â- ^w^sps^ir" ^t. \^ 4 -1 I rTfi r wjj 1 ^Bh -; ' QllarfiMfe ^fanbat^. U^ O. W. Kutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, DEC. 12, 1889. HOLIUAY GIFTS. The Beason of festivities and uift making is drawing near and shop shelves already groan under the weight of fancy goods suitable for the trade. Large amounts are spent annually at this season of the year in ways wise and otherwise. The custom has many good points, and yet judgement and common sense is required here as much as in any other line. Let there be thought and consideration for those who may be less fortunate in the world tnan ourselves, and who haven't all the bare necessaries ot life, much less any luxuries. In makini? out your list of gifts don't forget the poor, A little spent in this way will do you good, as well as relieve the wants and gladden the heart of the recipient. COUNTY COUNCIL. The December session of Grey County Council was unusually lively for the last session of the year. W. J. McFarland, reeve of Markdale, and Chas. Moffat, reeve of Glenelg, have i^iroved tbemeelves to be two of the most thorough going and able mem- bers of that body. A resolution to memorialize the Local Legislature to abolish all tax exemptions was moved by Mr. McFarland and carried. An- other important inove was made in reference to Hawkers and Pedlars and a by-law passed increasing their license from $25 to $50 and giving the informant half the fine. It is claimed, and reasonably too, that re- sponsible resident merchants and busi- ness men have a right to protection fiom those who have no stake or ititerest in the county. Minutes of the session given in this and next week's paper. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" WLeat has gone up ten cents per bushel in Manitoba. â€" Kansas city has added 22 square miles to its corporate limits. -r-The estate of the late Sir George Gartier in Montreal has been sold for |72.000. â€" The United States intend to en- large their postal cards, so that more words can be sent for a cent. â€" Legal responsibility for accidents arising out of carelesseness and foolish- U06S should, ill the interests of the community, be extended. Those who shoot people, mistaliing them for game, or by accident, as it is called, when trying to frighten them by pointing a gun at them, or by leaving loaded and cocked firearms around like traps for children or the unwary, should, instead of being only pitied, Uo subject to prosecution " for their criminal negligence or buffoonery. â€" Jefferson Davis, the martyr of the lost cause, as the South persists in calling him, the arch rebel as he is C;)lled by the North, has, in spite of tt'.e vicissitudes of his life passed away at a greater age than has been reach- ed by many of the legitimate presidents of the United States. Gen. Davis was a biave and skilful soldier, a courage- ous. and able statesman and a leader who was deeply loved. He was on the wrong side of great moral questions being an ardent advocate of slavery but other wise and Rood men were altso bhnded by their surroundings. Gen. Davis was born in Kentucky in 1 808,but was brought up in Mississippi. Ho gradtiatedfirom West Point and uerved with distinction campaign^ in the West sgaifist- the Induuis, in. Mexico itttAjn^^Twua; He was a beutor ibc Miwuw| y i and Ueoretury was elected Provisional President of the Confederate States in 1861 and President m 1862. After the capture of Richmond Gen. Davis was taken by the Federal authorities and lodged in Fortress Minerva for two years. He was never brought to trial, but bis rights of citizenship were taken' from him and he remained to the day of his death without them. He was re- leased in 1867, and resided for some time m Montreal, haying a house on Mountain street and frequenting St. Francois Xavier street, where he liad friends in busmess. He has since lived in Memphis, Tennessee. We are reinindeil of tVe • iug tursclves viith "' 'Citable Meaford Boad. Standard Correspondence. There came to the residence of Mr. E. Buchanan last week a little lielp- less girl. Usual result, recipients glad. Mr. J. Dodds, Markdale, has had a gang of men at work here for some time making square timber. There has been a good deal of ex- citement over a mineral find on Mr. J. Graham's farm in the yalley, of which more anon. Mr.'D. Graham's sale came off on the 4th, and was well attended. Sunday's thunder storm and soft weather has finished up the sleighing for the present. Mrs. James Brodie is away visiting her mother near Woodstock. â- CLOTHlNi UNDERWEAR MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH wishing bva th«m Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and .„to,t^t,txt^o fnd^FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH HELTONS TROWSERIN^^^^ mall the leading grades. SHIRTS. SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, Ac, c. Special attention is invited to the MaillilactUl'e oJ Bntions; parties bnttons of same material as their garments, made m a tew minutes while waiting. AQENT FOR PABKER'S DYB WORKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careJul attention Good work and reat fits. ___ 3K, S, :EB.^f^:H3. In keeping with the season Vl about making these changes 'a vl^ McFarland' to inspect the very lar^e anii v,r.,: liient of G cods will repav v„ii. I It is a well e^taiilixli, save inoiiev bymukiiji; Olenelff Oonaoll. The council met Nov. 18th. All the memoers present the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications and reports read as follows â€" From Thos. Sullivan re. culvert on town line G. A. from clerk of Egremont, an account for town hne repairs from commissioner for ward 8, report on town hue G. H. from committee on deviations, report No. 2 of the same from the reeve and Mr. Williams, report rela- tive to the procuring of right of way on lot 15, con. 3, E. G. R. from C. W- Rutledge, an account for printing and stationery from the reeve, his final report re. suit "Glenelg vs. Mc- Girr" with a cheque for the amount of judgment and costs from the com- missioners for the different wards, their reports in detail on road expendi- tures, amounting to $692.16, as follows â€" Waj-d No. 1 Appropriation $101 05 " Special Grants 90 21â€"8191 26 Ward No. 2, Appropriation 97 00 " Special Grants 72 90-. 169 90 Ward No. 3, Appropriation 100 00 " Special Grants 103 00â€" 208 00 Ward No. 4, Appropriation 100 00 " " Special Grants 23 00â€" 123 00 CALL AND SEE Breadner's I I Your attestiou is respectively called to mv i MH|T|£|M£Ws|i-|E|sD NOTED CHEAP AMD RELIABLE WATCH, Good nickel pendant set, only §4.50. open face, stem- wind, warranted 18 months, Also a fine line of higher grade Watches, with gold, gold-tilled, silver and nickel cases, screw bezel and hinged. Clocks from $1.50 up. new Alarms just arrived. A stock of Which for quality of material, excel- lence oi workmanship and style of get- up is not exce led tmy where. Whether yon wish to purchase or not. chU and .-ee us and examine (»ur work we wnut to get jtcquaiuted and to do busiues- witli ydu. Next doir lo McKenna's blackscaith shop. GEO. S, MATHEBS, MARKDALE. 'flf, Wi Ton V"iirp:irci!s ce"te at M.Farland's establisliffieiit Mire than To pHckML"5.,f JJllvECT JMP()H["nf;x been placed.iij sticU, tLr^et,, i^j lowed by weekly Kliipiiei,ic(im;,,j season. â€"IT PASS TOâ€" 12 per cent, discount on all silver j plate from now until Christmas also a liberal discount on Watches, Clocks I and Jewelry. Monograms or presentation inscrip- tions engraved on all silver plate, watches, etc., free of charge, besides the discount. Total $692 16 Cheques were ordered to be issued for the same. Cheques were also issued ior the following amounts, viz â€" C. W. Rut- ledge, printing and stationery, $47.48; Rowsell Hutchinson, stationery, $2.14; Dan O'Hearn, timber for culvert, $2.00 Treasurer of Egre- mont, repair to bridge, cost, 75 cts G. L. McCaul, law fees re. "Glenelg vs. McGirr," $2.50 selectors of jurors $4 each, $12.00 Township Treasurer statute labor refunds, $129.00 John McFarlane, charity, $10.00 R. Bell and wife, charity, $12.00; 8. Mc- Aithur and sister, charity, $12.00; Mrs. Mclsaac, charity, $8.00 ,• Mrs, McMillan, charity, $6.00 Samuel Orchard, repair to bridge at Kemp's creek, $9.0o Jolin A. McMillan, commission, letting and inspecting, $18.00; C. Williams, commission, letting and inspecting, $17.00 C. Moffat, committee work, letting and inspecting, $8.00 J. S. Black, com- mittee work and conveyancing,$16.00; P. Neil, commission, letting and in- specting, $24.00 A. C. Beaton, com- mission, letting and inspecting, $18. The reeve and commissioner for ward No. 8 were instructed to let con- tracts on side road 20, con. 11, so as to make it passable. The commissioner for ward No. 4 was instructed to open a passable road on the deviation at lot 15, con. 8, E. G. R. Tiie reeve was authorized to make necessary arrangements tor the ex- change of original road allowace at lot 28, con. 8, E. G. R., for a right Of way through said lot as proposed by a plan of survey by E. H. Kertland, P. L. S of tile date'of Jul 9th, 1858, and report to the council at next meetiug thereof. By-Law 272, fixing place of nomi- nation, polling places, and appointing deputv-returning officers, was passed through all its stages and ordered to be engrossed en By law book. The reeve was instructed to procure four lamps for the use of Hall. The council adjourned to Dec. 16, â€" IVEa.x*l£daIe Stationâ€" at.lO a. OL. ' r, ,. T o T»_ r,. GonroSpnxH. 6.56 a.m. â- 4.34 p. m J. 8 BiMaL, CleAi Qk^ Nob»h. ia.lO p.^^ 9:64 p. m â- â- " ' V -â- ^-â- 'i--~- .: â- • Old gold or silver melted up and made into Brooches, Rings, @tc. A fine line of Plain and Gem Rings on hand. Initials engraved on Rings sold, if desired. Repairing in all its branches prompt- ly attended to and satisfaction guar- anteed. S. BREADNER, THE BUSY JEWELLER. EXECUTORS' MICE. X tbe B«al Zatate and Goods of Jam^B Btinson, Beoeased. AND THAT IS THE Uero Mm M â€":t â€" OA^'EJV »OTT]Vr The best and most practical course of stndy. The best teaching talent. The best accommodation for students. The best methods of instruction. The best results from that lastrcction after students graduate. For annual announcement giving particulara regarding tne course of study, terms fec., address C. A. FLEIIIKG. iPiuxciPAi^ Owen Sound Nov. 1st, 1888. Notice is hereby given pursuant to B. S. O., Chapter 110, that all persons having claims upon or against the estate of James Sttnson, late of the Township of Euphrasia, in the County of Grey, Parmer, who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1886, are on or before The Ifittai day of Janufor, 1890, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the under- signed Solicitor for R. H. Stinson, the executor for the said deceased, a statement in writing of their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature of aU securities (jf any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the salcl last mentioned date the said executor will nro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice diall have been given as above required and the said executor will not be responsible for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received as aforesaid at the time said distribution is so made. Dated at Markdale this 3rd day of December, P. McCUIjLOUGH, Solicitor for Bxeontor. acarkdale ISarkets. WnDXESD.iY, Dec. lltli 1889. Fall Wheat vote i 82 Spring Wheat 70 to 82 ^»yi«y ••• 3.5 to 40 Oats 25to 26 ^^^f • â€" •••- 53to 54 ""««- ••• Uto 15 ^SSS i8to 18 trY •• 6 W»to 00 t^tatoes, per bag 40 to 00 ^°°^ OOto 00 ' 4 OOto S 00 5 00 to 5 25 Bpef, Pork ITloathiy Fairs. 482-1 CMiDIM P ACIFIC B, «â- TIME TABLE. Oiangevilleâ€" The second Thursday in s^Ox immth Dundalkâ€" Tuesday before Qrangevill^. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before OrangeyiUe., Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Orangeville. Boriiamâ€" Third Tuesday in eackmontn.. ' ChatHworthâ€" Monday before Durham. Holland Centreâ€" SainrdaybeforeChatsworUi. Pricevilleâ€" Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Durlian NOTlQjg. mS'e' aVthP^ntv' eiventbat anplicaticn will be maae.atthe next session of i-fee Parliamontnf the purpose of constructlna, equiui;i3^«.!n tainrng and operating a raU^y ffl tSf to^of Mount Forest in the Couutv of «w.v .«rfi o-X3?^ MeffSiS^° .^J ^f^ oi K^au""e^nTf Meaford in the aforesaid County wito thTnJnSi E^SfTf.*° '""d telegraph or telephone^toTw hriLjl •^*i°«=t«"J therewith, and all neSS^ bnd«es and to take and acquire Uncs fortfh^ n£it of way. station grounda^andottiw n^es^ ties, and to acquire lands or other b^n^^i aid from the Government of tTe DodS n?«^ ^5 oS^*- "' **»* Government of the ftS of Ontario, or any Municipality. CorooM.iioS ^i ^r8on.toMBistin the cSnsto^ctio^rftb. â„¢?d '»"wa.v, and to amilgamato'trttih winnJot JSrtT and ol^un mnniag^wers ov2KuSI^]?«S: n^te and privilegef j^tedatMea^ axraog^ neoBMar:^ powan. this Utth day of DeeunlMr, WILSON SVAKB ' SoHStonrib*Aw.Ji«ntA See the lot; of hH-wikI Goods, 17 dilieieiit culoii per yard. 25 pieces heavy fine Ms'icn Dress Goods at 18c. leryrd One case hr-aisoiue liaiid^ Silk E m hrci'leiict!. Dress Patterns i?G up to ,fli; dress. A choice assortrcent of Bes Dress Plushes 4oc. per yard, ii the desirable shades, iDcludiiii and pink. New black and coloml Siik Di ' Marveilkux, commeutiiig at Ht Our sales of Silk Dressi's tbi- son has been nearly Jnr.b'o i season since cormeuciiig hn^m. Very extensive and choice lli Cloths in Sealelts, Pintbes, Tti' Curls, and Plain Clotiis. MISS MAGHEE, our ffiife mantle maker, is daily tariiiii; elegant Mantles, styluli 1IJ» Bonnets. A great job iu CliiUreii's Misses' WoorHcofts, 30a. ^nci "Wool Squares, Wool Ditssos the regular price. Large supplies of Gloves, Ii mings, IJnttons, Flauncli!. Our 25c. all-wool 28-iiicli I Flannel cannot be beat iu tiie minion. One case black CasLmere?, ranted fast dyes, at close w prices. The Clothing Boom up-RtaiBi handsome large plate gla-'s m^ot. crowded with Men's Boys' and Voot Overcoats and Suits, bouglit fem largest manufnctarers, for sF^'" in the Domiuiau. Pri«« 'w found as low as gonj I'O"' will show. No trickery ai' Honest goods at honest prices. sian Lamb Caps, Astbracan i Cloth Caps, Alma Gaps, Beaver i (men's and boys' tLat boaestiv not be competed wiib. i)^^ price them, and I have no m,^ you, will buy them. Onr so- men's, bovs' and womeus " Underclothing never w/is so «. or such good value. Have n mense sales in these goods. :• Our Boot and Shoe depart' iull of good reliable good-i 8 prices. We don't aim i\^Y\,!A lowest priced boots to be '""^JjjJ is â- swarming with tea p know no more about ^^^ j than a jackass does apo«. pjf| Still, with lots of cheek horse cart, they sucreed ui F^' honest housekeepers int^J P ^^ their trashy componDG=-j^jj,,{(|| none but pure teas, stron? ^^^ and sweet flavored. A "" ^j i perience of over a qo^f"j^ toiy in baying and 8el"°^!Ji,dj« ' be a guarantee of oar 0^° Ibfi busioess. irSi â- tsil^ W.J.McFA UtAll"