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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 May 1889, p. 5

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 P8 â- es d's 'HS y?AL'.. ATS rdors, our excesa of jiud bei ruiag nut 'Oils, thu- ces veiv commenc- h. ]^OBE ABO-HT â€" THB Gale Mer Speculators »ys at BnndMiAad ory, w)ois F annerB ain nwrly doaf 1 e^iu; ».'vi m. ^^:a^ij^^ iH#2'Wli^:^fBlfr- JIabkdalb. May 15,1889. A lively contest took place ou the farm o( J^mes Bell, Esq., lot 16, con. 13 townsliip Glenelg. or better knows /the Btiiutiful Bell Lake Farm, of 400 acres, between tlie Gale seeder,' •iau-"act'iiecl by the Gale fiim of De- ^â- oit aiiJ Wiiulscr, ami the Seeder, m-uui^cfur.-d by the firm of J. O. Ui-uei-, Soa Co., Brantford, Out., ,• their agont. Woi. Jacksou, the decision to be left to Att^T testing the merits of ines in dififerent kinds of VhIa^M«is«iUof ^taam-, Imrwb uid I. I stopped oif two "ila -iminesB. tern -«w on pniae oa Auras ttie«. Mi. Bell. [ij^ t'-vn inachi ,iil Ml' 1j*-11- t^ '^^ satisfiiction of iilijtit twi-uty farmers and other prom- iiieu: (.'lu^eijs, gave his decision in lavor I't tlie Wisuer ai.d purchased die i-iiiai- Mes^ks- Mabebale, May 1?. 0. WisSEB, Son Co., Brantford ^^£j,is,â€" We, tlie undersitined farmers, V.HO pie^'Ut at a field trial on Fi-idiiy, May lOtii, "ii li'*-' "i'"i " James Bell, lot Iti, con. 13 tovvusliip 'xlenelt,' between your Wisuer 'Aoctioiia. ^^I'l'iler and the Gale Seeder of \Vimls'"" ^Ve saw the work done by each iu tlie diSt^rcnt lipids of sod and fall-plowed land, Ind iifter a vpry exhaustive test wo fully t^rt* will' till- decision of Mr. Bell, who was t'e ji'.Jf,'"^. i" fiivor of the Wisner because of â€" i^t, i'l ice "â- iiitl. Grass Seeder 3rd, general cjntrui:ti!'ii; and we svould go further and /leculi- in favor of your Seeder because of the ^^uperioi- work it did in thoroughly pulveriz- ;ni' tlie soil, 111' taking hard ground, m adapt- in" itfdt to any iriieveaes.s of ground, in V, °rkill^' tiie di'ad furrows, and also for light- ness cf" ihangkt although (Sitting eighteen inches wilier. J. Armstrong, ler, John Whitby, /ius, (t. M. Haskett, Thomas Mathews, W. Walker, Sr., 11. Walker. Jamps rf!!, ,I.\V.Grtllai Tlioinns V/i: .\. IVa kcr. •losepli \\';i.Tuer, S. Fo-ster. iL Armstrong, Traverstoa, ily Henri- IB wide, all ,old m •on stripfr lolors 27i silk, 6 rveillonxs tJrocaded selling all wool .yortatiuE- 2d Dress ijgs tb ainen to • â-  Grev ' Pillow lased be- ladvance,. leg well newest 3cli and juantiiy [•td and in aPf jusiness light. lildreOr e. Black leuoinff rigbt I Mo- iporicr las tbfr juecar from â- ore tlJ» liU sel^ price. tbe- the â- Standard Cnrresrondence. ill' Malcolm Black took his depar- ,ture from htie to try his fortune else- '.vliero. FannGrs around here are all finish- d seednit;. Mr. Will. Hall, of Traverston Mills, has nic-t with a serious loss in Thorn- l:ill. III:, mills there being burned to the groruiil ;inii tljree thousand bushels fif wheat I'jst. His son Norman got baillv litirned duriug the fire. Mr. E:l. Darcey and M. Cummiugs ilepjirted from here on Saturday for •Sa'dt Sto Marie. Tlu re are rumors of a marriage be- tween iui iiged«ouple in this vicinity about to tak-e place soon. Thb social, postponed a fe'W weeks ajo^ is going to take place to-night. We hope it will prove a success and that J'jo may get the violin as we know lie has the appearance of mak- :DL'a ^.(jd fiadler with Lis Christie stiff a!i3 bliic'c thorn stick. Some youug men, running: at large •Qour fair village with just a shade of •'•own on their upper lips, are troubled with 'girl on thebraiu,."' a lingering liisease like fool in the head and almost as fatal. Mrri, Trayuor, cf Owen Sound, is visiticg her daujpiier, Mri. James Murrisuu. ' Daisy. l^n^ W. Mounted Police whieb^lK^OOO steong^ Quite A number of Indians and muIwb were to be seen at Mooso Jaw^e l^t^^Th their papooses strapped on the^ becks T^ rlf^l^' '**Y^« Br»ndon and VaSdouver il Calgary, from where tbe white peaks omoBoc*- i^liS°»»!* ^^^"V "^omd take too long to de- J^^r.^^^'H^^^" the mountain sceUeryr^ will only say «iat it was loyely. Oh 1 howT wish- ed our crowd from Maikdale iould picnic WT Stopped off at Haniff hot springs two dai s^we lh^1«*^â„¢^^\*" our om friend, Pnlnk^iratWe, nJl^i^^P'pP"****' "'"" °* ^^ finest hotels at this noted resort for iuvaUds. The station is four Si'^/':?'" *$5 *°'°= I e°t intoabSs and we started, up and down mountains, sometimes rinht ^f v^ff"'" °* a mountain, then down hundreds SL,titV°^v,^°i^^" ""^^y' '^•it the driver kept houting at his horses as if he was on one of Ontario 8 best loads I was not sorry when ho pulled up«t Frank's hoteL Alter satisfying my- self tlmt Mrs. Beattie was a first-class cook! Mr. • ^Ji. "°"®' *^^ town, and I was surprised to see that some of the springs was used for pig pens the pigs having laidin the water aU winte7, only coming out to eat. It would take me a Ions time to describe the beau tie* and healing propensities of these wonderful springs, parks and cavos. I left ^anff with some reluctance on March 30th and Oh what a country to travel over; wo creep along at a snail's pace. I look to my lelt and be- hold solid rock rising maiiy feet above tbe ti-ack an the other side water can be seen hundi-eda of feet below, and we imagine wo are going right over the brink at every turn. The scenery is al- most subliMe yet teiTible. The road clings to the mountain side and the river below, though large, looks like a little stream. The grandest moun- tains in the world stretehes out to the north, and on the left can be seen the head of Mt. Stephen, 800 feet above the valley. Cathedral Mt. with its highly colored spires, lighted up by the sun, seems to rise like flame shooting into the sky. Mt. McDoaald. towers a mile and a quarter above the road, from which its base is but a stone's throw. One is overawed by its mighty size. Hermit and McDonald mountains are believed to have been atone time united, but, by some con-' vulsi^n of nature, have been separated, leaving barely room for the road between them. After crossing the Columbia, on a bridge half a mile long, a few horn's ride brings us to Hope here the flowers are all i a bloom the air feels nice and warm. What a change as it was ten degrees be- low zero ten hours ride back. Passed through Vancouver and 'Victoria. These places are boom- ing. I took the boat from Van. down through the straits on the salt water; we got caught in a storm the wind was blowing a hurricane every passenger on board was sea sick. I was standing looking through the window watching the waves wash tne windows and wishing I was nome again, when the people took it into then- heads to ii!ace their dinners into the spitoons. That started me. Talkvabout the measels, mumps, blues, etc., but sea sickness â€" oh my 1 eyerything went. I was not hke Annias and Sophia, I kept back nothing, and I was well pleased to set foot on terra Jirma ouoe again. I took the train at Portland, Dregou, for Corvallis, when my ;rip was ended after travelling /i.SOU miles from ifarkdale. Everything is turund around; beautiful weather the grass a foot long flowers growing iu all directions crops well on the way. 1 met my brother Fred, who has been iu this State for ten years. He run's a large ranch ten miles from Corvallis, and he is inclined to pity any one who is unfortunate enough to liyc in Canada. 1 have settled iu CorvaUis, and I am doing well, with food prospects for the future. I would like to relate a number of amusiiig incidents relating to my long trip, but have already a long letter. Thaukiut; joa for yaluablc space. Yours very truly. Alf. J. Whitbt. Gollini^wood Georgian Bay ROYAL. MAIIi LINE In Connection with the Grand Tnnik liailicatj Bnsiness Ziocals. ~, CoiVallis, April 18th, 1889. Deak iit.â€" TUinkiiii'ithat an account of my •"'â- 'v,""" "aikaale to borvallis, Oregon, U. S., 'Jl!^nt W ot iutcrest to yiir readers Twill endeav- 11 "'^^V â- ""â-  tondensW account of it. "la '• "'"liiile on Maiih 98th on evening train -aa rtsrtei fvoui Toroiit ou 21st at 11 p. m. -(»a. ^,;. " ' North Bay. fhere w^as no sleepers, â- {u. a nrst-o!:iss Puhnaif I ftippened to know ••^M'oiLi r auil hi! got in* a berth and made me T7rn ""'""•'""""'â-  'ortllBayis 238 miles from j.on,,. jxipulatjoii iOud a lively town on Lake •h^T'"' '""' '-â- ountry (fhat-J could see ofit in â- ^^ moyuu;-) was uearH all rock and swamp. Joii;.; the town fi- two hours 1 took the â- whioh nins throtgh a rough, wild and 'Jntry. In a fewblaces the laud looks .ifter â-  „ C-P.E. â- ockv •ip'-„ • ""' shaity kan be *een heie and I'i;/-" '" ^vood cutter a ---â- - â- â-  -â- '-•-" -^^ toi!J'^^-^"" '•""'•'" kids dl "»!• Saiall lakes cau ij -S°'"'!«i'--o«ksand1 red flaonel shirt and ssed in the SRme ma- seen from the train ., ,jountain8 which are, ^ar! ,i; """ ^^""'1 ganieif every description: ironnri rV"" V^r "' S'l^e aill in gre»t nunibers uaatU[.se lakes. Sturgiii Falls isa.villaee '40.4.'"'^°° °^ '^•; ^e saw miU and six "«l'le he, ";.ai=Peai- tofie very good living %Ve travelleil «lidrn;.t1.'"'f Superior tbi i"^th ^^^ channels. g3 around the north ugh mountains of ug round Jaek Sish Ou| on the ice can be "aniose^*'"' '"â- ""§ Holes lithe ice for fishing TaesW*'i'L*'°Pe on thelhore trading fish. ;*«^a lutii J eeuery is fine. Beick House, oii George street, Mark- dale, to rent. G. .S. Bb'wes. A NASAL INJECTOE free with each bottle of Shiloh'iB Catarrh Ecmedr. Price 50 cents. Sold by R. L. 'Stephen. Foe knitting yarn, both single and double, go to Ritchie's Woollen Mill. SHILOH'S CATABEH EEMEDY â€" a positive cuie for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Month. Sold by E. L. Stephen. Piso's remedv. for Catarrh, is W. J. Manley, druggist. Price 50 cents. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give- immediate relief. Price 10 CIS., 50 cts., and 81. Sold by R. L. Stephen. It is intended the staunch and popular Stea,merB PACIFIC, Capt. P. JI. Campbell ATIjANTIC, Capt. K. D. Foote HAIjTIC, Capt. W. Tate Robertson Npii'i'HEEN UKIiLE, Cpt. W. J. Bassertt will run as follows during the season of navigi- tionl8S9: Leaving CoUiugwood 1 p. m., Meaford 3 p.m., Owen Sound 8 p. in., AViarton midnight, every Monday, Thursday and Saturday for Killaraey, Mauitowauing, Little Current, Kagawoug, Gore Bay, Spanish lliver, Serpent River, Algoma Mills, Blind Kivor, Thessalou, Bruce Slines, Hiltixi, St. Joseph Island, Garden Kiver and SAULT STE MARIE, leaving Sanlt Ste Marie at daylight every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. The Saturday Steamer only will call at Co^- bum Island and Meldrum Bay. P PARRY SOUNi). The Steamer Northern Belie will leaveCollinK- PlSO's Cure for Consumption and Piso's 'wood every Monday and Thursday atSa. m.,caUr ingatMidland, leaving thereon arrival of mora- Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J Manley, druggist. SHILOH'S CUBE will immediately relieve Croup, Whoopinst Congli and Eroncjiitis. Sold by P.. L. S tephen, MABRIAQES. DorrGLAss â€" iwKTsoNâ€" In Flesberton,. by die BeV Mr. Shilton on. May 9tii, Samuel Biggar Douglapa. of Markiiale, IP- Ckra Isabel Hewetson, of Toronto. '!« ciuting holes shore nf'lJT^ P" thethore =!itiiu Ti! • ^*y IS follOT 9d beyond Nopigon 'P««il6(1 H^!!,'^/"" '" this siction'are notedl or 'â- ^tuMTiv- .? ' '°™^ °f ^Wc weigh eight Ibp. I "'SSi t°""' °' ^^- lie son who is so fond ""i aot d" in ""'â- ?* « Port thur feeling bright m wi,i,;;, â„¢' ^^« m ilatlon of this town ^lader i^, â-  't ""ated o the west side of Its i,„. ^? -• • I noticed a u mber of flue build- lof â- ^«u:lr"eKiL^?y^^' be ig conspicuous by toe wona.^t ,; 1 2m '^^ °PP site side of the bay "'^C^M-f^' 'lye' Isle, which hwyielctea y^^ulhllS^-}^- At rort-WiUiaiilwas $??olatian n' H "' *nd I isiness done. 'The is over ^3? *°?" '« 200 The Hudson Bay IV «'taefi,?,?""«d yea 5 standing; bore is LN the piP,,,,, '^.**°rs in lie world, and here w" " to bf h.n*°f â„¢eeti8{ the BuUedgeBros. l'°*a that .he*^L** "â- ^«1» arebound to boUi up ^Pfoudot »i!-?^°y frieiisathome •honld to "Winnipeg is four try it. a,?^*' broken o°'^P'^^il*" â- Â« """ ^v??'t)iaKak»K°?°*^y- Mulne station, I follow- " -^-n^e onh"^p4^bJ 1870be it T? °' b^ wf-"!^' Is w what remained .-. f onasp^ ^?^ t the sjtion ot Savanna. is tbe principal 's liii" "^^e saw milt? 'S!£°4 ^* " *°» *°^^ «»««??* ^Jof ^- The ake Of the Woods *ryTt^es5i^'ri^ter,in f^Tttie largest be- D' â- S^^'^e ^V^^e^^ ITISAWEUlUIOWiiFAST -TffATâ€" â- ;â- â€¢ " McGOLL'S isthebpst kiiowu. and most rehable Machine Oil iu the D;ini:aou i«irm- er'fl Thresuer's and MUl Gwuer^s.'viU find it deoidelj to tlieir «lv«iifeig6, to insist upon getting the "Geiiuiue Luirdine" when they ask foxvit. owing to so much inferior oflheiug mi «»»- der the same nam* by unscrupulous dealers. We are the sok.manufact «.r- ers of the "Geuomo Lacdme'.^.^yery batxel branded*. r ' ' ' TortmW? ing trams from Toronto, for Parry Sound, Byag lulot and French Kivcr, returning saino route. For information as to fieight rates and fajres apply to all agents of the Grand Trunk Railway, to tlio pursers'ou board steamers, or to THE GKEAT NORTHEltW TRANSIT CO. (Lnit) COLLIN GWOOD. Teos. Lokg, Sec-Treas. C. C'AatBBOK, Manaser. UUeCarmssWjsks PBOPBIETOR. Wishes to announce to the poblic that he has i'low ready a lot of Btig^e8 and lioaii Cans which be vrill sell at right prices acc-)rding to finish. ^11 other rigs made to order on idiort I notice. AU wurk warranted to' give saticfaenon." R. McNALIiY. nutcd. Bctvjf â- lunungCuM. Itoffc MM laud i^eui*' lizto, wak woffea anjp; CM* of aqMl-^riBM U nercnAB !â- â€¢â- * j*. • caRty caa laam afte â- Â«% togvtber «ilh oar Iu ' â€" Babie llac' of Hf. StMMplf. t t i i ij lni m â- Â«I1.U the waub. w* MM Frerc, tad alMr )ma h»m kcfil 1)^,* for 9 »»i»ith» and •bwiui t»™i »»;' 43 CD CO O rd o 01 n B H 1 i {Q Z til I FllBSinB! Your attention is isspectifely ]alled to' lay ' 'â-  iaa38CEQ0E33E« Which fMr quahty of material, exoel- leuetf workmanship and style of get- Dp is not excelled anywhere. Whether you wish to pu]:cha8e or not, call and see ns and examine our work we want to get acqnainted and to do business with you. Next door to Alc^euna's blacksmith shop, GEO. S. MATHEBS, mae:^dale. â€"IT PAX» T«â€" t^tf) AND THAT IS THE ?8m h ^nUn Sub OWEIV {!!SOTTiVr The best and most practical course of study. The best teaching tiilent. The bi!8t accomuuiclaiion for students. The best metliods of instiuction. Tlic best results from that instruction alter students grndnate. For annua! aiinouncfmcnt giving particulars regarding the couise ol st-uiy, ttiiiiis iVc, a^1dre^s C. A. FLK.VUNG, PiaxcU'AL. Owen Sound, Nov. 1st, ItKjS. Joseph MgGullougii. -THE- p UMP-MAKER Wishes to furnish all who require a new Pump, any description, good jind satis- factory aud at moderate prices. RORKIRING done promptly and in a mechanical manner^ (lire us a call as we are desirour of making our aciiuamtance mutually profitable. JOSEPH McCULLOUGH, Markdale. 4^ til' 1 I •ho «iif* it c««r«n i« ».. »f tfmimit «t* Â¥m§^ CONSUMpt'° It has pfrnpinoiitl.v oiirrO THorsANMxs of ciiso.s r)iioinieil l)y iloctors hoi:e- less. If you Imvc preiiionllory symp- toms, sudi !is Coiisih, Dirticiiily of Breiilliiiig;, A':, doiit dobiv, but itso PIHOS VV'HK KOK ')iNSIJMPTI(N: imiiiediiitely. iiy JJniggisUi. 25 ceiilA Tke Bleat Bmeeewttitl KvmtAyjrtK JBtocrr. w^Iaa Itls oertatn bi tta «Sect»aiKl docs notbUster. Beadpioof below. Kiieui's spivM eoRt Vnt^ " 0 .^ ' }â-  CtXTBAKB BA.T Aas THunun Bnv Hosfn, Elkwooo, Iu.. KoT.X^lin. Db. B. J. KnMiOo. 'â€" daira BpaTto Carp b y the kfi aowTweaa^ I wooldlflM srioaaUUBSBrqumttir., I tklakttls en mjr stsbles f or aine.y«Bir KniLL'SsniH onL IK. ir. VoTCMbtfA '•^*"^b».garTroylt2iSSSi. KBnttu.T$HmeiWL Dear Sirs good ff. '• i f^ i â-  â- â-  ' 'll'r 1 :4*H â-  i' • T t -l!l â-  â-  (.' i .J • Is i â-  Mm

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