniversary services a week ago, TLe^ Owon Sound Couucil have de- cided unaniiaor.sly in favor of the next World's Fiiir being in Chicago. That settles it. The Induction of the Eev, A. Hadsou us Presbyterian minister for Dundalk and Ventry ccngregations took place on Friday the 29th ult.' " A yoke of oxen and top buggy was -the conveyance used by a bride and groom on their 10 mile tour at Wiartou recently â€" so says the Echo, Mt, Forest. Methodists have extend- ed an invitation to Rev, Dr.- Hannon, of Kinc iidiue, as pastor for the com- ing term, which inite was accepted. Two Flesherton ladies had a pleas- ant sleigh ride with Dr. Hulton' (Priceville) horse which they took from a driving shed. They vow it was a mistake. Mr. Merchant, Principal of Owen Sound High School, having been ofered a .salary ot $1,800 a year by lbs Stratford Board of Education, applied for an increase to that amount in Owen Sound, but the Board voted nay by G ic 4. STASSABD SXABT. Thursday, Deo. 5.â€" Fair mild weather, good sleighing and business brisk. Markdale cheese factory made its la«t shipment of cheese for the season. Fkibay. â€" Delightful winter weather the thermouaeier registering about 20 above zero. In the evening the moon shone out in all its glory and scores of our citizens, both young and old, I turned out and enjoyed themselves coasting. Jefferson Davis, ex-presi- dent of the Confederate States, died in New Orleans, aged 81. Satuedat. â€" Clear in the morning but cloudy by 10 a. m. Thawing aU day, and a rush of business. Sunday. â€" Raining more or less all day. Small congregations at all the churehes. Monday. â€" Fair weather. Wheels again on the road. Turns cold at night. Henry E. Searle, the world's champion sculler, died in South Australia of typhoid fever. Tuesday.â€" Bare roads and good wheeling. Mt. Forest, Markdale and Meafprd railway meeting in towr;. Manitoba municipal elections to-day. Wednesday. â€" Themometer lingers about 85 above zero (that is between thawing and freezing pomt) with squalls of wind., snow and rain through- out the day. To the Point. When people see a mau advertise they conclude he is a business man. The man who does not find adver- tising profitable generally finds busi- ness unprofitable. Advertising is the rhetoric and not the logic of trade it's business is to persuade and convince. Newspaper advertising, rigbtly started, rightly stuck to, solidly back- ed, ensures business success. You do not, any of you, advertise enough. You are asleep and want your business to run itself. You ought to use printers' ink every day. Care should be taken to see that every advertisement expresses a busi- ness idea clearly and definitely, 80 as to be easily remembered Orange Valley Sohool. Inspector Campbell visited this school on Nov. 6, and reported as follows â€" "Examined nearly all the classes represented to-day in one ©r more subjects. Find the work done in some respects superior to that done in the past. The standing is creditable to the school. The order has con- stantly improved during Mr. Wick- ham's employment. Now one of the best. The progress is quite satisfactory in all subjects examined. The school appears to be in good condition and is well kept by the teacher. I am pleased that Mr. Wickham is retained for next year. He is one of the best teachers in my Inspectorate I has a good deal of individuality, ana Was newspaper advertising a Sue- is interested in the worn of Education MsaaxiosAX, xmcaia. SeaTle Dead. The history of professional aquatics,.^ a branch of sport in which Canadians. have always been proficient, has np. sadder chapter than that which tells of the brief career of Henry Ernest Searle. To have journeyed half way^ around the globe to battle for and ^in the championship of the world at one of tbe noblest of sports, and to reacli one's native land a few weeks later a dying man, i? a fateful com- bbation'of circumstances that bos net before been known. On the ninth of September the stalwart young Aus- tralian won his honors by defeating ^ViUiam O'Connor on the Thames. Exactly three months later he ia dead. •0 the land that was so proud of hi* prowess. THE editor of the Thornbury paper is famous on a burlesque. The Prince of Wales is becoming alarmed on account of his faihng health. NoTic*.â€" The pews in tlie Methodist ohurch wiU be re-let on Saturday the NsthDec, from 2 to 8 o'clock. Pew holders who wish to retain thehr sitting can secure them any time up to the above date by caUing on the_ pew cess with you last year If not â€" why not It pays others. It ought to pay you and will, if wisely done. Get H good article, advertise liber- ally but judiciously advertise the truth set forth the announcement in a neat, simple but pleashig way, and satisfactory results will follow. No form of communication with the pubhc is so che«(|»-'a3 newspaper advertising no agent is so moderate in his work as the live newspaper. Let the skeptic look around him in any city or busine js centre, and note the most successful business men there. Who sre they? The careful and judicious advertisers, invariably. To reach the people and to hold be- fore them your name and business in honest advert.sementspay8. Promises not kept, or, to speak more plainly, dishonest advertisements not only in jure the advertiser's business, but also the paper that contains them. There are hosts of honorable adver- tisers, the number of which is daily in- creasing, who would no more think of misrepresentingin their advertisement than they would in their own office or outside of his own school. I wifib more of the teachers were like him in this respect." Ir your appetite is failing and yon re- quire a stimulant and tonic, take Man- ley's Beef, Iron and Wine. If you have a severe cold and a .troublesome cough, use Mauley's Throat and LuDg Syrap. Fob backache, sprains, lumbago, sci- atica and rheumatism, use Mauley's Good Samaritan Oil. If you would like to take Cod Liver Oil in a palatable form try Mauley's Cod Liver Oil Cream. consump"' It has permanently cured thousands of cases proiioniiced by loctors hope- less. If you liave premonitory symp- toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathinc, Ac, don't delay, hut use PISOS CURE TOR CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. MARRIAGES. steward and paying for same strictlycashin advance. C.W.Rutledge, pew steward. 'â- /ir'n^ horse-shoer and good f euer^ blacksmith. AU kinds repairing neatly done ^od To-P^y attended. Call and ^e «b anyway. Shop opposite Markdale House, in McNaU'y Carriage bnUdm?. "*?SfN^onal EducationalA^ociation hold its meeting for 1890 at bt. ^Minn..July4iK,ll. Halfraa^wav fr^ from i points to aU who att«.d^ SdSS ExcurSons are being provided tolLocalLakeEegiou, yellowstone Pa^a^d oU,er.North Pacific Points salesrooms. It pays customers to read the announcement of responsible and Terms ui„ «-,,»= fr.,- tha aaWn nf the Bailkt â€" Halstead, â€" At tue xCfvcre Houbo. Markdale, by tbeBev. (ieo. BuKKn,'«nthe 4th inst., John Bailey, ot i-^^'pliiasia, to Mariah Halstead, of Arteiat^Ki DEATHS Wbioht â€" At Lot 16, Ccu. 11, i^iuijuia a. • n the 30th nit., Julia, 1bi pliter f 1. OJiiS Wright, aged 17 jcars and 2 lutaituK. honorable firms for the sake of business mformation they gain. If you are troubled with Catarrh or cold in the head, use Mauley's Catarrh Magic. Xo Out Snbscriliezs. ^itettovij. Parkana ow.- â€" Jg^^g^p He was very ill with typhoid ^^ver, For particulars and ffep^ ^^^ «ten the ship on which he sailed fropx containirg P'O^tf ^*r jlV. England reached Adelaide, and in spite of all that wealth and anxious JMe could do the disease resulted ^^tally. Searle' s rise to fame was '*pii; m 1888 he rowed his ^ret ^ace in a shell boat, and in 1889 he "s tbe champion of tbe world. ^earle was born at Grafton, on the Ua 23, hum containirg p-«p"' Committee Secretary Local Executive St. Panl. Minn. AM«uaiB«««»«»„ a friends of The dire^t^t^^Sv are requested Markdale Cheese Fwt^ Markdale, on Tuesday, the 17tn^^^^j,g ^^por« of f years ago, and when he sailed /oriSection of officer^; ^°^^^ for the .^ fuae after wmniug th(» championsbliW^'j^^ribntea on ^„ "J direct*? wiU die-Bia»,dallBkmdi*J.a8eBmft?I«»rtM:« K% expected to romanofcher r«eft«K,n. Thean|^^'»^^^ "' defejiAQ ,:r u:_ *;i.i- _;ii»:». jJiA next „tAm attena »«,^'sr The specialjannouncement which appeared in our colnmns some time since, announo iDg a spesial arrangement with Db. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enoaburgh FaUs, Vt., pub- lishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby our salscribers were en- abled to obtam a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to B. J. KENDALL CO. (and enclosing a two- 1 cent stamp for maihng same) is renew- ed for a limited period. We trnst all wUl avad themselves of the opportunity of ob- taining this valuable work. To every lover of it treata in a simple manner aH the diseaaes which afflict this nobis animal. Its phenominal sale throughout tiie United SUtes and Canada, make it standard authority. Men- tion this paper when sending for "Treatise." 478-sl :^.-u:4 5« tej, Dce of his title w^in Ibe jif xt monthsi oSSe* attend au.^r Swin. J^ woanda» sMes, boms. apaUs, sal*- inpia and all akm "' ' " ILABKDiliE VILLAOE OFFICULS. Beeve, W. J. McFarland Councilâ€" Wm. Brown, Wm. Lncas, Geo. Haskett and Angus Plewes. B. C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L. Toong, Treasnrer; Fied. Sarjeant, Ponnd-keeper. Poblio School Tmstees Wm. Lnoas, J. Lyons, Edward Butledge, Wn Mcljoajihry, J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, Sec. COCNTt OFFICIALS. Judge, S. J. LiTie, Owea Siiaad. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sound. Clerk, John Bntherford. Oweu Sound. Treasnrer, S. J. Pnrker, Owen Sonud. County Warden, B McNaught, Sarawack. Begistrar, M., B. McKnight, Oweu Sound. •' S„ Thos. Lander, Unrham. Bevising Barrister, North, Judge Lane. Owen Sound. Bevising Barnster. South East, Judge Lane, Owen Sound. M. P., North, Jas. Masson, Owen Sonnd. M. P., Bast, 'f S. Sproole, M.D., Markdale M. P., SooiOi, Gei^ Landerkm. M. D., Han- over. M. P. P.. North. D. Creightcn. Toronto. M. P. P.. East. Capt, Borke, CUrksbnr^ M. P. P.. South, J. Biyth, Orchard, OIVISIOX COnST CLXBXB Mo. 1. B«n Alien. Owen Sunnd.^, •* 9. David Jackson, Durha •• 8. Tbos. Plnnkett. *• 4. Thos. J. Borfce, ** 6. J. W. AnMtnm^...â€" ^1..^... ••.7. DuMRn Campled. 8. Wft.JBnnnt.^|briDasl0. Vh» Kwrt HaeeeMtU BeMedy ever dis- covered, as it is certain in its effecte and does not blister. Read proof below. OfFiGEOF CHARLES A, SNYDER, BRixoM or OLEVSUWD MY AND TWrTIlM MCD HOttES. Elmwood, III., Nov. ao, 1888. Dr. B. T. Kkkdali. Co. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased yonr Ken- dairs Spavin Core by the half doren botaes. I would Uke prices in larger qnanuty, I think it is one of the best liniments on earth. I have used it in my stables for three years. c-.^-» Yours truly, Chas. A. Smtder. KENDILL'S SPWIN CURE. Brooki-tm, N. v., November 3, 1888. Dr. B. J. KSMDALL Co. Dear Sirs I desire to give you testimomal of my ' Bood opinion of your KendaU's Spavin Ci^e. I have SSfffoTto-imess, Bturaotata «i«Simvtas. and I have found it a sure cure. I cordially recom- mend it to all horsemen. /-„„.« Yours truly. A H. Gilbbrt, Bfanager Troy Laundry Suble*. lENDILL'S SPWIN CURE. Samt, Wimtom Couhtt, Ohio, Dec 19, 1888. Dr. B. ]. KKNOALt. Co. .... Gents. I feel itmy duty to say what Ihajredone with your KendaU's Spavin Cure. I have cur^ twenty-five horses that had A»»TtM, ten of «!â- Â» BoMe, nine afflicted with Bis â- â€¢Â«Â« and seven of Btc Aw. Since I have had oa^ of your books and followed the directions, I ha|W never lost a eaie of any kind. Yours truly^ Abikw Turmbb, Horse Doctor. KHDIU'S mm CURL Price »! per bottle, or six bottles foe $3 .AU Irng- gists have itOF can get Jfc«Br yo^or it wiU be sent to any addre»OB receip|rof pnft by the propne- tors. D*. b7^ Ksbdall Co., Baosbnrgh Falls, Vt. SOLP ^Y ALL DRUGGISTS. QNFYFOH ALL WANTED â€" A p()oii,,«i.TKetic- man, or men, t« sell onr Fmit Jrecb, ., Bosfiji, Shrubs. Oruameutals etc.. f pBBJiAKjiNT BinLOYMKKT Write at. once for terms, uud (vcure choice of trrrilory. We sell only first-ciiiM* aUruk. HarnisoTne outfit free. Addi«.-^s M\Y I ROTHEBS. Nurserymen, Boches^r. 2{. T. 4o2 9o ".I Thb Weekly Globe to any address for II tot 1890. ,-, Comme ice uow and ge|^^^ ^-' p^ jth^ j^gg free. f*!' .«;!.. It â- ' â- â- !! Mi .2!:!! •'il.:' t-'l â- I

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