ASO SZAXT. le find tlie hi they ami tlie ' a beantifuTSjJ 3 ftllo.*ed and evZ any respecfr-fori^- :atioa for pedeat^iJa Koon clawed th^^j^ tront of his premi,^ those who appeared lie beautiful and to romniu that persuaded to raoleHtYt i-.-main as a tpstimout c-3 if tbernselves ^ay was tine t" -li'Ah bells broken, aud merriment upoa lont two inches of freslj itifiil weather. iSpores nill, to market, to rIvjj, picking up. Cluirest, lorse bnyer, in towa ami r saleable animals. J Truth office, Toronto, II. Harvoy's execution g u^i Guelph. -Clear weather, fjrand 1 a rush of business, with teams all dav, d cheerfulness drive back ud pleasantness accora- iSB as it always sbould. building at Minneapolia, y brick, iu which three weekly paper wtre print night and some twenty h in the flames, A gorgeous day, good d a stiff breeze. At tirer congregations congregat- J. H. Mor.r house, agent ;r Canada Bible Societv. irniiig and evening in the rch, while the pastors, s. Ernes aud Buggini their respective churches. -Thermometer ten above it all day, making people the snow would all leave, councillors from Glenelg, ud Markdale left by noon Capital. Business lively, teams from the neigbbor- â- being in town. Annual Markdale branch Bible d in Presbyterian church, Mooriiouse. agent. Orer a hundred Markdalians lesherton in the evening lelighted with the Ten- oncert. W. J. Benton re- Toronto single and alone, g many. â€"Fine clear weather, the iiduallv fo.Uing trora 20 lin the jnornmg to 5 below ui-hfc. Large quantities hice marketed. Mnncipal s in Manitoba to day. i,AY.-Gorgeous ^veather temperature. Excelle nd bn.smess brisk. in« loes to press at 4 oelod, fcavo a Sfandat) CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. YEAK.â€" Ko. 483. MARKDALE, THUPSDAT, DECEMBER 12, 1889. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietoi- ^HD SEE OUB ^opc^Ktntlie»ecolnwrfi,itendedtobenefit anytndividual or Society ,cW he charged ten eenU a line for the fim insertion and Ave cent* a ttne each euhsegvent infertion Local and Other Items. SOTICE.~Corre.»povdence. commnnica. tton»Adverthement,. do,, vmyf be in this office h,j noon on Tuesday toin^re publication that week. WE HAVIS [HE GRAND THE ELEGANT -ANDâ€" THE BEAUTIFUL Icombiued in our magnificent stock of [mas Goods. MUGS, [Cups Saucers, VASES, STATUAET. BEST ASSORTMENT OF LBUMS In the Town, LEATHER PLUSH. .„.. „ severe cold and » cough, use Mauley's Throat I ^•rnp. iiug their ICO. (and I for mailing h1 period, work I B. J- two- 1 annoi^^ent which «ppea«« i« some time since, announc- larianfeemeut with Db- J*- V iTrcntise on t-he Horse and lu* jereby our subscribers were en- „ a copy of that valuable address *« enclosing a same) is rene*- We tmst aU wU the opportunity of" nablework. 10 evert t is indisDensable. as i imal. " United States J«^ rwheu sending fo' ' [i Till do you good to eee oar splendid lioe of Jlash Goods. TOYS ' »!1 deBcriptions to catch the little "nw, too numerous to mention. FCS of â- HiVE THE BEST SELECT- ED STOCK OF ias -:- Cards Ible lout niiiE the This Bide of Toronto. «» » â- Lche, sprains Rheumatism, use itan Oil. lnnib»S»' i •ff»»*-' I bold for «l»».«5^„«lil MUSICAL PIANOFORTE ^^1 Given Away. ""^d see lio^jy you can get it. (Very skaple.) N" ms TO you ALL YonrB, ^^- STEPHEN. Chopping done every working day at Ford's flonr mills. Wanted, at once, car load good Potatoes. H. Mercer. Save money for Christmas by buyiiig your Xmas groceries from Mercer. Kkow Tftsilf.â€" If you can't get the requisite information, run for ofce. Dr. BRODn: paid Markdale a yisit last week, after nearly two years absence. Mr. Josiah Payit!, of Warsaw, paid his Markdale friends a visit this week. Lost â€" $2 by getting my photos, m Toronto instead of Hamilton's, Mark- dale. Great reductions to all cash buyers at Mercer's during the balance of this month. Miss Shears, of Durham, spent last week with friends in Markdale and yicinity. Oysters i Oysters are received weekly at the Markdale meat market, F. Sarjeant. 100 beautiful China presents to be given away at Mercer's, going fast, call and get one. Mareoals Cheese Factory shipped their last instalment on Tuesday last. price ten cents per lb. Piso's Cure for Consumption and /Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. I A SHOOTINO match will be held at Hanbury's hotel, Walter's Falls, on Christmas day. See posters for par- ticulars. Xhas Cards in endless variety at Mardey's also Montreal Star, Saturday Night, and London Graphic Xmas numbers. Parties from the country are inyited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. Just receiyed at Mercer's new Bobes, Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, Gents Fur Coats, Caps, Muffs, Boas, Gloves, Mitts, ico. Prices the lowest. Thxrs will be no assessment in the A. O. U. W. for December. There has been but twelve for the year, making J12 on the $2,000 insurance. Notice.â€" Miss Nelhe Fogarty is pre- pared to do Dress and Mantlemakmg in the latest fashions. Rooms at Andrew Fogarty's residence, Markdale. 480-5 Notice.â€" AU parties not havmg their taxes paid in on or before the 16th inst. will be charged ten cents per mUe for collecting. Thos. Cook, coUector, ward No. 8, Glenelg. A SCHOOL entertainment wiU be given in the school house m S. S. No. 15, Eu^ phrasia, on the evening 20th, commencing at Wilhams, teacher. Evert lady in Markdale and for ten miles around is inyited to inspect my rtock of fancy goods. No need of wait- ing nnta yon go to Toronto, just give us a call. M.E.Douglass. A CHUisTHAS Tree Soiree is to be held atlemple Hill church (Presbyterian), Jth line Euphrasia, on the evenmg of Tuesday, the 24th. A good pro^^-e is promised. See posters for particulars. OKKTL.M.H Who feel P'«"°°!*«^ ^ptom. of aldermanic as^ons ST nrt hesitate to "^^^f^ Ua so that the pubUc can ^^--^ Ltelligently prononnceupon theacases. FOR sale, on Idme or e^h^^ «,,ogBorln«nber.^-w^^f^^ of December 8 o'clock. Miss Slap bang! here we are again. Bould Irish boys are we. So say the boys of the Belfast House. Read their adv. Give them a call. You can do better with them than any other store north of Toronto. When renewing subscription to the Standard our United States subscribers will please bear in mind that there is a discount of twenty-five cents here on draftss and Express Companie's cheques. Eandly remit by green back. Prof. Loisette's Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and persona wish- ing to improve their memory should send for this prospectus free ae. adver- tised in another column. 482-5 The annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of East and Centre Grey will be held in Markdale on Dec. 13th for the election of officers and other business. All interested are respectively requested to attend. Wm. McLoughry, Rec.-Sec. On Sunday night, Dec. 1st, when Mr. Peter Mortimer, of Holland, returned from church and while putting away his horses one of them jumped backwards as Peter led him by the rein and jerked his shoulder out of joint. Dr. McBride fixed him up and he is doing well. Me. A. W. Wade, the new baker, has commenced baking in the shop lately yacated by Mr. Rooke, and is now ready and willing to supply the people with 'first-class bread, cakes, buns, c., in fact anything in his hue. Bread deliver- ed in any part of the village. Giye him a call. Mr. p. J. Stephens, teacher at S. S. No. 6, Holland, (70 school-house) will give an Xmas Tree entertainment on Monday, December the 16th. The program will consist largely of Mark- dale talent besides a Pantomime by the school children. Admission 15 cents. Children 10 cents. The Canadian Horticulturist im- proves every year, both in appearance, illustrations, colored plates and reading matter. Every fruit grower, gardner and farmer should have it. The editor is a practical fruit grower, and the other writers are the leading practical gard- ners and fruit growers in Ontario. One dollar, addressed to the editor, Grimsby, Ont., secures this monthly, the in- teresting ^Annual Report of the Fruit Growers, and a choice of plants for test- ing. 483-4 At the regular meeting of L. O. L. No. 176, held in their lodge room on the 8rd inst., the following officers were elected for the current year â€" James Welsh, W. M. Andrew Ritchie, D, M. Robt. Jameson, Chaplain Andrew Gillespie, Rec.-Sec. James Gillespie, Fin.- Sec. Andrew Walker, Treasurer Geoi^e Ritchie, D. of C. Albert Ritchie, Lecturer. Committee â€" Ist, John Mc- Fadd^ 2nd, Robt Wilson Srd, John Middleton 4th, James Rowe 5th, W. J. Jackson. We have received a copy of the Do- minion Edition of the Montreal Herald. This is said to be the largest enterprise yet attempted by any Canadian journal. It contains information which will be of great value to the commercial men of the country it shows what is doing in the centres of trade, where and how business has increased, the extent of trade in the various lines, the hnports and exports of the different nentres, to- gether with an account of the banking, insurance, railway and canal business of the Dominion. B. â- . ABBivwsary. On Wednesday evening the 4th inst., the Sabbath School in connection with Ebenezer church, town line of Artemesia arid Euphrasia, held its anniversary. good attendance was present pleasant evening spent. The program oonsisted of dialogues, A and a The reciations Mid singing by the school and short addrrases by the Reverends Ernes and Boggin of Markdale, Shilton of Flesherton and tta pastor, Mr. FydelL Mr. John Boland. occupied the diair in his nmal affable manner. The Christmas Globe for 1889 is now before the public and all who have seen it pronounces it a beautiful production. It is the product of Canadian minds, Canadian pens, Canadian artists, Can- adian lithographers, Canadian printers and binders. The fine colored presen- tation plates which accompany it, "The Canadian Militia," and "Our Friends." are beautifully executed and will charm eyery lover of art. The best minds iu the field of Canadian Uterature are re- presented in its attractive pages. Bwwar*! ' All taxes not paid tome this week may expect to pay costs next week. I will be at honde from 6 o'closk to 9 p.m. except Thursday night. John Whitby, collector. 7or 8«1«. In the village of Markdale, Hotel, known as the Mansion Hoose Recent- ly refitted and in good shape, good sheds and stables. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to C. Reynolds. r 888-4 â- elrve. L. O. L. No. 176 will give a Soiree at Berkeley on Wednesday evening next, Dec, 18. Addresses are to be given by Dr. Sproule, M.P., and other gentlemen. Admission 25 centn,jroceeds in aid of Protestant Orphans' Home. Kollday Tmsen. The C. P. R. has announced the fol- lowing fares â€" Single fare on Dec. 24th and 25th, good to return until the 26th inclusive; and on December 31st and January 1st, good to return until Jan'y 2nd also fare and one-third on Dec. 20th, 2l8t^ 23rd. 24th and 25th and on Dec. 27th to January 1st inclusive good to return up to the 6th January, 1890. Pork tbat Fays. Mr. Robert Carter, of Holland town- ship, bought two 3 weeks old pigs six months ago. Last week he butchered them and they weighed 243 and 285 lbs respectively. This is something re- markable, yet it is what every farmer should aim at. There'slmore profit in those two hogs than in the average ten acres of wheat. OUp This Out. The Canadian Permanent Loan Co. requests me to announce to their cus- tomers in Artemesia, Euphrasia, Hol- land and Glenelg, wishing extension of their Loans, or those wanting new Loans at lowest rates of interest can haye their wishes strictly and con- fidentialy attended to by calling at my residence opposite Dr. Sproule's mansion Markdale, John Whitby, a.pprai8or. 488-6 IKiuileipal, Two weeks from Monday will be noihination day. The municipal atmos- phere begins to steam, and the coming candidate may be seen holding secret confab with his fellow townsman. The whisper isalmost. too. low for even the newspaper reporter to catch. Wm. Brown, Esq., and John Lyons, Esq., haye been named as probable candidates for the reeveship. Perhaps another week will reveal something more. Bailway Zxtensioa. A meeting was held in Markdale on Tuesday last to consider ways and means for the extension of a railway line from Mount Forest by way of Mark- dale to Meaford. Owing to the sudden breaking up of the sleighing the re- presentation was not as large as it would have been under favorable cir- cumstances. Messrs. Sing, Cleland and Evans, of Meaford, were present Markdale Council were represented by W J^. McFarlaud, reeve, and Wm. Brown, Esq. A telegram was rnceived from the Mayor of Mt. Forest regretting the absence of their delegation, owing to sudden ending of sleighing, but co-oper- ating with the scheme. It was decided to apply for a charter at the next siession of the Dominion Parhament, and the following committee appointed to furth- er manage the matter in the meantime, yiz Messrs. Cleland, Sing and Evans, of Meaford McFarland and Brown, of Markdale, and Mayor Colcleogh and Reeve Halsted, of Mt. Forest. SiTBscstBE for tiie Wedily Mail at this office and get IS moDttM (or |L Here "we are again. MIInsliBQysarefel WE WISH YOU AMj A MJBBRY XMASI AND HAPPT NEW TEAK. Astonishing Bargains dniing the HoUday Season at the HEW BEFAST HOUSE We have just opened out this week one crate of Bohemian Glassware suitable for Xmas presents also Vases, Moustache Cup:' and Saucers^ Toys, Ac. FRESH PBUITS. Peels, Lemons. Oranges, London Layrs. Figs, Dates. The finest stock of Confectionery ever shown in Markdale. Purses, "'tulete, Pipes, Tobacco Pouches. Pipe Stems, a full line cheap. The finest hue of TOILET SOAPS to choose from ever shown in Markdale. Fresh Oysters I Fresh Oysters Finnan Haddie, Giscoes Digby Chickens. Cranberries, c. Fine Wines, fine Brandies, fine Ales, for Xmas. Jobbers in Cigars. N. B. â€" Remember we will sell you cheaper goods than any other House in Markdale. We mean what we say. It will pay yon to call on us and get quotations before purchas- ing elsewhere. Thanking you for past patronage. We remain, Yours truly. R, H. BENSON CO. B. H. Benson. W. J. Benson- Soecial Sale TILL 1890. Every Offer Honorably Carried Out. Onc*sixth or 16 per cent, ^seonnt ov, all Watches and Clocks, nickels rxcepted. One4iftlt or 20 per cent, diseonntcn all lines of Silverware and Musical goods. One-fourUi, ur 2a per cent, off aUetii^ er Jewellery stock.Chaios, Bings, Sets,^ Piss Buttons, etc.. Plain Wedding Bings exceitei' Stock book reveals the fact tbat stor.: must be reduced. Every customer, till l^ev. Years Day, getting- goods ot work to tlio amount of $1 and up-wards, wiU receive a numbered ticket, and wiU share in the dis- tribntion of eight fine gifts, free uf any extrii; expense. Gifts wiUgo by beiag drawn for on New Year's Day. 1 Wahint Clocfe ., S4 fO 1 Silver Cruet 4 50 1 Batter Di»h 3 60 Ladies' Necklet und Locket 5 oo Gent's Soiled Gold Chain 4 25 1 Aceurdeon. 2 50 Batter Knife J uo Cuft Buttons.. 1 25 Above diseooBts and special gifts I inten:! to faithfully fulfill, all being well. Ih«v^ dioice Wedding Presents, etc., from Napk r. Bing.i to a Â¥45 Tea Set. This inonth vbi'.i reveal tbe tact that I cany a fine stock at doae prices. Warrants given as usual. It will save you money to do biz. with JEWELLER BROWN» Sign rf the 'Big Bp«x," â- .1 1- 4r y. â- *•â- I; ♦â- «•' "' â- * X