FORSALE^ i-f' A BABOAiN.â€" Lots 6 nnd 7 8.nih *id^ George St. Markdale. with hbnae tbeteon. Terms »310, »10l/ cash and the h^laBcfi in two eqaal annaal pajrments at 7 per oebt. Aiply t PeTEB McABtHTTB, Owen Soond. COURT OFREVISION. The Court of Beviaion for the village of Markd^e, will be held in the Council Cham- ber on Monday the 27th day of May, 1889, at the hoar oi 10 o'clock am. R. C. BBYDBS, ClerkJ COURT OFJIEVI8ION. The Court of Revision for the township of Osprey will be held in Maxwell on the Slst of May. 1889, at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. Parties interested will govern themselves -accordingly. TH08. SCOTT, Clerk. 8TRIYED "'^STtfLfll From the premises of4Joa^ Howd, on WednewUiT morning, the 13th i»j ol ""*. one light 8-year old bay mart with white face and hind ieet. Finder will ple»e return the same to Charles Barber. Feversham, Osprey township. Any person jiiving 6nch in- formation as wiU lead to her recovery will be Suitably rewarded. 451-4 i«r-^ Thoroughbred Durham BULL, This is one of the best animal in northern Ontario and has proven himself a sure stock getter. Tebmsâ€" 91.S0 or 81.25 to those who bring all their cows to him; twenty -five cents each extra if not paid at time of service. JAMES BELL. -Bell's Lake," Olenelg. I hereby give notice to all whom it may concern that *will keep my stallion Young Nugent, at home tliis season, as I cannot afford to travel him at the low vateu the average stallion is doing, ail who wish to use }iiin can do so at a reduction in price that will pay them for coming. ARTHUR JOHNSTON. Lot hj, eou. 11, Artcmesia, Vandeleur, P. 0. BULL SERVICE. Thoroughbred Ayersliire bull, "Bruce," will be for service tins season on the premises of Thos. EUiutt, one mile from Markdale. Terms il. FEDIGRaE. Dominion Ayershire Herd Book, New Series. '•Bruc.'"" red ancl wliite, calved January 1, 1887, sire Robbie Burns â€" 12G â€" dam Peggy of .\^uclienbrain â€" 128 â€" (imp.) by Duke- 3rd (647). â€"White Kate (2475)â€". Hesut Wade, Sec. Ag. Arts Ass. Toronto, Aug. 20, 1888. 453-61 THOS. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. TO SCHOOL^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool l^ni*nittiT*e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved ixitterii. Highly recommendedby School Trustees nnd Teacii- LTs; for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wheiever tried. An assortment of Farm and Scliool Bells kept iiiwavs on band. Send for. catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. ISl ANDREW McGILL. THE UGHT.RUNNINGtt SEWING MACHINE LADIir PAVORITK.t THE ONLY SEWliffiittCHINl L__ THAT eiVES PEHFECJSATISFfiCTIOH AGbNT WANTED S. BREADNER HAS OM HANO A FUU SUPPLT OF WATOHES, of every make and grade, WALTHAM. KLGIN, ILLINOIS, NEW HAVEN. WATERBURY. etc. All watches warranted from 1 to 4 years. A sapply of second band watebcB in stock. CLOCKS, 8 day, 24 hour and alarm. SILVERWARE, in ail the latest designs and of the best plate. JEWELLERY, to suit all, in design, quulity, and.price. New goods arriving weekly. SPECTACLES, a large supply on hand. Will be accurately fitted. A number of Clock Brackets just received, something new. Watch Cases Engraved. Ear-rings, brooches and rings made to order. Repaiting in all its branch- eR promptly attended to. Gall and examine our stock. S. BREADNER, Jeweller^ Engraver and Optican, MASKDALE. OST, R. S. Rae MAEKDALB CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of Scotch and Can- adian Tweeds, English and French Worsteds. EnRlisli Meltons. Trows^erin'js i^ all the leadinR prrades. Shirts, Socles and Underwear, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, «fec., itc. Special nttcTition is iiiyited to the manu- facture of ifutt.ins Dartios wishing buttons of same material as their carraents, either 4p.dies or pentleraen, can ha-e tiieni made in a few luinntes while waiting. ASENT FOR PARKER'S DYE WORKS. TailorinK donn as usual. Custom work .will receive careful attention. Good work and neat fits. R. S. RAE. OF CREY (Ij J OF WINDSOR, ONT.. What the Farmers say abotit th© G^le Sulky Harrow Seeder? May 14th. 188 Gale Solky Harrow Mj-g. Co. Windsor, Ont. Dear Sirs,â€" I bought one of your Sulky HnrrowR k Seeders and have used it to sow 25 acres of oats and 5 acres of pease that is now up and looking fine. I never saw grain sowed better or more evenly, and after testing your machine in the different kinds of work 1 must say that 1 consider it the BEST general purpose macliiue ever introduced in this peigbborbnod I also think it the cheap- est machine in the market nnd would not take ^100 fur mine if I cculd not get another like it. Yours truly, FREDRICK EAGLES. Markdale, Ont. Gale Solkt Harrow Co. Windsor, Ont. Dear Siftg,â€" This is to cfe* fi'fy t'lat the ^VkJ Harro\r- Seeder I purcbased from your agent has given me the' best of satisfaction. I have u^ed it to cultivate andseeai and after seeing the work it will do have no hesitation rn recommending it. I have eight acres ot grain sowed with the Gale that is now up and looking well. Youra truly. HENRY WELLS, Markdale, Ont. Artemesia, May 13th, 1889. To THE Gale Stilky Harrow Co. Dear Sirs, â€" I purchased one of your Sulky Harrows Seeders alter testing it thoroughly, Altho' I haye a Drill that cost rae $85 and a set of Spring Tooth Harrows that cost me $20, I consider the Gale the best machine in the market, and have no hesitation in recommending it to my farmer friends/ Yours, e., ROBERT OLIVER. Gale Harrow Manufactheing Co., "Windsor, Ont. Gentlemen. â€" I bought one of y«)m' Sulky IL')rrow» Seeders and have used it to prep.ii;« and sow niaeteen acres of grain that is now np and Inokiag first-dass. 1 never saw ^rain more evenly sown, and am weii. pleased! with the Gale in every resjiect. Z used I'he cultivator to prepare five acres of very rough sod ground where tk; cradle nostls were thick and it dowe the work to perfec- tion. Yours resnectfullr, is. W. JILAKELY, MarkiSale, Oat. â€"^^9 ' Enwtiu Wimaii's Axtiel*. H OME to ROWE'S Grocery for BARGAINS. ERE'S wLere you gnt the worth of your money HUd the right change bauk. Bii«iiW Xi V* -V' "*• â- â- "" "" ""^- '•y tt^IlT^ ' «i.*l F»...«- w hrre the |i«t IWutl* ran n;!* ra thrm. V. c will aend oe « lu ur.« prrwa incack ia«litr,tlM nty Inn ariMnir-iiiacUa* BMda i« 111* irurld,i%ilb all tb« «ttM)uB«it will alau .rad f^eea OMMlrla «f our rofil.T and -ilâ€"lifr iit M. InKian««aktkttTm what we mMI, la «n at To«T r iksaUakanl â- TT. TUa «nad miMm to aJtar Ika RIGHT this way ladies and gentle- lutu, where you cjiu get OATMEAL, Conimeal. Flour, .*^ra:i. Shorts, WHEATMEAL, OraLam Flour, all kinds Groceries, sud EVERYTHING Ubually kept iu • grocery and feed store. Call early and often. C. H.IROWE MARKDALE. AfiE TOU MAD£ miserHble by Indigee- tion, UMutipation. DUundui. Ijom of Appe. tiU, Yellow BIdn? BhOob's TiUliaer is • poeitiMean. 8oU bfr B. I.. 8«c||Im«, THE GREATER HALF OF THE CONTINENT. rFrom the North American Review.] In the light of buch comparisons, the statement made in a previous page that Canada comprises forty per cent, of the area ofthe entire British Empire, is not so incredible as at first si;ht appears. Judged by standards of American areas, the comparison was quite as interesting. Thus, the pro- vince of Ontario, the fairest land of hU the North America continent, is largei- than the six New England Stutes, with New York, jNew Jersey, PenuKvlvaiiia and Maryland, by twenty-live t.hoiisaud pqujire miles. Ontario, extending over t* n legreee of latitmle, and t\v»iiiy doaiif,-, of longitude, tho siiipJe p.oviucM «:oveiS an area lar'er by tn tiionsand «-«jnare miles tiiiMj Obii,. Iii.liHUfi. l.liuois and MiebiKau craubined larger than Iowa, Minnesota and Witcousm by eleven thousand sijnaro -railes. Tlio basin of tbo Hudson's Bay coiiiprif.cs two million niilee, in wbicn »iru the fertile plai.;s of tbo Saskfiochewan Valley, numsuring five hundred thous- and square ruib-s, and which, ascord- ing to Loid Selkirk, are capable alout) of supporting thirty millions of peo-, pie. That he was right lu this con- tention is proved by the nidicatioua of the enormous productive forces of this region since devcioiied and that a European art a, similarly sitnated east of the tenlh degree of longitude, com- prehends very nearly the whole of Eugiand and Iielaud. the nortbfiast corner of France, the wholeof Beleium and Holland, and the greater part of the valley of the Rhine. The vast expaus« of Canada may be judged by the extent of her rivers and bays. The St. John, iu New. Bnms- wick, the largest river on the Atlantic coast boutb jf the St. Lawrnnce, is five hundred miles in length, and is navigable for two hundred and thirty miUs. The St. Lawrence, one of the noblestof she 'reat rivers iu the wocld» has a length of h* ven h.mdred ami fifty miles, entirely naviirable. Tho Ottawa, wiiich is a meiw fllueutoftho bt. Lawrence, joiniuK it six hundred milen frniij its mniitl is in its^^lf firo hnndred ana Mu nnles long. Tjm eh»in ut ^rfcat lakes is faiaili.-.r to «,i wh.. iooK at ih« p HP, bl.Vi,otwtHtiie nut lb. in hU idn Obl uiikuowu land, are ih- lakes oht-bundowHm, .tnd B«by l,J;e iind river, n magnificent body of v-Mti-r, three kundre.! uules ORud and two bauc^red milen long. The Lftka of the Wooda, too^ig alnwM aahsifwu oataidtf of CaiuuUi. p% ja vast stretch oi water of almost mar- vellous beauty, especially its we -tern- most portion, of 80 miles, consisting ot land-locked channels â€" a lacustrine paradise. Then coraee the Winnipeg River, of which Lord DuiBFerin said "Whose existence in the heart and centre of the continent is itself one of nature's mo«t deli^tful miracles, so beautiful nnd varied are its roclty banks, its tufted islands so broad. so di^ep, so fervid is the volume of its waters, tho extent of their lake-like expansion, and the tremendous power of its rapids." Here empties the great Red River of the North, starting from the northern portion of Minnesota, and tho equally great Aisinibome, one five hiiiidred miles and the other four. hundred and eighty miles in length. Far beyond these is the Lake Winnipeg, a fresh water sea 800 miles long, from the nortwest angle of which starts the Saskatchewan. The en- trance to this noble river has been called "tiie Gateway of the North- west." for there is a navigable stream 1,500 miles in length, flowing nearly due west and east, between alluyian banks of the richest soil. Beaching the liocky Mountains by Ibis stream, beyond this range are the Atha- basca and the Afackenzie rivers, the uavagation of the latter alone ex- ceeds 2,500 miles, while the FrazM River and the Thompson Biver to Vancouver are streams of great mag- nitude. This enumeration of principal streams \Nill give some faint idea of the vast areas of land through which they flow. But no better idea of magnitude can be formed of the extent of Canada than by the con- templation of the Hudson's Bay. This bay would seem like a projection of Providence for the good of mankind, by which is introduced into the heart of the continent an ocean in itself, mid- way between tho great Atbintio and Pacific oceans. Fancy a bay eo long as to extend from New York to Chicago, so wide as to extend from Washington to the lakes, projected like a hude tongue of sea into the land. What would remain of the fairest part of the United States Yet coBsideration of the marvellous re- sources which this northerly half of tb continent contavuM. Incidentally, la describing the cbiitAte of tihe nortb^ western jportiou of Canada,, allusion has been made to the agricnltoraK possibilities of that legiouv There are comparatively few portions of Canada, however,, but possess great possibilities in this direction. The- Province of Ontario,, which will be re- called as covering so. vast an. area, \i^ peculiarly rich in this respect. The- excellent statistician of the Ontario- Goyernment, Mr. Archibald Blue, a^ Toronio, says of bis native province:: ' 'But Ontario has sometbicg more to boast of than broad expanse. It has fertile soi!. an inviRorating climate, vast forests of merchantable timber, treasures of mineral wealth, and waterpower of hnatiet^s capacity. It has extensi'ce areas which grow a better sample and a larger yield of tbe staple cereals than any other portion ot the continent and it has more extsnsiye areas net yet hroaglit nuder cultivatian which may be converted into grazing fields of unswrpasse I ridinesB, suitable- for th«: production of the best qualities of batter and cheese." In a report on the trade between the United States and the British Possessions in North America^ made by J. R. Lamed, of the United States- Treasury Department, in 1871. itwa* observed tliat "Ontario possesses a fertility with which. no part of New England ce» at all compare,, and that particular sections of it arnuud wbich the circle of the Great Lakes is swept forces itself upon the notice of the stuient of the American map a» one of the most favored spots of the whoia Continent, where population ought to breed with almoit B^gian fecundity." \To he continued, UBuaiaX Jkixnof We have made arraogements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., ptiblishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases" which will enable all oar sabsoribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work frte by sending their address (enclosing a two-fent stamp for mailing same) t«t Da. B. J. Kkm- DAix Co., Enosbuboh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized, as stand- ard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phecomenal sale attests, rJCNTH YE. m. 8PR0ULI ncUNS. SURGEONS, aI Office fct ManJey's Drug sj r or night will be promptly s. SPROULE, M. D. A. McBRIDl L. B. C. P. S. EDJ at St^hen' Late of the Iiondon Bas[ THE GALE SULKY HAREOW MFG. COMPANY â- j.f.rasti this is the proportion of the Hudson's oyet four million copias having heen Bay, say 1.000 miles long and 600 miles wide, running from the north mto the heart of Canada, carrying with it enormous riches in sea wealth for the supply of fish food so greatly benefiting, if permitted, the pnirie States to the South. Havinnf almost exhausted the space allotted, by a description of the eUaiate au4of.exUnt.of Canada, the v^Mter mait hs carriad npuHj icmnl %ef m sold ax the past ten years, a sale never before I'eached by any publi^ber ii^ the same period of time. We fc*i confidant tiiat our patrons '^^ appreciate tlie work, and be glad t» avail themselves of this opportunity o£rftainiug a valuable book. It is necessary that yon mention thispamrin Beu4ing for tiie "Treat- mi*^ ^is offer w^ remain open for '^-phtsician. scBoe| ollctn d Iwill be at Berkete^ '^e^ sy af tenieou from one Iabrister, soli \0FFIC£-0¥£R McFMRU MABEDAI Mioney to niASSON VIA ^ABBISTEBS, SOLICIl Offices â€" Ow«i Scut ^k. Poolett St. Branch ol er MeFaxland^ Store, on Fri( bry week. I MA480K, Q. C. S. MaS80 JI. B.â€" Private and Companv' â- from to 8 oo' cent. DIVISION COURT CLEB Issner of Marriage Lic( [Commissioners in B. B. -c IConTeyBncing in allits bra â- tended to and carefully exe IN. B. â€" ^Koney to Lend on WILLIAM ST KIMBERLE^ [issser of Mazrriage Licens pan on Beal Estate at low n I A few jfums for sale. Tern ' -T ' I.P.MARSHALI DENTIST, 3UATB OF TOKON of Dentistry, will be at the It rkdale, on the 1st and third bmonth and also at Munsbaw'i the day following the third h moutn for the practice of ^mmeneing on the 7tb Sentemt mx To^ ^N resi estate security, s interest, no oemmission c] I Strictly Cktnfidential, J. S. BLi Po 'ARM FOR OT No, 24, con. *, N. 1 I 100 acres, will be sold ' terms of payment, for f nrt mj oa the premises, or by le 1,^ J. S, BLA-CK, |l90-tf. lARKDALE MABEDALE, I £ Marsh, W. C. RICHA â-ºTJILDEB, CONTRACTO] WOT, Markdale. i-SPRO •*«yl(»W. Ap^yto B. J. WPBOXTIiB, Stod THE TAILO ^«Jj»keywBr clothes t vnae McFarland's 8i f*Portn»«ter,] to H tSl2!^BPM«y«faaagtt .•/.-, ^i*